Summer Holidays' Assignments - 11

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SESSION: 2024-25
1. Read anyone English newspaper daily and cut out the classified ads (2 each) from it and
paste it in your English notebook
● For sale
● Situation wanted
● Lost and found
● Situation vacant
● Tour and travels
● Matrimonial
2. Character Monologue:
 Choose a character from the play ‘Mother’s Day’ ( Snap Shots Book)
 Write a monologue from the character’s perspective.
 Explore that character’s thoughts, feelings and expression.
3. Creative Dialogue
Write a dialogue between two fictional characters.
Set in an unusual location ( e.g, a spaceship, a haunted house, a time- travelling café)
1. To measure diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body and to measure internal
diameter and depth of a given beaker/calorimeter using Vernier Callipers and hence
find its volume.
2. To measure diameter of a given wire and thickness of a given sheet using screw
3. To determine volume of an irregular lamina using screw gauge.
4. To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a sphero meter
1. To make a paper scale of given least count, e.g., 0.2cm, 0.5 cm.
2. To determine mass of a given body using a metre scale by principle of moments.
3. To plot a graph for a given set of data, with proper choice of scales and error bars.
1. To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and
2. To study the variation in volume with pressure for a sample of air at constant
temperature by plotting graphs between P and V, and between P and 1/V.
3. To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
4. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring
terminal velocity of a given spherical body.
1. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax.
2. To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bi-metallic strip.
3. To note the change in level of liquid in a container on heating and interpret the
Solve all the In text, Exercise and Exemplar questions in a separate notebook. The chapters
that are to be prepared and solved are as follows:
1. Some basic concept of chemistry
2. Structure of atom
3. Classification of elements and periodicity in properties

● Write the practical’s neatly and ensure you write them in your handwriting.
● Start the ruled page with Practical no., aim or experiment, requirement, theory (if
required), procedure, and precaution in the same sequence as given here. Use a blue
ballpoint pen.
● Start the plane page with the aim, requirements and figures. Use pencil only.
The following practical’s must be written on the practical file (Evergreen).
1. Basic laboratory Techniques Cutting glass tube and glass rod, bending a glass tube,
drawing out a glass jet
2. Crystallization of impure sample of potash alum and copper sulphate.
3. Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid and sodium carbonate
4. Determination of strength of given solution of sodium Hydroxide by titrating it against
standard solution of oxalic acid
5. Determination of strength of given solution of Hydrochloric acid by titrating it against
standard solution of Sodium carbonate


1. Prepare two herbarium sheets of any two plants.
2. Prepare a project on endocrine glands, enzymes secreted and their functions.
3. Write down the following practicals on evergreen practical files in following sequence:
A. To study different parts of a compound microscope.
B. Study and describe locally available common flowering plants from the family solanaceae.
C. Preparation and study of TS of dicot and monocot roots and stems.
D. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer
E. Study of distribution of stomata on the upper and lower surface of the leaves.
F. Test for the presence of sugars, starch, proteins and fats in suitable plants and animal
G. Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.
H..Test for presence of urea ,sugar and albumin in urine.
I.To study mitosis in onion root tip cells and animal cells from permanent slides.

List of practical to be written in Lab Manual
1. To find the number of subsets of a given set and verify that if a set has n number of
elements, then the total number of subsets is 2n.
2. To distinguish between a relation and function.
3. To prepare a model to illustrate the values of sine function and cosine function for
different angles which are multiple of  /2 and  .
4. To verify that the graph of given inequality, say ax + by + c < 0, where a, b > 0 and c < 0
represents only one of the two planes.
5. To find the number of ways in which in which three cards can be selected from five given
6. To verify that the sum of first n natural numbers is n(n + 1)/2 by graphical method.
7. To construct a parabola
8. To explain the concept of octants by three mutually perpendicular planes in space.
x2  c2
9. To find analytically lim
x c x  c

10. To write the sample space, when a die is rolled once, twice and more than two times


The following practical should be done on ruled sheets and submit it in file format .
 Calculate average on excel sheet.
 Calculate interest on excel.
 Plot the graphs of functions on excel study the nature of function at various points, drawing lines
of tangents.
 How to calculate probability using MS Excel.
 Stock market data sheet on Excel.


