CLASS 8 HHW-2022

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• There are 4 parts of your English Holiday Homework.
• Part 1 has to be done in a separate notebook.
• Part 2 and part 3 and part 4 have to be done in a single ruled notebook.


Buy a cursive writing book - level 7 from the store and write one page
each day for your handwriting practise.


1. You are Aman/ Akriti, a student of class VI of B. D. Public School,

Ranchi. You found somebody’s watch in the school premises.
Write down a notice for it in 50 words.

2. You are Mohan /Mohini of Sindhu Public School , Nagpur. Write a

notice informing the students about a speech competition going to
be held on 29th November in not more than 50 words . Put it in a

3. Write a story in about 150 words on the given outline.

Outline: The sun and the wind had a quarrel …………. who is
stronger?........ they tested their strength on a passerby ……….the
wind blew the sun grew hotter………. took off……….The sun was……….
4. Study the picture given below. Write a story in about 120-150
Prepare LEARNER’S DIARY on the lessons-
(i) The best Christmas present in the world
(ii) The tsunami
(iii) The ant and the cricket
(iv) How the camel got his hump
Write down the answers of the questions of the reading comprehension
passages attached in the pdf.
Read the following PASSAGES 1 TO 15 and answer the questions that
Opinions of students
ANA- There are so many people out there dying from hunger and disease, yet we
are more concerned about future advancements. We are leaving these people
behind as we attempt to forget and move on. Billions of dollars are poured into space
research by large companies each year. If the money spent on space exploration
was used to benefit the needy and not the greedy, the suffering of millions of people
could be alleviated.

BEATRICE- The challenge of exploring space is a source of inspiration for many

people. For thousands of years we have been dreaming of the heavens, longing to
reach out and touch the stars, longing to communicate with something we only
imagine could exist , longing to know...Are we alone?

Space exploration is a metaphor for learning, and learning is what drives our world.
While realists continue to remind us of our current problems, dreamers stretch our
minds. It is the dreamers’ visions, hopes and desires that will lead us into the future.

DIETER- Space exploration strengthens the dangerous belief that human problems
can be solved by our ever- increasing domination of the environment. Human beings
will continue to feel at liberty to abuse natural resources like rivers and rainforests if
we know there is always another planet around the corner waiting to be exploited.
We have done enough damage on earth. We should leave outer space alone.

(i) Which of the following questions do the students seem to be responding to ?
(a) Which is the major problem facing the world today?
(b) Are you in favor of space exploration?
(c) Do you believe in life beyond our space?
(d) What recent advances have there been in space research?
(ii) Who is/are NOT in favor of space exploration?
(a) Beatrice and Dieter
(b) Ana and Beatrice
(c) Ana and Dieter
(d) Dieter
(iii) Thinking about the main ideas presented by three students, which student do you
agree with most strongly and why?

(iv) According to Dieter, which belief is strengthened by space exploration?

(v) Find out the words from the passage having similar meaning to the following:-
(a) Wish
(b) faith
A New Zealand Holiday plan
New Zealand offers the perfect setting for an enjoyable family holiday. There is
a lot to do, a lot to experience, during this holiday. Whether it is its stunning
natural beauty, geothermal landscapes, rich and diverse natural life, the unique
Maori culture or the prospect of fun and adventure, the place promises to
surprise and delight at every step along the journey.
For those looking for a quiet and relaxing holiday, New Zealand is made to
order. One can experience the therapeutic effects of natural hot pools at the
thermal city of Rotaria. At other times one can take long leisurely walks on the
pristine beaches that dot the region. One can decide on a day long boating trip
starting from Akaroa near Christchurch. On such trips one can relax, take in the
scenic splendor and savour a delicious lunch. Alternately, one can settle for an
elaborate family picnic in the picture perfect setting.

If one settles for a geothermal tour, one will come across boiling mud pools and
roaring geysers. For the more adventurous, there is an opportunity to take a
helicopter ride over the magnificent glaciers that date back to the Ice Age and
line the Franz Josef glacier route. For the stout hearted there is a thrilling
subterranean adventure at Waitomo, through a network of caves magically lit
up by thousands of glittering glowworms.

Another popular trip is a day long cruise along the magnificent Bay of Islands
which brings tourists close to the rich marine life of the country. One can watch
dolphins do acrobatics here. At Queenstown one can indulge in jet boating,
white water rafting, gondola rides and more. And finally, one can round off the
New Zealand trip with a ride in a hot air balloon over the rich plains of


(i)How New Zealand offers the perfect setting for an enjoyable family holiday?

(ii) What is the attraction of a visit to Rotaria?

a. Natural hot pools

b. A day long boating trip
c. A delicious lunch
d. Elaborate family picnic

(iii) Why do holiday makers go to Akaroa?

a) To take a helicopter ride

b) For long leisurely walks on the pristine beaches
c) For thrilling subterranean adventure
d) For a day long boating trip starting from Akaroa
(iv) How does New Zealand serve the purpose of a picnic?


(i) Choose the dictionary meaning of the word in the title ‘The Humpy File’.

a) noun. a line of people or things one behind another.

b) verb. (of a group of people) walk one behind the other, typically in an orderly and
solemn manner
c) noun. a collection of information about a particular person or thing.
d) noun. a tool with a roughened surface, typically of steel, used for smoothing or
shaping a hard material.

(ii) Pick the option that lists the correct arrangement of events in the descending
order of years given in the text. (i) Asian Indoor Games (ii) World under-10 global
championship (iii) Men’s open events (iv) Asian Champion (v) World rapid champion
(vi) Title -Grandmaster

a) (i), (v), (vi), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

b) (v), (i), (iv), (vi), (iii) and (ii)
c) (vi), (iii), (iv), (v), (ii) and (i)
d) (ii), (iv), (i), (vi), (iii) and (v)

(iii) Based on the text, choose the statement that is NOT TRUE about Humpy’s

a) Won the Vijaywada city championship in less than 2 years of learning chess.
b) Has achieved a ranking higher than the current one, earlier.
c) Won the World Junior - under 20 girls’ championship in early teens.
d) He won gold in the Rapid world championship in 2012.

(iv) Which game is Kuneru Humpy known for?

a) badminton
b) chess
c) cricket
d) kabaddi

(v) Based on the text, choose the statement that is TRUE about Humpy’s

a) She is 25 years old.

b) She was born in Uttar Pradesh
c) She is a famous badminton player.
d) She won one gold medal in Doha Asian games in 2006.

Read the information given below:-
Based on your understanding of Houseplant Life Lessons, you are
requested to respond to two situations. Read the situations in Questions
(i) and (ii) and choose the option that lists the appropriate response.

