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on executing the policies.
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ing photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retriev-
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DISCLAIMER AND / OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented

herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication.
Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves
the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions.
The content of this material is for informational purposes only. While
every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this
material, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any re-
sponsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people
or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related
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accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern
business transactions or other business practices in your country and
state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is
purely coincidental.
Stephen Aremu Education Strategist.
Lead Consultant IConcept Educonsult.

About the author

Stephen Aremu is a graduate of English/Education from Ekiti State

University. He holds NCE (National Certificate in Education) in En-
glish/Social Studies. He is passionate about helping schools to grow
and expand. He coordinates one of the biggest community (School In-
novation) with over 2,000 of school owners in Nigeria, Togo, Sierria
Leone and Republic of Benin. He is an education strategist with an out-
standing results. His interest in school growth and management has
geared him to produce this important school management handbook
for school owners and administrator. He is happily married and blessed
with children.


This book is dedicated to Zion and Zoe


1. Policy statement
This attendance policy includes the expectation of employees coming
to work. Being punctual when coming to work helps maintain efficiency
in our work place.
2. Scope of the policy
Our employees need to collaborate with their colleagues to do their
job. To make this collaboration easier, the school expect employees to
be punctual and follow their schedules. This attendance policy applies
to all and non exempt employees regardless of position or type of em-
ployment placement.
3. Related Terms associated with this policy
Absenteeism: Absenteeism refers to frequent absence from an em-
ployee’s job responsibilities. This includes not coming to work fre-
quently or taking excessive sick leave without being able to submit
doctor’s note.
Presentism: Presentism refers to being present at work beyond em-
ployee’s work schedules even when the school don’t require overtime
service. This can cause employees to overworked and have an impact
on his/her productivity and job satisfaction. The school want to ensure
that employees keep his/her schedules both when coming to work
and leaving.
4. Policy overview
All employees in our school are expected to be present for work, on
time, every day. Regular attendance and punctuality are very important
to keep the work force running smoothly which is paramount to the
progress of the school. Arriving late to work, being tardy, or absence
from work causes disruptions and burdens other colleagues.
5. Failure to clock in or clock out
Employees of this school are expected to always and honestly sign in
and out appropriately everyday. Employees are to sign in latest (insert
time) and sign out at closing time.
Employees will be considered absent from work if they did not sign
and also not considered for a full day job if anyone of them did not sign
out at the closing time for the day.
6. Discipline actions for attendance infraction.
Attendance issues will result in progressive disciplinary actions up to
and including dismissal. The different steps that can lead to lay-off are:
a. Verbal warning
b. Written warning

c. Meeting with management
d. Possible suspension
If an employee is absent for three days or more consecutive days, evi-
dence for excusing the absence, such as a doctor’s note must be pro-
If any employee is a ‘no call, no show’ for three days or more, it will be
considered a job abandonment or termination without notice.


All employees of the school should be at their place of work at the

start and end of their normal working day. They should be at their sta-
tion ready to commence work from at least the start time of their con-
ditioned hours. The school considers that that lateness is a reflection of
ones adverse commitment and attitude towards their job unless there
is a reasonable, verified excuse for it.
Below are rules that guides this policy and it shall apply to any em-
ployee who is more than three minutes late for start of their work.
• More than 3 minutes-employee loses ¼ hour’s pay
• More than 15 minutes-employee loses ½ hour’s pay
• More than 30 minutes-employee loses ¾ hour’s pay
• More than 40 minutes-employee loses 1hour’s pay
This calculation continues for every ¼ hour lost. Employees who know
that they will unavoidably late must notify the school administrator or
the proprietor of the school.
If an employee fails to clock in or out and does not inform the school
prior to the start of the working day(s), he or she will not receive pay for
that day. Payment for the following hour/days will only be made if the
employee attendance is confirmed by the school management.
Notice of lateness should not be via another staff, third person or sms,
but with a phone call and with genuine reasonable reason.
Persistent periods of lateness that have not been preauthorized will be
dealt with under the school disciplinary policy.


The school expects all employees to report for work at the desig-
nated time. An employee who is not at work at the designated time is
required to notify the School Administrator it Heads of School as soon

as it is practicable but no later than the employee’s scheduled start
time in accordance with sick leave policy.

Employee who fail to report to work for three consecutive business

days without notifying the school of the absence will be considered as
having voluntarily resigned as a result of job abandonment. If the em-
ployee is unable to contact the school for any absence, he or she
should ask a representative (family member, or friend) to do so on the
employee’s behalf. If the employee or a representative is unable to
contact the school due to extreme circumstances (such as a medical
emergency or natural disaster that prohibits the employee or his/her
representative from contacting the school within three days, the em-
ployee or his/her representative must contact the school as soon as it
is practicable to explain the situation.

In extreme circumstances, the school will consider the explanation and

its timing before determining if the voluntary resignation will be upheld.


1. Teachers must have at least a National Certificate in Education NCE.

Additional professional training is highly desirable. The school prefers a
minimum of three years teaching experience.
2. Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria TRCN is an additional ad-
vantage except if the school considers it as a compulsory credentials
for employment.
3. Office assistants, care givers and facility officers are expected to
have at least a West African Examination Council WAEC.
4. Support staff members (e.g nurse, business managers) are expect-
ed to have a minimum training and experience in their area of assign-
5. Specified knowledge needed in the school will be made know via
employment advert.
6. A detailed responsibilities for each staff position is attached to the
employment letter and also the staff ethics and conduct.


Employment equity
1. The school gives an equal opportunity to all employees and em-
ploys personnel without considering race, gender, place of origin,
colour, language or ethnic background.
2. Employment into the school is based on strictly professionalism
and ability to demonstrate perfectly to meet the minimum criteria for
the position being sought.

Recruitment and selection

1. Applicants are invited to submit their application either via electron-
ic means or physically. A designated school electronic portal (email or
WhatsApp) is made available in the advert placement for application.
2. Application must include a current resumé of the applicant and a
typed application letter.
3. Teachers applying to work with the school will write a test accord-
ing to their field of discipline. If the teacher pass the test, a mi-
cro-teaching shall be organized and supervised by either the School
Administrator or Heads of School with at least two teachers with rele-
vant knowledge in the subject to be taught.
4. Two interviews shall be conducted, first with the School Administra-
tor or Heads of School and followed by interview with the Director, Pro-
prietor or Proprietress of the school.


