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Card 1

1. Grammar. Put words in the correct order to make questions.

1. you a do have car?
2. was brother your where born?
3. often he how phone does you?
4. their time arrive does flight what?
5. Brazil from is girlfriend your?
Choose the past simple or past continuous:
6. What ___________________ (you / do) when I ___________________ (call) you last night?
7. I ________________________ (sit) in a café when you ________________________ (call).
8. When you _________________ (arrive) at the party, who _____________________ (be) there?
9. Susie ______________________ (watch) a film when she ________________ (hear) the noise.
10. Yesterday I ________________________ (go) to the library, next I
________________________ (have) a swim, later I _______________ (meet) Julie for a coffee.
2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.

lazy sensible selfish honest generous

confident loyal shy clever stubborn

1. A person who is reasonable and practical is __________ .
2. A person who doesn’t tell lies or cheat is __________ .
3. A person who likes giving people things is __________ .
4. A person who thinks only about himself is __________ .
5. A person who doesn't want to work is __________ .
6. A person who strongly believes in his own abilities is __________ .
7. A person who is quick at learning and understanding things is __________ .
8. A person who can't talk easily to people he / she doesn't know is __________ .
9. A faithful friend is __________.
10. A person who doesn’t listen to advice of other people is ____________.
3. Four basic operations of Arithmetics. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10
a) sum f) subtraction
b) addend g) multiplication
c) division h) addition
d) subtrahend i) diviser
e) minuend j) inverse
1. the process of adding two or more numbers together to find their total
2. the process of taking a number away from another number
3. the act or process of multiplying
4. the process or result of dividing something or sharing it out
5. a number to be added to another
6. the number you get when you add two or more numbers together
7. a number from which the subtrahend is to be subtracted
8. a number that is to be subtracted from a minuend
9. a number by which another number is divided
10. opposite in amount or position to something else
4. Speaking: “My friend”
1. How long have you known him/her?
2. Where and when did you meet him/her?
3. Describe his/her appearance, character, interests.
4. Compare your friend with yourself using comparative adjectives or adverbs with “than,
Card 2
1. Grammar . Put words in the correct order to make questions.
11. languages how you many can speak?
12. party the how was?
13. last go where you summer did?
14. there doctor here is a?
15. come bus to you by school did?
Choose the past simple or past continuous:
6. We _____________________ (play) tennis when John ________________________ (hurt) his ankle.
7. What _______________ (they / do) at 10pm last night? It ____________________ (be) really noisy.
8. He ____________________ (take) a shower when the telephone _____________________ (ring).
9. He ____________________ (paint) the wall when he _______________(fall) off the ladder.
10. When I ___________________ (walk) into the room, everyone ______________________ (work).

2. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1.Don’t be _______! Buy her a present!
a)mean b)generous c)quiet
2.You were very __________. Why didn’t you say anything?
a)friendly b) quiet c)talkative
3.David’s __________. He loves meeting new people.
a)extrovert b) hard-working c)serious
4.He’s very __________. He pays for everything!
a)extrovert b)generous c)sensible
5. Susie isn’t afraid of anything or anyone . She’s really __________.
a) braveb)curious c)stubborn
6.My teacher’s really __________. She can explain the same topic several times..
a)friendly b)patient c) ambitious
7. Pete strongly believes in his own abilities! He’s very __________.
a)sincere b)sensitive c)confident
8. My neighbor is so _________. She never says “hello” when she sees me.
a)sincere b)rude c)miserable
9. My friend dreams of a good job which is well-paid. He is ___________.
a) ambitious b)reliable c)modest
10. If you need advice, go to Tony. He always knows what to do to solve any problem. He is very
a) flexible 2)sensible 3)miserable
3.Integers. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10

a) odd number
b) integer
c) the least common multiple
d) consecutive integers
e) even number
f) a perfect square
g) divisor
h) the greatest common divisor
i) a prime number
j) a composite number

1. a whole number, such as 3 or 4 but not 3.5

2. that cannot be divided exactly by the number two
3. that can be divided exactly by two
4. numbers that follow each other in order
5. the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers
6. a number made by squaring a whole number
7. a number by which another number is to be divided
8. the largest positive integer that divides each of the integers
9. a number that is divisible only by itself and 1
10. a positive integer which is not prime
4. Write about yourself: describe your appearance, positive and negative traits, some
characteristics in people you like and dislike.

