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the 9,600

17th meeting of the security council's

called to

order the provisional agenda for this

meeting is the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian question

the agenda is

adopted in accordance with rule 37 of

the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite the representative of

Israel to participate in this meeting it

is so

decided in accordance with rule 39 of

the council's provisional rule of

procedure I invite Miss sigri KAG senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza pursuing to

Security Council resolution 2720 of 2023

to participate in this meeting it's so

decided the security Council will now

begin its consideration of item two of


agenda I now give the floor to miss

sigri KAG

Madame President excellencies members of

the security Council it's been almost

seven months since the 7th of October

terror attack perpetrated by Hamas

against Israel a country which continues

to be impacted by Deep trauma of the

attack and the uncertainty of the fate

of the

hostages in Gaza during the same period

over 34,000 people have been killed and

tens of thousands have been injured or

maimed livelihoods homes schools and

hospitals have been

destroyed the health infrastructure in

Gaza has been decimated the few

hospitals Still Standing struggle to

operate due to severe shortages of

supplies and frequent power outages as

summer draws near and temperatures rise

communicable diseases threatened to

sweep through

Gaza children who in every crisis suffer

the worst and the most are deprived of

nutrition protection and education their

Futures hanging in the balance the

scarcity of food and other essential

Goods has also led to a breakdown in

civil order and the gradual unraveling

of the social Fabric in Gaza there is no

effective law

enforcement as the Secretary General has

said we have a shared responsibility to

secure an immediate humanitarian

ceasefire in Gaza the immediate and

unconditional release of all hostages

and the the unimpeded delivery of


Aid Madame President since my last

briefing to this Council on the 7th of

March I've continued to engage in

discussions with key governments and

stakeholders across the region I've also

submitted and discussed detailed

proposals with the governments of Israel

Jordan Egypt and Cyprus to accelerate

and streamline the delivery of goods

into Gaza and to ensure a consistent

pipeline of goods for safe distribution

across the Gaza Strip today I will share

with you my assessment of the

implementation of Security Council


2720 including areas where progress has

been made or lack thereof allow me to

say from the outset that a paradigm

shift is needed to continue to meet the

immense needs of the civilian population

in a secure and safe

manner Madame President as I've stated

to you before effective humanitarian

operations cannot be reduced to Counting

trucks this is the false metrics for

gorging whether humanitarian assistance

is sufficient let alone whether it

responds to the basic humanitarian

requirements for example treating

acutely malnourished children or

pregnant women is not a matter of eating

more calories they require therapeutic

and supplemental Foods as well as

long-term Medical Care effective

humanitarian operations are also about

the need for a sustained flow to deliver

the right quality and quantity of

assistance this requires a continued

focus on volume predictability and

sustainability of Divi Diversified Aid

to scale up assistance humanitarian

agencies must be able to move food

medicine and many other supplies safely

and Via all possible routes and

crossings into and throughout every part


Gaza unra is pivotal in providing

life-saving humanitarian Aid and

essential Social Services particularly

in health and education to Palestine





e e

Aid via this Corridor my office has

proposed a multi-donor funding mechanism

and provides Secretariat support to the

maritime Corridor to ensure full

coordination with the operations on the

ground in Gaza un monitors have been

deployed to Cyprus as part of the 2720

mechanism finally regarding air drops

and in view of the above several member

states have indicated their intent to

phase out this mode of delivery in

conjunction with the scaling up of

assistance via Land and Sea Madame

President I'm pleased to announce that

the operationalization of the UN 2720

mechanism for Gaza will start in the

coming days and I'm grateful for the


Corporation the mechanism will initially

be applicable to the Cypress and Jordan

routes respectively technical

consultations will shortly be finalized

with Egypt on this route I've informed

the government of Israel on the

operationalization of the mechanism as

per the resolution a database and

notification system will go online for

all cargo destined for Gaza along supply

routes the approval for the placement of

international monitors at Crossings

inspection and supply high points has

been requested from relevant authorities

verification and monitoring inside Gaza

will commence as soon as possible in the

coming weeks my office will also be

operational in Gaza the

operationalization of the mechanism will

allow for pipeline prioritization

predictability visibility and tracking

of supplies to Gaza as the resolution

intended the mechanism is designed to

facilitate and support the work of all

humanitarian Partners on the

ground Madame President the extent of

the destruction and the devastating

impact of this war on the entire

population of Gaza calls for an

ambitious and comprehensive plan of

support with commensurate investment the

recent un EU and World Bank interim

disaster assessment illustrates the

scale of the damage and the magnitude of

Investments required across all sectors

for example the rebuilding and repair of

the more than 84% of destroyed Health

Facilities the return of an entire

student population to school whilst

educational facilities have been

impacted or destroyed as the Secretary

General has stated the Palestinian

Authority has a critical role to play in

Gaza the International Community must

work towards enabling its return

strengthen its governance capacity and

prepare it to reassume its

responsibilities in Gaza all efforts

towards early recovery and

reconstruction also o need the

participation of Palestinian Civil

Society fostering a conducive

environment to reestablish the

commercial sector in Gaza and the

engagement of the Palestinian business

community and its investors are equally

important Madame President I wish to

Echo the United Nations grave concern

over the prospect of an Israeli

operation Rafa such action would

compound an ongoing humanitarian

catastrophe uh with consequences for

people already displaced and enduring

severe hardships and suffering the un's

ability to deliver will also be

constrained in closing I would like to

reiterate the importance of a paradigm

shift this requires a further scale up

in the quality and quantity of

assistance and its distribution

irreversible steps to enable safe secure

and unhindered delivery inside Gaza and

planning and timely preparations for

early recovery and reconstruction ction

there's no substitute for political will

to sustain these efforts let us remember

that behind every statistic is a human

story of loss and suffering and it's our

duty to provide protection support and

therefore hope for the Palestinian

population in Gaza it's also our duty to

advocate for a lasting peace between

Israel and a fully independent viable

and Sovereign Palestinian State thank

you I thank Miss C for her briefing and

now give the floor to those council

members who wish to make statements I

give the floor to the representative of

the United

Kingdom and thank you very much senior

humanitarian coordinator for your

briefing as you said Israel suffered the

worst terror attack in its history at

the hands of Hamas more than 200 days on

and Hamas continues to hold

hostages Palestinian civilian in Gaza

are facing a devastating and growing

humanitarian crisis and the risk of

famine the UK is joining USG CG's

important efforts to prevent this

situation deteriorating even

further we have trebled our Aid

commitment in the last Financial year

and we're doing everything we can to get

more Aid in as quickly as possible by

land sea and air and to contribute to

the paradigm shift that you

mentioned I want to highlight three

areas first we welcome Israel's

commitment to increase Aid flows into

Gaza for example the delivery of

humanitarian Aid through the port of

ashdod and the arz checkpoint and

extending the opening hours of the Kem

Shalom Crossing we now need to see more

implementation there has been some

welcome progress in this regard but much

more needs to be done our foreign

secretary reiterated this to Israeli

Prime Minister Netanyahu on his visit to

Israel last

week second as well as getting more Aid

in it needs to be the Right Aid that is

why resolution 2720 is so

important the UK fully supports sigd

car's mandate to establish a database

and a mechanism to track verify and

coordinate Aid the UK has provided

expert technical support to help

delivery of this mandate and the UK will

be providing over $3.5 million of

additional funding for equipment to

support the UN and Aid agencies to get

more Aid into

Gaza third once humanitarian Aid arrives

in Gaza it is vital that it can be

distributed quickly and

effectively we're calling on Israel to


deconfliction and to allow un agencies

and humanitarian actors unhindered and

safe access into and throughout Gaza and

to enable the un's minimum operating


fully the the tragic deaths of seven

World Central kitchen workers including

three British citizens demonstrates the

need for

Action president the UK recognizes that

anra is critical to Aid delivery in Gaza

we were appalled by the allegations that

unra staff were involved in the 7

October attacks against Israel and we

note the ongoing un office for internal

oversight Services investigation into


allegations we are grateful for the

independent review into unra neutrality

led by Katherine Colona and we will set

out our position on future funding to

unra following careful consideration of

the final report and unr's

response president the UK remains

resolved to working with intern Partners

to urgently secure an immediate pause to

get Aid in and the hostages out and then

to work for a sustainable permanent

ceasefire without a return to fighting

and loss of life I thank you I thank the

representative of the United Kingdom and

pass the floor to

mozambik Madame President mozambik

wishes to thank malta's

presidency for convening this important

briefing on the situation in the middle

list including the Palestinian

question we also thank Madame Sig and

Secretary General senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator for for

Gaza for her updated

information and perspectives on the

situation in Gaza

particularly in the

humanitarian situation over the past 90

days in light of uh United Nations

security CC resolution

2720 we

commend her and her entire team for

their unwavering dedication to

address this man-made crisis in order to

alleviate the immense suffering of

Palestinians Madame President the Israel

Palestinian conflict has long been a

source of tension and Tra tragedy in the

region the recent

escalation has resulted in significant

loss of

life Israel military

operation continue causing more civilian


displacement destruction of houses and

other civilian

infrastructure the situation remains

dire and Urgent action is needed to

alleviate the human suffering and

address the humanitarian

crisis despite these

challenges the council successfully

adopted two
resolutions resolution

272 and resolution

2720 these

resolutions were clear in calling for an

immediate and Urgent humanitarian C fire

cessation of

hostilities and

ultimately ceis fire not only to ensure

more and better humanitarian Aid to

those in need in Gaza but also to allow

for unconditional release of hostages

and PVE the way for the relaunch of the

peace process

The Hope was

that through the

demand uh urgent

actions the the demand of urgent actions

the suffering could be

alleviated and steps towards lasting

peace could be


deplorably four months have

passed and yet these resolutions have

not been fully

implemented the delay in their

implementation is a matter of

concern Madame

President the same purposes that guided

this Council to adopt the two

resolutions in December uh

2023 must strengthen our Collective

conscience to in

enforce International obligations

under the international humanitarian law


international human right human rights

law Mambi


encourages the engagement of relevant

parties in

implementation of these

resolutions we firmly hold the view that


encouraging of relevant parties is

crucial for implementing these

resolutions we reiterate our appeal to

the council members with influence on

the parties to

cooperate with the

coordinator and her team to fulfill

their mandate without delay and



council must unite and speak with one

voice to urgently address the pressing

humanitarian situation in

Gaza the situation demands

immediate safe and unhindered access for

humanitarian Aid to reach those most in

need bearing in mind that thousands of

people and Families

in Gaza Street are gathering in at Raa

Crossing border

amidst escalating hostil

hostilities let me Madame President

underscore that human to of this

conflict is stuggling

with innocent lives cot

in the

crossfire the call for a ceasefire

remains therefore urgent and crucial

diplomatic efforts and international

pressure must continue I thank

you representative of moamba the floor

to the United

States uh thank you madam president and

Senior coordinator cooch thank you very

much for your

briefing colleagues the humanitarian

situation in Gaza is beyond

dire starvation has taken the lives of

children in the North

essential supplies are dwindling

Millions have been

displaced at this perilous moment

President Biden has called on Israel to

take a series of specific concrete and

measurable steps to address this

humanitarian crisis protect civilians

from harm and ensure the safety of all


workers Israel must do more to prevent

civilian casualties

immediately and President Biden has made

clear that US policy will be determined

by our assessment of Israel's immediate

and sustained action on these

steps Israel has taken some positive

steps but not nearly enough and not


enough and so the United States position

is clear Israel must take immediate

action to open additional land Crossings

into Northern

Gaza as Gaza faces imminent

famine lives hang in the balance and

every day

matters to comp complement and not

replace additional land Crossings and

increase Aid flowing into Gaza United

States is working with our partners to

implement a maritime

Corridor part of that Corridor entails

the establishment of a temporary peer in

Gaza from which humanitarian assistance

will be

offloaded we welcome the un's commitment

to help facilitate the distribution of

Aid delivered to Gaza via the

pier another essential portion of the

maritime carer is the full

implementation of Israeli commitments to

open ashad for humanitarian

shipments as we understand it assistance

will be shipped to ashad and then

transported through land Crossings into

Gaza this is critical and this needs to

happen right

away but it doesn't matter how much Aid

gets into Gaza if that Aid can't get

into the hands of Palestinians in dire

need the distribution of Aid within Gaza

is abs absolutely

critical the plans senior coordinator

Cog outlined today are vital to

achieving distribution of Aid at scale

and we look forward to hearing more

about the un's efforts during today's


briefing I want to reiterate the Biden

administration's full support for senior

coordinator sigret Cog and I again call

on Israel to cooperate with the un's

efforts to facilitate the delivery of

humanitarian assistance at

scale colleagues another Factor limiting

the distribution of Aid has been the

repeated failure of deconfliction

mechanisms since October 7 more than 230

humanitarian workers have been killed

this is tragic and

unacceptable deconfliction mechanisms

are vital this is how we protect the

lives of those who are working to save

the lives of innocent people and so

Israel must fully Implement functional

deconfliction procedures it

must we reiterate our call for

accountability for incidents in which

humanitarian Personnel were killed this

includes the deadly attack on world

Central Kitchen Personnel earlier this

month there must be an additional

independent transparent


colleagues as you all know this week

foreign minister Colona released her

report on

unra we appreciate that unra has taken

steps to set internal policies and

address its neutrality but more must be

done and unra must undertake substantial

reforms to protect its sustainability


Mission we know this will take time and

resources but implementation of the

reforms outlined in cola's report will

be critical and the United States will

work closely with the UN and other

partners to ensure unra carries out its

duties in a neutral and balanced way for

the benefit of the Palestinian


colleagues I fear many have lost sight

of the fact that it is Hamas that set

this conflict into motion on October 7

when it carried out a heinous attack on

Israel slaughtering concertgoers burning

people alive committing unspeakable acts

of sexual violence let's not forget this


fact United States has been clear from

the beginning that we fully support

Israel right to self-defense and that

support is

Ironclad but we have also been clear

that as Israel continues to pursue the

destruction of the remaining elements of

Hamas we are opposed to a full-scale

military operation in Rafa which would

have catastrophic consequences for the


population we reiterate our call for

Israel to produce a credible and

actionable plan to protect the civilian

population in Rafa and address the

humanitarian needs of those who have

sought refuge in the

South we are deeply concerned by the

Massive Internal displacement within

Gaza and the risk of forcible

displacement from Gaza Israel must act

in compliance with its obligations under

international law full

stop colleagues since October 7 so much

suffering and pain death and Destruction

has played out before our eyes on all

sides of this conflict now more than

ever we need an immediate and

sustainable ceasefire as part of a deal

to release the hostages by Hamas which

will also allow us to scale up

humanitarian assistance to Palestinian

civilians United States is working with

our partners in the region to make this

possible Hamas however continues to

reject offers from Israel that would

halt fighting and release hostages over

and over and over if Hamas accepted the

offer Israel is made it would allow for

an immediate ceasefire that would

benefit pales Ians

now Hamas should take this deal if not

it should explain to the world and to

the Palestinian people why they have yet

to do so because right now Hamas is the

sole obstacle to a ceasefire in

Gaza we must all call on Hamas

especially those with the most influence

to take this deal and we must continue

to work together to support the work of

senior coordinator sigret Cog and all

those working to save lives in Gaza

at this moment of dire need thank you

madam president the representative of

the United States and pass the floor to

Alger thank you Madame

President I thank Madame KAG for her

briefing about the implementation of her

mandates as stipulated in resolution

2720 to facilitate

humanitarian had

access to the Gaza Strip despite facing

multiple Challenge and obstacle in her

Endeavor yes over 200

days 200 days of ongoing

aggression against pal Palestinian

people in in Gaza

and we are still

discussing access to basic

needs basic human

needs such as access to

food water and

sanitation let allow access to

education housing and

health which has become a

luxury for the entire population in

Gaza Madame cag's

mission of Expediting humanitarian Aid

delivery to Gaza civilian population is

crucial however more than five four

month after

resolution 20 2720

adoption despite Madame KAG and her


efforts to establish a un mechanism for

accelerating humanitarian

relief in

Gaza this

call remain unanswered and

uned and the Mandate not fully impli

mented the International


particularly member state with

influence on their compined

power should make every effort to help

Madame KAG fulfilling her

mandate and ensuring she succeed

is collective

responsibilities not just one person's

Duty Madame President we firmly

believe successful humanitarian Aid in

Gaza depends on the


obviously obviously an immediate and


ceasefire safe humanitarian action

throughout Gaza can not be ensured

without a

ceasefire the past six month clearly


this as said by Charan donelli an

international Ru committee senior vice

president operating in Gaza

what's increasingly

clear is that the the confliction

process is a

fiction it doesn't provide any

guarantees of

safety only a sensation of

hostility can help meeting civilian


needs otherwise


actors will deliver Aid at risk of their


second and humanitarian

access this

require this requires opening

all Crossing possible and using them at

full capacity

according to the occupying

authorities since
October s only

40% of the minimum required basic

needs were allowed into

Gaza after

killing I should say assassinating

humanitarian workers from the world


Kitchen the occupying

authorities made a lot of

publicity on their decision to

reopen ARS


however according to the

UN until last

Friday last

Friday only 25

trucks only 25

trucks were authorized to

use a Crossing yes 25

trucks the International

Community including powerful

countries seems to be en capable of

forcing the occupying power to adhere to

its obligations under International


law air

drops a last resort

solution became the only

option but represent only

0.3 of total Aid delivered to

Gaza the maritime

Corridor was undermined before providing


result our strong

believe is that there is no

alternative to land

Roots all

Crossing must be reopened



Ena Ana

irrepressible IR impasible


this agency has been and continue to be

the blackbone of humanitarian delivery


Gaza it

should operate freely


threat after Madame kona's

report there is no more need to further

debate ena's

credibility and

efficiency the report stated that Ena

possess a more developed approach to

neutrality that other similar UN agency

or NOS


and say it
again Israel has yet to provide


evidence of its

allegation against


personer as Madame kona's report

indicated even when those agency rely on

Ana that retain its Central and

irreplaceable role of providing a

platform and in many case infrastructure

for this spe specialized

activities Ana must be owed again and

allowed to operate across Gaza including

the north as famine risk


fourth resuming commercial

activities resuming commercial

activities no matter how large and

efficient humanitarian assistant

is is

imperative but require two main


first ending The Siege imposed by the



second launching a vast cash

transfer program to help revive gaza's


market starting such such an operation

is crucial
fifth no ground offensive in

Rafa we warn

again against any military action in

Rafa such an offensive should not be

allowed by under any


1.5 million palestin Ian are

cramped into

haa which has

become the humanitarian Hub of

Gaza the survival of Gaza entire

population depends on

situation on this

city ground

offensive will leave people with no


no choice but to flee to

Egypt it will not be only only a


catastroph but irreversible brech of

peace and

security not just in the region but

beyond Adam

president gaza's catastrophic

situation is a betr Tri for

Humanity and a test for the

international order and our multilateral


system this is not natural

disaster it is a humade


and we

bear the responsibility

the International Community must

ensure Implement implementation of icg

orders and Security Council


failure is not an

option the occupying occupying power

that causes death and

Desperation wherever it goes

cannot continue to dictate the

rules this

catastroph must be ended I thank you I

thank the representative of Algeria and

pass the floor to

Ecuador gracias thank you Madame

President I welcome the presence in this

Council of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator of the UN for

Gaza and we also welcome the report

she's just provided us I re reiterate

Ecuador's support for Miss secet CG's

actions and the work of her entire team

with a view to setting up a mechanism

which will facilitate and speed up

access of Aid this is an urgent and

important task Madame President more

than four months have passed since the

adoption of resolution 2720 last

December when Ecuador held the

presidency in this Council regrettably

many of its Provisions are far from

being fulfilled and the valuable

progress achieved is insufficient given

the magnitude of the

task the civilian population in Gaz Gaza

must have access to the aid it needs at

scale consistently and

predictably Food Water Sanitation

electricity telecommunications medical

services are all essential for their

survival my country has repeatedly

called for humanitarian Aid to be

provided and distributed without

obstacles we have done so since the

beginning of the war in Gaza last

October for that reason Ecuador welcomes

the efforts to diversify the aid routes

and the supply lines by land air and sea

and encourages pursuit of these efforts

despite the problems and the challenges

faced in terms of operational

difficulties to ensure entry of Aid to

Gaza and distribution in the Gaza Strip

we must recall that Security Council


2720 requires the parties in the

conflict to cooperate with coordinator

KAG without delay and without any

obstructions the adoption of immediate

measures to guarantee the the delivery

of basic services and humanitarian Aid

has also been uh provided by the icj in

the provisional measures issued in

January and in March Security Council

resolutions and the provisions of the

icj must be

respected in terms of the mechanism to

speed up the supply of humanitarian

relief to Gaza my country hopes that

this mechanism can be fully operational

as soon as possible so that it can

contribute to alleviating the shortages

uh the civilian population face in

conclusion Madam president I reiterate

or's condemnation of the atrocious

terrorist attacks by himas on the 7th of

October and any act of violence against

civilians including sexual violence and

we would reiterate our call for the

immediate and unconditional release of


hostages and at the same time to

guarantee humanitarian access to address

their medical needs as required by this

council's resolutions thank you of eador

and pass the floor to Guana

Madame President I thank you for

organizing today's briefing and thank

Miss sigret KAG for the updates provided

on her work pursuant to the Mandate

outlined in resolution

2720 the pressing need for a ceasefire

in Gaza is driven home forcefully once

again in what has been laid out to the

council this afternoon the humanitarian

situation in the Gaza Strip continues to

worsen as it remains subjected to

Israeli bombardments from Air Land and

Sea the Dead toll stands at a staggering

34,000 plus the number of those injured

has surpassed

77,000 these figures should shock our

Collective conscience and compel us to

bring this war to an immediate and just

end after more than 200 days of

unimaginable horror Madame President the

provisions of resolution

2720 are clear on the obligations of

parties to the conflict they must comply

with international law including

International humanitarian law this

entails in ensuring interia the

provision of civilians and civilian

objects humanitarian access and the

protection of humanitarian personnel and

their freedom of movement it also

entails upholding the obligation to

ensure the provision at scale of

urgently needed basic humanitarian

services and humanitarian assistance

these obligations have not been met in

clear Defiance of the legally binding

orders issued by the international court

of justice on 26 January and 28 March

2024 of particular note is the order of

the icj that Israel take all necessary

and effective measures to ensure without

delay in full cooperation with the

United Nations the unhindered provisions

at scale by all concerned of urgently

needed basic services and humanitarian

assistance and I quote including by

increasing the capacity and number of

land Crossing points and maintaining

them open for as long as necessary end

of quote the unavailability of

sufficient land Crossing remains a major

hindrance to humanitarian efforts in

Gaza compounded by excessive inspection

processes Guyana reminds Israel of its

obligations to allow facilitate and

enable the immediate safe and unhindered

delivery of humanitarian assistance at

scale directly to the civilian

population throughout the Gaza Strip we

call on Israel to honor those

obligations we take note of Miss cag's

extensive efforts in extremely

challenging circumstances including

towards the establishment of the UN

mechanism and reiterate guyana's

continued support for those efforts

Guyana also stresses the importance of

guaranteeing the safety of humanitarian

Personnel for scaling up humanitarian

assistance in the Gaza Strip an

unprecedented number of humanitarian

workers have been killed in this war

principally because of non-compliance

with International humanitarian law

humanitarian workers have been d

directly attacked as seen in the killing

of the seven World Central Kitchen team

members others have fallen victim to

indiscriminate shelling because thec

confliction and notification mechanisms

are not functioning adequately Madame

President allow me to draw the council's

attention to three important points

first while it is crucial to scale up

humanitarian support and increased

access across Gaza this alone will not

save lives for humanitarian assistance

to be delivered effectively and at scale

in a sustainable manner there must be a


ceasefire second Palestinians must not

be expected to subsist on humanitarian

aid for any lengthy period of time for

the preservation of their dignity

conditions must be created for them to

build their own livelihoods

reestablishing the means for trade and

for the market to thrive is essential

I stress again that a secure environment

is Paramount for this to happen a

ceasefire is

indispensable deciding to increase

humanitarian support to Gaza while

delaying a decision about a ceasefire is

self-defeating third Guyana reiterates

the need for accountability there is

perhaps no greater deterant than

accountability where accountability is

lacking impunity thrives emboldening

perpetrators to the detriment of all in

the case of Gaza impunity has brought

disproportionate consequences for women

and children who are the vast majority

of those being killed and maed Madame

President I conclude by observing that

the scale of Devastation visited upon

Gaza has created a multi-dimensional

crisis which requires multi-dimensional

approach that takes account of immediate

and future needs Guyana is prepared to

work with this Council to design and

facilitate implementation of that

Approach at the heart of that approach

must be the creation of a free and

independent state of Palestine in

accordance with the pre-1967 lines this

is our duty I thank you I thank the

representative of Guana for her

statement and I now give the floor to

the representative of the Russian

Federation thank you president

would' like to thank the senior

humanitarian reconstruction coordinator

Miss cigaret KAG

for her briefing and for seeking to find

Opportunities to grow humanitarian

relief Consignments to The Enclave as

per Security Council resolution

2720 as you know we abstained on that

resolution which uh inter Alia calls for

the establishment of a un mechanism for

assisting the delivery of humanitarian

relief cons assment the parameters of

which we're discussing today the reason

we abstained is that this document does

not directly demand a ceasefire which is

a key precondition for safe and

unfettered and safe and unfitted access

to those in need instead it set forth

the information about the creation of

conditions for uh session of uh violence

in Gaza we warned that these ambiguous

uh ulations ambiguous wording would be

interpreted by Israel as the green light

and that's exactly what happened

colleagues we're tired of repeating it

against the backdrop of the Israeli

military operation in Gaza with

Comprehensive support from the US it's

been going on for 18 months now properly

assisting the population of The Enclave

is simply impossible it's patently

obvious humanitarian Aid workers are

unarmed they're defenseless in the face

of sh shelling it's simply inhumane to

demand that they give their lives in air

strikes when the security Council cannot

cannot compel Israel to put an end to


hostilities let me remind you of one

other important

Point there's a logical algorithm for

Security Council actions it's been Del

developed over many years it's an

algorithm for what to do in the case of

conflict first the council demands the

parties to cease fire then it monitors

compliance and this is done by military

observers military observers these are

staff who have been professionally

trained to conduct such uh monitoring

then if these observers aren't given

access to the contact zone or if they

report violations of the SE ceasefire

then the issue of how we compel

implementation arises specifically by


peacekeepers in gaza's case this entire

sequence of events has been turned

upside down and humanitarian Aid work

workers have in essence been asked to

sacrifice their lives by doing the jobs

of peacekeepers colleagues this is

preposterous and it's also very

dangerous if the ceasefire is not

complied with let's discuss concrete

measures how we can ensure that it is

upheld the security Council does have

some well-honed algorithms that has a

tool kit including the deployment of

peacekeeping contingents

to begin we could revert to the idea of

more active involvement by the UN truth


organization in monitoring the ceasefire

the chief of staff Patrick gsha has

already briefed the council and promised

to provide more detailed information on

the resources Uno has we suggest

reverting to this issue furthermore the

Israeli authorities are openly impeding

the delivery of essential Goods to

Peaceable gas G last week we discussed

the UNR situation in

detail this state of affairs is simply

unacceptable as far as we're aware un

humanitarian agencies including

unra do maintain a significant presence

on Palestinian territories they have

sufficient resources including Financial

Resources loaded convoys are at The

Crossings at gaza's border the whole

host of legal opportunities for

delivering humanitarian assistance

without establishing additional

structures including the mechanism are

in place I'm referring first and

foremost to International humanitarian

law including the Geneva conventions and

The Guiding principles set forth in GA

resolution 46 stroke1 182 against this

backdrop we don't deem it necessary to

establish any kind of special

humanitarian regime for Gaza especially

as it obviously won't work while one of

the parties stands firm in its intent to

continue military

hostilities on this note it's important

for everyone to recognize one very

simple thing the sticking point is not

whether we have or don't have a

mechanism for the delivery of

humanitarian relief it's the absence of

conditions these conditions are lacking

owing to vigorous military hostilities

the IDF doesn't Grant exceptions neither

for hospitals nor schools nor

humanitarian convoys we're steadfast in

our conviction that humanitarian access

must be granted as per International

humanitarian law and humanitarian Aid

workers should be guaranteed an adequate

level of security and protection on this

note we'd like to repeat what we said

earlier the overriding priority for the

International Community of which the

Security Council is the embodiment is

ensuring an immediate lasting ceasefire

only then then and only then can we

seriously tackle issues related to food


sanitation the provision of education

and other vitally important services

would very much like to believe that the

proposed mechanism on the delivery of

humanitarian relief Consignments will

change the situation for the better but

this is unrealistic given the Fierce

hostilities and the clearing out that's

going on the situation has gotten so out

of hand that Israeli settlers are

raiding Palestinian villagers setting

them a light killing against this

backdrop humanitarian Aid workers are

going to continue perishing the One-Stop

shop that's proposed within the

framework of the mechanism M will hardly

help president since our objective today

is to have a focused discussion on the

concept note regarding the modalities

for the mechanism's operation I'd like

to ask its authors a few questions my

main question is do we have consent from

the Israeli and Palestinian sides for

the application of the mechanism were

the details of the entry of humanitarian

supplies discussed with them if there

were discussions who did you

specifically discuss this with are there

guarantees that the Israeli authorities

will not inspect trucks as they're

currently doing that they won't deny

authorizations for their entry into Gaza

for months on end if we don't have such

guarantees then what's the added value

of this mechanism how is it any

different in practice from our current

working methods on the contrary it would

appear that the mechanism will become

yet another bureaucratic stumbling block

involving additional checks and

inspections another matter of principle

the concept know

talks about K Shalom and

RAF which are already letting supplies

through in fits and starts of course why

didn't uh why doesn't it consider other

Land and Sea Crossing specifically the

five check points on Israeli border on

the Israeli border the temporary pier in

Gaza and the aszad port the document

contains a section on un staff who it is

expected will be ensuring the work of

the mechanism their cooperation with the

Israeli and Palestinian the Israelis and

the Palestinians as well as various un

agencies this is omitted what the report

does talk about is key Partners relevant

authorities and humanitarian players we

need clarification on this we'd also

like to seek additional information

about commercial deliveries which are

proposed under the mechanism the idea

being that the mechanism will tackle

strictly humanitarian issues given that

this approach is one of a kind without

precedent would' be grateful to get

additional clarification thank

you I thank the representative of the

Russian for Federation for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of


president I thank un senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator Kar for


briefing it has been 200 days since the

outbreak of the Gaza conflict in these

200 days we have seen the spread of

hunger and famine the collapse of the

Health Care System the loss of innocent

lives and the desperate struggle of

millions of people on the brink of

death there is no justification for

prolonging this conflict and there's no

excuse for the killing of

civilians the International Community

must assemble all efforts to mitigate

the disaster save lives and end the

conflict I have three points to make

first we express our deep concern about

the continued worsening of the

humanitarian disaster the three Council

resolutions 2712 2720 and

2728 and the two icj orders on

provisional measures all exp all

explicitly call for greater humanitarian

access but they have never been

effectively implemented and humanitarian

delivery continues to encounter various

kinds of manmade restrictions if this

Contin it will definitely result in more

civilan deaths from famine and disease

we urge Israel to open all land Crossing

to guarantee a rapid and safe delivery

of humanitarian supplies at scale into

Gaza and their safe and orderly

distribution within Gaza to those in

dire need we expect that the mechanism

established by senior coordinator kog

will play a greater role in reducing and

elim ating obstacles to humanitarian

supplies before and after their entry

into Gaza Israel should cooperate with

all humanitarian agencies including uh

senior coordinator

Co second we support anra in continuing

to play its

role to guarantee Aid delivery by

humanitarian agencies is the

responsibility of the occupying power

hunger cannot be weaponized and relief

cannot be politicized the independent

review Panel LED by Miss Colona has

released its report noting that anra has

had in place for many years a

significant number of robust mechanisms

to ensure asra's neutrality and its

ability to respond to and hold those

accountable for non-compliance in a

timely manner and it has far more such

mechanisms than any other un agencies at

this point the debate on Andra

neutrality should come to an end we urge

all countries to resume funding for

Andra as soon as possible and to refrain

from using any pretext to impose

additional Collective punishment on the

population of Gaza Israel made serious

allegations against anra linked to

terrorism for which no evidence has yet

been shared we are concerned about

this China reiterates that without solid

evidence it is unacceptable to attack

anra maliciously and even make false

Acquisitions against the entire un


third we again call on the council to

push for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

more than six months of harsh reality

has made it abundantly clear that a Gaza

Under Fire does not have the condition

needed for Aid delivery Council

resolution 2728 which clearly caused for

Cy in Gaza this is indisputably binding

and all member states are obligated to

implement it we are greately concerned

about Israel's frequent bombardments of

Gaza in recent days we urge Israel to

immediately seize all military

operations against Gaza and abandon its

offense plan onq countries with

significant influence on Israel should

be impartial and play an active role in

realizing a ceasefire China supports the

council in taking further actions to

ensure the implementation of the

resolution thank you president I thank

the representative of China for the

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of Sierra Leon


President I want to thank Miss secret K

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza for her very


briefing my delegation recalls


2720 which calls for this position and

for the establishment of an effective un

mechanism for providing humanitarian Aid

to the people in the Gaza

Street the senior humanitarian

coordinators role of facilitating and

Expediting humanitarian Aid in Gaza is

especially critical at this juncture

given that 1.1 million people are

projected to face catastrophic levels of

food insecurity in the

region regular update from oer on the

situation in Gaza confirmed that the

volume of humanitarian Supply entering

Gaza since the start of hostilities in

October 2023 is far below the

approximately 500 trucks per day

estimated by H to be needed to meet the

basic essential food health and other

needs of the people

that s acknowledges the enormity of the

task of increasing the Quantum of

humanitarian Aid into Gaza to minimize

the impact of the conflict on civilians

especially on women children and other


persons we commend the continued

engagement and consultation by the

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator since our appointment with

