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2 Self-Management Skills - II

A. Multiple choice questions.

1. The correct answer is (b) Eustress
Explanation: Eustress is a positive form of stress that can
enhance productivity and performance. It can improve focus,
boost motivation, and lead to a sense of accomplishment.
2. The correct answer is (b) Thought-stopping
Explanation: Thought-stopping is a technique used to
unclutter the mind and manage intrusive or negative
thoughts. It involves consciously interrupting and redirecting
unwanted thoughts.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Stress is a charged-up internal condition of our body in
response to some repulsive (sometimes delightful too!)
external or internal situations. Stress, according to the Oxford
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, is ‘pressure, tension or worry
resulting from problems in one’s life’.
2. Survival stress is generated by a do-or-die crisis situation and
is a common response to such dangers by human beings
and animals alike. This kind of stress puts you in danger of
immediate harm—physical or psychic.

A. Multiple choice questions.

1. The correct answer is (c) Self-regulation
Explanation: General feelings of self-awareness can enhance
self-regulation. Self-awareness involves understanding one’s
own thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
2. The correct answer is (b) Interpersonal skills
Explanation: Teamwork requires knowledge of interpersonal

skills. It helps to know how to interact with the people.
B. Answer the following questions.
1. Self-awareness refers to your knowledge and understanding
of yourself – your emotions, beliefs, values, biases, knowledge
base, abilities, motivations, interests, etc.
2. Self-regulation is crucial because it allows you to manage your
emotions, set goals effectively, understand yourself better,
and work independently, ultimately leading to personal and
professional growth.

A. Multiple choice questions.

1. The correct answer is (a) Pent-up worries
Explanation: Internal stress is often a result of pent-up
worries, which are internalised concerns and anxieties.
2. The correct answer is (c) Environmental stress
Explanation: Environmental stress, such as external factors
like economic challenges or natural disasters, is typically
beyond individual control.
3. The correct answer is (a) Self-regulation
Explanation: Your ability to identify effective methods of
moving from thought to action is a characteristic of self-
4. The correct answer is (a) Self-regulation
Explanation: Self-regulation involves directing thoughts,
feelings, and actions toward the attainment of goals, and it
includes the ability to manage and control one’s behaviour.
B. Short answer questions (I).
1. Environmental stress arises from discomfort caused by
external factors like noise, crowds, extreme weather, family
issues, difficult relationships, and various uncontrollable
2. Survival stress is generated by a do-or-die crisis situation and
is a common response to such dangers by human beings and
animals alike prompting a fight-or-flight response. Examples
include narrowly avoiding a car crash, where adrenaline
surges to enhance quick decision-making, or encountering
a wild animal, activating the instinct to either confront or
flee for safety.
3. You can manage it by following stress management
• Yoga for breathing exercises
• Meditation
• Physical exercise
• Vacations
• Nature Walk
4. Self-motivation refers to your ability to identify effective
methods of getting yourself to move from thought to action.
5. Self-awareness refers to your knowledge and understanding
of yourself – your emotions, beliefs, values, biases, knowledge
base, abilities, motivations, interests, etc.
C. Short answer questions (II).
1. Stress, from internal and external factors, is inherent, affecting
us positively or negatively. Survival stress triggers fight-or-
flight responses, internal stress hampers performance, and
environmental stress stems from discomfort. Managing stress
is vital for overall well-being; implementing healthy habits
and coping strategies is crucial for navigating its impact on
work and life.
2. Meditation helps us in enhancing our mindfulness. Regular
meditation can bring abundance of peace to your mind and
calm and bring composure to your body. People who are
successful in their chosen field have managed and overcome
their day-to-day stress by meditating.
3. Self-awareness is understanding your emotions, beliefs,
strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. It involves recognizing
your unique personality and how you relate to the world. In
the knowledge-driven 21st century, self-awareness is crucial
for effective communication, productive relationships, and
navigating stress. It encompasses awareness of strengths,
weaknesses, dark sides, and emotional triggers, providing a
foundation for personal growth and resilience.
4. Going on vacations with family and friends can reduce stress
in several ways. It provides a break from daily routines and
stressors, allows for relaxation and enjoyment, strengthens
social bonds, and creates lasting positive memories.
5. Self-regulation is important because it helps you know the
right behavior in social situations, think before acting, and
control negative impulses. It allows you to manage emotions
effectively, creating a suitable environment for achieving your
D. Long answer questions.
1. Four factors to be the sources of stress in the modern times.
• Survival stress is triggered by life-threatening situations,
prompting a surge of adrenaline and cortisol for the ‘fight’
or ‘flight’ response.
• Internal stress results from internal worries and frustrations,
hindering overall performance and often stemming from
self-imposed concerns beyond one’s control.
• Environmental stress arises from discomfort in surroundings,
including noise, weather, relationships, or external factors,
with some elements controllable and others beyond one’s
• Fatigue and overwork-related stress develops from prolonged
demanding routines, unrealistic goals, and exceeding mental
and physical capacities, often driven by self-imposed or
external deadlines.
2. Stress can be managed by the following stress management
• Yoga for Breathing Exercises:
o Engage in belly breathing to intake full oxygen, calming stress
over undesirable situations.
o This technique slows you down and relaxes muscles, offering
relief from tension.
• Meditation:
o Regular meditation enhances mindfulness, fostering peace
in the mind and composure in the body.
o Successful individuals often manage day-to-day stress through
consistent meditation practices.
• Physical Exercise:
o Stress causes muscle contraction, leading to discomfort like
headaches and back pain.
o Relax muscles through deep breathing, lying down with
closed eyes, or sitting with firm head support for effective
stress management.
3. Taking time for nature walks is a beneficial stress management
strategy due to several reasons:

