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N.E.D Physics Recreation 2021 1. Fire equal forces of 10N each are applied at one point and all are lying in one plane. If the angles between them are equal, the resultant of these forces will be A) Zero B) 10N c) 20N 1D) 40v2N 2. The gradient of the velocity time graph represents: ‘A) Speed B) Acceleration C) Distance D) Velocity 3. Torque is given by: Ajt=rxF B)t=Fx? cy= EF D)t=F.? 4. 'P’is the pressure and ‘d’is the density of gas at constant temperature, then: A)P xt B)Pat c)Pad D)P«d 5. 11. The dot product of force and velocity is : A) KE B)PE ©) Power D) None of these 6. Torque is maximum when angle between F andF is: A) 0? B) 45° ©) 60° Dj 90° 7. Work done will be positive (maximum)if the angle between force and displacement is: Ayo B) 45° c).90° 1D) 180° 8. When a body is moving in’aicircular path which is constant! A) Velocity B) speed C) Acceleration —_D) Nos of these 9. In Astronomical telescope which is true: A) f=h B) fe > fe RSE D) None of these 10. Two forces of magnitude 10N and SN are acting-on a body in same direction, the magnitude of the resultant force will be: A) 2N B)5N ©) 10N D) 15N 14. TWo vectors A = 3 + aj and B = 41+ 6 + 38 are perpendicular to each other, the value of a will be: A) 2 B)-2 c)3 D)-3 12. Dally example of mutual induction is: A) Generator B) Transformer C) Electric Motor) None of these 13. Meter bridge is sensitive whien? A) all four resistors have similar resistance values B) all four resistors have Different resistance values C) Both AandB D) None of these 14.02 jp ke . A) Zero B) One Cenk D)ixyxk 15. Which of the following lists of physical quantities consist only of vectors; A) Time, temperature, velocity 8) Force, volume, momentum C) Velocity, acceleration, mass D) Force, acceleration, velocity 16. To measure the maximum range of voltmeter a series resistance must be: A) Increase B) decrease ©) Zero D) None of these 17. The rate of change in momentum is: A) Force B) Torque ©) Angular Momentum —» D) None of these 18. When the external torque on a system is zero, there will be conservation of its: A) Total energy B) Linear momentum C) Angular momentum D) None of the above 19. Fusion occurs because of: ‘A) when two atoms slam together to form a heavier atom B) when an atom breaks to form a lighter atom C) Both AandB D) None of these 20. If two spheres of charge ~3C and +1¢ ate joined by a conducting wire, then the het charge on the two spheres will be: A) 420 B) -2¢ c) 4c D)A4e 21. If the distance between two mass particles is halved, the gravitational force between them becomes: AA) Half B) Double ©) Three times. ~-D) Four times 22. Ifa plane is flying with 600Km/hr, it drops a package that reaches in 5 seconds, calculate its height: A) 5m B) 25m C) 125m D) 625m 23. Joule is the SI unit of which pair: A) Force & Energy B) Power & energy C) Work & Energy D) Force & momentum 24. if A satand B = bjthen AxB A) ab B) abi C)abj D) abk 25, For a free-falling body what should be constant: A) KE B) PE C) Acceleration __D) None of these 26. Which of the following is the biggest unit of energy A) Joule B) Watt hour C) Kilo watt- hour) None of these 27. Total energy of a particle executing S.H.M of amplitude A is proportional to; Aye B) A? cya DAT 28. 3000J of heat is supply'to a system and the change in internal energy is 400J, if the piston moves through a distance of 3.5m the what will be the work done. A) 600) B) 1600) C) 26005 D) 3600) 29. At mean position the potential energy of mass attached to spring is ‘A) Equal to PE B) Zero C) One D) None of these 30. If three identical springs each of constant k are hooked together, the spring constant of resultant spring will be; A)3k B)2k c)ki4 D)W3 31. For a simple pendulum the graph between L & T?is: A) Straight line B) Perabola C) Curve D) Ellipse 32. The rate of decay constant is inversely proportional to: ‘A) Hall life B) Mean life C) Both AandB | D) None of these 33. The fundamental frequency of stretched string is f= |Fijeunit of 1 is A) kg B) kgm" C) kg m, D) kg" 34. If Us the internal energy, P be the pressure, V be the volume, Q is the heat supplied, find the correct relation: A) AQ = AU —aw B)AU=AQ-AW C)AW=AQ+AU _ D) None of these 35. A tuning fork A of frequency 256 Hz produces 3 beats/sec. with another tuning fork B»The frequency of tuning fork B is; A) 256 B) 253 C) 2563 D) 259, 36. Tuning fork is an instrument to produce: A) Heat B) Energy (C) Light D) Sound 37. Loudness of the sound depends on: A) Amplitude B) Wavelength C) frequency D) Speed 38. The unit of intensity is: A) Wattsim B) wattsim? C) wattsim? D) watts 