(i) Situation- My Science project group has 6 members, including

me. They all are very quick with understanding concepts and
experiments. I’m the only one who is usually slow. I really can’t
seem to keep up. What should I do?
Choose the correct response
a) No.3
b) No.2
c) No.7
d) None of the above
(ii) Situation- I took time away from preparing for my Quiz
competition to help two of my neighbourhood friends for their class
exam. However, when I needed some help with my Science survey,
none of them volunteered. I felt hurt and disappointed.
Choose the correct response
a) No.3
b) No.2
c) No.4
d) None of the above

(iii) Choose the option that identifies the person needing advice no.1.
a) option (i)
b) option (ii)
c) option (iii)
d) option (iv)

(iv) Choose the option that identifies the person needing advice no.6
a) option (i)
b) option (ii)
c) option (iii)
d) option (iv)

(v) Which quote closely corresponds to the Houseplant Life Lesson-No.

a) option (i)
b) option (iv)
c) option (ii)
d) None of the above
A telephone conversation between two friends, Sanjay and Pankaj, took place on a
Thursday afternoon.
Sanjay: Hello Pankaj. How are you? You have been absent from school for the last 2
Pankaj: Hi Şanjay! I had food poisoning. Anyway, I’m better now and will be going
back to school tomorrow.
Sanjay: Did you eat something which was contaminated?
Pankaj: Well, I took fried oyster and some noodles at the food centre on Tuesday
night. Most likely, it was the former. It could not have been the chicken rice or fish
balls I took at our school canteen during recess.
Sanjay: Oh, I see.
Pankaj: Can you please tell me if there’s any homework to be done?
Sanjay: Yes, Mrs. Boon is going to conduct a Science test for our class tomorrow.
Pankaj: Thanks for letting me know. Did she say which chapters will be tested?
Sanjay: Yes, she did. The test is going to cover the chapters on “Magnets”,
“Classification of Materials” and “Life Cycles of Plants”.
Pankaj: That’s a relief. I am only unfamiliar with the chapter on “Magnets”. A quick
revision is all I’ll need.
Thanks and see you tomorrow.
Sanjay: You’re welcome. Bye and take care.

(i) Why did Pankaj call Sanjay? She called Sanjay to find out if
(a) Mrs. Boon had given the class some homework.
(b) Mrs. Boon was going to conduct a class test.
(c) there was going to be a class test.
(d) there was any homework.

(ii) Sanjay and Pankaj are

(a) Best friends
(b) schoolmates
(c) neighbors
(d) classmates

(iii) Why was Pankaj relieved upon learning the chapters to be tested? She was
relieved because
(a) she had already studied all the chapters thoroughly
(b) she was good at the subject
(c) she had already studied one of the chapters to be tested
(d) she was familiar with two of the chapters to be tested

(iv) What did Pankaj suspect was the cause of her food poisoning? She suspected
that it was the ___ which she had eaten.
(a) Noodles
(b) fishballs
(c) fried oysters
(d) chicken rice

(v) On which days were Pankaj absent from school? She was absent on
(a) Monday and Tuesday
(b) Tuesday and Wednesday
(c) Wednesday and Thursday
(d) Thursday and Friday

Everything that is alive needs energy. All animals get the energy they need from food.
People are animals.
Think about the human body as an amazing machine. It can do all kinds of things for
us. Food is the fuel that helps keep the amazing machine running. Plants use
sunlight to make their own food. Animals are not able to do that. Some animals eat
plants. Some animals eat other animals as meat. Some animals, like people, eat both
plants and animals. Since plants make their own food using sunlight, the sun’s
energy is found in plants.
The sun’s energy is very strong. It loses a lot of its strength by the time it goes into a
plant. When we eat plants, we get more of the sun’s energy than when we eat
animals. That’s why it is good to eat fruits and vegetables. When an animal eats a
plant, the energy is less strong. The animal also used its energy to find the plant to
eat. When a second animal eats the first animal, it gets even less energy than the
first animal got. The second animal used a lot of energy to chase its prey. Like a car
that has to be filled with gasoline, living things have to eat again and again. Instead
of gasoline, living things use food as fuel.


(i) Where do all animals get their energy?

(ii) Where do plants get their energy?

(iii) If our bodies are amazing machines, then food is our

(iv) Why do we get more energy from eating vegetables than we get from eating

(v) Find the word with the same meaning as the following words.

(a) living

(b) run after


We left Dehradun early in the morning and stopped by for breakfast at Missouri.
From Missouri the picturesque road heads north to Yamuna bridge, then to Barkot
(where one road branches to Gangotri). The road winds along the Yamuna river.
through luxurious dense green vegetation to Hanumanchatti, the end of motorable
road. The remaining journey has to be undertaken on foot or pony. Yamunotri is only
13 km. from Hanuman Chatti.
But it is better to proceed another 6 km. and have the night halt at Janakibaichatti.
The journey to Yamunotri is simply breathtaking. High snow-covered peaks all
around, glaciers, streams and waterfalls, vibrant green foliage, and the pristine air are
a sheer delight to tired city lungs. Yamunotri, 3322 metres above sea level, is located
on the western bank of the great peak of Banderpunch (meaning – monkey’s tail)
which is 6315 metres high.

(i) Where did the travellers stop for breakfast?

(ii) Why is a part of the journey to Yamunotri to be undertaken on foot?

(iii) What has made the journey to Yamunotri breathtaking?


The Ajanta caves, we were told, lay in the side of a ravine in wild and desolate
country some 350 miles to the northwest, at the extreme tip of Hyderabad state
where it touches the Bombay Province. Properly speaking they were not caves at all,
but temples which had been excavated from the living rock by Buddhist monks.
These monks had first come to the ravine somewhere in the second century before
Christ and they had begun by hacking out the rock by hand and hurling it down into
the river below.

Then, probably with large mirrors to reflect the sunshine from the ravine outside, they
set about the decoration of the walls, the doorways and the ceilings. They continued
for the next eight hundred years, always painting and sculpturing Lord Buddha, but
setting him against an idyllic background of folk tales and the everyday life of their
own time. In much the same way as in the Italian Renaissance which over a
thousand years later, the work was subsidised by the wealthy merchants and the
princes of the surrounding countryside.

(i) Who came to the ravines in the second century before Christ?

(ii) What did the monks use to reflect light into the caves?
(iii) What did the caves depict?

(iv) (a) The work was subsidised by the wealthy merchants. (Change the voice).

(b) They continued for the next eight hundred years. (Rewrite as an interrogative

(v) Would you like to see the caves? If so, why? If not, why not?



Manisha Barde of Dhamangaon village, in Nashik, Maharashtra, had stepped out of

her hut to relieve herself one early August Morning, leaving the door ajar. Her
children, who slept in the same bed with her, were inside. A bit drowsy, she returned
home soon to the warmth of her bed. She noticed her pet cat curled up between her
two kids, inside the mosquito net. As Manisha crawled back inside, she felt the cat
cuddle up to her. That’s when she realised she wasn’t snuggling with a cat at all, but
a leopard cub. It had been orphaned a month ago when its mother was accidently
killed in a road accident and had snuck into the hut, going straight to the bed for a
nap. Forest officials, who were soon alerted, trapped the three-month cub. Last
heard, the cub was doing fine and under the care of the local forest department. It
will be released into the wild once it is old enough to hunt. Source: Reader’s Digest

(i) What did Manisha notice inside the bedroom when she returned home? a)
Leopard cub b) Cat c) Mosquito d) Leopard

(ii) Activists are alarmed at the loss of habitats of wild animals. Which of these
factors do you think is responsible for such a grim situation? A) Deforestation B)
Afforestation C) Cultivation D) Poaching

(iii) Had the cub not been handed over to the forest officials, could it have survived?
Give reasons
(iv) Man and animals are interdependent. Even then most human wildlife conflict
incidents are caused by human behaviour. How can the conflict between human and
animals be resolved?

(v) Why do you think the cub was not handed over to the family?

“The Judge and the Thief “There was once a man, Hassan, who kept all his money in
a box under his bed. One day, he discovered his money was missing. He asked the
judge for help.”Your Honour,” he said, “someone has stolen my money. There are
many people living in my house but I do not know who is guilty.”The judge said, “Call
all your housemates here and I shall find out who the thief is.” When all of Hassan’s
housemates appeared, the judge said, “I have some magic sticks of the same length.
All of you will be given one stick. Bring the sticks back to me tomorrow morning.

