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Total Organic Carbon

Methods A, B, D and E approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2022. Joint Task Group: Akin Babatola (chair), Amber Baylor, Dominic Brose, Richard Burrows, Brett
Clark, Sage Mosteller, Mary Johnson, William Lipps, Devon Morgan, Kawal Padda, Robin Parnell, Shannon Pratt.

Method C approved Standard Methods Committee, 2014. Joint Task Group: Edward W.D. Huffman (chair), George Aiken, Theresa M. Bousquet, Louis A. Kaplan, Lisa M.
Ramirez, Stephen J. Randtke.

5310 A. Introduction

1. General Discussion Organic contaminants in water may degrade ion-exchange

capacity, serve as a carbon or energy source for undesired bio-
Organic carbon in environmental and other water matrices may logical growth, react with disinfectants to form byproducts that
exist in a variety of oxidation states. Some of these compounds could harm human health or aquatic organisms, or be otherwise
can be oxidized further via biological or chemical processes. Bio- detrimental to the water’s purpose. Before organically bound car-
chemical oxygen demand (BOD), carbonaceous BOD (CBOD), bon can be analyzed, the molecules must be converted into carbon
biodegradable organic carbon (BOC), chemical oxygen demand dioxide (CO2), a molecular form that can be measured quantita-
(COD), and total organic carbon (TOC) analytical methods may tively. Current TOC methods use one of the following means of
be used to characterize these fractions. Total organic carbon pro- oxidation to convert organic carbon into carbon dioxide:
vides a more convenient and direct expression of total organic con- • high temperature combustion (typically 680 to 1200 °C) with
tent than BOD, CBOD, BOC, or COD. Analyses of TOC provide or without catalysts and oxygen or air,
a measurement of the organic content of a sample that is indepen- • heated persulfate (typically 95 to 100 °C) with one or more
dent of the organic matter’s oxidation state and does not measure chemical oxidants and catalyst,
other organically bound elements (e.g., nitrogen and hydrogen) • UV irradiation with one or more chemical oxidants, or
or inorganics that can contribute to the oxygen demand measured • supercritical water oxidation (typically 375 °C and 22.1 MPa)
by BOD and COD. The amount of TOC in water sources may be with chemical oxidant.
used to define the matrix and its quality and can range from ≤0.1 The CO2 may be purged from the sample, dried, and trans-
to 25 mg/L in drinking water to ≥300 mg/L in wastewater influ- ferred via carrier gas to a nondispersive infrared analyzer or cou-
ent and industrial effluents. Although none of these techniques lometric titrator. Alternatively, CO2 may be separated from the
(BOD, BOC, COD, TOC) are direct correlates of each other, sev- sample via a CO2-selective membrane into high-purity water,
eral studies have demonstrated that correlations can be developed where the increase in conductivity corresponds to the amount of
between any pair of them and TOC can be used as a surrogate for CO2 passing through the membrane.
some of these other parameters in certain cases. This has been
acceptable under some regulatory frameworks including National 2. Fractions of Total Carbon
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. The
regulatory authority to develop a correlation is found in the Clean The methods and instruments used to measure TOC analyze
Water Act 40 CFR § 133.104(b) (sampling and test procedures); fractions of total carbon (TC) and measure TOC via two or more
however, no methods are provided for establishing a long-term determinations. These fractions of total carbon are defined as:
correlation or other repeatable empirical relationship. A correla- • inorganic carbon (IC)—carbonate, bicarbonate, and dissolved
tion provides a measure of the strength of association between CO2;
two continuous variables. Regression quantifies the effect of one • total organic carbon (TOC)—all carbon atoms covalently
continuous variable on another dependent continuous variable. A bonded in organic molecules;
long-term study consists of a minimum of one year of samples • dissolved organic carbon (DOC)—the fraction of TOC that
collected no less than once weekly to capture seasonal variations passes through a 0.45-µm-pore-diameter filter;
in operating conditions. For regions with little to no seasonal vari- • suspended organic carbon (also called particulate organic
ation, studies shorter than one year may be sufficient. Although carbon)—the fraction of TOC retained by a 0.45-µm filter;
a correlation establishes a relationship, regression establishes an • purgeable organic carbon (also called volatile organic car-
equation to quantify the relationship that can be used to report a bon)—the fraction of TOC removed from an aqueous solu-
calculated value for the dependent variable. Correlation coeffi- tion via gas stripping under specified conditions; and
cients provide a metric of the strength of association between two • nonpurgeable organic carbon (NPOC)—the fraction of TOC
variables. Generally, those greater than 0.50 but less than 0.70 not removed by gas stripping. In most cases, inorganic car-
indicate a moderately weak to strong correlation and those greater bon is purged and not determined, in which case only NPOC
than 0.70 are sufficiently strong and indicative of an empirical is determined and purgeable organic carbon is assumed to be
relationship. These relationships may need to be established inde- negligible.
pendently for each set of matrix conditions (e.g., various points in In many water samples, the IC fraction is many times larger than
a treatment process and water types). the TOC fraction. The IC fraction can be eliminated by adjusting 1
5310 Total Organic Carbon - A. Introduction

