U1- Analyse sample (Ss)

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U1: Analyze Sample Speaking Topic- Work

1. Look at the part in bold in Answer to Q1, which technique is used to expand
2. Underline expressions to show compare and contrast in each answer.
3. Which word is used to link the first change to the second change in Answer to
4. Name all the verb tenses that are used in Answer to Q3.

Q1. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a

=> Compare and contrast two things: job satisfaction vs. salary

Yes, I definitely think so! Some people may apply for a job purely out of its high
salary as they may want to live a comfortable life. However, if they can’t find a
sense of satisfaction as they work, I doubt they could go a long way with the
job. This is because well-paid jobs usually accompany heavy workload and
tremendous pressure, and so these people may soon find themselves worn out/
burnt out. On the other hand, job satisfaction can help people stay motivated and
increase their productivity. Many rewarding jobs may not pay well at first, but
with workers’ enthusiasm and dedication, their job can become a lucrative career
Q3. How has technology changed the way we work?

=> Compare and contrast 2 periods of time: past vs. now

Technology has made some radical changes to the world of work. In the past, if
people wanted to discuss or exchange documents, they had to meet face-to face.
By contrast, meetings now can be conducted online with just an Internet-
connected device like mobile phones or computers. Apart from saving time and
costs to travel, it also brings more opportunities for companies to widen their
network with foreign partners. Besides, the popularity of the Internet allows more
people to work from home/ telecommute instead of going to the office. As a
result, many young people are no longer dependent on one company but they
tend to take more than one online job to increase their income.

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