1. All new employees to the school shall receive an orientation ses-

sions during the first week of joining the school. The orientation will en-
compass an overview of general policies, procedures, systems and op-
erations of the school. This will also provide employees, new to either a
position or subject/class teacher an opportunity to be familiar with the
performance expectations the management of the school has with
regard to the position in question.
2. During the period of the orientation, a copy the employee hand-
book will be given to the new staff and will be expected to learn the
contents. The new staff is expected to also make aware of the school
policies, code of conduct and asked to sign off on their adherence to
the contents.

Probation Period
Every employee will be on probation for a period of (number of
months) from the date of joining. This probation may be extended or
reduced on absolute discretion of the school management. During the
probation period, employee services can be terminated without as-
signing any reason by giving 24 hours notice.
Confirmation of appointment is after the completion of the probation
period. After confirmation of appointment, employee services will be
liable to be terminated on payment of a month’s salary. Similarly, the
school will not terminate employee’s service without giving one
month’s salary and in case of misconduct or failure on the part of the
employee to do give a month notice of resignation, the school man-
agement will be entitled to recover the requisite amount from the em-
ployee either by withdrawing dues to that extent or otherwise as may
be necessary.


The school as an organization is committed to ensuring that all staff

have access to learning, development and training opportunities which
enable them to be suitably knowledgeable and skilled to carry out
their role within the organization and to develop their skills in ways that
fit with the school’s development to meet its strategic objectives.

The aims of this policy are to:
1. Ensure that employees are supported and enabled to meet the
changing demands of the organization and our clients so that the or-
ganization achieves its strategic objectives in the education sector.
2. Facilitate employee development through assisting them to broad-
en deepen and thereby further enhance their existing skill base.
3. Provide a working environment where continuous learning and de-
velopment take place that help staff to gain more enjoyment and
smooth running of their roles.

Conditions on training
1. All employees are to compulsorily attend all training at any given
2. Excuses to be absent from training sessions are not tenable.
3. All staff must be punctual; be on time scheduled for the training.

4. Request to be absent or come late to the training is not under a
must approval. Approval is on the discretion of the school manage-
5. All staff are required to write and submit what they learn from any
training organized for them. The report of what they learn from the
training and what they have to include in their responsibilities.


The school dress code policy outlines how the school expects the em-
ployees to dress at work. Employees should note that their appear-
ance matters when representing the school in front of parents, visitors,
and other parties.
All employees of the school whilst at work should adhere strictly to the
following dress code rules:
1. All employees must be clean and well-groomed.
2. All clothes must be work appropriate. Clothes that are typical in
workout and outdoor activities are not allowed.
3. All clothes must project professionalism. Clothes that are too re-
vealing or inappropriate are not allowed.
4. All clothes must be well ironed and in good shape. Discernible rips,
tears or holes are not allowed.
5. Employees must avoid cloth with stamps that are offensive or inap-
6. Employees are expected to dress officially at all times especially
the teachers and administrative officers. Official dressing is not suit
without a tie or sanders instead of shoes. Head tie should be appropri-
ately tied fit for official duties and not casual.
7. Employees are expected to dress officially from Monday to Friday
except specified exemptions by the school management like tradition-
al attires on Friday, sport wears on designated sport day and other spe-
cial occasions or outings.
8. Dressing casually or putting on sanders or slippers is not allowed.
Bow tie is for special evening occasion like dinner and not an official
dress for males.
9. Certain positions and activities may involve different dress require-
ments. These can include teachers of Art, practical arts, facilities de-
partment position and health office staffs.
10. The School Administrator may allow relaxed or alternate dress
guidelines for special days and events. For all exemptions, the individu-

concerned will work with the School Administrator to determine appro-
priate attire.


Any employee of the school noticed to be under the influence of alco-

hol and drugs which can cause injuries to themselves and others will
face a strict disciplinary measure from the school management. The
school has the responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare of
everyone at work including the pupils/students and visitors.
An employee whilst at work is prohibited from possessing or using ille-
gal drugs and alcohol.
Suspension from work with deduction from salary and termination of
appointment are options available for disciplinary measure within the
power of the school management.


During the period of employment in the school, employees must not

undertake in any activities or have any interest (eg membership, direc-
torships, shares, contract or contact) with any person or organization,
which may constitute a conflict of interest with our school.
Employees are to notify the management body of any intention to have
anything to do with any other school and immediately upon becoming
aware of any potential or actual conflict of interest involving them
during their employment period with us.
Any work undertaken with any school organization must have the ap-
proval of the School Administrator with the consent of the School Di-
rector/Proprietor to ensure it does not interfere or create a conflict with
the employees main employment with us.


What is harassment?
It is an inappropriate behavior that makes a person feel offended, hu-
miliated or intimidated at work and leaves them feeling their work per-
formance and morale has been negatively affected. Harassment may
include bullying, insult, malicious gossip, insults and/or victimization.

What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is a behavior of a sexual nature (including use of
words, actions or visual materials) that is unwanted by the receiver and
has a detrimental effect on the recipient person, study, work, perfor-
mance or job satisfaction.
Examples are:
1. Sexual assault.
2. Uninviting touch.
3. Smutty jokes and comments.
4. Making promises or threats in return for sexual favour.
5. Obscene or pornography email messages, texts, images or items.
6. Oral sex and abuse.
7. Inappropriate or excessive comments on clothing or physical char-
8. Unwelcome social attention or telephone calls at home or work.

How to deal with harassment

Any staff or student harassed has the right to complain and take ac-
tions to stop the behavior. Students should make a report of harass-
ment to the school management at the notice of such and the report is
not treated as an assumption rather as an issue to watch and investi-
gate. All complaints and report of harassment will be attended to in a
complete confidential manner.

Make members of staff should be above board in their relationship with

female students and vice versa. Any harassment investigated and con-
firmed can lead to termination of appointment as the school regards
such act as against the core values of the school. If the act of sexual
assault is confirmed committed, the school will hand over the culprit to
the parents and the law enforcement officials to take decisions on

Words like darling, dear, my wife, my husband, and my queen or king

should be avoided between staffs and students, and between employ-
ees even if it is considered a complementary approach.