the IDF and other stakeholders in the

region on removing the significant

humanitarian access constraints to

ensure unfettered access by allout air

Land and Sea into the Gaza Street such a

consultative and well coordinated

approach is essential for seamless Aid

distribution to address the Urgent and

contining needs of the people there

especially in the current environment of

heavy bombardment and ongoing

clashes additionally we anticipate that

an established un mechanism as

stipulated in resolution 2720 will

resolve current operational constraints

improve collaboration humanitarian

actors in the region and increase their

delivery capacity throughout the Gaza

Street Mr President in supporting the

office of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator and ensuring

he she delivers on a mandate to

facilitate coordinate Monitor and verify

humanitarian relief Consignments to Gaza

my delegation will continue to call for

one an immediate humanitarian ceasefire

in the Gaza Street as stipulated in


2728 to enable full Rapid Safe and

unhindered humanitarian access to all

civilians an absence of which will only

stifle progress in this vein we request

the office of the senior humanitarian

coordinator to coordinate efforts with

onward to ensure that the Palestinians

get full access to humanitarian Aid two

a reminding parties to the conflict of

the obligations under international law

will draw the attention to the

consequences associated with blatant

violations we urge par to the conflict

to prioritize the survival security and

dignity of all civilians

we call call we further call for a

functioning humanitarian notification

system and a stable communication

Network that will guarantee the

protection of United Nations and other

humanitarian personnel and enhance the

efficient delivery of essential

Commodities Ser rates his call for the

immediate and unconditional release of

all hostages held by Hammers and in the

in demands that access be granted to the

icrc and all other humanitarian Orest to

visit and support the victims in closing

seron reaffirms his support to the good

Office of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator and stresses

the need for the requisite resources to

be made available for an efficient

Service delivery as a council member we

continue to participate and engage in

processes that seek to Brak up peace and

improve the lives of the civilians in in

both Palestine and Israel I thank you I

thank the representative of SRA Leon for

their statement and I now give the floor

to the representative of the Republic of

Korea thank you Mr President I also

thank senior coordinator Zig kek for her

very useful informative briefing on the

implementation of resolution

2720 I would like to extend the Republic

Korea's sincere

appreciation for senior coordinator C

Tyler's effort indeed since her

appointment earlier this year we

witnessed to some improvements in the

humanitarian efforts on the ground as

senior coordinator K just indicated some

progress made nonetheless as the current

situation shows no clear sign of ending

the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is

is also being extended exacerbating the

long-standing suffering of gods and

civilians especially women and children

as femine

sadly this tragic trend has not changed

despite numerous Security Council

meetings the adoption of resolution

2728 demanding an immediate ceasefire

and ongoing diplomatic efforts By Us

Egypt and

Qatar Mr

President the Republic of Korea takes

note of

Israel's announcement earlier this month

to open further access points into Gaza

including the opening of the

ashod port and the arrest Crossing and

to enhance deliveries from

Jordan during this council's meeting

last month Miss KAC mentioned these

measures as possible ways to enhance

life- saving assistance into

Gaza without the lifting of all barriers

to ensure sufficient and sustained

humanitarian assistance and scale the

suffering of civilians in Gaza will

intensify even

further as a close friend

the Republic Korea calls on Israel to

swiftly implement this commitment as

such measures will not only ease the

suffering of the

Palestinians but also enhance the

credibility of Israel in the

International Community and actions

speak much louder than

words as the most efficient and Swift

routes for the delivery humanitarian Aid

is through land Crossing we hope that

all possible land Crossings including

Carney can soon be open

widely the use of Maritime corridors

being an important supplement for land

Crossings should also be enhanced and in

this regard we really appreciate efforts

to expand the use of souts by relevant

countries include the US and

Cyprus as this Council has repeatedly

stressed the Safety and Security of

humanitarian workers whichever their

nationalities are

must be

guaranteed notification and DEC confli

mechanism must be fully internalized in

the systems and operations of the

parties lastly we would like to

reiterate our form positions that an

immediate ceasefire is essential to end

the humanitarian suffering in Gaza and

simultaneously lessen Regional

tensions another major military

operations including the looming ground

operation into into Rafa must not be

realized and based on the CIS fire

senior coordinator CeX other the major

mandate reconstruction should begin

considering gaza's immense need to

resume meaningful negotiations toward

the vision of the two State Solutions a

fire and the Reconstruction of Gaza are

essential I thank you Mr President I

thank the representative of the Republic

of Korea for their statement and I give

the floor to the representative of slen

thank you Mr

President I also thank senior human

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss KAG for her

briefing to the council and we welcome

her update on the implementation of her

mandate in line with the resolution

2720 colleagues uh in resolution 2720

the security Council demanded that

parties to the conflict allow facilitate

and enable the immediate safe and

unhindered delivery of humanitarian

assistant at scale directly to the

Palestinian civilian population

throughout Gaza

strep people are dying in Gaza due to

malnutrition and

dehydration this is not assistance at

scale people are dying in Gaza


assistance this is not

safe people are dying in Gaza as basic

humanitarian and medical items are

denied due to dual use this is not

unhindered people are still dying in

Gaza as they do not get adequate

assistance today the resolution was

adopted in December this is not

immediate Slovenia is deeply concerned

over the continuously deteriorating

humanitarian situation in Gaza reaching

catastrophic levels and imminent famine

we remain profoundly concerned over the

threat of a fullscale operation in Rafa

and we Joy other members on the council

and call on Israel not to carry it

out we call for the removal of all

barriers to the delivery of humanitarian

assistance as stipulated in resolution

2720 this includes opening all available

routes and border crossings we call on

Israel to fully implement the announced

opening of the ARs Crossings and the use

of ashot part we stress the importance

of facilitating a in the delivery of

humanitarian aid from Jordan and

Egypt Madam KAG we welcome your efforts

to ensure the implementation of


2720 and to establish the mechanism for

facilitation acceleration and

verification of humanitarian relief for

Gaza we welcome your engagement with the

number of Partners we deeply appreciate

efforts of countries in establishing a

maritime Corridor and continuing to give

hope through air drops however we

underline that land routs Remain the

safest and the most efficient way of

delivering assistance at scale we are

particularly concerned over the Safety

and Security of un humanitarian

Personnel working in Gaza much more is

left to do to ensure full implementation

of resolution

2720 this includes significant

improvements in the deconfliction

mechanism the removal of constraints to

fuel supply addressing delays and

insecurities at checkpoints and allowing

the entry of appropriate safety

equipment for un and humanitarian

workers while we welcome the recent

entry of 15 out of 13 new trucks to

enhance delivery we underline that many

trucks have been destroyed in the

ongoing conflict all these barriers

inevitably hinder the UN capacities and

efforts Slovenia believes a number of

barriers can be lifted it with political

will only this includes better border

crossing coordination and smoother

inspection processes as well as

sufficient number of drivers and trucks

being cleared for use it includes the

full use of existing capibilities such

as unra which Remains the backbone of

the humanitarian response in Gaza and it

includes ensuring Safety and Security to

humanitarian workers and drivers also in

different highrisk areas throughout Gaza

at the end and very importantly it

includes greater predictability in a uh

delivery Slovenia repeats its call for

the full implementation of 2712 2720 and

2728 as well as the icj provisional

measures of 26 January and 28th March we

call for the full respect of

international law including

International humanitarian law and human

rights law La we once again underlined

the need for

accountability we share the concern

expressed by the High Commissioner for

human rights regarding reported

discoveries of mass grapes in al-shifa

and Al anaser medical complexes Mr

President I have said it behind closed

doors and I repeat it again the pictures

and news coming from Gaza will haunt us

they will haunt us as individuals

sitting on the council and as the

council itself self there is only one

way to adequately address the situation

and so we once again call for the

immediate ceasefire the release of

hostages and removal of all barriers to

humanitarian Aid this must be followed

by a meaningful commitment to a

political process thank you I thank the

representative of Slovenia for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of Switzerland sh

presid Mr President like my colleagues

before me I'd like to thank uh the

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss sigaret KAG

thank you for your briefing and your

commitment four months have passed since

we adopted resolution

2720 four months over the course of

which you have spent no effort in

coordinating the delivery of Aid to the


population at a

time when we are facing a humanitarian

catastrophe in Gaza as the Secretary

General said at the start of the year

and here I quote delivering humanitarian

Aid is not about counting trucks it's

about ensuring that the necessary volume

and quality of Aid reaches those in need

as required by intern International


law to this end we expect that the

parties will at last fully Implement The

Binding resolutions of the security

Council the ones we've adopted since the

hamas's terrorist acts committed on

October 7th which Switzerland has has

strongly condemned the same applies to

the international Court of justices the

icj's order for Israel to take all the

necessary and effective measures without

delay in close cooperation with the

United Nations to

ensure the provision of urgently needed

basic services and humanitarian Aid and

this without restriction on a large

scale and without

delay this Council must ensure

compliance with the resolutions it has

itself adopted the effects expected have

been underlined many times over the

effective protection of civilians the

implementation of a ceasefire

humanitarian access to people in need

and the immediate and unconditional

release of all hostages we must

insist on a regional deescalation as

well and this without delay failing this

every day will bring new civilian

victims the prospect of a large scale

military offensive in rafar is

unacceptable as it would further

exacerbate the situation of the civilian

population which is prey to displacement

hostilities epidemics and famine the

security Council must insist for the

parties to immediately comply with their

obligations under international law the

use of the famine as a method of warfare

is strictly prohibited by International

humanitarian law and constitutes a war

crime all humanitarian actors in Gaza


unra must have safe and unfettered

access to people in need need in order

to achieve this humanitarian Aid should

be able to be delivered and flow through

all Crossing points and then distributed

throughout the Gaza Strip particularly

the north reports that Aid to Gaza

reached the highest level since October

7th just yesterday are encouraging

nonetheless this is far from sufficient

and we must step up our efforts we

recall that arbitrary obstruction of

humanitarian access is also prohibited

under International humanitarian law as

are tax directed at humanitarian

Personnel facilities and

Equipment un humanitarian and medical

personnel as well as un infrastructure

and the infrastructures of other

humanitarian organizations must be

protected it's imperative for the

council to speak out on this issue going

Beyond specific contexts Switzerland is

in close contact with all council

members discussing a draft resolution on

this last but not least switzland calls

for independent investigations to be

conducted into all violations of

international humanitarian law Visa

violations in the Middle East the

perpetrators of these violations must be

held to

account president let me repeat what I

already said the immediate

implementation of council resolutions a

ceasefire the safe rapid and unfed

delivery of humanitarian act Aid to Gaza

and the release of hostages must be our

top priority as members of the security

Council we're Duty bound to step up our

efforts to achieve this as quickly as

possible and to avoid an even more

serious Regional escalation at all costs

this is a cinon condition if we are to

give people back the prospect of a

peaceful future in which they'll be able

to live in dignity and security

Switzerland stands ready to support

efforts that can revive the hope of

peace through a solution that involves

two Democratic states Israel and

Palestine living side by side in peace

within secure and recognized borders

based on the borders of

1967 including Gaza as an integral

component of a Palestinian State I thank

you of Switzerland for their statement

and I give the floor to the

representative of

Japan thank you Mr President I thank I

also thank senior coordinator uh Miss

sigit KAG for her VAR

update the current situation in Gaza

which began 200 days ago with a brutal

Terror attacks by Hamas and other groups

has led to unprecedented destruction and


catastroph around half of the gaza's

population approximately 1.1 million

people are at risk in entering the most

severe stage of famine there is an acute

shortage of basic necessities including

Safe Water food shelter and Medicine the

gravity of the crisis in G aaza cannot

be stressed

enough in light of the extreme Challenge

we highly respect Miss K's tiess efforts

to streamline and expedite the delivery

of humanitarian Aid to Gaza by proposing

a un mechanism in line with resolution

2720 we fully support the role of unops

in this

regard Japan underscores the urgent need

to enhance the flow of humanitarian Aid

into and throughout Gaza

we call on Israel to reopen land

Crossings particularly The caric

Crossing to ensure the steady flow of

Aid the land routs and more entry

into more entry points into Gaza a V

with no viable alternative we also

support the activation of a maritime

Corridor to ensure the aid reaches

reaches those in need Japan also so Echo

and uh with the support of the voices of

more protection of the humanitarian Aid

workers Mr President an Ana plays a

central role in gaza's desperatly needed

humanitarian operations and there is no

substitute for its essential functions

in this regard we welcome the final

report and recommendations of the

independent review group and hope unua

will state Implement these

recommendations Japan has resumed its

funding to un since April 2nd and has

already dispersed approximately 35

million us dos since then also our first

in kind contribution to un since the

resumption will be handed over in early

May in

Egypt lastly the security Council last

month adopted the resolution demanding

an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

however this has not been achieved and

the humanitarian crisis remains dire a

Seas fire is a critical component for

improving the humanitarian situation in

Gaza while laying the ground for future

reconstruction efforts thus Japan

expresses our strong support for the SI

diplomatic efforts to bring about the

cation of hostilities and the release of

the hostages being made by the United

States Egypt and Qatar and with we

appreciate their tireless efforts we

reiterate our strong appeal to all

parties concerned to reach a deal

without delay I thank you I thank the

representative of Japan for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of
France M pres Mr President I

thank the senior humanitarian

reconstruction coordinator for her

briefing France fully supports the

Mandate of the special coordinator and

calls for the the full implementation of

resolutions 2712 and

2720 miss kags a briefing on her visits

to Gaza confirmed the catastrophic state

of the humanitarian situation two

million people have absolutely nothing

the number of Civilian victims is

unacceptable Palestinians in Gaza are

not just exposed to the risk of famine

famine is upon them and in this context

the effectiveness humanitarian age is a

major concern

we would call on France to immediately

implement the pled

pledges to increase humanitarian Aid to

Gaza and this means the opening of all

Crossing points and the issuance of


authorizations Jordan and Egypt

have carried out efforts to ensure

predictable and more substantial

delivery of a

uh we also uh support the opening of the

Cypress Maritime quor which will not

replace but supplement the land

Crossings France remains mobilized we

support the wfp's the delivery of

humanitarian the humanitarian operation

the grain from Ukraine initiative as

well as additional delivery of

humanitarian Aid there must be

humanitarian immediate safe and

unfettered access as requested by the

icj it's not a question of counting the

number of trucks entering gas every day

but making sure that these trucks are

loaded with the necessary cargo Aid must

come not just to the Gaza Strip but it

must also flow within the Gaza Strip and

be distributed

safely hampering the provision of this

relief could constitute a crime under

the jurisdiction of the IC there are

still a number of restrictions on goods

and food food which can enter gas in

particular for the health care

facilities but also when it comes to

Water Sanitation and waste treatment the

work of humanitarian actors and their

safety must be ensured in all

circumstances the laws of war and the

humanitarian principles of precaution

proportionality and the conduct of

hostilities must be respected and we

call on All actors to guarantee the

effectiveness of the deconfliction

mechanisms Mr President France calls for

the full implementation of this

council's resolutions to begin with

beginning with the release of all

hostages we must arrive at an immediate

and Lasting ceasefire and guarantee the

protection of

civilians we are not dealing with a

natural catastrophe let's stop the

fighting that's the best possible way to

resolve this humanitarian crisis France

is firmly opposed to a ground offensive

in Rafa it would leave lead to Untold

number of

humanitarian uh of Civilian losses and a

huge humanitarian

catastrophe we call for a resolution to

the conflict on a political basis a

lasting political basis the two-state

solution is the only one which can

ensure the Israelis and the Palestinians

the peace and security to which they

Aspire France is actively working to

that end and we remain convinced of the

key role which the security Council must


the draft resolution which we submitted

to members of this Council which

addresses all aspects of the crisis is

in line with our views and I call on all

members of this Council to support it

thank you I thank the representative of

France for their statement and I shall

now make a statement in my capacity as

the representative of molto I begin by

thanking senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator Mr Grog for

her informative briefing four months

after the adoption of resolution 2720 we

regret that there has been no meaningful

increase in the scale and predictability

of the un's humanitarian response in

Gaza Malta once again demands the

immediate implementation of relevant

resolutions of this Council regarding

the need for emergencies fire the

release of all hostages and the

facilitation of desperately needed

humanitarian Aid into and throughout

Gaza in the face of such dire

humanitarian conditions Mt is is deeply

dismayed by the unjustified blockade of

Aid into and throughout Gaza famine has

grasped the north of the strip and the

rest of the population is now the most

food and secure in the world over

34,700 Palestinians have been killed in

Gaza the vast majority of them are women

and children furthermore as recalled by

the Secretary General reports continue

to emerge on the use of deadly

experimental AI targets systems to

devastating effect in

Gaza last week the council also met to

discuss the Irreplaceable nature of unra

there can be no meaningful Aid response

in Gaza without the agency we have also

taken note of the final report regarding

the agency's neutrality which determined

that anra has in place significant

mechanisms to ensure compliance and

respond to neutrality breaches and

further welcome the agency's commitment

to implementing the recommendations put

forward in the report however this UN

agency and all humanitarian Aid in Gaza

continues to be

undermined in these difficult times we

need to avoid politicizing the work of

humanitarian actors and undermining the

legitimacy of the United Nations in Gaza

we further reject and condemn The

Staggering number of humanitarian and un

staff killed by Israel during this

conflict to date th and transparent

investigations leading to accountability

are critical in all instances the

established humanitarian notification

and the confliction system must be

respected yet we see the opposite in the

destruction of hospitals and bombing of

eight convoys we also Echo the call of

the Secretary General for a credible and

independent investigation into recent

reports of M Graves at the Naser

Hospital in Kan un and at the alifa

hospital in Gaza City the provisional

orders of the international court of

justice on 26 January and 28th March

including those regarding the delivery

of humanitarian Aid into and within Gaza

must be complied with while Malta

positively notes the ongoing attempt to

move Aid via alternative routes to Gaza

mainly by air and sea land access

provides the only suitable Aid modality

that can immed mediately and

comprehensively arrest the humanitarian

crisis we are encouraged by the promises

made by the Israeli government regarding

the opening of azot port and their at

Crossings for humanitarian Aid we

reiterate our call for such measures to

be retained and strengthened in order to

address the devastating situation on the

ground while we recognize the eight food

world food program trucks which have

entered the port in the last number of

days the volume is insignificant when

compared to humanitarian needs what was

called for and what was promised Israel

must do much more to abide by its legal

obligations as a UN member State a party

to this conflict and an occupying power

this includes opening those Crossings to

allow for the safe passage of Aid into

and throughout Gaza the UN must be

allowed to scale up their response in

Gaza in a meaningful and principled

manner Aid delivery must not form part

of political negotiation in conclusion

we reiterate our support for the work of

the UN Miss gag and her team Malta will

continue to underline the need for a

massive Aid scaleup to address the need

of those who are suffering the ongoing

catastrophic conditions within

Gaza I resume my function as president

of the council and I now give the floor

to the representative of

Israel thank you Mr President

first and foremost wish to thank senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator Miss K for her briefing as

well as for important work on the ground

Mr President since Miss K's appointment

to the role of senior humanitarian

coordinator following the adoption of

Security Council resolution

272 Israel has done its utmost to Grant

Miss kako staff the highest levels of

support and cooperation we greatly value

the ongoing discourse with her which is

of course vital in order to promote the

very important efforts in the

humanitarian domain we will continue to

work closely with Miss kah and her team

Mr President despite immense obstacles

on the ground since October 7th Israel

continues to elevate and step up its

support to the humanitarian efforts has

found Creative Solutions despite

extremely complex and challenging

circumstances significantly active Kamas

actions to hamper and clash with these

initiatives despite this Israel's

ongoing efforts have brought about

substantial results on the ground with a

dramatic increase in the volumes and

quantities of aid over the course of the

last several months with regard to the

flow of Aid into the Gaza Strip in

recent weeks a daily number of between

300 to 400 trucks carrying a and

Essentials were inspected and granted

access by the Israeli authorities since

October 7th more than 25,000 trucks

carrying almost 500,000 tons of Aid have

been able to access into the Gaza Strip

significantly the number of trucks

inspected and approved in recent weeks

is meaningfully higher than in previous

months and was made possible due to the

Israeli authorities ongoing efforts to

increase this activity at the Kum Shalom

and its Sunner Crossings moreover Israel

recently announced the opening of gate

96 Crossing which is utilized for direct

humanitarian accents to the northern

part of the Gaza Strip and will soon

allocate the opening of another route

that will enable M to be shipped from

ashdod and other

locations alongside this recent days

have seen more a trucks using the route

Via Jordan This Channel known as the

Jordanian Channel which was coordinated

jointly between Israel and the kingdom

of Jordan Will Allow 100 Jordanian

military trucks to enter every day 3

days a week this will be in addition to

the un's a trucks that will use this

route three days a week

too last week we already witness a

record of 200 trucks using the route

from Jordan and we expect to see even

higher numbers in the future the

establishment of the vital

infrastructure is also underway Israel

wishes to take this opportunity to thank

the many countries and organizations

involved in the construction operation

of field and floating Maritime hospitals

including those currently in the final

stages of establishment Israel stands

ready to provide any further support

needed in these matters including the

ongoing transfer of patients to third

countries and the entry of ambulances to

Gaza as for water supply and access

Israel recently repaired two additional

vital water pump lines the nalo line

which will supply water to the northern

Gaza Strip and the second B SOA line in

this regard Israel's recent support to

the reactivation of wells in the

northern strip is also an import

important to mention earlier this week

four tankers of cooking gas and four

tankers of fuel designated for the

operation of essential infrastructure

entered the Gaza Strip we are also we

also note that 25 bakeries are currently

operational in Gaza providing over 3

million breads rolls in P daily in

addition in March and April alone around

7,8 packages were dropped by air into

Gaza with over 1,68 packages

specifically for the northern part of

the Gaza

Strip Mr President these steps and

others were all made possible through

the commitment of the Israeli

authorities to the humanitarian efforts

as well as our coordination and Joint

work with different partners in the

region and Beyond in this regard Israel

wishes to commend the US for its immense

efforts on the humanitarian front LED On

The Ground by Ambassador safield Mr

president while Israel has clearly

stepped up its efforts this according to

external sources as well it is essential

that the UN steps up its capabilities

too as growing numbers of trucks are

inspected enabled entry from Israel's

side we are concerned that these amounts

of Aid are not always swiftly

distributed in the Gaza Strip as

reported recently the main problem at

the moment is not getting assistance

into Gaza but rather getting it

distributed within the Gaza Strip

unfortunately there have been several

occasions lately where large numbers of

trucks caring Aid after being inspected

and enabled passage by Israel stood

ready and waiting on the Gaza side of

the Kim Shalom

crossing without being dealt with by the

UN they stood there for days on certain

days almost three times the amount of

Aid entering was piled up on the Gaza

side the Aid distribution was therefore

impacted and delayed the truck loads on

the Gaza side at times reached several

hundred were attended to at a later

stage but this creates a bottleneck

obstacle at the Crossing

this logistical Gap impacts the flow of

delivery the UN must find solutions to

this logistical Gap and among other

things extend its hours of activity

increase the number of trucks as well as

initiate more convoys to Northern Gaza

especially as looting incidents having

late being reduced in that

area Mr President as we sit here in this

Council to discuss humanitarian efforts

which are indeed extremely important we

cannot remain silent in light of the

most horrific humanitarian case of

Injustice the 100 33 hostages held by

Hamas and other terrorist groups since

October 7th while this Council expects

Israel to step up efforts and do it

share with regard to humanitarian Aid to

the Gaza Strip This Council must step up

its own efforts and demand that this

horror which has lasted more than six

months finally ends it is regrettable

that this Council cannot bring Refuge to

these hostages and their families we're

here to remind all that these hostages

have not been allowed any basic

humanitarian assistance by their

monstrous terrorist kidnappers at all

Israel will do whatever it takes to

bring them home this Council must step

up to that task too I thank you Mr

President I thank the representative of

Israel for their statement I will now

give the floor to Miss sigret K to

respond to comments and questions

raised thank you very much um there were

I believe three questions I'll respond

to those um first of all on the question

of of consent with regards to the

mechanism uh as asked by the

representative of the Russian feder

ation well the mechanism is mandated by

this Council and as such not a voluntary

Arrangement uh it's not an alak option

but we've had very close discussions and

constructive discussions with the

Israeli authorities at all levels uh

regarding the operationalization of the

mechanism and details related to the

notification uh system as well as the

database and we intend to operationalize

it as I mentioned um and we count on the

corporation of all to ensure

implementation because it's aiming to

facilitate to expedite and to obviously

underpin the actions On The Ground by

the humanitarian actors I've also

discussed it in a series of meetings

with uh the then prime minister of the

Palestinian Authority Muhammad I've also

discussed it with prime minister

Muhammad Mustafa and a number of his

senior officials so at the highest

levels in both Israel uh and the

Palestinian Authority I have I have

engaged as I've done with of course

other partners important Partners in the

region when it comes to the concept note

with the funding proposal that was

actually sent to donors and member


uh on the 15th of March it referred to

Crossings already opened but the concept

note itself includes also in the cover

letter and I quote the mechanism will

also be able to service additional Aid

delivery routes to Gaza as well as

maximize the efficiencies of existing

routes th taken in totality it will

serve as a One-Stop shop for

facilitation of humanitarian

humanitarian relief Consignments to Gaza

through all entry points um present and

additional ones as for instance I listed

also in my remarks on the intent by the

Israeli authorities to open more and

those that have been opened since 5th of

April with key functions in Gaza uh so

in keeping with the mechanism uh Goods

coming from Jordan in the first instance

as well as uh to Gaza via erit and other

Northern Crossings present and

prospective I hope as well as the

maritime route this will be used and

Security Council the last question

Security Council resolution 2720 it's

clear it requires the mechanism to be

used to verify the humanitarian nature

of Aid uh um it's however of course a

logical uh premise that the mechanism

the way it is constructed could also be

used for commercial Goods in future in

due course when it comes also to early

recovery and reconstruction but is

constructed with a view to the language

of the council for humanitarian

assistance it is however upon the

parties um and Commercial Goods as such

I'd like to stress that um are needed

very much so within the Gaza Strip we

need the informal economy and the formal

economy to be rebooted uh and combined

with cash assistance and the

availability of cash which is currently

absent in the Gaza Strip for a number of

reasons this is critically important to

help restore elements of human dignity

for the civilians in Gaza and I thank

you very much for your support political

unity and voice uh and we will continue

with the teams in the wider un family to

do our utmost to deliver on the

expectations thank you I thank Miss K

for the clarifications she has provided

there are no more names inscribed on the

list of speakers the meeting is


e for




9,6 2017th meeting of the Security

Council is called to

order the provisional agenda for this

meeting is the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian question

the agenda is

adopted in accordance with rule 37 of

the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite the representative of

Israel to participate in this meeting it

is so

decided in accordance with rule 39 of

the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite Miss sigri KAG senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza pursuant to

Security Council resolution 2720 of 2023

to participate in this meeting it's so

decided the security Council will now

begin as consideration of item two of


agenda I now give the floor to miss Sig

C Madame President excellencies members

of the security Council it's been almost

7 months since the 7th of October terror

attack perpetrated by ham against Israel

a country which continues to be impacted

by Deep trauma of the attack and the

uncertainty of the fate of the

hostages in Gaza during the same period

over 34,000 people have been killed and

tens of thousands have been injured or

maimed livelihoods homes schools and

hospitals have been

destroyed the health infrastructure in

Gaza has been decimated the few

hospitals still standing struggle to

operate due to severe shortages of

supplies and frequent power outages as

summer draws near and temperatures rise

communicable diseases threatened to

sweep through

Gaza children who in every crisis suffer

the worst and the most are deprived of

nutrition protection and education their

Futures hanging in the balance the

scarcity of food and other essential

Goods has also led to a breakdown in

civil order and the gradual unraveling

of the social Fabric in Gaza there is no

effective law

enforcement as the Secretary General has

said we have a shared responsibility to

secure an immediate humanitarian

ceasefire in Gaza the immediate and

unconditional release of all hostages

and the unimpeded delivery of

humanitarian Aid Madame President since

my last briefing to this Council on the

7th of March I've continued to engage in

discussions with key governments and

stakeholders ERS across the region I've

also submitted and discussed detailed

proposals with the governments of Israel

Jordan Egypt and Cyprus to accelerate

and streamline the delivery of goods

into Gaza and to ensure a consistent

pipeline of goods for safe distribution

across the Gaza Strip today I will share

with you my assessment of the

implementation of Security Council


2720 including areas where progress has

been made or lack thereof allow me to to

say from the outset that a paradigm

shift is needed to continue to meet the

immense needs of the civilian population

in a secure and safe

manner Madame President as I've stated

to you before effective humanitarian

operations cannot be reduced to Counting

trucks this is a false metrics for

gouging whether humanitarian assistance

is sufficient let alone whether it

responds to the basic humanitarian

requirements for example treating

acutely Mal children or pregnant women

is not a matter of eating more calories

they require therapeutic and

supplemental Foods as well as long-term

Medical Care effective humanitarian

operations are also about the need for a

sustained flow to deliver the right

quality and quantity of assistance this

requires a continued focus on volume

predictability and sustainability of

Divi Diversified Aid to scale up

assistance humanitarian agents genes

must be able to move food medicine and

many other supplies safely and Via all

possible routes and crossings into and

throughout every part of

Gaza unra is pivotal in providing

life-saving humanitarian Aid and

essential Social Services particularly

in health and education to Palestine

refugees as such unra is irreplaceable

and indispensable as a humanitarian

lifeline and must be allowed to deliver

on its mandate Madam president on the

5th of April the Israeli government made

several commitments to improve Aid

delivery in response to requests by the

UN and the International Community a

number of steps have been taken

including an increase in the volume of

Aid cleared inspected and crossed into

Gaza the temporary opening of The aets

Crossing and the opening of ashdot port

for humanitarian Goods an increase in

the number of trucks entering Gaza

directly from Jordan through alen be/

King Hussein bridge and an increased

access to the north preparations are

underway for other Northern Crossings

continued use of gate

96 an expansion of the opening hours of

kamam Shalom Abu salum and nitsana

crossings the resumption of operations

by bakeries some bakeries in Northern

and Central Gaza and the ongoing repair

of the nahal O water line I've also been

advised of the approval of critical

communication equipment and an increase

in the allocation of

fuel whilst implementation of some

measures is ongoing further definitive

and Urgent steps are needed to set the

course for a sustained flow of

humanitarian and Commercial Goods into

Gaza in terms of volume need and reach

given the scale and scope of Destruction

and the extent of human suffering every


counts the UN is in contact with the

Israeli government ment on other

measures that need urgent or continuous

implementation these include issues

pertaining to checkpoint procedures the

Urgent repair of Roads timely clearances

to allow humanitarian Convoy movements

to take place as scheduled the approval

of additional communication devices

armored vehicles and spare parts for CR

critical equipment agreement on medical

and Casualty evacuation is equally

urgent delivery at scale requires a

functioning humanitarian notification

system and improved and Direct

Communications between humanitarians and

Military decision makers on the ground

effective and credible deconfliction is

vital for all humanitarian actors in

Gaza and this list of basic measures is

not exhaustive implementation is urgent

and my office is establishing a

monitoring framework to determine

progress and impact of respective

measures taken and I will report to you

in due course Madame President allow me

to share an update on the

diversification of supply routes under

security Council resolution

2720 with respect to Jordan my team has

worked with the concerned authorities to

launch the Jordan land Corridor under a

new streamlined modality this has

resulted in an increase in the number of

trucks thereby volume with only one

transloading inside the Gaza Crossing

and it has the potential for further

increases and the entire un family is

planning for the receipt and onward

distribution of cargo at scale directly

from Jordan to Northern Gaza via the

aets crossing this route is both

effective and vital to reach civilians

in Northern Gaza and

Beyond with regards to Egypt given the

importance of the aid flow from Egypt we

will continue to streamline operations

and maximize access through the RAF and

K Shalom Abu salum Crossings we've

engaged in con constructive dialogue to

explore opportunities for the

optimization of the efficiency of Aid

delivery through Egypt and to further

streamline access for humanitarian cargo

to to Gaza from Rafa the UN has proposed

the establishment of an inspection

monitoring and verification unit on the

Palestinian side of Rafa the Egypt land

Corridor in particular via the Rafa

Crossing is important given its volume

for both humanitarian assistance but

also early recovery and Recon

construction of Gaza in due

course when it comes to Cyprus the

Cypress Maritime Corridor provides for

additionality of humanitarian Aid to

Gaza it can never and is not intended to

be a substitute for delivery by land

land routes are the only way to bring in

the bulk of supplies needed preparations

for the for the building of the floating

port and Pier on the shores of Gaza are

advancing with the involvement of the Us

and other member states the UN has

outlined the parameters under which it

can play a meaningful role in the

distribution of Aid via this Corridor my

office has proposed a multi-donor

funding mechanism and provide

Secretariat support to the maritime

Corridor to ensure full coordination

with the operations on the ground in

Gaza un monitors have been deployed to

Cyprus as part of the 2720 mechanism

finally regarding air drops and in view

of the above several member states have

indicated their intent to phase out this

mode of delivery in conjunction with the

scaling up of assistance via Land and

Sea Madame President I'm pleased to

announce that the operationalization of

the UN 2720 mechanism for Gaza will

start in the coming days and I'm

grateful for the constructive

Corporation the mechanism will initially

be applicable to the Cypress and Jordan

routes respectively technical

consultations will shortly be finalized

with Egypt on this route I've informed

the government of Israel on the

operationalization of the mechanism as

per the resolution a database and

notification system will go online for

all cargo destined for Gaza along supply

routes the approval for the placement of

international monitors at Crossings

inspection and Supply points has been

requested from relevant authorities

verification and monitoring inside Gaza

will commence as soon as possible in the

coming weeks my office will also be

operational in Gaza the

operationalization of the mechanism will

allow for pipeline prioritization

predictability visibility and tracking

of supplies to Gaza as the resolution

intended the mechanism is designed to

facilitate and support the work of all

humanitarian Partners on the

ground Madame President the extent of

the destruction and the devastating

impact of this war on the entire

population of Gaza calls for an

ambitious and comprehensive plan of

support with commensurate investment the

recent un EU and World Bank interim

disaster assessment illustrates the

scale of the damage and the magnitude of

Investments required across all sectors

for example the rebuilding and repair of

the more than 84% of destroyed Health

Facilities the return of an entire

student population to school willst the

educational facilities have been

impacted or destroyed as the Secretary

General has stated the palestin

authority has a critical role to play in

Gaza the International Community must

work towards enabling its return

strengthen its governance capacity and

prepare it to reassume its

responsibilities in Gaza all efforts

towards early recovery and

reconstruction also need the

participation of Palestinian Civil

Society fostering a conducive

environment to reestablish the

commercial sector in Gaza and the

engagement of the Palestinian business

community and its investors are equally

important Madame President I wish to

Echo the United Nations grave concern

over the prospect of an Israeli

operation Rafa such action would

compound an ongoing humanitarian

catastroph uh with consequences for

people already displaced and enduring

severe hardships and suffering the un's

ability to deliver will also be

constrained in closing I would like to

reiterate the importance of a paradigm

sh shift this requires a further scale

up in the quality and quantity of

assistance and its distribution

irreversible steps to enable safe secure

and unhindered delivery inside Gaza and

planning and timely preparations for

early recovery and

reconstruction there's no substitute for

political will to sustain these efforts

let us remember that behind every

statistic is a human story of loss and

suffering and it's our duty to provide

protection support and therefore hope

for the Palestinian population in Gaza

it's also our duty to advocate for a

lasting peace between Israel and a fully

independent viable and Sovereign

Palestinian State thank

you I thank Miss C for her briefing and

now give the floor to those council

members who wish to make statements I

give the floor to the representative of

the United

Kingdom and thank you very much senior

humanitarian coordinator for your

briefing as you said Israel suffered the

worst terror attack in its history at

the hands of Hamas more than 200 days on

and Hamas continues to hold

hostages Palestinian civilians in Gaza

are facing a devastating and growing

humanitarian crisis and the risk of

famine the UK is joining USG CG's

important efforts to prevent this

situation deteriorating even

further we have trebled our Aid

commitment in the last Financial year

and we're doing everything we can to get

more Aid in as quickly as possible by

land sea and air and to contribute to

the paradigm shift that you

mentioned I want to highlight three

areas first we welcome Israel's

commitment to increase Aid flows into


for example the delivery of humanitarian

Aid through the port of ashdod and the

arz checkpoint and extending the opening

hours of the Kem Shalom Crossing we now

need to see more

implementation there has been some

welcome progress in this regard but much

more needs to be done our foreign

secretary reiterated this to Israeli

Prime Minister Netanyahu on his visit to

Israel last week

second as well as getting more Aid in it

needs to be the Right Aid that is why

resolution 2720 is so

important the UK fully supports sigd

car's mandate to establish a database

and a mechanism to track verify and

coordinate Aid UK has provided expert

technical support to help delivery of

this mandate and the UK will be

providing over $3.5 million of

additional funding for equipment to

support the UN and Aid agencies to get

more Aid into

Gaza third once humanitarian Aid arrives

in Gaza it is vital that it can be

distributed quickly and

effectively we're calling on Israel to

improve deconfliction

and to allow un agencies and

humanitarian actors unhindered and safe

access into and throughout Gaza and to

enable the un's minimum operating


fully the tragic deaths of seven World

Central kitchen workers including three

British citizens demonstrates the need


Action president the UK recognizes that

anra is critical to Aid delivery in Gaza

we were appalled by the allegations that

unra staff were involved in the 7

October attacks against Israel and we

note the ongoing un office for internal

oversight Services investigation into


allegations we are grateful for the

independent review into unra neutrality

led by Katherine Colona

and we will set out our position on

future funding to unra following careful

consideration of the final report and



president the UK remains resolved to

working with International Partners to

urgently secure an immediate pause to

get Aid in and the hostages out and then

to work for a sustainable permanent


without a return to fighting and loss of

life I thank you I thank the

representative of the United Kingdom and

P the flo to

mozek Madame President mozambik wishes

to thank malta's

presidency for convening this important

briefing on the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian

question we also thank Madame sigd and

Secretary General senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator for for

