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✿ pair: chanyeol/baekhyun

✿ word count: 2849

✿ rating: nc17

✿ summary: chanyeol takes it too far and baekhyun ends up using the safeword.
✿ warning: minor!d/s relationship, daddy!kink, fisting

✿ a/n: written mainly for mau and amanda, who wanted a fic where a couple breaks
roleplay. i know you two love sekai but [coughs]. this is also for baekyeol!tlist i

Baekhyun swallows thickly as he sits on the bed, hugging his legs. He’s stripped of
all clothing, except for a leather collar secured snugly around the neck. Closing
his eyes, he waits. There’s a pounding in his head and adrenaline courses through
his body. The anxiety builds and bile rises at the base of his throat. He hears the
door open, but the sound only makes him press his eyelids together harder as if
hiding from his own reality.


Low and deep, Baekhyun swallows again and feels fingertips brushing against his
front fringe.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun exhales when he feels kisses being planted along his forehead
and the side of his face. He opens his eyes slowly and sees Chanyeol’s bashful
expression. He had just got back from work. The jacket was taken off and hangs on
the doorknob, but the crinkled dress shirt and tie still cling to his body. His
hair lacks the slick luster it had in the morning, but is still combed smooth
nevertheless. Baekhyun licks his lips involuntarily.

“Did you want to play, Baek?” Chanyeol asks.

Baekhyun nods vigorously, mouth incapable of speaking. His face is flushing red
much to Chanyeol’s amusement.

“I thought we could try something new today,” Chanyeol says nonchalantly, undoing
his tie and opening the drawer. He pulls out a bottle of lube.

“What?” Baekhyun asks, raising an eyebrow. He breaks character for a split second,
tone edgy. He holds his breath hoping Chanyeol didn’t catch it.

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun and blinks twice. He notices, but doesn’t mention it.
Instead, he asks, “Do you trust me, Baek?”

“I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t,” Baekhyun says in a soft, whispering tone.

Chanyeol nods.

This is all new to them. It was only a couple months ago that Baekhyun suggested
they get more adventurous in the bedroom. And after some vibrators and handcuffs,
they found a common ground on BDSM. Baekhyun liked being dominated and Chanyeol
liked coming home to see his baby with a vibrator already sticking in his ass.
But just because Baekhyun likes it doesn’t get rid of the initial awkwardness. It’s
hard to start. Hard to bitch about Chanyeol leaving his clothes everywhere and then
transform into this kinky persona willing to get on all fours in the living room
with a cockring, begging for release.

“Okay, lay back and spread your legs.”

Baekhyun pouts, because he really wants to know what Chanyeol has in mind for
today. But he complies. Baekhyun shifts so that he’s splayed across the sheets and
looking anywhere except at Chanyeol. It’s always embarrassing. To submit yourself.
But Baekhyun feels heat pooling in his stomach and energy surging through his
veins. He knows he likes this and he trusts Chanyeol. He trusts him a lot.

Chanyeol coats his fingers with lubricant and leans down, pulling apart Baekhyun’s
legs even farther and spreading him wider. Baekhyun bites his bottom lip but
doesn’t say a word as he watches Chanyeol press lightly at his center. Not inward.
Chanyeol just circles around it, fingertips feathering the rosey skin. Baekhyun’s
breath hitches.

“Chanyeol, please—,” Baekhyun moans pushing his body down towards Chanyeol’s finger
but to no avail.

“What did I say about begging,” Chanyeol chides in mock-gentility before slapping
Baekhyun on the thigh.

Baekhyun yelps and bites on his tongue. He needs it so much, but Chanyeol is
refusing. Instead, the man smiles, sadistic amusement glinting in his eyes.

Finally, finally, Chanyeol pushes inward. Slowly.

Baekhyun can feel everything; he can feel the finger invading, touching the clamped
walls. He feels Chanyeol pressing kisses along his face: hot and breathy. It’s so
tight and Baekhyun’s eyes are rolling back with pleasure. He loves this. He craves
it. The way Chanyeol just sinks into him, making room for himself where no one else

“D-Daddy.” It’s embarrassing, the words barely tumbling out of his mouth. He sees
Chanyeol smile that goofy smile, almost breaking character. The lofty expression
makes Baekhyun want to sock him in the face. But he doesn’t. He stays exactly where
he is, arms around Chanyeol’s neck like a good boy because Chanyeol’s so close to
his prostate. So goddamn close, Baekhyun latches his mouth on Chanyeol’s shoulder.
His teeth squeeze down and he muffles his scream.

