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BE VI- Semester (AICTE)(Main) Examination, October 2021

Subject Industrial Robotics (Open Elective - I)
Time: 2 Hours Max marks: 70

Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed

Note: Answer any five questions. (5x2=10 Marks)
1. Define accuracy and repeatabilitywith respect to a manipulator

2. Distinguish between dexterous and reachable workspace of manipulator

3. List the specificationsof welding robot

4. Explain

5. List
briefly the applications of proximity sensor

the applications Euler-angles in robotics

in robotics
6. Explain what is the importance of homogenous transformation?
7. Explain the various illuminationtechniques used in robot vision
8. Compare digitization and object recognition techniques

9. Discuss briefly about Lead through programming

10.List few sensor commands used in robot programming languages.

Note: Answer any four questions. (4x15-60Marks)
11 Compare the basic arm configurationsof a cylindrical and polar manipulator
mentioning their advantages,limitations and applications.

12 a) Explain the principle and working of LVDT

b) Explaintany two types of proximity and tactile sensors used in robotics?

13Explain the steps involved to solve a forward kinematics problem by using D-H

14 Distinguish the techniques of image processing and

segmentation for robots

15 a) Explain the characteristicsof robot level

languages and task level languages
b) Explain how AGV works and illustrate few applications that use AGVs.
16 a) Explain the various factors to be
considered for a gripper selection and
b) Explain the triangulation principle with reference to a manipulator
17 Distinguish between resolvers and optical encoders, also mention its applications
In robotics.
(Backlog) 2020
Time: 2Hours Subject: Industrial
Examination, October/November
Robotics (Elective-1)
Max. Marks: 70
Answer anyfive PART -A
Comnpare questions.
2, Which repeatedlyand
type of accuracyfor a
(5x2 10 Marks) =
3. Explain robot arm.
manipulator is
4. What thewNorking of an suited for
isteach LVDT as a sensor. loading/unloading?
5. Whatis pendant
6. What istemplate matching programming?
7. Sketch redundancy with computer vision?
8. What is the workspace of respect to degrerees of freedom of a robot?
a cylindrical
an interlock in
9. What are a (R-P-P)robotarm.

robot workcell?
10. In the applications of
2-fingered and
figure shown, 3-fingered
findthe grippers
rotation matrixthat relates frame B to Rrame A.

Note: Answer any four OPART -B

11.a)Whatarethe quesions.) (4x15 =60 Marks)
b) Explain the working
and applcationofa
spray painting oa
12. a) What arethe major Vacuum gripper.
considerationsin the selection of a
b) Explain working of sensors for industrial robots?
a rangesensor.
13. a) Frame 1 is rotated by45° aboutx-axis followedby rotation
obtain frame of 30° about currentz-axis,to
2. Apoint has coordinates(2,4,5) in
Frame 1. Frame 2. What are its coordinates in
b) How is an end pornt force/torquerelated
to the static torques/forcesat the
14.Explainthe object descriptor or geometricfeatures
extracted from an image.
15. a) ExplainequivalentUniform
Annual Cost method for introduction of robotic
b)Whatare the typical characteristics of robot programming
16.a) Write an algorithm for inverse
kinematics solution of a typical 6-dof robot
b) State important factorsthat have led to use of arm.
robots in many industries.

17.a)What arethe safety considerationsto be attended to

for theuse of robots in
b)Explain the operations of an RCC device used in assembly operations.
Code No: 14729/CBCS/BL
Semester (CBCS) (Backlog) October 2021
Time: 2Hours Subject: Industrial
Robotics (Open Elective-)
Max marks: 70
Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed

Note: Answers any five
questions. (5x2=10 Marks)
1. Define
work envelope
2. Whatis screw
3. Define

4. Compare

6. How many
and Contrast
5. Define Jacobian and explain its
Various Motion Control methods


Degrees of freedom are required for welding complex contour?

