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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 600

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Architecture: Heritage, Traditions and Innovations (AHTI 2021)

Architectural Composition and Zeitgeist

Armen S. Sardarov1,*
Architectural Faculty, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus
Corresponding author. Email:

The use in architecture of certain compositional techniques was always connected with the ideology dominating
in the society. Regularity, static character, symmetry or imbalance, dynamics expressed the notion great Goethe
called Zeitgeist – time spirit.

Keywords: Composition, Rhythm, Symmetry, Spirit of time.


Spatial environment arranged and governed by COMPOSITION
human, provides the conditions for human life- Human great mythologies and religions reflect
sustaining activity. At the same time, this this transition. Ancient Greek poet Hesiod in his
environment affects humans, forms their visual “Theogony” writes that at first there was “chaos”
impressions, determines the character of [Theog. 116]. The same idea is present in the Old
psychological reactions and physical actions. Of Testament: “Earth was waterless and bare…”
primary importance is the fact that initially “empty” [Genesis, chapter 1, 2]. Then heavenly actions
natural space is arranged, developed, streamlined. followed to reorganize this chaos, to fill the void. In
this overarching idea of appearance of organized
world there is a thought about the introduction of
order, a system into the world. That was exactly
what the first architects of humanity were doing
("Figure 1"a, b).
a b

Figure 1 Ancient buildings with used architectural composition. a - Gobokli-Tepe. Turcey. b - Parthenon.

In the oldest constructions we can notice the These both constructive and compositional
first compositional techniques, i.e. spatial stability techniques became the main principles and ideas of
based on the correlation of load-bearing and architecture. Such compositional principles as
suspended elements and regularity of recurrence, balance, symmetry, regular recurrence were used
e.g. recurrence of supports or masonry. not only in architecture but also in other arts, e.g.
visual arts (ornamental rhythm), music, poetry

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 600

(stress, rhyme) etc. These compositional elements Renaissance with its recognizability and
had an impact on a person, created a psychological “correctness” of forms, were challenged.
comfort, feeling of recognition and confidence. Variability, imbalance, dynamics appeared.
Architectural forms of the buildings with
These principles of external “order” become
geometrically straight walls, cornices, gable,
important not only in arts but in the arrangement of
frontons while remaining in the former
human communities, even states. That is what
compositional limits, started to crook and “swim
Plutarch writes about it: “Phalet did the same as the
into endlessness”…
best legislators. His songs appealed to obedience
and conformity through melodies and rhythms New forms still served as a psychological
which contain some organized order” [Vitae message to a person aimed at attracting attention
parallelae, Lycurgus, 4]. Moreover, it was believed and even domination. The researcher writes that
that “discordant and wrong sounds can cause baroque forms “fascinate, stupefy, smash” [1]
disintegration of the state” [Ib, Agidius, 10].
In the XVII-XVIII centuries an important role
in the process of impact on people was played by
3. EPOCHS OF CHANGES IN THE synthesis of architecture with painting sculpture,
HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE decorative arts (ornamental patterns, stucco etc.).
The degree of this synthesis is evaluated by the
Thus, in architecture as well as in other spheres
scientist: “Architecture became sculptural,
of life, “order”, “system”, “balance”, “regular
sculpture became part of architecture” [2].
recurrence” become important principles and even
embody “higher forces” which govern people. The end of XIX – early ХХ centuries is
Compositional elements acquire importance in the characterized by great changes in geopolitical,
functioning of the system, i.e. LIFE OUTLOOK - social, economic and cultural life the people.
WORLD PERCEPTION – INDIVIDUAL – National and class antagonism between and within
SOCIETY. It’s no wonder that in historical epochs the states aggravated, which led to wars and
of changes, rebuilding the implementation of these revolutions. Changes took place in the world of
principles loses its importance and even becomes literature, arts, architecture. The creators started to
impossible. It refers to architecture, which renders move from classical, “correct” forms to
Zeitgeist in the best way possible. It was in the experiments with composition, colours, shapes.
epoch of “riot of Baroque” which reflected the Thus, trends of the style which is called avant-garde
struggle between Catholicism and Reformation, appeared, i.e. futurism, constructivism, modernism,
when austere and balanced classical forms of the abstract art.
Renaissance acquired curves and decorative
Dynamics and unbalance of avant-garde started
to destroy the habitual stability and regular
The development of the European civilization in recurrence of architectural forms. Titus Burckhardt
the XVI-XVII centuries took place while the spoke about it when he specified the universal
Christian religion in its Western Catholic form was character of rhythm: “Strictly speaking, rhythm
dominating. However, at that time Catholicism was does not belong to space but time. Therefore,
in conflict with Reformation which was the basis of rhythm is not a quantitative category, but a
Protestantism. The same time was the period of the qualitative one” [3].
development of civic sciences, i.e. philosophy,
physics, mathematics, astronomy (Descartes, 4. IDEAS OF XX – XXI CENTURIES
d’Espinoza, Newton, Kepler and others).
Deep connection between architectural style,
Social and economic base had also changed. social and cultural state of the society can be traced
Although absolutism and feudal social structure by the architectural development of the capital of
was still dominant, craft activity and market Belarus, Minsk, in the ХХ- ХХI centuries. The 20s-
relations were developing. 30s of the last century were characterized by post-
It was this social, economic and intellectual revolutionary upheaval, social dynamics. This
context that changed the character of people’s atmosphere, i.e. Zeitgeist, added to the architecture
world perception, which found its reflection in arts of buildings imbalance, irregular rhythm of
and architecture. Classical traditions expressed in structures and fenestration ("Figure 2"a, b).

