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Common Sense Mechanics


Wire/Bracket Relationships volving minimal placement of bands

(brackets), and will soon be moving into
This discussion will appear to extraction treatment involving a greater
be academic at first, and of number of bands, it seems appropriate
little use to the clinically ori- at this time to go into a greater degree of
ented orthodontist, but be "exactness". For, if we can understand
patient. The content will in- what is exact, we can then deviate from
crease your appreciation for the treat- exactness and begin to know the value
ment procedures that follow, which will of applying the same principles in "non-
utilize this information on a clinical level exact" terms, in order to achieve our
in an uncomplicated manner. The rela- objectives in a practical way. In other
tionship of the archwire to the brackets words, we will avoid producing a com-
and tubes, prior to engagement, offers plex appliance to satisfy academic
valuable and interesting information. If needs. Instead, we will keep the appli-
a straight wire is placed over angulated ance simple and "read" the relation-
brackets, a certain angular relationship
develops between the wire and the
plane of the bracket slot (Fig . 95) . The
brackets might be angulated as a result
of the malocclusion or purposely an-
gulated to permit overrotations, etc. In
any case, a straight wire overlying these
brackets, prior to insertion of the wire
into the brackets, gives us clues regard-
ing tooth movement. We cannot elimi-
nate "common sense", however, since
identical force systems can produce
different responses due to the biologic
nature of the environment. Teeth ex-
trude more readily than they intrude.
Certain rotations occur more easily
than others in different planes of space.
These force systems can become
quite complex when more than two
teeth are involved . However, because
we have thus far confined our mecha-
Fig. 95 Various angular wire/bracket relation-
nics to relatively simple situations in- ships.

VOLUME XIV NUMBER 4 © 1980 JPO. Inc. 265

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ships involved adjacent to the archwire

bends as though only two teeth were
involved . Disregarding the other teeth
will still allow us to get our results, as
the forces transmitted to these "distant"
teeth with relatively light wires requires
time, and we are more interested in the
short-term movements.
Now that we know the emphasis
will be on "practicality", let us not get
lost with details that do not pose a
"clinical" threat. The following is pre-
sented only to create an awareness of Fig. 96 The same wire/bracket relationship can
what happens when wire/ bracket rela- be created by a bend in the wire or a straight
tionships change. As multiple brackets wire in relation to a malocclusion.
enter the picture, the system becomes
complex to apply, as it is then necessary
to add the systems at the various
brackets to determine the net effect.
This can be time-consuming, inexact,
and impractical. If you will read an arti-
cle titled, "Force Systems from an Ideal
Arch" by Burstone and Koenig (AJO,
March 1974), you will appreciate the
true complexity of force systems in
orthodontics. At the same time, I thinK
you will want to utilize what you can in
an efficient and simple manner, even if it
means sacrificing the details involved in
exactness, particularly since teeth sel-
Fig. 97 Oft-center bend produces same wire/
dom respond in an exact fashion. bracket relationship as a straight wire in rela-
Basically, we deal with various tion to a malocclusion.
wire/ bracket relationships created by
the malocclusion, archwire bends, or
both. For practical reasons, I prefer to
attain bracket alignment regardless of
the force systems produced in the
process. Once this is accomplished,
desirable force systems can be attained
by placing bends at specific points
along the archwire. In other words, we
then determine what we want by creat-
ing our own relationships. We have
already seen this accomplished during
our discussion on vertical forces and
tipback bends.
So, to get a further insight as to the Fig. 98 Step bend produces the same wire/
force systems created by wire/ bracket bracket relationship as a straight wire in rela-
tion to a malocclusion.

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relationships, let us consider the varia- Charles Burstone referred to Figure 96