Chanyeol stops and Baekhyun wants to cry.

“Off my shoulder, Baek. I want to hear you.”

Baekhyun fucking hates Chanyeol, but does as he says. Before the finger goes back
in, Chanyeol loops his arm underneath Baekhyun’s knee, propelling him up and
pushing back. He barely registers the second finger going in until Chanyeol’s
scissoring him. Baekhyun moans as the fingertips brush his prostate.

“D-Daddy, please.” He needs it so much, he almost sobs. Almost.

A third finger presses in, and Baekhyun clenches his muscles around it. His
breathing is harder—it always happens with the third finger—but Chanyeol peppers
kisses along his face. He slackens under the assault, smiling as Chanyeol pecks his
temple and whispers: My baby is so beautiful like this.
He twists the fingers, hooking them deep inside of Baekhyun. Baekhyun makes a
sound: a cross between a choked gasp and a cry.

“Baby,” Chanyeol repeats, his other hand tracing his own name on the gold plate of
Baekhyun’s collar. “Tell me what you want.”

“To come,” Baekhyun arches his body up and then pushes himself down onto Chanyeol’s
fingers. He grinds his hips harder against the hand, making frustrated keening
noises. With eyes blown up wide, he parts his cherry red lips and murmurs
Chanyeol’s name.

“Relax, baby.”

Almost on command, the passage relaxes and Chanyeol manages a fourth finger without
a wince from Baekhyun. Baekhyun’s breathing gets shaky as Chanyeol rocks all of
them at once, but he steadies himself. They did four fingers a week ago, but it was
painful and Baekhyun had trouble holding back tears until Chanyeol quickly nailed
his prostate.

But today, everything feels right. Baekhyun feels so full and loved, flushed
against Chanyeol’s fingers and pushing himself onto them to get more. His arms
unlock and find purchase in the sheets, fisting the white cotton in his hands as
the pleasure builds like a wave. His eyelids are half-lidded, struggling to stay
open but at the same time, he really wants to see Chanyeol’s face. He wants to know
Chanyeol is doing this to him and no one else. His best friend. His boyfriend. His

He’s so close to release, so close. His dick is hard and pressed against his
stomach. He reaches down to grab it, but Chanyeol slaps his hand away.

“No touching yourself.”

Baekhyun whines. He feels all sensitive and tingly. His body begs for release. His
nerves burn every time Chanyeol’s shirt unintentionally rubs against his cock. Toes
curling, Baekhyun lets out another moan and clenches his ass around Chanyeol’s

Then, Chanyeol pulls out and the euphoria is gone. Baekhyun whines, earning a stern
“Quiet” from the latter. Chanyeol grabs his discarded tie and wraps it around
Baekhyun’s wrists, binding them together. Baekhyun holds still, because he wants to
show he’s a good boy. But Chanyeol doesn’t notice the effort, immediately grabbing
the lubricant and covering his entire hand. It’s messy and dripping along his
forearm and onto the bed sheets.

The entire display is odd, Baekhyun thinks. Chanyeol really doesn’t need that much
lube. But he doesn’t have time to dwell on the situation because Chanyeol’s pushing
his back onto the bed and thrusting four fingers in at the same time.

Baekhyun whimpers as the pleasure crashes through him. His senses are on a high,
causing him to mumble a string of “I love you”s and “please Daddy”s until he can’t
articulate any other thoughts.

Chanyeol’s saying something to him, and he looks serious but Baekhyun can’t
register the words. His hearing is muffled, senses focusing more on the feel of
Chanyeol’s fingers rocking into his body. So long and deep. He just nods his head
rapidly, not even sure what he’s agreeing to.

Pulling out again, Chanyeol makes a duck shape with his hand before going back to
it. It starts out small, and Baekhyun can’t even tell there’s a thumb in there. But
then Chanyeol keeps easing his way in and he’s being stretched wider and wider.

