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From the diary of Anne Frank

Competency based questions

Number of questions – 2

Q 1. Talking is a great quality. Should we learn the positive traits of this quality. Explain with
reference to Anne Frank.

Ans : Talking is indeed a great quality. It helps a person to open up and express oneself. We should
not be timid and unexpressive. This would help us to mix with people and make friends. There are
some persons who avoid talking. They always remain aloof and proud. By talking one learnts to
socialize and enjoy laughter in life.
Anne Frank was herself a talkative girl. She was even punished again and again for talking too much.
But she advocated that talking is a student’s trait. She had inherited this quality from her mother. She
was never ashamed of this quality of hers and infact felt proud.

Q 2. Sometimes we learn many things from the act of punishment. Justify this statement with
reference to the lesson ‘From the diary of Anne Frank’.

Ans : Punishment is considered as way of making one feel guilty. It is the manner in which seniors
punish juniors. It can be given by parents, teacher or by any law. Very harsh punishments can turn one
into criminals but at the same time punishments can teach us an important lesson. They take us to the
right path and deter us from taking wrong task.
In lesson ‘From the Diary of Anne Frank’ teacher wanted to teach her a lesson and as a punishment
gave her essays to write on ‘chatterbox’. But Anne wrote a beautiful poem on ‘Quack, Quack, Quack’
said Mistress Chatterbox. Anne took the punishment in the right spirit and made the serious teacher
turn into a man who enjoys cracking jokes with the students.

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