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Fundamentals of Computers and Emerging Technologies

● Assignments should be in handwritten format.
● Use a stick file or thread file (Don’t use copies \ notebooks.
● Assignments should be clear and readable.
● All questions are compulsory.


1. Explain Different Components of a computer system.

2. What is Software? What are the categories of a software?
3. Write difference between RAM and ROM.
4. Explain the components of the CPU and the Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle.
5. What is an Algorithm? What are the ways to represent an algorithm?
6. Write a Pseudocode of a program to compute Simple Interest.
7. Write Short Notes on :
a. Bit conversion.
b. Flow charts.
c. GUI Vs CUI.
Fundamentals of Computers and Emerging Technologies

● Assignments should be in handwritten format.
● Use a stick file or thread file (Don’t use copies \ notebooks.
● Assignments should be clear and readable.
● All questions are compulsory.


1. Explain Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler. pg no - 21,22

2. Differentiate GUI and CUI based Operating System.
3. What is an Operating System? Explain different types of OS. pg no 26 & 29
4. Define Computer Networks. Explain Simplex, Half duplex and Full duplex networks. pg no - 38 & 40
5. Explain LAN, MAN and WAN in detail. pg no - 41 to 44
6. Explain different topologies of networks. pg no - 45 to 49
7. Explain the role of an Operating system as a resource manager.
8. Explain Hub, Repeater, Gateway and Router.
Kalinga University

Department of Computer Science

Assignment 3

Course- MCA Sem-I

Subject- Fundamental of Computers & Emerging Technologies
Subject Code: MCA101

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

Q1. Define Internet? Explain its architecture?

Q2. What is IOT? Explain its working and architecture?

Q3. Write short notes on smart cities, Email, FTP, Telnet?

Q4. What is IIOT? Explain its infrastructure with benefits?

Q5. What are sensors? Explain different types of sensors?

Kalinga University

Department of Computer Science

Assignment 4

Course- MCA Sem-I

Subject- Fundamental of Computers & Emerging Technologies
Subject Code: MCA101

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

1. What is cloud computing? Give its benefits?

2. What are applications of cryptocurrency?
3. Write short notes on AWS, Google, Microsoft & IBM services.
4. What is block chain? Give its application and limitations?
5. What are block chain features? Explain.
Kalinga University

Department of Computer Science

Assignment 5

Course- MCA Sem-I

Subject- Fundamental of Computers & Emerging Technologies
Subject Code: MCA101

Note: Attempt all questions.

Short Questions -1,2 & 3.
Long Questions – 4 & 5.

*For short answer type questions, answer limit is 50 to 100 words.
*For long answer type questions, answer limit is 250 to 300 words.

1. Explain features of emerging technology? pg no 101

2. What is big data analytics? Give its applications? pg no 120, 123
3. Write short notes on augmented reality and virtual reality? pg no 105, 109
4. Explain green computing and grid computing? Explain its working with applications? pg no 117, 114
5. What do you mean by emerging technology? Explain different emerging technologies? pg no 94 to 99

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