samples to pH 4 or less to convert the IC species to CO2. Samples Some water samples contain species that form toxic products
are normally adjusted to pH 2 or less; however, this may maximize when they are acidified or oxidized. Species such as cyanide, sul-
hydrophobic molecule loss to the sample vessel walls. Adjusting fide, and fluoride produce toxic gases when acidified. Safety con-
to pH 4 minimizes such losses, but IC-removal efficiency must siderations must be made before analyzing these samples.
be checked and carbonate minerals in unfiltered samples may not Interlaboratory studies have shown biases on the order of
completely dissolve. The CO2 is then removed by purging the 1 mg/L C using older high-temperature instruments. With newer
sample with a purified gas (free of both CO2 and organic con- instruments, bias has been reduced and detection limits as low
taminants) or by vacuum degassing. Sample purging also removes as 0.010 mg/L C have been reported. Some high-temperature
purgeable organic carbon, so the organic carbon measurement combustion instruments are not designed for levels <1 mg/L C.
made after eliminating IC interferences is actually an NPOC Method 5310 B accumulates nonvolatile residues in the analyzer,
determination. In many surface and ground waters, the purgeable while in 5310 C and 5310 E residuals are drained from the analy-
organic carbon contribution to TOC is negligible, so in practice the zer after each analysis. Method 5310 C generally provides better
NPOC determination is commonly substituted for TOC. sensitivity for lower-level samples (<1 mg/L C); it is useful for
Alternatively, TOC may be determined by separately mea- TOC as low as 0.010 mg/L C.
suring TC and IC, and calculating the difference. If the sample Because the sensitivity range of the methods overlaps, other
contains far more IC than TOC, subtracting IC from TC is not factors may dictate method choice. A method may be chosen
the preferred approach to determining TOC because of the rel- based on desired precision, ease of use, cost, or other factors.
atively large error involved. The purgeable fraction of TOC is Samples high in particulate organic carbon are problematic
a function of the specific conditions and equipment used. Sam- for any TOC technique. Even if the particulates can be homog-
ple temperature and salinity, gas-flow rate, type of gas diffuser, enously suspended, they may selectively adhere to sample intro-
purging-vessel dimensions, volume purged, and purging time duction portions of the analyzer. The best approach is to filter
affect the division of TOC into purgeable and nonpurgeable frac- the samples using carbon-free filters and analyze the filtrate for
tions. When separately measuring purgeable organic carbon and DOC, then analyze the filters for particulate organic carbon using
NPOC in the same sample, use identical purging conditions for an appropriate carbon analyzer.
both fractions. Also, consider purging conditions when compar- To qualify a particular instrument for use, demonstrate that the
ing purgeable organic carbon or NPOC data from different labo- single-user precision and bias given in each method can be repro-
ratories or instruments. duced. Preferably, demonstrate overall precision by conduct-
ing in-house studies with more than one operator. Evaluate the
3. Method Selection selected method to ensure that data quality objectives are attained.
Evaluate the method detection level in a matrix as similar as
The high-temperature combustion (5310 B) and supercritical possible to the unknowns. Be aware that TOC analyzers handle
water oxidation (5310 E) methods are suitable for samples with instrument blanks in a variety of ways and that the true magnitude
higher TOC levels, which otherwise would have to be diluted for of the blank may not be readily apparent to the analyst. Some
some of the persulfate methods (5310 C). Generally, 5310 B and instruments zero out much of the blank by adjusting the detec-
5310 E determine organic carbon levels in compounds that are tor’s baseline reading. Some enter blank values in units (e.g., mv
chemically refractory. These compounds cannot be determined responses) rather than absolute concentrations, and others accu-
by 5310 C. High-temperature combustion or supercritical water mulate the total blank in the system during a blank run. Carefully
oxidation may be desirable for samples containing high levels observe the variability of low-level measurements, and both the
of suspended organic carbon or more than 500 mg/L of chloride method detection level and the blank whenever reagents or instru-
or other halides, where carbon may not be oxidized efficiently ment operations are changed.
by persulfate or UV irradiation methods. When analyzing saline Methods 5310 B, C, and E note that when a water blank is
waters, care must be taken when using the combustion method. analyzed, the carbon level in the blank water contributes to the
Manufacturers may offer different catalyst packing schemes that observed blank value. However, an instrument blank should only
increase the life of the column and minimize the formation of represent the contribution of reagents or system upset (injection
salt cakes. Supercritical water oxidation reactors operate at lower blank). Organic carbon-free water exposed to the atmosphere can
temperatures and cool rapidly to room temperature. This allows rapidly gain TOC. Modern instrumentation provides schemes to
the analyzer to be operated on very contaminated samples without recycle previously combusted water or allows reagent blanks to
building up salts and particulates. Saline waters can additionally be run in the absence of injected water. Some instruments have
be analyzed with dilution water flushes between samples to rinse. on-line capability or sample-introduction procedures so low-TOC
For methods using chemical oxidizers (5310 C and 5310 E), water can be injected without exposure to the atmosphere. Blank
samples containing inorganic reducing compounds often con- values should be based on internally recycled water or reagent
sume some of the oxidizer, causing incomplete oxidation of blanks, and external blank water injections should not be sub-
organic compounds. The result is low NPOC, TC, and TOC tracted from determined sample values. Determine the back-
measurements and higher oxidizer consumption. Species that are ground TOC level in the reagent water used to prepare standards.
known to produce this effect are halides and nitrite. In 5310 E, Handle this water similarly to the standards and subtract the
salts tend to precipitate in the reactor when supercritical condi- background TOC level from the TOC level of the standards. Do
tions are reached. This makes those species less reactive during not subtract the background TOC level from the samples unless
the oxidation, while the organic compounds are more soluble and they are diluted; in which case, subtract the dilution water’s con-
more reactive. This minimizes interference from inorganic com- tribution to the TOC concentration. Evaluate each instrument or
pound oxidizer scavenging. external sparging system (or both) for IC removal. The efficiency 2
5310 Total Organic Carbon - A. Introduction

of IC removal can be significantly altered by minor changes in the filter-to-waste volume can be determined on a low suspended
sparging system or by changes in sample temperature. Whenever solids sample by collecting aliquots of filtrate and determining
the sparging system is altered, re-evaluate IC removal efficiency. DOC on the aliquots until the difference in DOC values between
The methods show expected single-operator and multiple-laboratory sample and filtrate is insignificant.
precision. These equations are based on referenced interlab- e. Filter plugging: Filter plugging is a common problem. A
oratory studies that, in some cases, were performed on older glass prefilter that has been heated to 500 °C for 1 hour in a muffle
equipment. Observe the testing range because the error and bias furnace or an organic-free glass fiber filter that has been demon-
generally is a significant fraction of the low standard. Consult strated to be free of interferences and prerinsed immediately
references to determine the type of equipment and conditions of before use has been shown to be effective in reducing plugging.
the interlaboratory study. Determine instrument performance by
analyzing waters with matrices similar to those of the unknowns. 5. Quality Control Applicable to All Methods

