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Answers may vary.

Possible answers include: Lara Jones nutritionist • food cravings affect everyone •
might be message from body signaling a need for a nutrient or vitamin chips craving = need sodium
chocolate craving = need magnesium Dr. Svacina dietary psychologist • disagrees → we don’t crave all
foods high in magnesium (e.g. spinach, fish) • Cravings can come from feelings • where we live also
affects cravings Americans → chocolate Egyptians → savory dishes (e.g. stuffed eggplant) Howazen Al
Ganem advertising consultant • TV images of rich, fatty, sweet & salty foods cause cravings • need to
think about ethics of advertising to children • adults can change TV watching habits Activity B, p. 97
Answers may vary. Possible answers include: I agree with Lara Jones. I often crave something salty after I
exercise. / I agree with Dr. Svacina. I sometimes want to eat sweets when I am sad. / I think Howazen Al
Ganem is right. I am going to think about the food ads I watch on TV and how they make me feel. Activity
C, pp. 97–98 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c Activity D, p. 98 1. T 2. F A food craving is caused by not having enough of a
particular nutrient. 3. F Food cravings come from negative emotions. 4. T 5. T Activity E, pp. 98–99 1. d 2.
e 3. a 4. c 6. b Activity F, pp. 99–100 1. compound 2. intense 3. disturbing 4. consumer 5. reaction 7. alter
8. debate 9. point out 10. a lack of 11. ultimate 12. ethics 13. modification SAY WHAT YOU THINK
Listening and Speaking 4 Q: Skills for Success Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition, Special
Edition © Oxford University Press. AK-21 Activity A, p. 101 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. I saw
an advertisement for pizza recently. The cheese was melting and bubbling and it looked delicious. I think
the advertisement was effective. 2. I don’t think this is good advice. If I eat a little bit, I want to eat more.
I try to avoid food cravings in the first place by not having food around me that I would want to eat.
Activity B, p. 101 Answers will vary. Possible answers: I think that the government should make a law
that controls the food advertisements for children. The images should be cartoons, not real food.
VOCABULARY SKILL Activity A, p. 102 1. to not approve 2. to do again 3. not fair 4. to not feed enough 5.
to make not tied 6. to not like / be opposed to Activity B, p. 102 1. scientist 2. originally 3. uniqueness 4.
weightless 5. topical 6. relation Activity C, p. 102 Answers will vary. SPEAKING GRAMMAR Activity A, p.
104 1. more/less flavorful 2. more/less uneasy 3. higher, less high 4. tastier, less tasty 5. more/less widely
6. more/less unnatural 7. more/less acceptable 8. better, worse 9. more/less loyal 10. more/less
expensive Activity B, p. 104 Answers will vary. PRONUNCIATION Activity A, p. 106 1. What? You’ve never
eaten a tomato? [insert rising intonation on “What” and “tomato”] 2. Do you prefer water or juice?
[insert rising intonation on “water” and rising/falling on “juice”] 3. My favorite foods are rice, yams, and
pizza. [insert rising intonation on “rice, yams” and rising/falling on “pizza”] 4. What did you say? You
don’t like ice cream? [insert rising intonation on “say” and “ice cream”] 5. Are you hungry? Do you want
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