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of tnomeeinna

Air Conditioning Sheets

I) Moist air properties and psychrometric chart:
Using the Psychrometric chart, complete the folJowing table.

State D!J' bulb Wet bulb Dew Humidity Relative Specific f>'pecij/c
temp. temp. point ratio humidity enthalpy volume
(oC) (
e) temp. (kg1/kga) (%) (kJ;kg) (m 3/kg)
A 26 0.85
B 21 13
e 38 21
---·D -
40 95
- ·-
E 0.01 0.85
F 16 4 -
G 4 80
H 16 70
I 30 . 0.012

-- -·---
J 35 40
K 27 27 ..
L 10 0.9
--- ·-
M 24 50
N 0.02 9()
>-------- - - - -
22 22 -,-----------
p 35 28

fl) Jvfoist air processes:

1. Air at 14 °C dbt and 90 % r.h is brought to 25 °C dbt by heating. If the air flow rate is 1500
111 /hr, estimate the heating capacity in kW.

2. Air at 32 °C dbt and 60 % r.h is cooled and dehumidified by a direct expansion cooling coil till a
temperature 16 °C dbt. The air flow rate is 2000 m3/hr. Find the cooling crtpacity in tons-ref,
Coil SHF, Coil dew point, by-pass factor and amount of condensate in lit/min.

3. A chilled water spray system is used to cool and dehumidify 3600 kg/hr of c: ir from 30 °C dbt
and 21 °C wbt to 10 °C dbt. Determine the cooling capacity in tons-ref, amount of condensate in
fit/min, apparatus SHF and dew point.

4. Air at 30 °C dbt and 40 % r.h is humidified partia1ly to 90 % r.h with ackibatic air washer.
Estimate the amount of water required for humidification process in lit/min and the humidifying
efficiency, if the air flow rate is 3000 1113/hr.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 1of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

Faculty of FnninAi::•rmn

5. A cooling coil is used to cool 3600 kg/hr ofair initially at 32 °C dbt and 40 % r.h. Find the
cooling capacity of the coil in tons-ref, if the final dbt is: a) 13 °C b) 21 °C.
6. A stream of outdoor air at 35 °C dbt and 28 °C wbt is mixed with return air m. 25 °C dbt and 50
% r.h in an air conditioning system. If the flow rates of the outsi,de and retum air are 900 and
1800 kg/hr, estimate the condition of the air stream after mixing. '

7. Moist air at 26 °C dbt and 19 °C wbt, passing through chilled water cooling coil (ADP= 10 °C).
· The air is then reheated 4 °C through an electric heating co i I. If the amount of moist air is 9000
m3/hr. Represent the processes on the Psychrometric chart and then calculate the following:
a) Cooling coil capacity, in TR.
b) Heating capacity, in kW.
c) Coil BF, Coil SHR.

8. I 000 Lis outside fresh air at 35 °C dbt and 24 °C wbt is mixed with 5000 Lis return air at 24 °C
dbt and 50 % r.h. The mixture then passed over a cooling coil has a surface temperature 9 °C,
and the bypass factor (BF = 0.20). Represent the processes on Psychrometric chart, and then
calculate the followings:
a) Conditions of air off the coil (dbt ~ r.h).
b) Cooling coilcapacity, in TR.
c) Coil sensible heat ratio (SHR).
d) Rate of coil dehumid ificaUon, in liter/min.

9. Air is to be brought to a final condition of25 °C dbt and 50 % r.h from an initial condition of 5
°C dbt and 90 % r.h by processes of preheating, partial adiabatic saturation to give 80 % r.h and
reheating to the final condition. If I 0000 kg/hr of air are handled, find:
1. Capacity ofpreheater, in kW.
IL Capacity ofrehcater, in kW.
iii. Water consumption in humidification process, in lit/min.
iv. Humidiiying efficiency.

