9th Science Guide Unit 10_EM

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Loyola EC – 9 Science


10 Matter Around us
Part - I (Text Book Exercises)
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. The separation of denser particles from lighter particles done by rotation at high speed is
called _________.
a) Filtration   b) sedimentation c) decantation d) centrifugation
Ans: d) centrifugation
2. Among the following_______ is a mixture.
a) Common Salt b) Juice c) Carbon dioxide d) Pure Silver
Ans: b) Juice
3. When we mix a drop of ink in water we get a______.
a) Heterogeneous Mixture b) Compound
c) Homogeneous Mixture d) Suspension Ans: c) Homogeneous Mixture

4. ________ is essential to perform separation by solvent extraction method.

a) Separating funnel b) filter paper
c) Centrifuge machine d) sieve Ans: a) Separating funnel
5. ________has the same properties throughout the sample.
a) Pure substance b) Mixture c) Colloid d) Suspension
 Ans: a) Pure substance
II. State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement.
1. Oil and water are immiscible with each other. Ans : True
2. A compound cannot be broken into simpler substances chemically.
Ans : False - A Compound canbe broken into simpler substances chemically.
3. Liquid - Liquid colloids are called gel.
Ans : False - Liquid - solid colloids are called gels.
4. Buttermilk is an example of heterogeneous mixture. Ans : True
5. Aspirin is composed of 60% Carbon, 4.5% Hydrogen and 35.5% Oxygen by mass. Aspirin is
a mixture.
Ans : False - Aspirin is composed of 60% carbon, 4.5% Hydrogen and 35.5% Oxygen by
mass. Aspirin is a compound.
III. Match the following.
A B Answer
1 Element a Settles down on standing e Made up of atoms
2 Compound b Impure substance c Made up of molecules
3 Colloid c Made up of molecules d Pure substance
4 Suspension d Pure substance a Settles down on standing
5 Mixture e Made up of atoms b Impure substance
85 Chemistry - Unit - 10
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IV. Fill in the blanks. Answers

1. A ____ mixture has no distinguishable boundary between its homogeneous
2. An example of a substance that sublimes is______. dry ice
3. Alcohol can be separated from water by ________ fractional distillation
4. In petroleum refining, the method of separation used is ___ fractional distillation
5. Chromatography is based on the principle of ________ different solubilities in the
same solvent
V. Answer very briefly.
1. Differentiate between absorption and adsorption.
Absorption Adsorption
Particle of the substance in concentrated Substance is uniformally distributed
surface of the another substance. through out the another substance
2. Define sublimation.
The direct change of a solid to gaseous state without attaining liquid state the vapours when
cooled give back solid substance. This process is called sublimation. Eg. Iodine, camphor.
3. A few drops of ‘Dettol’ when added to water the mixture turns turbid. Why?
The oil droplets of dettol get suspended in water and create an emulsion.
4. Name the apparatus that you will use to separate the components of mixtures containing two,
i) miscible liquids, ii) immiscible liquids.
1. miscible liquid - fractional distillation
2. immiscible liquid - Separating funnel
5. Name the components in each of the following mixtures.
i. Ice cream, ii. Lemonade, iii. Air, iv. Soil
Mixtures Components Type of mixture
1. Ice cream Milk, sugar, water Homogeneous mixture
2. lemonade lemon juice, sugar, water Homongeneous mixture
3. Air Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon- Heterogeneous mixture
di - oxide, and other gases
4 Soil Sand, silt, clay, and salts Homongeneous mixture

VI. Answer briefly.

1. Which of the following are pure substances?
Ice, Milk, Iron, Hydrochloric acid, Mercury, Brick and Water.
Iron (Fe), Hydrocholoric acid (HCl), Mercury (Hg) and water (H2O)
2. Oxygen is very essential for us to live. It forms 21% of air by volume. Is it an element or compound?
Oxygen is an element.
3. You have just won a medal made of 22- carat gold. Have you just procured a pure substance
or impure substance?
¾¾ 22 - carat gold metal is made up of 91.6% gold (Au) and 8.4% other metals.
¾¾ So -itUnit
Chemistry is impure
- 10 substance. 86
Loyola EC – 9th Science

4. How will you separate a mixture containing saw dust, naphthalene and Iron filings?
¾¾ By using Magnetic separation iron filings can be removed from saw dust and naphthalene.
¾¾ By using Sublimation process we can separate naphthalene from saw dust.
5. How are homogeneous solutions different from heterogeneous solution? Explain with
S.No Homogeneous solution Heterogeneous solution
1. The composition remains uniform The composition does not r­ emain
throughout. uniform throughout.
2. The components cannot be separated The components can be separated by
by visible boundaries. visible boundaries.
3. Invisible components to naked eye Visible components to naked eye
4. Example: A mixture of salt and water. Example: A mixture of sand, sugar, chalk
and water.

