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End Semester Examination
August, 2018
Level : B.Sc. Course : COMP 478
Year : IV Semester: I
Exam Roll No. : Time: 30 mins. F. M. : 10
Registration No.: Date :
[20 Q. × 0.5 = 10 marks]

Encircle the most appropriate answer.

1. What is true about an application service provider?

a. It offers a computer infrastructure service
b. It offers Software as a service
c. It offers access to the Internet
d. It offers metered service to the customer

2. Which statement is true about the reliability of a cloud computing solution?

a. A public cloud is less reliable than a private cloud.
b. A hybrid cloud strategy represents the best approach for a reliable cloud computing
c. A cloud computing services can schedule a maintenance outage that affects the
availability of the resources.
d. Cloud computing improves the reliability through the use of multiple sites.

3. What is the type of cloud service where setups is shared between many organizations?
a. Internal Cloud b. External Cloud c. Hybrid cloud d. Community cloud

4. What is the main purpose of an IBM CloudBurst solution?

a. It provides a feature to deploy IBM WebSphere Application Servers topologies in a
cloud environment
b. It provides an out of the box cloud solution
c. It clones WebSphere topologies across an enterprise
d. It provides the software base to build a cloud solution

5. Probable solution of lack of control in cloud is

a. Certification b. Policy language
c. Utilize different cloud d. Private cloud

6. Module availability is given by


7. What is probable opportunity regarding availability of services in growth of cloud

a. Invent Scalable store b. FedExing Disks
c. Use multiple cloud providers d. Deploy encryption
8. Which of the following can be considered as less obstacle to growth of cloud computing?
a. Scaling quickly b. Software licensing
c. Data transfer bottleneck d. Bulk storage

9. What is the most vital concern about cloud computing?

a. Too expensive b. Security concerns
c. Too many platforms d. Accessibility

10. Which of the following isn't an advantage of cloud?

a. Easier to maintain a cloud network
b. No worries about running out of storage
c. Immediate access to computing resources
d. Paying only for what you use

11. What is a collection of interconnected stand-alone computers which can work together
collectively and cooperatively as a single integrated computing resource pool?
a. Grid Computing b. Cluster Computing
c. Parallel Computing d. Distributed Computing

12. What is Security Mechanism in cloud computing?

a. Any action that compromises the security of information
b. A security service makes use of one or more security mechanisms
c. A service that enhances the security of data processing systems and information
d. An action that is designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack

13. What is configuration of protocols, systems and technologies to provide the required
levels of security and privacy without compromising performance or efficiency?
a. Security configuration b. Security auditing
c. Security scanning d. Security setup

14. What is SLA?

a. Mechanisms to ensure the required service portability and the basic security
procedures to be adopted
b. Mechanisms to ensure the required service reliability and the basic security
procedures to be adopted
c. Mechanisms to ensure the required basic security procedures to be adopted
d. Mechanisms to ensure the required service availability and the basic security
procedures to be adopted

15. Multiple loosely coupled system are used to solve a single problem in ________
a. Cluster Computing b. Grid Computing
c. Smart Computing d. Cloud Computing

16. All of the following accurately describe Hadoop, except:

a. Open Source b. Java-based
c. Distributed Computing Approach d. Real-time

17. Openstack component which provides service of authorization and authentication for
users is ____.
a. Swift b. Keystone c. Compute d. Glance
18. Amazon web services (AWS) provide cloud service as
a. PaaS b. SaaS c. IaaS d. XaaS

19. What risks and challenges are less considered in Internet of Things?
a. Privacy and security b. Network traffic and Congestion
c. Energy Consumption d. Processor and Storage

20. If 10 devices are tested for 50 hours. During the test 2 failures occur. The estimate of the
MTBF is:
a. 50 hours/ failure b. 250 hours/ failure
c. 500 hours/ failure d. 125 hours / failure
End Semester Examination
August, 2018
Level : B.Sc. Course : COMP 478
Year : IV Semester: I
Time : 2 hrs. 30 mins. F. M. : 40
[6Q  4 = 24 marks]
Attempt ANY SIX questions.

1. Explain deployment models of cloud.

2. An organization is growing very rapidly which causes problem in scaling computer

resources. Which service model would be beneficial for the organization? Justify your

3. What are hypervisors? Explain its significance in implementation of cloud services.

4. Differentiate between cluster computing, grid computing and cloud computing.

5. Why do we need to adopt virtualization in cloud computing? Explain in brief about

different types of virtualization.

6. Assume one of the cluster nodes fails every 200 hours. Other parts of the cluster never
fail. On average, the mean time for repairing the nodes is four hours. What is the
availability of the cluster? What is the yearly failure cost if each one-hour downtime costs

7. Write short notes on: (ANY TWO) [2+2=4]

a. Apache Hadoop
b. IoT in cloud
c. Scalability and Elasticity

[2 Q.  8 = 16 marks]

Attempt ANY TWO questions.

8. What are the probable measures (as a service provider) to maintain high availability of
cloud services? Define and quantify factors that govern dependability of cloud services.
9. What are the security challenges that cloud user/provider encounters? Discuss in brief
about possible solutions for security issues in cloud services. [3+5]

10. Why is SOA integration and the concept of third party cloud service providers key for
cloud computing? Explain in brief about overlapping of SOA of web services and cloud
computing. [5+3]

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