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BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)


BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

 Competition--The entrance of a new competitor into a market can
cause a business to change its marketing strategy. For example, a
small electronics store that was the only game in town might have to
change its image in the marketplace when a large chain store opens
nearby. While the smaller store might not be able to compete in price, it
can use advertising to position itself as the friendly, service-oriented
local alternative.
 Technology--Innovations in technology can force a business to change
just to keep up. Employees who have never used computers need to
be trained to operate the new computer system. A business also can
benefit by implementing a technological change. According to the Hotel
Online website, the airlines' introduction of email ticketing has resulted
in increased efficiency and better customer service while meeting little
customer resistance.
 Desire for Growth--Businesses that want to attain growth might need to
change their method of operations.
 Need to Improve Processes--A business might need to implement new
production processes to become more efficient and eliminate waste.

A) Strategic plan is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or
direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this
strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the
implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in
corporations during the 1960s and remains an important aspect of strategic
management. It is executed by strategic planners or strategists, who involve
many parties and research sources in their analysis of the organization and its
relationship to the environment in which it competes.
 Objectives are not actionable within the organization. The objective
setting should be collaboration between line management and the top
leadership for ownership and commitment to implementation. And

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

invite customers involved sufficiently in the setting of the strategic

 Change Management does not go hand-in-hand with strategy
execution. Using norms and standards for creating the desired
behavior is the fact that they have to be made operational. Operational
in the way those colleagues can give each other feedback directly
applies on the way they work and in direct relation with the considering
norm or standard.
 Fail to determine the right strategic altitude of the objectives: Such
as objectives are mostly financial-related that produce unbalanced
strategy; or sometimes strategy management teams develop very low-
level objectives at the corporate level that are meant to be at
operational level.
C) 1) analysis or assessment, where an understanding of the current internal
and external environments is developed, 2) strategy formulation, where high
level strategy is developed and a basic organization level strategic plan is
documented 3) strategy execution, where the high level plan is translated into
more operational planning and action items, and 4) evaluation or
sustainment / management phase, where ongoing refinement and evaluation
of performance, culture, communications, data reporting, and other strategic
management issues occurs.

The purpose of a comprehensive review is to take an in depth look at existing
administrative policies to: 1) determine if a policy is still needed or if it should
be combined with another administrative policy; 2) determine whether the
purpose and goal of the policy is still being met; 3) determine if changes are
required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the policy and procedures;
and 4) to ensure that appropriate education, monitoring and ongoing review of
the policy is occurring.
When reviewing the documents, we need to :
 ensure they are consistent with related legislative or regulatory
requirements, government policy and organisation goals;

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

 ensure they are consistent with related company policy documents;

 ensure authorities and delegations, where specified, are consistent
with the Financial Delegations

A PEST analysis is a business measurement tool. PEST is an acronym for
Political, Economic, Social and Technological factors, which are used to
assess the market for a business or organizational unit.
▪ Political – Here government regulations and legal factors are assessed
in terms of their ability to affect the business environment and trade
markets. The main issues addressed in this section include political
stability, tax guidelines, trade regulations, safety regulations, and
employment laws.
▪ Economic – Through this factor, businesses examine the economic
issues that are bound to have an impact on the company. This would
include factors like inflation, interest rates, economic growth, the
unemployment rate and policies, and the business cycle followed in the
▪ Social – With the social factor, a business can analyze the socio-
economic environment of its market via elements like customer
demographics, cultural limitations, lifestyle attitude, and education.
With these, a business can understand how consumer needs are
shaped and what brings them to the market for a purchase.
▪ Technological – How technology can either positively or negatively
impact the introduction of a product or service into a marketplace is
assessed here. These factors include technological advancements,
lifecycle of technologies, the role of the Internet, and the spending on
technology research by the government.