Card 3
1.Grammar. Use the present simple or present continuous:

1. You (not / like) _________________________________ chocolate.

2. She (not / study) _________________________________ at the moment.

3. We often (go) _________________________________ to the cinema.

4. He usually (not / do) _________________________________ his homework.

5. They (not / eat) _________________________________ rice every day.

Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

6. I __________________ (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a month.

7. I __________________ (play) hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!

8. She __________________ (play) hockey at school, but she __________________ (not / like) it.

9. Sorry, I __________________ just (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.

10. I __________________ (miss) the bus, and then I __________________ (miss) the aeroplane as well!

2. Choose and write some personality adjectives to match the description

Sensible generous furious brave confident rude stupid ambitious curious


1) A friend who is loyal is ______________.

2) Someone who is not afraid of anything is ___________.
3) Someone who isn’t polite is______________.
4) A person who is reasonable and practical is_____________.
5) Someone who believes in his abilities is _______________.
6) Someone who wants a good job and a lot of money is__________________.
7) Someone who is extremely angry is _______________.
8) A person who wants to know a lot is _______________.
9) A person who isn’t clever is _____________.
10) Someone who likes to buy people things is _______________.
3. Four basic operations of Arithmetics. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10
a) division f) remainder
b) inverse g) multiplicand
c) multiplier h) quotient
d) equation i) dividend
e) divisor j) addend
1. the process of dividing something or sharing it out
2. a number to be added to another
3. a number by which another number is divided
4. opposite in amount or position to something else
5. the numbers left after one number has been subtracted from another, or one number has been divided into another
6. a number by which another number is multiplied
7. the number that is to be multiplied by another
8. a statement showing that two amounts or values are equal
9. a number to be divided
10. the result of division
4.Speaking: Speak about your last holiday by answering the following questions:

1. Where did you go on holiday last year? 6) What was the weather like these days?
2. Did you have a good time? 7) What did you usually do during the day?
3. Who did you go with? 8) Where did you have lunch?
4. How did you get there? 9) Did you have any problems during your holiday?
5. Where did you stay? 10) How long did you stay there?

Card 4

1. Grammar. Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

1. Last night I __________________ (lose) my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in.

2. I __________________ (lose) my keys – can you help me look for them?

3. I __________________ (visit) Paris three times.

4. Last year I __________________ (visit) Paris.

5. I __________________ (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight.

Use the present simple or present continuous:

6. We (not / study) _________________________________ every night.

7. (You / like) _________________________________ spicy food?

8. (She / go) _________________________________ to Scotland often?

9. (He / eat) _________________________________ now?

10. We (go) _________________________________ to the cinema this weekend.

2.Match 1–8 to a–h to make definitions.

1. It's somebody ___ a to a wallet, but it's for a woman.
2. It's something ___ b who shows you round a city or a museum
3. It's somewhere ___ c a sweater, but it has buttons.
4. It's a kind ___ d you do this to the TV when you've finished watching something.
5. It's the opposite ___ e where people go when they want to send a parcel or a letter.
6. It's like ___ f which we use to pay, instead of cash.
7. It's similar ___ g of expensive.
8. It's a verb. For example, ___ i. Muslims pray

9.You do this to the room ____ j. to make it clean

10. It’s a place where _____. h of footwear.

Answers: Purse, tidy, guide, debit card, post office, cheap, trainers, jacket, switch off/turn off, mosque