4. Filtering Samples for DOC Determinations a. Initial demonstration of performance: This should be done
whenever a new instrument is set up, a method or instrument is
Ideally, a 0.45-µm pore-size filter is required to determine modified, or a new operator is trained.
DOC; however, in practice, glass fiber filters with larger nominal 1) Initial demonstration of calibration and precision—Analyze
pore sizes are often used. at least 4 replicates of a midrange calibration check sample pre-
a. Filter apparatus: Glass, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), pared from a different source than that used for the calibration.
stainless steel, acetyl resin, or other material that neither adsorbs The average obtained value should be within 15% of the theoret-
nor leaches organic substances and is capable of holding the ical, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) should be <10%.
selected filters may be used. Polypropylene syringes with syringe- 2) Method detection limit—Determine the method detection
type filter holders or peristaltic pumps with in-line filter holders limit (MDL) according to 5020 B.2.
may be used as an alternative to vacuum filtration. 3) Demonstration of IC-removal efficiency—Purged samples
b. Filters: Use a glass fiber filter without organic binder or else may absorb organics or CO2 from the atmosphere, so analyze
filters made of PTFE, polycarbonate, silver, polyethersulfone, samples immediately after purging or cap them tightly until an
or hydrophilic polypropylene. Other filters that neither adsorb aliquot is injected. Use the procedure in 5310 A.5b10 to demon-
nor leach organic carbon into water may be used, especially if strate IC removal efficiency. The necessary sparging time may be
colloidal matter must be removed. The specific filter used must determined by sparging for various times and selecting the time
be documented along with the data. Filters commonly used are required to obtain a value <1/2 MRL.
2.2 to 4.7 cm in diameter, although this may vary. Syringe filters 4) TOC carryover check—Immediately following the analysis
are also common. Alternatively, centrifugation may be used to of the highest calibration standard, analyze a blank. The concen-
remove colloidal material. tration of the blank must be <1/2 MRL. If the blank has a value
Prerinse the filter with organic-free water to remove soluble >1/2 MRL, then the highest calibration point must be lowered until
impurities. Glass fiber filters may be combusted at high tem- the blank immediately following the point has a value <1/2 MRL.
peratures (450 to 500 °C for at least 1 h) before rinsing. If alter- Analyze the high calibration point/blank pair at the beginning of
nate separation techniques, filters, or filter preparations are used, every analytical day to verify that carryover is not occurring.
demonstrate that equivalent results are produced. Filter pore size b. Ongoing quality control:
may influence test results, especially in raw waters. When filtering 1) Holding time—For DOC, an unpreserved sample must be fil-
samples, check applicable regulations to see if the filter must have tered and then preserved within 48 hours of collection. For NPOC
an absolute pore size of 0.45 µm because not all glass fiber filters analysis, adjust the original sample or filtrate to pH ≤2. Samples
meet this requirement. For highly turbid samples, prefilters (includ- must be stored at ≤6 °C. Preserve samples with HCl, H2SO4, or
ing glass fiber) may be used to remove interferences and minimize H3PO4, depending on instrument recommendations. High chlo-
clogging of 0.45-µm filters. Studies have shown that hydrophilic ride content in a sample may cause a bias to the reported results on
polyethersulfone or polypropylene filters are the best options.1 some instruments. Analyze all samples within 28 d of collection.
c. Filter blanks: Filters can both release and adsorb DOC. When determining IC and then TOC via difference and
Before use, a filter must be rinsed to remove any potential DOC. high-temperature combustion, refrigerate sample, do NOT adjust
Also, for each filter type and manufacturer, determine and docu- its pH, and analyze it as soon as possible because TOC may bio-
ment the volume required so the resulting filtrate analysis yields degrade significantly before the regulatory 28-d holding time
a TOC result <1/2 the minimum reporting limit (MRL; see 1020 expires. Alternatively, determine IC on an unacidified sample and
B). Begin with 3 successive rinses of 25 mL each, and analyze then determine TOC by difference using a second, acidified sam-
the third rinse for TOC. If analysis of the third aliquot yields a ple. Keep in mind that the IC result for the acidified sample used
result <1/2 MRL, then the volume used is acceptable. If the value to determine TOC does not represent the IC concentration of the
exceeds 1/2 MRL, continue with another 25 mL rinse and ana- unacidified sample.
lyze. Continue the process until a sufficient rinsing volume has 2) Collect samples in glass bottles—Amber glass is preferred, but
been determined. clear glass may be used if the sample is protected from light. Alter-
d. Filter to waste: If possible, pass a portion of the sample native containers may be used if it is demonstrated that the container
through the filter to waste before beginning to collect filtrate. For does not remove or add TOC resulting in a level >1/2 MRL.
the recommended filters, 25 mL was generally found to be 3) Calibration check sample—At least once per analytical
an adequate amount to discard before collecting sample. The day, analyze a midrange calibration check sample prepared from 3
5310 Total Organic Carbon - B. High-Temperature Combustion Method

a different source than that used for the initial calibration. The cause an ongoing elevated blank. Diluting samples may help.
results must be within 10% of the theoretical. Higher MRLs may be required.
4) Initial instrument blank—Analyze a blank consisting of 2) Bad calibration check samples—Consult instrument man-
recycled water or low TOC water. The purpose is to determine if ual. The instrument may need to be recalibrated.
there is any TOC present in the instrument that may contaminate 3) Poor spike recovery or poor duplicate precision—This sug-
the system. Instrument blank results must be <1/2 MRL and not gests a matrix problem, or it may be caused by nonhomogenous
affect the linearity of the calibration curve. If the result is higher, suspended particulates in the sample. Consult instruction manual.
analyze several blanks to clear the system. Diluting samples may help resolve sample matrix issues.
5) Method blank—After the initial calibration or after an exist-
ing calibration has been verified, and before sample analysis, a Reference
method blank must be analyzed. The method blank consists of
low TOC water as well as any reagents that have been added to 1. Karanfil T, Erdogan I, Schlautman MA. Selecting filter mem-
samples. The value of the blank must be <1/2 MRL. branes for measuring DOC and UV254. J. Am Water Works Assoc.
6) Continuing blank check—After every 10 samples, analyze a 2003;95(3):86–100.
blank preferably consisting of recycled combusted water or low-
TOC water. The blank must contain any reagents that have been Bibliography
added to the samples. With some instruments, this is difficult to
do regularly. If so, monitor a given lot of reagent water through- Fredericks AD. Concentration of organic carbon in the Gulf of Mexico.
out the day’s run. The results for subsequent reagent-water blanks Rep. 68–27T, Office of Naval Research; 1968.
must be <1/2 MRL. Williams PM. The determination of dissolved organic carbon in seawater:
7) Continuing calibration check—After every 10 samples, ana- A comparison of two methods. Limnol Oceanogr. 1969;14:297.
lyze 1 of 3 calibration check samples—low range, midrange, and Croll BT. Determination of organic carbon in water. Chem Ind (London).
high range standard concentrations—on a rotating basis. The low
Sharp J. Total organic carbon in seawater—comparison of measurements
range standard must be at or below the minimum reporting level. using persulfate oxidation and high temperature combustion. Mar
The low range sample must agree within 50% of the true value, Chem. 1973;1(3):211–229.
and the midrange and high range samples must agree within 15%. Takahashi Y. Analysis techniques for organic carbon and organic halogen.
8) Duplicates—Perform a duplicate analysis for every 10 sam- In: Proceedings of the EPA/NATO-CCMS Conference on Adsorption
ples (or part thereof) analyzed. The RPD (relative percent dif- Techniques. Reston (VA); 1979.
ference) must be less than 15%. The duplicate analysis can be a Standing Committee of Analysts, National Water Council. The instru-
duplicated fortified sample. mental determination of total organic carbon, total oxygen demand
9) Fortified sample—Spike one sample per every 10 samples and related determinands. London, UK: Her Majesty’s Stationery
analyzed or part thereof. Spike at 50% to 200% of the expected Office; 1979.
Kaplan LA. Comparison of high-temperature and persulfate oxidation
concentration. The spike level must be greater than 5 times the
methods for determination of dissolved organic carbon in freshwaters.
MRL and generally within 50% to 200% of the expected concen- Limnol Oceanogr. 1992;37(5):1119–1125.
tration. The recovery must be between 85% and 115%. Benner R, Hedges JI. A test of the accuracy of freshwater DOC mea-
10) Inorganic carbon check—Confirm that inorganic carbon is surements by high-temperature catalytic oxidation and UV-promoted
sufficiently removed from the samples on a frequency that corre- persulfate oxidation. Marine Chem. 1993;41(1-3):161–165.
sponds to the laboratories’ routine periodic maintenance schedule Wangersky PJ. Dissolved organic carbon methods: A critical review.
or when maintenance has been conducted on an instrument that Marine Chem. 1993;41(1–3):61–74.
may affect the tool or technique for inorganic carbon removal. Hutte R, Godec R, O’Neill K. Transferring NASA-sponsored advances
Prepare a 102.5 mg/L IC test solution (based on bicarbonate cal- in total organic carbon measurement to industrial applications. Micro-
culations and impurities) and analyze the solution to confirm that contamination. 1994;12(4):21.
Kaplan LA. A field and laboratory procedure to collect, process, and pre-
the result is <1/2 MRL. The IC removal check may be performed
serve freshwater samples for dissolved organic carbon analysis. Lim-
on a different matrix, but the IC level in the check sample must be nol Oceanogr. 1994;39(6):1470–1476.
higher than those in the unknown samples. Aiken G, Kaplan LA, Weishaar J. Assessment of relative accuracy in the
c. Corrective actions: determination of organic matter concentrations in aquatic systems. J
1) High blank values—Consult instrument manual. Check for Environ Monit. 2002:4:70–74.
contamination of reagents, sample containers, and equipment. Potter BB, Wimsatt JC. Method 415.3, Rev. 1.2. Determination of total
Both high inorganic-matrix samples and high-TOC samples may organic carbon and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm in source water
and drinking water. Washington DC: U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency; 2009.