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

A SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT matrix) is a structured planning
method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats involved in a project or in a business venture. A SWOT analysis can
be carried out for a product, place, industry or person.
Pleas find the examples as the following diagram

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

A) The reason for or change is developed in conjunction with relevant
managers who will be or are affected by the change, are participating in the
change project or hold a position of leadership in the organisation. It is
essential that these managers be included to provide ‘buy-in’, which will make
it easier for them to take ownership of the project and enact the change
management program to be initiated. They may simultaneously develop a list
of priorities.
B) Change management is an expensive process and it is therefore important
that the expertise of accountants, lawyers or other experts in various and
appropriate fields be utilised.
The final choices should be checked by an expert to ensure that the change is
going to be appropriate and successful in providing the expected outcomes.

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

Another area which may require greater expertise is the change management
initiative itself. There are many models and the selection and application of
the best model to achieve the desired outcomes is essential. There are
businesses and individuals who focus solely on conducting change
management processes for organisations.

Cost–benefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefit–cost analysis (BCA),
is a systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of
alternatives that satisfy transactions, activities or functional requirements for a
Cost-benefit analysis is a prescriptive technique. It has an explicit normative
basis and is performed for the purpose of informing policy makers about what
they ought to do. It is based on welfare economics and requires all policy
impacts to be stated in monetary terms.
Some people find the very idea of assigning a monetary value to lifesaving or
to quality of life, which is an essential element of cost-benefit analysis,
meaningless and ethically wrong. Human life, it is argued, is not a commodity
that can be traded against other goods. It should therefore not carry a price
tag. However, the purpose of assigning a monetary value to human life is not
to engage in trading in the usual sense of that term. It is simply to provide a
guideline with respect to the amount of resources we would like to spend on
the prevention of accidents or injuries, given the fact that not all of our
resources can be spent for this purpose.

Possible barriers of ‘change”
 Difficulty of changing the culture of the organization
 Lack of staff commitment and understanding
 Responsibility without sufficient authority
 Lack of effective ‘Champions”
 Loss of momentum after opening hype
 Lack of funding

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

Possible strategies towards the barriers

 Clear communication: At Each level, leadership should clearly define
the goals of the organization to their employees and their role in
achieving those goals. Each leadership rung must identify those tasks
that must be done, after that focus on the efforts of their employees so
those main objectives could easily be achieved.
 Manage the Change Process: First step in the whole process is to
develop strategy. In order to effectively implement strategy we have to
manage the whole change process. Effective change management will
not remove all the concerns, but it will help keep them to a bearable
level and will allow the organization to continue without significant loss
of productivity.

 Participation of employees in planning process: Make it as much as

possible that your employees also take part in planning process and
their suggestion must also take in account all those stake holders
which will effected by change process may call in planning process.
When employees will take participate in planning process then they will
be very much clear about their rolls and goals of organization.
 Regular checks: Proper system of Regular checks provides a
framework for ensuring that employees accomplish their assigned
tasks. And their performance is measured with a benchmark and then
corrective actions are made in order to enhance their capabilities.
 Accountability: Employees must be accountable for not achieving their
defined tasks. There should be a full mechanism for accountability so
that employees may be evaluated, they may be penalized or rewarded
as per needed.

Change management is a process that should be included in the planning and
delivery of a project from the very beginning. Often times change is not taken
into consideration in the development of project plans. It is for this reason that
change management has been addressed as separate component to the
usual project methodology that you maybe currently using. Once the change

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

management plan has been developed it should be integrated with the project
plan and can be included at any point after start up.
This change management plan template provides the necessary flexibility
required and is designed to meet the needs of the project irrelevant to the
phase of the project.
The change management process has three stages, and should be
considered alongside the nature and magnitude of the change.
Each initiative or project you undertake requires some level of project
management and change management. These two disciplines are tools used
to support the implementation of a variety of changes that you may be
undertaking. There are very few instances where you will not need both
disciplines. For example, the five projects below need both project
management and change management:
 Deploying an ERP solution across the entire organization
 Reengineering the work processes and contact scripts of your call
center agents
 Integrating two organizations and their information systems following a
merger or acquisition
 Redesigning the physical layout of an office space
 Developing a new sales channel

