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9:25 - JA: pleasant morning everyone let us all prepare ourselves because 5 minutes from now

we’ll be starting our webinar session thank you!

LL: To start our webinar session this morning let us offer silence for the doxology to be followed
by our national anthem and rtu march hymn.

JA: Alright! Again allow me to greet everyone a pleasant morning, we are really overwhelmed
right now seeing the number of participants who joined our session this morning and we are still
expecting more joiners.

LL: Yes, that’s right so without further ado, everyone allow us to introduce ourselves.

JA: My name is Janecka Aira Buhat

LL: And my name is Lorenzo Lampitok

JA: And we are your host this morning.

JA: So for this session let me inform you guys about our house rules
*read house rules*

LL: And also don't forget to accomplish the evaluation form which the link will be provided after
the program so that you will receive your certificates.

JA: And also after we hear the words from the speaker and right after our open forum please
don't leave yet because we will be having some games which has exciting prizes from our

LL: So now may I call in Mr. john michael armisa, the CBET-22-802E, to give us the opening
remarks. Sir.

JA: Thank you sir for the welcoming remarks.

LL: So before we go to the highlight of our session which is our speaker . janecka, do you want
to share some recent incidents you know that involves fraud?

JA: Well actually yes it was in the news recently that the national bureau investigation arrested
five individuals for phishing the known bank here in the philippines.

JA: And it was also mentioned that they took some money from the bank customers.

LL:; That sounds really awful especially for those innocent people who work hard to earn and
save their funds.
JA: Yes that is right so what our speaker will share today will really be helpful for us to be aware
on how we can avoid the accident from happening to us as well for us to be aware about this

JA: Correct on that janecka and to give us more insights on everything about fraud and a little
overview of the topics that are speaker will share today allow us to call in ms abegail navarro.

Awarding of certificates

Please let me call on Ms. Tham Aguirre to state the contents for the awarding of the
*Tham read the certs*

Thank you, Ms. Aguirre, now let us call on Mr. Chan, Lennon for his closing remarks.

Closing remarks

*JA introduced Lennon*

*Lennon speaks*

Thank you, Mr. Chan, for a great and wonderful closing remarks. Now we would like to
request all of you to open your cameras for the photo opportunity, may we call on the
technical team to capture the photo op.

Photo op

Now our webinar has come to an end, we would like to thank first our department head Mr.
Montoya, our COE adviser Mr. Armisa, the guests and each and every one of you for
attending our webinar entitled Warning! Financial Fraudsters: Battling Financial Fraud Next
Door, we hope you learned a lot and will apply the lessons learned in the future. We would
like to send our thanks for our sponsors, Modish.we, Sewing Machine Surplus Japan,
MaryJane Dale, Lolit R. Valencia, Tham Gabrielle Aguirre, And Nextile PH

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