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Egzamin maturalny

Zbiór zadań
Zawiera wszystkie typy zadań egzaminacyjnych
występujące na
Egzaminie maturalnym - poziom podstawowy
(część pisemna)

Kopia dla nauczyciela

Klucz odpowiedzi
Zapis nagrań

Marta Patkowska-Dudziak
Spis treści

Człowiek 2

Miejsce zamieszkania 4

Edukacja 9

Praca 12

Życie prywatne 15

Żywienie 18

Zakupy i usługi 21

Tabela punktów 23

Klucz odpowiedzi 24

Zapis nagrań 25

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Znajomość środków językowych

Wypowiedź pisemna Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 1


Zadanie 1. (0-5)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę na temat empatów. Zaznacz znakiem X, które zdania 1.1.-1.4. są
zgodne z treścią nagrania (T - True), a które nie (F - False).


1.1. Dr Smith coined the term “emotional sponges”. X

Empaths not only understand other people’s emotions but also sense
1.2. X

1.3. It’s easy for empaths to feel comfortable in romantic relationships. X

Empaths often struggle to find peace in nature as it tends to

1.4. X
overwhelm them.

According to the expert, it’s important that empaths accept their

1.5. X
unique traits of character.

Zadanie 2. (0-3)

W zadaniach 2.1.-2.3. wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa zdania.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

2.1. DRESS
James, don't forget to ....... the salad with vinegar and add your favourite spices. It will
taste a lot better.
Let's all ....... up as superheroes for the upcoming costume party! What do you say?

2.2. ARM
Christopher fell and broke his ....... earlier today. This is why he had to go to hospital in
order to receive medical help.
Buying that luxury car would cost an ....... and a leg, so I opted for a more affordable
option instead.

2.3. SHARP
Mia’s ....... character was evident in the way she quickly analysed complex situations
and offered insightful solutions.
Be careful with that ....... knife while chopping carrots - you might hurt yourself. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2

Zadanie 3. (0-3)

Przetłumacz na j. angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać zdania logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

3.1. Mike, (nie bądź taki uparty) don't be so stubborn / obstinate! Why don’t you consider
other options that are available?
3.2. If Lisa understood the consequences better, she (zmieniłaby zdanie na temat) would
change her mind about moving abroad.
3.3. Chloe (patrzy z góry na ludzi, którzy) looks down on people who don't have as much
money as she does. She believes they are less valuable because of their financial situation.

Zadanie 4. (0-12)

Uwielbiasz poznawać nowe osoby. Niedawno poznałaś / poznałeś nową osobę,

z którą jeszcze nie dogadujesz się najlepiej. W e-mailu do przyjaciela z Cambridge:
zrelacjonuj okoliczności, w których doszło do spotkania i opisz swoje pierwsze
wrażenie na temat tej osoby,
opisz charakter nowo poznanej osoby,
wyjaśnij, dlaczego jest wam trudno się dogadać,
napisz, co zamierzasz zrobić, aby polepszyć wasze relacje.

Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów,
tak aby osoba nieznająca polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje.
Pamiętaj, że długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 wyrazów (nie licząc wyrazów podanych na
początku wypowiedzi). Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (5 punktów), spójność
i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), zakres środków językowych (3 punkty) oraz poprawność środków językowych
Zadanie 2.
(2 punkty).

Rozpocznij swoją wypowiedź w następujący sposób:

Hello Chris,
How are things? As you know, I love meeting new people. I have met someone recently.
However, we don’t get on too well yet.

Wynik: ..... / 23 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 3


Zadanie 5. (0-7)

Przeczytaj cztery teksty (A-D). Wykonaj zadania 5.1.-5.7. zgodnie z poleceniami.

Tekst A
More and more people are choosing a lifestyle where they can work while traveling. This
change is happening because technology lets us work from different places, not just an
office. The people who travel and work remotely are called digital nomads. They work and
live in various countries for as long as they want to.
Apart from bringing personal happiness, this way of life also helps save money. Nomads
can live in cheaper places and don't have to spend a lot in big cities. They can also earn
more from their job in a developed country while living in a less expensive one.
This new way of living has created new places called co-working and co-living spaces
where remote workers can work and live together.
It's exciting to see how it will continue to change our world!
Na podstawie:

Tekst B
🌍 Digital Nomad Haven! Work, Live, Explore! 🏠
🌟 Modern Comfort: Fully furnished flats with fast internet for your remote work
👫 Community Spirit: Join a diverse, supportive network of nomads
🍲 Shared Facilities: Cozy workspaces, communal kitchen and lounges
Zadanie 2.
📍 Prime Spot: Central location for convenience and adventure
🎉 Engaging Events: Workshops and meetings to connect
🛏️ Flexible Stays: Choose from private or shared accommodations
Join us for a seamless blend of work and lifestyle. Book your spot now!

