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Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic Kazaure

College Of Science and Technology

Department Of Mathematics And Statistics
End of first semester 2023/2024 session
Course title: Elementary probability theory
course code: STA 112
For students of ND 1 Statistics
Course Tutor: Mr. O S Olatunbosuns Duration: 2 hours
1. (a) What is a set. (1mark)

1aii. Explain with example (5marks)

i. Equal set
ii. Unequal set
iii. Empty set
iv. Sub or sunset.
v. Universal set

1aiii. (a) Explain Venn diagram. (1mark)

(b) Differentiate between this following (2marks)

I. Set Operation and Intersection

ii. Null set and Union set

1b. Construct a Venn diagram to illustrate the following subset of the Universal set. (2marks)

µ = {1 , 2 ,3 , a , b , c , k }
A = {1, 3, k} B = {2, 3, a}, C = {y}

1bii. List the element in the following set. (2marks)

i. A’
ii. B' n C
iii. Show that (AnB)' U AnB' = Universal set

1biii. Using the Venn diagram shade the areas representing the sets (2marks)
i. (AnB)' ii. AnB'

Q2ai. What is sample space. (1mark)

aii. Differentiate between the following. (4marks)

i. Sample point and event

ii. Sample set and compound event

2bi. An experiment consists of asking three women if they use brand and detergent. Generate the
sample space and write out all the sample points talking Y, for yes and N for No. (2marks)

2bii. How many sample points are in the sample space when a pair of dies is thrown once? (1mark)

2biii. How many lunches are possible consisting of soup a sandwich dessert and a drink if one can
select from, 3 soup, 4 kind of sandwiches, 4 dessert and 5 drinks. (1marks)

Q2c. An experiment involves tossing coin and a die. The coins are first tossed a head appears, if it is
tossed the second times, if a tail appears for the first time then a die is tossed once. (6marks)

a. List out the elements of this experiment to form the sample space.
b. List the element of the S corresponding to event A that a number less than 4 occurred on the
c. List the element of S corresponding to event B that 2 tails occurred.

Q3ai. What is permutation (1mark)

ii. What is combination (1mark)

3bi. How many different ways can 3 red, 4 yellow and 2 blubs be arranged in a string of Christmas
tress light with 9 sockets? (2marks)

3bii. From 4 republications and 3 democrats find the number of committees of 3 that can be formed
with 2 republican and 1 democrat. (2mark)

3biii. In how many ways can a committee of 5 people be chosen out of 9 people. (2mark)

3c1i. How many three-digit numbers can form from the digit 0,1,2,3, and 5 if each digit can be used
only once? (3marks)

C1ii How many of these are odd numbers?

3c2.How many distinct permutations can be made from the letters of the following words. (4marks)


Q4ai. Differentiate between Associative law and Distributive law. (2marks)

aii. State five properties of probability (5marks)

aiii. Use Additive rule (mutually exclusive event) to show that

P(AuBuC) = P(A)+(B)+P(C) – P(AnB)-P(AnC) – P(BnC)+P(AnBnC) (8mark)

Q5a. Explain probability. (2marks)

aii. Differentiate between commutative law and identity law. (5marks)

5b. Three members of political parties have been nominated for the office of president. The
probability that Alhaji Adamu will be elected is 0.3, the probability that Dr. Nwachukwu will be
elected a 0.5 and the probability that Chief Ade Ojo will be elected is 0.2 should Alhaji Adamu be
elected the probability for an Increase in membership fee is 0.8? Should Dr. Nwachukwu or Chief
Ade Ojo be elected, the corresponding probabilities for an Increase in fees are 0.1 and 0.4 if
someone is considering joining the party but delays his decision for several meets only to find out
that the fees have been increased. What is the probability that Chief Ade Ojo was elected the
presidential flag bearer of the party? Apply Bayer’s theorem. (8marks)

Q6ai. Explain probability Tree diagram. (2marks)

6aii. If a fair coin and a normal die (with faces numbered 1,2,3,4,5 & 6) are tossed together, show
the tree diagram and what is the probability that (6marks)

i. The head comes up

ii. A number greater than 4 comes up
iii. The tail and an odd number comes up, show the tree diagram.

6b1. Differentiate between the mapping and function (2marks)

6b2. Explain the followings (5mark)

a. One-one - mapping
b. Onto -mapping
c. The Identity mapping
d. Constant mapping
e. Composite

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