• Breaks Monotony:
o Nature walks provide a refreshing break, breaking the
monotony of continuous work.
o Spending five to ten minutes in nature after every two hours
helps regain focus and prevents mental fatigue.
• Brain Calming Effect:
o Recent research indicates that walking in a park can shift
the brain into a calmer state.
o Green spaces induce a meditative state, enhancing mental
well-being and reducing stress levels.
• Stress Reduction:
o Spending time in nature has been consistently linked to stress
o Nature walks offer a break from daily stressors, promoting
relaxation and mental rejuvenation.
• Boosts Endorphins:
o Brisk walking, a common element of nature walks, stimulates
the release of endorphins.
o Endorphins, often known as “feel-good” hormones, help
reduce stress hormones and alleviate mild depression.
4. Self-motivation is the ability to think before acting,
controlling negative impulses in challenging situations, and
releasing emotions strategically to align with set goals. It
involves assessing situations, weighing appropriateness, and
reciprocating emotions conducive to goal realization.
Effective self-motivation is an integral part of self-regulation,
where goal setting plays a crucial role. This process includes
establishing long-term goals, breaking them into achievable
sub-goals, monitoring progress, adjusting strategies, and
setting new goals upon attainment. Personality assessments
offer insights into personal and professional growth. The
ability to work independently, a vital skill, necessitates
organizational, multitasking, discipline, communication,
negotiating, flexibility, and rejection-handling skills. Self-
motivation, therefore, empowers individuals to navigate
challenges, make strategic decisions, and ultimately achieve
life goals.
5. Following are the five ways how we can regulate our actions
and behaviour in our day-to-day life:
• One key method is goal setting, where you define long-term
aspirations, break them down into achievable steps, monitor
progress, and adapt your approach as needed.
• Self-awareness plays a crucial role, urging you to understand
your strengths, weaknesses, and motivators, potentially
through personality assessments.
• Self-motivation fuels your journey, emphasizing internal
rewards and a growth mindset to sustain progress.
• Self-regulation equips you to manage emotions, prioritize
appropriate behaviour, and learn from experiences.
• Finally, cultivating independent work skills empowers you
to navigate challenges effectively, fostering organization,
discipline, communication, negotiation, adaptability, and

Summary of Annotations

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