Common sense mechanics - Part 9

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Common Sense Mechanics


Extraction Mechanics

Earlier, in the "Fallacy of Visual

Inspection in Force Analysis",
it was shown that a wire with a
bend off center is clearly dif-
ferent than one with a bend in
the center, since one produces net forces
at the bracket, while the other does not.
A center bend involves no net forces,
but only equal and opposite moments
with full wire/ bracket engagement in
any plane of space.
The tipback bend is an off-center
bend. The long segrnent indicates the
direction of the force produced, while
the short segment points in the opposite
direction to the force it produces (Fig .
107). In the tipback, two moments are Fig. 107 Tipback bend is an off-center bend, with
the long segment pointing in the direction of the
also produced, but they are unequal. force produced and the short segement pointing
The larger moment lies at the bracket or in the opposite direction to the force produced.
tube containing the short segment (Fig.
108). The smaller moment lies at the
bracket or tube containing the long
segment. This smaller moment may, at
times, be clockwise; and at other times
counterclockwise; and even disappear,
producing the cantilever effect, because
only a pure force would exist at that
bracket (Fig. 109). These various results
are dependent on the angle at which the
wire crosses the bracket.
The important thing to remember is
simply that regardless of the presence,
absence, or direction of the smaller mo-
ment the two moments are unequal and Fig. 108 The larger moment lies at the bracket or
tube containing the short segment.

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B / --
- -


Fig. 109 Depending on the angle at which the wire with an off-center bend crosses the bracket, and the
length of the long segment, the smaller moment (produced by the longer segment) can be clockwise
(A), counterclockwise (B), or nonexistent (C). In all three instances, the net effect is counterclockwise,
dominated by the short segment.

therefore, result in differential torque still counterclockw ise . If the smaller

dominated by the larger moment. Even moment is counterclockwise (Fig.109B),
if we do not recognize the smaller mo- the net effect is also counterclockwise,
ment as being clockwise, counterclock- although more strongly so. If no moment
wise, or absent, it is still the larger mo- is present (Fig. 109C), the obvious net
ment that produces the net resu lt. If, for effect is, likewise, counterclockwise.
example, the larger moment is counter- The resilient characteristics of the
clockwise and the smaller moment is wire can complicate our interpretations,
clockwise (Fig. 109A), the net effect is as archwire activation often produces a


©1980 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.

discussed, while teeth farther away from
such bend will be temporarily ignored.
E::::3-,.... Naturally, all of the teeth are ultimately
.... ................ "
--- --,"'" affected, as the forces and moments are
transmitted along the wire. But, initially,
the force system acts on the adjacent
teeth most effectively. Therefore, as a
Fig. 110 Engaging a tip back bend in the molar
tube, initially produces a wire/bracket relation- practical matter, we will not discuss the
ship different than the ultimate mechanics. system in an unnecessarily complex
Please understand clearly - the
technique shown in this discussion will
different wire/bracket relationship, ini- depart from exactness; but, in a practical
tially, than might be anticipated (Fig . sense, it works. It is simple, easy, orderly,
110). hygienic, reduces the need for patient
cooperation, and will make your work
more enjoyable, because you can think
Practical Interpretation of
ratherthan follow a "cookbook", and va-
Forces and Moments
ry your procedures to fit your schedule
Thus far, most examples used for - planned and unplanned. I am not ad-
center and off-center bends have in- vocating this technique, but will simply
volved only two teeth or two units of be using one treatment approach to
teeth. Since we are going to be dealing demonstrate the application of princi-
with many teeth during the treatment of ples of mechanics in a practical way.
various malocclusions, it might be won- Naturally, you are free to apply such
dered how complicated all of this is go- principles in any way you feel will be
ing to become. Well, it doesn't have to better or enjoy doing more. The " fun" in
become any more complicated than orthodontics, I believe, lies in treating
working with only two teeth. common or similar problems in a variety
There are techniques today that of ways.
create a "single tooth" by segmenting a
number of individual teeth. In a sense,
Cuspid Retraction
this was demonstrated when the canti-
lever principle was discussed. Four inci- Figure 111 shows a crowded condi-
sors were treated as a single unit by the tion in which four first bicuspids were
placement of an anterior segment of removed. We are not discussing whether
wire, and then an overlay archwire was or not teeth should be removed, and we
used to apply the desired force. How- are not discussing cephalometrics. This
ever, we are not going to be using seg- series will concentrate on a practical
ments for treatment. As a practical mea- clinical approach in which principles of
sure, we will be treating the two teeth on mechanics will help us to predict and in-
either side of the bend, even though we terpret tooth movement. Complete or-
are using a continuous archwire and thodontic records, including cephs are
multiple banding/bonding . Often, we taken and studied for all full treatment
will be discussing "segmented tooth procedures, but we are attempting to
movement", but on a continuous arch- discuss only the mechanics following
wire. When dealing with multiple teeth, treatment decision and statement of
the teeth adjacent to the bend will be objectives.