3. Decimals. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10

a) column
b) align
c) line up
d) terminating
e) decimal places
f) decimal
g) recurring
h) convert
i) decimal point
j) digit
1. any of the numbers from 0 to 9
2. to happen again or a number of times
3. a dot or point used to separate the whole number from the tenths, hundredths, etc.
4. based on or counted in tens or tenths
5. to change or make something change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another
6. a tall, solid, vertical post, usually round and made of stone, which supports or decorates a building or stands alone as
a monument
7. to arrange something in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to something else, especially
in a straight line
8. to stand in a line or row; to form a queue/line
9. the position of a number after a decimal point
10. to end; to make something end
4.Speaking: answer the following questions, give reasons to support your responses
1. Do men and women both do housework in your country? Who does more? Do you think is it fair? Why?
2. In a typical family do teenagers help parents with housework? What kind of jobs do they do?
3. At what age should young children start to help with housework? What housework can seven and eight old
children do?
4. Who does the most housework in your house? Is everyone happy about this? Do you ever argue about it?
5. What housework do you do? How often do you do it? Which work do you like or hate doing?

Card 5
1. Grammar. Choose the past simple or the present perfect:
1. Last month I __________________ (go) to Scotland.
2. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He __________________ (go) to the shops.
3. We __________________ (finish) this room last week.
4. I __________________ (finish) my exams finally – I’m so happy!
5. Yesterday, I __________________ (see) all my friends. It was great.
Use the present simple or present continuous:
6. It (rain) _________ a lot here. 7. I (go) ___________ on holiday tomorrow. 8. Listen, somebody (play)
_______ the violin. 9. I often (read) _____________ at night. 10. We (not / drink) ___________ alcohol.
2. Vocabulary. Complete the phrases with a verb from the list:
Clean, clear, do, make, pick up, put away, tidy, dust, load,
3. _______ dirty clothes from the floor
4. _______ the beds, dinner
5. _______ your room, your desk
6. _______ the table after dinner
7. _______ the bathroom, the floor,
8. _______ the ironing , the washing –up
9. _______ your clothes
10. _______ the furniture
11. _______ the dishwasher
3.Exponents and square roots/ Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10
a) Nonzero
b) exponent
c) base
d) radical
e) real number
f) squaring
g) define
h) represent
i) reverse
j) square root
1. a number which when multiplied by itself produces a particular number
2. the number on which a counting system is built_
3. a raised figure or symbol that shows how many times a quantity must be
4. a square root, cube root, etc.
5. opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character
6. to multiply a number by itself
7. to be an example or expression of something
8. having a positive or negative value; not equal to zero
9. to say or explain what the meaning of a word or phrase is
10. a number that can be represented using a number line
4. Speaking. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Then answer the questions.

have listen go (2) study speak watch do (2) read

1. Where do you usually _________ lunch?
2. What time do you usually _________ to bed?
3. Where did you _________ English before?
4. Can you _________ any other languages? Which?
5. What kind of music do you _________ to?
6. What TV programmes or series do you _________ ?
7. Do you _________ any sport or exercise? What?
8. What kind of books or magazines do you _________ ?
9. How often do you _________ shopping?
10. What did you _________ last weekend?
Card 6

:Use the present simple or present continuous .1

.They (study) _________________________________ now .1

.I (clean) _________________________________ the kitchen every day .2

.She (work) _________________________________ every Sunday .3

.We (not / sleep) _________________________________ now .4

.He (not / go) _________________________________ to the park very often .5

:Use the present perfect or past simple

!I __________________ (see) Julie three times this week .6

.She __________________ (live) in London since 1994 .7
.She __________________ (live) in London when she was a child .8
.I __________________ (drink) three cups of coffee this morning .9
I __________________ (drink) seven cups of coffee yesterday .10