Ill) Air Conditioning processes:

Summer air conditioning:

1. The following data refer to design figure used in designing a summer air conclitioning plant of a
theater employing chilled water spray. Theater capacity 1000 seats. Inside design cpndition is 25
°C dbt and 50 % r.h. Outside design condition is 35 °C dbt and 26 °C wbt. Fre~:h air 'per person is
15 m3/hr. Supply air per person is 55 m3/hr. Temperature difference between supply and return
air is 14 °C. Calculate:
1. Room total load "RTH" in W.
ii. Room sensible heat factor "RSHF".
iii. Coo ling ca]Jacit:y in tons-ref.
1v. Apparatus SHF.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 2of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

Faculty of 1--nn1nca1r1nn

2. A summer air conditioning machine, equipped with a chilled water spray for cooling and
dehumidification, is to maintain 22 °C dbt and 70 % r.h in a print shop which has an estimated
sensible heat gain 14,600 W and internal moisture gain 6.49 kg/hr. Assume all-return system
and calculate:
i. Room sensible heat factor "RSHF".
ii. Refrigeration capacity in tons-ret:
iii. Amount of supply air in 1113/hr.
Assume: the latent heat of evaporaUon (LB = 2225 k.T/kg)

3. The following data refer to the summer air conditioning plant of a restaurant. Inside design
conditions are 26 °C dbt and 19 °C wbt while the outside design condition is 35 °C dbt and 25
°C wbt. Room sensible heat is 40 kW and room latent load is 20 kW. Outside fresh air is 4600
m3/hr. Assume direct expansion cooling coil and calculate:
i. Amount of air supply in m3/hr.
ii. Cooling capacity of coil in tons-ref.
iii. Coil SHF.
iv. Amount ofcondensate in lit/min.

4. The following data refer to summer air conditioning plant for a restaurant. Inside design
condition 26 °C dbt and 19 °C wbt. Outside design condition 34 °C dbt and 25 °C wbt. Internal
sensible heat is 20 kW. Internal total heat is 28 kW. Outside air sensible heat is 5, 166 W.
i. The capacity of cooling coil in tons-ref
ii. The quantity of supply air in m3/hr.
iii. The quantity of outside air in m3/hr.
1v. Amount of condensate in lit/min.

5. In a summer air conditioning system, the outside design condition is 36 c'C dbt and 24 °C
wbt while the inside design condition is 24 °C dbt and 50 % r.h .. The internal sensible load
is I 08000 Wand the internal moisture gain is 155.52 kg/hr. The fresh outside air is 25 % of
the supply air while the temperature difference between supply and return is .8 °C. If a DX-
Coil and electric reheater are used, calculate:
i. The amount of supply air in cmh.
11. The cooling capacity of the coil in tons-ref.
iii. Coil SHF.
iv. The re heater capacity in kW.
v. Amount of condensate in lit/min.
vi. BF of the cooling coil.
vii. State the Conditioner Arrangement.

6. In an all-fresh outside air summer air conditioning system of a surgic1l room of a

hospilal, the inside design condition is 24 °C dbt and 50 % r.h. While, the uutsidc design
condition is 35 °C dbt and 26 °C. Heat transmission load= 9000 W, Solar radiation load
= 3000 W, Lighting load = 3400 W, number of persons = 20, SH and LH by each person
are 80 W and 60 W respectively and appliances SH and LH are I000 \V and 800 W
respectively. Estimate:
www;:;m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 3of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

Faculty of 1-nr11nP•Prlr'n

i. Amount of supply air in cmh.

ii. Cooling capacity of the coil in tons-ref.
iii. Coil SHF.
iv. Amount of condensate in lit/min.

