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Name : Maria Shafarin Rizka

NPM : 211003792020258

Beginning of the Erosion of Indonesian Culture in the Digital Era

How much do you know about Indonesia? A country in which there are various cultures.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has 34 provinces that have different cultures in each region.
That is what proves that Indonesia is rich in culture. As we know, Indonesia has many different tribes,
races, and religions, from Sabang to Merauke. The many differences make Indonesia famous
throughout the world.

However, in this day and age, especially entering the 21st century, where technological
developments are increasing, especially in telecommunications and information, Indonesian culture is
being swallowed up by civilization. Although according to Law no. 8 of 2002, in essence, the purpose
of the development of science and technology (IPTEK) is to improve the welfare of society in the
framework of building the nation's civilization.

For more details, we know that the main goal of science and technology is to change the
future of human life for the better, easier, cheaper, faster, and safer. The development of science and
technology, especially information technology such as the internet, makes it easy for humans to
achieve their life goals quickly. So not a few people today prefer to study digitalization innovations
rather than their own culture.

The more technology develops, the more digital products start to spread. Not only digital
products in the form of social media such as FB, Twitter, Instagram, and others. However, starting
with the emergence of increasingly innovative cell phones and becoming more sophisticated. That
makes it easier for people to exchange news via chat, telephone, and even video calls. Digital products
also tend to make Indonesian people forget their own culture.

Even so, we cannot demand to eradicate digitalization that has spread in Indonesian society.
However, today's generation will still retain all identity as a nation rich in culture. Seeing that
Indonesian culture is increasingly foreign to its nation, we, as the current generation, must be able to
balance local culture with digital culture. There are many ways we can do to preserve Indonesian
culture in the digital era.

We can take advantage of social media, which we use almost daily to educate or spread
knowledge about our culture to the general public, especially social media activists. Then instill
Pancasila values in everyday life. Alternatively, we can use our cell phones to deepen Indonesian
cultural values.

So, in that way, we can balance Indonesian culture with the culture of digitalization which is
increasingly spreading. The existence of this digitalization culture can also make us people who
introduce Indonesian culture to the public both at home and abroad because a great nation is a nation
that values its culture.

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