:Complete the verb phrases .2

go take, sunbathe, stay, spend, rent, hire, have, buy, Book,

6.________ money or time at a campsite, in a hotel, with friends _______.1

7.________ an apartment photos _______.2

8._______ a flight, a hotel souvenirs_______.3

9._______ a bicycle or skies a good time _______.4

10._______ abroad, sightseeing on the beach _______.5

Decimals. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10.3

k) column f) decimal
l) align g)recurring
m) line up h) convert
n) terminating i)decimal point
o) decimal places j)digit
11. any of the numbers from 0 to 9
12. to happen again or a number of times
13. a dot or point used to separate the whole number from the tenths, hundredths, etc.
14. based on or counted in tens or tenths
15. to change or make something change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another
16. a tall, solid, vertical post, usually round and made of stone, which supports or decorates a building or stands alone as
a monument
17. to arrange something in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to something else, especially
in a straight line
18. to stand in a line or row; to form a queue/line
19. the position of a number after a decimal point
20. to end; to make something end
?Speaking . Which do you prefer ?Why .4
1. Going abroad or going on holiday in your country?
2. Going by car, bus, plane or train ?
3. Going sightseeing or going shopping?
4. Staying in a hotel (or apartment) or going camping?
5. Sunbathing, going for walks, sleeping?
6. Hot, sunny weather or cool , cloudy, rainy weather?
?Going on holiday with friends or going with your family

Card 7

:Make the past simple, positive, negative or question.1

I _________________ (not / drink) any beer last night. 2. She _________________ (get on) the bus in the centre .1
of the city. 3. What time _________________ (he / get up) yesterday? 4. Where _________________ (you / get off)
the train? 5. I _________________ (not / change) trains at Victoria. 6. We _________________ (wake up) very late.
7. What _________________ (he / give) his mother for Christmas? 8. I _________________ (receive) £300 when
.my uncle _________________ (die). 9. We _________________ (not / use) the computer last night

.She ( make) _____good coffee .10

:Complete the blanks with the appropriate words .2

,Changing rooms, size, receipt, item, try on, suit, delivery, suit, account , checkout

.When you shop online , you have to create an________ with your personal details .1

Something you want to buy is called an _______. 3-4.When I go shopping, I never have enough time to .2
._____ _____ _______clothes because there is always a long queue to the

So I go straight to the _________ to pay. 6-8. I keep the __________ so I can change the clothes if they don’t .5
________ me or if the ________ is wrong. 9. Most restaurants offer free _______ if your order is more than 30
.manats. 10. This red dress ________ you perfectly

Integers. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10 .3

k) odd number
l) integer
m) the least common multiple
n) consecutive integers
o) even number
p) a perfect square
q) divisor
r) the greatest common divisor
s) a prime number
t) a composite number

11. a whole number, such as 3 or 4 but not 3.5

12. that cannot be divided exactly by the number two
13. that can be divided exactly by two
14. numbers that follow each other in order
15. the smallest positive number that is a multiple of two or more numbers
16. a number made by squaring a whole number
17. a number by which another number is to be divided
18. the largest positive integer that divides each of the integers
19. a number that is divisible only by itself and 1
20. a positive integer which is not prime

.Speaking. Complete the questions with the past participle of the verb. Answer the questions .4

1. Have you ever _____(buy) or _____(sell) anything on eBay or a similar website? What did you buy or sell?
2. Have you ever ____(buy) something online and had a problem with it? What was it? What did you do?
3. Have you ever _____ (get) to the supermarket checkout and then found you didn’t have enough money?
What did you do?
4. Have you ever _____ (lose) a bank card? Where did you lose it? What did you do after that?
5. Have you ever ____ (try) to take something back to a shop? Did you have a receipt? Did they change it?
6. Have you ever ____(have) an argument with a shop assistant? What was it about?
Card 8

.Use adjectives or adverbs in comparative or superlative degree

1. My sister thinks she's_______ (intelligent) than me, but I don't agree.

2. Avatar is probably________ (bad) film I've seen!
3. What is______ (wet) month of the year in England?
4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are______ (good) than the books?
5. Who is_______ (powerful) person in your country?
6. I think Men in Black 1 was________ (funny) than Men in Black 3.
7. Is Angelina Jolie_______ (old) than Sandra Bullock?
8. John is _______ (nice) person that I know.
9. Early morning is ______(bad) time to drive too the city center.
10. You don’t work as _______(hard) as you should.