7. The following informatfon was obtained in designing the summer air conditioning plant in a
print hall. Inside design condition is 21 °C dbt and 70 % r.h. condition is 38 °C
dbt and 28 °C wbt. Amount of outside fresh air is 40 % of the total air suppliecl. Estfrnated
internal sensible heat gain is 175,000 W. Amount of internal moisture gain is 65 kg/hr. The
temperature difference between supply and return air is 6.5 °C. Determine:
i. . State the suitable type of cooling equipment installed:
ii. The quantity of supply air in m3/hr.
iii. The refrigeration capacity in tons-ref

8. An industrial process room has 14,600 W of sensible heat and 14,600 W of latent heat under
design condition. It is required to maintain 27 °C dbt and 50 % r.h inside the room. Outside air
at 33 °C dbt and 25 °C wbt, is to be cooled and dehumidified by a chilled water spray system.
The air leaves the spray system at 5 °C dbt. Calculate:
i. The amount of supply air in m3/hr.
ii. The reheater capacity in kW.
iii. The cooling capacity in tons-ref.
iv. Apparatus SHF.

9. A chilled water spray system is to cool and dehumidify air which is to be supplied to a lecture
room having 250 seats. Assuming that the only sources of direct heat and moisture gains are the
persons and lights. The inside design condition is 24 °C dbt and 50 % r.h. All of the air handled
is to be taken from the outside. Outside design condition is 35 °C dbt and 24 :)C wbt. The room
is provided with 15,000 W of lighting. Sensible and latent heat generated by each person are
assumed to be I 00 W and 60 W respectively. Calculate: -
i. The amount of supply air in kg/hr.
ii. The cooling capacity in tons-ret:
iii. The apparatus SHF.

I0. A commission data of AIC unit using cooling coil, serve a space has 38000\\! tofal heat are as
follow: Air inlet conditions to the coil: 28 oC DBT/19 oC \VBT, supply airflow rate: 5600
m3/hr, coil surface temperature: 9oC, coil by-pass factor: 0.112. The ambient conditions are 35
oC DBT/26 oC WBT. Determine: .
1. The state in the conditioned space (DBT/R.H)
11. The total capacity of cooling coil (Tons-Re[)
iii. Space SHF.
tv. Percentage of fresh air.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 4of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

Faculty of

Smmner air conditioning using evaporative cooling:

I. In a summer air conditioning system employing cooling, outside air at 35 °C dbt and 17 °C wbt
is first precooled. The air is then adiabatically saturated to 100 % r.h by passing through an afr
washer. The space condition is to be maintained at 26 °C dbt and 19 °C v1'bt. The estimated
internal sensible and latent loads are 30,000 Wand 10,000 W respectively. Calculate:
i. The temperature to which the air is precooled.
ii. The amount of supply air in m3/hr.
iii. The precooler cooling capacity in tons-ref.
iv. The water consumption of the humidification in lit/min.
2. In a summer air conditioning system employing evaporative cooling. Equal masses of fresh air
and return air after mixing are first precooled and then adiabatically humidified to 100 % by an
air washer. Outside design condition is 35 °C dbt and 17 °C wbt. Inside design condition is 26
°C dbt and 20 °C wbt. Internal sensible heat is 30,000 W while the internal latent heat is 15,800
W. Find: .
i. The quantity of air supply in nl/hr.
ii. The precooler capacity in tons-ref.
iii. The water consumption in lit/min.
iv. The spray water temperature.

Winter air conditioning:

1. A building is to be heated by passing air over a heating coil. The air temperature at heater outlet
is 44 °C. Air is then humidified using steam humidifier to satisfy the required inside design
condition. The building heat loss is 10,000 W when the inside design condition is 22 °C dbt and
50 % r.h and outside design condition is 10 °C dbt and 5 °C wbt. '-one-fourth of the air s~tpplied
is to be taken from the outside. Calculate :
1. The amount of air supply in m /hr.
ii. The heater capacity in kW.
iii. The humidifier capacity in kg/hr.
iv. The heating capacity required to generate steam in kW.

2. The air in a factory must be maintained at 21 °C dbt and 15 °C wbt. For ventilation, a minimum
of 3,400 m3/hr of outside air must be handled. The outside design condition is 10 °C dbt and 5
°C wbt. The net heat loss from the factory is 58,500 W. The mixture of out;ide' '·m1d return air
passes through a heating coil and air washer. The supply air dbt is 38 °C. Ca1culate·~· i
i. The quantity ofair supply in m3/hr. '
ii. The capacity of heater in kW.
111. The amount of make-up water in lit/min.

