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अनुबंध मांक|Contract No: GEMC-511687728457395

अनुबंध त थ|Generated Date : 13-Mar-2024

संगठन ववरण|Organisation Details खरीदार ववरण|Buyer Details

प|Type : Statutory bodies पद|Designation : Secondary user
मं ालय|Ministry : Ministry of Labour and Employment संपक नंबर|Contact No. : -9864043685-
वभाग|Department : NA ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
संगठन का नाम|Organisation Name : Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
कायालय े |Office Zone: ESIC Model Hospital Beltola Guwahati ESIC Model Hospital Beltola Jayanagar,
पता|Address :
KAMRUP, ASSAM-781022, India

व ीय वीकृ त ववरण|Financial Approval Detail भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण|Paying Authority Details

आईएफडी सहम त|IFD Concurrence : No Role: PAO
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम| भुगतान का तरीका|
Medical Superintendent Offline
Designation of Administrative Approval: Payment Mode:
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम| पद|Designation : PAO
Designation of Financial Approval : ईमेल आईडी|Email ID :
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : -
ESIC Model Hospital Beltola Jayanagar,
Kamrup, ASSAM-781022, India

व े ता ववरण|Seller Details
जेम व े ता आईडी|GeM Seller ID : KX0O210003498940
कंपनी का नाम|Company Name : M/S MUDIT SURGICALS
संपक नंबर|Contact No. : 07011385619
पता| Address :
Gorakhpur, UTTAR PRADESH-273001, -
एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या|MSME Registration number : UDYAM-UP-32-0012615
एमएसई सामा जक ेणी|MSE Social Category : General
एमएसई लंग ेणी|MSE Gender : Male
जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN: 09ABSPK9034B1ZH

* जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा|GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of - Buyer

वतरण नदश | Delivery Instructions : NA

उ पाद ववरण|Product Details

मू य
(INR म सभी
कर वभाजन
आइटम इकाई मू य शु क और कर
ववरण| इकाई | (INR)| स हत)|
# आइटम ववरण|Item Description Tax
Ordered Unit Unit Price Price
Quantity (INR) (Inclusive of
all Duties and
Taxes in INR)
उ पाद का नाम |Product Name : CRYSTO-CARE--CRYSTAL HYGIENE X-Ray Detectable Absorbent
Cotton Gauze , 25 cm x 25 cm
ांड कार|Brand Type : Unregistered Brand
कैटलॉग क त|Catalogue Status: OEM verified catalogue
1 300 pieces 38.4 NA 11,520
कैसे बेचा जा रहा है|Selling As : OEM verified Reseller
ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश|Category Name & Quadrant : X - Ray Detectable Absorbent Cotton Gauze
एचएसएन कोड|HSN Code: 9018

कुल ऑडर मू य |Total Order Value (in INR) 11,520

परे षती ववरण|Consignee Detail

वतरण पूरा कब
दनांक के बाद
तक करना है|
डलीवरी शु
लॉट नंबर| Delivery To
.सं.|S.No परे षती|Consignee व तु|Item मा ा|Quantity करना है|
Lot No. Be
Delivery Start
पद| Designation : Consignee1 CRYSTO-CARE--CRYSTAL
ईमेल आईडी|Email ID : HYGIENE X-Ray
संपक|Contact : -9706073270-
1 जीएसट आईएन|GSTIN : - Detectable Absorbent - 300 13-Mar-2024 28-Mar-2024
पता|Address : ESIC Model Hospital Beltola Jayanagar, Cotton Gauze , 25 cm x
KAMRUP, ASSAM-781022, India 25 cm

Product Specification for CRYSTO-CARE--CRYSTAL HYGIENE X-Ray Detectable Absorbent Cotton Gauze , 25 cm x 25 cm

व नदश|Specification उप- व नदश|Sub-Spec मू य|Value

Product Description X-Ray Detectable Absorbent Cotton Gauze

X-ray detectable absorbent cotton gauze is used in healthcare settings, particularly in

surgical procedures and wound management. It is designed to be easily visible on X-ray
images, which helps medical professionals monitor the positioning and location of the
gauze during and after procedures

Conformity to standard IS 16950 (Latest Revision) (Copy Attached)