VII. Answer in detail.

1. Write the differences between elements and compounds and give an e­ xample for each.
S.No Elements Compounds
1. Contains only one kind of atoms Contains more than one kind of atoms.
2. It is pure It is impure
3. Can not be broken by physical and Can be broken by physical and chemical
chemical method method
4. Represented using symbols Using a formula
5. Eg. Sodium Eg. Sodium Chloride
2. Explain Tyndall effect and Brownian movement with suitable diagram.
Tyndall effect
¾¾ When a strong beam of light is focused on a
colloidal solution the path of the beam becomes Laser
visible. This phenomenon is known as Tyndall
¾¾ The path of light is visible due to scattering of light Pure water Colloidal solution
by colloidal particles. Light beam not visible Light beam visible
¾¾ The colloidal particles become self - luminous due
to absorption of light energy which is then scattered from their surface.
¾¾ The maximum scattered intensity in the plane is at right angle to the path of the light and
thus the path becomes visible when observed from the sides.
Brownian movement:
¾¾ It is a kinetic property.
¾¾ When colloidal solutions are viewed under powerful microscope.
¾¾ It can be seen that colloidal particles are moving constantly and
rapidly in zig-zag directions.
¾¾ The Brownian movement of particles is due to the unbalanced
bombardment of the particles by the molecules of dispersion
Brownian Movement
87 Chemistry - Unit - 10
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3. How is a mixture of common salt, oil and water separated? You can use a combination of
different methods.
Separation of oil from the mixture :
This can be done by using a separating funnel.
¾¾ A repasting funnel is taken. The lid is opened and the given mixture is Oil
poured into it.
¾¾ The funnel is shaken well. Oil layer will float over water layer.
¾¾ The stopcock is opened to collect salty water first.
¾¾ After this, oil layer is collected in another beaker.
Separation of salt from water :
¾¾ The salty water is taken in the distillation flask and heated for boiling.
¾¾ The pure water vapour passes through the inner tube of the condenser.
¾¾ This on cooling condenses into pure water and gets collected in a receiver.
¾¾ The salt is left behind in the flask as a residue, which can be collected separately.
Part-II (Additional Exercises)
I. One Mark Questions. Answers
1. In a change of State of matter, heat energy is converted Kinetic energy
into____________of the particles
2. Physical and chemical combination of element forming________ a mixture, a compound
and ________ respectively.
3. Tyndall effect is not observed in____ True solution,
4. ________process is used to separate plasma from Blood. Centrifugation
5. Fractional distillation is employed in ___ the refining of petroleum.
6 ____ named after the botanist Robert Brown. Brownian Motion
7 Silicon atoms on a surface via _____ SEM (Scanning Electron
8. ______ means motion. Kinetic
9. Particles is solids are ____ packed in an _____ manner. tightly, orderly
10. Movement of the particles is _____, ______, ______ Solid, Liquid, Gas
11. Solids cannot be _____ as there is very little space between the Compressed
12. Gases are easily _____ compressible
13. light, sound, heat etc are ______ not matter
14. When matter is either heated or cooled, heat energy is either absorbed or given out
____ or ______
15. The heat from our hand is enough to change solid metal ____ Gallium
into liquid.
16. The temperature at which a substance melts is called as ___ Melting point
17. Oxygens melting point - 219
18. Diamonds melting point 3550
19. _______ refers to the process by which a substance changes Boiling
from the liquid state to the gaseous state.
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20. Sodium boiling point ______ 890

21. Iron boiling point _____ 2900
22. In evaporation, the average kinetic energy of the liquid is ____ lowered, decreases
and its temperature _____
23. _____ is a natural process Evaporation
24. Dry ice, some times referred to as _____ cardice
25. An element contains ____ kind of atoms Same
26. ______ are considered as impure substances mixtures
27. A compound is made of ____ or ____ of elements combined is two or more
a fixed ratio by mass.
28. The ratio of the components of a pure substance is _____ fixed
29. Components of a mixture can be separated by ____ methods Physical
30. _______ has a fixed boiling point or melting point. compound
31. Mixture has 2 types _____ Heterogeneous
32. Homogeneous mixtures has ______ single phase
33. Heterogeneous mixtures have _____ two or more
34. _____ is a heterogeneous system consisting of the dispersed Colloidal
phase and the dispersion medium
35. _____ are colloidal solutions with liquid dispersed in solid. Gels

II.True or False, If false, correct the statement.