: Write opposites of the adjectives and verbs .2

________ arrive boring_______

_______ pass (an exam) crowded _______

_________ miss (a train) noisy _______

_________ lend (money) polluted _______

_________ pick up early ______

Fractions. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10 .3

a) mixed number
b) numerator
c) like fractions
d) reduce
e) improper fraction
f) denominator
g) Least Common Denominator
h) remainder
i) fraction
j) proper fraction
1. a fraction that is less than one, with the bottom number greater than the top number
2. the number below the line in a fraction showing how many parts the whole is divided into
3. the number above the line in a fraction
4. a fraction in which the top number is greater than the bottom number
5. a small part or amount of something
6. a number consisting of a whole number and a proper fraction
7. the numbers left after one number has been subtracted from another, or one number has been divided into
8. the smallest number that the bottom numbers of a group of fractions can be divided into exactly
9. the fractions with the same denominators
10. to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.

:Speaking . Use the correct preposition and answer the questions .4

1. Do you spend more money ____ clothes or technologies? Why?

2. If you are worried______ something, who do you usually talk___? Why?
3. Do you believe in love ____ first sight? Why /why not?
4. Do you belong ____ any clubs or organizations? Which ones?
5. How long are you ready to wait ___ a friend if you have arranged to meet?
6. Who do you think should pay ____the meal on the first day?

Card 9

:’Put in ‘will’ or ‘be going to .1

.A: We don’t have any bread. B: I know. I __________________ get some from the shop .1

.A: We don’t have any bread. B: Really? I __________________ get some from the shop then .2

A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? B: I __________________ visit my mother in Scotland next month. .3
.4. A: I’m really cold. B: I __________________ turn the heating on

.A: Are you going to John’s party tonight? B: Yes. Are you going too? I __________________ give you a lift .5

A: What are your plans after you leave university? B: I __________________ work in a hospital in Africa. I leave .6
!7. (The phone rings) A: I __________________ get it on the 28th .

.A: Are you ready to order? B: I can’t decide … Okay, I __________________ have the steak, please .8

A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee? B: Sorry. I __________________ go to the library. I’ve .9
.been planning to study all day

.A: Why are you carrying a hammer? B: I __________________ put up some pictures .10

.Match words with their synonyms .2

1. Increase a) Research Disease .6 f. Vanish

2. Reduce b) Raise, go up Disappear .7 g. Oppose

3. Improve c) Get away Prevent .8 h. Illness

4. Avoid d) Make better Contradict .9 i. Recommendation

5. Study (n) e) Decrease Advice .10 j. Hinder, stop before sth


.Finish the sentences using the vocabulary words. Use each word once .3

,divisor a perfect square, the greatest common divisor, even number, Consecutive integer,

the least common multiple integer, a prime number, composite number, Odd number,

1. Seven is an __________number and ten is an even number.

2. Integers in sequence are called __________.
3. An odd number plus another odd number equals an __________.
4. 12 is the ______________ of 2,3 and 6.
5. The ____________ are the numbers 1,2,3 and so on together with their negatives.
6. An example of a __________ is 4, because 4 can be reached by multiplying 2 times.
7. In 16 divided by 4 , the number 4 is the _________ and 16 is dividend.
8. ____________ of 30 and 75 is 15.
9. ____________ is the number that is not exactly divisible by any other number.
10. The first three ____________ are 4,5,8.

:Speaking “ My town”. Describe its .4

.location, population, climate/ weather , sightseeings, people

.Also say what you like and what you don’t like about your town

Card 10

1. Grammar. Finish sentences with “will, to be going to or present continuous”.

2. __________________ anything on Saturday evening? We thought we might go to the cinema.

