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Department of CS & IT

Assignment – I

Course – MCA
Subject – Compiler Design
Subject Code – MCA106E Sem- 1st

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions - 1, 2 & 3.
Long Questions - 4 & 5.


*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.

*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q.1 What is compiler, explain about it’s working?

Q.2 Define single pass & multi pass compilers.

Q.3 What do you mean by translation in programming?

Q.4 Describe the various phases of compiler, in detail.

Q.5 Explain Finite automata with example.


Department of CS & IT

Assignment – I

Course – MCA
Subject – Compiler Design
Subject Code – MCA106E Sem- 1st

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions - 1, 2 & 3.
Long Questions - 4 & 5.


*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.

*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q.1 What is Synthesized and inherited attributes?

Q.2 What is L-attributed and S-attributed?

Q.3Explain in detail about Back-patching Technique.

Q.4 Explain different types of intermediate code representations?

Q.5 Explain different types of intermediate code representations.


Department of CS & IT

Assignment – IV

Course – MCA
Subject – Compiler Design
Subject Code – MCA106E Sem- 1st

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions - 1, 2 & 3.
Long Questions - 4 & 5.


*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.

*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q.1 What is the uses of stack and heap in compiler?

Q.2 What is activation tree?

Q.3 What is activation record?

Q.4 Explain Storage allocation strategies with Examples.

Q.5 Define Symbol table. Explain different types of Data structure for symbol table.

Department of CS & IT

Assignment – V

Course – MCA
Subject – Compiler Design
Subject Code – MCA106E Sem- 1st

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions - 1, 2 & 3.
Long Questions - 4 & 5.


*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.

*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

1. Explain about the sources and criterions of code optimization as machine dependent and
independent types
2. Explain common sub expression elimination with an example.
3. Explain about i) Instruction Scheduling ii) Elimination of Loop invariant variable with an
4. Explain the following with an example
a) Dead code elimination
b) Copy propagation, constant folding.
c) Strength Reduction
5. Consider the pseudo code for quick sort and perform all the function preserving
transformation techniques on flow graph of it.

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