By the time the second knuckles get past through, Baekhyun’s body is spasming,
trying to adjust to the intrusion.

“Daddy, what are you doing?” Baekhyun asks worriedly as the stretching continues.
His lower half feels like it’s about to split the farther Chanyeol goes.

“I told you, I’m going to fist you,” Chanyeol breathes.

Baekhyun’s eyes grow wide and his entire body shakes with realization. “No, Daddy,
no, I can’t do it, no it’s hurting.”

“It’s going to hurt at first, but it’s going to feel really good,” Chanyeol says,
pressing a kiss along Baekhyun’s neck. “Trust me.”

“Daddy, Daddy, no!” Baekhyun says. His voice is raising and he feels tears forming
in his eyes.

He starts to cry.

Chanyeol looks taken aback and stops moving his fingers for a second, as if
contemplating what to do with the scenario. Baekhyun’s sobbing because the fingers
are still there and it still goddamn hurts more than anything he’s ever

And when the fingers start digging through again, Baekhyun wants to scream. He
tries to, but his vocal chords lock up and he’s just silently opening his mouth
with Chanyeol grinding teeth on vulnerable skin.

He can do this, he says as Chanyeol’s mouth keeps him distracted. He can do this. A
tongue swipes at the skin. Tons of people get fisted. Hot breath adds to the
blushing redness. It must be enjoyable, or else it wouldn’t be a kink. Teeth nip
lightly. He can do this. He can do this.

Chanyeol moves his hand a little more.

He can’t do this.

Baekhyun sobs into the pillow, tears flowing freely. He tries to grip onto
something to grab Chanyeol’s attention. Hair. Sheets. Clothes. Nothing works
because the tie binds his hands and he can’t loosen it on his own.

“Shh, baby, it’s okay. Relax. It’ll hurt more if you don’t.”

Baekhyun shakes his head from side to side, disagreeing completely with everything
Chanyeol is saying. He can’t relax. There’s no fucking way when there’s a giant
fist sinking inside of him. His body is going to break. Chanyeol’s trying to
comfort him, but it’s not working. Nothing’s working.

Chanyeol moves his head from Baekhyun’s neck and looks down at his distressed
boyfriend, eyes wide and clear with shock. Baekhyun’s face is burning hot, sweat
beads rolling down the side of his face. His eyes squeeze shut, face frowning as
the pain overtakes his body. Baekhyun knows Chanyeol can see how much this is
hurting him, how fucking torturous every move past his muscle’s resistance is.

Yet, his boyfriend does nothing but coo at him in hushed whispers and move his hand
at an agonizing slow pace.
“TAKE IT OUT,” Baekhyun finally screams, loud enough for all the neighbors to hear.
His eyes are still closed; he doesn’t want to look at Chanyeol. He doesn’t want to
recognize that his sweet boyfriend, who’s been nothing but caring and
compassionate, is somehow sadistic enough to push him so far past his limits.

He screams again and again until his voice breaks, each following word now spoken
in a softer tone as his throat feels stripped raw and everything just hurts.
“Please, Yeol, stop, it hurts so much.”

His head thrashes and his body arches and falls as he pounds his bonded fists
against Chanyeol’s chest. He tries to swing his legs away and change their
position, but the attempt is futile because Chanyeol’s got his legs locked in a

Chanyeol’s hands are so big. Whenever they hold hands, Baekhyun always feels like a
little kid, small fist completely enveloped in the latter’s hold. If Chanyeol
pushes his fist in, Baekhyun’s gone. There’s no way he could survive. He’s going to

He needs Chanyeol to stop right now. Snot starts to run down Baekhyun’s nose and he
looks so indecent and unattractive and God, Chanyeol doesn’t fucking stop.

And then Baekhyun remembers.

They have a safeword.

Baekhyun feels a shudder rush through his body, because he’s never had to use the
safeword before. For the last two months he’s always been okay with what Chanyeol
gave him. He could take it. And he reconsiders using it for about three more
seconds before Chanyeol’s about to ease the last group of knuckles into his wrecked

He opens his mouth.

But then he doesn’t remember.

He can’t remember it.

