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3, SEPTEMBER 2005 337

Maurizio Gotti
Specialized Discourse: Linguistic Features and Changing
Book Review
—Reviewed by

Index Terms—Genre, linguistic analysis, specialized discourse.

S pecialized discourses have been the focus of

serious linguistic studies for over a century because
analysis is its theoretical importance and linguistic
uniqueness. Sociolinguistic frameworks have been
used mostly to examine the sociological layers of
of their unique lexico-semantic, pragmatic, and a particular technical domain and its discourse.
sociolinguistic identity. In a fast-moving world The controversy regarding the true definition of a
of commerce and economics that has also seen specialized discourse compared to mere varieties of a
rapid increases in communication technologies, particular speech type is a complex business. Still,
discourse patterns between any two communicators there is no set of rules that is helpful in determining
are becoming increasingly specialized. They are that a particular type of discourse is specialized
specialized from a theoretical point of view because in nature. Gotti clarifies this issue, taking the
they have to be diagnosed and their inner structures position in support of a more rigid and linguistically
examined with available theories. But theoretical oriented methodology, partly dominated by the
consensus among scholars on their true nature has ideas of the Hallidayan School. According to him,
not been reached yet; therefore, there are many such terminology as “restricted languages,” “special
controversies. languages,” or “micro languages” do not adequately
Gotti’s Specialized Discourse: Linguistic Features and explain specialized discourses in light of evidence
Changing Convention is an introduction to the various emerging from recent empirical corpus-based
theoretical aspects of different types of specialized research. These issues are clarified by the author to
discourse with an attempt to bring clarity to the achieve constancy in operational terms. The great
subject’s basic tenets. The target audiences may be amount of heterogeneity in the textual construction
academics and professionals involved in the study of of specialized discourse makes it difficult to arrive at
specialized discourse who want a concise introduction any single analysis. Matters are further complicated
to all major concepts. Additional audiences include by differences in discourse topics and numbers of
students in cultural studies or linguistics. The book’s participants. Gotti offers a detailed account of general
simple language and wide coverage of fascinating features of specialized discourses and fits them in his
topics make it an approachable text on the subject. overall analysis framework.
The author has based the analysis on several types
Chapter 2 then focuses on the various components of
of specialized corpora collected, thus making easy
lexical features found in specialized discourse. Gotti
theoretical comparisons for the reader. There are 15
first reviews earlier studies and then discusses each
chapters in the book divided into several units; the
notion with examples. Lexical systems of specialized
book also includes an appendix, references, and an
discourses are more diversified and more complex
than regular language, a point that Gotti illustrates
The introductory chapter explains the various with suitable examples.
features of specialized discourse. What makes any
type of specialized discourse important for any serious The issue of syntactic features of several types
of specialized discourse is taken up in chapter
Manuscript received May 11, 2005; revised May 15, 2005. 3. Syntax has been the most prominent level of
The reviewer is with the Department of Speech Pathology, linguistic analysis in the transformational-generative
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, framework. And this level contributes significantly
Mysore-6, Karnataka, India (email:
toward the overall textual uniqueness of any
IEEE DOI 10.1109/TPC.2005.853946 discourse. The author believes that an in-depth
Book Publisher: Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2003, 351 pp. analysis of the various syntactic components in a text
with index. will increase our understanding. The author explains

0361-1434/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE


ten different types of syntactic phenomena that are The historico-analytical method used to investigate
specific to different types of specialized discourses. the past of specialized discourse gives the reader
He argues that these features can help identify a specific insight for further reading.
particular pattern of discourse. These syntactic
features are all found in ordinary everyday language. The origins of historical essays are the subject matter
But in the case of specialized discourse corpora from of chapter 9. The author briefly writes of Francis
different genres, their individual presence differs. This Bacon as the first practitioner of the experimental
chapter is very clear in focus and highly readable. essay form in fifteenth-century Britain before
explaining the many theoretical components of any
modern experimental written text. The next chapter
Chapter 4, on textual features, has a similar structure
is on Malthus and the textual aspects of language
as the previous two chapters. Gotti explains all ten
used by economists, followed by another chapter
textual features clearly and, most importantly, by
on rhetoric and the language of economics. Here
using excerpts from suitable texts. The author shows
McCloskey’s rhetorical categories are reviewed. This
great skill in making argumentative comparisons
is a small chapter that could have been joined with
between any two types of discourse pieces to make
the earlier one. The following three chapters elaborate
things transparent.
on the formation of lexis as used in computer science,
focusing on the special language SEASPEAK and the
After this extensive coverage of the fundamentals language of popularization. The last chapter is the
of specialized discourse as an important area of conclusion.
serious inquiry, the author discusses the historical
background in the next section. Individual chapters In all of these, Gotti painstakingly covers a very wide
look into the development of specialized discourse range of important theoretical concepts related to
in the seventeenth century, specialized terms specialized discourse and is successful in making the
in “hard word” dictionaries, lexical choices in a reading easy and pleasurable. This book gives a very
Galilean translation, and specialized neologisms in clear idea of the subject matter, making it suitable for
the chemist Boyle’s writings. These chapters are use in the classroom. In addition, the independent
independent in their organization, but the author has structure of each chapter means that the chapters
skillfully organized them to maintain overall thematic can be read in a nonsequential manner. All in all,
symmetry. An excellent use of historical records and Specialized Discourse is a very helpful addition to the
anecdotes makes these chapters a pleasure to read. literature on that topic.

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