Speaking Part 4

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In my life, I have... But now, I am going to talk about a time…which I have the strongest
1. Talk about a time that you had to face a challenge.
In my life, I have faced a lot of challenges. But now, I am going to talk about a time that I had
to face a challenge which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian, thử thách gì, như thế nào, cảm nhận, kết quả
Last year, find part time job -> make money, hard -> tired -> save money to buy phone
Last year, I had to find a part time job when entering university. The part time job helps me to
make money but it was very hard. I felt very tired because I had to worked hours a day. Luckily,
I save enough money to buy myself a new phone. I used my phone to listening to music. I like
listening to music because + ideas
2. Talk about a time that you achieve something. Achievement: thành tích
(tương tự chủ đề 1)
3. Talk about a time that you work in a team. Teamwork
In my life, I have worked in a team many. But now, I am going to talk about a time that I
worked in a team which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian, làm với ai, làm cái gì, như thế nào/khó khăn/thuận lợi, kết quả, cảm nhận
Last year, friends/family/many people -> project, raise fund for homeless people, prepare
presentations for final exam -> hard, tired, difficult -> success, good result -> proud of
myself, happy, excited, enjoyable
In my life, I have worked in a team many But now, I am going to talk about a time that I work
in a team which have the strongest impression
Three months ago I made school supplies with colleagues in my professional group. Our
group's task this time is to design a learning aid to serve the teaching of Literature. At first we
had many difficulties in coming up with ideas to design a learning aid. However, after agreeing
on ideas, we created a knowledge system mind map. I felt very happy. Finally, our group's
school supplies won B and were recognized.
4. Talk about a time you put a lot of effort to do something. (Nói về khoảng thời gian bạn đã nỗ
lực rất nhiều để làm một việc gì đó)
(tương tự chủ đề 3)
5. Talk about a time in a hurry to do something.(làm việc vội vàng) (tương tự chủ đề đi
In my life, I have experienced may times in hurry to do many things. But now, I am going to
talk about a time in a hurry to do a thing which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian -> việc đó là gì -> nguyên nhân -> kết quả -> cảm nhận
Last week I had an assignment to write a report for a really bad experience trip, but because I
was so busy I forgot about it and it wasn't until the deadline was near that I discovered it, so I
did it in a hurry. I feel extremely worried that the results of the report will not be appreciated.
That makes me very regretful.
6. Talk about a time you received a present. (nhận quà từ người khác)
In my life, I have received many present. But now, I am going to talk about a time I
received a present which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian -> nhận từ ai -> quà gì (miêu tả) -> sử dụng ntn -> cảm nhận
Last week was my birthday. I received a gift from a close friend. It's a very beautiful dress. I
like it very much. I will wear it to go out. I feel very cheerful and happy.
Tặng cho người khác
In my life, I have give someone something But now, I am going to talk about a time I gave gifts
to others which have the strongest impression.
Last Friday I was invited to a birthday party, which was a friend of mine. To prepare for that
party, I went to buy a gift, which was a dress. Receiving that gift, my friend really liked it. I am
so happy about that. I really like giving gifts to others, especially on important occasions
because thanks to that we become more connected.
7. Talk about a time you helped someone. (nhận được sự giúp đỡ)
In my life, I have helped many people. But now, I am going to talk about a time I helped a
person which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian -> giúp ai -> giúp ntn -> (quá trình giúp) -> kết quả -> cảm nhận
Last week, when I was going to school, I met a friend. Her motorbike broke down. I helped her
by driving her to school. Thanks to that, she was not late for school. I feel very happy to have
helped her. After that time, I made another friend.
8. Talk about a time you read a good book. (good movie, good song)
(tự soạn)
Thời gian -> sách gì -> nội dung -> cảm nhận
In my life, I have read many books. But now, I am going to talk about a time that I read a good
book which I have the strongest impression.
Last week I read a very good book. The name of that book is "I choose to live" by author
Nguyen Chanh Tin. This is an autobiography about the author's own life. He is a disabled guy
but has an extraordinary will to live. The book tells about the process of him overcoming
difficulties since losing his legs and becoming an energetic person who inspires everyone. I
really like that book.

In my life, I have watch many movies. But now, I am going to talk about a time that I watch
good movies which I have the strongest impression.
Last weekend I went to the cinema with my friends. We watched a very good and very difficult
movie. The name of that movie is “Face Off 7: 1 Wish. The movie is about the family theme.
My favorite is the mother character in the movie. that movie. She is a very loving and selfless
mother. Through the movie, I feel more appreciative of my family. It's really a very good

In my life, I have listen many songs. But now, I am going to talk about a time that I listen good
song which I have the strongest impression.
Yesterday I heard a very beautiful song. The name of the song is “hydrangea”. It was composed
by Ray O anh Huynh Van musician about literature. The song is about a sad love story.
Listening to the song, I found it very touching. It was really touching. is a very good song
9. Talk about an extremely game./amusement park
In my life, I have played many extremely games. But now, I am going to talk about a time I
played an extremely game which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian -> trò chơi gì (racing, roller coaster, bungee,…) -> miêu tả trò chơi -> cảm nhận
(scared, excited, cry…)
Last weekend, I and my friends went on a roller coaster at Dai Nam tourist area. It's a very
adventurous and exciting game. We sat in the second train car. The train is very large and its
tracks are very dangerous. I felt very scared but also extremely excited.
10. Talk about a time when you worked with the old and the young people.
In my life, I have worked in a team many But now, I am going to talk about a time that I
worked with the old and the young people which I have the strongest impression.
Thời gian -> làm việc gì -> người già, người trẻ là ai -> so sánh giữa người già và người trẻ ->
cảm nhận
2 months ago I joined a charity group. In that group there were both young and old people. The
old people in the group were people with a lot of experience and knowledge and the young
people in the group were very energetic and knowledgeable. friendly, we work together very
well and help a lot of people. I feel very happy to join that charity group.
11. Talk about a time when you visited friends.
Thời gian -> thăm ai -> ở đâu -> đi bằng gì -> làm gì ở đó -> cảm nhận
In my life, I have many friends.But now, I am going to talk about a time that I visited my
betstfriend which I have the strongest impression.
2 weeks ago I went to Da Lat to visit bestfriend of mine. She took me to visit many famous
places in Da Lat: Xuan Huong Lake, Valley of Love,... We drank coffee, took photos and
camped. I feel very cheerful and happy. I hope I will have many more trips like this.

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