A. Students of GRADE-Xl are directed to submit the project on any one of the following
1.Import/Export procedure
2.Aids to Trade
3. E - business
4. Start up India

B. Practice case studies of all completed chapters in the school notebook only .
A. Students of Grade XI are directed to submit the project on any one of the following topics:
1. Effect on PPC due to various government policies.
2. Opportunity cost as an economic tool.
3. Effect on equilibrium prices in the local market. ( take real life situation or recent news)
4. Bumper production - Boon or Bane for the farmer.
5. Invisible Hand( Adam Smith)

B. Practice Numerical on Price elasticity of Demand from NCERT.


Q1) What is accounting equation? Explain its importance.
Q2) Show the accounting equation on the basis of the following transactions:
(a) Shri Ganesh commenced business with cash Rs.35,000, goods Rs.8,000 and furniture Rs.7,000
(b) Bought furniture from M/s Mohan Furnitures on credit for Rs.3,000.
(c) Purchased goods from Sohan for cash Rs.35,000.
(d) Sold goods to Shyam for cash Rs.40,000(costing Rs.30,000)
(e) Bought goods from Ramesh Rs.30,000.
(f) Sold goods to Shyam costing Rs.30,000 for Rs.50,000.
(g) Received Rs.49,500 from Shyam in full settlement.
(h) Paid Rs.29,700 to Ramesh in full settlement.
(i) Paid half the amount owed to M/s Mohan.
(j) Withdrew Rs.1,000 for personal use.
(k) Withdrew goods for personal use(cost Rs.500, sale price Rs.600).
(l) Purchased household goods for Rs.15,000 giving Rs.5,000 in cash and the balance through a loan.
(m) Paid cash Rs.500 for loan and Rs.300 for interest.
(n) Goods destroyed by fire (cost Rs.500, sale price Rs.600)
(o) Paid salary Rs.500 and salary outstanding Rs.100.
(p)Paid rent in advance Rs.2,000.
(q)Accrued interest Rs 500.
(r)Commission received in advance Rs 1,000.
(s)Charged depreciation of Rs 400 on furniture.
Q3) Give an example for each of the following types of transactions:
(a)Increase in one asset, decrease in another asset.
(b)Increase in asset, increase in liability.
(c)Increase in asset, increase in owner’s capital.
(d) Decrease in asset, decrease in liability.
(e )Decrease in asset, decrease in owner’s capital.
(f) Increase in one liability, decrease in another liability.
(g) Increase in liability, decrease in owner’s capital.
(h)Decrease in liability, increase in owner’s capital.
Q4.Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Manohar Lal & Sons.:-
2019 Rs.
March 1 Manohar Lal & Sons started business with cash 60,000
2 Purchased furniture for cash 10,000
4 Purchased goods for cash 25,000
5 Bought goods from Kamlesh 15,000
10 Paid cash to Kamlesh 15,000
16 Purchased goods from Sohan 6,000
18 Purchased goods from Sohan for cash 8,000
20 Paid rent for the office

