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BACS1053 Database Management

Topic 4: User Interaction in SQL*Plus

(Refer SQL*Plus User Guide and Reference.pdf, Chapter 12 SQL*Plus Command Reference)
(Page 12-10 (ACCEPT command)
(Page 12-72 (PROMPT command)
(Page 5-12 on Using Substitution Variables)

Learning objectives:

1. Use of the ACCEPT and PROMPT commands for interactive input

2. Use of substitution variables in the SELECT and INSERT commands for greater flexibility

ACCEPT and PROMPT command allows for some user interactions

Inserting records:
Insertion of records into the database is done using the INSERT INTO… statement.
For example:
insert into customer values(999,'New Customer','',null,null,'M');

The interactive method of adding records to the database would require a script.
Examine the file in_new_cust.txt. Copy the file to drive C:\

Execute the script as many times as necessary to insert the required number of records.
Start c:\in_new_cust.txt

After successfully adding a new record, run a SELECT statement to check display your new data.

Now create the scripts to insert the necessary data for the following table:

Substitution variables in the SELECT statement
The following SQL statement
Select descr, price, date_introduced
from menu
where price > 5;

can also be written as

Select descr, price, date_introduced
from menu
where price > &v_price;

Describe the user interaction required and the result for the above statement.

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