5310 B. High-Temperature Combustion Method

1. General Discussion samples, particle-size reduction may be necessary because the

method uses small-orifice syringes and sampling tubing.
The high-temperature combustion method has been used for a. Principle: The sample is homogenized and diluted as nec-
a wide variety of samples, but when applied to particle-laden essary, and a portion is injected into a heated reaction chamber 4
5310 Total Organic Carbon - B. High-Temperature Combustion Method

packed with an oxidative catalyst (e.g., cobalt oxide, platinum Collect and store samples in glass bottles protected from sunlight
group metals, or barium chromate). The water is vaporized, and and seal with PTFE-backed septa (preferably thick silicone rubber-
organic carbon oxidizes to CO2 and H2O. The CO2 from IC backed PTFE septa with open ring caps to produce a positive seal).
release and organic carbon oxidation is transported in the carrier- Alternative containers may be used if it is demonstrated that the con-
gas stream and measured via a nondispersive infrared analyzer, or tainer does not remove or add TOC >1/2 MRL. Check bottle blanks
titrated coulometrically. with each set of sample bottles to determine the effectiveness of,
Because total carbon is measured, remove IC via acidification or need for, cleaning. Wash bottles with detergent, rinse copiously
and sparging, or measure it separately and calculate the difference with reagent water, seal with aluminum foil, and bake at 400 °C
to obtain TOC. for at least 1 h. Wash uncleaned PTFE septa with detergent, rinse
Measure IC by injecting the sample into a reaction chamber, repeatedly with organic-free water, wrap in aluminum foil, and bake
where it is acidified. Under acidic conditions, all IC converts to at 100 °C for 1 h. Alternatively, soak septa in 10% sodium persulfate
CO2, which is transferred to the detector and measured. Under for 1 hour at 60 °C and rinse thoroughly with organic-free water.
these conditions, organic carbon is not oxidized so only IC is Check performance of new or cleaned septa by running appropriate
measured. blanks. Less rigorous cleaning may be acceptable if a carbon con-
Alternatively, convert IC to CO2 with acid and remove the centration range more than 10 times the blank will be determined.
CO2 by purging before sample injection. The sample then con- If samples cannot be examined immediately, refrigerate and hold
tains only the NPOC fraction of total carbon. To determine TOC, them with minimal exposure to light and atmosphere. If NPOC will
purgeable organic carbon also must be measured. (Note: NPOC be determined, use appropriate acid during collection to adjust pH
is reported as TOC when analyzing samples for drinking water to ≤2. Keep in mind, however, that acid preservation invalidates any
regulatory purposes.) IC determination. The choice of acid depends on the instrument
b. Interference: Removing carbonate and bicarbonate via acid- manufacturer; consult the instruction manual. Also, acidification
ification and purging with purified gas results in the loss of vol- may cause both inorganic and organic materials to precipitate. If
atile organics. Volatiles also can be lost during storage or sample this happens, try another acid. In general, changing acid will not
blending, particularly if the temperature is allowed to rise. Another affect precipitation of organics but may prevent precipitation of
important loss can occur if large carbon-containing particles fail inorganics that may adsorb organics and the particles may cause
to enter the needle or sampling tube used for injection. Although clogging of the sample-introduction system. Any precipitate should
filtration eliminates particulate carbon when determining DOC be well suspended before the sample is injected into the analyzer.
only, it can result in DOC loss or gain, depending on the physi- Precipitated organic material often can be redissolved by adding
cal properties of carbonaceous compounds and the adsorption or NaOH free of CO2 and organic matter. Be sure to treat blanks and
desorption of carbonaceous material on the filter (see 5310 A.4 samples identically. Maintain acidified samples just above freezing
for sample filtering requirements). Check the filters contribution up to 6 °C during shipment and store them at ≤6 °C until analy-
to DOC by analyzing a filtered blank. (Note: Any contact with sis (maximum holding time is 28 d). Sample stability depends on
organic material may contaminate a sample. Avoid contaminated the type of organics and sample matrix involved; analyze samples
glassware, plastic containers, and rubber tubing.) Analyze sample as soon as possible. When determining IC and then TOC, refrig-
treatment, system, and reagent blanks. Some carbonates require erate the sample but do NOT adjust pH. Then analyze it as soon
combustion temperatures above 650 °C to decompose, so lower- as possible because TOC may biodegrade significantly before the
temperature systems must destroy carbonates via acidification. regulatory 28-d holding time expires. Alternatively, determine IC
Elemental carbon may not be oxidized at lower temperatures, but independently on an unacidified sample, and then determine TOC
it generally is not present in water samples or formed during the via difference using a second, acidified sample (recognizing that
combustion of dilute samples. However, at lower temperatures the IC result for the second sample, used to determine TOC, will
(680 °C), dissolved salt fusion is minimized, resulting in lower not represent the IC concentration in the first sample).
blank values. e. Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be
Combustion gases (e.g., water, halide compounds, and nitro- an integral part of this method are summarized in Table 5020:1.
gen oxides) may interfere with the detection system. Consult Additionally, follow all QC described in the method itself.
manufacturers’ recommendations regarding proper selection
and maintenance of scrubber materials and check for any matrix 2. Apparatus
The major limitation to high-temperature techniques is the a. Total organic carbon analyzer, using high-temperature com-
blank’s magnitude and variability. Instrument manufacturers have bustion techniques.
developed new catalysts and procedures that yield lower blanks, b. Sampling, injection, and sample preparation accessories, as
resulting in lower detection levels. prescribed by instrument manufacturer.
c. Minimum detectable concentration: Although instrument c. Sample blender or homogenizer.
performance varies, most high-temperature combustion analyz- d. Magnetic stirrer and PTFE-coated stirring bars.
ers can detect 1 mg/L of carbon or less. To reduce the minimum e. Filtering apparatus and filters: See 5310 A.4.
detectable concentration, it may be possible to increase the por-
tion injected for analysis. 3. Reagents
d. Sampling and storage: If possible, rinse bottles with sample
before filling. Field blanks can be used to check for atmospheric con- a. Reagent water: Prepare reagents, blanks, and standard solu-
tamination during sampling by exposing the field blank to the same tions from ASTM Type I water whose TOC content is <1/2 MRL.
atmospheric conditions as samples during the sampling procedure. 5
5310 Total Organic Carbon - B. High-Temperature Combustion Method

