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- Identifying a potential upside -


Thursday, 4th July 2024

This material is prepared by PT. Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia for investment recommendation purpose, prohibited to be used as advertisement and distributed to the
investors. The information contained has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. No warranty is made to the accuracy and completeness of the information. However,
we disclaim any responsibility and liability of this material arising against legal issues regarding customers’ investment outcome in any situations.
Support: 7160 & 7122
JCI – Bullish phase still intact Resistance: 7224 & 7258
JCI Daily Net Foreign Buy: 619.12 B
JCI YTD Net Foreign Sell: -7.03 T
JCI YTD Performance: -1.05%


Even though the RSI indicator is overbought, a bullish phase is still intact after exhibiting a long white closing
marubozu candle. In addition, both Stochastics K_D and RSI signals are still positive, while volume increases.

DISCLAIMER ON. Chart provided by HOTS Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

1 | Daily Technical Analysis| 4/7/2024 Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

TP1: 244 (+4.27%)
TP2: 280 (+19.66%)
AGRO – A bullish phase potential Support: 224 & 214


AGRO is definitely in a bullish consolidation phase while potentially reaching the initial supply area. In addition,
both Stochastics K_D and RSI signals are positive, while volume began to increase. ACCUMULATIVE BUY.

DISCLAIMER ON. Chart provided by HOTS Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

2 | Daily Technical Analysis| 4/7/2024 Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

TP1: 4650 (+1.75%)
TP2: 4830 (+5.69%)
TP3: 5075 (+11.05%)
ASII – Attempting to break Nearest support: 4480


ASII is attempting to break above both neckline and the harmonic support line as long as bullish consolidation phase is still
intact. In addition, both Stochastics K_D and RSI signals are positive, while volume increases. ACCUMULATIVE BUY.

DISCLAIMER ON. Chart provided by HOTS Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

3 | Daily Technical Analysis| 4/7/2024 Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

TP1: 159 (+5.30%)
TP2: 171 (+13.25%)
BRMS – Breakout Nearest support: 143


BRMS is successfully breaking above the upper boundary of the down channel. In addition, both Stochastics
K_D and RSI signals are positive, while volume increases. ADD.

DISCLAIMER ON. Chart provided by HOTS Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

4 | Daily Technical Analysis| 4/7/2024 Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

TP1: 2590 (+5.71%)
TP2: 2760 (+12.65%)
MYOR – Re-attempting to break Nearest support: 2380


After successfully breaking above the down trendline, MYOR is re-attempting to break above the neckline. In
addition, both Stochastics K_D and RSI signals are positive, while a volume spike is detected. ADD.

DISCLAIMER ON. Chart provided by HOTS Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

5 | Daily Technical Analysis| 4/7/2024 Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia

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As of the publication date, PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia, and/or its affiliates do not have any special interest with the subject company and do not own 1% or
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