med Ali C.V- 2023 - ali meghees

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Ali Ahmed Megheesh

Agricultural Economics, National Expert in Social Economic

1) Personal information:
Name: Ali Ahmed Ali Megheesh
Birth date:6/5/1972
Marital Status: Married
Number of Children: 4
Address: Yemen – Dhamar – Omer Bin Al-Khatab Street
Mobil: 00967 777822020
Tel: 00967 423888


2) Educational Qualifications: -
• Ph.D. in agricultural economics (honors) - Faculty of Agriculture and Techniques –
Khartoum. Sudan - 2010/2013. Thesis title (Socio-Economic Impact and Appropriate
Technology Package on Livelihood in The Central and Northern Highlands Zones,
• MBA. Khartoum University, Sudan, 2012.
• M.Sc. In agricultural economics, Faculty of Agriculture - Baghdad University - Iraq -,
Thesis title (Socio-Economic Impact of dams in Yemen - Marib Dam - a study case).
• B.Sc. in agricultural economics, Faculty of Agriculture - Sana'a University-

3) Special skills
• Leadership-
• Very good at communication
• Training TOT
• Internet skills.
- Good skills in analysis programs (SPSS, Excel, etc.)
- Good skills in computer programs (Word, Powerpoint).
• Experience in analyses and using KoBo Toolbox.
• Excellent knowledge using both quantitative and qualitative methods for studies.
• Excellent interpersonal and problem-solving skills, creativity, and flexibility
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team
• Ability to write weekly activity reports.

4) Language skills
Reading/ Period in language
Language* Spoken Written
Comprehension area
Arabic 1 1 1
English 2 1 1 4 Years

5) Membership of Professional Associations

▪ Membership of the Engineers Union
▪ Member of the Scientific Society of Economists
▪ Member of the Iraqi Agriculture Engineering syndicate
▪ Member of the Recourse staff syndicate of AREA.
▪ Member of Green Line

6) Experience (Date, employer, Positions held, duties, and responsibilities)

Data Employer Position Duties and responsibilities

• Supervised and participated in reviewing
documents related to projects and activities that
control activities will cover as a third party.
• I am preparing and reviewing data collection tools
for each project.
• Supervised the data collection and analysis of data
collected electronically.
• Review reports for each project
• Preparing budgets for new activities and projects.
• Preparing a visualization of the project's material
and human needs, specifying the tasks and periods
required for each job.
• I am formulating work plans.
• We are coordinating with the FAO regarding the
implementation of project activities.
• Communication to obtain permits.
May. 2021 – Moore Project • We are coordinating with the relevant authorities
May.2023 Yemen managers to facilitate the implementation of project
• Represent the project in any project-related
meetings or events.
• Monitoring and evaluation, identifying problems
and obstacles facing the implementation process,
and working to overcome them.
• Follow-up performance reports.
• Visit the field to facilitate the implementation of
the tasks of the field teams, if necessary.
• The table () shows the projects that you have
accomplished during the period of work in the
- Baseline, Madeline and Endline.
- Need assessment.
- Monitoring (DDM/PDM/PTA)
- Impact assessment
Preparing and implementing a training workshop,
GIZ/ "Project Planning and Implementation" (knowledge in
Supporting the following subjects, Basics of projects planning,
February 2020 stabilization
Consultant Preparation of budgets, financial procedures including
process in
Yemen tendering processes, Introduction to monitoring -
(SSPY) evaluation, and Introduction to auditing.

- Supervising the implementation of the value chain

study for cereals and legumes crops in 8
Jan- April 2022 AREA - Determining the problems and obstacles of
marketing cereals and legumes
- Design of data collection tools
- Preparation and preparation of the report
Preparation guides of the output of the
- Development of the sensitive conflict.
April -May Public Works - Violence against women.
2021 Project - Community participation and priorities.
- Evaluate the projects and interventions of PWP.
• To train the participants on the value chain, the
offer and request of the potato crop, treatment of
the produce while and after harvesting, and
marketing techniques to help them after
cultivating their crops in Dhawran Ans District,
Dhamar Governorate.
the Resilience
February – July • I am implementing a study of Value chain
and Local Consultant
2020 analyses of potato and wheat, GIZ (Global
Program for Food and Nutrition Security
in Yemen
&Enhanced Resilience). Nov 2019.
• Preparation manual of Production and Marketing
for Agricultural Products GIZ (Global Program
for Food and Nutrition Security& Enhanced
Resilience). Jun 2019
• We are enhancing performance by providing
tuition, encouragement, and constructive
• Providing the necessary guidance and advice in all
different processes (including commercial
operations) and procedures related to
implementing the local subsidy contract (concept,
work plan, budget….etc.).
February – July • We guide and advise in documenting the different
GIZ (SSPY) Consultant
2020 processes and reporting (interim and final
progress reports).
• We provide guidance and advice in reinforcing
aspects like (Community, participation,
Institutional work, Teamwork Accountability,
Transparency, and Risk mitigation).
• Documentation of the support process sessions
and discussions (including high-quality photos
and videos).