 Setting communication objectives
 Setting key messages for your organisation
 Defining and prioritising key stakeholders (target audiences)
 Setting additional key messages which are relevant for each
stakeholder group and their particular issues/concerns
 Developing effective communication tactics for each target audience
 Allocating budget and responsibilities
 Developing the quarterly communications calendar
 Assessing results and adapting the plan


BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

1. Understand and spell out the impact of the change on people. A

prerequisite to any viable change program is a clear-eyed assessment of the
impact it will have on various populations in the organization. This analysis
identifies the type and scale of changes affecting each segment of
2. Build an emotional and rational case for change. Many leaders excel at
building the rational case for change, but they are less adept in appealing to
people’s emotional core. Yet the employees’ emotions are where the
momentum for real transformation ultimately lies. Change management
communications need to be targeted to each segment of the workforce, and
delivered in a two-way fashion that allows people to make sense of the
change subjectively.
3. Ensure that the entire leadership team is a role model for the change.
Companies start their transformations from the top. Senior executives must be
not only “on top” of the change program, but also “in front” of it, modeling the
new behaviors they are asking their people to adopt and holding one another
accountable for the initiative’s success. When executives talk about creating a
performance culture, they must demonstrate through example what that
4. Mobilize your people to “own” and accelerate the change. The blunt truth is
that most change initiatives are done “to” employees, not implemented “with”
them or “by” them. Although executives are pushing behavior change from the
top and expecting it to cascade through the formal structure, an informal
culture left to instinct and chance will likely dig in its heels.
5. Embed the change in the fabric of the organization. Sponsors often declare
victory too soon, diverting leadership, commitment, and focus from the
ongoing effort. To embed the change and ensure that it sticks, you should
acknowledge the lessons learned. You also should investigate how to engage
and involve employees over the long term and how to institutionalize best
practices to capture the full benefit of this change and any future changes.
6. Other possible activities:
 Crafting key messages that must be communicated

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

 Working with project sponsors to build strong and active coalitions of

senior leaders
 Making the case of why the change is needed to employees throughout
the organization, even before the specific details of the solution are

Sustainability – The final stage of organizational change management is to
assess action plans, review for sustainability, and acknowledge individual and
A formal review and evaluation of the change process is recommended. The
review and evaluation should be undertaken once the change process has
been completely implemented and is fully operational. This may be 12 months
after all new positions have been filled.
A formal evaluation provides the opportunity to assess whether the objectives
of the change initiative have been met. It also provides the opportunity to
identify and share the lessons learned from the exercise, that is, what worked
well and what aspects of the project could have been done differently.
The information gained is also useful for maintaining focus on the business
objectives of the Unit/Division and ensuring continuous improvement.
The Human Resources Unit is available to provide advice regarding
evaluation of the change initiative.

Case study
Part A
Reasons for organization change
The reason for the organizational change are the current profit and loss
statement of the business and have identified a decrease in profit. Due to the
large amount of competition in the inbound call centre market, the Bayside
Call Centre has not been able to gain a new client to increase revenue and
grow the business as expected. The productively is very low and customers
complained that they have to wait a long time to connect to a call. Apart from
that, the new version of establishing and maintain a call centre usually

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

includes inbound and outbound services, which other competitor has already
make this change into their strategy management.
Expected benefits
The major of expected benefit of course will be increase the profit of the
It is predicted that turnover from $1.2 million dollars per year to $1.8 million.
On the other hand, introducing job rotation is expected to increase productivity
of the call center. That would probably save the company $25,000 in lost
productivity each year. With the input of outbound services, the Bayside Call
Center will become more structure and will gain different customers to seek
for various services. The increase of number of customers will again bring
more reputation of the company as well as profit. The other expected benefit
will not only show in the increase of profit but also affect on staff performance
and job satisfaction. By the implementing of new strategy policy, all staff will
need new training including on-the-job and off-the-job training which possibly
give them an opportunity to enhance a self-development and professional
development. At the same time, the company will become more structured if
we implement the new strategy plan.
Expected Cost
On one hand, expected costs of implementation are police checks cost $134
per person, currently only 2 staffs hold a valid one. Total cost will be
$134*(15-2)=1742. This cost will be well controlled if the fee of police check is
not going to change. It is always good to get all staff to have a police check
before they commence to work because that will make sure everyone has the
eligibility to work in the company environment. Also, the police check will
probably required on the compliance procedure.
On the other hand, the training call center representatives involve 2 hours
away from work tasks is the loss in income, estimated averaged $200 per call
centre. Total expense will be 200*15=3000. Although that is a loss in income
and might affect on job rotation but we have to do that because the training
will have a long-time effect on customer service. The thing we could do to
reduce the loss will be time-management on the training. We should try to
make sure every staff attends the training on time and gets back to work in a

