C and Python Applications: Embedding Python Code in C Programs, SQL Methods, and Python Sockets Philip Joyce full chapter instant download

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C and Python Applications: Embedding

Python Code in C Programs, SQL

Methods, and Python Sockets Philip
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C and Python Applications

Embedding Python Code in C Programs,
SQL Methods, and Python Sockets
1st ed.
Philip Joyce
Crewe, UK

ISBN 978-1-4842-7773-7 e-ISBN 978-1-4842-7774-4


© Philip Joyce 2022

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The C and Python programming languages are important languages in
many computer applications. This book will demonstrate how to use
the C and Python languages to write applications in SQL. It will
demonstrate how to embed a Python program within a C program.
Finally, the reader will learn how to create Python socket programs
which can communicate with each other on different computers (these
are called “sockets”).
A basic familiarity with mathematics is assumed along with some
experience of the basics of computer programs. The first two chapters
review the basics of C and Python. The chapters following these are
grouped into SQL techniques, embedded Python, and sockets
applications. There are exercises in each chapter with answers and
suggested code at the end of the book.
Any source code or other supplementary material referenced by the
author in this book is available to readers on GitHub via the book’s
product page, located at www.apress.com/9781484277737. For more
detailed information, please visit http://www.apress.com/source-code.
Thanks to my wife, Anne, for her support, my son Michael, and my
daughter Katharine. All three have mathematics degrees. Thanks to
everyone on the Apress team who helped me with the publication of
this, my third book.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:​Python Programming
Definition of Variables
Real (Float) Numbers
Reading in Data
Inserting into an Array
Deleting (Removing) from an Array
Updating an Array
Appending to an Array
Reading Entries in a List
Updating a List
Deleting an Element from List
Appending to a List
Creating a Dictionary
Appending to a Dictionary
Amending a Dictionary
Deleting from a Dictionary
Searching Through a Dictionary
Creating a Tuple
Concatenating Two Tuples
Creating Nested Tuples
Creating Repeated Tuples
Converting a List or a String into a Tuple
Creating Single-Element Tuple
Reading Tuple
Searching Within a Tuple
Deleting a Tuple
Using Tuple to Create Variables
If Then Else
Loops (For and While)
For Loops
While Loops
Arithmetic Operations Using Numpy
Numpy Calculations
Mathematical Graph Functions
User-Written Functions
File Access
Chapter 2:​C Programming
C Program Format
Adding Two Numbers
Multiply and Divide Two Numbers
For Loops
Do While Loops
Switch Instruction
If Else
If Else If
Data Arrays
Size of Variables
Goto Command
Common Mathematical and Logical Symbols
File Access
Student Records File
Chapter 3:​SQL in C
Review of SQL and SQLite
Creating the Database
Creating a Table
Inserting Rows
Insert a Preset Row
Inserting a User-Entered Row
Selecting Rows
Selecting a Row Preset
Selecting All Rows
Selecting Rows by Age
Amending Rows
Deleting Rows
Chapter 4:​SQL in Python
Review of SQL
Create a Table
Mechanism for Inserting a Row
Update a Row
Delete a Row
Read a Table
Chapter 5:​Embedded Python
Basic Mechanism
Plot a 2D Line
Plot Two 2D Lines
Plot Trigonometric Curves
Enter Data to Plot
2D Center of Mass Plot
Importing a Picture
Chapter 6:​Sockets
A Closer Look at Sockets
Basic Client-Server
Server-Client Pair to Send-Receive a File
Threaded Programs
Closing Down a Threaded Server
Chat Programs
Appendix A:​Answers to Examples
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
About the Author
Philip Joyce
has 28 years of experience as a software engineer, working on control
of steel production, control of oil refineries, communications software
(pre-Internet), office products (server software), and computer control
of airports. He programs in Assembler, COBOL, Coral 66, C, and C++
with SQL. He served as a mentor to new graduates in the Ferranti
Company. He obtained an MSc in computational physics (including
augmented matrix techniques and Monte Carlo techniques using
Fortran) from Salford University in 1996. He is also a chartered
physicist and a member of the Institute of Physics (member of the
Higher Education Group).
About the Technical Reviewer
Swathi Sutrave
is a self-professed tech geek. She has
been a subject matter expert for several
different programming languages,
including Python, C, and SQL, for
corporations, startups, and universities.
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
P. Joyce, C and Python Applications

