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Forests :Our Lifeline

Q.1 How are forests useful to us?

Ans. 1. Forests are one of the most essential renewable resources which provide us with useful
products like timber,wood pulp,oil,spices,rubber cork,lac,resins,medicinal plants,gum.
2. They provide a habitat for various species of flora and fauna.
3. Forests prevent soil erosion as the roots of the trees bind the soil particles together and
forests also help in controlling floods.
4. They purify the air and regulate the climate as they increase the rainfall due to
transpiration and also keep the air cool.
5. They help to recharge groundwater resources as the roots of the trees help in
percolation of water.
6. Forests are called green lungs as they release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide thus
maintaining oxygen and carbon dioxide balance in nature.
7. They decrease noise pollution.
Q.2 What is humus?How is it essential for forests?
Ans. The dark layer of organic matter which consists of dead and decaying plant and animal
remains is called humus. It is useful as it covers the top soil and makes it
fertile. They not only supports the plant growth but also support soil organisms
like earthworms,beetles etc.

Q.3 What are decomposers? What role do they play in the recycling of nutrients?
Ans. The micro-organisms which convert the dead plants and animals to humus are called
decomposers. The nutrients of the dead plants and animals are released into the soil.
From there these nutrients are again absorbed by the roots of the living plants and passed
onto the food chain,thus they are recycled.

Q.4 Explain the Structure of a forest?

The plants (trees, shrubs and herbs) make different layers in the forest which are described
1. Canopy:The uppermost branches and leaves of tall trees which act as a roof over the forest
ground is called canopy. It is the highest layer of vegetation in the forest. The branchy part of a
tree above the stem is known as the crown of the tree.
2. Understorey
The different horizontal layers formed due to different types of crowns in the forest is called
understorey.Giant and tall trees constituted the top layer followed by shrubs and tall grasses,
and herbs formed the lowest layer.
3. Forest Floor: Plants found here are as small as mosses, lichens. It has many kinds of
insects, worms, beetles, ants,mushrooms, etc. Most of the forest floor is covered with dead and
decaying plant matter, and animal waste and a layer of humus.

Q.5 Give reasons:

i) Forests are called green lungs of nature.
Ans. Forests are called green lungs as plants release oxygen through the process of
photosynthesis and the animals use this for breathing. Forests also absorb
carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis thus purifying the air and also
maintaining the balance of carbon dioxide oxygen in nature.
ii)There is no waste in a forest.
Ans. In a forest there is no waste as when an animal or a plant dies the decomposers
convert it into humus. The nutrients are released into the soil and are again absorbed
by the roots of the living plants for their growth,thus leaving no waste.
Q.6 List some factors responsible for deforestation. How does deforestation affect our
environment and our lives.
Ans. 1. a) Construction of roads, buildings,industrial development and increasing demand of
b) Felling of trees, clearing of forests, overgrazing of cattle, sheep, goats,etc., forest fires
and several pests and plant diseases damage the trees.
2. Deforestation affects the environment and our lives as:
a) If forests disappear the amount of carbon dioxide will increase resulting in the
increase in the earth's temperature and global warming.
b) In the absence of trees and plants, the animals and some other organisms will not get
food and shelter.
c) In the absence of trees,the soil will not hold water which will cause floods and

d) Deforestation will endanger our lives and the environment.

e) Ground water level would not be recharged.

Q.7 List some measures to conserve forests.

Ans. 1. Afforestation or planting a large number of trees to cover large areas of land.
2. Prevention of overgrazing by cattle,sheep,goat etc.
3. Spraying pesticides, fungicides to protect the forest against insects, pests and plant
4. Prevention of forest fires.

Q.8 List some products obtained from forests which are useful to man.
Ans. Forests provide us with useful products like:
Rubber, bamboo,timber, wood pulp,cork,lac,sealing wax, resin gum, oil,spices,plywood
paper,medicinal plants.

Q.9 How will other components of the food chain get affected if we remove one
component like the trees.
Ans. Every component of the forest is dependent on other components. If we remove one
component like the trees,all other components would be affected because all animals
whether they are herbivores or carnivores ultimately depend on plants for food.
Organisms which feed on plants often get eaten by other organisms and so on in the food
chain. Thus if there were no trees,none of these animals would be able to survive.

Q.9 How does deforestation level affect the ground water level?
Ans. When we carry out deforestation we prevent the rainwater from seeping into the
ground with the help of roots of vegetation present in the forest. As a result the
ground water level does not get recharged and remains depleted despite the rainfall.

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