chapter 1

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Project Context

Technology had played a critical role in the improvement and expansion

of education throughout the world. A website is one of the technological instruments

that institutions and businesses can use to share their academic and corporate profiles

with the global community, and it is becoming increasingly popular. These days,

practically every school must have its web-based school information and publication

system. The school's administrators put vital information about the student and its

various activities and programs. A school website serves as a virtual gathering place

for members of the school community to exchange information. Also, data about the

school’s history, principles, mission, vision, teaching and non-teaching

employees, certificates, honors, other recognitions, and any other information

pertinent to the institution are included

Datu Ibrahim Paglas Memorial College (DIPMC) serves students from a

culturally diverse region that faces considerable issues with administrative efficiency

and accessibility to education. The college is an important component in the

community's provision of high-quality education, working to provide students with

the information and abilities necessary for both their career and personal growth.

DIPMC plays a crucial function, but a number of operational challenges

prevent it from reaching its full potential. The college's ineffective communication

and information management systems are among its main problems. Administrative

tasks including organizing courses, enrolling students, and maintaining academic

records are currently primarily done by hand with a lot of face-to-face


communication. This antiquated approach not only wastes a lot of time and resources,

but it also makes mistakes more likely and causes delays in the distribution of


Additionally, the existing infrastructure lacks a single platform for accessing

critical data, which makes it difficult for stakeholders to communicate effectively and

get timely updates, including students, administrative personnel, and academic staff.

Not only does this separation put operational effectiveness at risk, but it also

compromises the overall quality of instruction that students receive. The creation of a

web-based information system for DIPMC is one of the most significant efforts to

address these issues.

The goal of DIPMC's Web-Based Information System is to improve

administrative effectiveness, provide a welcoming learning environment, and improve

the quality of education for both teachers and students. By means of this endeavor,

DIPMC hopes to maintain its dedication to quality in education and make a beneficial

impact on the socioeconomic advancement of Datu Paglas and the areas around it.

Purpose and Description

The Web-Based Information System created for Datu Ibrahim Paglas

Memorial College (DIPMC) aims to improve how the college manages its daily tasks

and operations. This system will have many useful features to make things easier for

students, teachers, and staff. For example, students can apply and register for classes

online, which saves time and reduces paperwork. They can also check their grades

and schedules easily through the system.

Student Portal is designed to form a centralized collaboration experience

where the students can easily access the information and contents of the university

that will allow them to have a new student experience. The system will provide a

learning resources and this resource provided in student portal can be utilized for

a better process that drives the students’ progress and outcomes. The said system will

improve the student’s productivity and satisfaction because they can keep trail of their

day-to-day activities, check topics for discussion, materials for their activities,

schedules, etc. Web based Information System will help the students of DIPMC to

have a more efficient and time saving way of accessing information discussions,

schedule of activities, etc. The proposed system will provide the students an

improved and efficient way to connect to the university and its information.

The system will also improve communication across the college community

by sending instant notifications and announcements. This will keep everyone

informed about important updates quickly.

The Web-Based Information System at DIPMC aims to make tasks simpler

and faster for everyone involved—students, teachers, and staff. It uses modern

technology to support better education and services at the college, making sure it

meets the needs of its students and community well.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to develop a web-based information

system for DIPMC.

Specifically, it aims:

 To develop a module that can display the school’s information;

 To develop a system that can facilitate effective communication among

students, faculty, and staff through displayed announcements, and

notifications regarding academic updates and events; and


 To develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface accessible via web

browsers, ensuring ease of navigation and usability for all stakeholders,

including students, faculty, and administrative staff.

Scope and Limitation

The proposed system can display the information of DIPMC such as its

Mission and Vision, Core Values, Board of Trustees, Administrators, Faculty and

Staff, Program Offerings, School Policies such as admission and retention an

degrading system for each department. The system will not cover payments, grade

viewing, cannot accommodate file uploading and is not available in offline accessing.

Lastly, the system will be personalized and will be designed for DIPMC only

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