3. In a winter air conditioning system, the outside design condition is 10 °C 1.lbt nnd 7 °C wbt
while the inside design condition is 25 °C dbt and 50% r.h .. The amount of beat loss is 25000
W. The outside fresh air is 20% of the supply air. The temperature difforence between supply
and return is 8 °C. If the system includes electric heater and steam humidifier, estimate:
i. The amount of supply air in m3/hr.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 5of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

of i::nn.inot!>rinR

ii. The electric heater capacity in kW.

iii. The steam humidifier capacity in kg/hr
iv. The heating capacity required to generate steam in kW.

4. Jn a winter air conditioning system, the outside design condition is 10 °C dbt and 5 °C
wbt while the inside design condition is 24 °C dbt and 50 % r.h .. The amount of heat
loss is 18000 W while the temperature of supply .air is 34 °C dbt. The system includes
electric preheater, steam humidifier then reheater. Assume all-fresh outside air. If the
reheater capacity is 113 the preheater capacity, calculate:
i. Amount of supply air in kg/s.
ii. Preheater capacity in kW.
iii. Re heater capacity ink W.
iv. Steam humdifter capacity in kg/hr.

5. During a test on a winter air conditioning system including mixing plenun\ ma'in heater and
steam humidifier, the following data is obtained: Outside air condition is 10 °C dbt and 7 °C
wbt. Inside air condition is 23 °C dbt and 50 % r.h. Air heater capacity is 64.25 kW. Water
consumption -in humidifier is 0.3 lit/min. Supply air dbt is 32 °C. Estimate:
i. The heating capacity required to generate steam in kW.
ii. Amount of fresh air in cmh.
iii. Outside load (OATH) in W.
iv. Heat loss from space in W.
v. Amount of supply air in cmh.

Industrial humidification:

1. The waving ha11 in a textile factory is maintained at 29 °C dbt and 80 % r.h when the outside
condition is 35 °C dbt and 40 % r.h. The internal heat gain is 45,000 W. An adiabatic air washer
is installed. Calculate:
i. The amount of supply air in m3/hr.
ii. The water consumption in Jit/min.
iii. The percentage of fresh air.

2. A twisting haJI in textile factory has 1000 kW as motors, and light loads, if the inside design
conditions must maintained at 27 °C dbt and 65 % r.h. The outside design conditions in summer
are 40 °C dbt & 23 °C wbt, while in winter are 10 °C dbt & 8 °C wbt. · '

Provide the suitable industrial air conditioning systems using al1 air washer vYith humidification
rate of 500 kgw/hr. for both summer and winter.
Draw the Psychrometric cycle for both summer and winter uses and determine:
i. The amount of supply air in m3/hr.
ii. The a fr~mixing ratio.
iii. The Pre-c~oler and the Pre-heater capacities, in kW.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 6of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

Alexandria University. Mechanicdi 1--r:r,ir:c,or!rH'!
Faculty of Engineering. Refrigeratic n &

3. In an industrial air humidification plant, the amount of supply air is 6800 1113/hr. The inside ·
design condition is 26 °C dbt and 70 % r.h while the outside design condition is 35 °C dbt and
17 °C wbt. Estiniate the individual capacities of the plant devices and the imernal heat gain in
the fo Ilowing cases:
i. All fresh outside air.
ii. Outside air is 50 % of the supply air.
iii. Outside air is 25 % of the supply air.
Repeat the problem, if the outside design condition is IO °C dbt and 5 °C wbt with the same amount
of supply air.

Supplementary problems:

1. Figure (1) shows the arrangefnent of a summer air conditioning plant. Assume that equal masses
of outside and return air enter the cooling coil. The amount of supply air to the room is 6,800
kg/hr. Calculate:
i. The cooling capacity ofcoil in tons-ref.
ii. The reheater capacity in kW.