Q5. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of M/s Tripathi Bros. :-
2019 Rs.
Jan. 6 Sold goods for cash 36,000
8 Sold goods to Hari 30,000
14 Received cash from Hari 18,000
26 Received Commission 750
27 Paid Salary to Gopal 1,200
28 Received cash from Hari 12,000
29 Withdrew cash from office for personal use 4,000
30 Wages paid 7,200
30 Bought Machinery for Cash 8,000
Q6. Enter the following transactions in the Journal of Ganesh Bros. :
2017 Rs.
March 3 Sold goods to Dev 1,00,000
5 Received from Dev in full settlement of his account 98,000
6 Sold goods to Manmohan 80,000
8 Manmohan returned goods 1,000
15 Received from Manmohan in full settlement of his account 78,200
16 Received cash from Ram 19,500
and discount allowed 500
20 Paid cash to Pawan 4,700
and discount received from him 300
25 Sold goods to Varun of the list price of Rs.25,000 at 20% trade discount
Q7. Pass Journal entries in the books of Hari Shankar & Co. from the following:
2017 Rs.
April 1 Commenced business with cash 50,000
2 Purchased goods from Subhash 20,000
4 Sold goods to Ramnath 15,000
6 Ramnath returned defective goods 1,000
10 Received cash from Ramnath and 13,800
Discount allowed 200
12 Gopal sold goods to us 10,000
14 Paid to Gopal in full settlement of his account after deducting 5% discount.
15 Paid Rent 10,000
16 Paid Rent of Hari Shankar's residence 5,000
18 Purchased goods for cash from Govind for Rs.6,000 at 20% trade discount.
20 Purchased goods from Govind for Rs.10,000 at 20% trade discount.
24 Paid to Govind Rs.7,850 in full settlement of his account.
25 Paid to Subhash Rs. 4,750; discount received ₹ 250.
30 Paid Wages Rs. 400; Salaries Rs. 4,000; Advertisement expenses Rs. 800 and Trade expenses
Rs. 1,000.


Subject: History
Prepare a detail project on any one of the following topics and keep the sheets in a clear bag form.

(a) Mesopotamian civilization

(b) Roman Empire
(c) Genghis Khan

Prepare 20extra-long questions from the following topics.

(Each chapter 10 questions)
(a) Writing and city life
(b) An empire across three continents
(c) Nomadic Empire (half)


Make a Project PPT on the following topics:
1. Youth Parliament
 The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (India) has introduced the National Youth
Parliament Competition Scheme for schools and universities.
 The idea is to strengthen the roots of democracy and educate the student community
about Parliament and its functions.
 Political science topics can be chosen for the ruling and opposition parties, such as the
vaccine distribution process, health sector, technology development, petroleum hike,
regional disputes, etc.
2. The recent Lok Sabha Elections 2024 were hotly contested. Many parties were in the
fray and the results have been declared. Analyses this election and submit a project report
by answering the following:
 a) Analyze the importance of elections in a democratic country.
 b) Name of the parties contesting and their alliances along with their symbols.
 c) Slogans used and highlights of their campaigns
 d) The controversial and contentious issues that have been a part of the elections.
 e) Analysis of result with help of pie chart.

Prepare a model on any one of the following topics:
1) Global Warming
2) Volcanoes
3) Ocean floor relief features

Prepare practical file on the following chapters:

1)Fundamentals of maps
2)Topographic Maps
3) Latitudes and Longitudes

Make a Project file on the following activities:
1. Collect a copy of a memorandum of any association that you know of or can find out about
for example a Resident Welfare Association, a women’s association (Mahila Samiti), a Sports
Club. You will find clear information about its goals, objectives, membership and other rules
that govern it. Contrast this with a large family gathering.
2. Collect newspaper reports where dominant sections of society seek to
Impose control and punish those whom they consider to have transgressed or violated
socially prescribed roles,

Write all the below mentioned programs in Practical File.

1. Write a Program that accepts cost price and quantity of pencil from the user.
Calculate and display the total price.

2. Write a Program to obtain temperature in Celsius and convert it into Fahrenheit

using the formula: F=C*9/5+32.

3. Write a Program to find the area and perimeter of a circle.

4. Write a Program to read three numbers in three variables and swap first two
variables with the sums of first and second, second and third numbers respectively.
5. Write a Program to find the greatest between 2 numbers entered by the user.

6. Write a Program to find whether the number entered by the user is a multiple of 11
or not.

7. Write a Program to find the greatest among three numbers entered by the user.

8. Write a Program to determine a student’s final score and indicate whether they are
passing or failing. If the score is greater than 50, then print ‘Pass’ else print ‘Fail’. The
final score is calculated as the average of marks of four subjects.

9. Write a Program to read 2 numbers and an arithmetic operator and displays the

10. Write a Program to accept a character from the user and display whether it is a
vowel or not.


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