This policy establishes general guidelines for employees who may be

given access to the school computer and phone system for different

use. These work place tools are intended for business purposes only.

Misuse of internet, email and phones

The school electronic media are not to be used for any unauthorized
purposes, including:
1. The transmission of abusive, defamatory, obscene or discriminatory
2. The searching for, perusal and/or downloading of pornographic or
other objectionable materials.
3. Offensive materials/content through the internet.
4. The transmission of sensitive information about an individual staff,
or students.

Vandalism is any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data or net-
works that are connected to the system. This includes but not limited
to the uploading or creation of computer viruses through the use of
different external devices.

Users should always ensure that PC is shut down correctly and turned
off after use. Unauthorized person or staff should never have access to
the system.

Food and drinks are not allowed into the computer laboratory. All users
including students are required to take responsibility to protect the
computer systems. Any damage from improper use, food and drink
spillage on the system will be on the supervisor of the laboratory.


This policy serves as guide on the use of internet by the staffs and stu-
dents within the school environment. Only sites appropriate for study
and research should be visited. Browsing of non-related websites or
downloading of non-related files should be avoided.

Students should only access the internet under the supervision of their
instructors. Any mouse of the internet on the school computer system
by students will be on the instructor or supervisor.


Employees shall be entitled to bereavement leave with pay of (specify

how many days/week eg 5 days) in event of death in the family of the
employee which include only spouse/life partner, child or parents and
(specify how many days/weeks eg 3 days) for grandparents, sister, or
brother, father in-law or mother in-law or grandchildren.

If the employee wishes to take more time off due to death of an imme-

diate family members should notify the school administrator. Approval
of bereavement leave will occur in the absence of unusual or emer-
gency operating requirements.


Illness is a natural reaction in every human and must be taken care of

whenever it occurs. However, a proper report of absence from work
must be directed to the School Administrator appropriately (this can
done either via a phone call or in a formal writing).

Pay and benefits during sick leave

Illness leave will be based on a regular eight hour and at the employ-
ee’s base rate at the calculation of the salary. Late report of illness or
illness absence of less than (specify number of hour/day) will not be
considered for payment.

Employees are to notify in a written form for request of sick leave. Doc-
tor’s note or other medical certificate is required with the leave applica-
tion letter. This circumstances include but are not limited to.


This policy serves as a guide to crucial and confidential information in

the school. Employees should observe the confidentiality of informa-
tion that they acquire by virtue of their positions or access except
where disclosure is approved by the school management. Confidential
information includes proprietary information such as database, market-
ing plans, events, salary information, promotion and unpublished

financial data. Employees also must not trade securities of the school
on the basis of material undisclosed information obtained in the course
of their employment with the school or communicate such information
to others for any purpose.

Any staff caught in this act of letting confidential information out shall
face a discipline proscribed by the school management which ranges
from suspension without salary for the period of absence or termina-
tion of appointment.


The following policy shall serve as guide to the process of school fees
collection for the school.
1. Collection and request for fee payment will start from the second
week of resumption and not the time of resumption.
2. The school front desk Manager/Officer, School Proprietor or Admin-
istrator is to take the responsibility of contacting parents during the
holiday to encourage them to pay on time for the new term. The mes-
sage can be conveyed via a soft phone call, carefully chosen words by
sms or email.
3. Parents WhatsApp group, Parents Forum/PTA and school notice
board should not be an avenue for reminding school debtors or de-
faulters on payment of their school fees.
4. There should be weekly assessment and record of numbers of par-
ents that have paid their children’s fees at the end of the first week of
5. Undertaking form shall be made available for parents that defaults
the two weeks of payment and the course of action to be taken for de-
faulting be stated in the form for parents to sign. The signature of the
parents show their commitment to the content of the form.
6. Any defaulter will have their wards/children not given the opportu-
nity to participate in any group or class work. Any disagreement or fight
from parents after taken this due action may result to the suspension
of the parents’ wards.


Attending and participating in the activities on the assembly is as im-

portant as classroom learning experience because it is regarded as a
platform for education. Therefore, the following serves as policy to
guide attendance, mode and activities on the assembly:

1. Assembly holds between 7:40 am to 8:10 am(this time can be ad-

justed any time).
2. The assembly is a compulsory part of the child’s day hence the
school takes it very serious.
3. The school will not tolerate students missing the assembly as this is
what begins the day; missing it can cause a disconnect for the child. It
is during the assembly that very important and pivotal activities such
as character modeling, public speaking, and social interaction pro-
grammed etc are conducted.
4. Late coming and missing the daily assembly is totally unaccept-
able. Perceived factors affecting the early coming to school of late
comers will be addressed by the School Administrator.
5. Assembly can be conducted both in the morning, and afternoon
depending on what is to be done or the information to be pass.
6. Assembly takes from Monday to Friday.


A. Entrance examination
All students/pupils coming to the school will be exposed to a written
and oral examination. Students/pupils coming from another school will
be required to undergo a compulsory assessment before placement.
The result of the assessment is what will determine the placement of
the child with little or no consideration to age or grade and result of the
former school. The school reserves the right to make decision on the
admission and placement of any child.

B. The enrollment procedures:

1. Admission form is introduced to prospective parents at the point of
inquiry about the school.
2. Purchased and filled admission form should be accompanied by all
relevant policies for parents to study before making further commit-
ment. Forms should be filled correctly and returned with relevant

documents required before a child is considered admitted to class-
room, in the case of an incident caused by not properly filling the
forms, risk is transferred to the parents. Parents should note that the
purchasing money for the admission form is no refundable.
3. The assessment date and time is arranged by the admission officer.
4. Discussion is done with parent to hear the take on the decision of
the school on the placement of their child in respect to the result of
the entrance examination.
5. Once the financial check has been done, and accepted, parents are
given a letter of acceptance on the condition that their deposit or full
payment has been confirmed.
6. Intending students/pupils are admitted into the school classroom
only if the documents are properly filled and necessary documents are
submitted, and policies signed.