Retmn ,.,

lODC Spa er.
DX ,dbt 20 c. dht
25 c dbt
Outs ie ati r cooling f
lG<t dbt
Re healer
1tmriokg/hr 50 % r.h.
35 c dbt coU
26 c wht

2. Figure (2) shows the arrangement of a summer air conditioning plant. The. amount of air
supplied to the space is 9, 100 kg/hr. Space RSHF is 0.65. Assume 25 % fresl{~ir enters the
chilled water spray chamber while 75 % is return air. Determine: ·
1. The condition of supply air.
ii. The masses of by-pass, 1:eturn and fresh air in kg/hr.
iii. The room total load in W.
iv. The refrigeration capacity in tons-ref
v. The capacity ofReheater in kW.

- - - · ·_ _ _ _ _ .. -·!!_-__
.!'§1_.i__:!!!!R_"""''"'"""--· . .
Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 7of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar
Faculty of

,. Recirculate
. ~~



I Reheater I
32 c dbt
Chilled c dbt
Outsi_de water rn .c dbt 24
, Spray , 'I
50% r.h.
35 c dbt Exh.
26 Cwbt

3. The drawing .given in Figure (3) shows the arrange1~1ent of a summer air conditioning plant.
Assume that equal masses of outside air and return air enter the chilled water spray system. The
total air supplied to the space is 13,600kg/ht'. Calculate:
i. RSHF.
ii. Total internal load in W.
iii. The amount of fresh air in kg/hr.
iv. The cooling capacity in tons-ref.
v. The capacity ofreheater in kW.

~ ~


7 c _dbt .,. Re heater
16 . . dbt 24 c dbt '\.

Outs ide air spray


13 c dbt 13600 kg/hr fxh.

50% r.h.
35 c dbt
26 c wbt

JV) Cooling load calculations and Duct design:

l. A restaurant in Alexandria [38 °C dbt & 25 °C wbt] with dimensions (30 rn X 20 111 X 4 m
height). The heat transmission from all walls and ceiling and the solar heat ar~ neglected. If the
number of persons is 200 (Sensible load per person :-: : 60 W, Latent load _pe:· person = 70 W),
light Joad is 20 W/1112, fresh air is 7 Lis for each person, equipment heat = JOOO W, and each
meal heat (Sensible load= 40 W & Latent heat= 55 W).
An air handling unit (AHU) with direct expansion (DX) cooling coil used to provide the air
conditioning for the restaurant at [24 °C dbt and 50 % RH). Calculate:

z .,JL $Mi.:; :. w;;;

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 8of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

Alexandria University. Meciianicdl c..'"'·"''",..,,.,,.,,.,,.,
Faculty of Engineering. Refrigeraticn &

a) The cooling coil capacity (C.C in T.R), percentage (%) fresh air, Coil sensible heat
ratio, and the total air supply (Vs in Lis)
b) Route and size the supply round duct using ten (10) supply air outlets (round
diffuser) (Take L.\P/L = Palm)

Restaurant A.

30X20X 4 H.

2. The following duct layout:

Le for takoff = 7 m for each of main and branch, Le for reduction= 3 m, .0.PT = 35 Pa ,
11rs = 60 % , Vnmx = 7.5 mis , L.\Pequip = 150 Pa
a) Duct dimensions (Maximum height 50 cm).
b) Fan power.
c) Dampers resistances.

(Make assumptions for missed data)

3600 Cl'lh '·, :3600 cr1h
[fil l@
~n ,

~ ~,,~--4---b---___:_JI-:--~--~I
~--6.a-------fi..D-- ''~-6,1)---...1

3600 Cf'lh 3600 CJ"1h

3. The figure shows a classroom of dimensions 28.5 m length X 16 m width X 5 m height and
have the following d,esign data:
• Outside design conditions: 37 °C dbt & 25 °C wbt.
• Inside design consitions: 24 °C & 50 % RH.
• Number of students: 2.0 square meters per student.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 9of13 Eng. Ahmed Anwar

of i::nninot:>rinn

• Heat of student: 70 W sensible, 60 W latent.