1. Evaporation of water is a Bulk phenomenon.
Ans : False - Evaporation occurs at surface only. But Boiling is a bulk phenomenon
2. A gas is a highly incompressible fluid. 
Ans : False - Gases are highly compressible
3. The existence of water in three phases at 0ºC is called Triple point. Ans : True
4. Condensation is a process which involves in the conversion of Liquid into vapour.
Ans : False - Conversion of vapour into Liquid is called condensation.
5. Solid in Gas type of colloid is called as solid foam.
Ans : False - (i) Gas in solid is called as solid foam (ii) Solid in Gas is called as Aerosol.
III. Match the following.
Column - I Column - II Answers
1 Solid in Gas a Cake b Smoke
2 Gas inLiquid b Smoke c Soap lather
3 Liquid in solid c Soap lather d Cheese
4 Gas in Solid d Cheese a Cake

IV. Assertion and Reason type.

In the questions that follow two statements (Assertion and Reason) are given.
Statement II (Reason) is purported to be the explanation for statement I (Assertion). Study both
the statements carefully and then mark your answers, according to the codes given below
Work your answer as

89 Chemistry - Unit - 10
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Assertion (A) : Solids cannot be compressed.
 Reason (R) : The space between the particles in solids is very little.
a) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
b) Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
c) (A) is True but (R) is False d) (A) is False but (R) is True.
Ans : a) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is correct explanation of (A)

2. Assertion (A) : Water boils at 120° C in the mountains and 90° C in a pressure cooker.
 Reason (R) : A liquid boils when the vapour pressure of the gas is equal to the pressure
exerted on the liquid.
a) Both (A) and (R) are True and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
b) Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
c) (A) is True but (R) is False d) (A) is False but (R) is True.
Ans : d) (A) is False but (R) is True
V. Short Answers - 2 Marks.
1. Define evaporation.
Evaporation is a process by which a liquid changes into vapour at any temperature below
its boiling
2. How do ice cubes float on the surface of water?
Because the density of ice (solid) at its melting point is lower than the density of water
(liquid). This is the reason that ice floats on the surface of water.
3. Name the factors affecting evaporation.
 Surface Area  Temperature  Humidity  Speed of wind.
4. What is Boiling?
Boiling refers to the process by which a substance changes from the liquid state to the gaseous
state at its boiling point. Different liquids have different boiling points.
5. What is a colloidal solution ?
A colloidal solution is a heterogeneous system consisting of the dispersed phase and the
dispersion medium.
6. What is an emulsion ?
An emulsion is a special type of mixture made by combining two liquids that normally
don’t mix.
VI. Answer in details - 5 Marks.
1. a)  hy do solids have fixed shape and fixed volume?
b) Why is air dense at the sea level ?
c) On melting of ice, there is decrease in volume instead of increase. why?
d) What is the binding force between molecules if a substance is a gas under ordinary
conditions of temperature and pressure ?
e) Why are average kinetic energies of Hydrogen, Co2 and Ethane are the same at the
same temperature?

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a) In solids, the particles are closely packed and their positions are fixed to strong forces of
attraction existing between them. So solids have fixed shape. Since the space between
the particles are also fixed and the solids have fixed volume.
b) Air at sea level is compressed by the mass of air above it. Hence air is denser at sea level
than at an altitude.
c) There are empty spaces in the packing of water molecules in ice. On heating, different
strings of hydrogen bonded water molecules break and come closer to each other. Hence
the volume decreases on melting of ice.
d) The binding force between the molecules of a gas is Vander Waals force.
e) Average kinetic energy of any gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.
Since all the gases are at the same temperature, their average kinetic energies will also
be the same.
2. Differentiate between Boiling and Evaporation.
S.No Boiling Evaporation
1. It is a bulk phenomenon It is a surface phenomenon
2. It occurs only at the boiling temperature It occurs at all temperatures
3 It does not cause cooling It causes cooling

3. Differentiate suspension, colloid and true solution.

S.No Property Suspension Colloid True Solution
1. Particle size >100 nm 1 to 100nm < 100 nm
2. Filtration Possible Impossible Impossible

3. Appearance Opaque Translucent Transparent

4. Tyndall effect Does not show Shows Does not show

5. Diffusion Does not diffuse Diffuse slowly Diffuse rapidly

6. Nature Heterogeneous Heterogeneous homogeneous


91 Chemistry - Unit - 10

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