This policy serves as a guide to the conduct of how home work is car-
ried out in the school. Home work can be set in different forms accord-
ing to the subject or topic with many different expectations and out-
comes. The following are considered when setting home work:

1. Home work is designed to help in creating a permanent learning

experience in classrooms.
2. The nature and type of home work changes throughout a pupil’s
career. The number of home work may increase as a pupil gets older.
3. Home work should not cause undue stress on the students/pupils,
family or the teacher.
4. Home work may not necessarily come in form of a written task.
5. Home work is given to all children from the foundation stage to the
upper classes.

The role of the classroom teacher:

1. For every home work, the teacher is to give a comprehensive expla-
nation should be given on how the work should be done.
2. Examples should be given as a guide in all home work.
3. Parents are free to consult teachers for clarification on the home
4. The number of home work to be given per day and weekends is
given by the Heads of school or Vice Principal for academics.

5. Holiday home work is given at the end of each term in core sub-
jects and be submitted first week of resumption. The score from the
holiday homework should be used in the cumulative report for the
6. All homework must be marked and correction must be given to
wrong answer.

The role of parent:

1. Parents are to make sure that their children do their homework and
submitted at the right time.
2. Parents are not permitted to help their children to do their home-
work. If this is noticed, the parents will be re-informed of the policy and
if this persist, parent will be given a commitment form to fill in case the
academic performance of the child dropped.
3. Private lesson teachers employed for private coaching are only al-
lowed to guide the students and not to help them to do it.


This policy have been drafted to help the school, parents and students
build a communication system that will create a good transportation

This policy requires all the mentioned stakeholders to work in collabo-

ration for a smooth running of the transportation system of the school.
The bus movement schedule should be well communicated to the
parents before any commitment is made.

1. Pick up and drop off

• It is required that students are standing at the designated point 10

minutes before the arrival of the bus. Parents are advised to adhere
strictly by this schedule as the driver will not be hold responsible if the
students/pupils are not picked up due to unnecessary delay spanning
5-10 minutes.
• The driver will continue on to the next stop if the students/ pupils
are not met at the the designated place and at the appointment time.
• Parents should communicate to the School Administrator or Heads
of School if they would not be at home when the children are dropped.

The school bus will not drop off students/pupils to anyone who can
not be recognized by the school representative. Parents are to com-
municate their unavailability on time to avoid distortion in the school
• The school bus will only pick and drop students at the designated
bus stop on the main road and not the integral part of inner streets for
the purpose of the up keep of the bus and prompt drop off of other
children. Roads not tarred and bad roads will be avoided.
• Students/pupils are to use caution when crossing the road after
getting off the bus. They are to look both ways of the road before the
crossing where necessary.

2. General responsibilities for parents/guidance

• Parents are to ensure that students are present at the designated

bus stop. The bus driver is instructed to leave the bus stop at a stipu-
lated time.
• On time communication is required if a child is not returning home
on bus in the afternoon after closing for the day.
• The school bus service is for the students only and not for parents
or friends of students. The driver is instructed to pick only the students
that registered for the service alone.
• The school management will appreciate information about any
change of home address or contact details.
• Parents should make a formal report to the school management on
any concern in relation to the service.
• Parents shall be financially responsible for any damage to the interi-
or or exterior of the bus by their children.

3. Driver’s instruction

• As the driver, you are only permitted to board only registered stu-
• While driving, you are expected to always belt up. Use of head-
phones and cell phone which can be used for calls, internet browsing,
video or picture coverage is not allowed while driving. In a case of
emergency call from the school management, you are to pull over to
receive the call.
• You must ensure a speed limits 70km/h on high way and 35km/h
in the residential area.
• You are responsible for general cleaning and care of the bus.

• No students/pupils should be allowed to leave or be out of his/her
seat while the bus is in motion. All students/pupils will be assigned
seats on the bus by the bus coordinator or the driver.
• No eating or chewing of gum is permitted at any time by the driver.
• No one is permitted to be on board at anytime except the regis-
tered students/pupils.
• Smoking or use of tobacco products is not allowed on the bus at
anytime. Illegal drugs of any type shall not be permitted on the bus at
• Large objects that can obstruct the driver’s view or block the aisle
on the bus are not allowed.
• Students/pupils must use their designated bus to and from school.
Any changes in bus arrangements should be done in absolute knowl-
edge of the School Administrator in any case of emergency.
• Drivers are to obey the traffic laws. Any violation of traffic with it’s
fine shall be on the driver and not the school.
• Tracker and video camera are placed strategically in the bus to
monitor the behavior of the students/pupils and the driver. The foot-
age shall be used to identify any misbehavior.
• Drivers should not allow students/pupils to put any part of their
body out of the bus through the bus window.
• Students/pupils are not permitted to exit the bus in the absence of
their parent or guardian unless the School Administrator is informed
formally of the person authorized to receive the child.
• Talk quietly at all times. Abusive language and vulgar words used
on the students/pupils or other drivers while driving is not allowed. By
no means should you as the driver engaged in a combat with anyone
or the parents.

4. General rules for students/pupils

• Always be ready and wait on time at the designated bus stop to be

picked up in the morning. Be in a position visible enough where the
driver can see you.
• Always remain sited while the bus is on the move. You are not al-
lowed do your assignment or other project given to you in school while
on the bus. Keep the seats and aisles clear of books, and other belong-
• Eating and drinking is not allowed on the bus.
• Public interaction and display of affection is not allow while in the

5. Disciplinary procedures for misconduct of students/pupils

• Report of misconduct is expected to be given by driver. The driver

is responsible for orderly conduct of the students on the bus.
• A disciplinary action maybe imposed on students/pupils at the dis-
cretion of the school school disciplinary committee after a thorough in-
vestigation on the matter is carried out. The action may include tempo-
rary suspension or loss of bus service.
• The parents will be informed of the incident and penalties.
• Continuous violations of bus regulation and misconduct will pro-
ceed from verbal reprimand to the actual punishment with a letter to
inform parents at home.
• Unyielding after the verbal warning will lead to three days suspen-
sion from bus service.
• Third violation leads to suspension from bus service for up to two
weeks. Forth violation leads to suspension from bus service for up to
three months.