Baekhyun bites his lip and jerks even harder, this time partly due to self-
frustration. It’s his only ticket out and he can’t fucking remember. His brain is
racking and he wants to pull his hair out in stress but his fucking hands can’t

“Yeol, I can’t remember it,” He pleads. “Please stop, I can’t remember the

Chanyeol immediately stops. Like a machine unplugged.

Then Baekhyun remembers. He remembers it and more tears slide down his porcelain
cheekbones, dripping down his body. Chanyeol already stopped but he keeps repeating
it until it’s the only word his mouth can form. It’s a mantra and he’s so focused
on the word swimming through his head that he doesn’t notice Chanyeol growing paler
and looking more lifeless as the seconds tick by.

“Wallpaper. Wallpaper. Wallpaper. Wallpaper.”

Chanyeol slowly pulls his hand out and stares at his boyfriend. There’s snot on his
nose and drool down his chin. Tears stain splotchy cheeks. With shaky hands,
Chanyeol tries to undo the tie as quickly as possible but his fingers keep slipping
from the lubricant. He curses quietly but the conviction is there: a series of
“fucks” running from his mouth. With eyebrows knitted together, Chanyeol finally
unbinds the wrists, and throws the tie far across the room as if it was a

Baekhyun feels a heavy weight on top of him, feels Chanyeol wrap his arms around
his tired, limp body.

“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, please forgive me. Please,” Chanyeol
mutters into Baekhyun’s neck. “I love you so much, I’m awful. I can’t believe this
happened. Oh god.”

Baekhyun can’t cry anymore. He feels tears brimming his eyes again, but they’re not
enough to spill over. His body is so used up, withered.

He dryly sobs in Chanyeol’s arms, and Chanyeol gathers his naked body up and kicks
the soiled blankets away from the bed. Placing Baekhyun gently back down onto the
mattress, Chanyeol does a dash to the laundry room. He comes back with crisp, new
sheets and throws them onto Baekhyun, tucking him in before running off again.

Baekhyun waits for several minutes before Chanyeol returns with a hot water bottle.
He lifts Baekhyun’s upper body and places it underneath his lower back. The heat
soothes Baekhyun's aching muscles, dulling the soreness. Tidying up the sheets
again, Chanyeol presses an openmouthed kiss on Baekhyun’s forehead.

He climbs onto the bed and holds Baekhyun, holds him like Baekhyun is the only
meaning in his world.

“I don’t know how I can make this up to you. Oh god.”

“Just stay here,” Baekhyun says brokenly, snuggling into Chanyeol’s chest. “I know
you didn’t mean it.”

“I should’ve just—I knew there was something wrong. You’ve never—you’ve never
freaked out like that before. But I just thought because you didn’t use the
safeword. And I wasn’t sure if it was all part of the roleplay or… I just—I’m the
worst boyfriend ever. I understand if you want to break up with me,” Chanyeol says
softly, his heart breaking as he cards his fingers through Baekhyun’s sweat-sticked

“Don’t be ridiculous. I love you,” Baekhyun shushes. He feels better, warmer, safer
in Chanyeol’s hold. Baekhyun is immediately reminded of their first night together
a few years ago. Both their spent bodies pressed against each other, limbs
entangling in hair and wrapping around slick torsos. He remembers Chanyeol kissing
him still even after it was all over. Chanyeol, who cares for him so much, who
would go to the ends of the earth to please Baekhyun.

Baekhyun buries his head in Chanyeol’s chest, fingers clutching at his boyfriend’s
shirt. He wants to be closer, impossibly close. But Chanyeol lifts Baekhyun’s chin
up so they’re staring right at each other.

Chanyeol looks down at Baekhyun like he’s an angel, like his presence is a gift to
humanity. Baekhyun flushes under the gaze, and eternal warmth courses through his
body. He bites his bottom lip nervously before Chanyeol presses a kiss on his

“I love you so much,” Chanyeol says almost dejectedly. “I can’t believe I made you
cry. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“It’s okay,” Baekhyun says, tracing Chanyeol’s chest with his finger. “I’m just
tired, Yeol, I’m really tired.”

Chanyeol nods and Baekhyun’s just so exhausted. He falls asleep with Chanyeol’s
arms wrapped around him and head buried in his hair, pressing small kisses along
his scalp.

Tags: fandom: exo, length: oneshot, pairing: chanyeol/baekhyun, rating: nc17

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