A. Are you going to do B. Are you doing C. Will you do

3. 'Did you tell Paul about the party?'

No, I forgot. I ______________ him later.'
A. am calling going to call C. 'll call

4. Ding-dong! 'Someone's at the door.'

'I_____________ .'
A. am going B. am going to goC. 'll go

5. The news is on in five minutes. _______________________ watch it?

A. Will you B. Are you going to C. Do you

6. I heard on the news that they ___________________ a new shopping centre in the town centre next year.
A. will build B. are going to build C. are building

7. 'We're out of eggs.'

'OK, I _______________ some when I go to the shops.'
A. am going to get B. 'll get C. am getting

8. When __________________ your bedroom? It's a terrible mess.

A. are you going to tidy B. will you tidy C. are you tidying

9. 'Are you free tomorrow afternoon?'

'Let me check in my diary...I ________________ a client at three. I'm free after that.'
A. am seeing B. will seeing C. will see

10. 'It's hot in here, isn't it?'

'Yes. I _________________ the air-conditioning.'
A. am going to switch on B. 'll switch on C. am switching on

11. 'Any plans for the weekend?'

'Yes, I ________________ some furniture for my new flat.'
A. will you buy B. am going to buy C. am buying

.Circle the correct adjectives ed/ing in the questions. Answer the questions .2

1. Do you think Saturdays are usually bored/boring ?

2. Are you bored /boring with your studies?
3. What kind of weather makes you feel depressed/depressing?
4. Do you think the news is always depressed/depressing?
5. What activities do you find relaxed/relaxing?
6. Do you usually feel relaxed/relaxing at the end of the weekend? Why (not)?
7. Have you read any interested/interesting articles or books recently?
8. What sports are you interested/interesting in?
9. What were you frightened/frightening of when you were a child?
10. Do you find storm frightened/frightening?

.Finish the sentences using the vocabulary words .3

reduce remainder, improper fraction, proper fraction, Fraction,

LCD(the Least Common reduce, like fractions, denominator, mixed fraction, Numerator,

1. 11/8 is an improper ___________, equivalent to one and three-eights.

2. They have to _________ expenses this year.
3. The fractions with the same denominators are called __________.
4. ____________ consists of a whole number and a proper fraction.
5. In fraction 3/4 4 is the ___________ and 3 is __________.
6. __________ is a fraction whose numerator is greater than denominator.
7. Divide 2 into 7, and the answer is 3__________ 1.
8. __________ is a fraction where the numerator is less than the dominator.
9. In mathematics,___________ is the smallest number that all the numbers on the bottom of a particular
group of fractions can be divided into.

.Speaking : Circle the correct verb and then answer the question .4

1. Who do you look like/look in your family?

2. What music do you like hearing/listening to in the car?
3. Do you think football players earn/win too much money?
4. Is it sometimes OK to say/tell a lie?
5. Have you ever lend/borrowed money to a family member?

Card 11

1. Put verbs in appropriate tenses (present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple,
past continuous, to be going to, will/won’t + infinitive
2. What would you like? I_____ the fish (have).
3. What ____ we _____ tonight ? (do)
4. We _________ dinner with Jack and Mary. (have)
5. But we _______ dinner with them last week. (have)
6. Yes, but they _________ to tell us some good news. (want)
7. Oh, ok then. ________ I ________ some champagne?(buy)
8. It’s 8 o’clock. Where _____ you? (be)
9. I’m sorry. When I _______, home I _____ Mark.
10. Well, hurry up. We _______ late (be).it’s ok. I ________ a taxi and I _________ ready in 5 minutes.
(already book, be)