tions. If we begin by using a constant as a symmetric bend relationship . I
interbracket width (any width) and a have adopted the term center bend or
center bend, it can be seen in Figure 96 gable bend . He referred to Figure 97 as
that the relationship can be created by an asymmetric bend and Figure 98 as a
the bend in the wire or by the malocclu- step relationship. I refer to the asymme-
sion. In either case, the force system is tric bend as an off-center bend. Since
the same. As already said, I prefer align- the step relationship has its place in
ing the brackets and then determining mechanics, but because I seldom utilize
my own systems by placing the bends it (purposely), you will not hear me refer
where needed. If we now look at Figure to this relationship in my discussion of
97, we can see that the bend has been Common Sense Mechanics as it per-
moved off center, but still remains iden- tains to clinical treatment.
tical to the relationship created by the If we can see what forces and mo-
malocclusion . Again, in either case the ments MUST exist in the two extremes
force system is the same. Finally, in under discussion (Figs. 96 and 98) , then
Figure 98 we see that two off-center we can accept the systems that exist "in
bends have been placed, the second between". If you are really interested in
being inverted, but placed equidistant every detail, please refer to the pub-
from the bracket. Yet the relationship is lished material I have mentioned.
no different than the one produced by
the malocclusion and a straight wire, so
the force systems are identical. Now, if Center Bend Force System
we go back and look at Figures 96, 97, Let us begin to determine the
and 98, and concentrate on the angu- forces and moments present in the two
lated brackets only, we can see what extremes of the wire/bracket relation-
caused the change in the wire/ bracket ships - the center bend and the step-
relationships. The bracket on the left in by applying the requirements for static
each case remained constant in an- equilibrium . Once we can prove these
gular relationship with the archwire, systems are present, by necessity, we
while the bracket on the right was slow- can resume our discussion of mecha-
ly rotated clockwise. Therefore, we can nics on a practical level. But it is only
readily accomplish the same by placing fair that you see, first , what occurs
bends instead , once the brackets have technically.
been aligned. Looking at Figure 99, a center
Thus far, we have been talking bend , we can see that forces must be
about center and off-center bends only applied at four separate points for wire/
and, therefore, only need be concerned bracket engagement. Since three re-
with Figures 96 and 97. But, for the sake quirements (previously discussed)
of discussion, and so that later we can MUST be met and ARE met to establish
prove that the force systems we have so the static equilibrium that will and
far discussed in these two bends are DOES exist, we can go through each
really the case, let us become familiar step in order. Let us start by "assuming"
with Figure 98. After all, everything that all four forces are equal. We don't know,
lies between the relationships in Fig- yet, if they are, but we must start some-
ures 96 and 98 is merely a transitioning where. Only when all three require-
of force systems. ments of static equilibrium are met, will
In my graduate school days, Dr. we have discovered what the actual


©1980 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


into the brackets, the second require-

ment is automatically fulfilled . That is,
the sum of the horizontal forces must
equal zero. Since the third requirement
says that the sum of all the moments,
measured from ANY point must also
equal zero, let us choose the center

point for convenience (Fig. 99).
Now we will determine the mo-
ments produced around this point by
each force (line of force) acting at a
perpendicular distance to such point.
Force A produces a clockwise moment
Fig. 99 Center bend producing wire/bracket
relationships that satisfy requirements of static (activational) , equal and opposite to the
equilibrium. magnitude of the counterclockwise
moment produced by Force D. Now,
Force B produces a counterclockwise
moment smaller in magnitude, because
it acts at a smaller distance from this
point. Force C, acting at the same dis-
tance, produces the same magnitude,
but the moment is clockwise. When we
add the four moments produced a-
round this point, the sum is zero. There-
fore, we have met all three requirements
for static equilibrium , and the orginally
"assumed" forces are proven to be cor-
rect. So, we can now determine the ac-
tivational force system at each bracket.
B Since Forces A and B produce a
couple (pure moment) which is clock-
wise, and since Forces C and D pro-
Fig. 100 A. Forces A and B in Figure 99 produce
a clockwise moment, Forces C and 0 produce a
duce a counterclockwise couple (Fig.
counterclockwise moment. B. Tooth move- 100A), we have now arrived at the net
ment, resulting from deactivation of the force activational force system - two mo-
systems, is counterclockwise from Forces A
and B, and clockwise from Forces C and D.
ments, equal and opposite in magni-
tude. Tooth movement occurs as the
result of deactivation, as in Figure 100B.
From now on we can refer to this sys-
forces are. We are not interested in any tem when we discuss the center bend
actual figures, but only relative magni- and know that it must exist in order to
tudes. conform with the requirements of static
If all four forces (activational) are equilibrium.
equal, then the first requirement for
static equilibrium is fulfilled. That is, the
Step Bend Force System
sum of the vertical forces must equal
zero . Since there are no horizontal Now, if we go to the step relation-
forces necessary to engage the wire ship, which is the other extreme under

268 JCO I APRIL 1980

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B D o
1 1 ~

1 ic iA

Fig. 101 A. Step bend force system, with all four forces equal, does not satisfy the requirements of static
equilibrium. B. Step bend force system, with Forces A and 0 less than Forces Band C, does satisfy the
requirements of static equilibrium.