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

reasonable timeframe. Finance manager should do an on-going budget

Polices and Procedures/Documents Updated
As the new strategy includes introducing the outbound call service, so we
must have a new plan of policy and procedure as followings:

Outbound calling plays an important role at Bayside Call Centre. We require

our agents to make outbound calls to customers for a number of different
reasons. There are two main types of outbound calls. You may be asked to:
▪ Call an existing customer.
▪ Cold call a potential customer to inform them about goods and services
provided by the company. This is also known as telemarketing.
Procedures and call guide
Remember to follow the three P's of outbound calling - preparation, planning
and purpose.
Preparation involves:
• Being mentally alert and ready to focus on the call.
• Making sure that your headset is adjusted to suit your requirements.
• Adjusting your chair to make sure that you are comfortable.
• Ensuring that your phone is within easy reach.
• Having a pen and paper handy to take notes as you are talking.
• Having the customer's name, contact number and details of previous
purchases, dates, etc. available (found in lead sheets or the database).
When planning an outbound call you should adhere to Bayside' call guide. The
call should include:
• a greeting = "Good morning/afternoon."
• the agent's name = "your first name" (for the protection of agents, only
first names are used at Bayside).
• the company name = "Bayside."
• a question to make sure that the customer is available to talk = "Is this a
convenient time to talk?"
An example would be, "Good morning. This is Kate calling from the Customer
Service Department of Bayside Call Centre. Is this a convenient time to talk?"
Only continue with the conversation when the customer has given permission

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

to carry on. If necessary, ask if there is a convenient time to call back.

Finally, explain the purpose of the call - why the customer is being called and
what it is hoped to achieve. Make sure that the customer confirms that they
understand the purpose of the call.
Bayside Call Centre call policy
To ensure that we offer a high quality of customer service, Bayside Call Centre
has nominated preferred hours for outbound calling. These are:
• Monday to Friday 9.00am to 8.00pm
• Saturday 10.00am to 6.00pm
• Sunday - no outbound calling.

Proposed Changes
The proposed changes include operational changes, performance
requirements and business opportunities.
The operational changes is introduce the outbound call service to gain a new
client. Performance requirements is to support the sharing of information and
combat the issues of teams not being adequately staffed when people are
away/call in sick. An outbound call centre will have to be managed carefully to
ensure a smooth introduction. While the performance requirements are
updated, the job training is necessary for staff to maintain their job currency.
We will have training as followings;
Up-Training: Ongoing courses that introduce new products or initiatives, new
processes or changes to existing procedures, or changes to quality or
performance goals/criteria.
New System Training: Explains the new system, its benefits and efficiencies,
and provides agents with hands-on instruction on how to access, use and
navigate the system.
Advanced Communication Training: Instructs agents on improving customer
satisfaction, efficient call management techniques, defusing escalating
situations, and dealing with challenging customers. This course is especially
beneficial when offered to new agents a few weeks after they have completed