1. Python Programming
Philip Joyce1
(1) Crewe, UK

This is the first of two chapters in which you’ll review both Python and C programming
languages. A basic understanding of computing and what programs are about is assumed
although no prior knowledge of either Python or C is needed.
In this chapter, we will start with the basics of Python. This will include how items used
in a program are stored in the computer, basic arithmetic formats, handling strings of
characters, reading in data that the user can enter on the command line, etc. Then we will
work up to file access on the computer, which will lead us up to industrial/commercial-level
computing by the end of the book.
If you don’t already have a Python development environment on your computer, you can
download it and the Development Kit, free of charge, from
www.python.org/downloads/. Another way you can access Python is by using Visual
Studio. Again, a version of this can be downloaded.

Definition of Variables
This section looks at the different types of store areas that are used in Python. We refer to
these store areas as “variables.” The different types can be numbers (integers or decimals),
characters, and different types of groups of these (strings, arrays, dictionaries, lists, or
In these examples, you can go to the command line and enter “Python” which starts up
the Python environment and produces “>>>” as the prompt for you to enter Python code.
In Python, unlike C, you don’t define the variable as a specific type. The different types
are integer, floating point, character, string, etc. The type is assigned when you give the
variable a value. So try the following code:

>>> a1 = 51
>>> print(type(a1))
We get the output
<class 'int'>

Here we are defining a variable called “a1” and we are assigning the integer value 51 to
We then call the function “print” with the parameter “type” and “a1” and we get the reply
“class ‘int’”. “type” means that we want to display whether the variable is an integer, floating
point, character, string, etc.
We can now exit the Python environment by typing “quit()”.
We will now perform the same function from a program.
Create a file called “typ1a.py”.
Then enter the following two lines of Python code:


Now on the command line, enter “python typ1a.py”.

And you should get the output

<class 'int'>

which is the same as our first example.

This is just demonstrating the equivalence of the two methods.
Obviously, if you want to run a program with many lines of code and possibly run it many
times, then having the code in a file is more efficient.
We can demonstrate different data types being stored in the same variable using the
following code:




When we run this, we get

<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'str'>

The 51 entered is an int. The 51.6 is a float (decimal) type, and ‘51’ is a string.
We can make the results a little clearer if we use print(“a1 is”, type(a1)).
So our program now reads

print("a1 is",type(a1))

print("a1 is",type(a1))

print("a1 is",type(a1))
and the output is

a1 is <class 'int'>
a1 is <class 'float'>
a1 is <class 'str'>

We can put a comment on our line of code by preceding it with the “#” character.

a1='51' #assign string containing 51 to variable a1

print("a1 is",type(a1)) # print the type assigned to a1

Some simple arithmetic operations are shown in the following.

The following code is held in the file “arith1.py”:


Initialize the variables v1, v2, v3, and v4 with integer values.

v1= 2
v2 = 4
v3 = 7
v4 = 8

Add v1 to v2 and store the result in v5.

v5 = v1 + v2

The result is

You can combine the adding with the print as follows:


Giving the same answer:

Now a subtraction:

v6 = v4 - v3

Now a multiplication:
v7 = v4 * v3

Now a division:

v8 = v4 / v1

v10 = v3 % v2 # the % sign means show the remainder of the


Raise by the power 2.

v11 = v2 ** 2

Raise to the power held in variable v1.

Here v2 contains 4 and v1 contains 2.

v11 = v2 ** v1

Show how Python obeys the rules of BODMAS (BIDMAS).