🔗 Visit us at 🌐 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 4

Tekst C

Julie: I've made up my mind,

I'm going to become a nomad
and travel the world! Marta: Wait, are you sure about
that? Being a nomad sounds exciting,
but have you thought about the stability
you might lose? It could be quite tiring
to constantly move around without
a stable home.

Julie: I’m aware of that but I’m

still willing to give it a go. I’ve never
thought about living in one place,
anyway. I don’t own a flat and
I have never wanted to buy one.
Marta: Wow! I admire your
adventurous spirit!
When are you leaving then?

Julie: I’m not sure yet.

Let’s meet next week
and catch up!

Tekst D

Nomad experience
📣 Join us for an Engaging Discussion Panel!
🗓️ Date: Saturday, January 15
🕕 Time: 6 p.m.
🏫 Venue: Grand High School
🌟 Everyone is Welcome! 🌟
Be part of an insightful discussion panel!
Let's connect, share ideas and explore together!

Save the date!

We can't wait to see you there! Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 5

Przeczytaj zdania 5.1.-5.3. Dopasuj do każdego zdania właściwy tekst (A-D). Wpisz
rozwiązanie do tabeli. Uwaga! Jeden tekst nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.

5.1. This text provides details about a meeting. D

5.2. This text includes a warning. C

5.3. This text encourages to make a reservation. B

Przeczytaj wiadomość do Kasi. Uzupełnij luki 5.4.-5.7. zgodnie z treścią tekstów (A-D),
tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać ich sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku
polskim. Uwaga: w każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.


Nie uwierzysz...

Cześć Kasia,
Nie uwierzysz - spotkałam niedawno Julię. Pamiętasz ją? Chodziłyśmy razem do
szkoły średniej. Julia zdecydowała, że będzie podróżować po świecie i pracować
zdalnie! Powiedziałam jej, że według mnie takie przeprowadzki mogą być 5.4. dość
męczące . Powiedziała, że jest tego świadoma i że mimo wszystko chce spróbować!
Podziwiam ją! Poczytałam też trochę o nomadach i jeden fragment szczególnie mnie
zainteresował. Pracując w ten sposób, można 5.5. zarabiać pieniądze w swoim
kraju, ale mieszkać w tańszych miejscach na świecie i tym samym wydawać mniej
pieniędzy! To ogromna oszczędność. Widziałam również w internecie ofertę miejsc
zamieszkania, które można współdzielić z innymi. Poza tym, że oferują w pełni
wyposażone mieszkania, organizują również 5.6. spotkania i warsztaty aby
nawiązać nowe znajomości. Z tego co widziałam, w naszej byłej szkole organizowany
jest panel dyskusyjny. Wybierzesz się ze mną? Panel odbędzie się w najbliższą
sobotę, piętnastego 5.7. stycznia w godzinach wieczornych. Koniecznie daj znać!
Marta Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 6

Zadanie 6. (0-4)

W podanych przykładach 6.1.-6.4., spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje
sens wyróżnionego fragmentu zdania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

6.1. There are very few rooms to choose from, I’m afraid.
A. There are several
B. There are almost no
C. There aren’t any

6.2. Can we split the costs of the house-warming party between us?
A. avoid
B. combine
C. divide

6.3. Mary’s willing to move to the countryside one day.

A. Mary would like to
B. Mary would never
C. Mary has already planned to

6.4. My parents are going to do up the attic this summer.

A. renovate
B. enlarge
C. build

Zadanie 7. (0-3)

Uzupełnij luki 7.1.-7.3. wyrazami utworzonymi od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach. Wymagana jest
pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.


In England, the housing situation is hard. According to the Home Builders Federation,
finding a 7.1. (SUIT) suitable place to live in the country is challenging. They highlight the
poor state of many homes across England. Renters in the UK face considerable housing
costs, with around 40% or more of their income being spent on housing. This financial
burden exceeds that of renters in other European 7.2. (COUNTRY) countries. While some
aim to construct more affordable housing, there are doubts about whether this will
7.3. (TRUE) truly solve the issue. Renters demand stricter regulations to protect their
The government's efforts to address the situation have fallen short, resulting in limited
new home constructions. This is a pressing issue that needs to be solved.

Na podstawie: Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 7

Zadanie 8. (0-4)

Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami podanymi w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj ich
kolejności. Jeśli to konieczne, dodaj inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

8.1. If my parents’ new apartment (not be / paint / time) isn‘t painted on time, they will
probably be very upset.
8.2. (Live / London / make) Does living in London make you feel stressed?
8.3. The number of people sleeping in this room (ought / not be / high) ought not to be

higher than four.

8.4. Could you tell me (how much / time / it / take) how much time it took you to
redecorate your daughter’s room last year?