b. Acid: Refer to instrument manufacturer’s specifications. When determining DOC, filter samples (see 5310 A.4). Analyze
Check the acid for TOC content. a homogenizing blank (reagent water carried through the homog-
c. Organic carbon stock solution: Dissolve 2.1254 g anhydrous enizing treatment).
primary-standard-grade potassium biphthalate, C8H5KO4, in carbon- When measuring NPOC, first remove IC in accordance with
free water and dilute to 1000 mL (1.00 mL = 1.00 mg carbon). Prepare instrument manufacturer’s instructions. Check IC-removal effi-
laboratory control standards using any other appropriate organ- ciency (5310 A.5b10). Alternatively, transfer a representative por-
ic-carbon-containing compound of adequate purity, stability, and tion (10 to 15 mL) to an appropriate tube or container, add acid
water solubility. Commercially prepared standards may be used. to reduce pH to ≤2, and purge with gas for the time determined
To preserve, use appropriate acid to adjust pH to ≤2, and store in 5310 A.5. When samples are purged externally before being
sample just above freezing up to 6 °C. Use the same acid in stan- injected into the oxidation zone, acidifying them to pH ≤2 may
dards, samples, and blanks. cause most hydrophobic molecules to be lost to the sample vessel
d. IC stock solution: Dissolve 4.4122 g anhydrous sodium car- walls. Acidifying to pH 4 minimizes such losses, but check IC-
bonate, Na2CO3, in water; add 3.497 g anhydrous sodium bicar- removal efficiency. Some instruments automatically purge samples
bonate, NaHCO3; and dilute to 1000 mL (1.00 mL = 1.00 mg as part of the TOC analysis cycle. Volatile organic carbon will be
carbon). Alternatively, use another IC compound of adequate lost when the acidified solution is purged, so report organic car-
purity, stability, and water solubility. Keep tightly stoppered. Do bon as total NPOC. If the instrument separately determines IC
not acidify. (Note: This solution is used to prepare standards for (carbonate, bicarbonate, free CO2) and total carbon, verify sparg-
the analyzer’s IC channel.) ing efficiency for the TOC determination. If the instrument deter-
e. IC-removal check solution: Because inorganic salts are not mines TOC by calculating the difference between TC and IC, IC
soluble in a single concentrated solution, prepare 4 separate stock still may need to be sparged from the sample to avoid excessive
solutions (A-D). error. To verify that the instrument is operating appropriately,
• Prepare Solution A by dissolving 2.565 g magnesium sulfate analyze standards with IC levels higher than those in samples and
heptahydrate (MgSO4 ⋅ 7H2O in low-TOC water and diluting TOC levels near the MRL to show proper recoveries.
to 1 L with low-TOC water. c. Sample injection: Withdraw a portion of prepared sample
• Prepare Solution B by dissolving 0.594 g ammonium chloride using a syringe fitted with a blunt-tipped needle. Select the sample
(NH4Cl), 2.050 g calcium chloride dehydrate (CaCl2 ⋅ 2H2O), volume according to manufacturer’s directions. Stir particle-laden
0.248 g calcium nitrate tetrahydrate [Ca(NO3)2 ⋅ 4H2O], samples with a magnetic stirrer. Select needle size consistent
0.283 g potassium chloride (KCl), and 0.281 g sodium chlo- with sample particle size. Other sample-injection techniques
ride (NaCl) to 1 L of low-TOC water. (e.g., sample loops) may be used. Inject samples and standards
• Prepare Solution C by adding 2.806 g sodium bicarbonate into analyzer according to manufacturer’s directions and record
(NaHCO3) and 0.705 g sodium phosphate dibasic heptahy- response. Repeat injection until at least 3 replicate measurements
drate (Na2HPO4 ⋅ 7H2O) to low-TOC water and diluting to 1 are reproducible to within ±10% RSD.
L with low-TOC water. d. Preparation of standard curve: Prepare standard organic and
• Prepare Solution D by dissolving 1.862 g sodium-meta sili- IC series by diluting stock solutions to create a range of samples
cate nonahydrate (Na2SiO3 ⋅ 9H2O) in low-TOC water and that spans the instrument’s linear range. Include a minimum of a
diluting to 1 L with low-TOC water. reagent water blank and 4 calibration levels within the curve. Use
Take a 10-mL aliquot from each solution (A-D) and add it to reagent water to dilute samples above the instrument’s linear range.
a 40-mL vial. Acidify with 40 µL of an appropriate acid; use the Inject each standard and dilution water blank and record its peak
same acid used for sample preservation. height or area. Plot carbon concentration in milligrams per liter
f. Carrier gas: Purified oxygen or air (as specified by instru- against corrected peak height or area (unnecessary for instruments
ment manufacturer), CO2-free and containing less than 1 ppm that digitally compute concentration). Instruments with coulomet-
hydrocarbon (as methane). Contaminated gases or gas lines will ric detectors and computerized IR detectors do not require cali-
result in elevated background levels. Commercial gas purifiers bration curves. For instruments with these detectors, demonstrate
are available. linearity and verify that the instrument is operating correctly by
g. Purging gas: Any appropriate gas that meets the carrier-gas evaluating blanks and standards covering the analytical range.
specifications. In many laboratories, reagent water is the major contributor
to the blank’s results. However, correcting only the instrument
4. Procedure response to standards (which contain reagent water, reagents, and
system blank) creates a positive error; correcting the instrument
a. Instrument operation: Follow manufacturer’s instructions for response to reagent-water blanks (which contain only reagents
assembling, testing, calibrating, and operating analyzer. Adjust to and system blank contributions) creates a negative error. Many
optimum combustion temperature before using instrument; mon- analyzers allow combustion water to be recycled through the ana-
itor temperature to ensure stability. lyzer and analyzed as a blank. Others allow the trapped water to
b. Sample treatment: If a sample contains gross solids or insol- be sampled and re-injected. This should be done with and without
uble matter, homogenize until satisfactory replication is obtained. purging to determine the TOC contribution of the purging step.
Sometimes dilution helps to dissolve or suspend solids. If the Inject samples and determine organic carbon concentrations
sample solids cannot be dispersed so they can be representa- directly from the readout or from measurements by comparing
tively inserted into the analyzer, then consider filtering the sam- corrected instrument response to the calibration curve. Regularly
ple through a quartz filter and analyzing the retentate for carbon. analyze laboratory-control samples to confirm instrument perfor-
mance (see 5310 A.5). Monitor the system blank regularly. 6
5310 Total Organic Carbon - B. High-Temperature Combustion Method

Table 5310:1. Statistical Summary of Results of TOC Determination by High Temperature Combustion for 3 Matrices Evaluated Using Youden Pairs

Matrix 1 2 3 4 10 11
Number of usable values 6 6 6 6 7 7
True concentration, C (mg/L) – – – – 50.1 40.1
Mean recovery, XBAR – – – – 49.8 40.2
Percent recovery – – – – 99.4 100
Overall standard deviation, St 0.34 0.56 1.19 1.36 4.28 3.18
Overall relative standard deviation (%) 8.78 16.2 14.2 14.0 8.60 7.90
Number of usable pairs 6 ... 6 ... 7 ...
Single operator standard deviation, So 0.372 ... 0.59 ... 1.32 ...
Single operator relative standard deviation (%) 10.2 ... 6.58 ... 2.94 ...
– Cannot calculate recovery because natural matrices contain an unknown concentration of TOC.
Reprinted, with permission, from ASTM D7573-18ae1 Standard Test Method for Total Carbon and Organic Carbon in Water by High Temperature Catalytic Combustion
and Infrared Detection, copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete standard may be obtained from

