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Heatsuur Proficiency Level Bonus Features Ist 42 Distractive Defense, Sexual Healing and 42 Improved Sexual Healing, Pleasure Points, 3rd 2 4th 42 Healer Type, Angelic Traversal Ability Score Improvement Sth a 6th 8 7th 8 Bth a Sth 8 loth 44 th 44 12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 13th 45 = Vath 45 15th *s 16th 45 17th 46 13th 46 19th 46 20th 46 Healer Type Features Ability Score Improvement Potion Infusion Ability Score Improvement Angelic Traversal Improvement Healer Type Features Lay on Hands Angelic Traversal Improvement Sacrificial Healing Ability Score Improvement Healer Type Features Charitable Healing Ability Score Improvement Healer Type Features Cass FEATURES Hrr Ponts Hit Dice: 146 per Healslut level Hit Points at Lat Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution ‘modifier per Healslut evel after Ist PROFICIENGIES ‘Armor: None ‘Weapons: Simple ‘Tools: Herbalism Kit, one musical instrument ‘Saving Throws: Wisdom , Charisma ‘Skills: Medicine and choose two from Performance, Nature, Persuasion, Perception, and Animal Handling Equiement You start with the following equipment, in addition tothe equipment granted by your backgroune: + @)two simple weapons or (b)light crossbow and 20 bolts Cantrips Known Points Pleasure ‘Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th 9th + (one musical instrument or (b)an herbalism kit + A suggestive outfit «+ An arcane focus + Adiplomat's pack Muzrictassinc ‘+ Healslut Requires: Charisma 13 + Proficiencies Gained: Herbalism kit or one musical instrument, one skil of your choice Lustrut CasTING By channeling your desires into arcane energy, you can cast spells from the Healslut spell ist detailed atthe end of the class description, CanTrirs [At Ist level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the Healslat spell list, You learn additional Healslut cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Healslut table PREPARING AND CASTING SPELLS You prepare the list of Healslut spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the Healslut spell list. When you do so, choose a number of Healslut spells equal to your Charisma modifier + your Hlealstut level (rainimum of one spell) The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots For example, ifyou are a 3rd-level Healslt, you have four Ist-level and one 2nct-level spel slots. With 2 charisma modifier of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six ‘spells of Ist or 2nd level in any combination, Ifyou prepare the Istlevel spell cure wounds, you can cast it using a Ist level or 2ndt-level slot. Casting the spell doesnt remove it from your list of prepared spells. You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a short or long rest. Preparing a new list of Healsiut spells requires time spent re-centering one's desires: at least 1 ‘minute per spelt level for each spell on your list. LEARNING SPELLS OF 1ST LEVEL OR HIGHER ‘Each time you gain a HTealslut level you can add two spells of your choice to your spell ist, Bach ofthese spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots, as shown in the Healsiat table. SPELLCASTING ABILITY Charisma is your spelicasting ability for your Healstut spells, ‘The power of your spells comes from your desires to support your allies. You use your Charisma whenever a Healslut spell, refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Healslut spell you cast and when making an attack roll with Spellsave DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your ‘Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier RuTuAL Castine ‘You can cast a Healsit spell as a ritual if that spell has the Fitual tag and you have the spell prepared. SPELLCASTING Focus ‘You can use an arcane focus or a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus for your Healslut spells. In addition to the default arcane foci, you may use any object of sexual nature (butt plug, dildo, ete.) as a focus, provided at last 10 minutes are spent attuning to DisTractive DEFENSE ‘While not wearing armor or using a shield your AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier If wearing minimal clothing (defined by DMD, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. SExvaL HEALING [At Ist level during a short rest a Healslut may provide their body as a method for their allies o