Gaza for her updated

information and perspectives on the

situation in Gaza

particularly in the

humanitarian situation over the past 90

days in light of

uh United Nations security Council


2720 we

commend her and her entire team for

their unwavering dedication to

address this man-made crisis in order to

alleviate the immense suffering of


Madame President the Israel Palestinian

conflict has long been a source of

tension and Tra tragedy in the region

the recent

escalation has resulted insignificant

loss of

life Israel military

operation continue causing more civilian

casualties displacement

destruction of houses and other civilian

infrastructure the situation remains

dire and Urgent action is needed to

alleviate the human suffering and

address the humanitarian

crisis despite these

challenges the council successfully

adopted two

resolutions resolution

272 and resolution

2720 these

resolutions were

clear in calling for an immediate and

Urgent humanitarian CE fire cessation of

hostilities and

ultimately ceas fire not only to ensure

more and better humanitarian Aid to

those in need in Gaza but also to allow

for unconditional release of hostages

and PVE the way for the relaunch of the


process the Hope was

that through the

demand uh urgent

actions the the demand of urgent actions

the suffering could be

alleviated and steps towards lasting

peace could be


deplorably four months have

passed and yet these resolutions have

not been fully

implemented the delay in their

implementation is a matter of

concern Madame President

the same purposes that guided this

Council to adopt the two

resolutions in December uh

2023 must strengthen our Collective

conscience to en enforce International


under the international humanitarian law


international human right human rights




encourages the engagement of relevant

parties in

implementation of these

resolutions we firmly hold the view that


encouraging of relevant parties is

crucial for implementing these

resolutions we reiterate our appeal to

the council members with influence on

the parties to

cooperate with the

coordinator and her team to fulfill

their mandate without delay and

obstruction the

council must unite and speak with one

voice to urgently address the pressing

humanitarian situation in Gaza

the situation demands

immediate safe and unhindered access for

humanitarian Aid to reach those most in

need bearing in mind that thousands of

people and families in Gaza Street are

gathering in at Raa Crossing border

amidst escalating hostil

hostilities let me mam president

underscore that human toll of this

conflict is

staring with innocent lives cot in the

crossfire the call for a ceasefire

remains therefore urgent and crucial

diplomatic efforts and international

pressure must continue I thank you thank

you represent Mozambique and pause the

floor to the United

States uh thank you madam president and

Senior coordinator Cog thank you very

much for your

briefing colleagues the humanitarian

situation in Gaza is beyond

dire starvation has taken the lives of

children in the

north essential supplies are dwindling

Millions have been

displaced at this perilous moment

President Biden has called on Israel to

take a series of specific concrete and

measurable steps to address this

humanitarian crisis protect civilians

from harm and ensure the safety of all


workers Israel must do more to prevent

civilian casualties

immediately and President Biden has made

clear that US policy will be determined

by our assessment of Israel's immediate

and sustained action on these

steps Israel has taken some positive

steps but not nearly enough and not

quickly enough

and so the United States position is

clear Israel must take immediate action

to open additional land Crossings into


Gaza as Gaza faces imminent

famine lives hang in the balance and

every day

matters to complement and not replace

additional land Crossings and increase

Aid flowing into Gaza United States is

working with our partners to implement a


Corridor part of that Corridor in the

establishment of a temporary pier in

Gaza from which humanitarian assistance

will be

offloaded we welcome the un's commitment

to help facilitate the distribution of

Aid delivered to Gaza via the

pier another essential portion of the

maritime carer is the full

implementation of Israeli commitments to

open ashad for humanitarian

shipments as we understand it assistance

will be shipped to ashad and then

transported through land Crossings into

G Gaza this is critical and this needs

to happen right

away but it doesn't matter how much Aid

gets into Gaza if that Aid can't get

into the hands of Palestinians in dire

need the distribution of Aid within Gaza

is absolutely

critical the plans senior coordinator

Cog outlined today are vital to

achieving distribution of a at scale and

we look forward to hearing more about

the un's efforts during today's close


I want to reiterate the Biden

administration's full support for senior

coordinator cigaret Cog and I again call

on Israel to cooperate with the un's

efforts to facilitate the delivery of

humanitarian assistance at

scale colleagues another Factor limiting

the distribution of Aid has been the

repeated failure of deconfliction

mechanisms since October 7 more than 230

humanitarian workers have been killed

this is tragic and

unacceptable deconfliction mechanisms

are vital this is how we protect the

lives of those who are working to save

the lives of innocent people and so

Israel must fully Implement functional

deconfliction procedures it it

must we reiterate our call for

accountability for incidents in which

humanitarian Personnel were killed this

includes the deadly attack on world

Central Kitchen personnel earlier this

month there must be an additional

independent transparent

investigation colleagues as you all know

this week foreign minister Colona

released her report on

unra we appreciate that unra has taken

steps to set internal policies and

address its neutrality but more must be

done and unra must undertake substantial

reforms to protect its sustainability

and Mission

we know this will take time and

resources but implementation of the

reforms outlined in cola's report will

be critical and the United States will

work closely with the UN and other

partners to ensure unra carries out its

duties in a neutral and balanced way for

the benefit of the Palestinian


colleagues I fear many have lost sight

of the fact that it is Hamas that set

this conflict into motion on October 7

when it carried out a henus attack on

Israel slaughtering concert goers

burning people alive committing

unspeakable acts of sexual violence

let's not forget this important

fact the United States has been clear

from the beginning that we fully support

Israel's right to self-defense and that

support is

Ironclad but we have also been clear

that as Israel continues to pursue the

destruction of the remaining elements of

Hamas we are opposed to a full-scale

military operation in Rafa which would

have catastrophic consequences for the


population we reiterate our call for

Israel to produce a credible and

actionable plan to protect the civilian

population in Rafa and address the

humanitarian needs of those who have

sought refuge in the

South we are deeply concerned by the

Massive Internal displacement within

Gaza and the risk of forcible

displacement from Gaza Israel must act

in compliance with its obligations under

international law full

stop colleagues since October 7 so much

suffering and pain death and Destruction

has played out before our eyes on all

sides of this conflict now more than

ever we need an immediate and

sustainable ceasefire as part of a deal

to release the hostages by Hamas which

will also allow us to scale up

humanitarian assistance to Palestinian

civilians the United States is working

with our partners in the region to make

this possible Hamas however continues to

reject offers from Israel that would

halt fighting and release hostages over

and over and over if Hamas accepted the

offer Israel has made it would allow for

an immediate ceasefire that would

benefit Palestinians

now Hamas should take this deal if not

it should explain to the world and to

the Palestinian people why they have yet

to do so because right now Hamas is the

sole obstacle to a ceasefire in

Gaza we must all call on Hamas

especially those with the most influence

to take this deal and we must continue

to work together to support the work of

senior coordinator sigret Cog and all

those working to save lives in Gaza at

this moment of dire need thank you madam

president the representative of the

United States and pass the floor to

Algeria thank you Madame President

I thank Madame KAG for her

briefing about the implementation of her

mandates as stipulated in resolution

2720 to

facilitate humanitarian add

access to the Gaza Strip despite facing

multiple Challenge and obstacle in her

Endeavor yes over 200 days two 100 days

of ongoing

aggression against pal Palestinian

people in in

Gaza and we are still

discussing access to basic

needs basic human needs such as access


food water and

sanitation let allone

access to

education housing and

health which has become a

luxury for the entire population in

Gaza Madame cag's

mission of expediting humanitarian a

delivery to Gaza civilian population is


however more than five four months after

resolution 20


adoption despite Madame KAG and her


efforts to establish a un mechanism for

accelerating humanitarian

relief in

Gaza this

call remain unwed

unanswered and the Mandate not fully

implemented the International


particularly member state with influence

on the compined

power should make every effort to help

Madame KAG fulfilling her

mandate and ensuring to succeed

is collective

responsibilities not just one person's

Duty Madame President we firmly

believe successful humanitarian Aid in

Gaza depends on the



obviously obviously an immediate and


ceasefire safe humanitarian action

throughout Gaza cannot be ensured

without a ceasefire

the past six months clearly indicated

this as said by Charan donelli an

International Rescue committee senior

vice president operating in

Gaza what's increasingly

clear is that the the confliction

process is a

fiction it doesn't provide provide any

guarantees of

safety only Association of

hostility can help meeting civilian



otherwise humanitarian
actors will deliver Aid at risk of their


second and 100 human Arian

access this

require this requires opening

all Crossing possible and using them at


capacity according to the occupying

authorities since

October seven only 40%

of the minimum required basic

needs were allowed into

Gaza after

killing I should say

assassinating humanitarian workers from

the world Central

Kitchen the occupying

authorities made a lot of publicity

on their decision to

reopen ID's


however according to the

UN until last

Friday last Friday only 25

trucks only 25

trucks were authorized to use

Aras Crossing yes 25

trucks the International

Community including powerful

countries seems to be

incapable of forcing the occupying power

to adere to its obligations under

International humanitarian law


drops a last resort

solution became the only

option but represent only

0.3 of total Aid delivered to

Gaza the maritime

Corridor was undermined before providing

tangible result

result our strong

belief is that there is no

alternative to La

rots all

Crossing must be reopened



Ena Anda

irrepressible irr role

this agency has been and continue to be

the blackbone of humanitarian delivery


Gaza it

should operate

freely without

threat after Madame kona's

report there is no more need to further

debate en R's
credibility and

efficiency the report state that Ena

possess a more developed approach to

neutrality that other similar UN agency

or NGS


and say it

again Israel has has yet to provide


evidence of its

allegation against


personnel as Madame kona's report

indicated even those agency rely on unua

that retain its Central and

irreplaceable role of providing a

platform and in many cas

infrastructure for these spe specialized

activities Ena must be owed again and

allowed to operate across Gaza including

the north as famine risk


fourth resuming commercial activities

resuming commercial

activities no matter how large and

efficient humanitarian assistant

is is

imperative but require two main

first ending The Siege imposed by the



second launching a vast cash

transfer program to help revive gaza's


market starting such such an operation



fifth no ground offensive in

Rafa we warn again

against any military action in

Rafa such an offensive should not be

allowed by under any


1.5 million

Palestinian are

crumped into

ra which has

become the humanitarian Hub of

Gaza the the survival of Gaza entire


depends on

situation on this

city ground

offensive will leave people with no

choice no choice but to flee to

Egypt it will not be only only a


catastrophe but a irreversible

brech of peace and

security not just in the region but

beyond Adam

president gaza's catastrophic

situation is a betral for

Humanity and a test for the

international order and our multilateral

multilateral system

this is not natural

disaster it is a humade


and we

bear the

responsibility the International

Community must

ensure Implement implementation of icg

orders and Security Council resolution

failure is not an option the occupa

occupying power that causes death and

Desperation wherever it goes cannot

continue to dictate the

rules this

catastroph must be ended I thank you I

thank the representative of Al IIA and

pass the floor to

Ecuador gra thank you Madame President I

welcome the presence in this Council of

the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator of the UN for

Gaza and we also welcome the report

she's just provided us I re reiterate

Ecuador's support for Miss secret CG's

actions and the work of her entire team

with a view to setting up a mechanism

which will fac facilitate and speed up

access of Aid this is an urgent and

important task Madame

President more than four months have

passed since the adoption of resolution

2720 last December when Ecuador held the

presidency in this Council regrettably

many of its Provisions are far from

being fulfilled and the valuable

progress achieved is insufficient given

the magnitude of the

task the civilian population Gaz Gaza

must have access to the aid it needs at

scale consistently and

predictably Food Water Sanitation

electricity telecommunications medical

services are all essential for their

survival my country has repeatedly

called for humanitarian Aid to be

provided and distributed without

obstacles we have done so since the

beginning of the war in Gaza last

October for the that reason Ecuador

welcomes the efforts to

diversify the aid routes and the supply

lines by land air and sea and encourages

pursuit of these efforts despite the

problems and the challenges faced in

terms of operational difficulties to

ensure entry of Aid to Gaza and

distribution in the Gaza Strip we must

recall that Security Council resolution

2720 requires the parties in the

conflict to cooperate with coordinator

KAG without delay and without any

obstructions the adoption of immediate

measures to guarantee the the delivery

of basic services and humanitarian Aid

has also been uh provided by the icj in

the provisional measures issued in

January and in March Security Council

resolutions and the provisions of the

icj must be

respected in terms of the mechanism to

speed up the supply of of humanitarian

relief to Gaza my country hopes that

this mechanism can be fully operational

as soon as possible so that it can

contribute to alleviating the shortages

uh the civilian population face in

conclusion Madam president I reiterate

Ecuador's condemnation of the atrocious

terrorist attacks by Hamas on the 7th of

October and any act of violence against

civilians including sexual violence and

we would reiterate our call for the

immediate and unconditional release of


hostages and at the same time to

guarantee humanitarian access to address

their medical needs as required by this

council's resolutions thank you of eador

and the floor to

Guana Madame President I thank you for

organizing today's briefing and thank

Miss sigret KAG for the updates provided

on her work pursuant to the Mandate

outlined in resolution 272

the pressing need for a ceasefire in

Gaza is driven home forcefully once

again in what has been laid out to the

council this afternoon the humanitarian

situation in the Gaza Strip continues to

worsen as it remains subjected to

Israeli bombardments from Air Land and

Sea the Dead toll stands at a staggering

34,000 plus the number of of those

injured has surpassed 77,000

these figures should shock our

Collective conscience and compel us to

bring this war to an immediate and just

end after more than 200 days of

unimaginable horror Madame President the

provisions of resolution
2720 are clear on the obligations of

parties to the conflict they must comply

with international law including

International humanitarian law this

entails in ensuring interia the

provision of civilians and civilian

objects humanitarian access and the

protection of humanitarian personnel and

their freedom of movement it also

entails upholding the obligation to

ensure the provision at scale of

urgently needed basic humanitarian

services and humanitarian assistance

these obligations have not been met in

clear Defiance of the legally binding

orders issued by the international court

of justice on 26 January and 28th March

2024 a particular note is the order of

the icj that Israel take all necessary

and effective measures to ensure without

delay in full cooperation with the

United Nations the unhindered provisions

at scale by all concerned of urgently

needed basic services and humanitarian

assistance and I quote including by

increasing the capacity a number of land

Crossing points and maintaining them

open for as long as necessary end of

quote the unavailability of sufficient

land Crossing remains a major hindrance

to humanitarian efforts in Gaza

compounded by excessive inspection

processes Guyana reminds Israel of its

obligations to allow facilitate and

enable the immediate safe and unhindered

delivery of humanitarian assistance at

scale directly to the civilian

population throughout the Gaza Strip we

call on Israel to honor those

obligations we take note of Miss cag's

extensive efforts in extremely

challenging circumstances including

towards the establishment of the UN

mechanism and reiterate guyana's

continued support for those efforts

cyana also stresses the importance of

guaranteeing the safety of humanitarian

Personnel for scaling up humanitarian

assistance in the Gaza Strip an

unprecedented number of humanitarian

workers have been killed in this war

principally because of non-compliance

with International humanitarian law

humanitarian workers have been directly

attacked as seen in the killing of the

seven World Central Kitchen team members

others have fallen victim to

indiscriminate shelling because

deconfliction and notification

mechanisms are not functioning

adequately Madame President allow me to

draw the council's attention to three

important points first while it is

crucial to scale up humanitarian support

and increase access across Gaza this

alone will not save lives for

humanitarian assistance to be delivered

effectively and at scale in a

sustainable manner there must be a


ceasefire second Palestinians must not

be expected to subsist on humanitarian

aid for any lengthy period of time for

the preservation of their dignity

conditions must be created for them to

build their own livelihoods

reestablishing the means for trade and

for the market to thrive is

essential I stress again that a secure

environment is Paramount for this to

happen a ceasefire is

indispensable deciding to increase

humanitarian support to Gaza while

delaying a decision about a ceasefire is

self-defeating third Guyana reiterates

the need for accountability there is

perhaps no greater deterrent than

accountability where accountability is

lacking impunity thrives emboldening

perpetrators to the detriment of all in

the case of Gaza impunity has brought

disproportionate consequences for women

and children who are the vast majority

of those being killed and named

Madam president I conclude by observing

that the scale of Devastation visited

upon Gaza has created a

multi-dimensional crisis which requires

multi-dimensional approach that takes

account of immediate and future needs

Guyana is prepared to work with this

Council to design and facilitate

implementation of that Approach at the

heart of that approach must be the

creation of a free and independent state

of Palestine in accordance with the PR

1967 lines this is our duty I thank you

I thank the representative of Guana for

her statement and I now give the floor

to the representative of the Russian

Federation thank you

president we'd like to thank the senior

humanitarian reconstruction coordinator

Miss sigaret KAG

for her briefing and for seeking to find

Opportunities to grow humanitarian

relief Consignments to The Enclave as

per Security Council resolution

2720 as you know we abstained on that

resolution which uh inter Alia calls for

the establishment of a un mechanism for

assisting the delivery of humanitarian

relief Consignment the parameters of

which we're discussing today the reason

we abstained is that this document does

not directly demand a ceasefire which is

a key precondition for safe and


and safe and unfitted access to those in

need instead it set forth

the information about the creation of

conditions for uh secession of uh

violence in Gaza we warned that these

ambiguous uh formulations this ambiguous

wording would be interpreted by Israel

as the green light and that's exactly

what happened colleagues we're tired of

repeating it against the backdrop of the

Israeli military operation in G with

Comprehensive support from the US it's

been going on for 18 months now properly

assisting the population of The Enclave

is simply impossible it's patently

obvious humanitarian Aid workers are

unarmed they're defenseless in the face

of shelling it's simply inhumane to

demand that they give their lives in air

strikes when the security Council cannot

cannot compel Israel to put an end to


hostilities let me remind you of one

other important

Point there's a logical algorithm for

Security Council actions it's been Del

developed over many years it's an

algorithm for what to do in the case of

conflict first the council demands the

parties to cease fire then it monitors

compliance and this is done by military

observers military observers these are

staff who have been professionally

trained to conduct such uh monitoring

then if these observers aren't given

access to the contact Zone or if they

report violations of the SE ceasefire

then the issue of how we compel

implementation arises specifically by


peacekeepers in gaza's case this entire

sequence of events has been turned

upside down and humanitarian Aid workers

have in essence been asked to sacrifice

their lives by doing the jobs of

peacekeepers colleagues this is

preposterous and it's also very

dangerous if the ceasefire is is not

complied with let's discuss concrete

measures how we can ensure that it is

upheld the security Council does have

some well-honed algorithms it has a

toolkit including the deployment of


contingents to begin we could revert to

the idea of more active involvement by

the UN truth supervision

organization in monitoring the ceasefire

the chief of staff Patrick GHA has

already briefed the council and promised

to provide more detailed information on

the resources on so has we suggest

reverting to this issue furthermore the

Israeli authorities are openly impeding

the delivery of essential Goods to

Peaceable gazans last week we discussed

the UNR situation in

detail the State of Affairs is simply

unacceptable as far as we're aware un

humanitarian agencies including cluding

unra do maintain a significant presence

on Palestinian territories they have

sufficient resources including Financial

Resources loaded convoys are at The

Crossings at gaza's border the whole

host of legal opportunities for

delivering humanitarian assistance

without establishing additional

structures including the mechanism are

in place I referring first and foremost

to International humanitarian law

including the Geneva conventions and The

Guiding principles set forth in GA

resolution 46

st182 against this backdrop we don't

deem it necessary to establish any kind

of special humanitarian regime for Gaza

especially as it obviously won't work

while one of the parties stands firm in

its intent to continue military

hostilities on this note it's important

for everyone to recognize one very

simple thing the sticking point is not

whether we have or don't have a

mechanism for the delivery of

humanitarian relief it's the absence of

conditions these conditions are lacking

owing to vigorous military hostilities

the IDF doesn't Grant exceptions neither

for hospitals nor schools nor

humanitarian convoys we're steadfast in

our conviction that humanitarian access

must be granted as per International

humanitarian law and humanitarian Aid

workers should be guaranteed an adequate

level of security and protection on this

note we'd like to repeat what we said

earlier the overriding priority for the

international commun commity of which

the Security Council is the embodiment

is ensuring an immediate and Lasting

ceasefire only then then and only then

can we seriously tackle issues related

to food security

sanitation the provision of education

and other vitally important

Services would' very much like to

believe that the proposed mechanism on

the delivery of humanitarian relief

Consignments will change the situation

for the better but this is unrealistic

given the fierce hostilities and the

clearing out that's going on the

situation has gotten so out of hand that

Israeli settlers are raiding Palestinian

villagers setting them light killing

against this backdrop humanitarian Aid

workers are going to continue perishing

the One-Stop shop that's proposed within

the framework of the mechanism will


help president since our objective today

is to have a focus discussion on the

concept note regarding the modalities

for the mechanism's operation I'd like

to ask its authors a you questions my

main question is do we have consent from

the Israeli and Palestinian sides for

the application of the mechanism were

the details of the entry of humanitarian

supplies discussed with them if there

were discussions who did you

specifically discuss this with are there

guarantees that the Israeli authorities

will not inspect trucks as they're

currently doing that they won't deny

authorizations for their entry into Gaza

for months on end if we don't have such

guarantees then what's the added value

of this mechanism how is it any

different in practice from our current

working methods on the contrary it would

appear that the mechanism will become

yet another bureaucratic stumbling block

involving additional checks and

inspections another matter of principle

the concept

note talks about K Shalom and

rafar which are already letting supplies

through in fits and starts of course why

didn't uh why doesn't it consider other

Land and Sea Crossing specifically the

five checkpoints on Israeli border on

the Israeli border the temporary pier in

Gaza and the aszad port the document

contains a section on un staff who it is

expected will be ensuring the work of

the mechanism their cooperation with the

Israeli and Palestinian the Israelis and

the Palestinians as well as various un

agencies this is omitted what the report

does talk about is key Partners relevant

authorities and humanitarian players we

need clarification on this we'd also

like to seek additional information

about commercial deliveries which are

proposed under the mechanism the idea

being that the mechanism will tackle

strictly humanitarian issues given that

this approach is one of a kind without

precedent would' be grateful to get

additional clarification thank

you I thank the representative of the

Russian Federation for their statement

and I give the floor to the

representative of of


president I thank un senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator C for her

briefing it has been 200 days since the

outbreak of the Gaza conflict in these

200 days we have seen the spread of

hunger and famine the collapse of the

Health Care System the loss of innocent

lives and the desperate struggle of

millions of people on the brink of

death there is no justification for

prolonging this conflict and there's no

excuse for the killing of

civilians the International Community

must assemble all efforts to mitigate

the disaster save lives and end the

conflict I have three points to make

first we express our deep concern about

the continued worsening of the

humanitarian disaster the three Council

resolutions 2712 2720 and 2728

and the two icj orders on provisional

measures all exp all explicitly call for

greater humanitarian access but they

have never been effectively implemented

and humanitarian delivery continues to

encounter various kinds of manmade

restrictions if this continues it will

definitely result in more civil in

deaths from famine and disease we urge

Israel to open all land Crossings to

guarantee a rapid and safe delivery of

humanitarian supplies at scale into

Gaza and their safe and orderly

distribution within Gaza to those in

dire need we expect that the mechanism

established by senior coordinator KAG

will play a greater role in reducing and

eliminating obstacles to humanitarian

supplies before and after their entry

into Gaza Israel should cooperate with

all humanitarian agencies including uh

senior coordinator Co

second we support anra in continuing to

play its

role to guarantee Aid delivery by

humanitarian agencies is the

responsibility of the occupying power

hunger cannot be weaponized and relief

cannot be politicized the independent

review Panel LED by Miss Colona has

released its report noting that anra has

had in place for many years a

significant number of robust mechanisms

to ensure asra's neutral ity and its

ability to respond to and hold those

accountable for non-compliance in a

timely manner and it has far more such

mechanisms than any other un agencies at

this point the debate on Andra

neutrality should come to an end we urge

all countries to resume funding for

Andra as soon as possible and to refrain

from using any pretext to impose

additional Collective punishment on the

population of Gaza Israel made serious

allegations against anra linked to

terrorism for which no evidence has yet

been shared we are concerned about

this China reiterates that without solid

evidence it is unacceptable to attack

anra maliciously and even make false

Acquisitions against the entire un


third we again call on the council to

push for an immediate ceire in Gaza more

than six months of harsh reality has

made it abundantly clear that a g AA

Under Fire does not have the condition

needed for Aid delivery Council

resolution 2728 which clearly caus

forces fire in Gaza this is indisputably

binding and all member states are

obligated to implement it we are greatly

concerned about Israel's frequent

bombardments of Gaza in recent days we

urge Israel to immediately seize all

military operations against Gaza and

abandon its offense plan on Rafa

countries with significant influence on

Israel should be impartial and play an

active role in realizing the ceas fire

China supports the council in taking

further actions to ensure the

implementation of the

resolution thank you president I thank

the representative of China for these

statements and I give the floor to the

representative of Sierra
Leon Mr

President I want to thank Miss secret K

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for

Gaza for her very comprehensive briefing

my delegation recalls resolution

2720 which calls for this position and

for the establishment of an effective un

mechanism for providing humanitarian Aid

to the people in the Gaza

Street the senior humanitarian

coordinator's role of facilitating and

Expediting humanitarian Aid in Gaza is

especially critical at this juncture

given that 1.1 million people are

projected to face catastrophic levels of

food insecurity in the

region regular update from oer on the

situation in Gaza confirmed that the

volume of humanitarian Supply entering

Gaza since the start of hostilities in


2023 is far below the approximately 500

trucks per day estimated by Ona to be

needed to meet the basic essential food

health and other needs of the people


s acknowledges the enormity of the task

of increasing the Quantum of

humanitarian Aid into Gaza to minimize

the impact of the conflict on civilians

especially on women children and other


persons we commend the continued

engagement and consultation by the

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator since our appointment with

the IDF and other stakeholders in the

region on removing the significant human

access constraints to ensure unfettered

access VI all routes air Land and Sea

into the Gaza Street such a consultative

and well-coordinated approach is

essential for seamless Aid distribution

to address the Urgent and contining

needs of the people there especially in

the current environment of heavy

bombardment and ongoing

clashes additionally we anticipate that

an established un mechanism as

stipulated in resolution 2720 will

resolve current operational constraints

improve collaboration humanitarian

actors in the region and increase their

delivery capacity throughout the Gaza

Street Mr President in supporting the

office of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator and ensuring

he she delivers on a mandate to

facilitate coordinate Monitor and verify

humanitarian relief Consignments to Gaza

my delegation will continue to call for

one an immediate humanitarian ceasefire

in the Gaza Street as stipulated in

resolution 2728 to enable full Rapid

Safe and unhindered humanitarian access

for all civilians and absence of which

will only sty for progress in this vein

we request the office of the senior

humanitarian coordinator to coordinate

efforts with om to ensure that the

Palestinians get full access to

humanitarian Aid to

in reminding parties to the conflict of

the obligations under international law

will draw their attention to the

consequences associated with blatant

violations we urge parties to the

conflict to prioritize the survival

security and dignity of all

civilians we call call we further call

for a functioning humanitarian

notification system and a stable

communication Network that will

guarantee the protection of United

Nations and other humanitarian part

personnel and enhance the efficient

delivery of essential
Commodities Ser rates his call for the

immediate and unconditional release of

all hostages held by Hammers and in the

inim demands that access be granted to

the icrc and all other humanitarian or

to visit and support the victims in

closing seron a reaffirms his support to

the good Office of the senior

humanitarian and E reconstruction

coordinator and stresses the need for

the requisite resources to be made

available for an efficient Service

delivery as a council member we continue

to participate and engage in processes

that seek to broker peace and improve

the lives of the civilians in both

Palestine and Israel I thank you I thank

the representative of Sierra Leon for

their statement and I now give the floor

to the representative of the Republic of

Korean thank you Mr President I also

thank senior coordinator Z kek for her

very useful informative briefing on the

implementation of resolution

2720 I would like to extend the Republic

Korea's sincere

appreciation for senior coordinator CX

Tyler effort indeed since her

appointment earlier this year we

witnessed to some improvements in the

humanitarian efforts on the ground as

senior coordinator just indicated

some progress made

nonetheless as the current situation

shows no clear sign of ending the

humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is is

also being extended exacerbating the

long-standing suffering of Gaz and

civilians especially women and children

as fine

deepens sadly this tragic trend has not

changed despite numerous Security

Council meetings the adoption of


2728 demanding an immediate ceasefire

and ongoing diplomatic efforts By Us

Egypt and

Qatar Mr

President the Republic of Korea takes

notes of

Israel's announcement earlier this month

to open further access points into Gaza

including the opening of the ashto port

and the arrest Crossing and to enhance

deliveries from

Jordan during this council's meeting

last month Miss KAC mentioned these

measures as possible ways to enan life-

saving assistance into

Gaza without the lifting of all barriers

to ensure sufficient and sustained

humanitarian assistance and scale the

suffering of civilians in Gaza will

intensify even

further as a close friend the Republic

Korea calls on Israel to swiftly

implement this commitment as such

measures will not only ease the

suffering of the

Palestinians but also enhance the


of Israel in the International Community

and actions speak much louder than

words as the most efficient and Swift

routes for the delivery humanitarian Aid

is through land Crossing we hope that

all possible land Crossings including

Carney can soon be open

widely the use of Maritime corers being

an important supplement for land

Crossings should also be enhanced and in

this regard we really appreciate efforts

to expand the use of SE routes by

relevant countries including the US and

Cyprus as this Council has repeatedly

stressed the Safety and Security of

humanitarian workers whichever their

nationalities are must be

guaranteed notification and de

confliction mechanism must be fully

internalized in the systems and

operations of the parties

lastly we would like to reiterate our

form positions that an immediate

ceasefire is essential to end the

humanitarian suffering in Gaza and

simultaneously lessen Regional tensions

another major military operations

including the looming ground operation

into into Rafa must not be

realized and based on the ceire senior

coordinator CeX of the major mandate

reconstruction should begin considering

gaza's immense need

to resume meaningful negotiations toward

the vision of the two-state solutions AC


fire and the Reconstruction of Gaza are

essential I thank you Mr President I

thank the representative of the Republic

of Korea for this statement and I give

the floor to the representative of

Slovenia thank you Mr

President I also thank senior human

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss KAG for her

briefing to the council and we welcome

her update
on the implementation of her mandate in

line with the resolution

2720 colleagues uh in resolution 2720

the security Council demanded that

parties to the conflict allow facilitate

and enable the immediate safe and

unhindered delivery of humanitarian

assistant at scale directly to the

Palestinian civilian population

throughout Gaza

STP people are dying in Gaza due to Mal

nutrition and

dehydration this is not assistance at

scale people are dying in Gaza


assistance this is not

safe people are dying in Gaza as basic

humanitarian and medical items are

denied due to dual use this is not

unhindered people are still dying in

Gaza as they do not get adequate

assistance today the resolution was

adopted in December this is not

immediate Slovenia is deeply concerned

over the continuously deteriorating

humanitarian situation in Gaza reaching

catastrophic levels and imminent famine

we remain profoundly concerned over the

threat of a fullscale operation in Rafa

and we Joy other members on the council

and call on Israel not to carry it

out we call for the removal of all

barriers to the delivery of humanitarian

assistance as stipulated resolution

2720 this includes opening all available

routes and border crossings we call on

Israel to fully implement the announced

opening of the ARs Crossings and the use

of ashot part we stress the importance

of facilitating the delivery of

humanitarian aid from Jordan and

Egypt Madame KAG we welcome your efforts

to ensure the implementation of


2720 and to establish the mechanism for

facilitation acceleration and

verification of humanitarian relief for

Gaza we welcome your engagement with a

number of Partners we deeply appreciate

efforts of countries in establishing a

maritime Corridor and continuing to give

hope through air drops however we

underline that land routs Remain the

safest and the most efficient way of

delivering assistance at scale we are

particularly concerned over the Safety

and Security of un humanitarian personel

working in Gaza much more is left to do

to ensure full implementation of


2720 this includes significant

improvements in the deconfliction

mechanism the removal of constraints to

fuel supply addressing delays and

insecurities at checkpoints and allowing

the entry of appropriate safety

equipment for us and humanitarian

workers while we welcome the recent

entry of 15 out of 30 continue trucks to

enhance delivery we underline that many

trucks have been destroyed in the

ongoing conflict all these barriers

inevitably hinder the UN capacities and

efforts Slovenia believes a number of

barriers can be lifted with political

will only this includes better border

crossing coordination and smoother

inspection processes as well as

sufficient number of drivers and trucks

being cleared for use it includes the

food use of existing

capabilities such as

unra which Remains the backbone of the

humanitarian response in Gaza and it

includes ensuring Safety and Security to

humanitarian workers and drivers also in

different highrisk areas throughout Gaza

at the end and very importantly it

includes greater predictability in Aid


delivery Slovenia repeats its call for

the full implementation of 2712 2720 and

2728 as well as the icj provisional

measures of 26 January and 28th March we

call for the full respect of

international law including

International humanitarian law and human

rights law we once again underlined the

need for

accountability we share the concern

expressed by the High Commissioner for

human rights regarding reported

discoveries of mass graves in alifa and

Al anaser medical complexes Mr President

I have said it behind closed doors and I

repeat it again the pictures and news

coming from Gaza will haunt us they will

haunt us as individuals sitting on the

council and as the council itself there

is only one way to adequately address

the situation and so we once again call

for the immediate ceasefire the release

of hostages and removal of all barriers

to humanitarian Aid this must be

followed by a meaningful commitment to a

political process thank you I thank the

representative of Slovenia for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of