Here v2 contains 4, v1 contains 2, v3 contains 7, and v4 contains 8.

v11 = v1 + v2 * v4 - v3 # show BODMAS


Show how Python obeys the normal algebra rules.

v11 = (v1 + v2) * (v4 - v3)


Real (Float) Numbers

This type of number contains a decimal point. So, for the following assignments

V1 = 2
V2 = 3.5
V3 = 5.1
V4 = 6.75

we get

<class 'int'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'float'>
<class 'float'>

In Python, you can also assign characters to locations, for example:

c1 = 'a'
<class 'str'>

which means that c1 is classed as a string.

Now that we know what different types of variables we can have, we will look at how we
use them.

Reading in Data
Now that we can display a message to the person running our program, we can ask them to
type in a character, then read the character, and print it to the screen. This section looks at
how the user can enter data to be read by the program.
If we type in the command

vara = input()

the computer waits for the user to type in data.

So if you now enter r5, the computer stores r5 in the variable vara.
You can check this by printing the contents of vara by typing


which prints

We can make this more explicit by using

print("data typed in is:-", vara)

data typed in is:-r5

You can also make the entry command clearer to the user by entering

varb=input(“enter some data to be stored in varb”)

Then, again we can explicitly print out the contents

print("data typed in is:-", varb)

data typed in is:-r5

You have to use int(input) to enter an integer.

Otherwise, it is a string (one or more characters), for example:

n = int(input('Enter a number: '))

you enter 4
>>> print(type(n))
<class 'int'>

# Program to check input

# type in Python

num = input ("Enter number :")

#You could enter 5 here and it would store 5 as a string and not
as a number
>>> print(num)
>>> print ("type of number", type(num))
type of number <class 'str'>

#entering a float number (type 'float' before the 'input'

n = float(input('Enter a number: '))
Enter a number: 3.8
>>> print(type(n))
<class 'float'>
>>> print(n )

Now that we can enter data manually into the program, we will look at groups of data.
An array is an area of store which contains a number of items. So from our previous section
on integers, we can have a number of integers defined together with the same label. Python
does not have a default type of array, although we have different types of array.
So we can have an array of integers called “firstintarr” with the numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11,
and 13 in it. Each of the entries is called an “element,” and the individual elements of the
array can be referenced using its position in the array. The position is called the “index.” The
elements in the array have to be of the same type. The type is shown at the beginning of the
The array mechanism has to be imported into your program, as shown as follows:

from array import *

firstintarr = array('i', [2,3,5,7,11])

The ‘i’ in the definition of firstintarr means that the elements are integers.
And we can reference elements of the array using the index, for example:

v1 = firstintarr[3]

This outputs

We can also define floating point variables in an array by replacing the “i” by “f” in the
definition of the array.
So we can define

firstfloatarr = array( 'f', [0.2,4.3,21.9,7.7])

And we can now write

varfloat1 = firstfloatarr[1]

This will store 4.3 into varfloat1.

The array mechanism has to be imported into your program.
So at the start of each program, you need to include the code

