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The top 25 Project Management KPIs
1 # Earned man-hours
2 % Delivery deadlines met
3 % Project resource utilization
4 # Schedule performance index (SPI) KPI
5 # Cost schedule index (CSI)
6 % Project budget variance at project end
7 # To complete schedule performance index (TSPI)
8 % Timely production of management reports
9 % Project schedule variance
10 # Project issues identified
11 % Order value variance from original contract value
12 # Conflicts arising during the project
13 # To complete performance index (TCPI)
14 % Overdue project tasks
15 $ Estimate at completion (EAC)
16 # Cost performance index (CPI)
17 % Requirements changed during project execution
18 $ Cost variance
19 # Project delay
20 # Time per project task
21 $ Actual cost of work performed (ACWP)
22 $ Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP)
23 # Third party non-conformity identified during inspections
24 % Project milestones missed
25 % Project completion predictability
1 the
Earned Measures the total man-hours
corresponding to the
man-hours completed work in place.

To assess job productivity and

projects progress.
A = # Planned man-hours
B = % Progress of work completed
A low level of earned man
hours indicates that the project
has experienced lower than
productivity, as actual man-
hours were greater than the
progress earned man-hours.

Dividing the earned man-hours

by the actual man-hours
provides a productivity index
that is frequently used in
construction projects.
Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
2 the
Delivery Measures the percentage of
deadlines service delivery request that
met were met on time out of the
total delivery requests.

To track the operational

discipline in coordinating and
executing a project, according
to the planned schedule.

A = # Delivery deadlines met

B = # Delivery requests
(A*B) *100

A low level of this KPI can

greatly affect the company's
because unsatisfied clients will
not recommend the company's

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

3 the
Project Measures the percentage of
resource resources dedicated for the
project, expressed in man-
utilization hours, that are actually used
out of the total resources

To indicate the accuracy of

resource planning and
efficiency of utilization.
A = # Project resources used (man-hours)
B = # Project resources allocated (man-hours)
(A/B) *100

This KPI can be measured

during project execution at
project stages, milestones or
upon completion.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

4 the
Schedule Measures the value of work
performance accomplished for each
index monetary unit of work
performed, expressed as the
(SPI) ratio of budget cost of work
performed to budget cost
of work scheduled

To indicate the efficiency of the

project, in terms of value

A = $ Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP)

B = $ Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS)

SPI higher than 1 indicate that the project is

ahead its planned value,
SPI is lower than 1, indicates that the work
performed was
less than the work scheduled.

use SPI for re-evaluating the current

conditions of the project and begin an
analysis of the current project trends and
corrective actions

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

5 the
# Cost KPI
schedule Measures the likelihood of
index recovery for projects that are
late and/or over budget.
To provide an indication of the
overall performance of the
project, in terms of respecting
the budget and the schedule.

A = # Budgeted cost of work performed divided by

actual cost of work performed (BCWP/ACWP)
B= # Budgeted cost of work performed divided by
budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWP/BCWS)

Trend is good with the greater

value .
It supports the controlling stage
of project management, as it
generates actions for future

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

6 the
Project Measures the deviation
budget between the actual and
planned project cost upon
variance completion.
project To indicate the financial
end discipline in planning and
executing projects.

A = $ Actual cost of the project upon completion

B = $ Planned cost of the project

It supports the controlling stage

of project management, as it
generates actions for future

Usually, a project budget is

exceeded due to an improper
estimation of costs, or to a
delay in the finish date which
brings additional costs.
Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
7 the
To Measures how hard the project
complete team should work in utilizing the
remaining time allocated to the
schedule project.
To indicate the efficiency at
index which the remaining time on
(TSPI) the project should be utilized.