Switzerland Mr President like my

colleagues before me I'd like to thank

uh the humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss cigaret KAG

thank you for your briefing and your

commitment four months have passed since

we adopted resolution

2720 four month months over the course

of which you have spent no effort in

coordinating the delivery of Aid to the


population at a

time when we are facing a humanitarian

catastrophe in Gaza as the Secretary

General said at the start of the year

and here I quote delivering humanitarian

Aid is not about counting trucks it's

about ensuring that the necessary volume

and quality of Aid reaches those in need

as required by intern International


law to this end we expect that the

parties will at last fully Implement The

Binding resolutions of the security

Council the ones we've adopted since

hamas's terrorist acts committed on

October 7th which Switzerland has

strongly condemned the same applies to

the international Court of justices the

icj's order for Israel to take all the

necessary and effective measures without

delay in close cooperation with the

United Nations to ensure

the provision of urgently needed basic

services and humanitarian Aid and this

without restriction on a large scale and


delay this Council must ensure

compliance with the resolutions it has

itself adopted the effects expected have

been underlined many times over the

effective protection of civilians the

implementation of a ceasefire

humanitarian access to people in need

and the immediate and unconditional

release of all hostages we must insist

on a regional deescalation as well and

this without delay failing this every

day will bring new civilian victims the

prospect of a large scale military

offensive in rafar is unacceptable as it

would further exacerbate the situation

of the civilian population which is prey

to displacement hostilities epidemics

and famine the security Council must

insist for the parties to immediately

comply with their obligations under

international law the use of the famine

as a method of warfare is strictly

prohibited by International humanitarian

law and constitutes a war crime all

humanitarian actors in Gaza including

unra must have safe and unfettered

access to people in need in order to

achieve this humanitarian Aid should be

able to be delivered and flow through

all Crossing points and then distributed

throughout the Gaza Strip particularly

the north reports that Aid to AA reached

the highest level since October 7th just

yesterday are encouraging nonetheless

this is far from sufficient and we must

step up our efforts we recall that the

arbitrary obstruction of humanitarian

access is also prohibited under

International humanitarian law as are

attacks directed at humanitarian

Personnel facilities and

Equipment un humanitarian and medical

personnel as well as un infrastructure

and the infrastructures of other

humanitarian organizations must be

protected it's imperative for the

council to speak out on this issue going

Beyond specific contexts Switzerland is

in close contact with all council

members discussing a draft resolution on

this last but not least Switzerland

calls for independent investigations to


conducted into all violations of

international humanitarian law these are

violations in the Middle East the

perpetrators of these violations must be

held to

account president

let me repeat what I already said the

immediate implementation of council

resolutions a ceasefire the safe rapid

and unfaired delivery of humanitarian

act Aid to Gaza and the release of

hostages must be our top priority as

members of the security Council we're

Duty bound to step up our efforts to

achieve this as quickly as possible and

to avoid an even more serious Regional

escalation at all costs this is a cinon

condition if we are to give people back

the prospect of a peaceful future in

which they'll be able to live in dignity

and security Switzerland stands ready to

support efforts that can revive the hope

of peace through a solution that

involves two Democratic states Israel

and Palestine living side by side in

peace within secure and recognized

borders based on the borders of

1967 including Gaza as an integral

component of a Palestinian State I thank

you Switzerland for their statement and

I give the floor to the representative


thank you Mr President I thank I also

thank senior coordinator uh Miss siget

KAG for her VAR

update the current situation in Gaza

which began 200 days ago with a brutal

Terror attacks by Hamas and other groups

has led to unprecedented destruction and


catastroph around half of the Gaza

operation approximately 1.1 million

people are at risk in entering the most

severe stage of famine there is an acute

shortage of basic necessities including

Safe Water food shelter and Medicine the

gravity of the crisis in Gaza cannot be


enough in light of the extreme Challenge

we highly respect M car's tireless

Airforce to streamline and expedite the

delivery of humanitarian Aid to Gaza by

proposing a un mechanism in line with


2720 we fully support the role of unops

in this

regard Japan underscores the urgent need

to enhance the flow of humanitarian Aid

into and throughout Gaza we call on

Israel to reopen land Crossings

particularly The caric Crossing to

ensure the steady flow of Aid the land

routs and more entry into

more entry points into Gaza are vital

with no viable alternative we also

support the activation of a maritime

Corridor to ensure the aid reaches

reaches those in need Japan also Echo

and uh with the support of the voices of

more protection of the humanitarian Aid

workers Mr President an Ana plays a

central role in gaza's desperately

needed humanitarian operations and there

is no substitute for its essential

functions in this regard we welcome the

final report and recommendations of the

independent review group and hope unua

will steadily Implement these

recommendations Japan has resumed its

funding to Ana since April second and

has already dispersed approximately 35

million us dos since then also our first

in kind contribution to unan since the

resumption will be handed over in early

May in

Egypt lastly the security Council last

month adopted the resolution demanding

an immediate ceasefire in Gaza however

this has not been achieved and the

humanitarian crisis remains dire a Seas

fire is a critical component for

improving the humanitarian situation in

Gaza while laying the ground for for

future reconstruction efforts thus Japan

expresses our strong support for the

sius Diplomatic efforts to bring about

the cation of hostilities and the

release of the hostages being made by

the United States Egypt and Qatar and we

appreciate their tireless efforts we

reiterate our strong appeal to all

parties concerned to reach a deal

without delay I thank you I thank the

representative of Japan for their

statement and I give the FL to the

representative of

France M Mr President I

thank the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator for her

briefing France fully supports the

Mandate of the special coordinator and

calls for the full implementation of

resolutions 2712 and

2720 miss kags a briefing on her visits

to Gaza confirmed the catastrophic state

of the humanitarian situation two

million people have absolutely nothing

the number of Civilian victims is

unacceptable Palestinians in Gaza are

not just exposed to the risk of famine

famine is upon them and in this context

the effectiveness humanitarian age is a


concern we would call on France to

immediately implement the pl

pledges to increase humanitarian Aid to

Gaza and this means the opening of all

Crossing points and the issuance of


authorizations Jordan and Egypt

have carried out efforts to ensure

predictable and more substantial

delivery of Aid uh we also uh support

the opening of the Cypress Maritime

quarter which will not replace but

supplement the land Crossings France

remains mobilized we support the wfp's

delivery of humanitarian humanitarian

operation the grain from Ukraine

initiative as well as additional

delivery of humanitarian Aid there must

be humanitarian immediate safe and

unfettered access as requested by the

icj it's not a question of counting the

number of trucks entering gas every day

but making sure that these trucks are

loaded with the necessary cargo Aid must

come not just to the Gaza strip but it

must also flow within the Gaza Strip and

be distributed

safely hampering the provision of this

relief could constitute a crime under

the jurisdiction of the ICC there are

still a number of restrictions on goods

and food which can enter gas in

particular for the health care

facilities but also when it comes to

Water Sanitation and waste treatment the

work of humanitarian actors and their

safety must be ensured and all

circumstances the laws of war and the

humanitarian principles of precaution

proportionality and the conduct of

hostilities must be respected and we

call on All actors to guarantee the

effectiveness of the deconfliction

mechanisms Mr President France calls for

the full implementation of this

council's resolutions to begin with

beginning with the release of all

hostages we must arrive at an immediate

and Lasting ceasefire and guarantee the

protection of civilians

we are not dealing with a natural

catastrophe let's stop the fighting

that's the best possible way to resolve

this humanitarian crisis France is

firmly opposed to a ground offensive in

Rafa it would lead to Untold number of

humanitarian uh of Civilian losses and a

huge humanitarian

catastrophe we call for a resolution to

the conflict on a political basis a

lasting political basis the two-state

solution is the only one which can

ensure the Israelis and the Palestinians

the peace and security to which they

Aspire France is actively working to

that end and we remain convinced of the

key role which the security Council must

play the draft resolution which we

submitted to members of this Council

which addresses all aspects of the

crisis is in line with our views and I

call on all members of this Council to

support it thank you I thank the

representative of France for their

statement and I shall now make a

statement in my capacity as the

representative of molta I begin by

thanking senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator Miss sigaret

Cog for her informative briefing four

months after the adoption of resolution

2720 we regret that there has been no

meaningful increase in the scale and

predictability of the un's humanitarian

response in Gaza Malta once again

demands the immediate implementation of

relevant resolutions of this Council

regarding the need for emergencies fire

the release of all hostages and the

facilitation of desperately needed

humanitarian Aid into and throughout

Gaza in the face of such dire

humanitarian conditions Mt is deeply

dismayed by the unjustified blockade of

Aid into and throughout Gaza famine has

grossed the north of the strip and the

rest of the population is now the most

food and secure in the world


34,700 Palestinians have been killed in

Gaza the vast majority of them are women

and children furthermore as recalled by

the Secretary General reports continue

to emerge on the use of deadly

experimental AI targeting systems to

devastating effect in

Gaza last week the council also met to

discuss the Irreplaceable nature of unra

there can be no meaningful a resp

response in Gaza without the agency we

have also taken note of the final report

regarding the agency's neutrality which

determined that anra has in place

significant mechanisms to ensure

compliance and respond to neutrality

breaches and further welcome the

agency's commitment to implementing the

recommendations put forward in the

report however this UN agency and all

humanitarian Aid in Gaza continues to be


in these difficult times we need to

avoid politicizing the work of

humanitarian actors and undermining the

legitimacy of the United Nations in Gaza

we further reject and condemn The

Staggering number of humanitarian and un

staff killed by Israel during this

conflict to date th and transparent

investigations leading to accountability

are critical in all instances the

established humanitarian notification

and the confliction system must be

respected yet we see the opposite in the

destruction of hospitals and bombing of

eight convoys we also Echo the call of

the Secretary General for a credible and

independent investigation into recent

reports of M Graves at the Naser

Hospital in K yunes and at the alifa

hospital in Gaza City the provisional

orders of the international court of

justice on 26 January and 28th March

including those regarding the delivery

of humanity Arian need into and within

Gaza must be complied with while molta

positively notes the ongoing attempts to

move Aid via alternative routes to Gaza

mainly by air and sea land access

provides the only suitable Aid modality

that can immediately and comprehensively

arrest the humanitarian crisis we are

encouraged by the promises made by the

Israeli government regarding the opening

of azot port and there its Crossings for

humanitarian Aid we reiterate our call

for such measures to be retained and

strengthened in order to address the

devastating situation on the ground

while we recognize the eight food world

food program trucks which have entered

the port in the last number of days the

volume is insignificant when compared to

humanitarian needs what was called for

and what was promised Israel must do

much more to abide by its legal

obligations as a UN member state party

to this conflict and an occupying power

this includes opening those Crossings to

allow for the safe passage of Aid into

and throughout Gaza the UN must be

allowed to scale up their response in

Gaza in a meaningful and principled

manner Aid delivery must not form part

of political negotiation in conclusion

we reiterate our support for the work of

the UN Miss CAG and her team Malta will

continue to underline the need for a

massive Aid scale up to address the need

of those who are suffering the ongoing

catastrophic conditions within

Gaza I resume my function as president

of the council and I now give the floor

to the representative of

Israel thank you Mr President first and

foremost we wish to thank senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator Miss K for her briefing as

well as for important work on the ground

Mr President since Miss K's appointment

to the of senior humanitarian

coordinator following the adoption of

Security Council resolution

272 Israel has done its utmost to Grant

Miss K staff the highest levels of

support and cooperation we greatly value

the ongoing discourse with her which is

of course vital in order to promote the

very important efforts in the

humanitarian domain we will continue to

work closely with missk and her team Mr

President despite immense obstacles on

the ground since October 7th isra

continues to elevate and step up its

support to the humanitarian efforts has

found Creative Solutions despite

extremely complex and challenging

circumstances significantly active Kamas

actions to hamper and clash with these

initiatives despite this Israel's

ongoing efforts have brought about

substantial results on the ground with a

dramatic increase in the volumes and

quantities of aid over the course of the

last several months with regard to the

flow of a into the Gaza Strip in recent

weeks a daily number of between 300 to

400 trucks carrying Aid and Essentials

were inspected and granted access by the

Israeli authorities since October 7th

more than 25,000 trucks carrying almost

500,000 tons of Aid have been able to

access into the Gaza Strip significantly

the number of trucks inspected and

approved in recent weeks is meaningfully

higher than in previous months and was

made possible due to Israeli authori

ongoing efforts to increase this

activity at the Kum Shalom and its s


moreover Israel recently announced the

opening of gate 96 Crossing which is

utilized for direct humanitarian accents

to the northern part of the Gaza Strip

and will soon allocate the opening of

another route that will enable moreid to

be shipped from ashdod and other

locations alongside this recent days

have seen more a trucks using the route

Via Jordan This Channel known as the

Jordanian Channel which was coordinated

jointly between Israel and the kingdom

of Jordan Will Allow 100 Jordanian

military truck to enter every day 3 days

a week this will be in addition to the

un's a trucks that will use this route

three days a week

too last week we already witness a

record of 200 trucks using the route

from Jordan and we expect to see even

higher numbers in the future the

establishment of vital infrastructure is

also underway Israel wishes to take this

opportunity to thank the many countries

and organizations involved in the

construction operation of field and

floating Maritime hospitals including

those currently in the final stages of

establishment Israel stands ready to

provide any further support needed in

these matters including the ongoing

transfer of patients to third countries

and the entry of ambulances to

Gaza as for water supply and access

Israel recently repaired two additional

vital water pump lines the nalo line

which will supply water to the northern

Gaza Strip and the second B SOA line in

this regard Israel's recent support to

the reactivation of wells in the

northern strip is also an import

important to

earlier this week four tankers of

cooking gas and four tankers of fuel

designated for the operation of

essential infrastructure entered the

Gaza Strip we are also we also note that

25 bakeries are currently operational in

Gaza providing over 3 million breads

rolls in P daily in addition in March

and April alone around 7,8 packages were

dropped by air into Gaza with over 1,68

packages specifically for the northern

part of the Gaza

Strip Mr President

these steps and others were all made

possible through the commitment of the

Israeli authorities to the humanitarian

efforts as well as our coordination and

Joint work with different partners in

the region and Beyond in this regard

Israel wishes to commend the US for its

immense efforts on the humanitarian

front LED On The Ground by Ambassador

saterfield Mr President while Israel has

clearly stepped up its efforts this

according to external sources as well is

essential that the UN steps up its

capabilities too as growing numbers of

trucks are inspected enabled entry from

Israel's s we are concerned that these

amounts of Aid are not always swiftly

distributed in the Gaza Strip as

reported recently the main problem at

the moment is not getting assistance

into Gaza but rather getting it

distributed within the Gaza Strip

unfortunately there have been several

occasions lately where large numbers of

trucks carrying Aid after being

inspected and enabled passage by Israel

stood ready and waiting on the Gaza side

of the Kim Shalom

crossing without being dealt with by the

UN they stood there for days on certain

days almost three times the amount of

Aid entering was piled up on the Gaza

side the Aid distribution was therefore

impacted and delayed the truck loads on

the Gaza side at times reached several

hundred were attended to at a later

stage but this creates a bottleneck

obstacle at the Crossing this logistical

Gap impacts the flow of delivery the UN

must find solutions to this logistical

Gap and among other things extend its

hours of activity increase the number of

trucks as well as initiate more Convoy

to Northern Gaza especially as looting

incidents having late been reduced in


area Mr President as we sit here in this

Council to discuss humanitarian efforts

which are indeed extremely important we

cannot remain silent in light of the

most horrific humanitarian case of

Injustice the 133 hostages held by Hamas

and other terrorist groups since October

7th while this Council expects Israel to

step up efforts and do its share with

regard to humanitarian Aid to the Gaza

Strip This Council must step up its own

efforts and demand that this horror

which has lasted more than 6 months

finally ends it is regrettable that this

Council cannot bring Refuge to these

hostages and their families we're here

to remind all that these hostages have

not been allowed any basic humanitarian

assistance by their monstrous terrorist

kidnappers at all Israel will do

whatever it takes to bring them home

this Council must step up to that task

too I thank you Mr President I thank the

representative of Israel for their

statement I will now give the floor to

Miss sigret K to respond to comments and


raised thank you very much um there were

I believe three questions I'll respond

to those um first of all on the question

of of consent with regards to the

mechanism uh as asked by the

representative of the Russian Federation

well the mechanism is mandated by this

Council and as such not a voluntary

Arrangement uh it's not an alak option

but we've had very close discussions and

constructive discussions with the

Israeli authorities at all levels uh

regarding the operationalization of the

mechanism and details related to the

notification uh system as well as the

database and we intend to operationalize

it um and we count on the cooperation of

all to ensure implementation because

it's aiming to facilitate to expedite

and to obviously underpin the actions On

The Ground by the humanitarian actors

I've also discussed it in a series of

meetings with uh the then prime minister

of the Palestinian Authority Muhammad

I've also discussed it with prime

minister Muhammad Mustafa and a number

of of his senior officials so at the

highest levels in both Israel uh and the

Palestinian Authority I have I have

engaged as I've done with of course

other partners important Partners in the

region when it comes to the concept note

with the funding proposal that was

actually sent to donors a member State

uh on the 15th of March it referred to

Crossings already opened but the concept

note itself includes also in the cover

letter and I quote the mechanism will

also be able to service additional Aid

delivery routes to Gaza as well as

maximize efficiencies of existing routes

thus taken in totality it will serve as

a One-Stop shop for facilitation of

humanitarian humanitarian relief

Consignments to Gaza through all entry

points um present and additional ones as

for instance I listed also in my remarks

on the intent by the Israeli authorities

to open more and those that have been

opened since 5th of April with key

functions in Gaza uh so in keeping with

the mechanism uh the goods coming from

Jordan in the first instance as well as

uh to Gaza via erit and other Northern

Crossings present and prospective I hope

as well as the maritime route this will

be used and Security Council the last

question Security Council resolution

2720 it's clear it requires the

mechanism to be used to verify the

humanitarian nature of Aid um it's

however of course a logical uh premise

that the mechanism the way it is

constructed could also be used for

commercial Goods in future in due course

when it comes also to early recovery and

reconstruction but is constructed with a

view to the language of of the council

for humanitarian assistance it is

however upon the parties um and uh

commercial Goods as such I'd like to

stress that um are needed very much so

within the Gaza Strip we need the

informal economy and the formal economy

to be reboot it uh and combined with

cash assistance and the availability of

cash which is currently absent in the

Gaza Strip for a number of reasons this

is critically important to help restore

elements of human dignity for the

civilians in Gaza and I think thank you

very much for your support political

unity and voice uh and we will continue

with the teams and The Wider un and

family to do our utmost to deliver on

the expectations thank you I thank Miss

SC for the clarifications she has

provided there are no more names

inscribed on the list of speakers the

meeting is

adjourned for


the 9,600

17th meeting of the security council's

called to

order the provisional agenda for this

meeting is the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian question

the agenda is

adopted in accordance with rule 37 of

the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite the representative of

Israel to participate in this meeting it

is so

decided in accordance with rule 39 of

the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite Miss sigri KAG senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza pursuant to

Security Council resolution 2720 of 2023

to participate in this meeting it's so

decided the security Council will now

begin its consideration of item two of


agenda I now give the floor to miss

sigri KAG

Madame President excellencies members of

the security Council it's been almost

seven months since the 7th of October

terror attack perpetrated by Hamas

against Israel a country which

homes schools and hospitals have been

destroyed the health infrastructure in

Gaza has been decimated the few

hospitals Still Standing struggle to

operate due to severe shortages of

supplies and frequent power outages as

summer draws near and temperatures rise

communicable diseases threatened to

sweep through

Gaza children who in every crisis suffer

the worst and the most are deprived

rived of nutrition protection and

education their Futures hanging in the

balance the scarcity of food and other

essential Goods has also led to a

breakdown in civil order and the gradual

unraveling of the social Fabric in Gaza

there is no effective law

enforcement as the Secretary General has

said we have a shared responsibility to

secure an immediate humanitarian

ceasefire in Gaza the immediate and

unconditional release of all hostages

and the unimpeded delivery of


Aid Madame President since my last

briefing to this Council on the 7th of

March I've continued to engage in

discussions with key governments and

stakeholders across the region I've also

submitted and discussed detailed

proposals with the governments of Israel

Jordan Egypt and Cyprus to accelerate

and streamline the delivery of goods

into Gaza and to ensure a consistent

pipeline of goods for safe distribution

across the Gaza Strip today today I will

share with you my assessment of the

implementation of Security Council


2720 including areas where progress has

been made or lack thereof allow me to

say from the outset that a paradigm

shift is needed to continue to meet the

immense needs of the civilian population

in a secure and safe manner Madame

President as I've stated to you before

effective humanitarian operations cannot

be reduced to Counting trucks this is is

of false metrics for ging whether

humanitarian assistance is sufficient

let alone whether it responds to the

basic humanitarian

requirements for example treating

acutely malnourished children or

pregnant women is not a matter of eating

more calories they require therapeutic

and supplemental Foods as well as

long-term Medical Care effective

humanitarian operations are also about

the need for a sustained flow to deliver

the right quality and quantity of


this requires a continued focus on

volume predictability and sustainability

of Divi Diversified Aid to scale up

assistance humanitarian agencies must be

able to move food medicine and many

other supplies safely and Via all

possible routes and crossings into and

throughout every part of

Gaza unra is pivital in providing

life-saving humanitarian Aid and

essential Social Services particularly

in health and education to Palestine

refugees as such unra is irreplaceable

and indispensable as a humanitarian

lifeline and must be allowed to deliver

on its mandate Madame President on the

5th of April the Israeli government made

several commitments to improve Aid

delivery in response to requests by the

UN and the International Community a

number of steps have been taken

including an increase in the volume of

Aid cleared inspected and crossed into

Gaza the temporary opening of The aats

Crossing and the opening of ashdot port

for humanitarian Goods an increase in

the number of trucks entering Gaza

directly from Jordan through Allenby

King Hussein bridge and an increased

access to the north preparations are

underway for other Northern Crossings

continued use of gate 96 an expansion of

the opening hours of K Shalom abusalim

and nitsana crossings the resumption of

operations by B bakeries some bakeries

in Northern and Central Gaza and the

ongoing repair of the nahal O water line

I've also been advised of the approval

of critical communication equipment and

an increase in the allocation of

fuel Wist implementation of some

measures is ongoing further definitive

and Urgent steps are needed to set the

course for a sustained flow of

humanitarian and Commercial Goods into

Gaza in terms of volume need and reach

given the scale and scope of Destruction

and the extent of human suffering every


counts the UN is in contact with the

Israeli government on other measures

that need urgent or continuous

implementation these include issues

pertaining to checkpoint procedures the

Urgent repair of Roads timely clearances

to allow humanitarian Convoy movements

to take place as scheduled the approval

of additional communication devices

armored vehicles and spare parts for

crit critical equipment agreement on

medical and Casualty evacuation is

equally urgent delivery at scale

requires a functioning humanitarian


system an improved and Direct

Communications between humanitarians and

Military decision makers on the ground

effective and credible deconfliction is

vital for all humanitarian actors in

Gaza and this list of basic measures is

not exhaustive implementation is urgent

and my office is establishing a

monitoring framework to determine

progress and impact of respective

measures taken and I will report to you

in due course Madame President allow me

to share an update on the

diversification of supply routes under

security Council resolution

2720 with respect to Jordan my team has

worked with the concerned authorities to

launch the Jordan land Corridor under a

new streamlined modality

this has resulted in an increase in the

number of trucks thereby volume with

only one transloading inside the Gaza

Crossing and it has the potential for

further increases and the entire un

family is planning for the receipt and

onward distribution of cargo at scale

directly from Jordan to Northern Gaza

via the aets crossing this route is both

effective and vital to reach civilians

in Northern Gaza and

Beyond with regards to Egypt given the

importance of the aid flow from Egypt we

will continue to streamline operations

and maximize access through the RAF and

K Shalom Abu salum Crossings we've

engaged in constructive dialogue to

explore opportunities for the

optimization of the efficiency of Aid

delivery through Egypt and to further

streamline access for humanitarian cargo

to to Gaza from Rafa the UN has proposed

the establishment of an inspection

monitoring and verification unit on the

Palestinian inside of Rafa the Egypt

land Corridor in particular via the Rafa

Crossing is important given its volume

for both humanitarian assistance but

also early recovery and reconstruction

of Gaza in due

course when it comes to Cyprus the

Cyprus Maritime Corridor provides for

additionality of humanitarian Aid to

Gaza it can never and is not intended to

be a substitute for delivery by land

land routes are the only way to bring in

the bulk of supplies needed

preparations for the for the building of

the floating port and Pier on the shores

of Gaza are advancing with the

involvement of the Us and other member

states the UN has outlined the

parameters under which it can play a

meaningful role in the distribution of

Aid via this Corridor my office has

proposed a multi-donor funding mechanism

and provides Secretariat support to the

maritime Corridor to ensure full

coordination with the operations on the

ground in Gaza un monitors have been

deed deployed to Cyprus as part of the

2720 mechanism finally regarding

airdrops and in view of the above

several member states have indicated

their intent to phase out this mode of

delivery in conjunction with the scaling

up of assistance via Land and Sea Madame

President I'm pleased to announce that

the operationalization of the UN 2720

mechanism for Gaza will start in the

coming days and I'm grateful for the

constructive coroporation the mechanism

will initially be applicable to the

Cypress and Jordan routes respectively

technical consultations will shortly be

finalized with Egypt on this route I've

informed the government of Israel on the

operationalization of the mechanism as

per the resolution a database and

notification system will go online for

all cargo destined for Gaza along supply

routes the approval for the placement of

international monitors at Crossings

inspection and Supply points has been

requested from relevant authorities

verification and monitoring inside Gaza

will commence as soon as possible in the

coming weeks my office will also be

operational in Gaza the

operationalization of the mechanism will

allow for pipeline prioritization

predictability visibility and tracking

of supplies to Gaza as the resolution

intended the mechanism is designed to

facilitate and support the work of all

humanitarian Partners on the ground

Madame President the extent of the

destruction and the devastating impact

of this war on the entire population of

Gaza calls for an ambitious and

comprehensive plan of support with

commensurate investment the recent un EU

and World Bank interim disaster

assessment illustrates the scale of the

damage and the magnitude of Investments

required across all sectors for example

the rebuilding and repair of the more

than 84% of destroyed Health Facilities

the return of an entire student

population to school whilst educational

facilities have been impacted or

destroyed as the Secretary General has

stated the Palestinian Authority has a

critical role to play in Gaza the

International Community must work

towards enabling its return strengthen

its governance capacity and prepare it

to reassume its responsibilities in Gaza

all efforts towards early recovery and

reconstruction also need the

participation of Palestinian Civil

Society fostering a conducive

environment to reestablish the

commercial sector in Gaza and the

engagement of the Palestinian business

community and its investors are equally

important Madame President I wish to

Echo the United Nations grave concern

over the prospect of an Israeli

operation in Rafa such action would

compound an ongoing humanitarian

catastroph uh with consequences for

people already displaced and enduring

severe hard hardships and suffering the

un's ability to deliver will also be

constrained in closing I would like to

reiterate the importance of a paradigm

shift this requires a further scale up

in the quality and quantity of

assistance and its distribution

irreversible steps to enable safe secure

and unhindered delivery inside Gaza and

planning and timely preparations for

early recovery and reconstruction

there's no substitute for political will

to sustain these efforts let us remember

that behind every statistic is a human

story of loss and suffering and it's our

duty to provide protection support and

therefore hope for the Palestinian

population in Gaza it's also our duty to

advocate for a lasting peace between

Israel and a fully independent viable

and Sovereign Palestinian State thank

you I thank Miss C for her briefing and

I give the floor to those council

members who wish to make statements I

give the floor to the representative of

the United

Kingdom and thank you very much senior

humanitarian coordinator for your

briefing as you said Israel suffered the

worst terror attack in its history at

the hands of Hamas more than 200 days on

and Hamas continues to hold

hostages Palestinian civilians in Gaza

are facing facing a devastating and

growing humanitarian crisis and the risk


famine the UK is joining USG cogs

important efforts to prevent this

situation deteriorating even

further we have trebled our Aid

commitment in the last Financial year

and we're doing everything we can to get

more Aid in as quickly as possible by

land sea and air and to contribute to

the paradigm shift that you

mentioned I want to highlight three

areas first we welcome Israel's

commitment to increase Aid flows into

Gaza for example the delivery of

humanitarian Aid through the port of

ashod and the arz checkpoint and

extending the opening hours of the Kem

Shalom Crossing we now need to see more

implementation there has been some

welcome progress in this regard but much

more needs to be done our foreign

secretary reiterated this to Israeli

Prime Minister Netanyahu on his visit to

Israel last

week second as well as getting more Aid

in it needs to be the Right Aid that is

why resolution 2720 is so

important the UK fully supports sigd

car's mandate to establish a database

and a mechanism to track verify and

coordinate Aid the UK has provided

expert technical support to help

delivery of this mandate and the UK will

be providing over 3.5 million dollar of

additional funding for equipment to

support the UN and Aid agencies to get

more Aid into

Gaza third once humanitarian Aid arrives

in Gaza it is vital that it can be

distributed quickly and

effectively we're calling on Israel to


deconfliction and to allow un agencies

and humanitarian actors unhindered and

safe access into and throughout Gaza and

to enable the un's minimum operating


fully the tragic deaths of seven World

Central kitchen workers including three

British citizens demonstrates the need


Action president the UK recognizes that

anra is critical to Aid delivery in Gaza

we were appalled by the allegations that

unra staff were involved in the 7

October attacks against Israel and we

note the ongoing un office for internal

oversight services investigation into


allegations we are grateful for the

independent review into unra neutrality

led by Katherine Colona and we will set

out our position on future funding to

unra following careful consideration of

the final report and unr's


president the UK remains resolved to

working with International partners to

urgently secure an immediate pause to

get Aid in and the hostages out and then

to work for a sustainable permanent

ceasefire without a return to fighting

and loss of life I thank you I thank the

representative of the United Kingdom and

pass the floor to

mozambik Madame President mosambik

wishes to thank more

presidency for convening this important

briefing on the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian

question we also thank Madame sigd and

the Secretary General senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for for Gaza for her updated