7. DefineLagrangian of a manipulator and mentiontin its importance
8. List the applications of Robot Vision

9. What do you understand by term "Intertia Tensor"?

10.Differentiatebetween direct and indirect kinematics


Note: Answers any four questions (4x15=60 Marks)

11 Obtain the overall transformation matrix for the 2-DOF RR'type of planar robot.

12 a) Explain about the Robot Anatomy

b) Write short notes on various grippers
13 a) What is SCARA robot configurationand explain its applications?
b) Explainthe different steps involved in machine vision process
14 a) Define rotation matrix and list its properties
b) Withaneat sketch,explain any one technique of Image acquisition used in

15 a) Write short notes on various commands used in VAL Programming
b) What are the characteristics of task level languages?
16 a) Compare and contract various drives used in Robots
b) Write neat sketch explain the working principal of
i)Position sensor i)Velocity sensor ii)Proximity sensor
17 Write short notes on:
a) Economic analysis of Robots
b) application of Robots in i) Spray painting ii) spot welding

Code No: E-5231/0/BLIAICTE
B.E. VI-Semester (AICTE) (Old) (Backlog) Examination, September /October 2023

Subject: Industrial Robotics (0.E-1)

ime: 3Hours Max. Marks: 70
(Missing data, if any, may be suitablyassumed)
Note: Answer all the questions. (10 x2 = 20Marks)
1. Classify Robotsbased on Drive technology?
2. Differentiate between accuracy and repeatability?
3. What is aSensor? Mention few desirable featuresof Robot Sensor?
4. Classifythe different Proximitysensors?
5. Itis desired to position the origin of the hand frame of Cartesian robot at.point P=[3,4,7]"calculate
the necessary Cartesian coordinate motions that need to be made.
6. What doyou mean by degeneracy and dexterity?
7. Differentiate between Direct and Inverse Kinematics?
8. Enumerate various Robot inspectionmethods?
9. What arethe characteristics of Robot Programming Languages?
10.Explain Teach pendant Programming.

Note: Answer any five questions. (5 x 10 =50 Marks)

components of a robot system?

11.With the help of a neat sketch explainthe

used in robots?
12.Explain briefly the various types of jointsIpairs

and explain in detail?

13.Classify the Robotic sensors

of robots?
of DH parameters in kinematics
14.(a) Explain the use orientation of a body?
angles method for specifying
(b)Explain Euler and RPY
2 degree of freedom arm and
of manipulator for a
inverse kinematics equations
15.Derive forward&
3degree of freedom arm?

Vision System of
a Robot?
16.Explain Machine

a robot?
17.Write short notes on selecting
be considered while
which should
(a)List out the characteristics
of Robots in
of Gripper mechanisms k*****
(c)Various types
B.E. VI- Semester
(AlCTE) (Main) (New)
Examination, September
Time: 3Hours Subject: Industrial Robotics (0.E-1)
Note: () First question is Max. Marks: 70
compulsory and answer any four questions
remaining six questions. Each questions from the
14 Marks.
(ii) Answer to each question must be written carries
atone place only and in the same
order as they occur in the question paper.
(iii)Missing data, if any, may be

1. a) What are the specifications of robots?

b) Define the following
()Degrees of freedom of a robot (ii) Work space of a robot
c) Differentiate between Accuracy and Repeatablityof a robot
d) Explain the working principle of an Halleffect sensor.

e)Differentiate between Direct and Inverse Kinematics.
What is quantizationerror? How is it corrected?
g) List different types of motion commands.

in the fields of
2. Explain the applicationsof robots
a)Welding and b) Assembly

their use in robots.

of sensors and explain
3. Classify different types

4. a)Explain the use of

DH parameters in kinematicsof robots. of a body.
for specifying orientation
angles method
b)Explain Euler and RPY
used in Machine
various Lightening techniques Machine vision.
5. a)Explain object Recognition
stages of

Features Extraction and


the following terms

6. Briefly explain
a) Pay-load
c) Precision

notes on:
7.Write short

a)Task level languages.

b) Image data k*
Torque sensors
c) Force and
VI-Semester FACULTY OF Code No:
Time:3 Hours E.Examination, September /
Subject: October 2023
(Missing data, (0.E-1)
Note: if
Answer allthe
any, may be suitably Max. Marks: 70
1. What questions. PART-A assumed)
are the
2. specifications of a (10 x2=20Marks)
Enumerate various Robot?
Explain the Robot
working Applications?
4. principle
Classify the LVDT?
5. Proximity
Calculate the joint sensors?
at [3,4,7]|T variables ofthe
robot to place the origin of the hand frame of a cylindricalrobot
6.What do you
mean by degeneracy
7. What is and dexterity?
Data reduction,
8. What is Sensing Segmentation and Feature Extraction?
and Digitizingof
9. What is the difference imagedata?
between Teach pendant programming
and Lead througn
10.What are the motion commands available in VAL programming?