Only the thief’s stick will grow longer by 5 cm.” Frightened, the thief tried to think of a
way to cover up his theft. Finally, he found a solution – he cut the sticker shorter by
exactly 5 cm. “When my stick grows in the night, it will be the same length as the
others,” he thought, proud of his brilliant plan. The next morning, when everyone
gathered in front of the judge, the length of sticks in their hands remained the same
– except the thiefs! His was shorter by 5 cm. The judge pointed to him and declared,
“It’s you who have stolen the money!”.

(i) Where did Hassan keep his money?

(ii) Who does “Your Honour” refer to?

(iii) What would happen to the thief’s magic stick according to the judge?

(iv) Why did the thief cut his magic stick?

(v) Which word in the passage means “clever”?

Water Wonders Try the following experiment showing condensation.
You will need
● a transparent drinking glass
● some ice–cubes
Step 1: Fill the glass three–quarters full with water.
Step 2: Add the ice–cubes to the water until the water level is close to the top.

Step 3: Leves the glass until water droplets form on the outside of the glass.

Explanation: The water droplets on the outside of the glass come from the air. As the
air outside the glass. cools, the water vapour in the air condenses and water droplets
are formed.
(i) In the experiment, you will need a ________ glass.
(a) clear
(b) tinted
(c) opaque
(d) patterned

(ii) The glass should be three–quarters full so that ________.

(a) water can disappear from the glass
(b) the ice cubes can float on the surface of the water
(c) water will not overflow when the ice cubes are added
(d) water droplets can be formed on the outside of the glass

(iii) The diagrams have been included with the instructions so that the reader
(a) knows the order of the steps
(b) knows the goals of the experiment
(c) can prepare the materials needed
(d) is clear and understands the steps easily

(iv) The list of materials in the instructions helps to ________.

(a) fill the page
(b) test our reading skills
(c) prepare for the experiment
(d) give us the aim of the experiment
PASSAGE 12 A Sensational Migration

Barely one year old, an Arctic fox has likely set a record for its species, trekking
more than 3,500 kilometres from Norway to Canada in just 76 days.The fox’s
great adventure started in Spitsbergen, a large island in Norway’s Svalbard
archipelago, on March 26, 2018. Norwegian researchers followed the young
female fox, fitted with a tracking device, as it travelled across masses of sea ice
at an uncanny rate of speed.The fox clocked 1,512 kilometres in 21 days and
arrived in Greenland on April 16. Her journey brought her to Ellesmere Island,
Nunavut, in time for Canada Day on July 1, 2018.
The researchers believe the Arctic fox’s journey is one of the longest ever
recorded.The results left scientists wide-eyed — and skeptical.“We first did not
believe it was true,” researcher Eva Fuglei said. “We just had to keep up with
what the fox did.”

The route the fox took over 76 days from Norway to Canada is depicted on this
map. Fuglei said she thought maybe the fox had died or made its way onto a
boat, causing the satellite data to seem skewed.But “there are no boats in that
area” deep in the ice, Fuglei said.Their article said the Arctic fox species has
“exceptional mobility and endurance,” especially in polar environments, and
that while migration was expected, it was her speed of travel that astonished
them.Roaming across icy terrain, the fox moved an average of 46.3 kilometres
per day. The most it travelled in a single day was 155 kilometres across an ice
sheet in Greenland.
It did, however, slow down on two occasions — travelling less than 10
kilometres per day — possibly due to tough land, weather or hunting
opportunities, the scientists said.The fox likely survived on “marine food
resources,” like seabirds, before settling on Ellesmere Island. There, she feasted
on lemmings, a small Arctic rodent.
As for why the little fox made the trip, scientists have no easy answer.The ice
was “crucial” for the fox to take the spanning journey, according to researchers,
which raises concerns about what may happen to the species as sea ice melts
and patterns change.Norway’s climate and environment minister pointed the
finger at climate change.“This is another example of how important sea ice is to
wildlife in the Arctic,” Ola Elvestuen told the institute.“The warming in the
north is frighteningly fast. We must cut emissions quickly to prevent the sea ice
from disappearing all summer.”
The Arctic has shown consistent and steady warming and ice melt over the
years. While the study of ice melt in the Arctic is ongoing, the tracking of this
particular fox stopped short this year. The satellite transmitter attached to the
young fox stopped working in February.
(Source – Wikipedia)
Use the information in the passage above to answer the following questions –
(i) – The travel route of the fox was as described below –
A –Began from Greenland
B- Nunavut to Svalbard
C- Canada to Norway
D- Spitsbergen to Ellesmere

(ii) -- What is the most remarkable or surprising feature about the fox’s travel?

A- The fox travelled such a long distance over continents

B – The speed at which it completed the journey
C- The migration pattern of polar animals
D – The fact that it survived in the icy terrain

(iii) – What was the most important factor that was essential for its migration,
and why?
(iv) How is the worry of climate activists and environmentalists linked to the
migration of the fox?

Watching is meditation. What you watch is irrelevant. You can watch the trees you
can watch the river, you can watch the clouds, you can watch children playing
around. Watching is meditation. What you watch is not the point; the object is not the
point. The quality of observation, the quality of being aware and alert – that's what
meditation is. Remember one thing; meditation means awareness. Whatsoever you
do with awareness is meditation. Action is not the question, but the quality that you
bring to your action is. Walking can be a meditation if you walk alert. Sitting can be a
meditation if you sit alert. Listening to the birds can be a meditation if you listen with
awareness. Just listening to the inner voice of your mind can be meditation if you
remain alert and watchful. The whole point is, one should not move in sleep. Then
whatsoever you do is meditation.

The first step in awareness is to be very watchful of your body. Slowly, one becomes
alert about each gesture, each movement. And as you become aware, a miracle
starts happening; many things that you used to do before simply disappear; your
body becomes more relaxed, your body becomes more attuned. A deep peace
starts prevailing even in your body, a subtle music pulsates in your body. Then, start
becoming aware of your thoughts; the same has to be done with emotions, you will
be surprised what goes on inside you. If you write down whatsoever in going on at
any moment, you are in for a great surprise. You will not believe that this is what is
going on inside you. And ten minutes later, read it – you will see a mad mind inside!
Because we are not aware, this whole madness goes on running like an
undercurrent. It affects whatsoever you are doing, it affects everything. And the sum
total of it is going to be your life! So this madman has to be changed. And the
miracle awareness is that you need not do anything except just become aware. The
very phenomenon of watching it changes it. Slowly the madman disappears, slowly
the thoughts start falling into a certain pattern; their chaos is no more, they become
more of cosmos. And then again, a deeper peace prevails. And when your body and
your mind are at peace you will see that they are attuned to each other too, there is a
bridge. Now they are not running in different directions, they are not riding different
horses. For the first time, there is an accord, and that accord helps immensely to
work on the third step – that is becoming aware of your feelings, emotions, moods.
That is the subtlest layer and the most difficult, but if you can be aware of the
thoughts, then it is just one more step. A little more intense awareness is needed
and you start reflecting on your moods, your emotions and your feelings. Once you
are aware of all these three, they all become joined into one phenomenon. And
when all these three are one, functioning together perfectly, humming together, you
can feel the music of all the three; they have become an orchestra – then the fourth
happens, which you cannot do. It happens on the accord. It is a gift from the whole,
it is a reward for those who have done these three. And the fourth is the ultimate
awareness that makes one awakened. One becomes aware of one's awareness-
that is the fourth. That makes a Buddha, the awakened. And only in that awakening
does one come to know what bliss is. The body knows pleasure, the mind knows
happiness, the heart knows joy, the fourth knows bliss. Bliss is the goal of sannyas,
of being a seeker, and awareness is the path towards it.