• Fresh air required for each student: 8 Lis.
• Light intensity: 30 units, 4 lamps /unit, and each Jamp 60 Watt.
• The overall heat transfor,coefficient (U) for walls: 2.25 and for windows: 3.20 W/m2:°C,
• Equipment: one data show & one computer: 400 Watt.
• Neglect ceiling, floor and sun heat gain.
a) Calculate: The space cooHng load in T.R, the amount of total supply.air in m3/hr, the
percentage of fresh air, and the space SHR.
b) Design a suitable summer air conditioning system for the classrnom with proper
cooling & dehumidification device, represent the cycle on the psychometric chart
and then calculate the capactities of the summer cooling equipment.
For the classroom, distribute eight (8) ceiling outlets (diffusers) for the supply air~ and then route the
supply duct network.
c) Size the supply duct using the equaJ friction method. (Maximum duct depth must not
exceed 400 mm).
d) ·calculate the total fan pressure drop (internal pressm;e drop = 250 Pa, diffuser
pressure drop 25 Pa, and return duct pressure drop= 45 Pa).
e) Calculate the fan motor power in kW. (111n= 0.75)

GIVEN: Equivalent Lengths (Elbow 90 = 6 mt, Elbow 45 = 4 mt, reducer= 4 mt Tee (main)= 1.5
mt, Tee 90 (branch)= 15 mt)

W2 (}'.'.'.
2.5X2m (~
lO 0
cO -;
N 0
W3 CLASS- ROOM . :<(
2.5X2m 0
-' 0



~l11ure (2), Cla$s-room

4. The figure shows a sporting hall with the following design data:
• Dimensions: 80 m length X 30 m width X 6 rn height and have the ,
Ll!£££L t;Wb _

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 10of13 Eng. Ahmed

Alexandria un111ers1tv
of i:::nrtinoc.rinn

• Outside design conditions: 40 °C dbt & 27 °C wbt.

• Inside design consitions: 24 °C & 50 % RH.
• Number of people (fans): 500.
• Heat of person: 120 W sensible, 160 W latent.
• Fresh air required for each student: 8 Lis.
• Light intensity: 40 Watt per square meter.
• The overall heat 'transfer coefficient (U) for walls: 0.325 W/m2 .°C and for ceiling:
0.0325 W/n{ °C .
• Equipment: 1500 Watt
• Additional temperature difference due to the sun effect on ceiling: 10 °C. neglect ·sun
gain on the walls.
a) Calculate: The cooling load in T.R, the amount of. total supply air in m3/hr, the
percentage of fresh air, and the space SHR.
b) Select two (2) air conditioning units for the hall with proper cooling&
dehumidification device, represent the cycle on the psychometric chart and then
calculate the capacity of the coo ling equipment.
If the air distributes through (24) ceiling diffuser, (12) for each air handling unit (ABU).
c) Route and size the supply duct using the equal friction meth)d. (Round cross
d) Calculate the total fan pressure (internal pressure drop = 250 Pa. diffuser pressure
drop 25 Pa, and return duct pressure drop= 45 Pa).
e) Calculate the fan motor power in kW. (11 111 = 0.70)

GIVEN: Equivalent Lengths (Elbow 90 = 6 mt, Elbow 45 = 4 mt, reducer= 4 mt. Tee (main)= 1.5
mt, Tee 90 (branch) = 15 mt)

--60· ------........
HEIGHT 611'1 't /\,)

1 1 ), >""
t ~t


)!( )!(
A ,, r-r ,. J
1 ~HU-1 j

Figure (1 ), Sporting hall

5. The lecture room shovm in figure has 30 m length X 20 m width X 4 m l:eight and has the
following design data:
• Summer outside design conditions: 38 °C dbt & 25 °C wbt.
• Winter outside design condiUons: 8 °C dht & 7 °C wbt
~ Inside design consitions: 22 °C & SQ% RH.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 11of13 Eng. Ahmed