Implementation of a study of post-distribution
YLDF/ Team monitoring (PDM) in Duran and Jabal Al-Sharq
Jan2019- OCHA leader districts in Dhamar governorate) Preparing the tools,
May2019 supervise data collection, and writing the report).
Implementation of the study on the production of wheat
Socio and sorghum: Challenges and impact of protracted
May-August conflict on the value chain of the cereal (Under the
FAO. economic
2018. Program of Food Security Information System.

• Technical Director to the General

Administration for the technology's
• Supervise economic studies.
• Evaluation of techniques for crops, livestock,
2015-2018 AREA and natural resources.
• Preparation of plans and programs
• Implementation of adoption studies for
several technologies in the field of livestock
and crops.

• Head of the research component team for

income-generating projects in the
participatory rural development project in
• Implementation of several techniques to
Team improve income for farmers.
2006-2010 IFAD
leader • Dissemination of improvement techniques
for livestock.
• Spreading technologies to conserve natural
• Monitor and evaluate all activities.
• Preparation of plans and programs
• Team leader of many studies/ surveys;
Participant Rural Appraisal (PRA) and
Establishing community committees.
• Training in (FGDs, Capacity building for local
authorities and agriculture committees,
Planning and developing of local plans in
SFD Consultant
the rural area, Bids and tender practices) for
the members of the local authorities.
• The socio-Economic study.
• Feasibility studies in different disciplines.
• Consultant and a study about Cash based
• National Expert in Socio-Economic studies in
Nile Valley and Red Sea Project in
2004-2005 ICARDA
Expert • Implement economic and social studies of
intervention in crops and livestock.

• Implantation of (Socio-Economic and PRA)
Head of the

7) Experiences and Posts

Posts and scientific papers published: -

1. Prepared the study on value chain analysis for lentil, garlic, sorghum and
peas crops for the General Authority for Agricultural Research and
Extension. “January 2023.
2. Prepared the study on value chain analysis for potato and lentil, garlic, crops
for the General Authority for YLDF." Apral 2023.
3. Prepared "Feasibility study for a 1000 almond tree plantation project -
Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - May 2023."
Consultant to Support process for small scale measures implementers-
Improving the performance of the local authority structures for the district
level of Dhamar Governorate, Supporting Stabilization Process in Yemen
(SSPY, GIZ) February to July 2020 .
2. Preparation manual of Corporate Policy, Processes and Measures on the
Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Authority Abuse and
Preparation the Mongering and evaluation questioner of programs of.
Public Works Project ( PWP), Sana'a January -February 2020.
3. A study the Value Chain analysis of Potato crop, Potato Seed Company,
4. Prepare a study on traditional knowledge in Dhamar government in
Conservation Participation project Nov 2019.