The important thing is that you are watchful, that you have not forgotten to watch,
that you are watching………watching……watching. Slowly as the watcher becomes
more and more solid, stable, unwavering, a transformation happens. The things that
you were watching disappear.For the first time, the watcher itself becomes the
watched, the observer itself becomes the observed. You have come home.


1. The whole journey of watching follows a particular order. Arrange the following
options in their correct order.
i. Awareness of thoughts.
ii. Awareness of moods.
iii. Awareness of one's awareness.
iv. Awareness of the body.
A. iv, iii, ii, i
B. iv, ii, i, iii
C. iv, i, ii, iii
D. i, iii, ii, iv

2. From the passage which of the following statements are true in respect of ultimate
i. Constant practice helps us to achieve ultimate awareness.
ii. All those who can watch their moods can attain ultimate awareness.
iii. It is a conscious outcome of our practice of watching
iv. Ultimate awareness is bliss.
A. All four statements are correct.
B. Only three statements are correct.
C. Only two statements are correct.
D. Only one statement is correct.

3. The author in the passage talks about a mad mind. Which of the following
assumption is made by the author?
A. Minds of all men are mad.
B. A mad mind cannot be cured.
C. Not all minds are mad.
D. A mad mind can be cured.

4. Which of the following titles is definitely true about meditation?

A. Watching is meditation.
B. Meditation is watching.
C. Awareness is meditation.
D. Awakening is meditation.

5. “Bliss” in the above passage would mean

i. Awareness of the external environment.
ii. Awareness of the internal self.
A. Statement i is true.
B. Statement ii is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. None of the statements is true.
PASSAGE 14 Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004

Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, tsunami that hit the coasts of several countries of
South and Southeast Asia in December 2004. The tsunami and its aftermath were
responsible for immense destruction and loss on the rim of the Indian Ocean.
On December 26, 2004, at 7:59 AM local time, an undersea earthquake with a
magnitude of 9.1 struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Over the
next seven hours, a tsunami—a series of immense ocean waves—triggered by the
quake reached out across the Indian Ocean, devastating coastal areas as far away
as East Africa. Some locations reported that the waves had reached a height of 30
feet (9 metres) or more when they hit the shoreline.
The tsunami killed at least 225,000 people across a dozen countries, with Indonesia,
Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, and Thailand sustaining massive damage. Indonesian
officials estimated that the death toll there alone ultimately exceeded 200,000,
particularly in northern Sumatra’s Aceh province. Tens of thousands were reported
dead or missing in Sri Lanka and India, a large number of them from the Indian
Andaman and Nicobar Islands territory. The low-lying island country of Maldives
reported more than a hundred casualties and immense economic damage. Several
thousand non-Asian tourists vacationing in the region also were reported dead or
missing. The lack of food, clean water, and medical treatment—combined with the
enormous task faced by relief workers trying to get supplies into some remote areas
where roads had been destroyed or where civil war raged—extended the list of
casualties. Long-term environmental damage was severe as well, with villages,
tourist resorts, farmland, and fishing grounds demolished or inundated with debris,
bodies, and plant-killing salt water.

(i) The Tsunami mentioned in the passage had come in-

(a) December 2005
(b) November 2004
(c) December 2004
(d) January 2004
(ii) Which of the following countries did not sustain massive damage according to the
above passage?
(a) India
(b) Pakistan
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Maldives
(iii) Which of the following is INCORRECT about the Tsunami, 2004?
(a) It hit Sumatra on 26th December
(b) The waves raised upto 30 feet or more
(c) No tourist died in the Tsunami
(d) It caused environmental damage
(iv) What are the immediate steps taken by the relief workers during the Tsunami?

India is sadly the home to the largest number of child labourers in
the world. The census found an increase in the number of child
labourers from 11.28 million in 1991 to 12.59 million in 2001. M.V.
Foundation in Andhra Pradesh found nearly 400,000 children,
mostly girls between seven and 14 years of age, toiling for 14-16
hours a day in cottonseed production across the country of which
90% are employed in Andhra Pradesh. 40% of the labour in a
precious stone cutting sector is children. NGOs have discovered the use of child
labourers in the mining industry in Bellary District in Karnataka in spite of a harsh
ban on the same. In urban areas there is a high employment of children in the zari
and embroidery industry.
Poverty and lack of social security are the main causes of child labour. The
increasing gap between the rich and the poor, privatization of basic services and the
neo-liberal economic policies are causing major sections of the population out of
employment and without basic needs. This adversely affects children more than any
other group. Entry of multi-national corporations into industry without proper
mechanisms to hold them accountable has lead to the use of child labour. Lack of
quality universal education has also contributed to children dropping out of school
and entering the labour force. A major concern is that the actual number of child
labourers goes undetected. Laws that are meant to protect children from hazardous
labour are ineffective and not implemented correctly.
Bonded child labour is a hidden phenomenon as a majority of them are found in the
informal sector. Bonded labour means the employment of a person against a loan or
debt or social obligation by the family of the child or the family as a whole. It is a form
of slavery. Children who are bonded with their family or inherit a debt from their
parents are often found in the agricultural sector or assisting their families in brick
kilns, and stone quarries. Individual pledging of children is a growing occurrence that
usually leads to trafficking of children to urban areas for employment and having
children working in small production houses versus factories. Bonded labourers in
India are mostly migrant workers, which opens them up to more exploitation. Also
they mostly come from low caste groups such as dalits or marginalised tribal groups.
Bonded child labourers are at very high risk for physical and sexual abuse and
neglect sometimes leading to death. They often are psychologically and mentally
disturbed and have not learnt many social skills or survival skills.
In 2000 the ILO estimated 5.5 million children had been forced into labour in Asia,
while the Bonded Labour Liberation Front placed 10 million bonded children in India
alone. In 1998 the government of India labelled bonded child labour as a marginal
problem with only 3000 or so cases. A survey in Tamil Nadu in 1995 found 125,000
bonded child labourers in the state alone. Child bonded labour in India is mostly in
the agricultural sector but has in recent times been moving into other sectors as well
such as beedi-rolling, brick kilns, carpet weaving, commercial sexual exploitation,
construction, fireworks and matches factories, hotels, hybrid cottonseed production,
leather, mines, quarries, silk, synthetic gems, etc.
(i) What are the main causes of child labour according to the passage?
(a) Poverty and illiteracy
(b) Poverty and lack of social security
(c) Poverty only
(d) Lack of food
(ii) In 2000 how many children were forced in child labour in Asia according to ILO?
(a) 4.5 million
(b) 4 million
(c) 5 million
(d) 5.5 million
(iii) What solutions can you suggest to deal with the problem of child labour?
Suggest any three.
(iv) Why is India the home to the largest number of child labourers in the world? Give
any three reasons.
केंद्रीय विद्यालय डी आर डी ओ


ग्रीष्मकालीन अिकाश गह
ृ कायय 2021-23

विषय - हहंदी

कक्षा - आठिीं

*1. िसंत में पढ़ाये गए पाठो का सम्पर्

ू य कायय पर्
ू य करें । भारत की खोज का स्िध्याय करें ।

*2. कोई भी एक हहंदी कविता या कोई एक हहंदी कहानी याद करें और ललखे। (कविता 1-3 लमनट और कहानी 2-

3. अनुच्छेद ललखें :-

लक्ष्य पाने की मेरी योजना और अनुशासन

( 150 शब्द )

*4. विद्यालय बबल्डंग और आपकी साइककल के मध्य संिाद ललखखए ।* (150 शब्द )

