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1)Write 3 clinical finding

Erythematous swelling UR12 area, plaque, labially tilted UR2

2) 3 causes for it

 Pyogenic granuloma,
 giant cell epulis,
 ossifying fibroma

3) 2 simple investigations

Radiograph ,biopsy

4) Histology came as bellow for the above pt, what can it be

5) What are these large cells called

Giant cells

6) What cells they originate from

Blood monocytes

1) Above is a cystic lining write 3 features you see

 Stratified squamous epithelium 5-8 cell thick,
 para keratinisation ,
 tall palicaded basal cell layer.

2) What is the most likely cyst

Odontogenic Keratocyst

3) What syndrome can get these cyst

Gorlin Gorltz syndrome

4) What other features this syndrome patient will have

 Multiple basal cell ca,
 palmer pits,
 bifid ribs,
 calcification of falx ceribri,
 cataracts

5) Surgical treatment
 Enucleation and curettage,
 enbloc resection, resection
 Enucleation and cryo/Carnoy solution
Question 3 Patient got reticular lichen planus

1) Give 5 types of the above condition

Nodular, plaque, atrophic, erosive, bullous

2) Give 3 pharmacological treatment options

Topical steroids, oral steroids, topical tacrolymus

3) Write 3 histological features you will see on the above patient

 Saw tooth rete ridges,
 liquefaction degeneration of basal cell layer,
 band like inflammatory cell layer,

4) What is the benign condition appears similar

? Lichenoid reaction, SLE

Question 4

1)What is the histology diagnosis


2) What type of histology variant

Plexiform Ameloblastoma

3)Give 4 surgical treatment options

 Enucleation,
 Enucleation and cryotherapy ,
 Resection,

1) Write 3 radiological features you see

Radiolucent area anterior mandible LR23area, unilocular , well defined cortical margin, no decay

2) Give four differential diagnosis

Ameloblastoma, OKC, AOT, Giant cell lesion

3) What other 2 imaging you will do

CT, peripical,OPG


1) Write 4 radiological features you see for the above radiograph

Multi loccular radiolucency right angle, IDN bundle involved, close to lower border, missing teeth
LR5678, amalgam filled UR4567

2) Write 5 differential diagnosis

Ameloblastoma, OKC, Odontogenic myxoma, Aneurysmal bone cyst, CEOT

3) What is incisional and excisional biopsy

Incisional biopsy- part of the lining taken, Excisional- removal of the whole lesion

4) What you will do before you biopsy the cyst

Question 7

1) Fibrous dysplasia what are the 2 syndromes involved

 Macuni- Albright syndrome,
 Mazabraud syndrome

2) Write 2 endocrine abnormalities involved with it

hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, precautious puberty acromegaly, diabetes mellitus, and

Cushing syndrome
Question 8

Patient when eating oranges and tomatoes get burning sensation

1) Write 3 clinical features you see

Plaque like white patche, erosive areas, fissuring of tongue, exudate

2) Write 3 differential diagnosis

Erosive oral lichen planus, erythro leukoplakia,

3) Write 3 treatment options

Difflam, topical steroids, systemic steroids


1) What is the imaging modality

CT scan

2) What plane it has been taken


3) Write 4 features you would see on the history of this patient

History trauma to right Zygoma, Altered sensation of cheek, Nasal bleed, Difficulty moving the lower

4) Write 8 clinical findings on this patient

 Swelling right cheek

 Bruising of cheek
 Flatness of cheek
 Numbness right cheek
 Difficult right lateral excursion
 Subconjuntival haematoma
 Diplopia
 Bleeding from nose

1) What MRONJ stands for

Medicine Related Osteo Necrosis of Jaw bone

2) Write 3 feature for diagnosing MRONJ

 Current or previous treatment with antiresorptive or anti angiogenic
 Expose bone more than 8 weeks
 No previous radiotherapy to the jaw bone area or metastatic disease