6. Payment and refunds

Payment policy
• Students are expected to return with the transportation form that
followed the news letter before the holiday. This form is to notify the
school if they are still interested in the arrangement for transportation
for their children.
• Payment for bus fee must be done at the beginning of the term to
secure a space in the bus for the term. Students/pupils will not be
picked at their bus stop if payment has not been made.

The school authority holds the school bus fee to represent ‘the pur-
chase’ of a seat in the school bus for the whole term. Payment made in
this regard would not be refunded even if the students/pupils uses the
bus once. In a case where the students/pupils did not use the bus fa-
cility at all, then refund can be considered to the parent.


Part-time staff includes anyone who work for the school on a part-time
basis under a contract of employment, or who undertakes personally
to perform part-time work for school under a contract service.
Part-time staff in the school refers to any pattern of work which amount
to less than normal full-time hours of work.

Terms and conditions

1. Part-time staffs are employed base on the obvious need of the

2. Pat-time staff will be paid an equivalent hourly rate to a comparable
employee on a full time contract.
3. Part-time staffs are not entitled to benefit, allowances and incre-
ments in salary as the school can justify different treatment on objec-
tive ground.
4. Part-time staffs are to attend all the trainings for the staffs of the
school including induction processes for a new employee.
5. Entitlement to maternity leave applies equally to both full time and
part-time employees.

Conditions on working hours

The working hours for each part-time employee will be determined in

accordance with the school practices base on the time or periods
spent at work. Payment will be calculated based on agreed amount for
each time or period spent.
The part-time sign book is expected to be signed in and out, default-
ing this will amount to no pay for that day(s).


Part-time employees are under the same discipline procedures that

apply to full time employees.


Employee loan is the sum of money that is paid in addition to the

salary. It is a form of financial assistance in case of an emergency.

Employee loans come with a repayment schedule and small or no in-
terest. The interest charged comprises of administrative cost and tax
liabilities incurred by the school. The primary purpose of offering a loan
to employees is to ease their monetary stress. This loan may be re-
garded as soft in nature (it means high amount of money can’t be given
as loan).


Employee loans are offered to only permanent employees only, not

under probation or notice of resignation period. Opportunity of loan is
not open for part-time staffs.

Duration of loan:
Loans are offered to employees for a period of (insert time and period).

Repayment of loans: All employees are responsible for the repayment

of loans as per the terms below:

• A repayment schedule will be offered to the borrower at the time of

approval of loan.
• A loan form with details of the borrower and his/her guarantors
must be filled before the application is open for consideration.
• Applicant should supply two guarantors which must be a member
of full time staffs. They are not to be under loan.
• A percentage from the salary and an agreed period of time for the
repayment must be signed with full name of the borrower and guaran-
• Employees salary determines the percentage of loan he/she can
apply for.


• Fraudulent and dishonest behaviors are not tolerated. Employees

of the school who engage in any fraudulent or theft are not acting with
the scope of their employment and should not be tolerated. The
school values all employees, the visitors, students and their properties,
and expects employees in turn value the school and its assets. There-
fore, the school will tolerate no employee theft or stealing of any kind
including fraudulent acts. That includes theft of money, information,

products, tools or any school properties, information or idea that
belong to the school or any employee. staffs especially teachers
should never engage in extorting the students in any way as all proj-
ects expenses will be sponsored or approved by the school adminis-
trators or head of school.
• Staff should avoid misappropriation of School fund
• Staff should not be dishonest in relation to examination
• There should be transparent fairness in the marking of test and ex-
amination papers. All test and examination should be carried out with
utmost sense of responsibility and integrity.
• No suppression of falsification of school records or statistics

Reporting known or suspected fraud or theft

Employees are responsible for immediately reporting known or sus-

pected incidents of fraud, including theft and misappropriation of the
school assets to either the school administrator, head of school or pro-
Any employee who has knowledge of fraud or theft of school assets by
any person and does not report it may be subject to disciplinary action,
up to and including termination of appointment

Disciplinary measures

Employee caught after thoroughly investigation into the acts including

fraud of theft will be termination of appointment with no warning


This policy serves as standard procedures for disciplining employees

for specific incidents that go against other school policies.

This policy applies to any and all employee conduct that the schooling
it’s sole discretion, determines must be addressed by discipline. No
discipline policy can be expected to address each and every situation
requiring corrective action that must arise in the school.

Therefore, the school takes a comprehensive approach regarding dis-

cipline and will attempt to consider all relevant factors before making
decisions regarding discipline.

Employees conduct that warrants discipline results from unacceptable
behavior, poor performance or violation of the School policies. Disci-
pline may also be issued for inappropriate conducts that falls outside
the identified areas in this policy book, Equally important the school
will take whatever action it deems necessary to address the issue at
hand. This may mean that more or less severe discipline is imposed in
a given situation.

The school will adhere to the following progressive disciplinary process:

1. Verbal warning- A verbal warning is meant to alert the employee
that a problem may exist or that one has been identified which must be
2. Query letter may be given to a defaulter requiring an answer with 24
hour why a disciplinary action should not be taken on what the school
sees as unethical conduct in the employee.
3. Termination of appointment may follow several warnings if the em-
ployee refuse to change.


The school maintain the stand that there should be one or two teach-
ers on duty every week of the term. The number of teachers on duty is
determined by the tasks and the numbers of students
Duties of teachers on duty

1. Teachers on duty are responsible for every activities of the week for
the school.
2. The assembly and co-curricular activities are coordinated by the
teachers on duty.
3. Teachers on duty must take reasonable care to ensure that stu-
dents do not meet with foreseeable risks of personal injury or harm.
4. All activities on playground and tuck shop must be supervised
during break period.
5. A clear and detailed comprehensive weekly report of activities
during the week must be submitted at the beginning of the following
week by the teacher on duty.
6. Teachers on duty are to resume 30minutes earlier than the normal
resumption time and they can’t leave the school until the last student

7. Teachers on duty are to stand at the entrance of the school to wel-
come children back to school.
8. Teachers on duty must ensure effective system of supervision in
the operation in the school.


1. Teachers are expected to concretize all their lesson. Therefore,

teaching aid becomes an important element in making a permanent
learning experience in classroom.
2. The school endeavors to provide sufficient and appropriate resourc-
es for teaching materials for teachers. Students/pupils are not expect-
ed to bring any material to school without the knowledge of the School
Administrator or Head of school in charge of academics.
3. All materials given by the school should be carefully handled and
placed in a correct area when they are returned after use.
4. All materials needed by teachers should be communicated in writ-
ten request with a detailed description from the beginning of the term.
5. All teaching materials should be in-line with the dictate and needs
of the school scheme of work.