*5. अपनी परीक्षा का पररर्ाम बताते हुए अपने मामाजी को पत्र ललखखए ।*

6. अपनी छुट्हटयों के ककनहीं दस हदनों की डायरी ललखखए ।

(कम से कम दस पष्ृ ठ )

7. 25 पष्ृ ठ सुलेख ललखे ।

8. “राष्रगान” एिं उसका अर्य कंठस्र् करे और ललखे ।

9. नीचे दो क़ि्मो का ललंक हदया गया है इनहें अपने माता-वपता के सार् दे खखये और दे खी गई क़ि्म से एक -एक
उस पात्र का नाम ललखखए , जो आपको सबसे अच्छा लगा। सार् ही उस पात्र के दो -दो गुर् ललखखए जो आपको
इतने अच्छे लगे कक आप उनहें अपने जीिन में उतारना चाहें गे ।




Multiple Choice Questions:

1 A number which can be expressed as p/q , where p and q are integers and q≠0 is
(a) natural number (b) whole number (c) integer (d) rational number

2. The numerical expression 3/8+(−5)/7 = −19/56 shows that

(a)rational numbers are closed under addition
(b) rational numbers are not closed under addition
(c) rational numbers are closed under multiplication
(d) addition of rational numbers is not commutative

3. −3/8+1/7 = 1/7+[−3/8] is an example to show that

(a) addition of rational numbers is commutative (b) rational numbers are closed under addition
(c) addition of rational numbers is associative (d) rational numbers are distributive under addition

4. Which of the following expressions shows that rational numbers are associative under multiplication.

5. Zero (0) is
(a) the identity for addition of rational numbers (b) the identity for subtraction of rational numbers
(c) the identity for multiplication of rational numbers (d) the identity for division of rational numbers

6. One (1) is
(a) the identity for addition of rational numbers (b) the identity for subtraction of rational numbers
(c) the identity for multiplication of rational numbers (d) the identity for division of rational numbers

7. The additive inverse of −7/19 is

8. Multiplicative inverse of a negative rational number is
(a) a positive rational number (b) a negative rational number (c) 0 (d) 1

9. The reciprocal of 0 is
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d) Not defined

10.If y is the reciprocal of rational number x, then the reciprocal of y will be

(a)x (b) y (c) x/y (d) y/x

11. The solution of which of the following equations is neither a fraction nor an integer?
(a) -3x + 2=5x + 2 (b)4x-18=2 (c)4x + 7 = x + 2 (d)5x-8 = x +4

12. If 5x3-4 =2x5 , then the numerical value of 2x – 7 is

(a)19/13 (b)−13/19 (c)0 (d)13/19

13. The value of x, for which the expressions 3x – 4 and 2x + 1 become equal, is
(a) -3 (b) 0 (c) 5 (d) 1

14. Linear equation in one variable has

(a) only one variable with any power (b) only one term with a variable
(c) only one variable with power 1 (d) only constant term

15. A linear equation in one variable has

(a) only one solution (b) two solutions (c) more than two solutions (d) no solution

16. The digit in the ten’s place of a two-digit number is 3 more than the digit in the unit’s place. Let the digit at
unit’s place be b. Then, the number is
(a) 11b+30 (b) 10b+ 30 (c) 11 b + 3 (d) 10b + 3

17. Arpita’s present age is thrice of Shilpa. If Shilpa’s age three years ago was x, then Arpita’s present age is
(a) 3 (x – 3) (b)3x + 3 (c) 3x – 9 (d) 3(x + 3)

18. The sum of three consecutive multiples of 7 is 357. Find the smallest multiple.

(a) 112 (b) 126 (c) 119 (d) 116

19. The value of S in 1/3 + S = 2/5 is

(a)4/5 (b)1/15 (c)10 (d)0

20. If a and b are positive integers, then the solution of the equation ax = b has to be always
(a) positive (b) negative (c) one (d) zero

Answer the following questions:

21. Using suitable rearrangement and find the sum

22. Verify the property x + y = y + x of rational numbers by taking

23. Simplify each of the following by using suitable property. Also, name the property.

24. Use the distributivity of multiplication of rational numbers over addition to simplify

25. The cost of 19/4 m of wire is Rs 171/2 Find the cost of one metre of the wire.

26. Find 7 rational numbers between -1/2 and 1/3. How many rational numbers are there between these two
rational numbers?

27. A mother and her two daughters got a room constructed for Rs 62000. The elder daughter contributes 3/8
of her mother’s contribution while the younger daughter contributes 1/2 of her mother’s share. How much do
the three contribute individually?
28. Name the property used in each of the following:

29. Find the sum of additive inverse and multiplicative inverse of 7.

30. The diagram shows the wingspans of different species of birds. Use the diagram to answer the question
given below

(a) How much longer is the wingspan of an Albatross than the wingspan of a Sea gull?
(b) How much longer is the wingspan of a Golden eagle than the wingspan of a Blue jay?

31. Radha takes some flowers in a basket and visits three temples one-by-one. At each temple, she offers one
half of the flowers from the basket. If she is left with 3 flowers at the end, then find the number of flowers she
had in the beginning.

32. Anushka and Aarushi are friends. They have equal amount of money in their pockets. Anushka gave 1/3 of
her money to Aarushi as her birthday gift. Then, Aarushi gave a party at a restaurant and cleared the bill by
paying half of the total money with her. If the remaining money in Aarushi’s pocket is Rs 1600, then find the
sum gifted by Anushka.

33. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 156. Find the number which is a multiple of 13 out of these
34. Sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 11. The given number is less than the number obtained by
interchanging the digits by 9. Find the number.

35.Represent the following rational numbers on a number line

(a) 2/3 and – 1/3

(b) -1/2 and ¾




c and d are two integers. Which of the following MUST BE TRUE if (-3d) &divided by c is to be a rational
Answer Options
Option A Option B Option C Option D
d should be a positive d and c should be of d should be completely c should not
number. opposite signs. divisible by c. be 0.


Which rational number does the pointer on the number line show?

Answers option
Option A Option B Option C Option D
-1.2 -0.4 1.2 -0.8

If p / 2 = 4 and 2 - q = 4, what is the value of 2p + q?

Option A Option B Option C Option D
12 14 18 22
How many whole numbers are there between 1 lakh and 1 crore (excluding both)?
Answer Options
Option A Option B Option C Option D
9000000 9900000 9899999 10000000

p and q are two numbers such that p x q is an integer but p - q is NOT an integer. Which of the following
could be the values of p and q?
Answer Options
Option A Option B Option C Option D
-4 , 4 4,4 1/4 , 1/4 4 , 1/4


In which of the following cases will the result be a negative number?

Answer Options
Option A Option B Option C Option D
- 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 -......- (- 1) x (-2) x ( -3) x ......x (- (- 1) x (2) x ( -3) x (4)......x 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 -......+
19 + 20 19) x (-20) (-19) x (20) 19 - 20

A new operation is defined as follows:

p q=2q - p for all rational numbers p and q.
According to this, what will be the value of 5 1?
Answers option
Option A Option B Option C Option D
-8 -3 8 9


There is a certain relation between the corresponding members of X and Y in

the following figure.Which of the following equations describes the relation
Option A Option B Option C Option D
x=y+1 y = 2x -1 x = 2y -1 y =2x2-1

Urmil looked at his watch and said, The number of hours that are left today is exactly one-seventh of the
number of hours that have already passed.What time was Urmil's watch showing?"
Option A Option B Option C Option D
7:00 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 PM
10. The sum of two numbers is -6.5 and their difference is 4.5. What are the numbers?
Answers option
Option A Option B Option C Option D
-1.25 and -5.25 1.25 and -5.25 -1 and -5.5 1 and -7.5


In a magic square, the sum of every row, column and diagonal is the same. Shown
below is a 3 x 3 magic square: What is the value of 10x ?
Option A Option B Option C Option D
60 40 30 10


The ratio of Neha's age to that of Jane is 4:7 and the ratio of Jane's age to that of Smita is 4:3. If Smita is 21 years old,
how old is Neha?
Option A Option B Option C Option D
4 16 21 28

13. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 2 : 5 : 2. What kind of triangle will it be?