Note: Answer any five questions. (5 x 10 = 50Marks)
four basic robot configurations classified according to the coordinate
11. Explain in detail about

system? Explain the various Technical specificationsof a Robot?

12.With the help of a neat sketch give the description of "Articulated

general purpose robots?

13. Discuss in brief about Programmable/reprogrammable

their uses in Robots?

and their characteristics.Explain
14.Classify different types of sensors

of a robot?
the D-Hrepresentation of a general-purpose joint-link

in Image Processing and Analysis.

16.Explain the various techniques

the following
17. Explain briefly
and Vision
(a)Robot sensing
(b) Proximity Sensors
(c) Magnetic Grippers ******
Backlog) Examination,
B.E. VI-Semester (AICTE) (Main
September/ October 2022-
Subject: Industrial Robotics (0.E-I)

Max.Marks: 70
Time: 3 Hours
(Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed)
Note: Answerall the questions. (10 x 220 Marka)
1. Define DOF and Work space of a robot.
2. Differentiatebetween Accuracy and Repeatability of a robot.
3. List fourdesirable features ofa sensor.
4. What is inverse kinematics problem?
5. State the reasons for homogenous transformation matrix.
6. What is meant by redundancy in robots?
7. Define Robot Vision. Write the purpose of Image prOcessing stage.
8. Explain how the data reduction can be done in robots.
9. What is meant by range and proximity sensor?
10.What are the different methods of economic analysis of robots?

Note: Answer any five questions.
(5 x10 60 Mark)
11.(a)Explain the functions of
basic components of a robot with a neat sketoh.
(b) Sketch the following robots
indicating the joints, degrees of
freedom and thelr
(0) SCARA robot (ii) Gantry robot.

12. (a)Explain the use of sensors in robots.

(b)Explain differenttypes of
position and Range sensors used in robots.

13.(a) Explain various Lightening

techniques used in Machine vision.
(b) Explain FeaturesExtraction and
object Recognition stages of
Machine vislon.

14.(a) Derive the forward

inematics matrix for an articulatedrobot arm
convention? (3-axisiusirid DH
(b)Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using robots in industry

15. (a) Explain the link and joint parameters in robot with sketch.
(b)Explain Euler and RPY angle method for specification
orientationof a bady.
16. (a) Explain VAL programming of robots.
b) Explain teach pendant programming of

17.Write short notes on:

(a) 2 fingered and fingered
3 grippers.
(b) Pay back method
(c) RGV and AGV.
l April 2022
B. E. VI -Semester (AICTE) (Backlog)Examination, March
Subject: Industrial Robotics

Open Elective - I

Max. Marks: 70
Time: 3Hours
any, may be suitably assumed)
(Missing data,

(10 x 2 =20 Marks)

Note: Answer all questions.

with respectto a manipulator.

1. Define accuracy and repeatability
and work-envelope.
2. Differentiate between workspace
a piezoelectric sensor works.
3. Explainthe principle on which
4. Explainbriefly about resolvers.
5. What are RPY-angles? Give
6. What is mobility
its applications

of a manipulator?

7. Explain the various illumination

in robotics.

techniques used in robot vision.

8. Compare digitization and object

9. List few end-effector commands

used in robot programming language.
analysis of robots.
10. Explain briefly about the economic

Note: Answer any five questions. (5x 10 =50 Marks)

11 Compare the basic arm configurations of a cylindrical and polar robot

manipulator giving their advantages,limitations and applications.

and encoders, also give its

12 (a) Distinguish between resolvers optical

applications in robotics.

(b) Explain any two types of position sensors used in robotics?

13 Solve and obtain the position and orientation of the tool point P with respect to
the basefor the 2-DOF, RP planar manipulator.

14 Explain the various techniquesof image processing, and segmentationfor robot


15 (a) Explain the characteristics of robot level languages and task level


(b) Explain how AGV works and illustrate few applications that use AGVs.

16 (a) Explain Euler-anglesand give its application.

(b) Sketch any two types of mechanical and one pneumatic end-effectors.

17 Write shortnotes on the following:

(a) DH - Convention

(b) Drives used in industrial robots.

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