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Department of Computer Science

Assignment – I

Course – MCA Sem: 1ST

Subject-Computer Organization and Architecture

Subject Code – MCA105

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions - 1, 2 & 3.

Long Questions - 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q1. What is bus? Give in brief about bus architecture.

Q2. What do you mean by bus arbitration?

Q3. What is register? Explain some registers.

Q4. What is processor organization?

Q5. What are addressing modes? Explain

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology
Assignment – I

Course – BCA Sem: 5th

Subject- Software Engineering

Subject Code – BCA 504

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions - 1, 2 & 3.

Long Questions - 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q1. What do you mean by SDLC framework?

Q2. What is prototype model? Explain

Q3. What do you mean by requirement engineering?

Q4. What is SRS? What are nature of SRS?

Q5. Explain DFD and ER diagram

Kalinga University
Department of Computer Science
Subject-Computer Organization & Architecture
Subject Code- MCA105 Sem-1st

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

* For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
* For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

1. What is he full Abbrevation of ALU? Write Features of it.

2. What are the operations performed by ALU. List them?
3. Explain Signed Operand Multiplication?
4. Explain Booth’s Algorithm?
5. Explain in detail Floating Point Arithmetic Operations?
Kalinga University

Department of Computer Science

Assignment 3

Course – MCA Sem: 1st

Subject-Computer Organization and Architecture

Subject Code –MCA105

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q1. What is instruction? Give its types?

Q2. What do you mean by pipelining? Explain with diagram?

Q3. What is program control? Explain its types?

Q4. Explain RISC with diagram? Give its characteristics?

Q5. Give the differences between hardwired and micro programmed control unit?
Kalinga University

Department of Computer Science

Assignment 4

Course – MCA Sem: 1st

Subject-Computer Organization and Architecture

Subject Code –MCA105

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q1. Explain ROM.

Q2. Explain Virtual memory.

Q3. Explain Auxilary memory.

Q4. Explain the cache memory.

Q5. Explain Cache memory concepts and design issuses.

Kalinga University

Department of Computer Science

Assignment 5

Course – MCA Sem: 1st

Subject-Computer Organization and Architecture

Subject Code –MCA105

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q1. What is Periperal devices?

Q2. Explain types of interrupts.

Q3. Explain the serial communication.

Q4. Explain types of interrupts and exceptions.

Q5. Explain DMA in detail.

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