Option A Option B Option C Option D
Right angled, Obtuse angled, Obtuse angled, Acute angled, may be isosceles or
Isosceles Isosceles Scalene scalene

Which of the following could be the correct relation between x and y?
Option A Option B Option C Option D
y = 2x + 1 y = 2x - 1 y = 3x - 2 y = 4x - 3

50% of 25% of a number p is equal to

Option A Option B Option C Option D
half of p one-fourth of p one-eighth of p three-fourth of p


1)To construct 2 magic squares, each of order 3 X 3, 4 x 4 and 5 X 5

2) To make 5 mathematical drawings (using geometrical shapes).

सं कृ तम् - अवकाशकायम् / HOLIDAY HOME-WORK

1. Worksheet will be sent class group for HHW,

2. All Question & Ans. & Grammar points from the Worksheet should be
Written in Separate Note book.
3. Wherever pictures required suitable pictures also should be pasted with Ans.
2. In Class work also all incomplete writing works should be completed.

अ यासपि का ( WORKSHEET) ( क ा-अ मी -VIII)

( Take printout and keep one book let with you. Fill in the blanks should be completed in all pages.
Keep Superate Notebook 80/100.pages to Write All Qn & Ans. In Separate Note-book.For
Qn.No.2, Sutable Pictures also shuld be pasted in HW- Note book, withAns.)
I. (1).को के द -पदानां सयेन वा यािन रचयत- ( को क क सहायता से वा य बनाओ ) –

1.बािलका 5.मम 3.अिस 1. …….......…….. ……........……… ….....………… |

2.आयभटः 6. डा े े 1.गायित 2. …….......…….. ……........……… ….....………… |
3. वं 3.िव ालयं 2.आसीत् 3. …….......…….. ……........……… ….....………… |
4.अहं 2.वै ािनकः 6. डि त 4. …….......…….. ……........……… ….....………… |
5.एषः 3.छा ः 5.िव ालयः 5. .........................................................................
6.ते 1. ोकं 3.ग छािम

1. ...................................................................
1.वयं ित दनं 4.लेख या 5. मि त

2. ामं प रतः 3. ाचीनतमा 1. डामः 2. ....................................................................

3.सं कृ तम् 2.वृ ाः 4.िलखित 3. ..................................................................

4.छा ः 5.जनाः 3.भाषा अि त 4. ....................................................................

5.उ ाने ातःकाले 1. डा े े 2.सि त 5. ....................................................................

(3)1. .................................................................................
1.छा ाः 4.लेखनं 2.न यित
2. ......................................................................................
2.लु ध य 5. ाचीनतमा 3.आसीत्
3. .....................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................... 3.च लो नाम 1.रा गीतम् 4.िलखिस

5. ..................................................................................... 4. वं 3. ाध: 5.भाषा अि त

5.सं कृ तम् 2.यश: 1.गायि त
II.) िच ाधा रत-वा यरचना- (With sutable picture Write it in H.W.)

1.इदं ..................................... िच म् अि त। 1. इदं ............................. िच म् अि त ।

2. ..................................... ातरशनं कु वि त। 2 .अ छा ाः रसायन-िव ान य योगं.............................।
3. उ पी ठकायाः उप र फलािन ..................... । 3. एकः बालकः .............................प यित ।
4. ..................................... भोजनम् आनयित ।
4. .......................... .िनरी णं करोित।
5. पु ः पु ी च ..................................... िपबतः ।
5. िच े ौ बालकौ े च ............................. सि त।
1.( Home) – 3.सि त 5.दु धम् 1.गृह य 2.सव 4. माता
2.(Sc.Lab)- 2.कु वि त, 5.बािलके , 4.अ यापकः ,1. योगालय य,

1. इदं एक य ...................................... िच म् अि त। 1. इदं नगर य एक य........................................... िच म् अि त।

2. अ अनेके उ ताः........................................ सि त। 2. एका माता अ व य ..............................िच क साथम् आनयित।
3. ह रणाः उ लासेन ..................................... धावि त। 3. वै ः त य बालक य .......................................करोित।
4. एकः .................................... अनेके पि णःच सि त । 4. वै ः ता यां वा य-िवषये ............................. ददाित ।
5. अ ...................................... रमणीयं दृ यं प यामः। 5. तदन तरं वै ः उिचतम् ................................. बालकाय ददाित।

3.(Garden/Forest )3.इत तत,1.वन य ,2.वृ ा:, 5. कृ तेः,4.मयूरः, 4.(Hospital)-3.परी ां 1.िच क सालय य 2.पु ं ,5.औषधं, 4.िनदशनं

5.कु भमेल य-िच म् ( 6.जना:, 3.स यािसन: , 5.जलिवहारं ,4. नौका:,2. वहित , 1.कु भमेलक य )

1.इदं ....................................... िच म् अि त ।
2.अ िच े ग गा नदी ................................... ।
3.................................................न ां ानं कु वि त ।
4. नदीलले ............................................... तरि त ।
5. जना: नौकायां ........................................ कु वि त ।
6. िच े बहव: ........................................ अिप दृ य ते ।

IV.को क य सहायेन कथां पूण कु त- (1)[2. दूरे , 4.त डु लान् ,7. ब ा: , 1.जालम् , 3.कपोतराज: , 6.उपदेशम् , 5.त ह , 8.सहसा]
एकि मन् वने क न ाध: ................. िव तीय .................. ि थत: । मश: आकाशात् सप रवार: ................... त
आग छत् । यदा कपोता: ................ अप यन् तदा त डु लानाम् उप र तेषाम् लोभो जात: । परं राजा सहमत: नासीत् । त य युि :
आसीत् ,य द अ कोऽिप मनु य: नाि त ..................... कु त: त डु लानां स भव:। क तु रा : .............. अ वीकृ य सव कपोता:
त डु लानां लोभेन जाले .............अभवन् । अत: एव उ म् ..................... िवदधीत न याम् ।

5.पी वा 3.पाषाणख डािन 4.उप र 2.घटे 1.जल य

(2) एकः काकः आकाशे उ यमानः आसीत्। तृषातः सः .................... अ वेषणं करोित। तदा सः एकि मन् .................... अ पं
जलंप यित। सः .................... आनीय ति मन् घटे ि पित । जलं घट य ....................आग छित। तदा सःकाक: जलं ....................
स तु ः भवित।
4.दृ वा, 9. वक यै:, 2.कृ तवान्, 10.कतनम्, 1.वृ :, 6.सा हासं, 8.त ह, 7. ु :, 5.मोचियतुं, 3.अक मात्

(3) एकि मन् वने एक: .................. ा : आसीत्।स: एकदा ाधेन िव ता रते जाले ब : अभवत्।स: ब यासं .................. क तु
जालात् मु : न अभवत्।.................. त एक: मूषक: समाग छत्।जाले ब ं ा ं ..................स: तम् अवदत् – अहं वां ..................
इ छािम।त वा ा : ..................अवदत्-अरे ! वं ..................जीव: मम साहा यं क र यिस।य द वं मां
मोचिय यिस..................अहं वां नहिन यािम।मूषक: ..................लघुद तै: त ालं .................. कृ वा तं ा ं बिह: कृ तवान्।