A = $ Total Budget
B = $ Budget cost of work performed (BCWP)
C = $ Budget cost of work scheduled
A value above 1 indicates that
the project team can be
lenient in utilizing the remaining
allocated to the project.
A value below 1 indicates the
project team needs to work
harder in utilizing the
remaining time allocated to the
Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
8 the
Timely Measures the percentage of
production management reports
produced on time out of the
of total management reports due.
To evaluate the management
reporting efficiency and
compliance with the agreed
reporting schedule.

A = # Management reports produced on time

B = # Management reports due

Overdue management reports

should be analyzed and solved
first. Steps should be taken to
stop management reports from
becoming overdue.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

9 the
Project Measures the variance in terms
schedule of schedule, highlighting the
percentage of work that is yet
variance to be completed as per project

To track the operational

discipline in coordinating and
executing a project according
to the planned schedule.

A = # Actual project length (days)

B = # Planned project length (days)

This indicator can be measured

at the end of the project, but
also during project execution
for tracking the status of
different project stages.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

10 the
Project Measures the number of new
issues project issues that are identified
and need to be addressed
identified after the initiation of the

To assess the volume of

challenges that appear during
a project, as such new issues
that arise might jeopardize the
success of the project.

Examples of project issues can

be: requests for change, off-
specification or general issues
(such as a conflict between
various project stakeholders).

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

11 the
Order Measures the percentage of
value variance in order value, from
overall contract value.
from To evaluate the level of
changes made to contract
original value.
value A = $ Current contract value
(after change)
B = $ Original contract value


Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

12 the
# Conflicts KPI
Measures the total number
during the of conflicts that have arisen
project within the project team
throughout the project

To indicate the
collaboration quality
between the project team

This KPI should be

measured along with the
rate at which conflicts cross
out were resolved.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

13 the
# To KPI
Measures the future required
performance cost efficiency needed to
index achieve a target Estimate At
Completion (EAC) or Budget At
(TCPI) Completion (BAC).

Provides a projection of the

anticipated performance
required to achieve either
budget or schedule targets.

A = $ Budget at completion (BAC)

B = $ Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP)
C = $ Actual cost of work performed (ACWP)
TCPI= (A-B)/(A-C)

TCPI value above 1 indicates

utilization of the project team
for the remainder of the project
can be
TCPI value below 1 indicates
utilization of the project team
for the remainder of the project
should be lenient.
Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
14 the
% Overdue KPI
Measures the percentage of
tasks overdue tasks out of the total
number of current project tasks.

To track project progress as a

large number of overdue
project tasks can slow progress
and put the project at risk.

A = # Tasks overdue
B = # Current tasks

Signals or alarms are

recommended to indicate
when a task becomes overdue,
especially when dealing
with projects having a
significant task load.
Overdue high importance tasks
should be analyzed and solved
first. Steps should be taken to
stop tasks from becoming
Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
15 the
Estimate Measures the expected total
at cost of a scheduled activity as
per work breakdown structure,
completion or of the entire project, in cases
(EAC) where the scope of work that
has been previously defined will
ultimately be completed.

To provide an indication of the

total cost estimated at different
stages during project execution
or upon completion.

A = $ Actual cost of work performed (ACWP = the

amount of money spent so far)

B = $ Estimate to complete (ETC= the amount of money

needed to complete the project)

C = # Cost performance index (CPI = the dollar of work

accomplished for each dollar spent = BCWP/ACWP)

D = $ Budget at completion (BAC)

E = $ Budget cost for work performed (BCWS = budget

planned value)

$ EAC = A+B, where B = [(1/C)x(D-E)]

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
16 the
# Cost KPI
Measures the numeric value
index (CPI) that describes the overall
performance in terms of cost
for a project.

To indicate the efficiency of

managing project work and
budget resources.

A = $ The budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS)

B = $ The actual cost of work performed (ACWP)

CPI = A/B,
Targets should be higher than 1, this
indicating that the conditions of cost
efficiency for the project are
considered to be favorable.