information and perspectives on the

situation in Gaza

particularly in the

humanitarian situation over the past 90

days in light of uh United Nations

security Council resolution

2720 we

commend her and her entire team for

their unwavering dedication to

address this man-made crisis in order to

alleviate the immense suffering of

Palestinians Madame President the Israel

Palestinian conflict has long been a

source of tension and Tra tragedy in the

region the recent

escalation has resulted in significant

loss of life

Israel military

operation continue causing more civilian


displacement destruction of houses and

other civilian

infrastructure the situation remains

dire and Urgent action is needed to

alleviate the human suffering and

address the humanitarian crisis

crisis despite these

challenges the council successfully

adopted two

resolutions resolution

272 and resolution

2720 these

resolutions were

clear in calling for an immediate and

Urgent humanitarian C fire cessation of

hostilities and

ultimately ceas fire not only to ensure

more and better humanitarian Aid to

those in need in Gaza but also to allow

for unconditional release of hostages

and pave the way for the relaunch of the


process the The Hope was

that through the

demand uh urgent

actions the the demand of urgent actions

the suffering could be

alleviated and steps towards lasting

peace could be


deplorably four months have

passed and yet these resolutions have

not been fully

implemented the delay in their

implementation is a matter of

concern Madame

President the same purposes that guided

this Council to adopt the two

resolutions in December uh

2023 must strengthen our Collective

conscience to in enforce International


under the international humanitarian law


international human right human rights

law Mambi


encourages the engagement of relevant

parties in

implementation of these
resolutions we firmly hold the view that


encouraging of relevant parties is

crucial for implementing these

resolutions we reiterate our appeal to

the council members with influence on

the parties to cooperate with the

coordinator and her team to fulfill

their mandate without delay and

obstruction the council

must unite and speak with one voice to

urgently address the pressing

humanitarian situation in

Gaza the situation demands

immediate safe and unhindered access for

humanitarian Aid to reach those most in

need bearing in mind that thousands of

people and families in Gaza Street are

gathering in at Rough Crossing border

amidst escalating hostil

hostilities let me Madame President

underscore that human to of this

conflict is stuggling

with innocent lives quote in the

crossfire the call for a ceasefire

remains therefore urgent and crucial

diplomatic efforts and international

pressure must continue I thank

you representative of Moz and Pa the

floor to the United States uh thank you

madam president and Senior coordinator

coog thank you very much for your

briefing colleagues the humanitarian

situation in Gaza is beyond

dire starvation has taken the lives of

children in the

north essential supplies are dwindling

Millions have been

displaced at this perilous moment

President Biden has called on Israel to

take a series of specific concrete and

measurable steps to address this

humanitarian crisis protect civilians

from harm and ensure the safety of all


workers Israel must do more to prevent

civilian casualties

immediately and President Biden has made

clear that US policy will be determined

by by our assessment of Israel's

immediate and sustained action on these

steps Israel has taken some positive

steps but not nearly enough and not


enough and so the United States position

is clear Israel must take immediate

action to open additional land Crossings

into Northern

Gaza as Gaza faces imminent

famine lives hang in the balance and

every day

matters to complement and not replace

additional land Crossings and increase

Aid flowing into Gaza United States is

working with our partners to implement a


caror part of that Carter entails the

establishment of a temporary peer in

Gaza from which humanitarian assistance

will be

offloaded we welcome the un's commitment

to help facilitate the distribution of

Aid delivered to Gaza via the

pier another essential portion of the

maritime Carter is the full


of Israeli commitments to open ashad for


shipments as we understand it assistance

will be shipped to ashad and then

transported through land Crossings into

Gaza this is critical and this needs to

happen right

away but it doesn't matter how much Aid

gets into Gaza if that Aid can't get

into the hands of Palestinians in dire

need the distribution of Aid within Gaza

is absolutely critical
the plans senior coordinator Cog

outlined today are vital to achieving

distribution of a at scale and we look

forward to hearing more about the un's

efforts during today's Clos

briefing I want to reiterate the Biden

administration's full support for senior

coordinator sigret Cog and I again call

on Israel to cooperate with the un's

efforts to facilitate the delivery of

humanitarian assistance at

scale colleagues another Factor liting

the distribution of Aid has been the

repeated failure of deconfliction

mechanisms since October 7 more than 230

humanitarian workers have been killed

this is tragic and

unacceptable deconfliction mechanisms

are vital this is how we protect the

lives of those who are working to save

the lives of innocent people and so

Israel must fully Implement functional

deconfliction procedures it it must

we reiterate our call for accountability

for incidents in which humanitarian

Personnel were killed this includes the

deadly attack on world Central Kitchen

Personnel earlier this

month there must be an additional

independent transparent

colleagues as you all know this week

foreign minister Colona released her

report on

unra we appreciate that unra has taken

steps to set internal Poli policies and

address its neutrality but more must be

done and unra must undertake substantial

reforms to protect its sustainability


Mission we know this will take time and

resources but implementation of the

reforms outlined in cola's report will

be critical and the United States will

work closely with the UN and other

partners to ensure unra carries out its

duties in a neutral and balanced way for

the benefit of the Palestinian people

colleagues I fear many have lost sight

of the fact that it is Hamas that set

this conflict into motion on October 7

when it carried out a heinous attack on

Israel slaughtering concert goers

burning people alive committing

unspeakable acts of sexual violence

let's not forget this important

fact the United States has been clear

from the beginning that we fully support

Israel's right to self-defense and that

support is

Ironclad but we have also been clear

that as Israel continues to pursue the

destruction of the remaining elements of

Hamas we are opposed to a full-scale

military operation in Rafa which would

have catastrophic consequences for the


population we reiterate our call for

Israel to produce a credible and

actionable plan to protect the civilian

population in Rafa and address the

humanitarian needs of those who have

sought refuge in in the

South we are deeply concerned by the

Massive Internal displacement within

Gaza and the risk of forcible

displacement from Gaza Israel must act

in compliance with its obligations under

international law full

stop colleagues since October 7 so much

suffering and pain death and Destruction

has played out before our eyes on all

sides of this conflict now more than

ever we need an immediate and

sustainable cease fire as part of a deal

to release the hostages by Hamas which

will also allow us to scale up

humanitarian assistance to Palestinian

civilians the United States is working

with our partners in the region to make

this possible Hamas however continues to

reject offers from Israel that would

halt fighting and release hostages over

and over and over if Hamas accepted the

offer Israel has made it would allow for

an immediate ceasefire that would

benefit Palestinians now

Hamas should take this deal if not it

should explain to the world and to the

Palestinian people why they have yet to

do so because right now Hamas is the

sole obstacle to a ceasefire in

Gaza we must all call on Hamas

especially those with the most influence

to take this deal and we must continue

to work together to support the work of

senior coordinator sigret Cog and all

those working to save lives in Gaza at

this moment of dire need thank you madam

president representative of the United

States I'm pass the floor to

Algeria thank you Madame

President I thank Madame KAG for her

briefing about the implementation of her

mandates as stipulated in resolution

272 to facilitate

humanitarian had

access to the Gaza Strip despite facing

multiple Challenge and obstacle in her

Endeavor yes over 200

days 200 days of ongoing

aggression against pal Palestinian

people in in

Gaza and we are still

discussing access to basic

needs basic human

needs such as access to

food water and

sanitation let allow access to

education housing and

health which has become a luxury

for the entire population in

Gaza Madame cag's

mission of Expediting humanitarian a

delivery to Gaza civilian population is

crucial however more than five four

months after

resolution 20

2720 adoption

despite Madame KAG and her team's

efforts to establish a un mechanism for

accelerating humanitarian

relief in

Gaza this

call remain unanswered

unanswered and the Mandate not fully


the International

particularly member state with

influence on their compined

power should make every effort to help

Madame KAG fulfilling her

mandate and ensuring you succeed is


responsibilities not just one person's

Duty Madame President we firmly

believe successful humanitarian Aid in

Gaza depend on the



obviously obviously an immediate and

Lasting ceas

fire safe humanitarian action throughout

Gaza cannot be ensured without a ceas

fire the past six month clearly


this as said by Charan donelli an

International Rescue committee senior

vice president operating in

Gaza What in increasingly

clear is that the the confliction

process is a

fiction it doesn't provide any

guarantees of

safety only a sensation of

hostility can help meeting civilan



otherwise humanitarian

doors will deliver Aid at risk of their


second and 100 humanitarian

access this

require this requires opening

all Crossing possible and using them at


capacity according to the occupying

authorities since October SE

7 only

40% of the minimum required basic

needs were allowed into

Gaza after

killing I should say

assassinating humanitarian work ERS from

the world Central

Kitchen the occupying

authorities made a lot of

publicity on their decision to

reopen ARS


however according to the

UN until last

Friday last Friday only 25

trucks only 25

trucks were authorized to

use AR Crossing yes


trcks the International

Community including powerful

countries seems to be incapable

of forcing the occupying power to adhere

to its obligations under International


law air

drops a last resort

solution became the only

option that represent only

0.3 of total Aid delivered to

Gaza the maritime

Corridor was undermined before providing


result our strong

belief is that there is no

alternative to land

Roots all

Crossing must be reopened now


Ena androa

irrepressible IR unplaceable


this agency has been and continue to be

the blackbone of humanitarian delivery


Gaza it

should operate freely


threat after Madame kona's

report there is no more need to further

debate ena's

credibility and

efficiency the report stated that Ena

possess a more developed approach to

neutrality that other similar

UN agency or ngo's


and say it

again Israel has yet to provide


evidence of its

allegation against


personel as Madame kona's report

indicated even those agencies rely on

unua that retain its Central and

irreplaceable role of providing a

platform and in many case infrastructure

for these spe specialized

activities Ana must be owed again and

allowed to operate across Gaza including

the North as famine risk


fourth resuming commercial

activities resuming commercial

activities no matter how large and

efficient humanitarian assistant

is is

imperative but require two main

conditions first

ending The Siege imposed by the



second launching a vast cash

transfer program to help revive gaza's


market starting such such an operation


crucial fifth

no ground offensive in

Rafa we warn

again against any military action in

Rafa such an offensive should not be

allowed by under any


1.5 million Palestinian


cramped into

Rafa which has

become the humanitarian Hub of

Gaza the survival of Gaza entire

population depends on

situation on this

city ground

offensive will leave people with no

choice no choice but to flee to

Egypt it will not be only only a


catastrophe but an irreversible brech of

peace and

security not just in the region but

beyond Adam

president gaza's catastrophic

situation is a betral for

humanity and a test for the

international order and our multilateral


system this is not a natural

disaster it is a human-made


and we

bear the

responsibility the international

Community must

ensure Implement implementation of icg

orders and Security Council


failure is not an option the occupying

occupying power that causes death and

Desperation wherever it goes cannot

continue to dictate the

rules this

catastroph must be ended I thank you I

thank the representative of Algeria and

pass the floor to

Ecuador gracias thank you Madame

President I welcome the presence in this

Council of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator of the UN for

Gaza and we also welcome the report

she's just provided I re reiterate

Ecuador's support for Miss siget CG's

actions and the work of her entire team

with a view to setting up a mechanism

which will facilitate and speed up

access of Aid this is an urgent and

important task Madame President more

than four months have passed since the

adoption of resolution 2720 last

December when Ecuador held the

presidency in this Council regrettably

May many of its Provisions are far from

being fulfilled and the valuable

progress achieved is insufficient given

the magnitude of the

task the civilian population in Gaz Gaza

must have access to the aid it needs at

scale consistently and

predictably Food Water Sanitation

electricity telecommunications medical

services are all essential for their

survival my country has repeatedly

called for humanitarian Aid to be

provided and distributed without

obstacles we have done so since the

beginning of the war in Gaza last

October for that reason Ecuador welcomes

the efforts to

diversify the aid routes and the supply

lines by land air and sea and encourages

pursuit of these efforts despite the

problems and the challenges faced in

terms of operational difficulties to

ensure entry of Aid to Gaza and

distribution in the Gaza Strip we must

recall that Security Council resolution

2720 requires the parties in the

conflict to cooperate with coordinator

KAG without delay and without any

obstructions the adoption of immediate

measures to guarantee the the delivery

of basic services and humanitarian Aid

has also been uh provided by the icj in

the provisional measures issued in

January and in March

Security Council resolutions and the

provisions of the icj must be

respected in terms of the mechanism to

speed up the supply of humanitarian

relief to Gaza my country hopes that

this mechanism can be fully operational

as soon as possible so that it can

contribute to alleviating the shortages

uh the civilian population face in

conclusion Madam president I reiterate

Ecuador's condemnation of the

atrocious terrorist attacks by himas on

the 7th of October and any act of

violence against civilians including

sexual violence and we would reiterate

our call for the immediate and

unconditional release of all

hostages and at the same time to

guarantee humanitarian access to address

their medical needs as required by this

council's resolutions thank you of eador

and pass the floor to

Guana madam president I thank you for

organizing today's briefing and thank

Miss sigret KAG for the updates provided

on her work pursuant to the Mandate

outlined in resolution

2720 the pressing need for a ceasefire

in Gaza is driven home forcefully once

again in what has been laid out to the

council this afternoon the humanitarian

situation in the Gaza Strip continues to

worsen as it remains subjected to

Israeli bombardments from Land and Sea

the de toll stands at a staggering

34,000 plus the number of of those

injured has surpassed

77,000 these figures should shock our

Collective conscience and compel us to

bring this war to an immediate and just

end after more than 200 days of

unimaginable horror Madame President the

provisions of resolution

2720 are clear on the obligation of

parties to the conflict they must comply

with international law including

International humanitarian law this

entails in ensuring interia the

provision of civilians and civilian

objects humanitarian access and the

protection of humanitarian personnel and

their freedom of movement it also

entails upholding the obligation to

ensure the provision at scale of

urgently needed basic humanitarian

services and humanitarian assistance

these obligations have not been met in

clear Defiance of the legally binding

orders issued by the international court

of justice on 26 January and 28th March

2024 of particular note is the order of

the icj that Israel take all necessary

and effective measures to ensure without

delay in full cooperation with the

United Nations the unhindered pro

Visions at scale by all concerned of

urgently needed basic services and

humanitarian assistance and I quote

including by increasing the capacity and

number of land Crossing points and

maintaining them open for as long as

necessary end of quote the

unavailability of sufficient land

Crossing remains a major hindrance to

humanitarian efforts in Gaza compounded

by excessive inspection processes

Guyana reminds Israel of its obligations

to allow facilitate and enable the

immediate safe and unhindered delivery

of humanitarian assistance at scale

directly to the civilian population

throughout the Gaza Strip we call on

Israel to honor those obligations we

take note of Miss cag's extensive

efforts in extremely challenging

circumstances including towards the

establishment of the un mechanism and

reiterate guyana's continued support for

those efforts Guyana also stresses the

importance of guaranteeing the safety of

humanitarian Personnel for scaling up

humanitarian assistance in the Gaza

Strip an unprecedented number of

humanitarian workers have been killed in

this war principally because of

non-compliance with International

humanitarian law humanitarian workers

have been directly attacked as seen in

the killing of the seven World Central

Kitchen team members others have fallen

victim to indiscriminate shelling

because thec confliction and

notification mechanisms are not

functioning adequately Madame President

allow me to draw the council's attention

to three important points first while it

is crucial to scale up humanitarian

support and increased access across Gaza

this alone will not save lives for

humanitarian assistance to be delivered

effectively and at scale in a

sustainable manner there must be a


ceasefire second Palestinians must not

be expected to subsist on humanitarian

aid for any lengthy period of time for

the preservation of their dignity

conditions must be created for them to

build their own livelihoods

reestablishing the means for trade and

for the market to thrive is

essential I stress again again that a

secure environment is Paramount for this

to happen a ceasefire is

indispensable deciding to increase

humanitarian support to Gaza while

delaying a decision about a ceasefire is

self-defeating third Guyana reiterates

the need for accountability there is

perhaps no greater deterant than

accountability where accountability is

lacking impunity thrives emboldening

perpetrators to the detriment of all in

the case of Gaza impunity has brought

disproportionate consequences for women

and children who are the vast majority

of those being killed and named Madame

President I conclude by observing that

the scale of Devastation visited upon

Gaza has created a multi-dimensional

crisis which requires multi-dimensional

approach that takes account of immediate

and future needs Guyana is prepared to

work with this Council to design and

facilitate implementation of that

Approach at the heart of that approach

must be the creation of a free and

independent state of Palestine in

accordance with the pre-1967 lines this

is our duty I thank you I thank the

representative of Guana for her

statement and I now give the floor to

the representative of the Russian

Federation thank you

president would like to thank the senior

humanitarian reconstruction coordinator

Miss CET k
for her briefing and for seeking to find

Opportunities to grow humanitarian

relief Consignments to The Enclave as

per Security Council resolution

2720 as you know we abstained on that

resolution which uh inter Alia calls for

the establishment of a un mechanism for

assisting the delivery of humanitarian

relief Consignment the parameters of

which would discussing today the reason

we abstained is that this document does

not directly demand a ceasefire which is

a key precondition for safe and

unfitted and safe and unfitted access to

those in need instead it set forth

the information about the creation of

conditions for uh secession of uh

violence in Gaza we warned that these

ambiguous uh formulations ambiguous

wording would be interpreted by Israel

as the green light and that's exactly

what happened colleagues we're tired of

repeating it against the backdrop of the

Israeli military operation in Gaza with

Comprehensive support from the US it's

been going on for 18 months now properly

assisting the population of The Enclave

is simply impossible it's patently

obvious humanitarian Aid workers are

unarmed they're defenseless in the face

of sh shelling it's simply inhumane to

demand that they give their lives in air

strikes when the security Council cannot

cannot compel Israel to put an end to


hostilities let me remind you of one

other important

Point there's a logical algorithm for

Security Council actions it's been deliv

developed over many years it's an

algorithm for what to do in the case of

conflict first the council demands the

parties to cease fire then it monitors

compliance and this is done by military

observers military observers these are

staff who have been professionally

trained to conduct such uh monitoring

then if these observers aren't given

access to the contact zone or if they

report violations of the SE ceasefire

then the issue of how we compel

implementation arises specifically by


peacekeepers in gaza's case this entire

sequence of events has been turned

upside down and humanitarian Aid workers

have in Ence being asked to sacrifice

their lives by doing the jobs of

peacekeepers colleagues this is

preposterous and it's also very

dangerous if the ceasefire is not

complied with let's discuss concrete

measures how we can ensure that it is

upheld the security Council does have

some well-honed algorithms it has a

toolkit including the deployment of


contingents to begin we could revert to

the idea of more active involvement by

the UN Tru supervision

organization in monitoring the ceasefire

the chief of staff Patrick gsha has

already briefed the council and promised

to provide more detailed information on

the resources Ono has we suggest

reverting to this issue furthermore the

Israeli authorities are openly impeding

the delivery of essential Goods to

Peaceable Garin last week we discussed

the UNR situation in

detail this state of affairs is simply

unacceptable as far as we're aware un

humanitarian agencies including

unra do maintain a significant presence

on Palestinian territories they have

sufficient resources including Financial

Resources loaded convoys are at The

Crossings at gaza's border the whole

host of legal opportunities for

delivering human Arian assistance

without establishing additional

structures including the mechanism are

in place I'm referring first and

foremost to International humanitarian

law including the Geneva conventions and

The Guiding principles set forth in GA

resolution 46 stroke 182 against this

backdrop we don't deem it necessary to

establish any kind of special

humanitarian regime for Gaza especially

as it obviously won't work while one of

the parties stands firm in its intent to

continue military hostilities

on this note it's important for everyone

to recognize one very simple thing the

sticking point is not whether we have or

don't have a mechanism for the delivery

of humanitarian relief it's the absence


conditions these conditions are lacking

owing to vigorous military hostilities

the IDF doesn't Grant exceptions neither

for hospitals nor schools nor

humanitarian convoys we're steadfast in

our conviction that humanitarian access

must be granted as per International

humanitarian law and humanitarian Aid

workers should be guaranteed an adequate

level of security and protection on this

note we'd like to repeat what we said

earlier the overriding priority for the

International Community of which the

Security Council is the embodiment is

ensuring an immediate and Lasting

ceasefire only then then and only then

can we seriously tackle issues related

to food security

sanitation the provision of education

and other Vally important

services would very much like to believe

that the proposed mechanism on the

delivery of humanitarian relief

Consignments will change the situation

for the better but this is unrealistic

given the Fierce hostilities and the

clearing out that's going on the

situation has gotten so out of hand that

Israeli settlers are raiding Palestinian

villagers setting them a light killing

against this backdrop humanitarian Aid

workers are going to continue perishing

the One-Stop shop that's proposed within

the framework of the mechanism will

hardly help

president since our objective today is

to have a focused discussion on the

concept note regarding the modalities

for the mechanism's operation I'd like

to ask its authors a few questions my

main question is do we have consent from

the Israeli and Palestinian sides for

the application of the mechanism were

the details of the entry of humanitarian

supplies discussed with them if there

were discussions who did you

specifically discuss this with are there

guarantees that the Israeli authorities

will not inspect trucks as they're

currently doing that they won't deny

authorizations for their entry into Gaza

for months on end if we don't have such

guarantees then what's the added value

of this mechanism how is it any

different in practice from our current

working methods on the contrary it would

appear that the mechanism will become

yet another bureaucratic stumbling block

involving additional checks and

inspections another matter of principle

the concept

note talks about K Shalom and

rafar which are already letting supplies

through in fits and starts of course why

didn't uh why doesn't it consider other

Land and Sea Crossing specifically the

five checkpoints on Israeli border on

the Israeli border the temporary pier in

Gaza and the ashod port the document

contains a section on un staff who it is

expected will be ensuring the work of

the mechanism their cooperation with

these and Palestinian the Israelis and

the Palestinians as well as various un

agencies this is omitted what the report

does talk about is key Partners relevant

authorities and humanitarian players we

need clarification on this we'd also

like to seek additional information

about commercial deliveries which are

proposed under the mechanism the idea

being that the mechanism will tackle

strictly humanitarian issues given that

this approach is of a Kind without

precedent would be grateful to get

additional clarification thank

you I thank the representative of the

Russian for Federation for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of


president I thank un senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator Kar for


briefing it has been 200 days since the

outbreak of the Gaza conflict in these

200 days we have seen the spread of

hunger famine the collapse of the Health

Care System the loss of innocent lives

and the desperate struggle of millions

of people on the brink of

death there is no justification for

prolonging this conflict and there's no

excuse for the killing of

civilians the International Community

must assemble all efforts to mitigate

the disaster save lives and end the

conflict I have three points to make

first we express our deep concern about

the continued worsening of the

humanitarian disaster the three Council

resolutions 2712 2720 and

2728 and the two icj orders on

provisional measures all exp all

explicitly call for greater humanitarian

access but they have never been

effectively implemented and humanitarian

delivery continues to encounter various

kinds of manmade restrictions if this

continues it will def ly resulting more

civilan deaths from famine and disease

we urge Israel to open all land

Crossings to guarantee a rapid and safe

delivery of humanitarian supplies at

scale into

Gaza and their safe and orderly

distribution within Gaza to those in

dire need we expect that the mechanism

established by senior cordinator CAG

will play a greater role in reducing and

eliminating obstacles to humanitarian

supplies before and after their entry

into Gaza Israel should cooperate with

all humanitarian agencies including uh

senior coordinator

Co second we support anra in continuing

to play its

role to guarantee Aid delivery by

humanitarian agencies is the

responsibility of the occupying power

hunger cannot be weaponized and relief

cannot be politicized the independent

review Panel LED by Miss Colona has

released its report noting that anra has

had in place for many years a

significant number of robust mechanisms

to ensure asra's neutrality and its

ability to respond to and hold those

accountable for non compliance in a

timely manner and it has far more such

mechanisms than any other un agencies at

this point the debate on Andra

neutrality should come to an end we urge

all countries to resume funding for

Andra as soon as POS possible and to

refrain from using any pretext to impose

additional Collective punishment on the

population of Gaza Israel made serious

allegations against anra linked to

terrorism for which no evidence has yet

been shared we are concerned about

this China reiterates that without solid

evidence it is unacceptable to attack

anra maliciously and even make false

Acquisitions against the entire un

system the

third we again call on the council to

push for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

more than six months of harsh reality

has made it abundantly clear that a Gaza

Under Fire does not have the condition

needed for Aid delivery Council

resolution 2728 which clearly caused for

cisy in Gaza this is indisputably

binding and all member states are

obligated to implement it we are gravely

concerned about Israel's frequent

bombardments of Gaza in recent days we

urge Israel to immediately seize all

military operations against Gaza and

abandon its offense plan on Rafa

countries with significant influence on

Israel should be impartial and play an

active role in realizing a ceas f China

supports the council in taking further

actions to ensure the implementation of


resolution thank you president I thank

the representative of China for the

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of Sierra Leon


President I want to thank Miss secret K

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for

Gaza for her very comprehensive

briefing my delegation recalls


2720 which calls for this position and

for the establishment of an effective un

mechanism for providing humanitarian Aid

to the people in the Gaza

Street the senior humanitarian

coordinator role role of facilitating

and Expediting humanitarian Aid in Gaza

is especially critical at this juncture

given that 1.1 million people are

projected to face catastrophic levels of

food insecurity in the

region regular update from oia on the

situation in Gaza confirmed that the

volume of humanitarian Supply entering

Gaza since the start of hostilities in


2023 is far below the approximate 500

trucks per day estimated by H to be

needed to meet the basic essential food

health and other needs of the people

that s acknowledges the enormity of the

task of increasing the Quantum of

humanitarian Aid into Gaza to minimize

the impact of the conflict on civilians

especially on women children and other


persons we commend the continued

engagement and consultation by the

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator since our appointment with

the IDF and other stakeholders in the

region on removing the significant

humanitarian access constraints to

ensure unfettered access V all out air

Land and Sea into the Gaza Street such a

consultative and well-coordinated

approach is essential for seamless Aid

distribution to address the Urgent and

contined needs of the people there

especially in in the current environment

of heavy bombardment and ongoing

clashes additionally we anticipate that

an established un mechanism as

stipulated in resolution 2720 will

resolve current operational constraints

improve collaboration humanitarian

actors in the region and increase their

delivery capacity throughout the Gaza

Street Mr President in supporting the

office of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coord Nat and ensuring he

she delivers on a mandate to facilitate

coordinate Monitor and verify

humanitarian relief Consignments to Gaza

my delegation will continue to call for

one an immediate humanitarian ceasefire

in the Gaza Street as stipulated in

resolution 2728 to enable full Rapid

Safe and unhindered humanitarian access

to all civilians an absence of which

will only stifled program R in this vein

we request the office of the senior

humanitarian coordinator to coordinate

efforts with on to ensure that the

Palestinians get full access to

humanitarian Aid two a reminding parties

to the conflict of their obligations

under international law will draw the

attention to the consequences associated

with blatant violations we urge parties

to the conflict to prioritize the

survival security and dignity of all

civilians we call of call we further

call for a functioning humanitarian

notification system and a stable

communication Network that will

guarantee the protection of United

Nations and other humanitarian personnel

and enhance the efficient delivery of


Commodities serum rates his call for the

immediate and unconditional release of

all hostages held by Hammers and in the

in demands that access be granted to the

ICC and or other humanitarian Orest to

visit and support the victims in closing

seron a reaffirms his support to the

good Office of the senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator and

stresses the need for the requisite

resources to be made available for an

efficient Service delivery as a council

member we continue to participate and

engage in processes that seek to break

up peace and improve the lives of the

civilians in both Palestine and is room

I thank you I thank the representative

of SRA Leon for their statement and I

now give the floor to the representative

of the Republic of

Korean thank you Mr President I also

thank senior coordinator z k for her

very useful informative briefing on the

implementation of resolution

2720 I would like to extend the Republic

Korea's sincere
appreciation for senior coordinator CX

Tyler effort indeed since her

appointment ear this year we witnessed

to some improvements in the humanitarian

efforts on the ground as senior

coordinator C just indicated some

progress made nonetheless as the current

situation shows no clear sign of ending

the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is

is also being extended exacerbating the

long-standing suffering of gods and

civilians especially women and children

as femine deepens

sadly this tragic trend has not changed

despite numerous Security Council

meetings the adoption of resolution

2728 demanding an immediate ceasefire

and ongoing diplomatic efforts By Us

Egypt and

Qatar Mr

President the Republic of Korea takes

note of

Israel's announcement earlier this month

to open further access points into Gaza

including the opening of the ashto port

and the arest crossing and to enhance

deliveries from

Jordan during this council's meeting

last month Miss cak mentioned these

measures as possible ways to enhance

life- saving assistance into

Gaza without the lifting of all barriers

to ensure sufficient and sustained

humanitarian assistance and scale the

suffering of civilians in Gaza will

intensify even

further as a close friend the Republic

Korea calls on Israel to swiftly

implement this commitment as such

measures will not unease the suffering


Palestinians but also enhance the

credibility of Israel in the

International Community and actions

speak much louder than

words as the most efficient and Swift

routes for the delivery of humanitarian

Aid is through land Crossing we hope

that all possible land Crossings in

including Carney can soon be open

widely the use of Maritime corridors

being an important supplement for land

Crossings should also be enhanced and in

this regard we really appreciate efforts

to expand the use of SE routes by

relevant countries include the US and

Cyprus as this Council has repeatedly

stressed the Safety and Security of

humanitarian workers whichever their

nationalities are must be

guaranteed notification and de

confliction mechanism must be fully

internalized in the systems and

operations of the

parties lastly we would like to

reiterate our form positions that an

immediate ceasefire is essential to end

the humanitarian suffering in Gaza and

simultaneously lessen Regional

tensions another major military

operations including the looming ground

operation into into Rafa must not be

realized and based on the CIS fire

senior coordinator kex other the major

mandate reconstruction should begin

considering gaza's immense need to

resume meaningful negotiations toward

the vision of the two-state solutions a

is fire and the Reconstruction of Gaza

are essential I thank you Mr President I

thank the representative of the Republic

of Korea for their statement and I give

the floor to the representative of

Slovenia thank thank you Mr

President I also thank senior human

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss KAG for her

briefing to the council and we welcome

her update on the implementation of her

mandate in line with the resolution

2720 colleagues uh in resolution 2720

the security Council demanded that

parties to the conflict allow facilitate

and enable the immediate safe and

unhindered delivery of humanitarian

assistant at scale directly to the

Palestinian civilian population

throughout Gaza

Strip people are dying in Gaza due to

malnutrition and

dehydration this is not assistance at

scale people are dying in Gaza


assistance this is not

safe people are dying in Gaza as basic

humanitarian and medical items are

denied due to dual use this is not

unhindered people are still dying in

Gaza as they do not get adequate

assistance today the resolution was

adopted in December this is not

immediate Slovenia is deeply concerned

over the continuously deteriorating

humanitarian situation in Gaza reaching

catastrophic levels and imminent famine

we remain profoundly concerned over the

threat of a fullscale operation in Rafa

and we Joy other members on the council

and call on Israel not to carry it

out we call for the removal of all

barriers to the delivery of humanitarian

assistance as stipulated in resolution

2720 this includes opening all available

routs and border crossings we call on

Israel to fully implement the announced

opening of the RS Crossings and the use

of ashot part we stress the importance

of facilitating the delivery of human

aid from Jordan and

Egypt Madam KAG we welcome your efforts

to ensure the implementation of res


2720 and to establish the mechanism for

facilitation acceleration and

verification of humanitarian relief for

Gaza we welcome your engagement with the

number of Partners we deeply appreciate

efforts of countries in establishing a

maritime Corridor and continuing to give

hope through air drops however we

underline that land land routs Remain

the safest and the most efficient way of

delivering assistance at scale we are

particularly concerned over the Safety

and Security of un humanitarian

Personnel working in Gaza much more is

left to do to ensure full implementation

of resolution
2720 this includes significant

improvements in the deconfliction

mechanism the removal of constraints to

fuel supply addressing delays and insec

ities at checkpoints and allowing the

entry of appropriate safety equipment

for un and humanitarian

workers while we welcome the recent

entry of 15 out of 13 new trucks to

enhance delivery we underlined that many

trucks have been destroyed in the

ongoing conflict all these barriers

inevitably hinder the UN capacities and

efforts Slovenia believes a number of

barriers can be lifted with political

will only

this includes better border crossing

coordination and smoother inspection

processes as well as sufficient number

of drivers and trucks being cleared for

use it includes the full use of existing

capibilities such as

unra which Remains the backbone of the

humanitarian response in Gaza and it

includes ensuring Safety and Security to

humanitarian workers and drivers also in

different highrisk areas throughout Gaza

at at the end and very importantly it

includes greater predictability in Aid


delivery Slovenia repeats its call for

the full implementation of 2712 2720 and

2728 as well as the icj provisional

measures of 26 January and 28th March we

call for the full respect of

international law including

International humanitarian law and human

rights law we once again underlined the

need for

accountability we share the concern

expressed by the High Commissioner for

human rights regarding reported

discoveries of mass grapes in al-shifa

and Al anaser medical complexes Mr

President I have said it behind closed

doors and I repeat it again the pictures

and news coming from Gaza will haunt us

they will haunt us as individuals

sitting on the council and as the

council itself there is only one way to

adequately address the situation and so

we once again call for the immediate

ceasefire the release of hostages and

removal of all barriers to humanitarian

Aid this must be followed by a

meaningful commitment to a political

process thank you I thank the

representative of Slovenia for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of