5. Calculations 7. Precision

Calculate the corrected instrument response to standards and The difficulty of sampling particulates can limit the method’s
samples by subtracting the instrument-blank results from those precision.
of the standard and sample. Prepare a standard curve of cor- A collaborative study of the high-temperature combustion
rected instrument response vs. TOC concentration. Only subtract method has been conducted on 9 water matrices in the range of
reagent water blank from standards prepared in reagent water or 0.5 to 50 mg/L of carbon.1 These data are shown in Tables 5310:1
from the portion of diluted samples containing reagent water. The and 5310:2.
instrument response is compared to the standard curve to deter-
mine carbon content. Apply the appropriate dilution factor when Reference
necessary. Subtract IC from total carbon when TOC is determined
by calculating the difference. 1. ASTM D7573-18ae1. Standard test method for total carbon and organic
Note: The reagent water blank may include an instrument carbon in water by high temperature catalytic combustion and infrared
contribution not dependent on reagent-water carbon and a true detection. West Conshohocken (PA): ASTM International; 2019.
response due to reagent-water carbon. When reagent-water carbon
is a significant fraction of reagent-water blank, a negative error no Bibliography
larger than the reagent-water blank is introduced in sample values.
Using recycled water permits isolation of each contribution to the Van Hall CE, Barth D, Stenger VA. Elimination of carbonates from
total blank. Apply appropriate blank corrections to the instrument aqueous solutions prior to organic carbon determination. Anal Chem.
response to standards (reagent blank, reagent water blank, system 1965;37(6):769–771.
blank) and sample (reagent blank and system blank). Busch AW. Energy, total carbon, and oxygen demand. Water Resource
Res. 1966;2(1):59–69.
Blackmore RH, Voshel D. Rapid determination of total organic carbon
6. Quality Control (TOC) in sewage. Water Sewage Works. 1967;114:398–401.
American Society for Testing & Materials. Standard test method for total
See 5310 A.5. organic carbon in water; D2579-93. In: Annual Book of ASTM Stan-
dards. West Conshohocken (PA): ASTM International; 1994.

Table 5310:2. Statistical Summary of Determination of TOC by High Temperature Combustion in Additional Matrices
Matrix 5 6 7 8 9 12
Number of useable values 14 12 12 14 12 12
True concentration (mg/L) 5.39 N/A N/A 21.0 N/A 0.501
Mean recovery (mg/L) 5.67 1.61 1.68 21.9 3.63 0.808
% Recovery 105 N/A N/A 104 N/A 161
Overall standard deviation, St 0.777 0.265 0.350 2.53 0.374 0.162
Overall relative standard 13.71 16.48 20.99 11.54 10.28 20.02
deviation (%)
Single operator standard deviation So 0.549 0.243 0.329 1.156 0.317 0.150
Single operator relative standard
9.68 15.47 19.75 5.27 8.71 18.59
deviation (%)
Reprinted, with permission, from ASTM D7573-18ae1 Standard Test Method for Total Carbon and Organic Carbon in Water by High Temperature Catalytic Combustion
and Infrared Detection, copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. A copy of the complete standard may be obtained from
5310 Total Organic Carbon - C. Persulfate-Ultraviolet or Heated-Persulfate Oxidation Method

5310 C. Persulfate-Ultraviolet or Heated-Persulfate Oxidation Method

1. General Discussion be affected by many factors, check the oxidation efficiency with
selected model compounds representative of the compounds of
Many instruments that use persulfate to oxidize organic carbon interest in a matrix representative of the sample.
are available. They depend either on catalyzed heat or UV irradi- Some instruments give low results for difficult-to-oxidize com-
ation to activate the reagents. These oxidation methods measure pounds under certain conditions. The following compounds are
trace levels of organic carbon in water rapidly and precisely. difficult to oxidize, are sufficiently water-soluble, and can be
a. Principle: Persulfate oxidizes organic carbon to CO2 in the mixed and measured accurately at trace levels:
presence of heat and a catalyst or UV light (or both). The CO2 • urea,
produced may be purged from the sample, dried, and transferred • nicotinic acid,
with a carrier gas to a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer, be • pyridine,
coulometrically titrated, or be separated from the liquid stream by • n-butanol,
a membrane that specifically allows CO2 to pass into high-purity • acetic acid,
water. The change in the high-purity water’s conductivity corre- • leucine,
sponds to the amount of CO2 passing the membrane. • acetonitrile,
Some instruments use a UV lamp submerged in a continuously • octoxynol-9,
gas-purged reactor filled with a constant-feed persulfate solution. • tartaric acid,
The samples are either introduced serially into the reactor by an • 1,10-phenanthroline,
autosampler or injected manually. The CO2 produced is sparged • 1-glutonic acid,
continuously from the solution and is carried in the gas stream • 2-propanol,
to an infrared analyzer specifically tuned to the absorptive wave- • caffeine, and
length of CO2. The instrument’s microprocessor calculates the • sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate.
area of the peaks produced by the analyzer, compares them to the Use these compounds as matrix additions to evaluate oxidation
peak area of the calibration standard stored in its memory, and efficiency.
prints out a calculated organic carbon value in milligrams per liter. In samples containing significant concentrations of chloride,
Other UV–persulfate instruments use continuous-flow sample persulfate oxidation of organic molecules is slowed by the prefer-
injection and have an option for IC removal via vacuum degassing. ential oxidation of chloride. When chloride concentrations exceed
The sample is acidified, persulfate is added, and then the sample 0.05%, organic matter oxidation may be inhibited. To remove this
flow is split. One channel passes to a delay coil, while the other interference, extend reaction time or increase the amount of per-
passes through the UV reactor. CO2 is separated from each sample sulfate solution in heated-persulfate instruments.
stream by CO2-selective membranes into high-purity water, whose With any organic carbon measurement, contamination during
change in conductivity is measured. CO2 from the non-UV-irradiated sample handling and treatment is a likely source of interference.
stream represents IC. CO2 from the irradiated stream represents TC. Take extreme care when sampling, handling, and analyzing sam-
The instrument automatically converts the detector signals to units ples <1 mg/L TOC.
of concentration (mg/L or µg/L of carbon). The TOC is calculated c. Minimum detectable concentration: Concentrations <0.1 mg/L
as the difference between the TC and IC channels. TOC can be measured by some instruments if scrupulous atten-
Heated-persulfate instruments use a catalyst in a digestion ves- tion is given to minimizing sample contamination and method
sel heated to 95 to 100 °C. Samples are added by direct injection, background.
loop injection, line injection, or autosampler. After IC is removed d. Sampling and storage: See 5310 B.ld.
via acidification and sparging, a measured amount of persulfate e. Quality control (QC): See 5310 A.5. The QC practices con-
solution is added to the sample. After an oxidation period, the sidered to be an integral part of this method are summarized in
resulting CO2 is sparged from the solution and carried to an infra- Table 5020:1. Also, follow all QC described in the method itself.
red analyzer specifically tuned to the absorptive wavelength of
CO2. The instrument’s microprocessor converts the detector sig- 2. Apparatus
nal into organic carbon concentrations in milligrams per liter of
carbon, based on stored calibration data. a. Total organic carbon analyzer using persulfate oxidation
b. Interferences: Chloride interferes with persulfate oxidation, principle.
so HCl must not be used to acidify samples for this method b. Sampling and injection accessories, as specified by the
(see 5310 B.1). Insufficient acidification or sparging results in instrument manufacturer.
incomplete removal of IC (see 5310 A.5b10). c. Filtering apparatus: See 5310 A.4.
The intensity of the UV light reaching the sample matrix may
be reduced by highly turbid samples or aging lamps, resulting in 3. Reagents
sluggish or incomplete oxidation. Large organic particles or large
or complex organic molecules (e.g., tannins, lignins, and humic a. Reagents listed in 5310 B.3.
acid) may oxidize slowly or incompletely because persulfate b. Persulfate solution: Different instrument manufacturers rec-
oxidation is rate-limited. However, many large biological mole- ommend different forms and concentrations of peroxydisulfate.
cules (e.g., proteins and monoclonal antibodies) oxidize rapidly. Typical preparations are as follows:
Because the organic carbon-to-CO2 conversion efficiency may 8
5310 Total Organic Carbon - C. Persulfate-Ultraviolet or Heated-Persulfate Oxidation Method