1. There is a mandatory once in a week meeting of the staffs to review

activities for the week and set new goals to achieve.
2. The progress of the school shall be the main agenda of all the
3. The School Administrator set the agenda and coordinate the dis-
cussion of the meeting.
4. Minute of the meeting is expected to be taken and read in the sub-
sequent meeting.
5. The proprietor must be briefed of the decisions and general discus-
sion of the meeting.
6. Staff meeting should not be for any other discussion except for the
matters of the school and the general welfare of the staff. Issues with
salary increment and administrative matter should not be an agenda
for discussion during the meeting.


In order to ensure a continuous improvement of the service given to

the parents, the school ensures that effective communication and con-
sultation takes place between the school and parents.

This policy aim to improve the quality of service by ensuring good pro-
cesses for consultations between the school and parents are fully
communicated and understood. This is to create a connection with
parents as an important stakeholder in the educational progress of
their children.


Communication between the school and parents operate in the follow-

ing ways:
• At the point of inquiry, new parents are given a full school tour by
the front desk manger or associate. The new parents are made to meet
the Head of School or School Administrator if possible.
• The front desk manger explains the admission process and agree-
ment on the assessment day and time is fixed. Parents are given an ad-
mission pack(registration and medical form, and other essential poli-
cies of the school). A welcome pack will be given to the new parent;
the pack contains: School essential policies, school prospective, a
guide to starting school, school calendar, co-curricula club and activi-
• New parents are given the school official telephone number to
maintain contact throughput the admission and assessment process.
• Weekly newsletter is sent to parents either via email or typed letter
to inform them about imminent events and achievements of the school
through the week.
• Weekly/daily students dairy serves as the prime daily or weekly
communication between the school and parents on the academic
progress of their children. This enables parents to be familiar with
whatever is happening to their children in school as teachers are re-
quired to record all instances of uncontrollable behavior as well as
home work or classroom assignments which have not been satisfacto-
ry completed.
Positive progress of the child should also be recorded. The content of
the diary should be tailored in a way to make parents’ collaboration on
the academic success of their children. The school homework

schedule is expected to be detailed in the diary to make proper guid-
ance for students/pupils at home.


Policy Overview
The school cell phone policy offers general guidelines for using per-
sonal personal and school official phone during the work hours.

Cell phone use guidelines:

The following are the the school’s basic guild lines for proper employ-
ee’s cell phone during work hours. In general, cell phones should not
be used when they could pose a security or safety risk, or when they
distract from work tasks.

1. Use of cell phone is highly prohibited during work hours except in-
structed by the School Administrator.
2. School bus drivers should never use a cell phone while driving.
3. Use of a cell phone is not allowed while operating equipment in
Basic Technology laboratory and working in science laboratories.
4. No one is permitted to use cell phones for surfing the internet or
gaming during work hours.
5. Cell phone is not permitted during staff or management meetings.
6. Use of a cell phone to watch movie during work hours is not per-
7. No staff is allowed to use cell phones to record confidential infor-
8. Staffs are not allowed to share or post students/pupils pictures on
the internet except permitted by the School management.
9. Use of cell phones during work hours whether for personal or offi-
cial is strictly by permission
10. Employees are to keep their cell phones are a safe designated
place provided by school or keep it far from themselves throughout
the work hours.
11. Employees can check their phones for missed calls or sms during
the break periods.
12. In case of emergency, employees should inform the School Admin-
istrator before using the cell phones.

Disciplinary Actions

Improper use of cell phones may result to disciplinary actions by the

School Management. Continued use of cell phones at school’s inap-
propriate times or ways that tends to distract from work or during class
lessons may lead to having cell phone privilege revoked.
Disciplinary action may attract seizure of the phone if defaulter failed
to yield to warnings.


Open Day is a day when members of the public may visit the school fa-
cilities in order to make decisions about whether to enroll or not into
the school.
Open day is mainly for the school enrollment against the popular way
of just parents coming to school to meet teachers. It is a day set aside
for come and see the school value systems and facilities.

Practical engagement on Open Day

1. All the facilities in all departments must be in top notch.

2. Lifestyles, entrepreneurial skills, critical skills or transferable skills
like music studio, Arts Gallary, ICT room, and Language room etc must
be set in a way to be very attractive.
3. The library must be well arranged.
4. The front seat officer/Receptionist must be presentable.
5. The security must be visible enough for everyone to see.
6. Learners who are good in playing violin, recorder, piano as musical
instruments must be on ground to play musical notes in low tones as
the prospective parents tour round the school facilities. This is to show-
case the school musical strength.
7. Arts and science exhibition should also be dedicated to a stand and
each instructor and few students who participate in the making of what
is exhibited should stay behind the stand to explain what the exhibition
8. Teachers and students must be well dressed and teachers interact
with prospectives during and after the seminar.
9. A seminar is organized to brief the prospectives the unique facilities
and offers of the school.
10. Teachers and students should be groomed on giving a brief testi-
monial about the school.

11. A few parents may be invited in as testimonials.

How to invite prospective parents ethically

The following are some ways to attract/invite prospective parents:

1. The school design graphics for print/e-invitations.
2. Encourage parents to invite their friends who have children in the
school target age (Early years stage, primary, JSS or SS)
3. The School Administrator/Head of the marketing team should visit
the community local Landlords Association meetings and get them to
share the Open Day invitations to their members and tenants.
4. Teachers are given some invitations to give their friends.
5. Medium like radio/TV for promoting the Open Day. This is accept-
able as long as it defines what Open Day mean.

On the Open Day, the school management must do the following:

1. Head of School for academic must be left to take the center stage
on academic excellence the school offers and character/sharpen-
ing/shapening prowess of the staff which is evident on the pupils.
2. A teacher to speak about how the school delivers excellence in
3. A learner to speak about how the school delivers excellence in
teaching and learning in classroom experience.
4. Parents to talk about how the school meets expectations.
5. The school owner can roundoff by talking about reasons why he es-
tablished the school.