Switzerland Mr President like my

colleagues before me I'd like to thank

uh the human Arian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss Sig K thank

you for your briefing and your

commitment four months have passed since

we adopted resolution

2720 four months over the course of

which you have spent no effort in

coordinating the delivery of Aid to the


population at a

time when we are facing a humanitarian

catastrophe in Gaza as the Secretary

General said at the start of the year

and here I quote delivering humanitarian

Aid is not about counting trucks it's

about ensuring that the necessary volume

and quality of Aid reaches those in need

as required by intern International


law to this end we expect that the

parties will at last fully Implement The

Binding resolutions of the security

Council the ones we've adopted since the

hamas's terrorist acts committed on

October 7th which Switzerland has

strongly condemned the same applies to

the international Court of justices the

icj's order for Israel to take all the

necessary and effective measures without

delay in close cooperation with the

United Nations to

ensure the provision of urgently needed

basic services and humanitarian Aid and

this without restriction on a large

scale and without

delay this Council must ensure

compliance with the resolutions it has

itself adopted the effects expected have

been underlined many times over the

effective protection of civilians the

implementation of a ceasefire

humanitarian access to people in need

and the immediate and unconditional

release of all hostages we must

insist on a regional deescalation as

well and this without delay failing this

every day will bring new civilian

victims the prospect of a large scale

military offensive in Raa is

unacceptable as it would further

exacerbate the situation of the civilian

population which is prey to displacement

hostilities epidemics and famine the

security Council must insist for the

parties to immediately comply with their

obligations under international law the

use of the famine as a method of warfare

is strictly prohibited by International

humanitarian law and constitutes a war

crime all humanitarian actors in Gaza


unra must have safe and unfettered

access to people in need in order to

achieve this humanitarian Aid should be

able to be delivered and flow through

all Crossing points and then distributed

throughout the Gaza Strip particularly

the north reports that Aid to Gaza

reached the highest level since October

7th just yesterday are encouraging

nonetheless this is far from sufficient

and we must step up our efforts we

recall that the arbitrary obstruction of

humanitarian access is also prohibited

under International humanitarian law as

are attacks directed at


e e

you infrastructure and the

infrastructures of other humanitarian

organizations must be protected it's

imperative for the council to speak out

on this issue going Beyond specific

contexts Switzerland is in close contact

with all Council members discussing a

draft resolution on this last but not

least Switzerland calls for independent

investigations to be

conducted into all violations of

international humanitarian law these are

violations in the Middle East the

perpetrators of these violations must be

held to

account president let me repeat what I

already said the immediate

implementation of council resolutions a

ceasefire the safe rapid and unfetter

delivery of humanitarian act Aid to Gaza

and the release of hostages must be our

top priority as members of the security

Council we're Duty bound to step up our

efforts to achieve this as quickly as

possible and to avoid an even more

serious Regional escalation at all costs

this is a cinon condition if we are to

give people back the prospect of a

peaceful future in which they'll be able

to live in dignity and security

Switzerland stains ready to support

efforts that can revive the hope of

peace through a solution that involves

two Democratic states Israel and

Palestine living side by side in peace

within secure and recognized borders

based on the borders of

1967 including Gaza as an integral

component of a Palestinian State I thank

you Switzerland for their statement and

I give the floor to the representative


Japan thank you Mr President I thank I

also thank senior coordinator uh Miss

sigit KAG for her very

update the current situation in Gaza

which began 200 days ago with a brutal

Terror attacks by hammer and other

groups has led to unprecedented

destruction and humanitarian

catastrophe around half of the gaza's

population approximately 1.1 million

people are at risk in entering the most

severe stage of fing there is an acute

shortage of basic necessities including

Safe Water food shelter and Medicine the

gravity of the crisis in Gaza cannot be


enough in light of the extreme Challenge

we highly respect Miss K's tireless

efforts to streamline and expedite the

delivery of humanitarian Aid to Gaza by

proposing a un mechanism in line with


2720 we fully support the role of unops

in this

regard Japan underscore the urgent need

to enhance the flow of humanitarian Aid

into and throughout Gaza we call on

Israel to reopen land Crossings

particularly The caric Crossing to

ensure the steady flow of Aid the land

routs and more entry

into more entry points into Gaza are

vital with no viable alternative we also

support the activation of a maritime

Corridor to ensure the aid reaches

reaches those in need Japan also Echo

and uh with the support of the voices of

more protection of the humanitarian Aid

workers Mr President an Ana plays a

central role in gaza's desperately

needed humanitarian operations and there

is no substitute for its essential

functions in this regard we welcome the

final report under recommendations of

the independent review group and hope

unua will steadily Implement these

recommendations Japan has resumed its

funding to unor since April 2nd and has

already dispersed approximately 35

million us do since then also our first

in kind contribution to unua since the

resumption will be handed over in early

May in
Egypt lastly the security Council last

month adopted the resolution demanding

an immediate ceasefire in Gaza however

this has not been achieved and the

humanitarian crisis remains dire a Seas

fire is a critical component for

improving the humanitarian situation in

Gaza while laying the ground for future

reconstruction efforts thus Japan

expresses our strong support for the

sius Diplomatic efforts to bring about

the cation of hostilities and the

release of the hostages

being made by the United States Egypt

and Qatar and we appreciate their

tireless efforts we reiterate our strong

appeal to all parties concerned to reach

a deal without delay I thank you I thank

the representative of Japan for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of

France M pres Mr President I

thank the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator for for her

briefing France fully supports the

Mandate of the special coordinator and

calls for the full implementation of

resolutions 272 and

2720 Miss kags briefing on her visits to

Gaza confirmed the catastrophic state of

the humanitarian situation two million

people have absolutely nothing the

number of Civilian victims is

unacceptable Palestinians in Gaza are

not just exposed to the risk of famine

famine is upon them and in this context

the effectiveness humanitarian age is a


concern we would call on France to

immediately implement the pled

pledges to increase humanitarian Aid to

Gaza and this means the opening of all

Crossing points and the issuance of


authorizations Jordan and Egypt have

carried out efforts to ensure

predictable and more substantial

delivery of Aid uh we also uh support

the opening of the Cypress Maritime

quarter which will not replace but

supplement the land Crossings France

remains mobilized we support the wfp's

delivery of humanitarian the

humanitarian operation the grain from

Ukraine initiative as well as additional

delivery of humanitarian Aid there must

must be humanitarian immediate safe and

unfettered access as requested by the

icj it's not a question of counting the

number of trucks entering gas every day

but making sure that these trucks are

loaded with the necessary cargo Aid must

come not just to the Gaza Strip but it

must also flow within the Gaza Strip and

be distributed

safely hampering the provision of this

relief could constitute a crime under

the jurisdiction of the IC there are

still a number of restrictions on goods

and food which can enter gas in

particular for the health care

facilities but also when it comes to

Water Sanitation and waste treatment the

work of humanitarian actors and their

safety must be ensured in all

circumstances the laws of war and the

humanitarian principles of precaution

proportionality and the conduct of

hostilities must be respected and we

call on All actors to guarantee the

effectiveness of the deconfliction

mechanisms Mr President France calls for

the full implementation of this

council's resolutions to begin with

beginning with the release of all

hostages we must arrive at an immediate

and Lasting ceasefire and guarantee the

protection of
civilians we are not dealing with a

natural catastrophe let's stop the

fighting that's the best possible way to

resolve this humanitarian crisis France

is firmly opposed to a ground offensive

in Rafa it would lead to Untold number


humanitarian uh of Civilian losses and a

huge humanitarian

catastrophe we call for a resolution to

the conflict on a political basis a

lasting political basis the two-state

solution is the only one which can

ensure the Israelis and the Palestinians

the peace and security to which they

Aspire France is actively working to

that end and we remain convinced of the

key role which the security Council must

play the draft resolution which we

submitted to members of this Council

which addresses all aspects of the

crisis is in line with our views and I

call on all members of this Council to

support it thank you I thank the

representative of France for their

statement and I shall now make a

statement in my capacity as the

representative of Malto I begin by

thanking senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator Miss siget

Cog for her informative briefing four

months after the adoption of resolution

2720 we regret that there has been no

meaningful increase in the scale and

predictability of the un's humanitarian

response in Gaza Malta once again

demands the immediate implementation of

relevant resolutions of this Council

regarding the need for urgencies fire

the release of all hostages and the

facilitation of desperately needed

humanitarian Aid into and throughout

Gaza in the face of such dire

humanitarian conditions MTT is deeply

dismayed by the unjustified blockade of

Aid into and throughout Gaza famine has

grossed the north of the strip and the

rest of the population is now the most

food and secure in the world over

34,700 Palestinians have been killed in

Gaza the vast majority of them are women

and children furthermore as recalled by

the Secretary General reports continue

to emerge on the use of deadly

experimental AI targeting systems to

devastating effect in

Gaza last week the council also met to

discuss the Irreplaceable nature of unra

there can be no meaningful Aid response

in Gaza without the agency we have also

taken note of the final report regarding

the agency's neutrality which determined

that anra has in place significant

mechan isms to ensure compliance and

respond to neutrality breaches and

further welcome the agency's commitment

to implementing the recommendations put

forward in the report however this UN

agency and all humanitarian Aid in Gaza

continues to be

undermined in these difficult times we

need to avoid politicizing the work of

humanitarian actors and undermining the

legitimacy of the United Nations in Gaza

we further reject and condemn demn The

Staggering number of humanitarian and un

staff killed by Israel during this

conflict to date thir and transparent

investigations leading to accountability

are critical in all instances the

established humanitarian notification

and the confliction system must be

respected yet we see the opposite in the

destruction of hospitals and bombing of

eight convoys we also Echo the call of

the Secretary General for a credible and

independent investigation into recent

reports of M Graves at the Naser

Hospital in conun and at the alifa

hospital in Gaza City the provisional

orders of the international court of

justice on 26 January and 28th March

including those regarding the delivery

of humanitarian Aid into and within Gaza

must be complied with while molta

positively notes the ongoing attempt to

move Aid via alternative routes to Gaza

mainly by air see land access provides

the only suitable Aid modality that can

immediately and comprehensively arrest

the humanitarian crisis we are

encouraged by the promises made by the

Israeli government regarding the opening

of azot port and there its Crossings for

humanitarian Aid we reiterate our call

for such measures to be retained and

strengthened in order to address the

devastating situation on the ground

while we recognize the eight food world

food program trucks which have entered

the port in the last number of days the

volume is insignificant when compared to

humanitarian needs what was called for

and what was promised Israel must do

much more to abide by its legal

obligations as a UN member State a party

to this conflict and an occupying power

this includes opening those Crossings to

allow for the safe passage of Aid into

and throughout Gaza the UN must be

allowed to scale up their response in

Gaza in a meaningful and principled

manner Aid delivery must not form part

of political negotiation in conclusion

we reiterate our support for the work of

the UN Miss gug and her team Malta will

continue to underline the need for a

massive Aid scale up to address the need

of those who are suffering the ongoing

catastrophic conditions within

Gaza I resume my function as president

of the council and I give the floor to

the representative of

Israel thank you Mr President first and

foremost we wish to thank senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator Miss K for her briefing as

well as for important work on the ground

Mr President since Miss's appointment to

the role of senior humanitarian

coordinator following the adoption of

Security Council resolution

272 Israel has done its utmost to Grant

Miss Kaho staff the highest levels of

support and cooperation we greatly value

the ongoing discourse with her which is

of course vital in order to promote the

very important efforts in the

humanitarian domain we will continue to

work closely with missk and her team Mr

President despite immense obstacles on

the ground since October 7th Israel

continues to elevate and step up its

support to the humanitarian efforts and

has found Creative Solutions despite

extremely complex and challenging

circumstances significantly active Kamas

action to hamper and clash with these

initiatives despite this Israel's

ongoing efforts have brought about

substantial results on the ground with a

dramatic increase in the volumes and

quantities of aid over the course of the

last several months with regard to the

flow of Aid into the Gaza Strip in

recent weeks a daily number of between

300 to 400 trucks carrying Aid and

Essentials were inspected and granted

access by the Israel authorities since

October 7th more than 25,000 trucks

carrying almost 500,000 tons of Aid have

been able to access into the Gaza Strip

significantly the number of trucks

inspected and approved in recent weeks

is meaningfully higher than in previous

months and was made possible due to the

Israeli Authority's ongoing efforts to

increase this activity at the km Shalom

and its Sunner Crossings moreover Israel

recently announced the opening of gate

96 Crossing which is utilized for direct

humanitarian accents to the northern

part of the Gaza Strip and will soon

allocate the opening of another room

route that will enable more Aid to be

shipped from asod and other

locations alongside this recent days

have seen more Aid trucks using the rout

Via Jordan This Channel known as the

Jordanian Channel which was coordinated

jointly between Israel and the kingdom

of Jordan Will Allow 100 Jordanian

military trucks to enter every day 3

days a week this will be in addition to

the un's a trucks that will use this

route three days a week

too last week we already witness a

record of 200 trucks using the route

from Jordan and we expect to see even

higher numbers in the future the

establishment of vital infrastructure is

also underway Israel wishes to take this

opportunity to thank the many countries

and organizations involved in the

construction operation of field and

floating Maritime hospitals including

those currently in the final stages of

establishment Israel stands ready to

provide any further support needed in

these matters including the ongoing

transfer of patients to third countries

and the entry of ambulances to

Gaza as for water supply and access

Israel recently repaired two additional

vital water pump lines the nalo line

which will supply water to the northern

Gaza Strip and the second B SOA line in

this regard Israel's recent support to

the reactivation of wells in the

northern strip is also an import

important to mention earlier this week

four tankers of cooking gas and four

tankers of fuel designated for the

operation of essential infrastructure

entered the Gaza Strip we are also we

also note that 25 bakeries are current

Curr ly operational in Gaza providing

over 3 million breads rolls in P daily

in addition in March and April alone

around 7,8 packages were dropped by air

into Gaza with over 1,68 packages

specifically for the northern part of

the Gaza

Strip Mr President these steps and

others were all made possible through

the commitment of the Israeli

authorities to the humanitarian efforts

as well as our coordination and Joint

work with different partners in the

region and Beyond in this regard Israel

wishes to commend the US for immense

efforts on the humanitarian front LED On

The Ground by Ambassador safield Mr

President while Israel has clearly

stepped up its efforts this according to

external sources as well it is essential

that the UN steps up its capabilities

too as growing numbers of trucks are

inspected enabled entry from Israel's

side we are concerned that these amounts

of Aid are not always swiftly

distributed in the Gaza Strip as

reported recently the main problem at

the moment is not getting assistance

into Gaza but rather getting it

distributed within the Gaza Strip

unfortunately there have been several

occasions lately where large numbers of

trucks carrying Aid after being

inspected and enabled passage by Israel

stood ready and waiting on the Gaza side

of the Kim Shalom

crossing without being dealt with by the

UN they stood there for days on certain

days almost three times the amount of

Aid entering was piled up on the Gaza

side the Aid distribution was therefore

impacted and delayed the truck loads on

the Gaza side at times reached several

hundred were attended to at a later

stage but this creates a bottleneck

obstacle at the Crossing this logistical

Gap impacts the flow of delivery the UN

must find solutions to this logistical

Gap and among other things extend its

hours of activity increase the number of

trucks as well as initiate more convoys

to Northern Gaza especially as looting

incidents having late been reduced in

that area Mr President as we sit here in

this Council to discuss humanitarian

efforts which are indeed extremely

important we cannot remain silent in

light of the most horrific humanitarian

case of Injustice the 133 hostages held

by Hamas and other terrorist groups

since October 7th while this Council

expects Israel to step up efforts and do

its share with regard to humanitarian

Aid to the Gaza Strip This Council must

step up its own efforts and demand that

this horror which has lasted more than

six months finally ends it is

regrettable that this Council cannot

bring Refuge to these hostages and their

families we're here to remind all that

these hostages have not been allowed any

basic humanitarian assistance by their

monstrous terrorist kidnappers at all

Israel will do whatever it takes to

bring them home this Council must step

up to that task too I thank you Mr

President I thank the representative of

Israel for their statement I will now

give the floor to Miss sigret K to

respond to comments and questions

raised thank you very much um there were

I believe three questions I'll respond

to those um first of all on the question

of of con sent with regards to the

mechanism uh as asked by the

representative of the Russian Federation

well the mechanism is mandated by this

Council and as such not a voluntary

Arrangement uh it's not an alak option

but we've had very close discussions and

constructive discussions with the

Israeli authorities at all levels uh

regarding the operationalization of the

mechanism and details related to the

notification uh system as well as the

database and we intend to operationalize

it as I mentioned um and we count on the

cooperation of all to ensure

implementation because it's aiming to

facilitate to expedite and to obviously

underpin the actions On The Ground by

the humanitarian actors I've also

discussed it in a series of meetings

with uh the then prime minister of the

Palestinian Authority Muhammad I've also

discussed it with prime minister

Muhammad Mustafa and a number of his

senior officials so at the highest

levels in both Israel uh and the

Palestinian Authority I have I have

engaged as I've done with of course

other partners important Partners in the

region when it comes to the concept note

with the funding proposal that was

actually sent to donors and member State

uh on the 15th of March it referred to

Crossings already opened but the concept

note itself includes also in the cover

letter and I quote the mechanism will

also be able to service additional a

delivery routes to Gaza as well as

maximize the efficiencies of existing

routes thus taken in totality it will

serve as a One-Stop shop for

facilitation of humanitarian

humanitarian relief Consignments to Gaza

through all entry points um present and

additional ones as for instance I listed

also in my remarks on the intent by the

Israeli authorities to open more and

those that have been opened since 5th of

April with key functions in Gaza uh so

in keeping with the mechanism uh the

goods coming from Jordan in the first

instance as well as uh to Gaza via erit

and other Northern Crossings present and

prospective I hope as well as the

maritime route this will be used and

Security Council the last question

Security Council resolution 2720 it's

clear it requires the mechanism to be

used to verify the humanitarian nature

of Aid um it's however of course a

logical uh premise that the mechanism

the way it is constructed could also be

used for commercial Goods in future in

due course when it comes also to early

recovery and reconstruction but is

constructed with a view to the language

of the council for humanitarian

assistance it is however upon the

parties um and the commercial Goods as

such I'd like to stress that um are

needed very much so within the a strip

we need the informal economy and the

formal economy to be rebooted uh and

combined with cash assistance and the

availability of cash which is currently

absent in the Gaza Strip for a number of

reasons this is critically important to

help restore elements of human dignity

for the civilians in Gaza and I thank

you very much for your support political

unity and voice uh and we will continue

with the teams and The Wider un family

to do our utmost to deliver on the

expectations thank you

I thank Miss K for the clarifications

she has provided there are no more names

inscribed on the list of speakers the

meeting is




e e



9,6 17th meeting of the Security Council

is called to

order the provisional agenda for this

meeting is the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian question

the agenda is adopted

in accordance with rule 37 of the

council's provisional rules of procedure

I invite the representative of Israel to

participate in this meeting it is so

decided in accordance with rule 39 of

the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite Miss sigri KAG senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza pursuant to

Security Council resolution 2720 of 2023

to participate in this meeting it's so

decided the security Council will now

begin its consideration of item two of


agenda I now give the floor to miss


KAG Madame President excellencies

members of the security Council it's

been almost seven months since the 7th

of October terror attack perpetrated by

Hamas against Israel a country which

continues to be impact Ed by Deep trauma

of the attack and the uncertainty of the

fate of the

hostages in Gaza during the same period

over 34,000 people have been killed and

tens of thousands have been injured or

maimed livelihoods homes schools and

hospitals have been

destroyed the health infrastructure in

Gaza has been decimated the few

hospitals Still Standing struggle to

operate due to severe shortages of

supplies and frequent power outages as

summer draws near and temperatures rise

communicable diseases threaten to sweep


Gaza children who in every crisis suffer

the worst and the most are deprived of

nutrition protection and education their

Futures hanging in the balance the

scarcity of food and other essential

Goods has also led to a breakdown in

civil order and the gradual unraveling

of the social Fabric in government AA

there is no effective law

enforcement as the Secretary General has

said we have a shared responsibility to

secure an immediate humanitarian

ceasefire in Gaza the immediate and

unconditional release of all hostages

and the unimpeded delivery of


Aid Madame President since my last

briefing to this Council on the 7th of

March I've continued to engag in

discussions with key governments and

stakeholders across the region I've also

submitted and discussed detailed

proposals with the governments of Israel

Jordan Egypt and Cyprus to accelerate

and streamline the delivery of goods

into Gaza and to ensure a consistent

pipeline of goods for safe distribution

across the Gaza Strip today I will share

with you my assessment of the

implementation of Security Council


2720 including areas where progress has

been made or lack thereof allow me to

say from the outset that a paradigm

shift is needed to continue to meet the

immense needs of the civilian population

in a secure and safe

manner Madame President as I've stated

to you before effective humanitarian

operations cannot be reduced to Counting

trucks this is a false metrics for ging

whether humanitarian assistance is

sufficient let alone whether it responds

to the basic humanitarian

requirements for example treating

acutely Mal nursed children or pregnant

women is not a matter of eating more

calories they require therapeutic and

supplemental Foods as well as long-term

Medical Care effective humanitarian

operations are also about the need for a

sustained flow to deliver the right

quality and quantity of assistance this

requires a continued focus on volume

predictability and sustainability of

Divi Diversified Aid to scale up

assistance humanitarian agencies must be

able to move food medicine and many

other supplies safely and Via all

possible routes and crossings into and

throughout every part of

Gaza unra is pivotal in providing

life-saving humanitarian Aid and

essential Social Services particularly

in health and education to Palestine

refugees as such unra is irreplaceable

and indispensable as a humanitarian

lifeline and must be allowed to deliver

on its mandate Madame President on the

5th of April the Israeli government made

several commitments to improve Aid

delivery in response to requests by the

UN and the International Community a

number of steps have been taken

including an increase in the volume of

Aid cleared inspected and crossed into

Gaza the temporary opening of The aed's

Crossing and the opening of ashdot port

for humanitarian Goods an increase in

the number of trucks entering Gaza

directly from Jordan through Allenby

King Hussein bridge and an increased

access to the north

preparations are underway for other

Northern Crossings continued use of gate

96 an expansion of the opening hours of

keram Shalom Abu salum and Nana

Crossings the resumption of operations

by bakeries some bakeries in Northern

and Central Gaza and the ongoing repair

of the nahal O water line I've also been

advised of the approval of critical

communication equipment and an increase

in the allocation of fuel

whilst implementation of some measures

is ongoing further definitive and Urgent

steps are needed to set the course for a

sustained flow of humanitarian and

Commercial Goods into Gaza in terms of

volume need and reach given the scale

and scope of Destruction and the extent

of human suffering every day

counts the UN is in contact with the

Israeli government on other measures

that need urgent or continuous


these include issues pertaining to

checkpoint procedures the Urgent repair

of Roads timely clearances to allow

humanitarian Convoy movements to take

place as scheduled the approval of

additional communication devices armored

vehicles and spare parts for crit

critical equipment agreement on medical

and Casualty evacuation is equally

urgent delivery at scale requires a

functioning humanitarian notification


and improved and Direct Communications

between humanitarians and Military

decision makers on the ground effective

and credible deconfliction is vital for

all humanitarian actors in Gaza and this

list of basic measures is not exhaustive

implementation is urgent and my office

is establishing a monitoring framework

to determine progress and impact of

respective measures taken and I will

report to you in due course Madame

President allow me to share an update on

the diversification of supply routes

under security Council resolution

2720 with respect to Jordan my team has

worked with the concerned authorities to

launch the Jordan land Corridor under a

new streamlined modality this has

resulted in an increase in the number of

trucks thereby volume with only one

trans loading inside the Gaza Crossing

and it has the potential for further

increases and the entire un family is

planning for the receipt and onward

distribution of cargo at scale directly

from Jordan to Northern Gaza via the

Ed's Crossing this route is both

effective and vital to reach civilians

in Northern Gaza and

Beyond with regards to Egypt given the

importance of the aid flow from Egypt we

will continue to streamline operations

and maximize access through the RAF and

K Shalom Abu salum Crossings we've

engaged in constructive dialogue to

explore opportunities for the

of the efficiency of Aid delivery

through Egypt and to further streamline

access for humanitarian cargo to to Gaza

from Rafa the UN has proposed the

establishment of an inspection

monitoring and verification unit on the

Palestinian side of Rafa the Egypt land

Corridor in particular via the Rafa

Crossing is important given its volume

for both humanitarian assistance but

also early recovery and reconstruction

of Gaza in due course when when it comes

to Cyprus the Cypress Maritime Corridor

provides for additionality of

humanitarian Aid to Gaza it can never

and is not intended to be a substitute

for delivery by land land routes are the

only way to bring in the bulk of

supplies needed preparations for the for

the building of the floating port and

Pier on the shores of Gaza are advancing

with the involvement of the Us and other

member states the UN has outlined the

parameters under which it can play a

meaningful role in the distribution of

Aid via this Corridor my office has

proposed a multi-donor funding mechanism

and provides Secretariat support to the

maritime Corridor to ensure full

coordination with the operations on the

ground in Gaza un monitors have been

deployed to Cyprus as part of the 2720

mechanism finally regarding air drops

and in view of the above several member

states have indicated their intent to

phase out this mode of delivery in

conjunction with the scaling up of

assistance via Land and Sea Madame

President I'm pleased to announce that

the operationalization of the UN 2720

mechanism for Gaza will start in the

coming days and I'm grateful for the

constructive coroporation the mechanism

will initially be applicable to the

Cypress and Jordan routes respectively

technical consultations will shortly be

finalized with Egypt on this route I've

informed the government of Israel on the

operationalization of the mechanism as

per the the resolution a database and

notification system will go online for

all cargo destined for Gaza along supply

routes the approval for the placement of

international monitors at Crossings

inspection and Supply points has been

requested from relevant authorities

verification and monitoring inside Gaza

will commence as soon as possible in the

coming weeks my office will also be

operational in Gaza the

operationalization of the mechanism will

allow for pipeline prioritization

predictability visibility and tracking

of supplies to Gaza as the resolution

intended the mechanism is designed to

facilitate and support the work of all

humanitarian Partners on the

ground Madam president the extent of the

destruction and the devastating impact

of this war on the entire population of

Gaza calls for an ambitious and

comprehensive plan of support with

commensurate investment the recent un EU

and World Bank interim disaster

assessment illustrates the scale of the

damage and the magnitude of Investments

required across all sectors for example

the rebuilding and repair of the more

than 84% of destroyed Health Facilities

the return of an entire student

population to school whilst educational

facilities have been impacted or

destroyed as a Secretary General has

stated the Palestinian Authority has a

critical role to play in Gaza the

international Comm Community must work

towards enabling its return strengthen

its governance capacity and prepare it

to reassume its responsibilities in Gaza

all efforts towards early recovery and

reconstruction also need the

participation of Palestinian Civil

Society fostering a conducive

environment to reestablish the

commercial sector in Gaza and the

engagement of the Palestinian business

community and its investors are equally

important Madame President

I wish to Echo the United Nations grave

concern over the prospect of an Israeli

operation Rafa such action would

compound an ongoing humanitarian

catastroph uh with consequences for

people already displaced and enduring

severe hardships and suffering the un's

ability to deliver will also be

constrained in closing I would like to

reiterate the importance of a paradigm

shift this requires a further scale up

in the quality and quantity of

assistance and its

distribution irreversible steps to

enable safe secure and unhindered

delivery inside Gaza and planning and

timely preparations for early recovery


reconstruction there's no substitute for

political will to sustain these efforts

let us remember that behind every

statistic is a human story of loss and

suffering and it's our duty to provide

protection support and therefore hope

for the Palestinian population in Gaza

it's also our duty to advocate for a

lasting peace between Israel and a fully

independent viable and Sovereign

Palestinian State thank

you I thank Miss C for her briefing I

now give the floor to those council

members who wish to make statements I

give the floor to the representative of

the United

Kingdom and thank you very much senior

humanitarian coordinator for your

briefing as you said Israel suffered the

worst terror attack in its history at

the hands of Hamas more than 200 days on

and Hamas continues to hold

hostages Palestinian civilians in Gaza

are facing a devastating and growing

humanitarian crisis and the risk of

famine the UK is joining USG CG's

important efforts to prevent this

situation deteriorating even further

F we have trebled our Aid commitment in

the last Financial year and we're doing

everything we can to get more Aid in as

quickly as possible by land sea and air

and to contribute to the paradigm shift

that you

mentioned I want to highlight three

areas first we welcome Israel's

commitment to increase Aid flows into

Gaza for example the delivery of

humanitarian Aid through the port of

ashdod and the arz checkpoint and

extending the opening hours of the Kem

Shalom Crossing we now need to see more

implementation there has been some

welcome progress in this regard but much

more needs to be done our foreign

secretary reiterated this to Israeli

Prime Minister Netanyahu on his visit to

Israel last

week second as well as getting more Aid

in it needs to be the Right Aid that is

why resolution 2720 is so

important the UK fully supports sigd

car's mandate to establish a database

and a mechanism to track verify and

coordinate Aid the UK has provided

expert technical support to help

delivery of this mandate and the UK will

be providing over three .5 million of

additional funding for equipment to

support the UN and Aid agencies to get

more Aid into

Gaza third once humanitarian Aid arrives

in Gaza it is vital that it can be

distributed quickly and

effectively we're calling on Israel to


deconfliction and to allow un agencies

and humanitarian Arian actors unhindered

and safe access into and throughout Gaza

and to enable the un's minimum operating


fully the tragic deaths of seven World

Central kitchen workers including three

British citizens demonstrates the need


Action president the UK recognizes that

anra is critical to to Aid delivery in

Gaza we were appalled by the allegations

that unra staff were involved in the 7

October attacks against Israel and we

note the ongoing un office for internal

oversight Services investigation into


allegations we are grateful for the

independent review into UNR neutrality

led by Katherine Colona and we will set

out our position on future funding to

unra following careful consideration of

the final report and unr's

president the UK remains resolved to

working with International Partners to

urgently secure an immediate pause to

get Aid in and the hostages out and then

to work for a sustainable permanent

ceasefire without a return to fighting

and loss of life

I thank you I thank the representative

of the United Kingdom and pass the floor


mozambik Madame President mozambik

wishes to thank malta's

presidency for convening this important

briefing on the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian

question we also thank madame sigd

under Secretary General senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for for Gaza for her updated