1) Sodium peroxydisulfate, 10%—Dissolve 100 g reagent in Overall precision is expressed as:

water; bring volume to 1 L.
2) Ammonium peroxydisulfate, 15%—Dissolve 150 g reagent St = 0.08x + 0.1
in water; bring volume to 1 L.
3) Potassium peroxydisulfate, 2%—Dissolve 20 g reagent in where:
water; bring volume to 1 L.
So = single-operator precision,
Check blank values from reagents and, if values are high, purify
x = TOC concentration (mg/L of carbon), and
the reagent or use a higher-purity source.
St = overall precision.

4. Procedure A collaborative study was conducted for the membrane con-

ductivity method, (data may be obtained from Standard Methods
a. Instrument operation: Follow manufacturer’s instructions manager, American Water Works Association) covering samples
for assembling, testing, calibrating, and operating the analyzer. with organic carbon concentrations between 1 and 25 mg/L of
b. Sample preparation: If a sample contains particulates, carbon. The resulting equation for single-operator precision is:
homogenize until a representative portion can be withdrawn
through the syringe needle, autosampler tubing, or sample inlet So = 0.012x – 0.022
system of continuous on-line monitor.
When determining DOC, filter the sample and a reagent water Overall precision is expressed as:
blank through a filter consistent with the specification contained
in 5310 A.4. St = 0.027x + 0.09
When determining NPOC, transfer an appropriate volume of
sample to an appropriate container and acidify to pH 2. Purge where terms are defined as above.
according to the IC-removal procedure in 5310 A.5. Some instru-
ments include the IC-removal steps, but they must be evaluated as Reference
specified in 5310 A.5.
c. Sample injection: See 5310 B.4c. 1. American Society for Testing & Materials. Standard test method for
d. Standard curve preparation: Prepare an organic carbon stan- total carbon in water by ultraviolet, or persulfate oxidation, or both,
dard series that spans the range of organic carbon concentrations and infrared detection; D4839-88. In: Annual Book of ASTM Stan-
in samples. Run standards and blanks, and record the analyzer’s dards. West Conshohocken (PA): ASTM International; 1994.
response. Determine instrument response for each standard and
blank. Unless CO2 is trapped and desorbed, producing consis- Bibliography
tent peak heights, determinations based on peak height may be
inadequate because of differences in the oxidation rates of stan- Beattie J, Bricker C, Garvin D. Photolytic determination of trace amounts
dards and samples. Correct the instrument response to standards of organic material in water. Anal Chem. 1961;33:1890.
by subtracting reagent water blank and plotting organic carbon Armstrong FAJ, Williams PM, Strickland JDH. Photooxidation of organic
concentration in milligrams per liter against corrected instru- matter in sea water by ultraviolet radiation, analytical and other appli-
cations. Nature 1966;211:481–483.
ment response. (This is unnecessary for instruments that digitally
Bramer HC, Walsh MJ, Caruso SC. Instrument for monitoring trace
compute concentration.) Be sure that the instrument’s algorithm organic compounds in water. Water Sewage Works. 1966;113:275–
includes blank correction and linearity of response. To confirm 278.
proper instrument operation, analyze standards with concentra- Dobbs RA, Wise RH, Dean RB. Measurement of organic carbon in
tions above and below those determined in the samples (prefera- water using the hydrogen flame ionization detector. Anal Chem.
bly prepared in a similar matrix). 1967;39(11):1255–1258.
Montgomery HAC, Thom NS. The determination of low concentrations
5. Calculation of organic carbon in water. Analyst. 1962;87(1038):689–697.
Armstrong FAJ, Tibbitts S. Photochemical combustion of organic matter
in sea water for nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon determination. J Mar
See 5310 B.5 or use instrument manufacturer’s procedure. Biol Assoc UK. 1968;48(1):143–152.
Jones RH, Dageford AF. Application of a high sensitivity total organic
6. Quality Control carbon analyzer. Proc Instr Soc Amer. 1968;6:43.
Takahashi Y, Moore RT, Joyce RJ. Direct determination of organic carbon
See 5310 A.5. in water by reductive pyrolysis. Internatl Lab USA. 1972;4:21–28.
Collins KJ, Leb PJ. Williams. An automated photochemical method for
the determination of dissolved organic carbon in sea and estuarine
7. Precision and Bias waters. Marine Chem. 1977;5(2):123–141.
Gravelet-Blondin LR, Van Vliet HR, Mynhardt PA. An automated method
Collaborative studies of heated persulfate and UV persulfate for the determination of dissolved organic carbon in fresh water. Water
with NDIR detection methods have been conducted in the range SA. 1980;6(3):138–143.
of 0.1 to 4000 mg/L of carbon.1 The resulting equation for organic Oake RJ. A Review of photo-oxidation for the determination of total
carbon (single-operator precision) is: organic carbon in water; technical report. (TR 160). Medmenham
(England): Water Research Center; 1981.
So = 0.04x + 0.1 9
5310 Total Organic Carbon - E. Supercritical Water Oxidation Method

Van Steenderen RA, Lin JS. Determination of dissolved organic carbon Godec R, O’Neil K, Hutte R. New Technology for TOC Analysis in
in water. Anal Chem. 1981;53(13):2157–2158. Water. Ultrapure Water 1992;9(9):17.
Aiken GR. Chloride interference in the analysis of dissolved organic Babatola A, Xu T. Faster and smarter: a BOD-to-TOC conversion enables
carbon by the wet oxidation method. Environ Sci Technol. quick response to process control needs. Water Env Lab Solutions.
1992;26(12):2435–2439. 2010;17(5):7.