Qf l-nr11n"•CFll'"lf1

• Number of students: 350

• Heat liberated from each student: 60 W sensible, 50 W latent.
• ·Fresh air required for each student: I 0 Lis.
• Equipment load (data show, PC, etc ... ): 2000 W
• Solar heat gain on roof(Lffs= 12 °C)
• Light intensity: 20 Watts per square meter floor area.
• The overall heat transfer coefficient (U) for walls: 1.6, for roof~ 0.58 and for windows:
3.18 W/m2.°C
a) Calculate the summer and the winter loads, the amount of supply <tir, the percentage
of fresh air, and the space SHR.
b) Calculate the capacities of all round year air conditioning components.
I !5 0 ,.,

I Le</.,,, roo,,., ? j, ,

1JL~-,_, ~:~ 1 ~
A~E A OF WiN Do WJ' = o. 6' cf WAJ.L Aft' A

For the above lecture room, distribute ten (10) ceiling outlets for the supply air, and then route
the supply duct network.
·c) Size the supply duct using the equal friction method. (Duct depth not exceeding 400
d) Calculate the total fan pressure drop ( internal pressure drop = 250 Pa, Outlet
pressure drop= 25 Pa and return duct pressure drop= 50 Pa).
e) Calculate the fan motor power in kW (rim= 0.75)

GIVEN: Equivalent Lengths (Elbow 90 = 6 mt, Elbow 45 = 4 mt, reducer= 4 mt, Tee '(main)= 1.5
mt~ Tee 90 (branch) = l 5 mt)

6. The rectangular duct arrangement shown in Figure supplies air to a theater spa,~e. Consider the
maximum air velocity inside the duct is 6 mis. Supply diffuser operating pressure i_s 40 Pa.
Equivalent lengths of one elbow, one reduction connection and Tee connection are 8 m, 6 m
and 12 m. Assume the filter and coiJ resistances are 80 Pa and 120 Pa respectively and es.timate:
a) The duct dimensions with maximum height 60 cm. ·
b) The fan power in kW if the fan efficiency 60 %.
c) The resistance of volume damper in Pa.
d) The resistance of each diffuser in Pa.

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 12of13 Eng. Ahmed

Alexandria Mechanic;il 1-nr11nc.ar11-.n
of Refrigeraticn.&

10m 10m 10m 10m

1000 1000 1 oar~ 2000 2000 2000 m /hr
10m 10m 10m

Filter 80 Pa

Equivalent 40 m

Eng. Mohamed Shawky Page 13of13 Eng. Ahmed

.. iaoie (1) 7·Coefficients of :~~rn;i design t:EGYP'f"""'' :==·1:"
E City name J

I .Hottest
__ Month


41 l

Wet j Cr_}i. bulb

Cairo June 15 4·1 22

Dekla Oasis May 18 45 25
Asmalia June 16 42 23
Lux or Aug est 18 ·46 27
tn----- -----,
Said Jun~·· -~ 8 34
Port ------1-~:...::.....--1----=---1--,,....---t--'--"----i-· -·-·· · · -
Koseir Ju1y 8 37 28
fll----------+-__t..,;_....,;.,.:._---11-___:.----1------+--·-- - · - - - - 1",

Suez June 14 42 25


.I M

. .
,. . i· ·
i j Conunercjal
Vfith bumidi':y hV/itl~od~t 1
W :nter ·

r - :r-::·-
,, Db RH Db RH Db IU{ Db

L,,,,~.a_;i1......... ·u.....s_..._...(°;....,~~)~~C!!!e~l~sj'!!!!'u~s~~(?/.)
el....s1.. Celsius .

l Apartment, House, Hotel 23 - 24 50 - 45
~50 - 4.5
25 -26 23-24 35, 30 24-25
Office, Hospital~ Schoo 1 . +----:- - 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - + - - - - - r - - .
Bank barber beautv · ·

) ' " - 24 - 26 50- 45 26 - 27 50 -45 22 - 23 35" 30 23 - 24
~ Shop~ department> store: i
4 supermarket l,1-----l-----'----+-------+----t-- --~--------i~~