from array import *

Once we have our array, we can insert, delete, search, or update elements into the array.
Array is a container which can hold a fix number of items, and these items should be of
the same type. Most of the data structures make use of arrays to implement their
algorithms. The following are the important terms to understand the concept of array:
Delete (remove)
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you to be interested in such matters, for all the trouble you and your
nose have been put to in discovering Emilia's abiding-place.
My acquaintance with Emilia commenced in a certain hill-top village
within easy walking distance of Florence. I was there honoured by
some slight intimacy with a worthy contadine who had one fair
daughter, by name Zita. Having a lustrous eye, a praiseworthy figure,
and a neat ankle, she had also a sufficiency of admirers, whose
fervour was not the less that she was generally regarded as likely to
receive an acceptable marriage-portion, as such things go
thereabouts. Nor was Zita at all averse to admiration, accepting all
that was offered with admirable resignation. Had Zita happened to
be the only young woman in the village desirous of admiration I
might never have become acquainted with Emilia. As things were,
Zita was one day attacked by an illness and took to her bed. There
was no apparent cause, and dark whispers began to go abroad of
jealousies, witchcraft, and what not. Their justice was proved within
three days by the discovery, in Zita's bed, of an ear of grass, two
hen's feathers, and a twig tied together by a strand of horsehair. The
whole had been neatly tucked away beneath the mattress, where it
might have remained undiscovered in a less cleanly household than
was the Morettis'. Doubt was at an end—obviously Zita was
bewitched, and the worst must be feared unless the spell could be
expeditiously removed.
In my ignorance I supposed that the local priest would be the proper
person to apply to in such a difficulty. But I was very soon convinced
of my mistake. To marry you, usher you into or out of the world, the
reverend gentleman may have his uses. But to ward off the ills of
witchcraft his ministrations are worse than useless, seeing that they
only serve to irritate the demons and thus make the patient's
sufferings more intense. All this provided, of course, that he be not
himself a stregone, a state of things more common than might be
supposed. But just as the priest is the one genuine authority on
Heaven, Purgatory, and the simpler issues of Hell, so, to grapple
with witchcraft, no one is so capable as a witch. And of all available
witches none was so efficient or, be it added, so moderate in her
charges as Emilia. She was, in fact, the family-witch of the Moretti
family, frequently called in and as frequently being entirely
successful in her treatment. She was, for that matter, long since
become a valued family friend, and—in fact, Emilia must be called in
without delay. I accompanied Zita's elder brother Luigi when he
visited Florence for the purpose, and with him and Emilia returned,
travelling part of the way by electric tramcar, the conductor being, as
it chanced, an acquaintance of my companions, and, as such,
chatting pleasantly with Emilia concerning her profession,
contrasting it favourably with his own. Exactly what counter-charms
she used in Zita's treatment I was not privileged to know; at least, I
can testify that they were entirely successful, and that within a very
short time Zita was herself again, breaking her usual quantity of
hearts round and about the village well, and openly jeering at the
rival beauty to whom she attributed her indisposition, for the ill-
success that had attended her. If I cannot claim that through Zita's
bewitching and its cure I gained much knowledge of Italian witchcraft
as presently understood, I may at least instance it as an example of
the matter-of-fact way in which its existence is accepted by the
modern Tuscan peasant. He regards it indeed with as little, or less,
perturbation as the coming of the motor-car. Just as the motor has
become a danger on every road, so the evil spirit throngs every field.
You may take precautions against him and the ill-deeds done by him
at the witch's bidding—just as you look carefully round before
crossing a road nowadays—you may string bells or weave feathers
on your horse's head-dress as preventatives, or make the requisite
sign whenever you have reason to believe yourself within the radius
of an evil eye; but accidents will happen—and it is always well to
know the address of such a dependable practitioner as Emilia, in
case. For that matter, you may sometimes desire to have a spell cast
on your own account—it is difficult to go through life without a quarrel
or two—and in that case also Emilia——But I am becoming
Another witch with whom I have had personal dealings lives—or did
live, for she was reported to be more than one hundred years of age
at the time—in a small town, locally termed a city, in North Carolina. I
must frankly admit that I learned even less of magical knowledge
from her than from her Italian colleague. She was a negress, and
having heard of her existence from the coloured coachman of the