Workmanship and finish as per IS 16950 Yes

Absorbent cotton gauze incorporated with an X-Ray

Opaque component consisting of a distinctly coloured and Yes
continuous yarn
INFORMATION Distinctly coloured X-Ray opaque component Yes

X-Ray opaque component yarn type Mono-filament

Method of attaching X- Ray detectable thread to the Gauze Woven into the Fabric

Free for toxic and harmful substances Yes

X-ray detectable absorbent cotton gauze shall conform to

the performanct requirements specified in Table 1 of IS Yes
16950 (Latest Revision)

Fiber Identification Cotton

Moisture content (%) ≤8

Weight per square meter (g/m2) ≥ 14

Threads per dm, Warp 69 to 77

PERFORMANCE Threads per dm, Weft 53 to 61

Absorbency (Sinking time in seconds) ≤10

pH of aqueous extract 6.5 to 7.5

Water soluble substances (%) ≤ 0.5

Residual starch Absent

Ether soluble substances (%) ≤ 0.4

Weight of X-ray detectable thread (g/m2) ≥ 0.28

Barium sulfate content in X-ray detectable thread (%) ≥ 55%

Size (width x length) 25 cm x 25 cm

Number of plies 12

Packing & marking shall be done as per the provisions

mentioned in IS 16950 (Latest Revision)

Compliance to Medical Device Rules (MDR) 2017 as

amended till date

Availability of valid drug/ Medical Device license for the

product issued from the competent authority defined
under Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Rules made there
under as amended till date

Valid Drug/ Medical Device License Number MFG/MD/2020/000280

Manufacturing unit certification ISO:13485 (Latest)
Additional voluntary certification available NA

Availability of Test Report for each supplied batch/product

as per Medical Device Rules (MDR) 2017 as amended till Yes

Submission of all necessary certifications, licenses and test

reports to the buyer at the time of bid submission and/or Yes
along with supplies as per buyer requirement

Shelf life in months from the date of manufacture 36 month

SHELF LIFE Minimum shelf life of the product at the time of delivery to
the consignee 3/4 th of Total Shelf Life

Agree to provide advance sample of the product for

ADVANCE SAMPLE buyer's approval before commencement of supply in case Yes
of bidding

Additional Requirement NA

व े ता व श ता द तावेज़|Seller Specification Document:
1. Applicable Specification Document

ईपीबीजी ववरण | ePBG Detail


नयम और शत|Terms and Conditions

1. Special terms and conditions- Version:1 effective from 06-10-2023

1.1 1 . All Provisions of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules (including Medical Device Rule 2017) made there under as amended till date will always be applicable. This
will include all notifications issued by Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) and Department of
Pharmaceuticals (DOP), Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers time to time in this regard.
2 . The sellers are registered on GeM based on the submission of valid Drug License and self declaration of product certification, test reports etc. However, buyers must
check and validate the details at their end for all applicable licenses and certifications e.g., validity and authenticity/genuineness of drug license, product
certification, manufacturer certification/licenses, test reports etc.
3 . In case of authorized resellers/distributors, it will be the legal & regulatory liability of the manufacturer to ensure that their resellers/distributors are operating in
compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and are properly licensed to sell the manufacturer's products, including verifying the validity and authenticity of
drug license held by them.
4 . The price offered by the seller/bidder shall not, in any case exceed the DPCO/NPPA controlled price or price fixed by State Government, if any. The seller must reduce
the prices if there is any reduction in DPCO/NPPA ceiling price or price fixed by State Government, if any.
5 . Any other Terms and Conditions which is not included or at variance with the conditions specified in STC/GTC, may be added by the buyer through Additional Terms
and Conditions (ATC) in the bid to ensure items are procured from authentic/validated source with appropriate and applicable quality. The above terms and
conditions are in reverse order of precedence i.e. ATC shall supersede specific STC which shall supersede General Terms and Conditions (GTC), whenever there are
any conflicting provisions.

2. General Terms and Conditions-

2.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions , conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the Marketplace.
2.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance with the General Terms and
Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions
(ATC), as applicable

नोट: यह स टम जनरेटेड फाइल है। कोई ह ता र क आव यकता नह है। इस द तावेज़ का ंट आउट भुगतान/लेनदे न उ े य के लए मा य नह है।

Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required. Print out of this document is not valid for payment/ transaction purpose.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally Signed.
Date: 13-Mar-2024

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