~APPLlCA TION j 24 - 26 55-50 26-27 60-50 22-23..- 40-- ·:;5 23-34

} Auditorium! bar, J

" I 'l

J .(.._----+------+- ~ ~·

Assembly area, l 25-27 55-45 27-29 60-50 20-22 35- lll ·' 21<23 !
machmmg rooms ~ . .
...;-- •• ~~!~~fi'::!!'f'~~~~~ ::;a~ CIJ lt:;::LA~,.,,, _$&£ ii .!J -lllfiiieEUWO!!S-WYme;;;;:::,:s:;;:a~l'El'.PK!L!UU1""l_..~J<J:l..,7:U::CD:hg;:z~ LE~~· ·:-.~>~H ....:@'.....:;;::z: .. ,__,J_.t 1.--.¢1' e:tGS''.JJ . ~d
tr' T 'e (3) : Overall heat transfer coefficient (U) for anc~ doors 11

1 Windows:
Type of application
!,:~) ·-·

'. Single glass 6.08

Double glass (insulating) I
Triple glass (insulating) 2.53
Single glass & storm windmN 3.0l •,

Thin wood panels 6.08
Solid wood doors (no storm door}
25 mm 3.44
·-50 mm . . 2.4'7
solid wood doors (storm doors)
25 nun 1.61
50 min l.29
: Steel door with 44 mm
Mineral fiber core 3.35
Urethane foam core 2.27

JI Table ( 4~) : JV{ore different in tern~ for walls due to sun ra;:~:s___•;_ '~.-_,i.;
~ Solar time
Wan Height
Medium II Heavy
s w N I E I s I 'v I N I E J_§__-..---"s~~-J_- 1i 1

8 - 16 : : : : : :*-: : : .
l - - - - + - - + - - - - l - - - + - - - - l - - - - 1 - - - - t - - + - ' - ' - - - i - · ·- .--....--..... ~-
2 - I -
775 _____._
795 500
785 775' 555
780 700 685
700 5~·1 780
580 355 T 845.
480 230 I 865
440 190. I 870
Maximum 140 555 700 785 795 I 870

lf.v .-·~
·:- ...

Table (6); SlrnrHno- coefficients for glass

Type of glass t Thick No Indoor Venetian blinds Ro 11er shades
I ~ (mm) standing Medium Light Dark ' I light i
l I

Sin'sde glass:

. Regular sheet 3 l.oo· 0.64 0.55 0.:::9 0.25

Plate f 6-12 0.95 0.64 0.55 o.~9 0.25

I I 6 0.70 0.57 0.53 0.30
· Double glass: 10 0.50 0.54 0.52 ;-.....-
O.tiO 0.28
Regu Jar ~heet 0.51 0..25
t:·-- ..) 0.90 0.57 I

Plate 6 ,.,.. 0.83 0.57 0.51 0.60 0.25

- -,,* -
Ji!ilia. m _ . 6 0.2-0.4 0.2-0.3

,- Table (7): Range of heat.gained from occupants of A/C Plac~;(w)

Table(B): Ra11ges of ventilation [ (L/S) /person} ..
. Application. Smoking Ventilation ;·ate
Condition Minimum f<.e.1. 0111111,ended l
- r
.Apa1ime1'.lt Sometimes 7 . '
Bank Sometimes 3.5 4.7 l

Beauty parlory i
,., tz
Department stores Forbidden 2.4 .) ',_,

Factories : Forbidden 3.5 4.7

Hospitals Forbjdden 11.8 14.2
Laboratories I11te12~ive 1L8 ] 4.2
. -
Conference rooms S'ometimes 7 9.S
. ·Sometimes .1 23.o
. rooms It1tensive
Private offices Sometimes 7 11. 8
i General offices Sometimes 4.7 7
, Restaurants) dinning ..
,..,,-. -Rooms ·Sometimes 5.7 7 ~
3.5 5I ~
Cafeteria : Sometimes --~·
. School rooms Forbidden 3.5 4.7 ,1
..., c;
Theaters Forbidden 2.4 .J. _,
-· ZOtP&W ~1

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