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Department/ Computer Science/ Page: 1 of 4

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program Name: Master of Cyber Security
Course code: MECR1043/SECR5043 Academic Session/Semester: 20232024/2
Course name: Cloud Computing Security
Pre/co requisite: Computer Security
Credit hours: 3

Course synopsis In this course, we are going to learn about common cloud misconfigurations, how to perform a
risk assessment and verify compliance for various Cloud Services. Further, we will delve deeper
into identifying security risks in these cloud services and to implement best practices to mitigate
the common cloud misconfigurations. Other topics include topics of data ownership, privacy
protections, data mobility, quality of service and service levels, bandwidth costs, data
protection, and support.
Course coordinator
(if applicable) Dr Mohd. Zamri Bin Osman
Telephone E-mail
Course lecturer(s)/ Name Office
(07) 55-
346-19 Level 3 mohdzamri.osman
Dr. Mohd. Zamri Bin Osman 019-9126239

Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to the Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO), Teaching & Learning
(T&L) methods and Assessment methods:
PLO Taxonomies
Weight Assessment
No. CLO (Code) and T&L methods
(%) methods
generic skills
Analyse fundamental cyber
security issues, requirements Lecture,
CLO1 and concepts in Cloud 30 C4 Blended T, IP
Computing platform and learning
Evaluate different methods and Project Based
CLO2 techniques that address security 45 C5 learning, FE, GP
risks in the cloud services. Lecture
Display best practices on
PLO3 Formative
CLO3 handling common cloud security 15 P5 CAD
(PS) Assessment
Defend orally the proposed
design/framework on providing A4, Project Based
CLO4 (CS) 10 PR
trusted and effective security CS5 learning
and privacy on Cloud.
IP – Individual Project; CAD – Case Analysis and Discussion; GP – Group Project; PR – Presentation; T- Test; FE – Final

Details on Innovative T&L practices:

No. Type Implementation
1. Blended learning Conducted through in-class activities
2. Assignment/ Project- Conducted through a set of reading assignments. Tasks are given in sequential
based learning steps throughout the semester. Students in a group of 3 (max.) are require to
gather information and discuss the findings with relation to the Cloud Security
introduced in the course.
3. Formative Assessments Conducted through labs practical

Prepared by: Certified by:

Name: Dr Mohd. Zamri Bin Osman Name:
Signature: Signature:
Date: 4 March 2024 Date:
Department/ Computer Science Page: 2 of 4
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program Name: Master of Cyber Security
Course code: MECR1043/SECR5043 Academic Session/Semester: 20232024/2
Course name: Cloud Computing Security
Pre/co requisite: Computer Security
Credit hours: 3

Weekly Schedule:

Week 1 Chapter 1 Cloud Computing Fundamentals

Week 2 Chapter 2 Cloud Computing Architecture

Week 3-4 Chapter 3 Cloud Computing Software Security Fundamentals

Week 5-6 Chapter 4 Cloud Computing Risk Issues

Week 7 BREAK

Week 8 Chapter 5 Cloud Computing Security Challenges

Week 9 Chapter 6 Cloud Computing Security Architecture

Week 10-11 Chapter 7 Cloud Computing Life Cycle Issues

Week 12-13 Case Study

Week 14-15 Cloud Security Project & Presentation

Transferable skills (generic skills learned in course of study which can be useful and utilised in other settings):
Student’s scholarship generic skill can be applicable in courses that required the experience of conducting literature

Student learning time (SLT) details:

Teaching and Learning Activities
Distribution of
Guided Learning
course content Independent
(Face to Face) Guided Learning TOTAL SLT
CLO L T P O Non-Face to Face
Non-Face to face
CLO 1 16 10 15 41
CLO 2 16 10 10 36
CLO 3 10 10 9 29
CLO 4 9 10 19
Total SLT 32 10 39 44 115

Continuous Assessment PLO (Code) Percentage Total SLT

1 Individual Project PLO1 (KW) 10 As in CLO1

Prepared by: Certified by:

Name: Dr. Mohd Zamri Osman Name:
Signature: Signature:
Date: 4 March 2024 Date:
Department/ Computer Science Page: 3 of 4
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program Name: Master of Cyber Security
Course code: MECR1043/SECR5043 Academic Session/Semester: 20232024/2
Course name: Cloud Computing Security
Pre/co requisite: Computer Security
Credit hours: 3


2 Test PLO1 (KW) 20 2h

As in CLO3
3 Labs PLO3 (PS) 15
As in CLO2
4 Group Project PLO2 (CG) 15
As in CLO4
5 Presentation PLO5 (CS) 10
Final Assessment PLO (Code) Percentage Total SLT
6 Final Exam PLO2 (CG) 30 3h
Total SLT 100 120h

Special requirement to deliver the course (e.g: software, nursery, computer lab, simulation room):
Microsoft Azure/ AWS Cloud Computing platform.

Learning resources:
Text book (if applicable)
Main: Ronald L. Krutz, Russell Dean Vines (2010 ). Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing.
Chandrasekaran, K., (2015). Essentials of Cloud Computing. CRC Press.
Vacca, J.R. ed., (2017). Cloud computing security: Foundations and Challenges. CRC press.
Additional references

Academic honesty and plagiarism:

Assignments are individual tasks and NOT group activities (UNLESS EXPLICITLY INDICATED AS GROUP ACTIVITIES).
Copying of work (texts, lab results etc.) from other students/groups or from other sources is not allowed. Brief
quotations are allowed and then only if indicated as such. Existing texts should be reformulated with your own
words used to explain what you have read. It is not acceptable to retype existing texts and just acknowledge the
source as a reference. Be warned: students who submit copied work will obtain a mark of zero for the assignment
and exams and disciplinary steps may be taken by the Faculty. It is also unacceptable to do somebody else’s
work, to lend your work to them or to make your work available to them to copy.

Other additional information (Course policy, any specific instruction etc.):

1. Attendance is compulsory and will be taken in every lecture session. Student with less than 80% of total attendance
is not allowed to sit for final exam.
2. Students are required to behave and follow the University’s dressing regulation and etiquette all the time.
3. Exercises and tutorial will be given in class and some may be taken for assessment. Students who do not do the

Prepared by: Certified by:

Name: Dr. Mohd Zamri Osman Name:
Signature: Signature:
Date: 4 March 2024 Date:
Department/ Computer Science Page: 4 of 4
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program Name: Master of Cyber Security
Course code: MECR1043/SECR5043 Academic Session/Semester: 20232024/2
Course name: Cloud Computing Security
Pre/co requisite: Computer Security
Credit hours: 3

exercise will lose the coursework marks for the exercise.

4. Assignments must be submitted on the due dates. Some points will be deducted for late submissions. Assignments
submitted three days after the due date will not be accepted.
5. Make up exam will not be given, except to students who are sick and submit medical certificate confirmed by UTM
panel doctors. Make up exam can only be given within one week of the initial date of exam.
No one is allowed to use texts or excerpts from lectures or other teaching and learning activities at Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia except for the purpose of his/her studies. In particular, making copies of the texts or excerpts in any form at
all for the purpose of publication or distribution is strictly forbidden.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

Prepared by: Certified by:

Name: Dr. Mohd Zamri Osman Name:
Signature: Signature:
Date: 4 March 2024 Date:

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