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Fig. 111 Crowded case to be treated with four-bicuspid extraction.

The typical extraction strapup in- tend to move, and therefore, during cus-
volves the banding/ bonding of cuspids, pid retraction, the cuspid will undergo
second bicuspids, and first molars (Fig . the greatest movement. However, expe-
112). Many prefer to band second mo- rience has taught that this is not always
lars for anchorage purposes as well as reliable. Sometimes, the anchor unit
for gnathological considerations. serves well, while at other times it rea-
Others band second molars for dily seems to move forward .
alignment and control. As we move Since the forces during retraction
along, I will discuss some of my reasons are equal and opposite on the two units
for not routinely banding second mo- - anchor unit and non-anchor unit-
lars . Obviously, there are situat ions the multibanded unit actually receives
when they MUST be banded. Remem- the lesser amount of force per unit area
ber, that as far as intraoral anchorage is (stress) along the periodontal mem-
concerned, we will be talking about the brane while the non-anchor unit (cus-
effectiveness of differential torque as a pid) receives the greater. This could be
means of control. Keep in mind, there is one of the causative factors in the varia-
no such thing as PERFECT intraoral an- tions that occurs. We will be discussing
chorage, so we are seeking a method moments (differential torque) as a
which offers the optimum for control. means of controlling the anchor unit in-
Those who band second molars to stead of purely by force distribution.
increase anchorage are saying, in effect, Aga in, this is not meant to imply that dif-
that three teeth (considering total root ferential torque is an ideal means of
area, etc.) will tend to resist moving as anchorage control. Extraoral means are
much as a single opposing tooth will always available, but not always desired.

Fig. 112 Typical extraction strapup, with cuspids, second bicuspids, and molars banded.


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In the cases being demonstrated, used. Therefore, the differential torque

the appliance happens to be edgewise produced on the teeth adjacent to the
with .022 x .028 slots and .045 headgear extraction spaces is reduced. This is be-
tubes. The initial wires are only .016 (oc- cause, as mentioned numerous times
casionally .018). But this is not a discus- now, the closer a bend gets to the center,
sion of appliances, so mentally convert the more equal become the moments;
the various applications to the appliance and when placed directly in the center,
and wire sizes of your choice, but don't the moments are equal and opposite.
lose sight of the principles. Again, these statements are not exactly
I n Figure 112, you can see that anti- precise, as the molars are included in the
rotational ties are placed next to the ex- partial strapup. But, as emphasized be-
traction sites, unless such rotations are fore, exactness is sacrificed so that we
indicated. The malocclusion usually re- can utilize a "workable" clinical ap-
sults in initial archwire activation, due to proach . Likewise, regardless of how far
the fact the brackets are not yet aligned. we place bends off center, smaller inter-
The periodontal response that occurs is bracket distances result in bends being
permitted to improve bracket alignment relatively close to center. I n fact, second
and level, prior to placing any bends in bicuspids are sometimes temporarily
the archwire. If total arch length is to be not banded to increase the distance and
reduced in the final result, the 360 0 tie- therefore the differential torque. Re-
back loops are placed "short" of the member the importance of the toe-in
molar tubes as shown. Also, anytime bends or lingual elastics to offset the
teeth are being retracted, there is a me- tendency for mesiolingual rotation of
sial force at the molar tubes. Toe-in the molars.
bends should be placed early, so as to Figure 114 shows the retracting
initiate a counterrotation, so that we do elastics in place. I now utilize power
not produce a mesiolingual rotation of chains and tie the cuspid directly to the
the molars when retraction is begun. Re- molar, while the second bicuspid is tied
member the "Cue Ball Concept". Of individually with an "0" Ring. This
course, many will offset this rotational allows a greater range of force. In order
tendency with lingual elastics. However, to eva'luate the effectiveness of anchor-
I do not use ANY lingual attachments. age control, on a clinical basis, observe
Next (Fig. 113), we see the place- the two units. The anchor unit should
ment of bends intraorally. If bends are remain relatively upright, while the non-
placed intraorally, they cannot be placed anchor unit should undergo tipping until
against the brackets completely, due to archwire binding occurs. Once binding
the width of the Tweed loop plier that is occurs, the roots will respond to the