39. As a planet orbits the Sun identify which of the following quantity most remain constant? A) velocity 8) angular momentum C) gravitational force D) None of these 40. The ‘speed of sound in air at STP is 300 misec. Ifthe air pressure becomes double, the temperature remaining the same, the speed of sound would become A) 1200 m/sec B) 600 misec C) 300V2m/sec — D) 300 m/sec 41. the principle of working of galvanometer: ‘A) torque acting on a current carrying coil inside a magnetic field B) force acting on a current carrying coil inside a magnetic field C) momentum acting on a current carrying coil inside a magnetic field D) None of these 42. Meter bridge is used to measure: A) potential difference with high accuracy B) current value with high accuracy C) resistance values with high accuracy D) None of these 43, Frequencies more than 20,000 Hertz are called A) Ultrasonic B) Supersonics C) Infrasonic D) none of these 44. The periodic increase and decrease in loudness of sound is called: A) Resonance B)Silence zone C) Diffraction D) Beats 45. Huygens’s principle is applied to ‘A) Locate the wavefront 8) Explain diffraction C) Explain interference D) Find out the speed of light 46. Dimension of specific resistance is: A)ML7TA? B) MUTA? c) MLAT2A"* D) MUTA, 47. In Michelson’ interferometer, a bright fringe will be replaced by next bright fringe if we move the moveable mirror by an amount equal to; Aya B) al2 c) 44 D) None 48. Maximum work done in this process: A) Isobaric B) Isochorie C) Isothermal 1D) Adiabatic 49. The unit of intensity level is: A) Watts B) Watts/m? cyBell.m2 D) Bell 50. Maximum range of projectile is at: A) 30° B) 45° c) 60° D) 90° 51. The length of astronomical telescope in normal adjustment is A) fo + fe B) fo- fe C) fox fe D) fo/ fe 52.34’? + gHet +X+ gn! A) Pp B) 13% C) a6P 24 D) None of these 53. Negative vector -¥ as compared with vector ¥ has A) Same Magnitude = B) Same direction C) Opposite direction D) Both A and C 54. Ifa ball thrown from a height ball fall and strike the ground and bounced back same height? A) Perfectly elastic B) Elastic C) Perfectly non-elastic D) Non-clastic 55. The least distance of distinct vision is 25 om. The focal length of a convex lens is 5 cm. It can act as a simple microscope of magnifying power: A) 4 B)5 c) 6 D) None of these 56. The collision between two bodies be élastic if bodies are A) Solid and soft B) Soff and elastic C) Solid and hard D) Hard and elastic 57. As a result of melting of ice the entropy A) increases B) decreases C) remains same D) none of these 58. The magnifying power of a compound microscope is: A) Ufo (1+ dif) B) Lifo (1 +f. d) C) fo L (1 +dlfe) D) fol L (1 + fy d) 59. The horizontal range of a projectile, at a certain place, depends upon ‘A) The mass of the projectile B) The velocity of projection C) The angle of projection D) The angle as well as velocity of projection 60. To improve the jumping record, a long jumper should ‘A) Jump at angle of 45° B) Jump at angle of 60° C) Jump as high as possible D) Jump at an angle of 30° 61. If Kis the Boltzmann constant, the average KE of a gas molecule at absolute temperature T is xr skr az a ) KT y= 62. In a thermodynamic system, if AU represents the increase in internal eneray and AW the work done by the system. Which of the following statements is true A) AU = AW in an adiabatic process B) AU = —AW in en isothermal process C) AU = AWin an isothermal process D) AU = —AW in an adiabatic process 63. An ideal heat engine exhausting heat at 27°C is to have 25% efficiency. It must take heat at A) 127°C B) 227°C C) 327°C D) 673°C 64. If magnitude of charge is double and distance between them is halved the force between will become A) F 8) 4F C) 8F D) 16F 65. Jee is the unit of: A) Resistance 8) Potential Difference C) Current D) None of these 66. In N = N,e*, 2s called: ‘A) wavelength B) decay constant C)BothAlandB —_D) None of these 67. The magnifying power of a simple microscope is 6..The focal length of its lens in meters will be (least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm) A) 0.05 B) 0.06 C) 0.25 D) 0.12 68. A body of mass 2.05 x 10° Kg raised up to the height of 20m in 2minutes, what is the power? AA) 457.24 B) 557.24W. c) 687.24W D) 757.24W 69. A crane of mass 600Kg moves up with a velocity of Sm/s. What is the power? A) 1kW B) 2KW c)3kw D)aKw 70. Two capacitance 4uF and 6uF are connected in series. A potential difference of 500 V is applied between the outer plates of the system. The charge on each Capacitor will be A) 1200c B) 6000c C) 1200pe D) 6000p¢ 71. Two capacitors of 3pF and 6yF are connected in series across a potential difference of 120 volt. Then the potential difference across 3UF capacitor is A) 40v B) 60V Cc) 80v D) 100 72, Three capacitor of capacitance 2yF each are connected in parallel. Their equivalent capacitance is A) 1uF B) 2.5uF C) pF D) 8yF 73. Ifa charge of 180 coulomb flows through the cross section of a conductor in one minute, the current flowing through it is: A) IA B)3A C) 5A D)7A 74. If three resistance R1, R2 and R3 are connected in series such that R1>R2>R3 then their equivalent resistance will be A) Lesser than R1 B) More than R1 €) Lesser than R3 D) Between R1 and R3 75. The S.