satisfy and entertain themselves. During this time, the healshut may use their hit dice to heal themselves, healing injured allies or adding an equal number of temporary hit points to uninjured allies ‘Any player may decline to use the slut and forgo any possible healing/temporary hitpoints. You eannot use this ability while under the effects of a disease PLEASURE Points ‘At 2nd level, you learn to focus your sexual drive into 2 tool to better serve your team by condensing your desires into Pleasure Points, You can spend pleasure points to either gain back spell slots (see below) or provide useful effects to your allies. All points are regained at the end of a long rest ‘You start with two pleasure points, and gain one each time you level up, You can never have more pleasure points than is shown on the Healslut table, ImpRovep SEXUAL HEALING Starting at 2nd level use of sexual healing regains all Pleasure Points. This action can only be performed once per long rest. In addition, you may burn one Pleasure Point to add an extra d6 to any healing spell Only one pleasure point may be used per spel HEALER TYPE [At Sed level you become specialized as one of two types of healslut, serving either a single master figure or a larger group. Choose either Pocket Healer or Group Healer, detailed later on. ANGELIC TRAVERSAL ‘AC 3rd level you may use an action to teleport to an. ‘unoccupied space adjacent to any ally within 60 feet, at the cost of 3 Pleasure Points. POTION INFUSION AAC 7th level you gain the ability to improve healing potions, Daring a long or short rest, you may infuse an amount of healing potions equal to your charisma modifier with your ‘magic, allowing you to roll the amount healed twice, taking the higher result, Alternatively, if you have an herbalism kit, you may create ‘number of healing potions equal to your charisma modifier. ‘When doing so, expend one spell slot of your choice, which cannot be regained (except by spending Pleasure Points) before your next rest. These potions heal 2d4 per spell slot level expended and lose all potency upon your next rest. ‘This feature cannot be used during a short rest if Sexual Healing is used, and vice veres, a SSSFSSFMseePF ALTERNATE DISTRACTIVE DEFENSE IFextra helplessness is desired: While not wearing armor, clothing, or using a shield, your AC is equal to 6 + 2x your Charisma modifier. Healslut abilities cannot be used if any form of armor or shield is being used. De A ANGELIC TRAVERSAL IMPROVEMENTS ‘At Oth level, Angelic Traversal may be used as a bonus action. [At L4th level, the Pleasure Point cost of Angelic Traversal is reduced to 2, and the ally you teleport to recieves an extra 14 to their next incoming healing in the next minute, Lay on Hanps At L1th level. you gain a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest. With that pook you can restore a total number of Hit Points equal to your healslut level x5 ‘As an action, you can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of Hit Points to that creature, up to the maximum amount remaining in your pool, Allernatively, you can expend 5 Hit Points from your pool ‘of Healing to cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poison, You can cure multiple Diseases and neutralize ‘multiple Poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands, ‘expending points separately for each one. This feature has no ‘effect on Undead and constructs. SacrIFICIAL HEALING Beginning at 15th level, you gain the ability to use your own. vitality to heal your allies. As a bonus aetion, you may heal any ally within 60 feet of you by an amount less than or equal to your own remaining HP, taking an equal amount of damage. (This damage cannot be resisted or reduced in any ‘way) This can be used to stabilize an unconscious character. CHARITABLE HEALING Starting at level 18 you may cast cure wounds and healing word at frst level without expending a spell slo, and they no longer count towards your prepared spel list. However, ‘casting them at a higher level still uses spell slots. I wounds are more than 1 minute old, this ability requires spell slots. HEALER TYPES Pocker HEALER DEprcaTron Starting when you select this Healer Type at level 3 you ‘choose one ally to view as a "Master" figure. When you use ‘sexual healing om this ally, they may choose one ability and gain advantage on ability checks of that type until their