Wynik: ..... / 18 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 8


Zadanie 9. (0-5)

Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi na temat edukacji domowej. Na
podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, dopasuj do każdej wypowiedzi (9.1.-9.5) odpowiadające
jej zdanie (A-F). Wpisz odpowiednią literę do każdej luki.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

A. The speaker has been trying to home-school her / his children but eventually decided

against it.
B. Flexibility and independence are key elements of homeschooling that the speaker
C. The speaker had to start home-schooling her / his children last month.
D. The speaker has no other option but to home-school her / his children.
E. Individualised attention and ability to pursue personal interests make home-schooling
the best choice for the speaker.
F. The speaker’s attitude towards home-schooling has changed.

9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5.


Zadanie 10. (0-3)

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Last week was an incredible journey into the world of poetry! I 10.1. took part in a poetry
contest. The atmosphere was full of excitement and anticipation. Each poem was a piece
of the poet's soul as we all expressed our thoughts and feelings in unique ways.
Writing my poem was both introspective and thrilling. It allowed 10.2. me to blend
personal experiences with words and create something meaningful. Sharing it with an
eager audience was 10.3. an exhilarating experience. I could appreciate once again how
poetry connects us all.
The event wasn't just about winning. It was about celebrating creativity and self-
expression. It reminded me of the incredible power of words to unite and move people.
Tekst własny Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 9

Zadanie 11. (0-3)

Uzupełnij zdania tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj wyrazów w niezmienionej
formie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

11.1. Frank would like to impress the new teacher.

Frank would like to make a good impression on the new teacher.

11.2. Why don’t you take the exam again next week?
If I were you, I would retake the exam next week.

11.3. It’s a pity I can’t solve this equation.

I wish I could solve this equation.

Zadanie 12. (0-3)

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi. Wybierz spośród podanych opcji brakującą wypowiedź, tak aby
otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

X: What is your new classmate like?

Y: 12.1. ...................
X: How nice!
A. He likes playing chess.
B. He’s very friendly.
C. He’s quite tall and rather slim.

X: What language did you use to study when you were in primary school?
Y: 12.2. ................... I loved it!
X: That’s interesting!
A. I’m used to studying French.
B. I didn’t use to study Italian.
C. I used to study Spanish.

X: Would you like to become a teacher in the future, Mandy?

Y: 12.3. ...................
X: Don’t worry about it. You still have plenty of time to choose your future career.
A. Not now, I’m still very busy.
B. I haven’t decided yet, to be honest.
C. If you ask me, it’s probably the best one. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 10
Zadanie 13. (0-12)

Od niedawna jesteś uczennicą / uczniem nowej szkoły. We wpisie na blogu:

poinformuj o powodach zmiany szkoły,
opisz swoje pierwsze wrażenie na temat nowej szkoły,
napisz o nieprzyjemnej sytuacji, która cię niedawno spotkała w szkole,
wyjaśnij, co zamierzasz zrobić, aby rozwiązać tę sytuację.

Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów,
tak aby osoba nieznająca polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje.
Pamiętaj, że długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 wyrazów (nie licząc wyrazów podanych na
początku wypowiedzi). Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (5 punktów), spójność
i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), zakres środków językowych (3 punkty) oraz poprawność środków językowych
(2 punkty).

Rozpocznij swoją wypowiedź w następujący sposób:

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

As you probably remember, I have changed school recently.
Zadanie 12.

Wynik: ..... / 26 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 11


Zadanie 14. (0-4)

Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej oznaczonej części tekstu (14.1.-14.4.).
Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga! Dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części.





14.1. C

Finding a job at a college or university might seem like a dream come true due to the
appealing campus environments and diverse job opportunities available. To make this a
reality, it’s necessary that individuals make use of their existing skills from various fields in
order to fit into roles within higher education.

14.2. B

Numerous job options exist within higher education administration. Accountants might
find roles in financial services while sales and marketing experts can explore admissions
or development positions. Similarly, psychologists, writers, nurses, IT professionals and
others can also find suitable roles within college settings.

14.3. F

One effective way to explore potential positions is through informational interviews with
college staff. Engaging with local college staff can provide insights and possible job
referrals. However, what plays a crucial role is networking. Connecting with acquaintances,
former students and professional organisations associated with higher education can lead
to job openings or guidance.

14.4. E

It’s vital to make use of all measures, also those which seem sophisticated. For example,
checking college websites for job listings, volunteering in relevant departments and
attending events can increase visibility and opportunities for securing a dream campus
Na podstawie: Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 12

Zadanie 15. (0-3)

W zadaniach 15.1.-15.3. wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

To everyone’s surprise, Dwayne hated his new job so he ....... last week. He’s looking for
a different job at the moment.
It’s high time you ....... yourself to the fact that Claire doesn’t want to work with you.
Just accept it and move on.

Sadly, the unemployment ....... I received was very low and hardly enough to cover my
living expenses.
It might surprise you but Jerry volunteers at the shelter for his own ...... — to
experience the joy of giving back to the community.