A resulting value that is smaller than 1

indicates that the conditions of cost
efficiency for the project are considered to
be less than favorable, as the actual cost is
higher than the budgeted cost of work

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

17 the
Measures the percentage of
changed the initial requirements that
during were changed during project
project implementation.
To indicate project alignment
with the initial specifications.

A = # Requirements changed
B = # Initial requirements

Measurement and reporting requires well-
functional systems to monitor changes to
project specifications (such as a ticketing
system, in the case of software

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

18 the
Cost Measures the difference
variance between the budgeted cost of
work performed and actual
cost of work performed, as
being under or above budget.

To track the efficiency of

project execution from the cost
perspective, as a difference
between the work value
obtained and the work cost

A = $ Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP)

B = $ Actual cost of work performed (ACWP)

Targets higher than 0 indicate that the
actual costs are under budget, which can
mean a well managed
If targets are lower than 0, this can indicate
the lack of cost efficiency in project
management, since the actual costs are
higher than the earned value.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

19 the
Project Measures the total delay of the
delay project by summing the delays
registered in each of the stages
of project implementation.

To provide an indication of the

total delay time, as such event
can have drastic
consequences on the success
of the project.

a project delay of no more

than 5-10% from the initial
scheduled duration is
considered as acceptable due
to the large number of
unforeseen factors that can
negatively impact the
execution of a project,
especially in particular
industries such as construction.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

20 the
Time Measures the total number of
hours that are allocated on
per project average for completing a
task project task.

To indicate how long it takes in

average to complete a task.

It takes good management

skills to estimate the time
required to complete a task.
Targets can vary
significantly from one task to
another within a project and
between projects in different

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

21 the
Actual cost Measures the actual amount of
of money spent for accomplishing
the work scheduled to be
work performed for project
To indicate the total actual
expenses incurred by the

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

22 the
Measures the budgeted cost of
cost of work that has actually been
work performed during a specific
period of time in accordance
performed with the project scheduled
(BCWP) tasks.

To indicate how much of the

work that was actually done up
to a certain point should have
cost, if everything went
according to the plan.

A = $ Budgeted cost for task completion

B = % Task scheduled completion

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

23 the
Third party Measures the number of non-
non- conformity ranging from the
conformity production / project
methodology process to the
identified compliance with the quality
during standards found during
inspections an inspection to a third party /
vendor location.

To indicate the reliability of the

third party.

the results of this KPI should be

kept as low as possible, as
third party non-conformity not
only causes extra fixing costs,
but also, pose compliance risk
on related
production and operation.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

24 the
Project Measures the percentage of
milestones milestones missed during the
project out of the total number
missed of project milestones.

To assess project adherence to

the initial milestones schedule.

A = # Milestones missed
B = # Project milestones

The lower the targets, the lower

the impact on project schedule
and budget.

Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem

25 the
Project Measures the percentage of
completion projects that are being
completed with a maximum or
predictability minimum of +/- 5% deviation of
the estimated timescale from
the total number of projects
that are completed.

To assess the level of efficiency

in project completion on time
(within acceptable deviation of

A = # Projects completed within +/- 5% deviation

of the estimated timescale
B = # Projects completed
By using the variance and
assuming the normal
distribution, the analyst can
determine the probability for
project completion on
Eng.Mohamed Abd Elhakiem
Project Control Courses
(Claims, Risk, Reporting, Planning, scheduling)

Construction Claims Bundle.

 Construction Claims-English

 EOT Procedures.

 Delay Analysis Techniques.

 Construction Disruption Claims

 Scheduling tricks, tactics, defense, related to claims
 Forensic Schedule Analysis

Dynamic Dashboard &Reporting.
 Interactive Dashboards & EVM.-Arabic

 Dynamic Portfolio Dashboards.-English

Planning and Scheduling Professional.
 PSP Study Guide

 PSP Practice test-English

 Primavera risk analysis, Duration uncertainty.

 PMI-SP Practice test-English

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