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1. Potato arise from_________
a. Primary root c. Stem branches
b. Lateral root d. Adventitiuos root

2. Whenever you are given a math question, which part of the brain works?
a. Diencephalon c. Telencephalon
b. Medulla Oblongata d. Cerebellum

3. The edible part of the fruit grows from

a. Epicarp c. Endocarp
b. Ovary d. Mesocarp

4. Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disorder. Two parents have a hemophilic son, a normal
son and a hemophilic daughter. What could be the genotype of their parents?
Mother Father
a. XHXH--------------------------------------------------XhY
b. XHXh-------------------------------------------------- XHY
c. XHXh-------------------------------------------------- XhY
d. XhXh--------------------------------------------------- XHY

5. Sequence of blood from body to lungs

a. Vanacava,Venioles,Heart,Arterioles,Aorta,Pulmonaryvein,Lungs
b. Veins,Vanacava, Heart,Arterioles,Aorta,Pulmonaryvein,Lungs
c. Veins,Vanacava, Heart,Pulmonaryartery,Lungs
d. Veins,Vanacava, Heart,Aorta,Lungs

6. If a protein sequence contains 200 amino acids, how many nucleotides are present in
a. 200 c. 600
b. 400 d. 800

7. The Difference in meiosis-I and mitosis is

a. In meiosis crossing over occurs in M-II and synapsis start while in mitosis no crossing over and
synapsis takes place.
b. In meiosis crossing over occurs in Prophse-II and in mitosis crossing over and synapsis occurs.
c. In meiosis crossing over occurs in Prophse-I and synapsis start while in mitosis only synapsis
d. In meiosis crossing over occurs in Prophase-I and synapsis start while in mitosis no crossing over
and synapsis take place.

8. If WBC and Plasma gather at a certain place in body and causes pain, swelling, what is it
a. T-lymphocytes c. Inflammation
b. B-lymphocytes d. Plasmolysis

9. The disease which is not due to protein or amino acid sequence is……..
a. Haemophilia c. Alkaptonuria
b. Sickel cell anaemia d. Osteomalacia

10. The plants movement due to touch stimulus is…

a. Nyctinastic c. Hyponastic
b. Haptonastic d. Photonastic

11. Seedless fruits formation results by the application of

a. Cytokinin c. Vernilline
b. Ethene d. Auxin

12. Following are the Darwin theory postulates

(i)These variants live longer and have more offsprings.
(ii)Organisms in a species tend to vary.
(iii)Some variants are better adapted to environment than others.
(iv)Therefore there is a struggle for existence
(v)Organisms have more offsprings than can possible survive.
(vi)If the variations are heritable, the variants will eventually predominate.
Which of the following represents a logical sequence?
a. iv,v,i,iii,ii,vi
b. v,iv,ii,iii,i,vi
c. iv,v,i,ii,iii,vi
d. v,vi,ii,iii,i,iv

13. Which layer forms the tissues, organs and organ system?
a. Ecoderm. c. Endoderm
b. Mesoderm d. All of these

14. What is not true about cloning?

a. Morphologically identical c. Physiologically identical
b. Genetically identical d. None

15. Appple is known as false fruit because it develops from

a. Ovary c. Stigma
b. Ovule d. Thalamus

16. If mother is AB and Father is O then possible offsprings will be

a. A Only c. A,B and O
b. B only d. A and B Only

17. Sensory message receive by brain are passes through________ to their appropriate
a. Hypothalamus c. Thalamus
b. Pons d. Cerebellum

18. Which is not a carbohydrate?

a. Sucrose c. Starch
b. Glucose d. Glycine

19. Difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is.

a. Release of CO2 c. No. of ATP’s
b. Unicellular and multicellular d. All of these

20. The diagram shows chromosomes at the end of Telophase-I in a cell. What will be the shape
of chromosome at the completion of Telophase-II?

a. b. c. d.

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