5. Training in planning and implementation of developmental for the district
level of Dhamar Governorate (Dawran Aness District- wu sab Al-Alli
District), Supporting Stabilization Process in Yemen (SSPY, GIZ) Dhamar,
26-30 oct,2019.
6. Participation workshop, Plant Genetic Assets, Dhamar, AREA 22-23 Oct,
7. Participation and prepare a scientific paper about " importance rationalization
in spending and consumption in achieving food security" in symposium on the
reality and future of food security, Sana'a 15-16 Oct ,2019.
8. Participation in the amendment and addition in the agricultural guide (Central
Highlands) economic importance and marketing of agricultural crops and
livestock, Media Center, Sana'a, 25 Sep-10 Oct, 2019.
9. Participation in the amendment and addition in the agricultural guide (AL-
Mahowet Governorate) economic importance and marketing of agricultural
crops and livestock, Media Center, Sana'a, 5-20 Sep2019.
10. Coordinator in the workshop in planning and implementation aspect of small-
scale (AL-Hada'a ,Dhamar and Maifat Ans districts) Dhamar Gov. Supporting
Stabilization Process in Yemen (SSPY, GIZ) Sana'a 2 Sep, 2019.
11. Training in planning and implementation of developmental for the district
level (Jabal AL-Sharg district) Supporting Stabilization Process in Yemen
(SSPY, GIZ) Sana'a, Aug,2019.
12. Training in planning and implementation of developmental for the district
level (AL-Hada'a district) Supporting Stabilization Process in Yemen (SSPY,
GIZ) Sana'a, July, 2019.
13. Consultant and a study about Cash based intervention- Hodeida and Rymah
PU-AMI, Premiere Urgence- Aide Medicale Internationale July, 2019.
14. Training in the Focus group desiccation in Social Fund for Development,
Dhamar, May, 2019.
15. Participation in workshop of Grain Research, PCGDP, Sana'a Jun,2019.
16. Training on the value chain for potato farmers in Qaa Al - Haql - Yarim
District, Ibb Governorate. Jun, 2019.
17. Participation in workshop of Production and Marketing for Agricultural
Products GIZ (Global Program for Food and Nutrition Security &Enhanced
Resilience). Jun,2019.
18. Preparation the manual of Marketing for Agricultural Products GIZ (Global
Program for Food and Nutrition Security &Enhanced Resilience). May,2019.
19. Study to Post Distribution Monitoring in Dhuran and Jabal Alsharq districts of
Dahmer Governorate OCHA, YLDF 2019.
20. Preparation the training material in transparency and accountability GIZ 2019.

21. Preparation of training material and training in the field of planning project
and interventions for Capacity Building for CC members- Dhamar ,(GIZ) in
Supporting stabilization process in Yemen SSPY, Nov2018.
22. Study on the production of wheat and sorghum: Challenges and impact of
protracted conflict on the value chain of the two cereal crops. Under the
Program of Food Security Information System, FAO. May – August 2018.
23. Study to assess the needs of the populations in Hajji (Magharaba district) and
Sana’a (Alhaima Aldakhlya district) for the sectorial services including, Food
security and livelihoods, Education, and Child protection. War child
organization October 2017.
24. Evaluation and selection of pilot areas in Dhamar and Ibb Governorates for
the activities of Food Security Project. April –May 2017.
25. Participate in the National Workshop on Climate Change as a Global Issue by
introducing Scientific Paper (Effect of Climate Change on Farmers income in
the Coastal and Highland areas)). Held in AREA Headquarter, Dhamar. 4-6
February 2016.
26. Work as part time Supervisor and External Examiner for of M.Sc. students in
agricultural economics, Agriculture College, Dhamar University, 2015-2017.
27. Conduct Socio-Economic Study and Business planning of income generation
in crops and animal's production under Climate change in Al-Mahweet, Ibb
and Sana’a Governorates. Biodiversity Adaptation project. March – August
28. Training in Tenders and auctions and Preparation of budgets of local council
members in 7 district in AL-Bayde governorate 2011.
29. Evaluating more than 12 scientific papers as an arbitrator of studies and
research in the field of Socio-economics. Scientific Journal for Agricultural
Research. Issued by (AREA). 2014-2017.
30. Publish a scientific paper on the ((impact of irrigation groups and their role in
maintaining the groundwater)) Journal of Graduate Studies, – AL-Neelain
University Khartoum – issue number 15, 2015.
31. Publish a scientific paper on ((The impact of fuel prices fluctuation on
agricultural crops. Journal of Graduate Studies, AL-Neelain University
Khartoum – issue 16, 2016.
32. Work as National Expert in Adaptive Research Component (Improve Crops
and diversifying income) for the Rural Participatory Development Project
during 2005 – 2010. Supported by IFAD.
33. Introduce different interventions for sake of income generating for poor
farmers in the Central Highland areas. For the sake of Rural Participatory
Development Project during 2005 – 2010. Supported by IFAD.