15.3. ANNUAL
The marigolds in the garden are an example of an ....... plant, completing their life cycle
within a single year.
My husband would like to increase his ....... income through investments and side

Zadanie 16. (0-3)

Przetłumacz na j. angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać zdania logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

16.1. After gaining experience in the corporate world, Agnes decided to (założyć swoją
własną firmę) start her own business . We all thought it was a great decision!
16.2. My parents are planning to do some voluntary work this weekend. (Czy moglibyście
podwieźć ich) Could you give them a lift to the animal shelter? They don’t own a car and
it’s quite far away.
16.3. I'm (zamierzam ubiegać się o) going to apply for a position in the marketing
department. Do you have any advice for the application process? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 13

Zadanie 17. (0-3)

W podanych przykładach, spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens
wyróżnionego fragmentu zdania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

17.1. Does anyone know when Martin is going to give up his job?
A. to quit
B. to start
C. to continue

17.2. Molly is in charge of managing the new project at her workplace.

A. goot at
B. responsible for
C. blamed for

17.3. All the people I work with are so nice that I would never want to work anywhere
A. my employers
B. my employees
C. my colleagues

Zadanie 18. (0-12)

Uwielbiasz jeździć na hulajnodze, ale ta której używasz nie jest w najlepszej kondycji.
Zdecydowałaś / zdecydowałeś, że znajdziesz pracę wakacyjną, aby zarobić pieniądze
na kupno nowej. We wpisie na blogu:
rozważ przykładowe zadania, których mogłabyś / mógłbyś podjąć się w ramach
pracy wakacyjnej,
napisz, co już do tej pory zrobiłaś / zrobiłeś w celu znalezienia pracy,
opisz rezultaty swoich dotychczasowych działań oraz określ dalsze zamierzenia,
spytaj czytelników bloga o ich doświadczenia związane z pracą wakacyjną.

Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów,
tak aby osoba nieznająca polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje.
Pamiętaj, że długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 wyrazów (nie licząc wyrazów podanych na
początku wypowiedzi). Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (5 punktów), spójność
i logikaZadanie
wypowiedzi2.(2 punkty), zakres środków językowych (3 punkty) oraz poprawność środków językowych
(2 punkty).

Rozpocznij swoją wypowiedź w następujący sposób:

Hello everyone,
As you all know, I love scootering but my scooter isn’t in a very good condition. This is why.
I decided to find a summer job and earn money to buy a new one.
Wynik: ..... / 25 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 14


Zadanie 19. (0-4)

Usłyszysz wypowiedź na temat pewnej tradycji w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Na podstawie informacji

zawartych w nagraniu, odpowiedz na pytania 19.1.-19.4., tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać
sens wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.


19.1. Why didn’t Karen answer her phone, according to the speaker?
Karen didn’t answer her phone because she was at her karate training.
19.2. Why was the tradition of dropping a ball first started?
The tradition of dropping a ball was first started to help sailors at sea know the time.
19.3. How much does the ball weigh?
The ball weighs as much as two or three cars combined.
19.4. What is the main purpose of the message?
The main purpose of the message was to suggest going to Times Square to celebrate
New Year’s Eve together.

Zadanie 20. (0-3)

Uzupełnij zdania tak aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Użyj wyrazów w niezmienionej
formie. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

20.1. Would you say that you and Bobby have a good relationship?
Would you say that you and Bobby get on well with each other?

20.2. Jennifer would always look after her younger siblings while her parents were at work
when she was a teenager.
Jennifer used to take care of her younger siblings while her parents were at work when
she was a teenager.

20.3. Olivia’s third baby was born on the last day of the year. This is why we always have
a double celebration on New Year’s Eve.
Olivia gave birth to her third baby on the last day of the year. This is why we always have
a double celebration on New Year’s Eve. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 15

Zadanie 21. (0-4)

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (1-4) literę, którą oznaczono
brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.


The modern family structure has evolved significantly in recent years, leading to the rise of
blended families. A blended family is a union of partners who are bringing children from
previous relationships. Creating such a family can be both rewarding and challenging.
Parents may approach this new chapter of their lives with enthusiasm. 21.1. E The key lies
in understanding the dynamics from both angles.
The journey toward a successful blended family begins with careful planning and laying
a solid ground. We should be patient with that. 21.2. D That’s why waiting for some time
after the divorce before marrying again allows space for everyone to adjust to the new
There are several aspects to consider when creating a happy blended family. 21.3. A It’s
important to talk about your emotions and feelings. Also, experts suggest that accepting
differences and not attempting to replicate past family structures is crucial. What’s more,
understanding children's needs at different ages is also vital. While younger children might
adapt more quickly, teenagers might take longer to accept the changes. Patience, empathy
and acknowledging their emotions are very important to building trust and bonding. Last
but not least, maintaining a strong marital bond is crucial. 21.4. C In this way, they foster
a positive environment that helps the entire family.
In conclusion, blended families requires patience, understanding and flexibility. Embracing
the uniqueness of each family member and fostering open communication can lead to
a harmonious family dynamic.
Na podstawie:

A. First of all, communication stands as the foundation for success in blended families.
B. It’s crucial that parents discuss it with their children.
C. Couples should prioritise spending quality time together to nurture their relationship.
D. Rushing into remarriage might overwhelm the children.
E. Children, on the other hand, might feel anxious, uncertain or even resistant to changes.
Zadanie 2. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 16

Zadanie 22. (0-3)

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi. Wybierz spośród podanych opcji brakującą wypowiedź, tak aby
otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

X: Janet and Cameron had a row the other day.