:Write opposite verbs .2

_______- arrive Break - _______, ______

________ - buy Send - ________,_______

________ -lose Pick up -________

________ - win Miss (a train) - ________

_____________-borrow Pass (an exam) - ____

:Fill in the words in the blanks .3

align, terminating, decimal point, line up, convert, decimal, Column,

recurring decimal places, digit,

1. A ___________ is a fraction that is written in the form of a dot followed by one or more numbers.
2. The __________ decimal 3.999… is also described as 3.9 recurring.
3. The hotel is going to be _______ into a nursing home.
4. To divide by ten, move the __________ one place to the left.
5. The number 37702 contains five ________.
6. The temple is supported by marble __________.
7. The top and the bottom lines of each column on the page should _________.
8. Cars __________ waiting to board the ship.
9. Your contract of employment ___________ in December.
10. The figure is accurate to two __________.

:Speaking: “My town” . Describe its .4

.location, population, climate/ weather , sightseeings, people

.Also say what you like and what you don’t like about your town

Card 12

1. Grammar.Fill in the correct form: Gerund or Infinitive (with or without "TO")

It's easy _______________ why many people like food from other countries. (UNDERSTAND) .1

Dad must give up _______________ unhealthy food. He is getting a bit overweight. (EAT) .2

The teacher made us _______________ in class after school because we misbehaved. (STAY) .3

I'm fed up with _______________ my little brother to school every day. He is old enough .4
_______________ alone. (TAKE, GO) 5. Mom, I'm tired of _______________ the same things all
the time. Can't you make something different for a change? (EAT)

Students are not allowed _______________ on the lawn. (WALK) .6

The new coach made us _______________ harder and, as a result, we won the next game. .7
(PRACTICE) 8. I was surprised _______________ such a good performance because all the actors
were amateurs. (SEE) 9. I'd enjoy _______________ part of my gap year abroad. (SPEND)

:Vocabulary . Complete the sentences with prepositions of time and place at, in, or on .2

Our flight is leaving ____ Wednesday ___ 9.30 ____ the evening and arriving ___ 12.00 ____.1
.Thursday. 2.In the UK, offices are closed __ Christmas and ____New Year’s Day

.I hate driving ___night, getting up early ___ the morning, and working ___ weekends .3

I can’t read books ___ the bus or ___a car. There are some shelves ___ walls___ the living room. 5. .4
.We spend the morning ___ the museum and then went for a walk ___ the park

Ratio and Percent. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10.3
a) Decrease
b) Memorize
c) Increase
d) Initial
e) Percentage
f) Ratio
g) proportion
h) mode
i) mean
j) median
1. to become or to make something greater in amount, number, value, etc.
2. happening at the beginning; first
3. to learn something carefully so that you can remember it exactly
4. to become or make something become smaller in size, number, etc.
5. a part or share of a whole
6. the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is
contained within the other
7. the amount or number of something regarded as a part of total of 100
8. calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of
9. having a value in the middle of a series of values
10. the value that appears most frequently in a series of numbers
:Speaking. Answer the following questions .4

1. Have you ever tried to learn something new and failed?

2. How important is to know how to drive?
3. How long do you usually spend deciding what to wear in the morning?
4. Have you ever forgotten to switch your phone off during a class or concert?
5. Where are you hoping to go for your next holiday?
6. Are you planning to go anywhere next weekend?
7. Would you like to work or study in another country?
8. Have you ever pretended to be ill when you weren’t?
9. Do you think it’s important to learn to cook at school?
10. Do you think is it possible to stay friends with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend?

:Card 13 1. Grammar. Put the verb into the correct first conditional form

.If I __________________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema .1

.If you ____________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be) angry .2

If we _____________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we _____________ (see) each other next week. .3
.4. If he __________________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised

.If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late .5

:Second Conditionals - put the verb into the correct tense

.If I _________________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job .6

.If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more .7

.If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you .8

.If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house .9

.If she _________________ (not / be) always so late, she _________________ (be) promoted .10

