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Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 1997. Editorial revisions, 2020. Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—Brian J. Condike (chair), Deanna K. Anderson, Anthony Bright,
Richard A. Cahill, Alois F. Clary, C. Ellen Gonter, Peter M. Grohse, Daniel C. Hillman, Albert C. Holler, Amy Hughes, J. Charles Jennett, Roger A. Minear, Marlene O. Moore,
Gregg L. Oelker, S. Kusum Perera, James G. Poff, Jeffrey G. Skousen, Michael D. Wichman, John L. Wuepper.

3500-Mg A. Introduction

1. Occurrence and Significance Magnesium is an essential element in chlorophyll and in red

blood cells. Some salts of magnesium are toxic by ingestion or
Magnesium (Mg) is the second element in Group IIA of the inhalation. Concentrations greater than 125 mg/L also can have a
periodic table. It has an atomic number of 12, an atomic weight cathartic and diuretic effect.
of 24.30, and a valence of 2. The average abundance of Mg in the
earth’s crust is 2.1%; in soils it is 0.03 to 0.84%; in streams it is 2. Selection of Method
4 mg/L, and in groundwaters it is >5 mg/L. Magnesium occurs
commonly in the minerals magnesite and dolomite. Magnesium The methods presented are applicable to waters and wastewa-
is used in alloys, pyrotechnics, flash photography, drying agents, ters. Direct determinations can be made with the atomic absorp-
refractories, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, and foods. tion spectrometric method (Section 3111 B) and inductively
The common aqueous species is Mg2+. The carbonate equi- coupled plasma method (Section 3120). The inductively coupled
librium reactions for magnesium are more complicated than for plasma mass spectrometric method (Section 3125) also may be
calcium, and conditions for direct precipitation of dolomite in applied successfully in most cases (with lower detection levels),
natural waters are not common. Important contributors to the even though magnesium is not specifically listed as an analyte in
hardness of a water, magnesium salts break down when heated, the method. These methods can be applied to most concentrations
forming scale in boilers. Chemical softening, reverse osmosis, encountered, although sample dilution may be required. Choice
or ion exchange reduces magnesium and associated hardness to of method is largely a matter of personal preference and analyst
acceptable levels. experience. A calculation method (3500-Mg B) also is available.

3500-Mg B. Calculation Method

Magnesium may be estimated as the difference between hard- mg Mg/L = [ total hardness (as mg CaCO3 /L) −
ness and calcium as CaCO3 if interfering metals are present in
calcium hardness(as mg CaCO3 /L) × 0.243]
noninterfering concentrations in the calcium titration (Section
3500-Ca B) and suitable inhibitors are used in the hardness titra-
tion (Section 2340 C).

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: June 10, 2020 1

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