Y: 22.1. ................... . I’ll call them to ask how they’re doing.
X: That’s probably a good idea.
A. I know, I’m so happy for them!
B. How terrible!
C. You can’t be serious!
X: I’m going to take a nap. Will you watch the children, please?
Y: 22.2. ................... Go ahead!
X: Thanks, Adam.
A. Sure thing!
B. I’m sure you will.
C. Surely, I am.

X: When I was visiting my grandmother, I accidentally broke one of her vases.

Y: 22.3. ...................
X: No, she was very understanding actually.
A. Oh, no! How did she react?
B. Really? What was she like?
C. Did she tell you off?

Zadanie 2.

Wynik: ..... / 14 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 17


Zadanie 23. (0-5)

Usłyszysz wypowiedź na temat marnowania żywności. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w

nagraniu, uzupełnij luki zgodnie z treścią nagrania tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego nagrania. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.


Just a quick message to let you know that I’ve just listened to the new episode of my
friend’s podcast. It was all about food waste and how to avoid it. Did you know that
around 23.1. thirty percent of food is wasted in the USA every year? This means that an
average family of four loses around $1500 every year! Isn’t that shocking?
Tommy, my friend, also included a few tips on how not to throw food away. First of all, he
says everyone should 23.2. make shopping lists. Apparently, planning what you want to
buy not only saves time and money but also reduces food waste. What is more, we ought
to 23.3. freeze food if we want to eat it later. He also suggests that it could be a great idea
to be creative while cooking. How? By using 23.4. leftover ingredients! We could prepare
pasta sauces or salads using what we would otherwise throw out. That’s clever, isn’t it?
One last thing that he mentions - we shouldn’t trust 23.5. date labels but rather rely on
our own senses when judging if a product can be eaten. I am definitely going to follow his
advice! How about you?
Take care and see you tomorrow,

Zadanie 24. (0-3)

Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami podanymi w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj ich
kolejności. Jeśli to konieczne, dodaj inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność wpisywanych fragmentów.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.

24.1. I reckon that we will actually need (few / apple) fewer apples than we previously
thought to make this apple pie.
24.2. The restaurant guests (forget / pay / they) forgot to pay for their meal last night so
they are going back today to settle a bill.
24.3. (Lidia / set / table) Had Lidia set the table before everyone arrived last night? Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 18

Zadanie 25. (0-5)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną
z liter: A, B, C albo D.

Food allergies affect more than 50 million Americans, with estimates suggesting that 4% -
6% of children and 4% of adults deal with this immune system response. When the body
perceives a particular substance as dangerous, it triggers a defence mechanism and
releases chemicals to fight it. In the case of food allergies, this reaction can lead to various
symptoms, from mild discomfort to life-threatening allergic reactions.

Symptoms of food allergies can manifest in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular
system and respiratory tract. These may include skin irritation, coughing, vomiting,
shortness of breath or even anaphylaxis - the strongest reaction to allergens. Most
reactions occur shortly after consumption. However, some, although it’s uncommon, might
be delayed by several hours.

There are eight types of food that contribute to about 90% of all allergic reactions: eggs,
milk, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat and soy. Also, sesame, recently recognised as
a major allergen, is a frequent ingredient in various dishes.

If you suspect a food allergy, it’s important to consult a certified allergist. They may conduct
skin-prick tests or blood tests and interpret results to confirm or rule out allergies. The risk
of outgrowing allergies varies; some may disappear over time, while others persist into

The primary strategy in managing a food allergy is to avoid the trigger food. Labeling laws
help identify allergens in packaged foods. Eating out, however, might remain a challenge.

In navigating the complexities of food allergies, it’s crucial to seek professional guidance,
maintain awareness and also have emergency plans in place. A proactive approach can
significantly enhance the quality of life for those who are affected.
Na podstawie:

Zadanie 2.
25.1. What first triggers an allergic reaction in the body during a food allergy?
A. the body's natural defence mechanisms
B. the immune system reacting to allergens
C. chemicals used in food preservation
D. treating food as a threat Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 19

25.2. Symptoms of a food allergy typically occur
Zadanie 25.
A. immediately after vomiting.
B. soon after eating a product.
C. within twenty-four hours.
D. long after consumption.