:Vocabulary. Choose the correct adjective .2

My sister is so (exciting/excited)because she is going on holiday tomorrow. 2. It’s so (frustrating / .1
frustrated)! No matter how much I study I can’t seem to remember this vocabulary. 3. This lesson is so
(boring / bored)! 4. I’m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some chocolate,
and go to bed early with a good book. 5. This maths problem is so (confusing / confused). Can you help
me? 6. The journey was so (tiring / tired)! Twelve hours by bus. 7. He was (frightening / frightened)
when he saw the spider. 8. I was really (embarrassing / embarrassed) when I fell over in the street. 9. That
film was so (depressing / depressed)! There was no happy ending for any of the characters. 10. We are
!going in a helicopter? How (exciting / excited)

Ratio and Percent. Match the word a-b to the definition 1-10.3

k) Decrease f. Ratio
l) Memorize g. proportion
m) Increase h. mode
n) Initial i. mean
o) Percentage j. median
11. to become or to make something greater in amount, number, value, etc.
12. happening at the beginning; first
13. to learn something carefully so that you can remember it exactly
14. to become or make something become smaller in size, number, etc.
15. a part or share of a whole
16. the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is
contained within the other
17. the amount or number of something regarded as a part of total of 100
18. calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of
19. having a value in the middle of a series of values
20. the value that appears most frequently in a series of numbers
.Speaking: answer the following questions.4

1. Which cities or towns are full of tourists in the summer?

2. What tourist attractions is your country famous for?
3. Are people in your country usually nice to tourists?
4. Do you get angry with tourists who don’t try to speak your language ?why(not)/
5. Are people in the capital city very different from people in the rest of the country?
Card 14

1. Grammar. Write the sentences in the first or second conditional:

2. (First conditional) If we __________________ (not / work) harder, we __________________
(not pass) the exam.
3. (Second conditional) If she _________ (have) her laptop with her, she ____________ (email) me.
4. (First conditional) If she ___________ (not go) to the meeting, I ______________ (not go) either.
5. (First conditional) If the teacher __________________ (give) us lots of homework this weekend,
I ______________ (not be) happy.
6. (Second conditional) If Lucy __________________ (have) enough time, she _______________
(travel) more.
7. (First conditional) If the children _____________ (not eat) soon, they ___________ (be) grumpy.
8. (First conditional) If I __________________ (not go) to bed soon, I __________________ (be)
tired in the morning.
9. (Second conditional) If I __________________ (want) a new car, I _______________ (buy) one.
10. (Second conditional) If José ____________ (not speak) good French, he _____________ (not
move) to Paris.
11. (First conditional) If John _______________ (drink) too much coffee, he __________ (get) ill.
2. Vocabulary . write the opposites of the following words:
_____ - 6.pass (an exam) Remember - ____.1
_____ - 7.find Push - ____.2
_____ - 8.break Lend - ____.3
_____ - Miss (a train) - _____.4
_____ - 10.sell Buy - ______.5

.Finish the sentences using the vocabulary words .3

reduce remainder, improper fraction, proper fraction, Fraction,

LCD(the Least Common reduce, like fractions, denominator, mixed fraction, Numerator,

10. 11/8 is an improper ___________, equivalent to one and three-eights.

11. They have to _________ expenses this year.
12. The fractions with the same denominators are called __________.
13. ____________ consists of a whole number and a proper fraction.
14. In fraction 3/4 4 is the ___________ and 3 is __________.
15. __________ is a fraction whose numerator is greater than denominator.
16. Divide 2 into 7, and the answer is 3__________ 1.
17. __________ is a fraction where the numerator is less than the dominator.
18. In mathematics,___________ is the smallest number that all the numbers on the bottom of a particular
group of fractions can be divided into.

Speaking: “Languages” answer the following questions, give reasons to support your responses .4
1. Do you think you are good at learning languages?
2. Is there about learning languages that you are bad at?
3. Do you think listening to pop music is good for your English?Why(not)?
4. Are afraid of going to places where you don’t speak the language? Why(not)?
5. Why do you think British people are not motivated to learn other languages?

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