Flg.113 Bends placed intraorally with Tweed plier.

340 JCO / MAY 1980

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Flg. 114 Retraction elastics in place. I now use an " 0" Ring on the bicuspid and power chain from cuspid to

moments produced by the archwire, begins to take effect as the bend ap-
until binding stops and crown move- proaches center. By center, of course,
ment is resumed . Remember, the anchor we are not referring to the center of the
side is located closest to the bend while entire archwire, but to the center of the
the non-anchor side is furthest from the wire lying between the bicuspid and
bend. As cuspids continue to move dis- cuspid brackets. Do not expect to see
tally, the bend automatically " ap- the anchor unit "tip back" as the mesial
proaches" the center of the wire, until force on this unit from the retraction
finally, when the extraction sites are elastic will offset the distal crown thrust
closed, the bend is centered . So you can that was observed in nonextraction
see that as the off-center bend moves treatment. However, the net force on the
toward the center during space closure, cuspid is distal in direction.
the differential torque begins to gradu- Since we are considering differen-
ally disappear, and becomes equal and tial torque rather than multi banded an-
opposite torque when the bend is finally chor units for " bulk", it may be difficult
centered . This is interesting , because we to get used to the idea of banding LESS
utilize the differential when we need it teeth for anchorage. For example, if the
most and, since tipping occurs with the second bicuspid is not banded (Fig .
non-anchor unit, the root parallelism 115), the off-center bend can be placed

Fig. 115 If the second bicuspid is not banded, the off-center bend is further off-center.


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more distant from center. Remember

that as we move away from center, the
differential torque increases, whereas at
the center point the moments are equal
and opposite and, therefore, there is no
differential torque. The clinical guide to
effective anchor control is to look at the
unbanded bicuspids and observe them
for mesial tipping. They will only tip
mesially, if the molars come forward.
Because of the mesial root torque on the Fig. 116 When extraction space is closed, an intra-
oral bend can be made distal to the cuspid brack-
molars from the off-center bend, the et, countering the tipback bend at the molar and
molar itself will tend to move bodily, producing equal and oppOSite moments for root
while the cuspid is permitted to tip to a paralleling.
limited degree, as it experiences a
smaller moment. Once the spaces are
closed, a centered bend will not be pres-
ent, as the bend has been placed against and opposite and root paralleling oc-
the molar. Therefore, to produce equal curs. Toe-in bends or lingual elastics
and opposite moments for root parallel- should be in useforthe duration of space
ing, it is not necessary to place a new closure and, in fact, should be placed
archwire and relocate the bend, as a prior to initiating space closure, so that a
bend can be placed immediately distal countermoment is produced to prevent
to the cuspid bracket (Figure 116), and mesiolingual rotation of the molars dur-
the moment becomes equal and oppo- ing space closure. Since round wire is
site to the moment on the molar. being used, one must remain conscious
of the "Cue Ball Concept", and not de-
pend entirely on the concept of "rigidity
for control".
When the initial archwire is placed,
the periodontal response will most often (TO BE CONTINUED)
be initiated by the malocclusion, which
produces brackets that are angulated re-
lative to a straight wire. When reason-
able alignment takes place, the bends
may be placed. If anchorage is required,
then the bend is off-center. The tooth
located closest to the bend indicates the
anchor side. The oppOSite is the non-
anchor side. The anchor side requires a
bodily type movement for displacement,
whereas the non-anchor side tips some-
what due to the lesser moment. As space
closure occurs, the bend becomes more
and more centered, meaning the mo-
ments become more and more equal.
When finally centered, they are equal

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