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Name: Level: B1 Lesson Focus: Reading/PDP Date: 05/27/23

SWBAT (Students will be able to…):

1. Practice gist and detailed reading skills with a biography of Martin Luther King, so that they can discuss his life and his qualities as a hero.

Step Inter- TEACHER description STUDENT description Aims/Comments

Time action What will you be doing? What will you say? What exactly will the students be
Ex. Instructions? Modeling? Monitoring? doing? Arrangement? Materials?

WC Explain that we’ll be doing a reading today Look at pics on worksheet

● To activate prior knowledge
Pictures about Luther King.
3-4 min PW Discuss parts 1 and 2 Talk with partner ● To ensure that Ss are familiar with key
places mentioned in the text
WC Elicit ideas from Ss Volunteer ideas
WC Explain that the reading is a biography (life
● To raise interest in the reading by having
Questions + writing = story of a person’s life)
4-5 min Tell Ps to look at the questions and see Ss predict and see what they know
what they already know. Explain that the
text will answer these questions.
PW Talk with a partner about Part 3
Match WC Tell Ss to match the question to the
● To practice skimming for main ideas so
paragrap paragraph in the reading. Tell Ss that they
h/ will only have a short time to skim. they get in that habit when reading
question Elicit/tell them how to skim (Ex. first outside of class
3-4 min sentence, key words, dates, etc) ● To develop a overall sense of the text and
Solo Skim and match paragraph number
the info that is there
to question

Timeline WC Tell Ss that with a biography it can be

● To practice reading for details with a
reading helpful to look for dates, places, and
5-8 min actions. Show Ss the timeline and model biography
adding keywords. Tell Ss to focus on the ● To find key events in Gandhi’s life
words that they know and that they will be
able to check unknown words later.
Read the whole text/Make timeline

Detail PW Monitor and check to see which parts may Compare timelines. Discuss
● To clarify key events in the text
Check be unclear questions in part 6.
10-12 WC Draw timeline on the board and elicit
● To peer teach and have a chance for
min details from Ss. (Or Ss can go to the board
and write them). Fill in any parts that Ss are meaning-focused output
unclear about.
Discussio PW Monitor and listen in for Ss ideas Ss discuss questions in Part 7 with a
● To share ideas and have a chance for
n partner
7-10 min WC Invite Ss to share ideas and facilitate meaning-focused output
discussion Share/discuss ideas

Language Solo Tell Ss to reread text and focus on any new Look over text again and find 3-4
● To learn additional vocabulary which may
Study words words they would like to learn more
about. be useful in future readings.
PW Check with a partner
WC Go over any vocabulary questions

Option: Review vocab by quizzing each

other or making more sentences with them

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