25.3. What is the most severe allergic reaction, according to the text?
A. mild skin irritation
B. repetitive coughing
C. anaphylaxis
D. shortness of breath

25.4. Which of the following is NOT among the eight common food allergens
mentioned in the text?
A. shellfish
B. sesame
C. avocado
D. wheat

25.5. What is the best title for the text?


Zadanie 26. (0-12)

Kilka tygodni temu zmieniłaś/zmieniłeś swój sposób odżywiania. W e-mailu do kolegi:

poinformuj, jakie produkty zwykłaś / zwykłeś jadać przed zmianą,
wyjaśnij, co skłoniło cię do zmiany sposobu odżywiania,
opisz, jak aktualnie wygląda twój jadłospis,
napisz, jakie dalsze zmiany zamierzasz wprowadzić do aktualnego sposobu

Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów,
tak aby osoba nieznająca polecenia w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje.
Pamiętaj, 2. wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 wyrazów (nie licząc wyrazów podanych na
że długość
początku wypowiedzi). Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (5 punktów), spójność.
i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), zakres środków językowych (3 punkty) oraz poprawność środków językowych
(2 punkty).

Rozpocznij swoją wypowiedź w następujący sposób:

Hey Mike,
A few weeks ago, I decided to change my eating habits.
Wynik: ..... / 25 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 20


Zadanie 27. (0-4)

Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Wysłuchaj nagrania na temat pewnego sposobu robienia zakupów.
Następnie zdecyduj która odpowiedź jest zgodna z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl odpowiedź A, B, C albo D.

27.1. While shopping online, augmented 27.3. What might change in the way we
reality allows you to shop in the future, according to the text?
A. taste food virtually. A. in-store security
B. smell fragrances through your phone. B. entertainment in shops
C. visualise products in your real-life C. consumer’s decision making process
settings. D. visibility of products
D. listen to product descriptions.

27.2. Businesses use AR to attract 27.4. The main purpose of the text is
customers by A. to criticise the use of AR in shopping.
A. offering discounts on all products. B. to promote online shopping.
B. creating virtual treasure hunts. C. to advertise the benefits of AR in
C. sending personalised shopping shopping.
assistants. D. to explain reasons for online
D. providing free shipping on all orders. shopping.

Zadanie 28. (0-3)

W podanych przykładach, spośród podanych opcji (A-C) wybierz tę, która jest najlepszym
tłumaczeniem wyróżnionego fragmentu zdania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
Zadanie 11.

28.1. I wonder how much (zapłaciłaś za te spodnie) ................... .

A. did you pay for these trousers
B. you paid for these trousers
C. were these trousers

28.2. I’m afraid that I don’t have enough cash (przy sobie) ................... .
A. for me
B. with me
C. on me

28.3. Hello, I would like to (zwrócić) ................... this coffee machine. It doesn’t work
A. return
B. take back
C. exchange Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 21

Zadanie 29. (0-3)

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.
Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Dear QUIK Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I have
encountered with the newest mobile phone that I recently purchased from your store.
Unfortunately, the item is not functioning properly. Also, it 29.1. doesn’t meet the
expectations outlined in your product specifications. I have attached a copy 29.2. of the
receipt for your reference.
I 29.3. would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. I am open to
either a refund of the purchase amount or an exchange for a functional mobile phone.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards,
John Smith

Zadanie 30. (0-3)

W zadaniach 30.1.-30.3. wpisz obok numeru zadania wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia obydwa
zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

30.1. ENTER
Visitors are required to follow the security protocol and ....... the building through the
main entrance.
When using an ATM, remember to ....... your PIN number carefully to ensure a secure
and successful transaction.

30.2. LOOSE
The mechanic tightened the ....... bolts to ensure the car was safe to drive.
The jeans Chloe bought yesterday are too ....... , so she’ll have to exchange them for
a smaller size.

Zadanie 2.
After grabbing a few items from the grocery store, I headed to the ....... to pay for my
The hotel ....... time is usually by noon, but they allowed us to stay an extra hour to
pack our suitcases.

Wynik: ..... / 13 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 22

Tabela punktów

Człowiek Wynik: ..... / 23

Miejsce zamieszkania Wynik: ..... / 18

Edukacja Wynik: ..... / 26

Praca Wynik: ..... / 25

Życie prywatne Wynik: ..... / 14

Żywienie Wynik: ..... / 25

Zakupy i usługi Wynik: ..... / 13

W sumie: ..... / 144

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Znajomość środków językowych