V.. सि ध / सि धिव छेदे वा र थानािन पूरयत -

1.उपचार + ............. = उपचाराथम ( अथम् ,आथम्, अरतम् ) 2.............. + अनयो: = इ यनयो:(इ य, इतय, इित )
3. अ + अिप = ...............( अ ािप, आ ािप, अ िप ) 4. सहसा + ............... = सहसैव ( इव, एव, अव )
5.सहसा + एव = ............... (साहसएव / सहसैव /सहसीव) 6कगदो ोगे = कगद + ........( उ ोगे / इव / ऐव )
7. ..........+अनयोः = इ यनयोः ( इित / इप / इय) 8.तालप ोप र = तालप + ...........( यालय: / उप र / अलय:)
9. ............ + अिप = अ ािप ( अ ा / अ /आ ा) 10. ........... + एता: = स ैता: ( स ै/स / स े)
11. मातेव = माता + ....... ( एव / इव / ऐव ) 12. तेषु + एव = ............. ( तेषुयेव / ते वेव / तेषुवेव )
13. क: + अिप = ............ ( कािप / कहािप / कोऽिप ) 14. अ यिधकम् = .............. + अिधकम् ( अत / अ य / अित )

VI.. उदाहरणनुसारं कृ ित ययं संयो यिलखत -

उदाहरणम् – ( पठ् + वा =प ठ वा / पठ् +तुमुन् = प ठतुम् / आ+गम्+ यप्=आग य )

1. उप + िवश् + यप् = ............... ( उपवे ु म्/ उपिव य / उपिव वा ) 2. आ+दा+ यप् = आदाय ..
3. पा + तुमुन् = ......... ( पातुम् / पाक वा / पी वा ) 4. नम् + वा = न वा
5. कृ + वा = ............ ( करणीय / कतुम् / कृ वा ) 6. गम् +तुमुन् = ग तुम्
7 . कृ .+ अनीयर्= करणीय : ( कर / / कृ ) 8. प र + म्+ यप् = प र य

VII. िवलोमाथकं पदं िच वा िलखत-

5.पृ त:, 10.अनुकूलम् , 12.अपाय:, 1.अ धकार:,11.नूतन: , 14.श ुता ,2. साथक:, 13.मृद:ु ,16.किन ा , 3.अ स ा,
17.िवफला: , 12.उपकार: 6.आगमनम् , 4.परक यम् 18/,बिह: , 9.उदारी , 7.क त: , 8.संकुिचत:,
1. काश: x ...................... 2. िनरथक: x ...................... 3. स ा x ......................
4. वक यम् x ...................... 5. पुरत: x ...................... 6. गमनम् x ......................
7. अपक त: x ...................... 8. िवशाल: x ...................... 9.कृ पण: x ......................
10. ितकू लम् x ...................... 11. ाचीन: x ...................... 12. अपकार: x ......................
13. कठोर:x ...................... 14. मै ी x ...................... 15.उपाय: x ......................
16. व र ा X ................ 17.सफला: x ................ 18. अ त: x ................
VIII.उिचतं समानाथकं पदं िच वा िलखत–

1. जगित = .................... 2. त टनी = .................... 10.जलपोत: , 8.राजा

3. च ुषा = .................... 4. वसु धराम् = .................... 7.सूय: 4. पृ वीम्

3.ने ेण, 9.जलिध: ,
5.जननी = .................... 6. कृ ित: = ....................
5.माता 6. वभाव: ,
7.रिव: = .................... 8. नृप: = .................... 2.नदी, 19.को कल:
9. समु : = .................... 10. नौका = .................... 1.संसारे 15.प रवार:
11.जलाशय: = .................... 12. अ मा = ....................
17.वायु: 20. म ी ,
13. रा सा: = .................... 14. लेश: = ....................
13.दानवा: 14.दु:खम्
15. कु टु बकम् = .................... 16. अनल: = ....................
16.अि : ,18. वा र ,
17. अिनल: = .................... 18. जलम् = ....................
12.पाषाण: ,11. सर:
19. िपक: = .................... 20. सिचव: = ....................

IX. म जूषात: अ यपदािन िच वा र थानािन पूरयत-

8.च ( और) 11.अलम् ( मत् ) 2 /12.बिह: ( बाहर ) 7.उप र ( ऊपर) 13.शनै: ( धीरे-धीरे ) 15.अिप (भी ) 4.तदा (तब)
1.तावत् (तबतक) 9.सदा ( हमेशा ) अध: ( नीचे ) 14.त ( वहाँ ) 16.वृथा ( थ ) 10.न (नह ) , 3.एव ( िह ), 5.त ह (तो)

1.स च यावत् प यित ................. सहपदप ितः दृ यते। 2. शृगाल: गुहाया: ................. आसीत्।
3. सूय: पूव दशायां ................. उदेित। 4.यदा दशवादनं भवित ................. छा ाः िव ालयं ग छि त ।
5. य द सफलताम् इ छिस ................... . आल यं यज । 6. स यम् ......(एव )....... जयते।
7.वृ य .................... खगा: वसि त । 8. लता मेधा ................. िव ालयं ग छत: ।
9.भ : .................... ई रं मरित । 10. अस यं कदािप ................. व म्। ।
11. .................... िववादेन । 12. वषाकाले गृहात् ................. . मा ग छ ।
13. कू म: .......... चलित । 14. य जलं भवित ................. पि ण: आग छि त ।
15. ........... कु शली भवान् ? 16. दने दीप: ................. भवित ।

X.को क द ष
े ु पदेषु समुिचतं िवभ यु य र थानािन पूरयत-
1................ िवना िव ा न लभते। ( प र म य / प र मेण / प र माय )
2.छा : ...............िलखित। ( कलमम् / कलमेन / कलमाय )
3. ाचाय: ............... पा रतोिषकं ददाित । ( छा / छा ेण / छा ाय )
4. अहं ............... व ािण ददािम। ( िनधन / िनधने य: / िनधनानाम् )
5.. अयं वाचनालय: अलम् ................... । ( कोलाहलात् / कोलाहलाय / कोलाहलेन )
6. छा ाः वदि त , ........ नमः इित । ( गु म् / गुरवे / गुरोः / गुरवः )
7. …....…सवतः गृहािण सि त । ( ाम य / ामम् / ामात् / ामेण )
8. …....… उप र फलािन सि त । ( वृ ाय / वृ ेण / वृ य )
9. उ माः छा ाः …....… नमि त । । ( गुरवे / गुरोः / गु न् / गुरवः )
10. .......... उभयतः ामा: सि त । ( न ा: / नदीम् / न ै / न ाम् )
11. .............. िवना िव ालय: न शोभते । ( छा ा: / छा ाणाम् / छा :ै / छा ाय )
12. ............. बिह: बालका: डि त । ( गृहम् / गृह य / गृहात् / गृहण
े ))
XI. -िनमाणं कु त-
4.क य, कु / कि मन् , 2.का:, के न ,3. कमथम्, 8.का, कै :, 10.काम् 1. के षु , कम् , 9.के , क दृश:

1.िव ामगृहेषु क ं सुिनि तं भवेत्।......... 2.न :सु वादुतोया: भवि त । .........