friend in whose house I was staying, I determined to leave no stone
unturned to make her acquaintance. I hoped to glean from her lips
some particulars of the extent to which Voodooism—elsewhere
referred to in this volume—is still practised by the American negro—
a fact of which I was repeatedly assured by Southern friends. I was
signally disappointed; the old lady would not, in fact, condescend so
much as to open her lips to me at all. She lived with her son, who
held a position of some trust in connection with the Coloured Baptist
Church, in one of the wooden shanties which make up the Coloured
town. They stand at some little distance from the august quarters
inhabited by the white gentry, and the approach is rendered almost
impossible upon a wet day by oceans of brick-red mud of incredible
prehensibility. The old lady I found crouching over a fire in approved
witch-fashion, her attention entirely devoted to the contents of a pot
set upon the hob. However it might suggest a magical brew, it
consisted in actual fact of broiling chickens, very savoury to the smell
and speaking well for the worldly prosperity of Coloured Baptist
office-holders. So concentrated were her few remaining senses
thereon, to the exclusion of all else, that although her son
supplemented my own efforts and those of my guide in
endeavouring to attract her attention, she would not so much as turn
her be-handkerchiefed head in my direction. So concerned was the
deacon—if that were his actual rank—at his mother's neglect, that I
was driven to console him by accepting him as guide through the
beauties of the Coloured cemetery near by. It is true that the
cemetery was not without its human—its pathetically human—
interest, the grave of each child being watched over by the humble
toys it had played with in its lifetime, and those of adults by the
medicine-bottles, even down to the last, half-emptied, made use of in
their illness—this tribute being intended as mute testimony to the
care expended upon them. But it could not console me for the lost
opportunity. Nevertheless I can vouch for it that the old lady was a
witch, and of no small eminence, for her son told me so himself,
instancing examples of her power, and he was a very good Christian.
Less elusive, although in some respects scarcely more enlightening,
was an interview I once had with a middle-aged witch of unpleasing
exterior in the kitchen of the suburban house tenanted by a relative.
To the practice of witchcraft this example added the collecting of old
bottles and kitchen refuse as a means of livelihood, and she lived, as
the police afterwards informed us, in a caravan temporarily moored
on a piece of waste land in the neighbourhood of Hammersmith
Broadway. The mistress of the house, having occasion to enter the
kitchen, there found her seated at the table, unravelling the
mysteries of Fate to the cook and scullery-maid by the aid of a very
greasy pack of playing-cards. Whatever her pretensions to
knowledge of the lower world, she had obviously been drinking—so
much so, indeed, that I was called upon for aid in ejecting her from
the premises. A large woman, of determined aspect and an
aggressive tongue, this might have proved a task of some difficulty
had I not luckily bethought me of adjuring her in German, before
which she slowly retreated, cursing volubly in English the while, until
she had reached the area-steps, when we were able to lock the back
door upon her and so be rid of her. It appeared on subsequent
inquiry that she had obtained sums amounting in all to some 17s. 6d.
from among the domestics, the greater part being the price of
informing the aforesaid scullery-maid that her young man, then
serving his country in India, still remained faithful to her memory.
This information proved in due course to be well founded, the gallant
warrior returning six months later filled with amatory ardour. It is true
that the witch forgot to mention that by that time he would be ousted
from Griselda's heart by—if I remember aright—a dashing young
milkman, and that he would incur a fine of _circa_ 40s. for assaulting
and battering him thereafter. Nevertheless public feeling below-stairs
remained strongly in favour of the ejected sorceress, and no minor
domestic mishap could happen for weeks thereafter but it was set
down as directly resulting from the witch's departing curses.
One other incursion into the World of Magic lingers in my memory as
having taken place in a seaside town that shall be nameless. While
there passing a holiday with some friends, I frequently observed
large yellow handbills, and even posters, setting forth that a lady,
who from her name appeared to be of Oriental antecedents, was
prepared to cast horoscopes, read palms, and arrange all kinds of
personally conducted tours into the future at fees which could only
be described as ridiculous. It so happened that among the members
of the party was a young lady who was then in the throes of her last
love-affair. Naturally anxious to learn its future course, she, it
appears, consulted the seeress, whom I will call, though it was not
her name, Madame Fatimah. So remarkable did the results appear
that the convert felt it her duty to acquaint the rest of us therewith.
The fame of Madame Fatimah was not long in penetrating to my