next Jong rest. You may change who you view as a master figure over a period of 24 hours, during which time none of your allies may benefit from any "Master" bonuses or buffs. You are unable to lie to or decieve your Master. BONDED Starting at Sth level, whenever you heal your "Master" figure, you may add an additional dé to the roll In addition, you gain proficiency in one of the skills your Master is proficient in and they gain proficiency in one skill you are proficient in. ‘Trust AND FOLLOW Starting at 10th level you gain advantage and +1d4 on all healing rolls while within 10 feet of your Master. Ar BECK AND Catt Starting at 17th level you may use angelic transversal to reach your Master for free, and they may use a bonus action to bring you to their side for 1 Pleasure Point. (This may be resisted by a wisdom save with disadvantage against your spelicasting DC. In addition, ifyou end your turn within 10 feet of your Master, their next attack gains advantage. EMPOWERMENT ‘AC 20th level once per long rest, you may grant your Master ‘the following benefits for one minute: ity to fear and advantage on saving throws against mental effects + Regenerating HP equal to your Charisma atthe start of each tur + Entra damage on each attack and bonus o hit equal to your Charisma modifier + +10 movement speed Group HEALER ‘TEAM PLAYER ‘Starting when you choose this Healer type at level 3 you gain the ability (o forgo sleep in order to service your allies in shifts, granting a bonus to incoming healing equal to your proficiency bonus, a bonus toa stat oftheir choice equal to half your proficfency bonus (rounded down) and advantage on all perception checks until their next long rest. Upon using this ability, roll a constitution check with a DC ‘equal to8 + the number of allies served. Upon a failed save, ‘you gain one level of exhaustion; on a success, you negate any ‘penalties from losing sleep that night. This ability cannot be used if you have any level of exhaustion or ifyou are suffering, from any form of disease. Ifyour race requires sleep, you receive a cumulative -1 penalty to this roll each night you go ‘without sleep. (Any race that requires 4 hours of sleep receives this penalty every two nights.) You have disadvantage ‘on any deception attempt against any member of your pary. Onz For Att. Beginning at Sth level when you use a spell to heal a party ‘member, you may spend 1 pleasure point to heal any allies ‘within 10 feet ofthe spells target for half the amount, Party MascoT Starting at 1Oth level your very presence invigorates your team. All allies within 20 feet of you gain a bonus equal to 1/2 your charisma modifier (o saving throws (min 1, rounded up). INDISPENSABILITY ‘Starting at 17th level all allies within 100 feet of you have advantage on death saving throws. In addition, you may cast the spell heroism at 3rd level as a bonus action a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest. This does not count against your known spells, SALVATION At 20th level you gain the ability to protect your party from hharm. Once per long rest, you may grant al allies within 25 feet the following benefits, lasting one minute: + Temporary HP equal to 12412 + Damage resistance of 10 HEALSLUT SPELL LIST Cantrips (0 LeveL) Spare the Dying Mending Friends Guidance Resistance Sacred Flame Minor Illusion Ist Leven Cure Wounds Healing Word Bless Bane Heroism Inflict Wounds Faerie Fire Charm Person 2no Lever Enhance Ability Calm Emotions Lesser Restoration Prayer of Healing Enthrall Warding Bond Aid 3ro Lever Mass Healing Word Revivify Beacon of Hope ‘Aura of Vitality Remove Curse Leomund’s Tiny Hut (Ritual) 47H Leven PLEASURE PoINT To SPELL SLOT CONVERSION pleasure points 2 3 5 6 7 spell slot regained Ist level 2nd level 3rd level ath level Sth level Note: Any magic item which requires Cleric levels may be attuned to by a Healslut Created by /u/BlueKD (@Bluel1#5521) Death Ward Banishment Aura of Life ‘Aura of Purity Cormpulsion Dimension Door Polymorph STH LeveL Mass Cure Wounds Greater Restoration Hallow Awaken Raise Dead 6TH LeveL Heal Heroes’ Feast Eyebite Guards and Wards 71H Leven Resurrection Regenerate Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion Mirage Arcane 87H LeveL Holy Aura Power Word Stun 9TH LeveL ‘True Resurrection Mass Heal Power Word Heal True Polymorph

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