3.वयम् उपचाराथिच क सालयं ग छाम:। ......... 4.लु ध य यश: न यित।.........
5. दुदा त: नाम सह: आसीत् । = ( कम् / क: )? 6. शृगाल: बुि मान् आसीत् । । = .. ?
7. ते वेतनािन लभ तेऽ म ।= ....(कािन) ? 8.सा जलवािहनी घटे जलं नयित ।= .... ?
9. गजधरा: गजप रमाणं धारयि त । 10.गृहं शू यं सुतां िवना । .............
11. कु कु सततं येय मरणम् ।= ( क) ? 12. एक: सह: जाले ब : आसीत् । = (कु / कि मन् ) ?

XII उदाहरणानुसारं यापदािन लृट्-लकारे प रवतयत ( उदाहरण के अनुसार लृट्- (भिव यत्) म प रवतन करो )
० सं० धातु: लट्-लकार: लृट्-लकार: (भिव य काल: )
उदाहरणम् पठ पठित / पठत: / पठि त प ठ यित / प ठ यत: / प ठ यि त
1 िलख् िलखित ...... लेिख यत: ......
2 पा िपबित ...... पा यत: ......
3 चल् चलित ...... चिल यत: ......
4 कृ करोित ...... क र यत: ......
5 नी नयित ...... ने यत: ......
6 भू भवित ...... भिव यत: ......
7 गम् ग छि त ...... गिम यत: ......
8 खाद् ...... ...... खा द यत: ......
9 दृश् प यित ...... त: ......
10 पठ् पठि त ...... प ठ यत: ......

XIII उदाहरणानुसारं यापदािन लोट्-लकारे प रवतयत ( उदाहरण के अनुसार लोट् लकार म प रवतन करो )
० सं० धातु: लट्-लकार: लोट्-लकार:
उदाहरणम् पठ पठित / पठत: / पठि त पठतु पठताम् पठ तु
1 िलख् िलखित ...... िलखताम् ......
2 पा िपबित िपबतु ...... ......
3 चल् चलित चलतु ...... ......
4 कृ करोित कु ताम् ......
5 नी नयित नयतु ...... ......
6 भू भवित भवतु ...... ......
7 गम् ग छि त ...... ...... ग छ तु
8 खाद् खादित ...... ...... खाद तु
9 दृश् प यित प यतु ...... ......
10 पठ् पठित ...... ...... ......

XIV. सं यानां कृ ते उिचतं सं यावाचकं पदं िच वा िलखत-

1) दशरथ य .............................. पु ा: आसन् । ( चत : / च वार: / च वा र )
2) एकि मन् ह ते ................................ अ गु य: भवि त । ( प / प ा: / प ािन )
3) एकि मन् मासे सामा यत: ......................... दनािन भवि त । ( वशित / शत् / शतािन)
4) प -पा डवेषु ................................. कु ि त-पु ा: आसन् । ( ित : / य: / ीिण )
5) लवकु शौ .................................... वा मीके : आ मे वसत: । ( े / यम् / ौ )
6) दहरथ य ................................ भाया: आसन् । ( ित : / य: / ीिण )
7) उ पी ठकायां .............................. पु तकािन सि त । (चत : / च वार: / च वा र)
8) मम समीपे ............................... यकािण सि त । ( शतािन / शता: / शतम् )

XV. त सम-पदे य: त वपदंिलखत – ( 4.दु धम्, 8.घट:, 13.कु ि ः , 5.शृगाल:, 7.सप:, लोमिशखा=लोमडी , 3.कू पः,
6. ाम:, 1.सह 2. ाता, 10.मयूर:, 9.च : )
1. साथ = ......... 2. भाई = ......... 3. कु आं = ......... .4. दूध = ......... 5.िसयार = .........
6. गाँव = .......... 7.सांप = .......... 8. घडा = ........... 9.चांद = ......... 10.मोर = .........
11. कं जूस = ......... 12. मधुम खी = ......... 13.कोख = ......... 14.खेत= ......... 15.हाथी = ............




Chapter 1: Crop production and management :

Project 1.
Take moong or gram seeds and germinate them. Select three equal sized
seedlings. Take three empty glasses or similar vessels. Mark them A, B and C. To
glass A add little amount of soil mixed with a little cow dung OR vegetable and
fruit wastes (manure). In glass B put the same amount of soil mixed with a little
urea. Take the same amount of soil in glass C without adding anything. Now
pour the same amount of water in each glass and plant the seedlings in them.
Keep them in a safe place and water them daily. After 7 to 10 days observe
their growth.

Project 2.
Collect different types of seeds and put them in small bags. Label them.

Project 3.
Collect pictures of some other agricultural machines and paste them in a file.
Write their names and uses.
Answer the following questions:
1. Give two examples of each. (a) Kharif crop (b) Rabi crop
2. Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following.
(a) Preparation of soil (b) Sowing (c) Weeding (d) Threshing
3. Explain how fertilisers are different from manure.
4. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.
5. If wheat is sown in the kharif season, what would happen? Discuss.
6. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field.
7. What are weeds? How can we control them?

Chapter 2: Micro organisms : Friend and Foe :


Project 1:

Take ½ kg flour (Atta or Maida), add some sugar and mix with warm water.
Add a small amount of yeast powder and knead to make a soft dough. What
do you observe after two hours? Did you find the dough rising? Record your

Project 2
Take a big glass cup, filled up to ¾ with water. Dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of sugar
in it. Add half a spoon of yeast powder to the sugar solution. Keep it covered in
a warm place for 4-5 hours. Now smell the solution. Can you get a smell?

Project 3

Take two pots and fill each pot half with soil. Mark them A and B. Put plant
waste in pot A and things like polythene bags, empty glass bottles and broken
plastic toys in pot B. Put the pots aside. Observe them after 3-4 weeks.
Answer the following questions:

1.Can microorganisms be seen with the naked eye? If not, how can they be

2.What are the major groups of microorganisms?

3. Name the microorganisms which can fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil.
4. Write 10 lines on the usefulness of microorganisms in our lives.
5. Write a short paragraph on the harmful effects of microorganisms.
6. What are antibiotics? What precautions must be taken while taking

Note: For the projects involving experiments, please take pics of the
Please write the report with the following format in A4 sheets.
2. Things Needed
3. Experiment: Explanation of the experiment done
4. Observation (Try to paste the print out of the photo taken.
5. Result



1. Map to be done along with the lessons from History (From trade to territory)
2. Activity
i)Collect some pictures of places where old records are preserved and find out the reasons that why
records were preserved there.
ii)Use any waste or discarded material in your house and remake or turn into something resourceful.
iii)Collect Pictures or poems or stories about Bravery of Rani Laxmibai.
iv)Paste pictures of different methods of soil conservation.
3. Look at the picture and describe it sequence wise .And also do mention about resources which is shown
in this picture.

4. Practice paper
1.What do official records not tell? How do we come to know about them
2. Why did James Mill divide his book, ‘The History of British India’ into the Hindu, Muslim and
British Periods?
3.True or False:
i)Robert Clive was appointed Governor of Bengal in 1764.
ii)Aurangzeb died in 1706.
iii)Mir Jafar was the puppet in the hands of Britishers.
iv)The Battle of Panipat was the first major victory for Britishers.
4.What caused huge loss of revenue in Bengal?
5.What led to intense conflict between British and local rulers?
6.What is a resource? Explain the role that time plays in making something a resource.
7.Define the process of Soil Erosion.
8.Explain the duties of the citizens to preserve the earth.
9.Suggest three ways to conserve water.
10.Which one of the following is NOT in favour of the conservation of nature?
(a) Switch off the bulb when not in use
(b) Close the tap immediately after using
(c) Dispose polypacks after shopping

5. Worksheet will be provided by subject teacher.

*Each activity to be done in Holiday Homework except part (ii) from question 2

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