Wypowiedź pisemna Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 23

Klucz odpowiedzi

Człowiek 16.3. going to apply for

1.1. F 17.1. A
17.2. B
1.2. T
17.3. C
1.3. F
18. Odpowiedź własna ucznia
1.4. F
1.5. T
Życie prywatne
2.1. dress
19.1. Karen didn’t answer her phone because she was at her karate
2.2. arm
2.3. sharp
19.2. The tradition of dropping a ball was first started to help sailors
3.1. don’t be so stubborn / obstinate at sea know the time.
3.2. would change her mind about 19.3. The ball weighs as much as two or three cars combined.
3.3. looks down on people who 19.4. The main purpose of the message was to suggest going to Times
4. Odpowiedź własna ucznia Square to celebrate New Year’s Eve together.
20.1. get on well with each
20.2. to take care of her
Miejsce zamieszkania 20.3. gave birth to her third
5.1. D 21.1. E
5.2. C 21.2. D
21.3. A
5.3. B
21.4. C
5.4. dość męczące
22.1. B
5.5. zarabiać pieniądze 22.2. A
5.6. spotkania i warsztaty 22.3. C
5.7. stycznia
6.1. B Żywienie
6.2. C 23.1. thirty
6.3. A 23.2. make shopping lists
6.4. A 23.3. freeze food
7.1. suitable 23.4. leftovers / leftover ingredients
23.5. date labels
7.2. countries
24.1. fewer apples than
7.3. truly
24.2. forgot to pay for their
8.1. isn’t painted on time 24.3. Had Lidia set the table
8.2. Does living in London make 25.1. D
8.3. ought not to be 25.2. B
8.4. how much time it took 25.3. C
25.4. C
25.5. B
Edukacja 26. Odpowiedź własna ucznia
9.1. B
9.2. A
Zakupy i usługi
9.3. D
27.1. C
9.4. F 27.2. B
9.5. E 27.3. C
10.1. took 27.4. C
10.2. me 28.1. B
10.3. an 28.2. C
11.1. to make a good impression 28.3. A
29.1. doesn’t
11.2. I would retake the exam
29.2. of
11.3. wish I could solve
29.3. would
12.1. B 30.1. enter
12.2. C 30.2. loose
12.3. B Zadanie 2. 30.3. checkout
13. Odpowiedź własna ucznia

14.1. C
14.2. B
14.3. F
14.4. E
15.1. resigned
15.2. benefit
15.3. annual
16.1. start her own business
16.2. Could you give them a Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 24

Zapis nagrań

Zadanie 1.
Interviewer: Hello Dr Smith. Today, we’re going to talk about empaths. So, could you tell
us what makes someone an empath, according to experts?
Expert: Hello everyone. Well, empaths are people who really feel what others are feeling.
They're like “emotional sponges”, as Judith Orloff, a doctor who's an expert in this area,
puts it. They don't have the usual filters most people use to protect themselves, so they
tend to absorb the emotions and vibes around them, whether positive, negative or in-
Interviewer: That’s very interesting. So what are some of the signs that someone might be
an empath?
Expert: There are a few signs to look out for. Empaths have a lot of empathy, which means
they can understand how someone else feels even if they haven't experienced the same
things themselves. But for empaths, it also goes a step further – they can actually sense
and feel other people's emotions as if they were their own.
Interviewer: How does being an empath affect their lives?
Expert: Well, it can make things tricky in close relationships. Empaths often find it hard to
get close to others and might feel uncomfortable in romantic relationships. They've also
got strong intuition, so they're good at knowing when something doesn't feel quite right.
They usually find peace in nature because it helps calm them down when they're feeling
Interviewer: Are there any downsides to being an empath?
Expert: Yes, definitely. Empaths might find it tough to set limits with others and can get
overwhelmed by too much sensory input, leading to feeling emotionally worn out.
Interviewer: How can empaths handle these challenges?
Expert: That’s a great question. I’d say that setting boundaries is super important. What’s
more, doing things like spending time outdoors or getting therapy can help manage
overstimulation. Also, being aware of themselves, accepting who they are and staying
positive can really help empaths a lot!
Interviewer: Dr Smith, thank you very much for talking to us today.
Expert: My pleasure.
Na podstawie:
Zadanie 9.
Wypowiedź 1.
What Zadanie 2. the most in home-schooling? I would say it’s the possibility to adapt
do I value
everything to our needs - we set our own pace, we decide where and when we do things.
We can be very flexible. Also, the freedom to explore various subjects deeply and adapt the
curriculum to my child's learning style has been very rewarding. It’s truly wonderful to
witness their progress firsthand and have the time to indulge in their interests. It’s not
without its downsides, though. It’s challenging to maintain the level of engagement. What’s
more, keeping up with their curiosity across various topics is quite overwhelming.
Nevertheless, it’s still the best choice.
Tekst własny Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 25