34. Evaluate a number of technologies in the field of Neglected Plants to improve
the livelihood of farmers in eight Districts of Dhamar Governorate. Neglected
Crops Project, AREA. 2008
35. Participation in the workshop of knowledge and experience exchange. Rural
Participatory Development Project during. IFAD, Sana’a 2008.
36. Preparation of feasibility study for the establishment of market in Almarwea
district. Integrated Interfering Component, SFD 2008.
37. Participation in a national workshop to activate the role of the agricultural
extension and poverty alleviation. MAI, Sana’a. December 2006.
38. Prepare Economic Assessment Models for Agricultural techniques that
improve farmer's income under spate irrigation. Research Component under
Spate Irrigation Project Zabid, Hodaida 2006.
39. Participation and preparation in the training manual of development planning
with the participation of the community to members of the administrative
bodies and local councils in officials of the plan and budget, Social Fund for
Development, Sana'a, 2006.
40. Participation and preparation for the training manual of Tendering targeting
the Local Councils Members. Social Fund for Development, Sana'a, 2007.
41. Implementation of a study about Holistic Intervention in the local
communities. Alasudh Village in Mawiyah District, Taiz. Social Fund for
Development 2006.
42. Implementation of a study about Holistic Intervention in the local
communities. Tor Al-Baha District, Lahj. Social Fund for Development 2006.
43. Assessment of Socio- Economic and environmental impact of using dams
water in Sawan, Alradhmah, Ans, and Dhawran Districts of Sana'a, Ibb, and
Dhamar Governorates respectively. Arabian Peninsula and Gulf Project
44. Prepare a training manual from Socio-economics on scale saving and methods
of marketing for Agricultural associations in Amran Governorate. Social Fund
for Development, 2005.
45. Participate in formation of Farmers Seed bank in Mahaweet, Tihama and
Dhamar Governorates as the first pilot exercise mini-projects. ETC Project
46. Implementing a study on Intervention for creating income for women under
mini-projects. Supported by ETC and Cooperative and Agricultural Credit
Bank. 2000.
47. Conduct feasibility study for greenhouses cultivation in the Central Highlands.
Supported by Al-Amal Bank for Mini Projects. 2016.
48. Impact assessment study for improved males of sheep and their role in animal
production improvement. Red Sea and Nile Valley Project, ICARDA. 2016.

49. Adoption and Impact assessment study of improved crops (wheat, Lentil( .
Red Sea and Nile Valley Project, ICARDA. 2016.

8) A lecturer in Program Preparation and Training in;-

• Preparing a worksheet on the role of agricultural marketing in
agricultural development within the agricultural festival - Dhamar
• Focus group desiccation
• Adoption of agricultural technologies.
• Impact assessment and measurement of economic returns.
• Credit and Saving.
• Marketing.
• Participatory Rapid Rural Appraisal (PRRA/PLA).
• Developing concepts for analysis of problems, objectives and
project life cycle.
• Preparation of budgets of local authority.
• Capacity Building of local authority.
• Value Chain.
• Management and Planning
• Tenders and auctions
• Capacity building for local authorities and agriculture committees.
• Planning and developing of local plans in the rural areas.
• Bids and tender's practices for the members of the administrative
bodies, local councils and agriculture committees.
• Socio-Economic assessment of techniques.
• Feasibility studies in different disciplines.
• Preparation of budgets
• Marketing Manual for Agricultural Products
• Income-generating of small projects.
• Monitoring and evaluation.
• Safety and quality management.

9) T asks and functions:

• Training the Consultants in participation Rapid Approach (PRA), Public Works
Project, Sana'a Jun 2020.
• Technical Director to the General Administration for the technologies
dissemination, .
• Senior Researcher in agricultural Research and Extension Authority (AREA),
• National Expert in social economic studies during the period 2008-2010 and
9 2013-2016.
• Coordinator of Research Component For income-generating projects in Dhamar
Participatory Rural Development Project (IFAD) 2005-2010.
• National Expert in Socio- Economic studies in Nile Valley and Red Sea Project in
(ICARDA) 2004-2006.
• Research Assistant in Agricultural Research and Extension Authority (AREA),
• Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Studies in agricultural Research and
Extension Authority 2000-2002.
• Counterpart for Socio-Economic Expert in Management Support Project
(Extension and Training Component) during 1998-2000
• Research Assistant in the Department of Information and Documentation of
(AREA) 1996-1998.
• Research assistant in (AREA)1996-1998.