information and perspectives on the

situation in Gaza

particularly in the

humanitarian situation over the past 90

days in light of uh United Nations

security Council resolution

2720 we

commend her and her entire team for

their unwavering dedication to

address this man-made crisis in order to

alleviate the immense suffering of

Palestinians Madame President the Israel

Palestinians conflict has long been a

source of tension and Tra tragedy in the

region the recent

escalation has resulted in significant

loss of

life Israel military

operation continue causing more civilian


displacement destruction of houses and

other civilian

infrastructure the situation remains

dire and Urgent action is needed to

alleviate the human suffering and

address the humanitarian

crisis despite these

challenges the council successfully

adopted two

resolutions resolution

27 12 and resolution

2720 these

resolutions were

clear in calling for an immediate and

Urgent humanitarian CE fire sensation of

hostilities and

ultimately ceas fire not only to ensure

more and better humanitarian Aid to

those in need in Gaza

but also to allow for unconditional

release of hostages and pave the way for

the relaunch of the peace

process the Hope was

that through the

demand uh urgent

actions the the demand of urgent actions

the suffering could would be

alleviated and steps towards lasting

peace could be


deplorably four months have

passed and yet these resolutions have

not been fully

implemented the delay in the

implementation is a matter of

concern Madame

President the same purposes that guided

this Council to adopt the two

resolutions in


2023 must strengthen our Collective

conscience to enforce International


under the international humanitarian law


international human right human rights

law mosambi strongly

encourages the engagement of relevant

parties in

implementation of these
resolutions we firmly hold the view that


encouraging of relevant parties is

crucial for implementing this

resolutions we reiterate our appeal to

the council members with influence on

the parties to

cooperate with the

coordinator and her team to fulfill

their mandate without delay and

obstruction the

council must unite and speak with one

voice to urgently address the pressing

humanitarian situation in

Gaza the situation demands immediate

safe and unhindered access for

humanitarian Aid to which those most in

need bearing in mind that thousands of

people and families in Gaza Street are

gathering in at rougher Crossing border

amidst escalating hostil

hostilities let me Madame President

underscore that you human to of this

conflict is stuggling

with innocent lives code

in the

crossfire the call for a ceasefire

remains therefore urgent and crucial

diplomatic efforts and international

pressure must continue I thank

you representative of mamb and pause the

floor to the United States uh thank you

madam president and Senior coordinator

Cog thank you very much for your

briefing colleagues the humanitarian

situation in Gaza is beyond

dire starvation has taken the lives of

children in the

north essential supplies are dwindling

Millions have been

displaced at this perilous moment

President Biden has called on Israel to

take a series of specific concrete and

measurable steps to address this

humanitarian crisis protect civilians

from harm and ensure the safety of all


workers Israel must do more to prevent

civilian casualties

immediately and President Biden has made

clear that US policy will be determined

by our assessment of Israel's immediate

and sustained action on these

steps Israel has taken some positive

steps but not nearly enough and not


enough and so the United States position

is clear is Israel must take immediate

action to open additional land Crossings

into Northern

Gaza as Gaza faces imminent

famine lives hang in the balance and


matters to complement and not replace

additional land Crossings and increase

Aid flowing into Gaza United States is

working with our partners to implement a


Corridor part of that Carter entails the

establishment of a temporary pier in

Gaza from which humanitarian assistance

will be

offloaded we welcome the un's commitment

to help facilitate the distribution of

Aid delivered to Gaza via the

pier another essential portion of the

maritime carer is the full

implementation of Israeli commitments to

open ashad for humanitarian

shipments as we understand it assistance

will be shipped to ashad and then

transported through land Crossings into

Gaza this is critical and this needs to

Happ happen right

away but it doesn't matter how much Aid

gets into Gaza if that Aid can't get

into the hands of Palestinians in dire

need the distribution of Aid within Gaza

is absolutely

critical the plans senior coordinator

Cog outlined today are vital to

achieving distribution of a at scale and

we look forward to hearing more about

the un's efforts during today's Clos

briefing I want to reiterate the Biden

Administration 's full support for

senior coordinator sigret Cog and I

again call on Israel to cooperate with

the un's efforts to facilitate the

delivery of humanitarian assistance at

scale colleagues another Factor limiting

the distribution of Aid has been the

repeated failure of deconfliction

mechanisms since October 7 more than 230

humanitarian workers have been killed

this is tragic and unacceptable

confliction mechanisms are vital this is

how we protect the lives of those who

are working to save the lives of

innocent people and so Israel must fully

Implement functional deconfliction

procedures it it

must we reiterate our call for

accountability for incidents in which

humanitarian Personnel were killed this

includes the deadly attack on world

Central Kitchen Personnel earlier this

month there must be an additional in

independent transparent

investigation colleagues as you all know

this week foreign minister Colona

released her report on

unra we appreciate that unra has taken

steps to set internal policies and

address its neutrality but more must be

done and unra must undertake substantial

reforms to protect its sustainability


Mission we know this will take time and

resources but implementation of the

reforms outlined in cola's report will

be critical and the United States will

work closely with the UN and other

partners to ensure unra carries out its

duties in a neutral and balanced way for

the benefit of the Palestinian


colleagues I fear many have lost sight

of the fact that it is Hamas that set

this conflict into motion on October 7

when it carried out a heinous attack on

Israel slaughtering concert goers

burning people alive committing

unspeakable acts of sexual violence

let's not forget this important

fact the United States has been clear

from the beginning that we fully support

Israel's right to self-defense and that

support is

Ironclad but we have also been clear

that as Israel continues to pursue the

destruction of the remaining elements of

Hamas we are opposed to a full-scale

military operation in Rafa which would

have catastrophic consequences for the


population we reiterate our call for

Israel to produce a credible and

actionable plan to protect the civilian

population in Rafa and address the

humanitarian needs of those who have

sought refuge in the

South we are deeply concerned by the

Massive Internal displacement within

Gaza and the risk of forcible

displacement from Gaza Israel must act

in compliance with its obligations under

international law full stop

stop colleagues since October 7 so much

suffering and pain death and Destruction

has played out before our eyes on all

sides of this conflict now more than

ever we need an immediate and

sustainable ceasefire as part of a deal

to release the hostages by Hamas which

will also allow us to scale up

humanitarian assistance to Palestinian

civilians the United States is working

with our partners in the region to make

this possible Hamas however continues to

reject offers from Israel that would

halt fighting and release hostages over

and over and over if amas accepted the

offer Israel is made it would allow for

an immediate ceasefire that would

benefit Palestinians

now Hamas should take this deal if not

it should explain to the world and to

the Palestinian people why they have yet

to do so because right now Hamas is the

sole obstacle to a ceasefire in Gaza

we must all call on Hamas especially

those with the most influence to take

this deal and we must continue to work

together to support the work of senior

coordinator sigret Cog and all those

working to save lives in Gaza at this

moment of dire need thank you madam

president the representative of the

United States I'm pass the floor to

Algeria thank you Madame

President I thank Madame KAG for for her

briefing about the implementation of her

mandates as stipulated in resolution

2720 to

facilitate humanitarian add

access to the Gaza Strip despite facing

multiple Challenge and obstacle in her

Endeavor yes

over 200

days 200 days of ongoing

aggression against pal Palestinian

people in in

Gaza and we are still

discussing access to basic

needs basic human

needs such as access to food

water and

sanitation let allow access to

education housing and

health which has become a

luxury for the entire population in

Gaza Madame kg's

mission of Expediting humanitarian Aid

delivery to Gaza civilian population is

crucial however more than five four

month after

resolution 20


adoption despite Madame KAG and her


efforts to establish a un mechanism for

accelerating humanitarian relief


Gaza this

call remain unwalled

unwed and the Mandate not fully

implemented the International


particularly member state with

influence on their compined

power should make every effort to help

Madame KAG fulfilling her

mandate and ensuring Su succeed

is collective

responsibilities not just one person's

Duty Madame President we firmly

believe successful humanitarian Aid in

Gaza depend on the



obviously obviously an immediate and


ceasefire safe humanitarian action

throughout Gaza cannot be ensured

without a

ceire the past six month clear


this as said by Charan donelli an

International Rescue committee senior

vice president operating in

Gaza what's increasingly

clear is that the the confliction

process is a

fiction it doesn't provide any

guarantees of

safety only a sensation of

hostility can help meeting civilian



otherwise humanitarian

actors will deliver Aid at risk of their


second and humanitarian

access these

require this requires opening

all Crossing possible and using them at


capacity according to the occupying

authorities since October SE

7 only

40% of the minimum required basic needs

were allowed into

Gaza after

killing I should say

assassinating humanitarian workers from

the world Central

Kitchen the occupying

authorities made a lot of

publicity on their decision to reopen



however according to the

UN until last

Friday last Friday only 25

trucks only 25

trucks were authorized to

use Aras Crossing yes


trucks the International

Community including powerful

countries seems to be

incapable of forcing the occupying power

to adhere to its obligations under

International humanitarian

law air

drops a Last Resort

solution became the only

option that represent only

0.3 of total Aid delivered to

Gaza the maritime

Corridor was undermined before providing


result our strong belief

is that there is no

alternative to land

Roots all

Crossing must be reopened



Ena Ena

irrepressible IR implacable


these are Mercy has been and continue to

be the blackbone of humanitarian

delivery in

Gaza it

should operate

freely without

threat after Madame kona's

report there is no more need to further

debate ena's credibility


deficiency the report stated that Ena

possess a more developed approach to

neutrality that other similar UN agency

or ngo's


and say it

again Israel has yet to provide


evidence of its

allegation against


personel as Madame kona's report

indicated even those agency rely on unua

that retain its Central and

irreplaceable role of

providing platform and in many case

infrastructure for this spefic


activities Ana must be owed again and

allowed to operate across Gaza including

the north as fam risk


fourth resuming commercial

activities resuming commercial


no matter how large and efficient

humanitarian assistant

is is

imperative but require two main


first ending The Siege imposed by the



second launching a vast cash

transfer program to help

revive gaza's local

market starting such such an operation



fifth no ground offensive in

Rafa we warm

again against any military action in


such an offensive should not be allowed

by under any


1.5 million

Palestinian are

cramped into

haa which has

become the humanitarian Hub of

Gaza the survival of Gaza entire


depends on

situation on this

city ground

offensive will leave people with no

choice no choice but to flee to

Egypt it will not be only only a


catastrophe but an irreversible brech of

peace and security

not just in the region but

beyond Madam

president gaza's catastrophic

situation is a betrayal for

Humanity and a test for the

international order and our

multilaterally multilateral

system this is not a natural disaster

it is a humade


and we

bear the

responsibility the International

Community must

ensure Implement implementation of icg

orders and Security Council


failure is is not an option the

occupying occupying power that causes

death and

Desperation wherever it goes cannot

continue to dictate the

rules this

catastroph must be ended I thank you I

thank the representative of Algeria and

pass the floor to

Ecuador graci thank you Madame President

I welcome the presence in this Council

of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator of the UN for

Gaza and we also welcome the report

she's just provided us I reiterate

Ecuador's support for Miss secret cag's

actions and the work of her entire team

with a view to setting up a mechanism

which will facilitate and speed up

access of aid this is an urgent and

important task Madam

president more than four months have

passed since the adoption of resolution

2720 last December when Ecuador held the

presidency in this Council regrettably

many of its Provisions are far from

being fulfilled and the valuable

progress achieved is insufficient given

the magnitude of the

task the civilian population in Gaz Gaza

must have access to the aid it needs at

scale consistently and

predictably Food Water Sanitation

electricity telecommunications medical

services are all essential for their

survival my country has repeatedly

called for humanitarian Aid to be

provided and distributed without

obstacles we have done so since the

beginning of the war in Gaza last

October for that reason Ecuador welcomes

the efforts to to diversify the aid

routes and the supply lines by land air

and sea and encourages pursuit of these

efforts despite the problems and the

challenges faced in terms of operational

difficulties to ensure entry of Aid to

Gaza and distribution in the Gaza Strip

we must recall that Security Council


2720 requires the parties in the

conflict to cooperate with coordinator

KAG without delay and with without any

obstructions the adoption of immediate

measures to guarantee the the delivery

of basic services and humanitarian Aid

has also been uh provided by the icj in

the provisional measures issued in

January and in March Security Council

resolutions and the provisions of the

icj must be

respected in terms of the mechanism to

speed up the supply of humanitarian

relief to Gaza my country hopes that

this mechanism can be fully operational

as soon as possible so that it can

contribute to alleviating the shortages

uh the civilian population face in

conclusion Madame President I reiterate

Ecuador's condemnation of the atrocious

terrorist attacks by Hamas on the 7th of

October and any act of violence against

civilians including sexual

violence and we would reiterate our call

for the immediate and unconditional

release of all host

hostages and at the same time to

guarantee humanitarian access to address

their medical needs as required by this

council's resolutions thank you of eador

and pass the floor to

Guana Madame President I thank you for

organizing today's briefing and thank

Miss sigret KAG for the updates provided

on her work pursuant to the Mandate

outlined in resolution

2720 the pressing need for a ceasefire

in Gaza is driven home forcefully once

again in what has been laid out to the

council this afternoon the humanitarian

situation in the Gaza Strip continues to

worsen as it remains subjected to

Israeli bombardments from Air land and

SE the de toll stands at a staggering

34,000 plus the number of of those

injured has surpass

77,000 these figures should shock our

Collective conscience and compel us to

bring this war to an immediate and just

end after more than 200 days of

unimaginable horror Madame President the

provisions of resolution

2720 are clear on the obligations of

parties to the conflict they must comply

with international law including

International humanitarian law this

entails in ensuring interia the

provision of civilians and civilian

objects humanitarian access and the

protection of humanitarian personnel and

their freedom of movement it also

entails upholding the obligation to

ensure the provision at scale of

urgently needed basic humanitarian

services and humanitarian assistance

these obligations have not been met in

clear Defiance of the legally binding

orders issued by the international court

of justice on 26 January and 201 March

2024 a particular note is the order of

the icj that Israel take all necessary

and effective measures to ensure without

delay in full cooperation with the

United Nations the unhindered provisions

at scale by all concerned of urgently

needed basic services and humanitarian

assistance and I quote including by

increasing the capacity and number of

land Crossing points and maintaining

them open for as long as necessary end

of quote the unavailability of

sufficient land Crossing remains a major

hindrance to humanitarian efforts in

Gaza compounded by excessive inspection

processes gyana reminds Israel of its

obligations to allow facilitate and

enable the immediate safe and unhindered

delivery of humanitarian assistance at

scale directly to the civilian

population throughout the Gaza Strip we

call on Israel to honor those

obligations we take note of Miss cag's

extensive efforts in extremely

challenging circumstances including

towards the establishment of the UN

mechanism and reiterate guyana's

continued support for those efforts

Guyana also stresses the importance of

guaranteeing the safety of humanitarian

Personnel for scaling up humanitarian

assistance in in the Gaza Strip an

unprecedented number of humanitarian

workers have been killed in this war

principally because of non-compliance

with International humanitarian law

humanitarian workers have been directly

attacked as seen in the killing of the

seven World Central Kitchen team members

others have fallen victim to

indiscriminate shelling because thec

confliction and notification mechanisms

are not functioning adequately Madame


allow me to draw the council's attention

to three important points first while it

is crucial to scale up humanitarian

support and increased access across Gaza

this alone will not save lives for

humanitarian assistance to be delivered

effectively and at scale in a

sustainable manner there must be a


ceasefire second Palestinians must not

be expected to subsist on humanitarian

aid for any length period of time for

the preservation of their dignity

conditions must be created for them to

build their own livelihoods

reestablishing the means for trade and

for the market to drive is

essential I stress again that a secure

environment is Paramount for this to

happen a ceasefire is

indispensable deciding to increase

humanitarian support to Gaza while

delaying a decision about a ceasefire is

self-de feting third Guyana reiterates

the need for accountability there is

perhaps no greater deterrent than

accountability where accountability is

lacking impunity thrives emboldening

perpetrators to the detriment of all in

the case of Gaza impunity has brought

disproportionate consequences for women

and children who are the vast majority

of those being killed and maed Madame

President I conclude by observing that

the scale of Devastation visited upon

Gaza has created a multi-dimensional

crisis which requires multi-dimensional

approach that takes account of immediate

and future needs Guyana is prepared to

work with this Council to design and

facilitate implementation of that

Approach at the heart of that approach

must be the creation of a free and

independent state of Palestine in

accordance with the

pre-1967 lines this is our duty I thank

you I thank the representative of Guana

for her statement and I now give the

floor to the representative of the


Federation thank you

president would like to thank the senior

humanitarian reconstruction coordinator

Miss cigaret KAG

for her briefing and for seeking to find

Opportunities to grow humanitarian

relief Consignments to The Enclave as

per Security Council resolution

2720 as you know we abstained on that

resolution which uh inter Alia calls for

the establishment of a un mechanism for

assisting the delivery of humanitarian

relief Consignment the parameters of

which we're discussing today the reason

we abstained is that this document does

not directly demand a ceasefire which is

a key precondition for safe and

unfettered and safe and unfitted access

to those in need instead it set forth

the information about the creation of

conditions for uh secession of uh

violence in Gaza we warned that these

ambiguous uh formulations ambiguous

wording would be interpreted by Israel

as the green light and that's exactly

what happened colleagues we're tired of

repeating it against the backdrop of the

Israeli military operation in Gaza with

Comprehensive support from the US it's

been going on for 18 months now properly

assisting the population of The Enclave

is simply impossible it's patently

obvious humanitarian Aid workers are

unarmed they're defenseless in the face

of shelling it's simply inhumane to

demand that they give their lives in air

strikes when the security Council cannot

cannot compel Israel to put an end to


hostilities let me remind you of one

other important

Point there's a logical

algorithm for Security Council actions

it's been deliv developed over many

years it's an algorithm for what to do

in the case of conflict first the

council demands the parties to cease

fire then it monitors compliance and

this is done by military observers

military observers these are staff who

have been professionally trained to

conduct such uh monitoring then if these

observers aren't given access to the

contact zone or if they report

violations of the SE ceasefire then the

issue of how we compel implementation

arises specifically by deploying

peacekeepers in gaza's case this entire

sequence of events has been turned

upside down and humanitarian Aid workers

have in essence been asked to sacrifice

their lives by doing the jobs of

peacekeepers colleagues this is

preposterous and it's also very

dangerous if the ceasefire is not

complied with let's discuss concrete

measures how we can ensure that it is

upheld the security Council does have

some well-honed algorithms it has a

toolkit including the deployment of


contingents to begin we could revert to

the idea of more active involvement by

the UN truce supervision

organization in monitoring the ceasefire

the chief of staff Patrick gsha has

already brief the council and promise to

provide more detailed information on the

resources Ono has we suggest reverting

to this issue furthermore the Israeli

authorities are openly impeding the

delivery of essential Goods to Peaceable

garans last week we discussed the UNR

situation in

detail this state of affairs is simply

unacceptable as far as we're aware un

humanitarian agencies including

unra do maintain a significant presence

on Palestinian territories they have

sufficient resources including Financial

Resources loaded convoys are at The

Crossings at gaza's border the whole

host of legal opportunities for

delivering humanitarian assistance

without establishing additional

structures including the mechanism are

in place I referring first and foremost

to International humanitarian law

including the Geneva conventions and The

Guiding principles set forth in GA

resolution 46 stroke 182 against this

backdrop we don't deem it necessary to

establish any kind of special

humanitarian regime for Gaza especially

as it obviously won't work while one of

the parties stands firm in its intent to

continue military

hostilities on this note it's important

for everyone to recognize one very

simple thing the sticking point is not

whether we have or don't have a

mechanism for the delivery of

humanitarian relief it's the absence of

conditions these conditions are lacking

owing to vigorous military hostilities

the IDF doesn't Grant exceptions neither

for hospitals nor schools nor

humanitarian convoys we're steadfast in

our conviction that humanitarian access

must be granted as per International

humanitarian law and humanitarian Ed

workers should be guaranteed an adequate

level of security and protection on this

note we'd like to repeat what we said

earlier the overriding priority for the

International Community of which the

Security Council is the embodiment is

ensuring an immediate and Lasting

ceasefire only then then and only then

can we seriously tackle issues related

to food security

sanitation the provision of education

and other Vally important

Services would very much like to believe

that the proposed mechanism on the

delivery of humanitarian relief

Consignments will change the situation

for the better but this is unrealistic

given the Fierce hostilities and the

clearing out that's going on the

situation has gotten so out of hand that

Israeli settlers are raiding Palestinian

villagers setting them light killing

against this backdrop humanitarian Aid

workers are going to continue perishing

the One-Stop shop that's proposed within

the framework of the mechanism will


help president since our objective today

is to have a focused discussion on the

concept note regarding the modalities

for the mechanisms operation I'd like to

ask its authors a few questions my main

question is do we have consent from the

Israeli and Palestinian sides for the

application of the mechanism were the

details of the entry of humanitarian

supplies discussed with them if there

were discussions who did you

specifically discuss this with are there

guarantees that the Israeli authorities

will not inspect trucks as they're

currently doing that they won't deny

authorizations for their entry into Gaza

for months on end if we don't have such

guarantees then what's the added value

of this mechanism how is it any

different in practice

from our current working methods on the

contrary it would appear that the

mechanism will become yet another

bureaucratic stumbling block involving

additional checks and

inspections another matter of principle

the concept

note talks about K Shalom and Rafa which

are already letting supplies through in

fits and starts of course why didn't uh

why doesn't it consider other Land and

Sea Crossing specifically the five

checkpoints on Israeli border on the

Israeli border the temporary peer in

Gaza and the aszad port the document

contains a section on un staff who it is

expected will be ensuring the work of

the mechanism their cooperation with the

Israeli and Palestinian the Israelis and

the Palestinians as well as various un

agencies this is omitted what the report

does talk about is key Partners relevant

authorities and humanitarian players we

need clarification on this we'd also

like to seek additional information

about commercial deliveries which are

proposed under the mechanism the idea

being that the mechanism will tackle

strictly humanitarian issues given that

this approach is one of a kind without

president would be grateful to get

additional clarification thank

you I thank the representative of the

Russian for Federation for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of

China president

I thank un senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator k for her

briefing it has been 200 days since the

outbreak of the Gaza conflict in these

200 days we have seen the spread of

hunger and famine the collapse of the

Health Care System the loss of innocent

lives and the desperate struggle of

millions of people on the brink of

death there is no justification for

prolonging this conflict and there's no

excuse for the killing of

civilians the International Community

must assemble all efforts to mitigate

the disaster save lives and end the

conflict I have three points to make

first we express our deep concern about

the continued worsening of the

humanitarian disaster the three Council

resolutions 272 2720 and

2728 and the two icj orders on

provisional measures all exp all

explicitly call for greater humanitarian

access but they have never been

effectively implemented and humanitarian

delivery continues to encounter various

kinds of manmade restrictions if this

continues it will definitely resulting

more civilian deaths from famine and

disease we urge Israel to open all land

Crossings to guarantee a rapid and safe

delivery of humanitarian supplies at

scale into Gaza

and their safe and orderly distribution

within Gaza to those in dire need we

expect that the mechanism established by

senior coordinator KAG will play a

greater role in reducing and eliminating

obstacles to humanitarian supplies

before and after their entry into Gaza

Israel should cooperate with all

humanitarian agencies including uh

senior coordinator

cooch second we support support anra in

continuing to play its

role to guarantee Aid delivery by

humanitarian agencies is the

responsibility of the occupying power

hunger cannot be weaponized and relief

cannot be politicized the independent

review Panel LED by Miss Colona has

released its report noting that anra has

had in place for many years a

significant number of robust mechanisms

to ensure A's neutrality and its ability

to respond to and hold those accountable

able for non-compliance in a timely

manner and it has far more such

mechanisms than any other un agencies at

this point the debate on Andra

neutrality should come to an end we urge

all countries to resume funding for

Andra as soon as possible and to refrain

from using any pretext to impose

additional Collective punishment on the

population of Gaza Israel made a serious

allegations against anra linked to

terrorism for which no evidence has yet

been shared we are concerned about

this China reiterates that without solid

evidence it is unacceptable to attack

anra maliciously and even make false

Acquisitions against the entire un


third we again call on the council to

push for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

more than six months of harsh reality

has made it abundantly clear that a Gaza

Under Fire does not have the condition

needed for Aid delivery Council

resolution 2728 which clearly caused

foresy in Gaza this is indisputably

binding and all member states are

obligated to implement it we are gravely

concerned about Israel's frequent

bombardments of Gaza in recent days we

urge Israel to immediately seize all

military operations against Gaza and

abandon its offense plan on Rafa

countries with significant influence on

Israel should be impartial and play an

active role in realizing a ceasefire

China supports the Council in taking

further actions to ensure the

implementation of the

resolution thank you president I thank

the representative of China for these

statements and I give the floor to the

representative of Sierra

Leon Mr

President I want to thank M secret K

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for

Gaza for her very comprehensive

briefing my delegation recalls

resolution 2 720 which calls for this

position and for the establishment of an

effective un mechanism for providing

humanitarian Aid to the people in the


Street the senior humanitarian

coordinator's role of facilitating and

Expediting humanitarian Aid in Gaza is

especially critical at this juncture

given that 1.1 million people are

projected to face catastrophic levels of

food insecurity in the

region regular update from oia on the

situation in Gaza confirmed that the

volume of humanitarian Supply entering

Gaza since the start of hostilities in


2023 is far below the approximately 500

trucks per day estimated by Ona to be

needed to meet the basic essential food

health and other needs of the people

back s acknowledges the enormity of the

task of of increasing the Quantum of

humanitarian Aid into Gaza to minimize

the impact of the conflict on civilians

especially on women children and other


persons we commend the continued

engagement and consultation by the

senior humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator since our appointment with

the IDF and other stakeholders in the

region on removing the significant

humanitarian access constraints to

ensure unfettered access

V or out air Land and Sea into the Gaza

Street such a consultative and well

coordinated approach is essential for

seamless Aid distribution to address the

Urgent and contined needs of the people

there especially in the current

environment of heavy bombardment and


clashes additionally we anticipate that

an established un mechanism as

stipulated in resolution 2720 will

resolve current operation constraints

improve collaboration humanitarian

actors in the region and increase their

delivery capacity throughout the Gaza

Street Mr President in supporting the

office of the senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator and ensuring