Parents-teacher conference is a short meeting or conference between

the parents and teachers of learners to discuss a child’s progress and
solutions to academic attainment and or behavioral problems.

The primary driver of parents-teacher conference is information dis-

semination and action plan.
A short conference with teachers ought to cover the following:
1. Parents chat with teachers of their ward. The chat ought to be for
maximum of 15 minutes when teacher will run through the generic
report on the child. Parent is expected to ask questions depending on
the issues raised. Parents could also raise other outside matters

relating to the learner as he or she sees fit if he/she thinks the teacher
may have influence on the learner.
2. To take a touring the classrooms . Especially in EYFS, leaners must be
encouraged to do drawings which are hanged on the wall with learners
names. Parents must be taken through wall painting and the school farm
to impress on the parents the works of their wards.
3. Teachers must be able to present sets of summery report which de-
picts the following:





Learners SWOT must be presented during the 15minutes conference!

4. To evaluate social development of the learner including behavioral

state. Social development of the learners must be presented in crisp
5. Rail out roadmap to advancing the action-plans so reached. If learners
have challenges, parent-teacher-learner must agree a roadmap going


The management must drive teachers to understand that, all parents

have rights to access full disclosure on their wards.
Also, teachers must be aware that, all parents have responsibilities over
their wards: parent-teacher partnership to advance learning at home is
thus an important responsibility.

Teachers are therefore to reinforce such understanding during the confer-


So, the following key and grey reports must be included in your feedback
to the parents:
1. Peer interaction: is the learners lively, interactive, chatty etc or is he

reclusive and closed mouth?
2. Does he contributes in class? If not, how could both parent-teacher
3. Is the learner taking responsibility and is he independent. This ob-
servation is important especially in EYFS.
4. Is the child settled-in especially if he was in the EYFS and primary


This examination question policy contains the guide on setting ques-

tions and preparing mark guide.
The following are guidelines to setting and marking of examination
1. Examination committee is set up among teachers with the sole re-
sponsibility to see to the arrangement of question papers, placing of
examination supervisors and the drafting of examination timetable.
2. The examination committee comprises of members of staff and a
chairman is selected from the committee to supervise the whole ex-
amination process.
3. A formal report of the examination process is required to be submit-
ted to the School Administrator at the end of the term..
4. Examination questions are to be set during the holiday by teachers
and be submitted for typing before the end of the second week of re-
5. The questions are submitted to the examination committee and
thoroughly checked for arrangement, error and instructions for each
section of the questions.
6. Instructions for each section of the questions must be simple and in
a clear language. The number of questions to attempt must be speci-
7. Questions are expected to be set afresh for each and not to copy
from past questions.
8. Mark guide is prepared alongside with the questions and be
checked as well.
9. A stipulated period of two weeks maximum should be used for
marking the examination questions and be submitted for checking
which takes a week to do.


1. The Excursion policy establishes a standard for conducting any

school activity off the school site that maximizes the learning out-
comes for students, whilst minimizing risk and ensuring appropriate
duty of care arrangements.
2. The Excursion policy does not cover:
o work experience and vocational education placements,
o overseas excursions,
o overseas student exchanges
3. This policy provides the framework to implement Excursions.
4. Excursions must give equal consideration to all aspects of the plan-
ning and delivery including; qualifications, training, reconnaissance,
student capability and medical details, along with documentation
5. The School Administrator/Heads of School are responsible for en-
suring Excursions are conducted in accordance with all relevant policy
and procedures.

Context of the policy

1. Excursions provide enriching learning opportunities and experienc-
es for students in a variety of environments beyond the school site.
2. Excursions support curriculum delivery, personal development and
contribute to a positive school culture.
3. Excursions must be planned within the context of the student’s total
educational program.
4. Determining the educational value of an excursion must take ac-
count of the needs and resources of the school, the needs of the stu-
dents and the total learning program.
5. Excursions are inclusive, and all students within the specific learn-
ing group are to be given the opportunity to participate.
6. A duty of care is owed to students in the school environment and
while on excursions.
7. The department's duty of care owed to students for the duration of
an excursion cannot be delegated from the school to parents, caregiv-
ers, volunteers or employees of external organizations .
8. The obligation to report suspected risk of harm to children and
young people applies throughout all stages of an excursion, as it does
in schools.
9. A risk assessment is to be conducted and a risk management plan
developed before seeking approval for any excursion.
10. Signed consent forms granting permission for students to

participate in excursions and a medical information form are to be ob-
tained from parents or caregivers.
11. Safe transport or a safe walking route is to be organized for excur-
12. Students must behave appropriately at all times while on excur-
sions, including when animals are encountered.

Responsibilities and delegations

1. A school excursion is initiated, organized and supervised by the

school and approved by the School management.
2. Overseas excursions must have the endorsement of the Parents
and the School Management.. In addition, overseas excursions must be
approved by the executive director through the BOT Board of Trustees
of the school.
3. The department's duty of care owed to students for the duration of
an excursion cannot be delegated from the school to parents, caregiv-
ers, volunteers or employees of external organizations.


1. The School Administrators are required to monitor school compli-

ance with this policy.
2. The school is to regularly review and update their procedures for
the safe conduct of excursions on the basis of implementation experi-
ence, systemic and locally produced risk profiles and the evaluation of
teaching and learning outcomes.


• Notice of resignation.
Employees are encouraged to provide a term notice to facilitate a
smooth transition out of the school. If an employee provides less
notice than requested, the school management may deem the individ-
ual to be ineligible for rehire depending on the circumstances regard-
ing the notice given.
• Form of resignation notice.
All resignations must be confirmed in writing. Employees may wish to
complete the Employee Resignation Form provided by the school for
this purpose or may submit other written notice that must include the

reason for leaving and the effective date. Employees who verbally
resign will not be considered to have resigned appropriately from the
• Resignation for failure to report to work.
Employees who fail to report to work for three consecutive days with-
out properly communicating to the School Administrator the reasons
for their absence will be viewed as voluntarily resigning their employ-
ment as of the third day.
• Pay in lieu of notice.
Management of the School reserves the right to provide an employee
with payment in lieu of notice in situations where the work needs war-
rant. Such a decision should not be perceived as reflecting negatively
on the employee, given that it may be due to a variety of reasons not
known to the individual or other employees.
• Rescission of resignation.
Employees will not be allowed to rescind a resignation, whether given
verbally or in writing, once the resignation has been confirmed by the
school management. Employees who wish to discuss concerns about
their continued employment before making a final decision to resign
are encouraged to do so consistent with the organization’s retention
• Eligibility for rehire.
Employees who resign in good standing under this policy and whose
documented performance is above average under the school perfor-
mance management system will be eligible for reemployment for a
period of up to six months from the last date of employment, with ben-
efits tied to seniority reinstated in full except if the school management
thinks otherwise. Former employees will be considered for open posi-
tions along with all other candidates. Former employees who apply for
reemployment after six months will be treated as new employees.