discussion, we will go through the same Therefore, the sum of the moments
analysis, again using aligned brackets does not equal zero. Since ALL THREE
with the bends placed in the wire (Fig. requirements are not fulfilled , the origi-
101 A) . Since we must start somewhere, nal assumption that all activational
we will again "assume" that the four ac- forces were equal was incorrect.
tivational forces shown are equal. If so, Figure 101 B shows the ONLY sys-
the sum of the vertical forces equals tem that meets all three requirements.
zero and the first requirement for static First, although Forces A and D (equal)
equilibrium has been fulfilled. Next, the are smaller than Forces Band C (e-
horizontal forces equal zero because qual), the sum of the vertical forces can
there are none, so the second require- be seen to equal zero. The horizon-
ment is, likewise, fulfilled . All that re- tal sum remains zero, as there are no
mains now is to determine that all the horizontal forces . But, the third require-
moments produced around a common ment is finally met, because Force A
point also equal zero; the third and final and Force D each produce clockwise
requirement. Using the same center moments equal in magnitude and op-
point, we can readily see that Force A posite in direction to the counterclock-
produces a clockwise moment, the wise moments produced by Forces B
same as that produced by Force D. and C. In spite of the fact that Forces B
Both are clockwise and both are equal and C act at smaller distances, balance
in magnitude. However, although the is maintained due to their greater mag-
moments produced by Forces Band C nitudes of force. The important thing to
are equal to each other and counter- realize is that the net activational forces
clockwise, they are smaller in magni- at each bracket are unequal, unlike the
tude than Forces A and D, because they center bend. If we now take the forces
are produced at smaller distances. in Figure 101 B, which have been proven


©1980 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


! A
i i B
Fig. 102 A. Forces A and B in Figure 101B produce a clockwise moment; Forces C and D also produce a
clockwise moment. B. Clockwise moments result in counterclockwise tooth movement.

to be correct, we can analyze the indivi- Clinical Demonstrations

dual brackets for the net activational
force system . Forces A and B produce a If you look ONLY at the two teeth
clockwise moment at the left bracket mentioned, Figure 103 illustrates vari-
and a net force, as shown in Fig. 102A. ous center bend relationships pro-
At the right bracket, Forces C and 0 duced by the malocclusion itself. Ante-
form a clockwise moment also, with the rior-posterior relationship must also be
magnitudes being the same, as well as a considered, as demonstrated in Figure
net force equal and opposite to the 103 with full wire/ bracket engagement,
force at the left bracket. Now that the such as with a rectangular wire.
net activational system has been de- Figure 104 illustrates step relation-
termined at each bracket, simple rever- ships when applying the same ap-
sal (Fig. 102B) gives the force system proach. The single off-center bend (as
acting on the teeth (deactivation) . opposed to the step bend which actual-
Variations between these two ex- ly contains two off-center bends) has
tremes were shown during the discus- already been demonstrated many
sion of tipback bends and will be shown times. Figure 105 shows a rotated cen-
in the next articles dealing with extrac- tral incisor. A wire tied only into the two
tion mechanics. It will be seen that as central incisors would automatically
the wire/ bracket relationship (between create the off-center relationship. But,
the center and step configurations) un- to keep matters simple, all of the rela-
dergoes angular change relative to tionships mentioned and formed by the
the archwire, clockwise moments will malocclusion are, for the most part, dis-
transition to zero and , if the relationship regarded in obtaining INITIAL bracket
change continues beyond the zero alignment. In some cases, however, it
point , finally become counterclock- would be foolish to disregard them.
wise. All of this simply means that there The force system in the single off-
is "Law and Order" to all of this. It is my center bend lies somewhere in between
desire that this can be useful in an the center bend and step relationships,
everyday practice. depending on the EXACT wire/ bracket

270 JCO / APRIL 1980

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Fig. 103 Various center bend relationships pro- Fig. 104 Various step bend relationships pro-
duced by malocclusions. duced by malocclusions.


©1980 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


angular relationship (Fig. 106). In spite

of the fact that using a constant bend,
as already discussed, with variable in-
terbracket distances produces mo-
ments that vary, as seen in Figure 106B,
the complication is taken out of it by
utilizing the differential in the system , as
demonstrated with use of the tipback
bend in overbite correction, and as will
be demonstrated in extraction treat-
Fig. 105 A wire tied into rotated central incisors ment for anchorage control.
would create off-center relationship.

Do not let this portion of the series
on Common Sense Mechanics drive
you away. It was presented to help you
appreciate the need for deriving that
which can be modified and made useful
in a busy practice. As you will see, the
application will not be complex, but
A rather quite simple.


1 c
Fig. 106 A. Center bend relationship. B. 011-
center bend relationship. C. Step bend rela-

272 JCO/ APRIL 1980

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