Wypowiedź 2.
When I began homeschooling my children, I aimed for a holistic education tailored to their
needs and interests. However, it's proven more difficult than I had previously thought.
Managing their education alongside household chores and my part-time job has been
a challenge. I wanted to offer them the best education possible, but the demands of
homeschooling have become overwhelming. I still value home-schooling a lot but the
practical aspects of managing everything simultaneously are proving to be more than I can
handle alone. I gave up on the idea of home-schooling last month and I’m looking for a
local school for my children at the moment.
Tekst własny
Wypowiedź 3.
I wish I had the possibility to send my children to a nearby school. However, the reality is
that the closest one is located quite far away. My husband and I considered taking turns in
driving our children to school but that would also mean we’d have to look for new jobs and
work shifts. That’s just impossible right now. The children don’t like home-schooling that
much, either. They feel lonely and would like to have more friends. Also, instead of
appreciating the freedom they have, they feel lost and lack guidance. But ... you know.. it’s
not that we have a choice.
Tekst własny
Wypowiedź 4.
I've always loved the idea of homeschooling. The flexibility it offers, tailoring education to
suit my child's needs and being actively involved in their learning process seemed ideal.
However, in practice, it's been a different story. It isn’t that easy to balance work
commitments, household responsibilities and provide a comprehensive education.
I wanted to make learning an enjoyable experience, but it's become a source of stress. It
went from loving it to hating it, frankly speaking.
Tekst własny
Wypowiedź 5.
As a child being homeschooled, I find it incredibly fulfilling. The individual attention and
freedom to explore topics I'm passionate about are advantages I wouldn't have in
a traditional school setting. The one-on-one interaction with my teacher has allowed me to
delve deeper into subjects that interest me. While there are some moments of difficulties
and isolation, homeschooling has given me a unique learning experience.
Tekst własny
Zadanie 19.
Hey Karen!
It’s Sam here. You’re not picking up… you must at your karate training right now. Anyway,
I have just read about the iconic New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square and there are
some cool facts I'd love to share with you! More than a billion people are expected to watch
as a glowing ball drops down to mark midnight in New York City this year!
Did you know that the tradition of dropping a ball started way back in the 1800s to help
sailors at sea know the time? The concept first began in England and then moved to
America with a time ball installed in Washington D.C. Then, in 1907, The New York Times
started the whole ball-dropping tradition in Times Square because of a fireworks ban. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 26

One more curiosity: two or three cars combined... that’s the ball’s weight! Can you
imagine? But what really caught my attention was the ball's design! Covered in thousands
of crystal triangles, each with a special meaning, it's truly mesmerising. They're illuminated
by thousands of LEDs, creating a stunning sight during the countdown. It all sounds like
a fantastic party! I found these details fascinating and I thought you might too… which
brings me to the point of my message… I was thinking… I know that you’ve already got
plans for the New Year’s Eve, but... would you be willing to consider going to Times Square
with me this year? I would be so so happy if you said yes. We would have sooo much fun,
I’m sure. What do you say?
Please let me know. Can't wait to hear from you! Bye!
Na podstawie:
Zadanie 23.
Hey there and welcome back to another episode of my podcast. This time we’ll discuss
food waste in America. Did you know that a third of all the food in the U.S. ends up being
thrown out? Yep, it's true. That amounts to about $1,500 per year wasted for an average
family of four. Can you imagine? Picture this: enough food to stuff 1 million semi-trucks or
cover the landmass of California and New York just going to waste… oh, dear.
And it's not just about money, you know, it's about the environment, too. Wasted food has
a massive impact on our resources and even influences prices. If you're keen on cutting
down on food waste at home and saving some bucks in the process, here are a few tips
from the experts that might help.
First up, shopping lists are key. It might seem like a small thing, but planning your grocery
trip can save time, money and reduce food waste. It's all about getting what you need and
avoiding what you won't use.
Also, don't underestimate the power of your freezer. You can freeze more food than you
might think—everything from produce to leftovers. This way, you extend their shelf life
and get to use them later on without tossing them out. Turning meals into opportunities to
clear your cupboards? Why not! Get creative and transform leftover ingredients into soups,
salads or pasta sauces. Your dinner table can be a stage for culinary adventures!
Last but not least, trust your senses rather than just date labels and make waste reduction
a family affair.
Let's give it a shot and reduce food waste together!
Na podstawie:

Zadanie 27.
Ever wished you could see how something looks before buying it online? Well, that's what
augmented reality (AR) does! It helps you check how things like furniture or clothes will
look in your house or on you.
Thanks to AR, shopping has become simpler and more exciting. You can use your phone's
camera to mix digital stuff with your real-life surroundings. For instance, you can see if
a new sofa matches your living room or if your dream dress fits you perfectly.
Many shops are using AR to attract people. If you ever used an app that lets you "try on"
clothes or place furniture in your room before buying, you've already used AR! Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 27

And guess what? Lots of people love it! Almost two-thirds of shoppers want AR to help
them while shopping. Businesses using AR are more likely to get people interested and by
2027, most of us might be using AR for shopping.
You can use AR in different ways. For instance, shops like Zara and H&M let you "try on"
clothes on your phone. Even shoe brands like Adidas and Nike let you do this, too! What’s
more, Ikea's app helps you see furniture up close, and Houzz shows how your home could
look before you buy anything. Also, stores like Sephora use AR to help you pick the best
makeup colours for you. Some malls have used AR for virtual treasure hunts, too!
AR is changing how we shop! It helps us shop smarter and makes things more exciting.
Soon, it might change how stores look and how we decide what to buy.
Na podstawie:

Zadanie 2. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 28

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