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Total Marks: 100 marks
Subject: Managerial Economics
Multiple Choice Questions: (5 marks each)

1. Single Seller is a feature of-

a) Monopoly
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopolistic competition
d) PerfectCompetition
2. Kinked demand curve is a featureof
a) Monopoly
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopolistic competition
d) PerfectCompetition
3. Market structure in which a few sellers dominate the sales of a product and the entry of new
sellers is difficult orimpossible.
a) Monopoly
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopolistic competition
d) PerfectCompetition
4. Under one firm assumes the role of a price leader and fixes the price of the product for the
entire industry.
a) Pricediscrimination
b) PriceLeadership
c) Monopolistic competition
d) PerfectCompetition
5. Collusion is a characteristicof
a) Monopoly
b) Oligopoly
c) Monopolistic competition
d) PerfectCompetition
6. Difference between total revenue and total cost Market period.
a) Equilibrium
b) Profit
c) Sales
d) Cost
7. product of an industry in which the outputs of different firms are indistinguishable.
a) Homogeneous
b) Heterogeneous
c) Both a & b
d) None of these
8. Price at which the sellers refuse to supply the goods at all and store it with themselves.
a) Selling price
b) Cost
c) Minimum
d) All of these
9. Existence of a single producer or seller which is producing or selling a product which has no close
substitutes is .
a) Oligopoly
b) Monopoly
c) Monopolistic
d) All of these
10. Which method is also known as value-addedmethod?
a) Output Method
b) Income Method
c) CostMethod
d) Expenditure Method
11. The equation C = a + bY is for -
a) Output Method
b) Income Method
c) Consumption function
d) Investment Multiplier
12. A major component of money supply is
a) Cheques
b) Coins
c) Loans
d) Stocks
13. deposits are of a definite period of time.
a) Demand deposit
b) Current deposit
c) Fixed deposit
d) Cost deposit
14. The notice for demand deposit of days
a) 5
b) 7
c) 10
d) 21

15. The branch of economics that studies the overall working of a nationaleconomy.
a) Micro Economics
b) Macro Economics
c) Business cycle
d) Fiscal policy
16. It is a measure of a country’s overall economic output.
a) Gross Domestic Product
b) Gross National Product
c) National Income
d) None of these
17. It is the total income that actually remains with individuals to dispose off as they wish.
a) Monetary policy
b) National Income
c) Disposal Income
d) All of these
18. Recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession, recovery, growth anddecline.
a) GNP
b) GDP
c) Business Cycle
d) None of these
19. The total value produced within a country, together with its income received from other countries
less similar payments made to other countries.
a) GDP
b) GNP
c) Fiscal policy
d) All of these
20. Type of Bank Deposits are .
a) Fixed Deposit
b) Demand deposit
c) Current deposit
d) All of these

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