ears, and the day came when I found myself waiting upon the witch's
doorstep. She was lodged in a back street some little distance from
the centre of the town, in one of those lodging-houses which make a
point of advertising that they possess a fine sea view, as indeed they
may if you ascend to the roof or extend your body out of window at
an acute angle. Certainly no less promising hunting-ground for the
witch-finder could be imagined. Madame occupied the first floor, and
delivered her prognostications amid an Early-Victorian atmosphere
of horsehair and antimacassars that was not altogether
unimpressive, though speaking of the past rather than of the future.
She was middle-aged, of comfortable rotundity, and dressed in a
black silk dress, over which was thrown a Japanese kimono
embroidered with wild geese. Doubtless from the long residence in
the Orient, to which she took an early opportunity of referring, and
where she had studied her art at the fountain-head from the lips of a
native gentleman very well known in magic circles, and very likely to
the Evil One himself, judging from Madame Fatimah's account of his
prowess, but whose name I can only vaguely remember as sounding
something like Yogi Chandra Dass—doubtless owing, I say, to her
long absence from England, for I understood that she was originally
of British birth, though married early in life to a Turkish or Indian
magician of some note, she had acquired a habit of either leaving
out her aspirates altogether or putting them in the wrong place. She
was as businesslike as she was affable, and detailed the various
methods by which I could be made acquainted with my past and
future, at charges ranging from 2s. 6d. to 10s., with a crisp
incisiveness. Having chosen what Madame described as "the
crystal" at 5s., she at once seized both my hands in hers and gazed
narrowly into my face, giving me the opportunity of myself reading
her past nearly enough to know that onions had been included in the
ingredients of her lunch. Satisfied, I trust, of my respectability, she
produced a round ball of glass or crystal and placed it on a black
ebony stand upon a table. Then, having darkened the room, made
several gestures, which I took for incantations, with her hands, and
muttered certain mystic formulas, she commanded me to gaze into
the crystal and tell her what I saw in its depths. I regret to say that
my willingness to oblige now led me into an indiscretion. Being in
actual fact unable to see anything at all, I was yet so anxious to
appear worthy that I imagined something I might expect to see. It
took the form of a brown baby, two crossed swords, and what might
be either an elephant lying on his back with his legs in the air, or the
church of Saint John, Westminster, seen from the north-west, the
details being too hazy for me to speak with absolute certainty.
Madame Fatimah seemed slightly disconcerted at first, but I am
bound to admit that she very soon displayed abundance of _savoir
faire_, to say nothing of a sense of humour, for without any further
waste of time she announced that I must look forward to a life of
misfortune, that whether in business, in love, or in pleasure I could
expect nothing but disaster, and that I should inevitably suffer death
by hanging in my sixty-seventh year. Let me only add that I paid her
modest fee with the greatest willingness, and that I have ever since
remained convinced that the modern witch is no whit behind her
mediæval predecessor in those qualities which led her to so high a
place in the public estimation.
I have instanced these few examples of my personal knowledge of
witches and witchcraft not as throwing any light either upon their
claims or their methods, but simply as some proof of what I have
adduced earlier in this volume, that belief in witchcraft, under one
form or another, is as widely prevalent in the modern civilised world
as ever it was, and that it is ever likely to remain so. Nor does the
fact that rogues and vagabonds not a few have availed themselves
of its time-honoured respectability as a cloak for their petty
depredations at all detract from its claims to respectful credence.
That great faith is yet to be whose fundamental truths cannot be
turned to the advantage of the charlatan, the swindler and the sham
devotee—the greater the faith, indeed, so much the greater is, and
must be, the number of its exploiters, battening upon the devotion of
the faithful. Nevertheless, it is not upon questions of credibility or
faith alone that the world-empire of the witch is founded.
Demonstrably true or proven false, the cult of witchcraft has existed
from the beginning and will continue until the end of history.
Worshipped or reviled, praised, persecuted or condemned, witchcraft
and the witch have endured and will endure while there remains one
man or woman on the earth capable of dreading the Unknown.
Rejoice or grieve as you will the witch is the expression of one of the
greatest of human needs—that of escaping from humanity and its
limitable environment—of one of the greatest of human world-
movements, the revolt against the Inevitable. She does and must
exist, for the strongest of all reasons, that constituted as it is
humanity could not exist without her.

