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Right On!

1 – Test 3B (Module 3)

NAME ________
_________ DATE _______________
CLASS ________
_________ SCORE ––––––
(Time 50 minutes)

A. Choose
Choose the correc
correctt item

1 play/w
alk to 2 chat/c
ome 3 tak
oa 4 finish/watc
h 5 do/g
et up
school online shower TV

Points: ____

B. Look at the clocks and write the correct times.

1 ________
____ 2 ________
____ 3 ________
____ 4 ________
____ 5 _______

Points: ____

C. Label the pictures with the correct school subject.

1 ________
____ 2 ________
____ 3 ________
____ 4 ________
____ 5 _______

Points: ____
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Right On! 1
Right On! 1 – Test 3B (Module 3)

D. Complete the sentences with: do,

do, listen
listen,, hang, or go (x2).

1 Harry and Ed _____________ bowling on Saturdays.

2 My parents and I often _____________
_____________ to the theatre.
3 We _____________ to music while we walk to school.
4 They _____________ jigsaw puzzles in their free time.
5 I _____________ out with my friends after I do my homework.

Points: ____
E. Put the
the verbs
verbs in bracket
s into the
the correct
correct form
form of the
the present simple.

1 We _______________________ (not/watch) TV in the morning.

2 Dave _______________________ (play) tennis on Tuesdays.
3 _________
______ (she/bring) a packed lunch to school?
4 They _______________________ (not/have) football practice at 5 o’clock.
5 My mum _______________________ (catch) the bus to work at 8:00 am.
6 _________
______ (you/go) to bed at 9:00 pm?

Points: ____
F. Fill
Fill in th
e gap
s wit
h in,
in, on or at.

1 I hang out with my friends ________ Saturdays.

2 My birthday is ________ May.
3 I have lunch ________ noon.

Points: ____
G. Fill in the
the gaps with
with the correct
correct adverb
adverb of frequ

1 Tom _______________ (0%) does his homework in the evening.

2 Brenda _______________ (75%) watches TV before she goes to bed.
3 I _______________ (50%) go to bed at 10:00 pm.

Points: ____
H. Complete the questions with the correct question word.

1 ________
_____ is your mum’s
mum’s birthday? It’s on 28th October.
2 ________
_____ is that girl over there? She’s
She’s my best friend.
3 ________
_____ is your favourite
favourite school subject:
subject: English
English or Maths? English.
4 ________
_____ is your e-friend
e-friend from? He’s
He’s from Egypt.

Points: ____
I. Comp
te the
the rule
s with
with must or mustn’t.

1 Students _____________ wear a uniform. ()

_____________ forget their books. ()
2 Students _____________

3 Students _____________ bring a packed lunch. ( )
4 Students _____________ be late. ()

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Right On! 1

Right On! 1 – Test 3B (Module 3)

Everyday English
J. Match
Match the sentences
sentences (A-E)
(A-E) to the sentenc
es (1-5) to make
make correct
correct exchange

1 Hi, Andy! _____ A I’m great, thanks.

2 I’m OK. And you? _____ B Hi, Lana! How are you?
3 Are you free this afternoon?
afternoon? _____ C 5 o’clock is fine. See you!
4 Would you like to play tennis? _____ D I think so. Why?
5 Let’s meet at 5 o’clock. _____ E Sure. What time?

Points: ____

K. Read the
the text
text and
and comple
te the sentence

Lucy gets up at 7:00 am. At 7:30 am she has breakfast and at 8:15
am she walks to school. School begins at 8:45 am.
There is a short break at 10:45 am and a lunch break at 12:30 pm.
Lucy brings a packed lunch from home and eats with her best
friend, Kim in the canteen.
In the afternoon lessons are from 1:15 pm until 3:45 pm. Then Lucy
and Kim have tennis practice until 4:45 pm.
Lucy does her homework and at 7:00 pm she has dinner with her
family. After that, she watches TV until she goes to bed at 9:00 pm.

1 Lucy has breakfast at _________________________ .

2 At 8:45 am _____________
___ .
3 The _________________________ is at 12:30pm.
4 Lucy eats her lunch in _________________________ .
5 Lucy _________________________ after she has dinner.

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Right On! 1

Right On! 1 – Test 3B (Module 3)

L. Write an email
email about
about what you do on Saturd
ay to your English
English e-frien
d. Write:
what time you get up, what you do in the morning, what you do in the afternoon,
what you do in the evening, what time you go to bed.

Hi ___________________________
How are you? On Saturday, ___________________________________________________


Write back soon,


Points: ____

M. Listen
Listen and complete
complete Robert’
s timetable

Time Activit
7:00 am et u
7:45 am 1 ________________
10:15 am 2 short ________
_______________ have lunch
3:30 m 4 ________
5:30 m do homework
7:00 m 5 ________
10:00 m o to bed

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Right On! 1

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