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Procedures Information

Process Owner: Procurement Date: 1st of June 2023

Document Name: Purchasing Requests and Purchasing Orders Version V1

Document No. EG/TD/PR/001

Change Record

Date Author Title Version
30/3/2023 Ahmed Saeed Director of Governance and Business Excellence V1 Initiation
Review and
4/4/2023 Shady Boshra Finance Manager V1
Waleed Abdel Review and
5/4/2023 Procurement Manager V1
Samie Amendments
Review and
19/6/2023 Ahmed Saeed Director of Governance and Business Excellence V1

Approved by Name Title Signature

Waleed Abdel Samie Procurement Manager

Business Functional Shady Boshra Finance Manager

Counsel & Core Director of Governance and
Team Ahmed Saeed
Business Excellence

Ahmed El Sergany Chief Executive Officer

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Purchasing Order EG/TD/PR/001 Version 1 / June 2023 Procurement
Private / Local

1. Overview and Purpose:

The purpose is to illustrate the procedures for processing a purchasing request and purchasing order.
2. Scope:
The purpose of this document is to describe & organize purchasing requests and purchasing orders
3. Recurrence:
4. Key Notes:

1. Definition of Working Day: Any submission of requests/documents after 2:00 PM is counted as next
business day.
2. In case of any changes or special requests after purchasing request submission & before proceeding
with purchasing order, employee must re-approve his request and submit another request at least 24
hours before proceeding with the purchasing order.

5. Glossary and Abbreviation:

PO: Purchasing Order

AR: Accounts Receivables.
PR: Purchasing Request.

6. RACI Definition:

Is defined as the person who does the work to achieve the task. A person is considered Responsible
R Responsible
if his inaction causes a stoppage of the process flow.
Is defined as the final authority for approval. A person is accountable for an outcome from his
A Accountable
Is defined as the person who provides necessary information to the Responsible role. Consulted
C Consulted indicates a two way of communication, a Consulted shall be informed of the outcome of the
following steps within the process.
Is defined as the role which is notified of the task steps or results of a process. Informed indicates a
I Informed
one way communication.

7. Procedures \ Activity

Roles & Responsibilities
Procedures \ Framework
Serial Document
Activity OL
Employee must
check if the item
requested purchased
1 System Employee Head of Dept. Procurement N/A On spot N/A
before and coded on
the system or not
If not Coded:
Employee will send
an email to
2 Procurement Email Employee Head of Dept. Procurement Procurement 10 Minutes N/A
mentioning the item
name , specs
quantity needed
Procurement will
code the item to the Head of Dept.
3 System - Email Procurement Employee Employee 1 WD N/A
system and respond Requester
via email that items

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Purchasing Order EG/TD/PR/001 Version 1 / June 2023 Procurement
Private / Local

added to the system ,

Email should
include the items
coded and item no.
Coded Item or
After Coding :
Employee will send
an approval email to
Head of Dept. ,
Finance Manager &
CEO , including the Head of Dept. ,
below : PR no. Finance
4 Email Employee Head of Dept. Procurement 15 Minutes N/A
added to the system , Manager &
Item name , CEO
quantity, specs.,
descritpion ,
quantity required,
estimated price ,
photos of the item if
Head of Dept. to
approve on the PR
submitted by
Finance Manager to
approve on PR email
after Head of Dept.
Approval - If item
budgeted will
proceed with Head of Dept. ,
5 approval - if not Email Employee Head of Dept. Head of Dept. Finance 1 WD N/A
budgeted Head of Manager , CEO
Dept. should provide
a memo signed with
the importance of
this item. “To be
applied if Budgets
was set”
CEO to approve on
PR email
Employee will
submit his request
on the system after
coding items and
getting the needed
6 approvals to get the Sytem Employee Head of Dept. Procurement Procurement 10 Minutes
PR no. from system
including Item name
, quantity, specs.,
descritpion ,
estimated price
Employee to send
the approval email
after getting all the
7 required approval to Email Employee Head of Dept. Procurement Procurement 10 Minutes N/A
procurement dept.
mentoning the PR
no. in email subject

Procurement receive
PR , Send RFQ to
suppliers, Prepare
2 WD
Comparison Sheet ,
Issuing Purchasing System & Procurement Procurement Employee / Employee /
8 N/A
Order Email Excecutive Manager Head of Dept. Head of Dept.

Technical Approval
from Requester or 1 WD
Technical Dept.

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Purchasing Order EG/TD/PR/001 Version 1 / June 2023 Procurement
Private / Local

Check for Supplier

Payment Purchasing Accounts Finance Employee -
9 Procurement 2 Hours N/A
Terms ,Price, Taxes Order Payable Manager Head of Dept.
& Delivery
Finance Manager to Purchasing Finance Employee -
10 Procurement Procurement On spot N/A
approve PO Order Manager Head of Dept.
CEO to Approve PO
after receiving
comparative analysis Purchasing Employee -
11 CEO Procurement Procurement On spot N/A
done by Order Head of Dept.
procurement and at
least 3 quotations.
Purchasing Procurement Procurement Finance Employee -
12 Send PO to Supplier On spot N/A
Order Executive Manager Manager Head of Dept.
Warehouse to Procurement Delivery
receive items Purchased Procurement Procurement Manager - Terms
13 Warehouse N/A
requested from Items Executive Manager Employee - agreed
supplier Head of Dept. with the
Receive PO ,
PO , Delivery Procurement Procurement Finance Account
14 Delivery note & On spot N/A
Note & Invoice Executive Manager Manager Payable
Receive Purchased Purchased
15 Employee Head of Dept. Procurement N/A On spot N/A
items and verify Items
Issue payment to Accounts Finance terms
16 Payment Check Procurement N/A N/A
supplier Payable Manager agreed
with the

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Purchasing Order EG/TD/PR/001 Version 1 / June 2023 Procurement

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