he she delivers on a mandate to

facilitate coordinate Monitor and verify

humanitarian relief Consignments to Gaza

my delegation will continue to call for

one an immediate humanitarian ceasefire

in the Gaza Street as stipulated in


2728 to enable full Rapid Safe and

unhindered humanitarian access for all

civilians and absence of which will only

stifle progress in this vein we request

the office of the senior humanitarian

coordinator to coordinate efforts with

on to ensure that the Palestinians get

full access to humanitarian Aid two a

reminding parties to the conflict of the

obligations on international law will

draw the attention to the consequences

associated with blatant violations we

urge parties to the conflict to

prioritize the survival security and

dignity of all

civilians we call call we further call

for a functioning humanitarian

notification system and a stable

communication Network that will

guarantee the protection of United

Nations and other humanitarian personnel

and enhance the efficient delivery of


Commodities seran rates his call for the

immediate and unconditional release of

all hostages held by Hammers and in the

in demands that access be granted to the

icrc and or other humanitarian or to

visit and support the victims in closing

seron a reaffirms his support to the

good Office of the senior humanitarian

and reconstruction coordinator and

stresses the need for requisite

resources to be made available for an

efficient Service delivery as a council

member we continue to participate and

engage in processes that seek to break

up peace and improve the lives of the

civilians in both Palestine and Israel I

thank you I thank the representative of

Si for their statement and I now give

the floor to the representative of the

Republic of

Korean thank you Mr President I also

thank senior coordinator Zig kek for her

very useful informative briefing on the

implementation of resolution

2720 I would like to extend the Republic

Korea's sincere

appreciation for senior coordinator CX

Tyler's effort indeed since her

appointment earlier this year we

witnessed to some improvements in the

humanitarian efforts on the ground as

senior coordinator K just indicated some

progress made nonetheless as the current

situation shows no clear sign of ending

the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is

is also being extended exacerbating the

long-standing suffering of gods and

civilians especially women and children

as femine

deepens sadly this tragic trend has not

changed despite numerous Security

Council meetings the adoption of


2728 Deming an immediate ceasefire and

ongoing diplomatic efforts By Us Egypt


Qatar Mr

President the Republic of Korea takes

note of

Israel's announcement earlier this month

to open further access points into Gaza

including the opening of the ashto port

and the arrest Crossing and to enhance

deliveries from

Jordan during this council's meeting

last month Miss KAC mentioned these

measures as possible ways to enhance

life- saving assistance into

Gaza we without the lifting of all

barriers to ensure sufficient and

sustained humanitarian assistance and

scale the suffering of civilans in Gaza

will intensify even

further as a close friend the Republic

Korea calls on Israel to swiftly

implement this commitment that such

measures will not unease the suffering

of the

Palestinians but also enhance the

credibility of Israel in the

International Community and actions

speak much louder than

words as the most efficient and Swift

routes for the deliver humanitarian Aid

is through land Crossing we hope that

all possible land Crossings including

Carney can soon be open

widely the use of Maritime corridors

being an important supplement for land

Crossings should also be enhanced and in

this regard we really appreciate efforts

to expand the use of souts by relevant

countries including the US and

Cyprus as this Council has repeatedly

stressed the Safety and Security of

humanitarian workers whichever their

nationalities are must be

guaranteed notification and DEC conflict

mechanism must be fully internalized in

the systems and operations of the

parties lastly we would like to

reiterate our form positions that in

immediate ceasefire is essential to end

the humanitarian suffering in Gaza and

simultaneously lessen Regional

tensions another major military

operations including the looming ground

operation into into Rafa must not be

realized and based on the CIS fire

senior coordinator CeX other major

mandate reconstruction should begin

considering gaza's immense need to

resume meaningful negotiations toward

the vision of the two State Solutions a

fire and the Reconstruction of Gaza are

essential I thank you Mr President I

thank the representative of the Republic

of Korea for their statement and I give

the floor to the representative of

Slovenia thank you Mr

President I also thank senior human

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss KAG for her

briefing to the council and we welcome

her update on the implementation of her

mandate in line with the resolution

2720 colleagues uh in resolution 2720

the security Council demanded that

parties to the conflict allow facilitate

and enable the immediate safe and

unhindered delivery of humanitarian

assistant at scale directly to the

Palestinian civilian population

throughout Gaza

STP people are dying in Gaza due to

malnutrition and

dehydration this is not a syst at

scale people are dying in Gaza


assistance this is not

safe people are dying in Gaza as basic

humanitarian and medical items are

denied due to dual use this is not

unhindered people are still dying in

Gaza as they do not get adequate

assistance today the solution was

adopted in December this is not

immediate Slovenia is deeply concerned

over the continuously deteriorating

humanitarian situation in Gaza reaching

catastrophic levels and imminent famine

we remain profoundly concerned over the

threat of a fullscale operation in Rafa

and we Joy other members on the council

and call on Israel not to carry it

out we call for the removal of all

barriers to the delivery of humanitarian

assistance as stipulated in resolution

2720 this includes opening all available

routes and border crossings we call on

Israel to fully implement the announced

opening of The arest Crossings and the

use of ashot Park we stress the

importance of facilitating the delivery

of humanitarian aid from Jordan and

Egypt Madam KAG we welcome your efforts

to ensure the implementation of


2720 and to establish the mechanism for

facilitation acceleration and

verification of humanitarian for Gaza we

welcome your engagement with the number

of Partners we deeply appreciate efforts

of countries in establishing a maritime

Corridor and continuing to give hope

through air drops however we underline

that land routs Remain the safest and

the most efficient way of delivering

assistance at scale we are particularly

concerned over the Safety and Security

of un humanitarian Personnel working in

Gaza much more is left to do to ensure

full implementation of resolution

2720 this includes significant

improvements in the deconfliction

mechanism the removal of constraints to

fuel supply addressing delays and

insecurities a check points and allowing

the entry of appropriate safety

equipment for un and humanitarian

workers while we welcome the recent

entry of 15 out of 1 new trucks to

enhance delivery we underlined that many

trucks have been destroyed in the

ongoing conflict all these barriers

inevitably hinder the UN capacities and

efforts Slovenia believes a number of

barriers can be lifted with political

will only this includes better border

crossing coordination and smoother

inspection processes as well as

sufficient number of drivers and trucks

being cleared for use it includes the

full use of existing

capabilities such as un

which Remains the backbone of the

humanitarian response in Gaza and it

includes ensuring Safety and Security to

humanitarian workers and drivers also in

different highrisk areas throughout Gaza

at the end and very importantly it

includes greater predictability in Aid


delivery Slovenia repeats its call for

the full implementation of 2712 2720 and

27 28 as well as the icj provisional

measures of 26 January and 28th March we

call for the full respect of

international law including

International humanitarian law and human

rights law we once again underline the

need for

accountability we share the concern

expressed by the High Commissioner for

human rights regarding reported

discoveries of mass graves in al-shifa

and Al anaser medical complexes Mr


I have said it behind closed doors and I

repeat it again the pictures and news

coming from Gaza will haunt us they will

haunt us as individuals sitting on the

council and as the council itself there

is only one way to adequately address

the situation and so we once again call

for the immediate ceasefire the release

of hostages and removal of all barriers

to humanitarian Aid this must be

followed by a meaningful commitment to

political process thank you I thank the

representative of Slovenia for their

statement and I give the floor to the

representative of Switzerland

pres Mr President like my colleagues

before me I'd like to thank uh the

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza Miss Sig KAG thank

you for your briefing and your

commitment four months have passed since

we adopted resolution

2720 four months over the course of

which you have spent no effort in

ordinating the delivery of Aid to the


population at a

time when we are facing a humanitarian

catastrophe in Gaza as the Secretary

General said at the start of the year

and here I quote delivering humanitarian

Aid is not about counting trucks it's

about ensuring that the necessary volume

and quality of Aid reaches those in need

as required by intern International


law to this end we expect that the

parties will at last fully Implement The

Binding resolutions of the security

Council the ones we've adopted since the

hamas's terrorist acts committed on

October 7th which Switzerland has

strongly condemned the same applies to

the international Court of justices the

icj's order for Israel to take all the

necessary and effective measures without

delay in close cooperation with the

United Nations to

ensure the provision of urgently needed

basic services and humanitarian Aid and

this without restriction on a large

scale and without

delay this Council must ensure

compliance with the resolutions it has

itself adopted the effects expected have

been underlined many times over the

effect of protection of civilians the

implementation of a ceasefire

humanitarian access to people in need

and the immediate and unconditional

release of all hostages we must

insist on a regional deescalation as

well and this without delay failing this

every day will bring new civilian

victims the prospect of a large scale

military offensive in Rafa is

unacceptable as it would further

exacerbate the situation of the civilian

population which is prey to displacement

hostilities epidemics and famine the

security Council must insist for the

parties to immediately comply with their

obligations under international law the

use of the famine as a method of warfare

is strictly prohibited by International

humanitarian law and constitutes a war

crime all humanitarian actors in Gaza


unra must have safe and unfettered

access to people in need in order to

achieve this humanitarian Aid should be

able to be delivered and flow through

all Crossing points and then distributed

throughout the Gaza Strip particularly

the north reports that Aid to Gaza

reached the highest level since October

7 mon just yesterday are encouraging

nonetheless this is far from sufficient

and we must step up our efforts we

recall that arbitrary obstruction of

humanitarian access is also prohibited

under International humanitarian law as

are attacks directed at humanitarian

Personnel facilities and

Equipment un humanitarian and medical

personnel as well as un infrastructure

and the infrastructures of other

humanitarian organizations must be

protected it's imperative for the

council to speak out on this issue going

Beyond specific contexts Switzerland is

in close contact with all council

members discussing a draft resolution on

this last but not least Switzerland

calls for independent investigations to


conducted into all violations of

international humanitarian law these are

violations in the Middle East the

perpetrators of these violations must be

held to

account president let me repeat what I

already said the immed immediate

implementation of council resolutions a

ceasefire the safe rapid and unfettered

delivery of humanitarian act Aid to Gaza

and the release of hostages must be our

top priority as members of the security

Council we're Duty bound to step up our

efforts to achieve this as quickly as

possible and to avoid an even more

serious Regional escalation at all costs

this is a cinon condition if we are to

give people back the prospect of a

peaceful future in which they'll be able

to live in dignity and security

Switzerland stands ready to support

efforts that can revive the hope of

peace through a solution that involves

two Democratic states Israel and

Palestine living side by side in peace

within secure and recognized borders

based on the borders of

1967 including Gaza as an integral

component of a Palestinian State I thank

you v Switzerland for their statement

and I give the floor to the

representative of

Japan thank you Mr

president I thank I also thank senior

coordinator uh uh Miss siget KAG for her

varal rate

update the current situation in Gaza

which began 200 days ago with a brutal

Terror attacks by Hamas and other groups

has led to unprecedented destruction and


catastrophe around half of the gaza's

population approximately 1.1 million

people are at risk in entering the most

severe stage of famine there is an acute

shortage of basic necessities including

Safe Water food shelter and Medicine the

gravity of the crisis in Gaza cannot be


enough in light of the extreme Challenge

we highly respect Miss K's tireless

efforts to streamline and expedite the

delivery of humanitarian Aid to Gaza by

proposing a un mechanism in line with


2720 we fully support the role of unops

in this

regard Japan underscores the urgent need

to enhance the flow of humanitarian Aid

into and throughout Gaza we call on

Israel to reopen land Crossings

particularly the Cary Crossing to ensure

the steady flow of Aid the land routs

and more entry

into more entry points into Gaza are


with no viable alternative we also

support the activation of a maritime

Corridor to ensure the aid reaches

reaches those in need Japan also Echo

and the uh with the support of the

voices of more protection of the

humanitarian Aid

workers Mr President an Ana plays a

central role in gaza's desperat needed

humanitarian operations and there is no

substitute for its essential functions

in this regard we welcome the final

report and recommendations of the

independent review group and hope unua

will steadily Implement these

recommendations Japan has resumed its

funding to un since April 2nd and has

already dispersed approximately 35

million us dos since then also our first

in kind contribution to unan since the

resumption will be handed over in early

May in

Egypt lastly the security Council last

month adopted the resolution demanding

an immediate ceasefire in Gaza however

this has not been achieved and the

humanitarian crisis remains dire a Seas

fire is a critical component for

improving the humanitarian situation in

Gaza while laying the ground for future

reconstruction efforts thus Japan

expresses our strong support for the

siia Diplomatic efforts to bring about a

cation of hostilities and the release of

the hostages being made by the United

States Egypt and Qatar and we appreciate

their tireless efforts we reiterate our

strong appeal to all parties concerned

to reach a deal without delay I thank

you I thank the representative of Japan

for their statement and I give the floor

to the representative of France

presid Mr President I

thank the senior humanitarian

reconstruction coordinator for her

briefing France fully supports the

Mandate of the special coordinator and

calls for the full implementation of

resolutions 2712 and

2720 Miss cag's briefing on her visits

to Gaza confirmed the catastrophic state

of the humanitarian situation 2 million

people have absolutely nothing the

number of Civilian Vic victims is

unacceptable Palestinians in Gaza are

not just exposed to the risk of famine

famine is upon them and in this context

the effectiveness humanitarian age is a


concern we would call on France to

immediately implement the pled

pledges to increase humanitarian Aid to

Gaza and this means the opening of all

Crossing points and the issuance of


authorizations Jordan and Egypt

have carried out efforts to ensure

predictable and more substantial

delivery of Aid uh we also uh support

the opening of the Cypress Maritime

Corridor which will not replace but

supplement the land Crossings France

remains mobilized we support the wfp's

delivery of humanitarian the

humanitarian operation the grain from

Ukraine initiative as well as additional

delivery of humanitarian Aid there must

be humanitarian immediate safe and

unfettered access as requested by the

icj it's not a question of counting the

number of trucks entering gas every day

but making sure that these trucks are

loaded with the necessary cargo Aid must

come not just to the Gaza Strip but it

must also flow within the Gaza Strip and

be distributed

safely hampering the provision of this

relief could constitute a crime under

the jurisdiction of the IC there are

still a number of restrictions on goods

and food which can enter gas in

particular for the health care

facilities but also when it comes to

Water Sanitation and waste treatment the

work of humanitarian actors and their

safety must be ensured in all

circumstances the laws of war and the

humanitarian principles of precaution

proportionality and the conduct of

hostilities must be respected and we

call on All actors to guarantee the

effectiveness of the deconfliction

mechanisms Mr President France calls for

the full implementation of this

council's resolutions to begin with

beginning with the release of all

hostages we must arrive at an immediate

and Lasting ceasefire and guarantee the

protection of

civilians we are not dealing with a

natural catastrophe let's stop the

fighting that's the best possible way to

resolve this humanitarian crisis France

is firmly opposed to a ground offensive

in Rafa it would lead to Untold number


humanitarian uh of Civilian losses and a

huge humanitarian

catastrophe we call for a resolution to

the conflict on a political basis a

lasting political basis the two-state

solution is the only one which can

ensure the Israelis and the Palestinians

the peace and security to which they

Aspire France is actively working to

that end and we remain convinced of the

key role which this Security Council

must play the draft resolution which we

submitted to members of this Council

which addresses all aspects of the

crisis is in line with our views and I

call on all members of this Council to

support it thank you I thank the

representative of France for their

statement and I shall now make a

statement in my capacity as the

representative of molto I begin by

thanking senior humanitarian and

reconstruction coordinator Mr grk for

her informative briefing four months

after the adoption of resolution 2720 we

regret that there has been no meaningful

increase in the scale and predictability

of the un's humanitarian response in

Gaza Malta once again demands the

immediate implementation of relevant

resolutions of this Council regarding

the need for emergencies fire the

release of all hostages and the

facilitation of desperately needed

humanitarian Aid into and throughout

Gaza in the face of such dire

humanitarian conditions malt is deeply

dismayed by the unjustified blockade of

Aid into and throughout Gaza famine has

grasped the north of the strip and the

rest of the population is now the most

food and secure in the world over

34,700 Palestinians have been killed in

Gaza the vast majority of them are women

and children furthermore as recalled by

the Secretary General reports continue

to emerge on the use of deadly

experimental AI targeting systems to

devastating effect in

Gaza last week the council also met to

discuss the Irreplaceable nature of unra

there can be no meaningful Aid response

in Gaza without the agency we have also

taken note of the final report regarding

the agency's neutrality which determined

that anra has in place significant

mechanisms to ensure compliance and

respond to neutrality breaches and

further welcome the agency's commitment

to implementing the recommendations put

forward in the report however this UN

agency and all humanitarian Aid in Gaza

continues to be

undermined in these difficult times we

need to avoid politicizing the work of

humanitarian actors and undermining the

legitimacy of the United Nations in Gaza

we further reject and condemn The

Staggering number of humanitarian and un

staff killed by Israel during this

conflict to date thir and transparent

investigations leading to accountability

are critical in all instances the

established humanitarian notification

and the confliction system must be

respected yet we see the oppos it in the

destruction of hospitals and bombing of

eight convoys we also Echo the call of

the Secretary General for a credible and

independent investigation into recent

reports of M Graves at the Naser

Hospital in K Yunis and at the alifa

hospital in Gaza City the provisional

orders of the international court of

justice on 26 January and 28th March

including those regarding the delivery

of humanitarian Aid into and within Gaza

must become lied with while Malta

positively notes the ongoing attempts to

move Aid via alternative routes to Gaza

mainly by air and sea land access

provides the only suitable Aid modality

that can immediately and comprehensively

arrest the humanitarian crisis we are

encouraged by the promises made by the

Israeli government regarding the opening

of aot port and their its Crossings for

humanitarian Aid we reiterate our call

for such measures to be retained and

strengthened in order to address the

devastating situation on the ground

while we recognize the eight food world

food program trucks which have entered

the port in the last number of days the

volume is insignificant when compared to

humanitarian needs what was called for

and what was promised Israel must do

much more to abide by its legal

obligations as a UN member State a party

to this conflict and an occupying power

this includes opening those Crossings to

allow for the safe passage of Aid into

and throughout Gaza the UN must be

allowed to scale up their response in

Gaza in a meaningful and principled

manner Aid delivery must not form part

of political negotiation in conclusion

we reiterate our support for the work of

the UN Miss gag and her team Malta will

continue to underline the need for a

massive eight scaleup to address the

need of the those who are suffering the

ongoing catastrophic conditions within

Gaza I resume my function as president

of the council and I now give the floor

to the representative of

Israel thank you Mr President first and

foremost we wish to thank senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator Miss K for her briefing as

well as for important work on the ground

Mr President since Miss K's appointment

to the role of senior humanitarian

coordinator following the adoption of

Security Council


272 Israel has done its utmost to Grant

Miss Kaho staff the highest levels of

support and cooperation we greatly value

the ongoing discourse with her which is

of course vital in order to promote the

very important efforts in the

humanitarian domain we will continue to

work closely with missk and her team Mr

President despite immense obstacles on

the ground since October 7th Israel

continues to elevate and step up its

support to the humanitarian efforts has

found Creative Solutions despite

extremely complex and challenging

circumstances significantly active Kamas

actions to hamper and clash with these

initiatives despite this Israel's

ongoing efforts have brought about

substantial results on the ground with a

dramatic increase in the volumes and

quantities of aid over the course of the

last several months with regard to the

flow of Aid into the Gaza Strip in

recent weeks a daily number of between

300 to 400 trucks carrying Aid and

Essentials were inspected and granted

access by the Israeli authorities since

October 7th more than 25,000 trucks

carrying almost 500,000 tons of Aid have

been able to access into the Gaza Strip

significantly the number of trucks

inspected and approved in recent weeks

is meaningfully higher than in previous

months and was made possible due to the

Israeli Authority's ongoing efforts to

increase the activity at the Kim Shalom

and its sner Crossings moreover Israel

recently announced the opening of of

gate 96 Crossing which is utilized for

direct humanitarian accents to the

northern part of the Gaza Strip and will

soon allocate the opening of another

route that will enable more Aid to be

shipped from ashdod and other

locations alongside this recent days

have seen more a trucks using the route

Via Jordan This Channel known as the

Jordanian Channel which was coordinated

jointly between Israel and the kingdom

of Jordan Will Allow 100 Jordanian

military trucks to enter every day 3

days a week this will be in addtion to

the un's a trucks that will use this

route three days a week

too last week we already witness a

record of 200 trucks using the route

from Jordan and we expect to see even

higher numbers in the future the

establishment of vital infrastructure is

also underway Israel wishes to take this

opportunity to thank the many countries

and organizations involved in the

construction operation of field and

floating Maritime hospitals including

those currently in the final stages of

establishment Israel stands ready to

provide any further support needed in

these matters including the ongoing

transfer of patients to third countries

and the entry of ambulances to

Gaza as for water supply and access

Israel recently repaired two additional

vital water pump lines the nalo line

which will supply water to the northern

Gaza Strip and the second B SOA line in

this regard Israel's recent support to

the reactivation of wells in the

northern strip is also an import

important to mention earlier this week

four tankers of cooking gas and four

tankers of fuel designated for the

operation of essential infrastructure

entered the Gaza Strip we are also we

also note that 25 bakeries are currently

operational in Gaza providing over 3

million breads rolls in P daily in

addition in March and April alone around

7,8 packages were dropped by air into

Gaza with over 1,68 packages

specifically for the northern part of

the Gaza

Strip Mr President these steps and

others were all made possible through

the commitment of the authorities to the

humanitarian efforts as well as our

coordination and Joint work with

different partners in the region and

Beyond in this regard Israel wishes to

commend the US for its immense efforts

on the humanitarian front LED On The

Ground by Ambassador safield Mr

President while Israel has clearly

stepped up its efforts this according to

external sources as well is essential

that the UN steps up its capabilities

too as growing numbers of trucks are

inspected enabled entry from Israel's

side we are concerned that these amounts

of Aid are not always swiftly dist

distributed in the Gaza Strip as

reported recently the main problem at

the moment is not getting assistance

into Gaza but rather getting it

distributed within the Gaza Strip

unfortunately there have been several

occasions lately where large numbers of

trucks carrying Aid after being

inspected and enabled passage by Israel

stood ready and waiting on the Gaza side

of the Kim Shalom

crossing without being dealt with by the

UN they stood there for days on certain

days almost three times the amount of

Aid entering was was piled up on the

Gaza side the a distribution was

therefore impacted and delayed the truck

loads on the Gaza side at times reached

several hundred were attended to at a

later stage but this creates a

bottleneck obstacle at the Crossing this

logistical Gap impacts the flow of

delivery the UN must find solutions to

this logistical Gap and among other

things extend its hours of activity

increase the number of trucks as well as

initiate more convoys to Northern Gaza

especially as looting incidents having

laid being reduced in that

area Mr President as we sit here in this

Council to discuss humanitarian efforts

which are indeed extremely important we

cannot remain silent in light of the

most horrific humanitarian case of

Injustice the 133 hostages held by Kamas

and other terrorist groups since October

7th while this Council expects Israel to

step up efforts and do its share with

regard to humanitarian Aid to the Gaza

Strip This Council must step up its own

efforts and demand that this horror

which has lasted more than six months

finally ends it is regrettable that this

Council cannot bring Refuge to these

hostages and their families we're here

to remind all that these hostages have

not been allowed any basic humanitarian

assistance by their monstrous terrorist

kidnappers at all Israel will do

whatever it takes to bring them home

this Council must step up to that task

too I thank you Mr President I thank the

representative of Israel for their

statement I will now give the floor to

Miss sigret K to respond to comments and

questions raised

thank you very much um there were I

believe three questions I'll respond to

those um first of all on the question of

of consent with regards to the mechanism

uh as asked by the representative of the

Russian Federation well the mechanism is

mandated by this Council and as such not

a voluntary Arrangement uh it's not an

alak option but we've had very close

discussions and constructive discussions

with the Israeli authorities at all

levels uh regarding the

operationalization of the mechanism and

details related to the notification uh

system as well as the database and we

intend to operationalize it as I

mentioned um and we count on the

cooporation of all to ensure

implementation because it's aiming to

facilitate to expedite and to obviously

underpin the actions On The Ground by

the humanitarian actors I've also

discussed it in a series of meetings

with uh the then prime minister of the

Palestinian Authority Muhammad I've also

discussed it with prime minister

Muhammad Mustafa and a number of his

senior officials so the highest levels

in both Israel uh and the Palestinian

Authority I have I have engaged as I've

done with of course other partners

important Partners in the region when it

comes to the concept note with the

funding proposal that was actually sent

to donors and member State uh on the

15th of March it referred to Crossings

already opened but the concept note

itself includes also in the cover letter

and I quote the mechanism will also be

able to service additional Aid delivery

routes to Gaza as well as maximize the

efficiencies of existing routes thus

taken in totality it will serve as a

One-Stop shop for facilitation of

humanitarian humanitarian relief

Consignments to Gaza through all entry

points um present and additional ones as

for instance I listed also in my remarks

on the intent by the Israeli authorities

to open more and those that have been

opened since 5th of April with key

functions in Gaza uh so in keeping with

the mechanism uh the goods coming from

Jordan in the first instance as well as

uh to Gaza via erit and other Northern

Crossings present

and prospective I hope as well as the

maritime route this will be used and

Security Council the last question

Security Council resolution 2720 it's

clear it requires the mechanism to be

used to verify the humanitarian nature

of Aid um it's however of course a

logical uh premise that the mechanism

the way it is constructed could also be

used for commercial Goods in future in

due course when it comes also to early

recovery and reconstruction but is

constructed with a view to the language

of the council for humanitarian

assistance it is however upon the

parties um and uh commercial Goods as

such I'd like to stress that um are

needed very much so within the Gaza

Strip we need the informal economy and

the formal economy to be reboot it uh

and combined with cash assistance and

the availability of cash which is

currently absent in the Gaza Strip for a

number of reasons this is critically

important to help restore elements of

human dignity for the civilians in Gaza

and I thank you very much for your


political unity and voice uh and we will

continue with the teams in the wider un

family to do our utmost to deliver on

the expectations thank you I thank Miss

K for the clarifications she has

provided there are no more names

inscribed on the list of speakers the

meeting is
adjourned e

e e

39 of the council's provisional rules of

procedure I invite Miss sigri KAG senior

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinator for Gaza pursuant to

security ccer resolution 2720 of 2023 to

participate in this meeting it's so


the security Council will now begin its

consideration of item two of the

agenda I now give the floor to miss


KAG Madame President excellencies

members of the security Council it's

been almost seven months since the 7th

of October terror attack perpetrated by

Hamas against Israel a country which

continues to be impacted by Deep trauma

of the attack and the uncertain of the

fate of the

hostages in Gaza during the same period

over 34,000 people have been killed and

tens of thousands have been injured or

maimed livelihoods homes schools and

hospitals have been

destroyed the health infrastructure in

Gaza has been decimated the few

hospitals Still Standing struggle to

operate due to severe shortages of

supplies and frequent power outages a

summer draw near and temperatures rise

communicable diseases threatened to

sweep through

Gaza children who in every crisis suffer

the worst and the most are deprived of

nutrition protection and education their

Futures hanging in the balance the

scarcity of food and other essential

Goods has also led to a breakdown in

civil order and the gradual unraveling

of the social Fabric in Gaza there is no

effective law enforcement

as the Secretary General has said we

have a shared responsibility to secure

an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in

Gaza the immediate and unconditional

release of all hostages and the

unimpeded delivery of humanitarian Aid

Madame President since my last briefing

to this Council on the 7th of March I've

continued to engage in discussions with

key governments and stakeholders across

the region I've also submitted and

discussed detailed proposals with the

governments of Israel Geor Egypt and

Cyprus to accelerate and streamline the

delivery of goods into Gaza and to

ensure a consistent pipeline of goods

for safe distribution across the Gaza

Strip today I will share with you my

assessment of the implementation of

Security Council resolution

2720 including areas where progress has

been made or lack thereof allow me to

say from the outset that a paradigm

shift is needed to continue to meet the

immense needs of the civilian population

in a secure and safe

manner Madame President as I've stated

to you before effective humanitarian

operations cannot be reduced to Counting

trucks this is a false metrics for ging

whether humanitarian assistance is

sufficient let alone whether it responds

to the basic humanitarian

requirements for example treating

acutely malnourished children or

pregnant women is not a matter of eating

more calories they require therapeutic

and supplemental Foods as well as

long-term Medical Care effective

humanitarian operations are also about

the need for a sustained flow to deliver

the right quality and quantity of

assistance this requires a continued

focus on volume predictability and

sustainability of Divi Diversified Aid

to scale up assistance humanitarian

agencies must be able to move food

medicine and many other supplies safely

and Via all possible routes and

Crossings into and throughout every part


Gaza unra is pivotal in providing

life-saving humanitarian Aid and

essential Social Services particularly

in health and education to Palestine

refugees as such unra is irreplaceable

and indispensable as a humanitarian

lifeline and must be allowed to deliver

on its mandate Madame President on the

5th of April the Israeli government made

several commitments to improve Aid

delivery in response to requests by the

UN and the International Community a

number of steps have been taken

including an increase in the volume of

Aid cleared inspected and crossed into

Gaza the temporary opening of The aats

Crossing and the opening of ashdot port

for humanitarian Goods an increase in

the number of trucks entering Gaza

directly from Jordan through Allenby

King Hussein bridge and an increased

access to the north preparations are

underway for other Northern Crossings

continued use of gate 96 an expansion of

the opening hours of keram Shalom Abu

salum and nitsana crossings the

resumption of operations by bakeries

some bakeries in Northern and Central

Gaza and the ongoing repair of the nahal

O water line I've also been advised of

the approval of critical communication

equipment and an increase in the

allocation of

fuel whilst implementation of some

measures is ongoing further definitive

and Urgent steps are needed to set the

course for a sustained flow of

humanitarian and Commercial Goods into

Gaza in terms of volume need and reach

given the scale and scope of Destruction

and the extent of human suffering every


counts the UN is in contact with the

Israeli government on other measures

that need urgent or continuous

implementation these include issues

pertaining to checkpoint procedures the

Urgent repair of Roads timely clearances

to allow humanitarian Convoy movements

to take place as scheduled the approval

of additional communication devices

armored vehicles and spare parts for CR

critical equipment agreement on medical

and Casualty evacuation is equally

urgent delivery at scale requires a

functioning humanitarian notification

system and improved and Direct

Communications between humanitarians and

Military decision makers on the ground

effective and credible deconfliction is

vital for all humanitarian actors in

Gaza and this list of basic measures is

not exhaustive implementation is urgent

and my office is establishing a

monitoring framework to determine

progress and impact of respective

measures taken and I will report to you

in due course Madame President allow me

to share an update on the

diversification of supply routes under

Security Council resolution

2720 with respect to Jordan my team has

worked with a concerned authorities to

launch the Jordan land Corridor under a

new streamlined modality this has

resulted in an increase in the number of

trucks thereby volume with only one

transloading inside the Gaza Crossing

and it has the potential for further

increases and the entire un family is

planning for the receipt and onward

distribution of cargo at scale directly

from Jordan to Northern Gaza via the

aets crossing this route is both

effective and vital to reach civilians

in Northern Gaza and

Beyond with regards to Egypt given the

importance of the aid flow from Egypt we

will continue to streamline operations

and maximize access through the RAF and

K Shalom Abu salum Crossings we've

engaged in constructive dialogue to

explore opportunities for the

optimization of the efficiency of Aid

delivery through Egypt

and to further streamline access for

humanitarian cargo to to Gaza from Rafa

the UN has proposed the establishment of

an inspection monitoring and

verification unit on the Palestinian

side of Rafa the Egypt land Corridor in

particular via the Rafa Crossing is

important given its volume for both

humanitarian assistance but also early

recovery and reconstruction of Gaza in


course when it comes to Cyprus the

Cypress Maritime Corridor provides for

additionality of humanitarian Aid to

Gaza it can never and is not intended to

be a substitute for delivery by land

land routes are the only way to bring in

the bulk of supplies needed preparations

for the for the building of the floating

port and peer on the shores of Gaza are

advancing with the involvement of the Us

and other member states the UN has

outlined the parameters under which it

can play a meaningful role in the

distribution of Aid via this Corridor my

office has proposed a multi-donor

funding mechanism and provides

Secretariat support to the maritime

Corridor to ensure full coordination

with the operations on the ground in

Gaza un monitors have been deployed to

Cyprus as part of the 2720 mechanism

finally regarding air drops and in view

of the above several member states have

indicated their intent to phase out this

mode of delivery in conjunction with the

scaling up of assistance via Land and

Sea Madame President I'm pleased to

announce that the operationalization of

the UN 2720 mechanism for Gaza will

start in the coming days and I'm

grateful for the constructive

cooperation the mechanism will initially

be applicable to the Cypress and Jordan

routes respectively technical

consultations will shortly be finalized

with Egypt on this route I've informed

the government of Israel on the

operationalization of the mechanism as

per the resolution a database and

notification system will go online for

all cargo destined for Gaza along supply

routes the approval for the placement of

international monitors at Crossings

inspection and Supply points has been

requested from relevant authorities

verification and monitoring inside Gaza

will commence as soon as possible in the

coming weeks my office will also be

operational in Gaza the

operationalization of the mechanism will

allow for pipeline prioritization

predictability VIs ility and tracking of

supplies to Gaza as the resolution

intended the mechanism is designed to

facilitate and support the work of all

humanitarian Partners on the

ground Madame President the extent of

the destruction and the devastating

impact of this war on the entire

population of Gaza calls for an

ambitious and comprehensive plan of

support with commensurate investment the

recent un EU and World Bank interim

disaster assessment illustrates the

scale of the damage and the magnitude of

Investments required across all sectors

for example the rebuilding and repair of

the more than 84% of destroyed Health

Facilities the return of an entire

student population to school willst

educational facilities have been

impacted or destroyed as the Secretary

General has stated the Palestinian

Authority has a critical role to play in

Gaza the International Community must

work towards enabling its return

strengthen its governance capacity and

prepare it to reassume its

responsibilities in Gaza all efforts

towards early recovery and

reconstruction also need the

participation of Palestinian Civil

Society fostering a conducive

environment to reestablish the

commercial sector in Gaza and the

engagement of the Palestinian business

community and its investors are equally

important Madame President I wish to

Echo the United Nations grave concern

over the prospect of an Israeli

operation Rafa such action would

compound an ongoing humanitarian

catastroph uh with consequences for

people already displaced and enduring

severe hardships and suffering the un's

ability to deliver will also be

constrained in closing I would like to

reiterate the importance of a paradigm

shift this requires a further scale up

in the quality and quantity of

assistance and its distribution

irreversible steps to enable safe secure

and unhindered delivery inside Gaza and

planning and timely preparations for

early recovery and

reconstruction there's no substitute for

political will to sustain these efforts

let us remember that behind every

statistic is a human story of loss and

suffering and it's our duty to provide

protection support and therefore hope

for the Palestinian population in Gaza

it's also our duty to advocate for a

lasting peace between Israel and a fully

independent viable and Sovereign

Palestinian State thank

you I thank Miss KK for her briefing I

now give the floor to those council

members who wish to make statements I

give the floor to the representative of

the United

Kingdom and thank you very much senior

humanitarian coordinator for your

briefing as you said Israel suffered the

worst terror attack in its history at

the hands of Hamas more than 200 days on

and Hamas continues to hold

hostages Palestinian civilians in Gaza

are facing a devastating and growing

humanitarian crisis and the risk of

famine the UK is joining USG CG's

important efforts to prevent this

situation deteriorating even

further we have trebled our Aid commit

commitment in the last Financial year

and we're doing everything we can to get

more Aid in as quickly as possible by

land sea and air and to contribute to

the paradigm shift that you

mentioned I want to highlight three

areas first we welcome Israel's

commitment to increase Aid flows into

Gaza for example the delivery of

humanitarian Aid through the port of

ashdod and the arz checkpoint point and

extending the opening hours of the Kem

Shalom Crossing we now need to see more

implementation there has been some

welcome progress in this regard but much

more needs to be done our foreign

secretary reiterated this to Israeli

Prime Minister Netanyahu on his visit to

Israel last

week second as well as getting more Aid

in it needs to be the Right Aid that is

why resolution 2720 is so

important the UK fully supports sigd

car's mandate to establish a database

and a mechanism to track verify and

coordinate Aid the UK has provided

expert technical support to help

delivery of this mandate and the UK will

be providing over $3.5 million of

additional funds fing for equipment to

support the UN and Aid agencies to get

more Aid into

Gaza third once humanitarian Aid arrives

in Gaza it is vital that it can be

distributed quickly and

effectively we're calling on Israel to


deconfliction and to allow un agencies

and humanitarian actors unhindered and

safe access into and throughout Gaza and

to enable the un's minimum operating


fully the tragic deaths of seven World

Central kitchen workers including three

British citizens demonstrates the need


Action president the UK recognizes that

anra is critical to Aid delivery in Gaza

we were report ped by the allegations

that unra staff were involved in the 7

October attacks against Israel and we

note the ongoing un office for internal

oversight Services investigation into


allegations we are grateful for the

independent review into unra neutrality

led by Katherine Colona and we will set

out our position on future funding to

unra following careful consideration

of the final report and unr's

response president the UK remains

resolved to working with International

Partners to urgently secure an immediate

pause to get Aid in and the hostages out

and then to work for a sustainable

permanent ceasefire without a return to

fighting and loss of life I thank you I

thank the representative United Kingdom

and pass the floor to

mozambik Madame President mozambik

wishes to thank malta's

presidency for convening this important

briefing on the situation in the Middle

East including the Palestinian

question we also thank Madame sigd and

Secretary General senor

humanitarian and reconstruction

coordinat for for Gaza for her updated

information and perspectives on the

situation in Gaza

particularly in the

humanitarian situation over the past 90

days in light of uh United Nations

security Council resolution 2720


commend her and her entire team for

their unwavering dedication to

address this man-made crisis in order to

alleviate the immense suffering of

Palestinians Madame President the Israel

Palestinian conflict has long been a

source of tension and Tra tragedy in the

region the recent

escalation has resulted in significant

loss of

life Israel military

operation continue causing more civilian


displacement destruction of houses and

other civilian infrastructure

the situation remains dire and Urgent

action is needed to

alleviate the human suffering and

address the humanitarian

crisis despite these

challenges the council successfully

adopted two

resolutions resolution

27 12 and resolution

2720 these

resolutions were

clear in calling for an immediate and

Urgent humanitarian CE fire cessation of

hostilities and

ultimately ceas fire not only to ensure

more and better humanitarian Aid to

those in need in Gaza but also to allow

for unconditional release of hostages

and pave the way for the relaunch of the


process the Hope was

that through the

demand uh urgent

actions the the demand of urgent actions

the suffering could be

alleviated instead steps towards lasting

peace could be


deplorably four months have

passed and yet these resolutions have

not been fully

implemented the delay in the

implementation is a matter of

concern Madame

President the same purposes that guided

this Council to adopt the two resolution

s in


2023 must strengthen our Collective

conscience to en enforce International


under the international humanitarian law


international human right human rights

law Mambi


encourages the engagement of relevant

parties in

implementation of these

resolutions we firmly hold the view that


encouraging of relevant parties is

crucial for implementing these

resolutions we reiterate our appeal to

the council members with influence on

the parties to

cooperate with the

coordinator and her team to fulfill

their mandate without delay and

obstruction the

council must unite and speak with one

voice to urgently address the pressing

humanitarian situation in

Gaza the situation demands

immediate safe and unhindered access for

humanitarian Aid to reach those most in

need bearing in mind that thousands of

people and families in Gaza Street are

gathering in at Raa Crossing border

amidst escalating hostil

hostilities let me Madame President

underscore that human to of this

conflict is

staggering with innocent lives quote in

the Cross

Fire the call for a ceas fire remains

therefore urgent and crucial diplomatic

efforts and international pressure must

continue I thank

you representative mamb and pause the

floor to the United

States uh thank you madam president

senior coordinator coog thank you very

much for your

briefing colleagues the humanitarian

situation in Gaza is beyond

dire starvation has taken the lives of

children in the

north essential supplies are dwindling

Millions have been

displaced at this perilous moment

President Biden has called on Israel to

take a series of specific concrete and

measurable steps to address this

humanitarian crisis protect civilians

from harm and ensure the safety of all


workers Israel must do more to prevent

civilian casualties

immediately and President Biden has made

clear that US policy will be determined

by our assessment of Israel's immediate

and sustained action on these

steps Israel has taken some positive

steps but not nearly enough and not


enough and so the United States position

is clear Israel must take immediate

action to open additional land Crossings

into Northern

Gaza as Gaza faces imminent

famine lives hang in the balance and


matters to complement and not replace

additional land Crossings and increase

Aid flowing into Gaza United States is

working with our partners to implement a


Corridor part of that Corridor entails

the establishment of a temporary pure in

Gaza from which humanitarian assistance

will be

offloaded we welcome the un's commitment

to help facilitate the distribution of

Aid delivered to Gaza via the

pier another essential portion of the

maritime carer is the full

implementation of Israeli commitments to

open ashad for humanitarian

shipments as we understand it assistance

will be shipped to ashad and then

transported through land Crossings into

Gaza this is critical and this needs to

happen right

away but it doesn't matter how much Aid

gets into Gaza if that Aid can't get

into the hands of Palestinians in dire

need the distribution of Aid within Gaza

is absolutely

critical the plan senior coordinator Cog

outlined today are vital to achieving

distribution of Aid at scale and we look

forward to hearing more about the un's

efforts during today's Clos

briefing I want to reiterate the Biden

administration's full support for senior

coordinator sigret COG

and I again call on Israel to cooperate

with the un's efforts to facilitate the

delivery of humanitarian assistance at

scale colleagues another Factor limiting

the distribution of Aid has been the

repeated failure of deconfliction

mechanisms since October 7 more than 230

humanitarian workers have been killed

this is tragic and

unacceptable deconfliction mechanisms

are vital this is how we protect the

lives of those who are working to save

the lives of innocent people and so

Israel must fully Implement functional

deconfliction procedures it it

must we reiterate our call for

accountability for incidence in which

humanitarian Personnel were killed this

includes the deadly attack on world

Central Kitchen Personnel earlier this

month there must be an additional

independent transparent investigation

colleagues as you all know this week

foreign minister Colona released her

report on

unra we appreciate that unra has taken

steps to set internal policies and

address its neutrality but more must be

done and unra must undertake substantial

reforms to protect its sustainability


Mission we know this will take time and

resources but implementation of the

reforms outlined in Colona report will

be critical and the United States will

work closely with the UN and other

partners to ensure unra carries out its

duties in a neutral and balanced way for

the benefit of the Palestinian


colleagues I fear many have lost sight

of the fact that it is Hamas that set

this conflict into motion on October 7

when it carried out a heinous attack on

Israel slaughtering concertgoers burning

people alive committing unspeakable Acts

of sexual violence let's not forget this


fact the United States has been clear

from the beginning that we fully support

Israel's right to self-defense and that

support is

Ironclad but we have also been clear

that as Israel continues to pursue the

destruction of the remaining elements of

Hamas we are opposed to a fullscale

military operation in Rafa which would

have catastrophic consequences for the


population we reiterate our call for

Israel to produce a credible and

actionable plan to protect the civilian

population in Rafa and address the

humanitarian needs of those who have

sought refuge in the

South we are deeply concerned by the

Massive Internal displacement within

Gaza and the risk of forcible

displacement from Gaza Israel must act

in compliance with this obligations

under international law full

stop colleagues since October 7 so much

suffering and pain death and Destruction

has played out before our eyes on all

sides of this conflict now more than

ever we need an immediate and

sustainable ceasefire as part of a deal

to release the hostages by Hamas which

will also allow us to scale up

humanitarian assistance to Palestinian

civilians the United States is working

with our partners in the region to make

this possible Hamas however continues to

reject offers from Israel that would

halt fight and release hostages over and

over and over if Hamas accepted the

offer Israel is made it would allow for

an immediate ceasefire that would

benefit Palestinians

now Hamas should take this deal if not

it should explain to the world and to

the Palestinian people why they have yet

to do so because right now Hamas is the

sole obstacle to a ceasefire in

Gaza we must all call on Hamas

especially those with the most influence

to take this deal and we must continue

to work together to support the work of

senior coordinator siget kog and all

those working to save lives in Gaza at

this moment of dire need thank you madam

president the representative of the

United States and pass the floor to

Algeria thank you Madame

President I thank Madame KAG for her

briefing about the implement ation of

her mandates as stipulated in resolution

2720 to

facilitate humanitarian add

access to the Gaza Strip despite facing

multiple Challenge and obstacle in her

Endeavor yes over 200 days

200 days of ongoing

aggression against pal Palestinian

people in in

Gaza and we are still

discussing access to basic

needs basic human

needs such as access to

food water and sanitation

let allone
access to

education housing and

health which has become a

luxury for the entire population in

Gaza Madame cag's

mission of Expediting humanitarian a

delivery to Gaza civilian population is


however more than five four months after

resolution 20

2720 adoption despite Madame KAG and her


efforts to establish a un mechanism for

accelerating humanitarian

relief in Gaza


call remain unw

unanswered and the Mandate not fully

implemented the International


particularly member state with influence

on the compined

power should make every effort to help

Madame KAG fulfilling her

mandate and ensuring you succeed

is collective

responsibilities not just one person's

Duty Madame President we firmly

believe successful humanitarian Aid in

depend on the



obviously obviously an immediate and


ceasefire safe humanitarian action

throughout Gaza cannot be ensured

without a

ceasefire the past six month clearly

indicated this

as said by Charan donelli an

International Rescue committee senior

vice president operating in

Gaza what's increasingly

clear is that the the confliction

process is a

fiction it doesn't provide any

guarantees of

safety only only a sensation of

hostility can help meeting civilian



otherwise humanitarian

actors will deliver Aid at risk of their


second and 100 humanitarian

acces this

require this requires

all Crossing possible and using them at


capacity according to the occupying

authorities since


7 only

40% of the minimum required basic

needs were allowed in into

Gaza after

killing I should say

assassinating humanitarian workers from

the world Central

Kitchen the occupying

authorities made a lot of

publicity on their decision to

reopen ID's Crossing

however according to the

UN until last

Friday last Friday only 25

trucks only 25

trucks were authorized to

use eras Crossing yes 25 trucks

the International

Community including powerful

countries seems

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