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Hi Matthew!
I’m so happy to have a new pen friend! My name’s John and I’m
twelve years old. I live in London with my mother, father and sister. I
attend a Secondary school in Islington and I go to school by car with
my sister. I love school because I have got a lot of friends and the
education is excellent. The teachers are good and friendly. The school
is modern. There is an excellent library with thousands of different
books, a computer room. I go there every day. There are two bars, two ________________________________
labs, a gym, a stationer’s, a staff room and of course the headmaster’s ________________________________
office. But I never go there!
My school has got a lot of rules. Students must wear uniform. All
students must wear a white shirt, blues trousers or a blue skirt and a tie! ________________________________
We must always be good in class and we mustn’t copy. I never copy ________________________________
because I always study at home. We mustn’t eat or drink in class and
we mustn’t run in the corridors. At the end of the day I usually go home
on foot with my sister at five o’clock. What’s your school like? Write
and tell me about you.
Best Wishes,

What are the rules like in your

1. What’s his name? school? What must or mustn’t
______________________________________________________. you do? Write 7 sentences.
2. How old is he? ____________________________.
__________________________________________________________. ____________________________.
3. How does he go to school? ____________________________.
________________________________________________. ____________________________.
4. Why does he love school? ____________________________.
________________________________________________. ____________________________.
5. What facilities are there in the school? ____________________________.
School Subjects and Facilities
School subjects and facilities continued
A subject where you work with numbers →
“Hello! My name is Ana, is something we learn in →
A subject that teaches you about computers and programmes. →
Where you go to play and speak to your friends. →
Where you sometime have science→
A subject where you learn about different countries →
A room where you can use the internet. →
A room for the person responsible for the school. →
A subject that teaches you the language of France. →
A subject where you study the human body→
A subject that teaches you the language of Spain→
Where you can buy a sandwich or a cake. →
The study of the physic and natural world. →
A subject where you study people’s rights and duties →
A room for the teachers→
A subject where you paint and draw. →
A subject where you do sport and exercise. →
The space where you do sport or exercise→
Where you can buy pens, pencils etc. →
A subject where you learn about Christ, his life and work. →
You can read different books here. →
A subject where you learn about notes, instruments etc. →
A room where you study and work→~
A subject where you learn about things of the past. →
Where you can have lunch→

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