Work Schedule

Employees availability in school is solely dependent on the school

calendar for the term and must be strictly adhered to.

Teachers are expected be available prior to resumption of students for

orientation, training, scheme review, submissions of their modules,
completion of necessary materials including writing of first two weeks
lesson note and plan and other related trainings.
New staff are expected to attend additional orientation days as part of

their probation procedures to properly integrate them into the school
system. All staff will attend the staff retreat and orientation sessions

On school days, full time staff members are expected to be present in

school on or before 7:30 am and close at 3:30pm. Teachers on duty are
expected to be in school on or before 6:30 am. Teachers on duty will
leave the school only when all students/pupils have left. Staff are ex-
pected to remain after school for staff and committee meetings on ap-
propriate days as designed by the School Administrator. Part-time staff
members are to work in accordance with a schedule established by
Heads of School and also stipulated by the Part-time staff policy.


1. All the students should be in school uniform in the school campus
during the school hours.
2. Short length for the boys should be up to the knee when it is
3. Use or Possession of jewelry/ornaments is not allowed in the
4. Uniform for students/pupils should be what the school designed
and in alignment with the style. Uniform must be gotten from the
school store and not from other external source or design by parents.
5. Uniform should be neat and clean.
6. Hairs for the girls should be trimmed up to the shoulder level and
tied with a red band or otherwise specified by the school. Hair cut in
fringes are NOT allowed.
7. Boys should keep the hair length of one inch. Dying of hair or plait-
ing for boys is not allowed. Styles of haircuts should be appropriate for
8. Girls can use two black clips to keep their hair away from the face.
9. Students should maintain clean short nail.
10. Socks for students/pupils should be the colour and design speci-
fied and provided by the school.
11. Using of makeup is strictly prohibited.


1. Teachers are expected to maintain good classroom control.

2. Teachers may impose penalties such as keeping a student after
school or assigning detention.
3. Teachers are to have a spelt out rules to guide the activities of their
class.. This must be submitted to the principal at the beginning of each
year and be clearly communicated to students and parents. If a teacher
finds it necessary to remove a student from the room for disciplinary rea-
sons, he/she should be sent with a note to disciplinary teacher or admin-
istrator. Discretion will be used before returning the student to the same
class that day. A student may be told to sit outside the classroom, but it
should be no longer than 10 minutes before the teacher talks to the stu-
dent. In cases where the teacher feels that higher disciplinary measures
should be taken, he should do this with the consent and approval of the
school administrator or head of school.
Student Concerns

If a teacher is having any difficulty with a student's academic, social, and

emotional concerns, it is very important to discuss this with the Heads of
School for discipline or behavioral issues.


School Administrator oversee administrative tasks in the schools. He/She

ensure that the organization runs smoothly and also manage stu-
dents/pupils, facilities and staff.
A School Administrator will need to wear many different hats; the planner,
the problem-solver, the educator and the counselor being a few of them.
He/She should have the skills to communicate with various people,
handle budgets and logistics, and keep all educational programs running.


• To inform staff, students, and parents on a regular basis about school and
district discipline standards.
• To be consistent in applying the discipline policy.
• To work with School Resource Officers, suppliers, School Community Li-
aison, and school personnel in implementing the school and ministry of
education policy.

• To thoroughly investigate before determining if a violation has been
• To treat students with respect and always give them the opportunity
to tell their side of a discipline issue
• To treat teachers, parents, and staff members with respect
regardless of ethnic group, religion, gender, sexual orientation, color,
race, national origin and physical or mental ability.
• To inform parents immediately or as soon as possible about student
discipline matters
• To provide parents with information regarding the process of any dis-
cipline procedure
• To notify parents when students are interviewed by law enforcement
• Manage budgets, logistics and events or meetings
• Handle scheduling, record-keeping and reporting
• Ensure the school complies with relevant laws and regulations
• Develop and run educational programs
• Hire, train and advise staff
• Counsel students when needed
• Resolve conflicts and other issues
• Communicate with parents, regulatory bodies and the public
• Have a hand in the creation of the school curriculum
• Implement actions that improve the school and the quality of educa-
tion (e.g. building renovations, new guidelines for students, new sub-
• Help shape and uphold the vision of the school


1. Students/Pupils with symptoms of sickness should be immediately

taken to the school sick bay to be attended to.
2. At the point of admission, learners with health challenges should
be related to the school with all sincerity. The school will be exempted
from a child suffering from exposure to triggered condition of any ill-
ness if the sickness is hidden from the school.
3. Sharing of cutleries is not allowed between learners. Teachers on
duty and caregivers should monitor the leaners during break time in
the dining hall.
4. Learners are to be encouraged to use their face mask always and
use hand sanitizer all the time.
5. Learners should always wash their hands immediately after the use

of toilet. Caregivers and teachers must ensure that this is strictly fol-
lowed. Water used to wash leaners hands must be a running water that
can be quickly disposed.
6. Leaners at the lower primary school classes should not be left
alone in their classes.
7. Toilets in the school must be mopped and washed twice a day.
8. Parents should be encouraged to provide a transparent water
bottle for their children.
9. Preschool teachers must open and check(not taste) leaners food
before they eat.
10. First aid box and other important health care materials must be pro-
vided at every out door event.
11. Medical report of all leaners must be made available from a regis-
tered hospital before the final admission process into the school is
12. Razor blade and other sharp objects should not be found with lean-
13. Mathematical set should not be shared among leaners. Each leaner
should owns their set.


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