3) What 3 definite clinical stages where treatment is needed

 Stage1 Exposed and necrotic bone no infection
 Stage 2 Exposed band necrotic bone with infection
 Stage 3 Exposed band necrotic bone with pathological fracture/extra oral sinus

4) What 2 other systemic condition will make this patient a high risk
 Treated with systemic steroids
 Imuuno suppressive drugs
 diabetes

1) What 2 procedures being done

 Sinus lift
 Bone graft

2) What is the name of the membrane photo A

Schneiderian membrane

3) What type bone grafts you can use for this type of procedure
 Autograft- iliac bone graft,
 Bio-Oss

4) What type of imaging is mandatory for these procedure

Question 12

1) Write the name of the branches of the facial nerve

 Temporal
 Zygomatic
 Buccal
 Marginal mandible
 Cervical

2) Write one muscle for each branch that supplies

 Frontalis
 Obicularis occuli
 Buccinator
 Mentalis
 Platysma

3) How will you check each branch function

 Raise forehead
 Close your eyes
 Blow your cheek
 Show your teeth
 Tighten neck/ Grimace
Question 13

1) What are the primary cause of trigeminal neuralgia

 Demyelination at the TN root entry
 Vascular compression of TN

2) Name 2 other 2ry cause for trigeminal neuralgia

 MS
 Acoustic neuroma/tumours

3) What is the first line medication

 Carbamazepine

4) What the side effects

 Nausea, Vomiting, Dizzy, Drowsiness, Dry mouth

5) What important tests will you do for the patients on this drug
 LFT-Elevated every 6 months
 WBC- low every 6 moths
 Plasma level of Carbamazepine

Question 14

1) What clinical features will indicate it is cancerous for the above patient
 Unhealing area ulcer more than 3weeks
 Altered tongue sensation
 Restricted tongue movement

2) What 2 main causes for oral cancer

 Smoking
 Alcohol

3) What are the 3 main prognostic indicator in the histology

 Depth of the tumour more than 4mm
 Perivascular infiltration
 Peri neural infiltration
 Perilymphatic spead
Question 15

1) Where does Dabigatran acts on the clotting pathway

 Thrombin Inhibitor 11a

2) Where does Rivaroxaban acts on the clotting pathway

 Factor Xa

3) According SDCEP guidelines when do you advice to start the Dabigatran after extraction
 4 hours after treatment if bleeding has stopped

4) What does INR stands for in warferinised patients

 Internationerlise normal ratio. Normal adult =1

5) What is the safe INR level to have a routine extraction according to SDCEP guidelines
 Less than 4
Question 16

1) Write the types of aphthous ulceration seen in oral cavity

 Minor
 Major
 Herpetiform

2) Write 4 causes for these ulceration

 Genetics
 Stress
 Smoking cessation
 Menstruation
 Low haematinics

3) Write 3 other systemic conditions can give rise to similar ulcerations

 Bechets disease
 Coeliac disease
 Crohns disease

4) Write 3 main nutritional deficiency can trigger these type of ulcers

 Low B12,
 Iron deficiency
 Low folic acid

Question 17

1. What 2 radiographs you will take to locate an unerupted upper canine

 Upper occlusal

2. Write 4 surgical treatment for an unerupted canine tooth

 Open exposure
 Closed exposure and gold chain bond
 Surgical removal
 Transplant

3. At what age the adult canine will be palpable buccal –

 10yrs
Question 18

1) What is the nerve shown

 Glossopharyngeal

2) Name 4 extrinsic muscles of the tongue

 Palatoglossus
 Styloglossus
 Hyoglossus
 Genioglossus

3) Name the pharyngeal arch that forms anterior2/3 tongue

 Arch 1 - oral part of tongue (anterior 2/3)

4) Name the pharyngeal arch that forms posterior 1/3 tongue

 Arch 3 - pharyngeal part of tongue (posterior 1/3)
Question 19

1. What is the radiograph called

 Lower occlusal radiograph
2. Write 3 things can cause this shadow
 Salivary calculi
 Tooth remnants
 bone
3. What other images you will do
 CXR?

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