| unit of resistivity is A) Ohm B) Ohmim C) Ohm-m D) Ohm-m? 76. Three resistors of Zohm, chm and Sohim are connected in parallel across a batlery’of 10 V and of negligible internal resistance. The p.d across the 3 ohm resistor is A)2v 8)3v c)av D) tov 77. which of the following represents Ohm's law? A) IEVR C) Rev 78. The unit resistance “Ohm! is defined as A) Ampere/Coulomb B) Ampere/Volt. C) VoltiAmpere D) VottiCoulomb 79. An electric iron is rated at 240V, 480W. The current through it will be A) 2408 B) 480A C) 28 D)O5A 80. Unit of intensity of magnetic induction is A) N/A B) Tesla ©) Whim? D) All above 81. Magnetic field inside a solenoid is ‘A) Directly proportional to current B) Inversely proportional to current C) Directly proportional to its length D) Inversely proportional to the total number of turns, 82. Ina moving coil galvanometer, the deflection of the coil @ is related to the electric current | by the relation: A) loctan 6 Bylo C)lag D)l« vo 83. A Current carrying wire is placed parallel to the magnetic field then, A) Force will act parallel to it B) Force will acts perpendicular to it C) No force will act on it D) None of these 84. Electric field intensity having sphere of radius ‘muill be: Ae B= of D) zero 85. The galvanometer constant in a moving coil galvanometer is given by A) K = NABIC B) K = NACIB C)K=NB/AC D) K = C/BAN 86. Photoelectric effect and Compton effect supported: ‘A) wave theory of light 8) corpuscular theory of light C) Both of these D) None of these 87. The S.| unit of heat is: A) Joule B)Nm C) Korte? D) Alllof these 88, The S.| unit of current is A) volt B) Ampere C) Ohm D) All of these 89. Unit of flux density is: A) Tesla B) Teslaim ©) Testa/m? D) None of these 90. The velocity is the rate of change of A) Displacement B) Distance C) Acceleration __D) None of these 91. In projectile motion acceleration along x-axis is: A) Maximum B) Minimum C) Zero ‘D) None of these 92. Dimension of acceleration is: Ay MeL?" B) M*LT? oy ML'T? D) None of these 93. Dimensional formula for frequency: A)T B)T" ct D) None of these 94. Slope of the Velocity-time graph is: A) Displacement B) Velocity €)\Acceleration _—_D) None of these 95. Work done is the dot product of: A) Force and velocity B) Force and Displacement C) Force and distance D) None of these 96. Speed of light in vacuum is: A) 3x10" B) 3x 108 C)3x 10% D)3x 10° 97. The process in which temperature remain constant is: A) Isobaric B) Isochoric C) Isothermal D) Adiabatic 98. Speed of sound is zero in= A) Air B) Vacuum ©) gas D) None of these 99. Mass of positron is equal to: A) Proton B) Electron ©) Photon D) None of these 100.The value of “g” when object moves towards the centre of the earth: A) increases B) Decreases C) Same D) None of these 101.Acceleration of simple pendulum is: ‘A) proportional to displacement 8) proportional to negative displacement C) proportional to Velocity D) None of these 102. Stationary waves of frequency 300 Hz are formed in a medium in which the velocity of sound is 1200 m/s. The distance between a node and the neighboring anti-node is A) 1m 8)2m C) 3m D)4m 103.11 30 waves per second pass through a medium at a speed of 30 mis, wavelength of these waves is; A) 30m 8) 15m c) im D) 280 m 104.In a STEP UP transformer the voltage is A) Vs = Vp 8) Vp> Vs C) Vs >Vp D) None of these ANSWERS 1 [a] @ 1 c)os [es] % [o| wife 2 |e |i fale | [7 |e [Pio [a 3 [alia Pej s3 |p| 7 | caf \aos | c 4 [ec] aie] sa a | 79 | teal 108 | c 5 c 30 D 55 c 80 D 6 D 31 A 56 c 81 A 7 A 32 57 A 82 B 8 B 33 B 58 A 83 c 2 | eif34 fe so [py ea wo |o|3s |c| 6.| a| as |v wie | 3ss fo | oi[o | 6 |e 12 |p | 37_| a [se | o | a7 | 13 A 38 5 63 A 88 B wi |e | 39 je) 64 |v | a | a as D 40, D 65 8 90 16 A 4h A 66 B Si. w [ale [cl] oe [al 2 |e 18 q AB A 68 B 93 B ao [vac 4a [| 6 | c| o |e 2 |p| 4 | al 7 | cl] os |e upola« [s|[m |c|s6 |e wilc| a [el 2 [cl le 23 c 48 c 73 B 98 B zm |o| 4 |o| ~ |s| 9 |e 25 c 50 8 75 c 100 | B

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