10) The training courses

• Training in credit and financing of agricultural 1995. Conducted by Cooperative
and Agriculture Credit Bank. 10-20 March, Dhamar, Yemen
• Training course in marketing and storage of potato seeds and treatment
procedures of this crop 1995. Held in Potato Seed Project. 12-25 January 1995,
Dhamar, Yemen
• Training course in Training in Skills of Development Communication and
methodology of participatory Research. Conducted by Social Security Project of
the World Bank's. 19-21 April 1998.
• Training course in Training of Trainers (TOT) 1999. Conducted by ETC Project.
2-10 June 1999, Dhamar. Yemen.

• Training course in Projects Planning and Follow-up. Conducted by ETC Project.
18-27 June 1999, Dhamar. Yemen.
• A training course in Rapid participatory rural appraisal (PRA) 1999.
• Training course in Project Management in Professional Ways. Conducted by
Social Fund Development (SDF). 8-15 May 2000. Sana'a, Yemen.
• Training course in Environmental Education. 11-23 Nov. 2004. Conducted by
Social Fund Development (SDF). Taiz, Yemen.
• Training course in the training of trainers on the focused groups discussion. 25-
27 April, 2004. Conducted by Social Fund Development (SFD) Sana’a, Yemen.
• Training course in the field of training of trainers the second phase of training
Project life cycle for the local council members. 11-24 December 2004.
Conducted by Social Fund for Development. Taiz, Yemen.
• Training course in the field of training of trainers on the development planning to
community participation for the training of local council members and executive
offices Phase III. 13-22 July 2005. Conducted by Social Fund for Development.
Aden, Yemen.
• Training course in Preparation of budget of local council members in AL- Byte
districts 204.
• Training course in the field of training of trainers on the third phase the strategic
plans and institutional construction and strategic vision and evaluation of plans
for local council members and executive offices. 4-15 February 2006. Sana’a,
• Training course in (SPSS and its uses). 18-30 January 2001. Baghdad, Iraq.
• Training course in (ORCAL) as a program design tool. 2 April to 10 June 2001.
Baghdad, Iraq.
• Training Course in GIS applications. 2-29 March 2012. University of Al-Neelin,
Khartoum, Sudan.
• Training Course in GIS and Remote Sensing Modeling. 25 May – 19 June 2013.
of Al-Neelin University, Khartoum, Sudan.
• Participating in the International Workshop (Training-Cum-Study Visit Program
on “Unlocking the Potentials of Agriculture and Rural Sectors through Innovation
Enterprise Development”. 2-11 February 2015. Conducted by Indian Institute of
Management. Lucknow (IIML),UP, Indian.

11) External Posts:

• Participation in the international online training program on (Value Chain
management in fisheries) at ICAR-CIFT, Cochin, Karala, India 13-16 September,
2021(At Online of AARDO and ICAR-CIFT).
• Participation in the annual regional meeting of the Nile Valley and the Red Sea
Project, ICARDA for (Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia-Eritrea: Yemen countries), Aleppo-
11 Syria, 2005.
• Review of a working paper on the socio-economic impact and Value Chain in
agricultural techniques in Yemen of the Nile Valley and the Red Sea project
ICARDA –Aleppo, Syria. 2006.
• Egypt experience of the participatory development, as well as lending and savings
mechanisms. Technical Workshop. NVRSP, Egypt. 2010.
• Participation in the annual regional meeting of the Nile Valley and the Red Sea
Project, ICARDA for (Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia-Eritrea: Yemen countries), Cairo.

12) References;

• Name of referees; Dr. Mohammed Noman Sallam

• Organization; FAO
• Position: Resident Representative Assistant.
• Tel: 733255052
• Email;

• Name of referees: Mr. Ahmed Saeed Al-Umairi

• Organization; GIZ
• Position: Director of Supporting the Stabilization Process in Yemen
2 (SSPY Project)
• Tel: 772596018

• Email;

Name of referees; Dr. Mohammed Hasem

• Organization; GIZ

• Position: Project manager of Strengthening Resilience and Participation

on Local Level in Yemen (SRPL)•
Tel: 734911911
• Email;

Name of referees; Mr. Hesham Alatnah

• Organization; MOORE Yemen

• Position: A partner
Tel: 734499905
• Email;


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