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

the basic introductory course and have had some experience dealing with live
customer issues on their own.
Specialty Training: Includes courses that are unique to the contact center
operating environment and are targeted at improving specific skill sets, such
as account retention training, effective sales techniques, overcoming
objections, escalation team training, time management techniques, etc.
Business opportunities is increase annual turnover from $1.2 million dollars
per year to $1.8 million. This is because Bayside Call Centre can charge
clients for out bound call services. Introducing job rotation is expected to
increase productivity of the call centre as staff can be allocated to the different
service contract as required and reduce the burden of staff leave or increased
activity for a particular clients.
Potential Risk associated with the change
Risks associated with the change is a resistance to having to make “outbound
cold calls” according to the staff feedback. Staff rotation needed to be
changed every 2-3 weeks to ensure the job satisfaction. In addition, not all the
staff would 100% attend the training at the very beginning so there might not
be enough staff would work straight away after the training. There might be a
gap between when the staff being under training and after their finishing
training. What is more, the policy of allocating to different contracts might
affect on staff’s feelings on job safety.
The priorities change will be the operational structure and input of outbound
call service. While the training needs to well organized and planned, relevant
managers in different departments can have a further consultation and make
a final decision.
Part B
Project timeline and timetable
Project timeline is 6 months and reviewing and updating every 2 months, the
specific timetable includes finishing police checks and introducing the
outbound service in the first month and completing the new job training in the
3rd-to 4th month. Any questions and uncertain circumstances need to be
reviewed in the last 2-month and report to relevant manager.
Barriers and proposed mitigation strategies

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

Barriers to change are the experience of outbound call service of Bayside call
center, including deal with angry and annoying customer and new product
promoting. Also, all staff might request a clear introduction of the new
outbound system and they need an appropriate timeframe to adjust the job
rotation changes. Relevant changes strategies might include management
observation, solution and appropriate adjustment on staff feedback.
Resources required
The resources include human resource handbook, outbound service
introduction booklet, outbound service training materials, and introduction of
job rotation.
Management, Consultation, reporting and monitoring requirements
1) keep job/staff satisfaction in a sustainable level. 2) job rotation will save the
company $25,000 in lost productivity each year. 3) budget of $20,000 to the
implementation of the organizational change. Consultation and monitoring
needed to be review and revised every 2 weeks in between the staff and
managers, feedback can be written to the CEO from both staffs and mangers,
sales revenue and costs need to do a summary in monthly basis.
Action interventions
Relevant department managers have the access and authority to monitor and
control the change process and must report to CEO if they found any
unacceptable changes.
Evaluation measures
Evaluation is based on the monthly sales revenue, keep track on staff
absence rate if lower that 5% is acceptable, otherwise needed to a further
investigation to ensure that the sick is genuine. In addition, there will be a
measurement on staff job satisfaction so that we could ensure the change
process will not upset any staff and affect on their job performance.

Part C
Critical evaluation
Change process is partially managed. It means that the change from inbound
to outbound service is working by the feedback from new clients that they
would like to increase in the cold call sales, leading to our sales target from
$1.2 million to $1.8 million is one step closer. The introduction of the outbound

BSBINN601(Manage Organisational Change) Choong Ling Foo(SPI10034)

services has been inputted and the new client has indicated their satisfaction
with the service and the increase in the cold call sales.
Although the client satisfaction has been increased, there is a problem of staff
satisfaction. Staff support and training may not be enough as feedback from
staff is they are not adequately trained to conduct outbound calls. They have
not been participated in any training regarding the features and benefits of the
new client products. Feedback from evaluation and review is some of the
staffs do not want to conduct outbound calls( 7 Reps resigned) so that may
provide an opinion for them to change job positions( admin or IT support),
Unexpected outcome
Call Rep have not participate in any training regarding the features and
benefits of the new clients products. In future, offer additional job-related
training to staffs. The unexpected outcomes is 7 call centre Reps have
resigned due to not wanting to conduct outbound calls and complaining about
inadequate training from management side.
Project modifications
According to the IT Manager reports, it costs $5000 on computer and
telephone system upgrade to increase the number of outbound calls that are
conducted concurrently by different call center Reps. This can be considered
as a long-term investments so it will be necessary to update the system. .
The progress of strategies
New client has indicated their satisfaction with the service and the increase in
the cold call sales. However, while not all staff adequate the new training of
the outbound service, the company might require and design new strategy on
increasing staff job satisfaction and have a deep consultation with the
potential resigned employees to find out their problems. Human resource
department is strongly advised to have a consistent discussion on a timely


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