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 600

a b

Figure 2 Buildings in Constructivism style. Minsk. Belarus.

It is known that by the 30s social climate started Langbard to design a building in which separated
to change. The movement to the stability of the constructivist structures combine d in symmetrical
state encouraged the famous architect Iosif composition. ("Figure 3"a, b).
a b

Figure 3 Work of architect Langbard “Government House”. Minsk. Belarus.

Another radical change took place at the end of the epoch? What is romanticism? These are art
the 40s when strife for stability found its expression trends, which expressed the notions most required
in neo-classical architecture. This is clearly seen in by the spiritual atmosphere” [5].
the architecture of if the main thoroughfare of the
city (Prospect of Stalin, Lenin, Francisk Skarina,
Independence now). This is what a Belarusian art
expert writes about the spirit of its architecture:
“Large scale of solid buildings which firmly barrier
the mainstream of the avenue, convey a sense of
steady composure. The building outlines are austere
and clear-cut” [4].
In these ensembles of the 40s-50s of special
importance were classical decisions of facades with
portico – like excerpts from classical antiquity with
their “faces of gods” which were embodied by
these facades. Axial symmetry, balanced forms
created the feeling of confidence and composure
which was required by the spiritual atmosphere of
society ("Figure 4"a, b). The connection between a
dominating style and social state is well described
by talented philosopher and psychologist Carl
Gustav Jung: “What is realism and naturalism for

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 600

a a

Figure 4 Classic ideas in XX century. Minsk. Belarus.

But as early as at the end of the 80s the society symmetry, the rhythm of columns is austere and
aspired after stability, permanence which is clear-cut as if calling for preservation of spiritual
represented by the architecture of the Palace of atmosphere on the eve of perestroika ("Figure 5").
Independence. In its composition there is axial

Figure 5 Neo-classic idea in XXI century. Minsk. Belarus.

5. CONCLUSION is broken. Composition of structures loses their

balance and creates dynamic tension ("Figure 6"a,
The beginning of the XXI century with its b, c). Therefore, by means of symbolic
reevaluation, life outlook and world perception compositional and artistic language architecture
created “spiritual microclimate” for the appearance once again expresses world perception of its epoch,
of new architecture. Stability and steady rhythm thus embodying Zeitgeist.
became irrelevant. The rhythm of window aperture
a b c

Figure 6 Non – balanced architecture of XXI century. Minsk. Belarus.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 600

This paper is independently completed by
Armen S. Sardarov.

[1] Meyer Peter. Historia Sztuki Europejskiej.
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Naukowe. 1973. -317 p., p.143. (Translation
[2] Pothorn Herbert. A Guide to Architectural
Styles. Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1982. -253 p., ,
[3] Burckhard Titus, The art of Islam. Language
and meaning (Iskusstvo Islama. Yazyk i
znachenie), per. s angl. Taganrog: IRBI, 2009,
288 p., p. 74.
[4] I.M. Elatomtzeva, Monumental chronicle of
the era (Monumentalnaya letopis epohi). Mn.:
Nauka I tehnica, 1969, 150 p., p. 76 [in
[5] Yung Karl Gustav, Archetype and symbol
(Arhetip i simvol), per. s nem. пер. с нем. М.:
Kanon, ROON “Reabilitazia”, 2021, 336 p.,
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