The principal authorities made use of in this volume, and not referred
to in the text, are given in the following list. The dates do not
necessarily refer to the original year of publication, but to the edition
made use of:—

Adams, W.H. "Witch, Warlock and Magician." 1889.

Ainsworth, H. "The Lancashire Witches."
Andersen, Hans. "Fairy Tales."
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Boulton, Rich. "A Compleat History of Magick, Sorcery and
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Cassel, P. "On Popular Rhymes and Charms." 1890.
Davies, T. W. "Magic and Divination among the Hebrews." 1898.
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Frazer, J. G. "The Golden Bough." 1900.
Gomme, G. L. "Handbook of Folklore." 1890.
Gould, S. Baring. "Old English Fairy Tales." 1895.
Gould, S. Baring. "The Book of Were Wolves." 1865.
Grimm. "Deutsche Mythologie."
Harrison, F. (Edit.). "The New Calendar of Great Men." 1892.
Holland, H. "A Treatise against Witchcraft." 1890.
Horace. Sir Theodore Martin's Translation. 1861.
Hughes, T. P. "Dictionary of Islam." 1896.
Hutchinson, F. "Historical Essay on Witchcraft." 1718.
Inman. "Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names."
Innes, J. W. "Scottish Witchcraft Trials." 1880, &c.
James I. "Dæmonologia." 1597.
Jastrow, M. "Religion of Babylonia and Assyria." 1895.
John, C. H. W. "The Oldest Code of Laws in the World."
King, L. W. "Babylonian Magic and Sorcery." 1896.
Lancre, Pierre de. "Tableau de l'Inconstance des Mauvais
Anges." 1612.
Lane, E. W. "Arabian Nights" Translation. 1901.
Law, R. "Memorialls of the Memorable Things that fell out Within
this Island of Brittain from 1638-1684."
Lecky, W. E. "History of Rationalism." 1869.
Leland, C. G. "Aradia, or the Gospel of the Witches." 1899.
Linton, E. Lynn. "Witch Stories." 1861.
Maspero, G. "The Dawn of Civilization." 1901.
Mather, Cotton. "Memorable Providences relating to Witchcraft."
Mather, Cotton. "The Wonders of the Invisible World." 1693.
Maury, A. "La Magie et l'Astrologie." 1860.
Melton, J. "Astrologastra." 1620.
Meinhold, W. "Maria Schweidler, die Bernstein-Hexe." 1843.
Meinhold, W. "Sidonia von Bork." 1848.
Michelet, J. "La Sorcière."
Middlemore, Mrs. "Spanish Tales." 1885.
Mitford, A. "Tales of Old Japan." 1876.
Müller, W. Max. "Die Liebespoesie der alten Ægypten." 1897.
Nevins, W. S. "Witchcraft in Salem Village." 1892.
Nares, R. "A Glossary." 1857.
Pearson, K. "The Chances of Death and other Studies in
Evolution." 1897.
Pitcairn, R. "Criminal Trials in Scotland." 1833.
Plato. "Laws."
Pliny. "Natural History."
Plutarch. "Lives."
Scot, R. "The Discoverie of Witchcraft." 1584.
Scott, Sir Walter. "Demonology and Witchcraft."
Sepp, J. N. "Orient ŭnd Occident." 1903.
Sharpe, C. K. "History of Witchcraft in Scotland." 1884.
Sinclair, Geo. "Satan's Invisible World Displayed."
Smith. "Dictionary of the Bible."
Sprenger. "Malleus Maleficarum." 1486.
Saladin. "Witchcraft in Christian Countries." 1882.
Theocritus. Translation Bion and Moschus.
Wiedemann, A. "Religion of the Ancient Egyptians." 1897.
Wierus, J. "De Præstigiis." 1563.
Wright, Thomas. "Narrative of Sorcery and Magic."

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seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

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