5310 D. (Reserved)

5310 E. Supercritical Water Oxidation Method

1. General Discussion Any contact with organic material may contaminate a sample.
Avoid contaminated glassware, plastic containers, and rubber
Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) has been used by the tubing. Analyze sample treatment, system, and reagent blanks.
hazardous waste industry in the treatment of aqueous waste Unlike high-temperature techniques, the moderate temperature
streams and contaminated soils since approximately 1992.1 (≥374 °C) of the SCWO reactor does not affect the magnitude and
Supercritical water oxidation for TOC analysis uses heat, pres- variability of the blank.
sure, and chemical reagents to oxidize organic carbon. c. Minimum detectable concentration: SCWO analyzers can
a. Principle: A sample is homogenized with reagents, diluted, detect concentrations as low as 0.050 mg/L of carbon. See Sec-
and sent to the reactor, which is sealed, heated, and pressurized tion 1020 B.4 for procedures to evaluate the MDL for a specific
to achieve SCWO conditions (>374 °C, 21.7 MPa).2 Supercriti- instrument.
cal water acts as an organic solvent, increasing the solubility of d. Sampling and storage: See 5310 B.1d.
organic carbon in water and decreasing the solubility of inorganic e. Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be
species such as salts.3 The oxidation of organics from the addi- an integral part of this method are summarized in Table 5020:1.
tion of the persulfate progresses rapidly at elevated temperatures. Additionally, follow all QC described in this method.
After oxidation, the cooled sample passes through a gas-liquid
separator where the CO2 produced from oxidation is separated 2. Apparatus
from the matrix solution and subsequently measured via nondis-
persive infrared detection (NDIR) optimized to the absorptive a. Total organic carbon analyzer, using supercritical water oxi-
wavelength of CO2. dation techniques.
Supercritical water oxidation can determine TC or NPOC b. Sampling and injection accessories, as specified by the
directly. TOC cannot be obtained directly and requires separate instrument manufacturer.
measurements to determine IC and TC. Remove IC via acidifica-
tion and sparging or measure it separately and calculate the differ- 3. Reagents
ence between TC and IC to obtain TOC. At pH 2 or less, all IC is
converted to CO2, and the CO2 can be transferred to the NDIR via a. Reagents listed in 5310 B.3.
carrier gas and measured. Under these conditions, organic carbon b. Persulfate solution: Typical oxidizer preparation includes
is not oxidized so only IC is measured. sodium peroxydisulfate (Na2S2O8), 30%. Dissolve 300 g in
The determination of NPOC is by acidic conversion of IC to reagent water; and dilute to 1 L.
CO2. The IC related CO2 is removed by purging before sample
injection into the reactor. Measurements of NPOC only determine
4. Procedure
the nonpurgeable fraction of the organic carbon. To determine
TOC, purgeable organic carbon also must be measured.
b. Interference: Acidification and purging with purified gas to a. Instrument operation: Follow the manufacturer’s instruc-
remove carbonate and bicarbonate before analysis results in the tions for analyzer assembly, testing, calibration, and operation.
loss of volatile organics. The resulting measurement only con- b. Sample treatment: If the sample contains particulates or
tains the nonpurgeable organic fraction of TOC. Additional TOC insoluble matter, homogenize it until the particulate diameter is
loss is possible if large carbon-containing particles do not enter smaller than the inner diameter of the syringe needle, autosam-
the needle or sampling tube used for injections. Although filtra- pler tubing, or sample inlet. Continuous stirring of a sample con-
tion eliminates particulate carbon when determining DOC only, it taining small diameter settleable solids may increase the sample’s
can result in DOC loss or gain, depending on the physical proper- uniformity. Dilution may help dissolve and suspend solids. If the
ties of carbonaceous compounds and the adsorption or desorption sample solids cannot be dispersed so they can be representatively
of carbonaceous material on the filter (see 5310 A.4). Check the inserted into the analyzer, consider filtering the sample through a
filter’s contribution to DOC by analyzing a filtered blank. quartz filter and analyzing the retentate for carbon. When deter-
Acid preservation invalidates any IC determination because of mining DOC, filter the samples (5310 A.4). Analyze a reagent
the loss of IC when converting carbonates and bicarbonates to water blank carried through the homogenizing treatment.
CO2, which is liberated as a gas before analysis. If the instrument separately determines IC and TC, verify the
sparging efficiency for the TOC determination. If the instrument 10
5310 Total Organic Carbon - E. Supercritical Water Oxidation Method

Table 5310:3. Collaborative Results of Supercritical Water Oxidation TOC in Reagent Watera

Concentration of Average TOC (mg/L) TOC Grand

Compound SD
Compound (mg/L) Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Average (mg/L)

0.5 KHP 0.61 0.50 0.47 0.5 0.52 0.06

Sucrose 0.43 0.49 0.49 0.51 0.48 0.03
Nicotinic acid 0.52 0.48 0.48 0.51 0.50 0.02
Urea 0.48 0.5 0.49 0.48 0.49 0.01
2 KHP 2.31 1.95 1.91 1.99 2.04 0.18
Sucrose 2.31 1.98 1.92 2.00 2.05 0.18
Nicotinic acid 1.99 1.96 1.93 2.03 1.98 0.04
Urea 2.08 2.05 1.96 1.98 2.02 0.06
4 KHP 4.31 3.92 3.93 4.03 4.05 0.18
Sucrose 4.25 3.96 3.86 3.96 4.01 0.17
Nicotinic Acid 3.99 3.95 3.98 4.07 4.00 0.05
Urea 4.40 4.06 3.98 3.99 4.11 0.20
8 KHP 8.18 7.89 7.95 7.99 8.00 0.13
Sucrose 8.06 7.97 7.82 8.03 7.97 0.11
Nicotinic acid 7.97 8.08 8.05 8.08 8.05 0.05
Urea 8.07 8.24 8.00 8.03 8.09 0.11
10 KHP 10.10 10.50 10.10 10.30 10.25 0.19
Sucrose 10.30 10.30 9.97 9.84 10.10 0.23
Nicotinic acid 10.50 10.30 10.20 10.20 10.30 0.14
Urea 10.30 10.70 10.20 10.10 10.33 0.26
25 KHP 25.00 26.00 25.20 25.20 25.35 0.44
Sucrose 25.30 25.60 25.20 24.90 25.25 0.29
Nicotinic acid 25.70 26.20 25.50 25.40 25.70 0.36
Urea 25.10 26.30 25.50 25.00 25.48 0.59
50 KHP 50.10 50.30 49.90 50.10 50.10 0.16
Sucrose 50.70 50.20 49.60 49.90 50.10 0.47
Nicotinic acid 49.90 50.50 50.40 49.80 50.15 0.35
Urea 50.10 50.80 50.40 49.80 50.28 0.42
75 KHP 75.50 74.60 75.40 73.20 74.68 1.06
Sucrose 75.20 72.90 73.50 72.60 73.55 1.16
Nicotinic Acid 75.30 73.10 75.50 73.60 74.38 1.20
Urea 75.40 75.60 75.30 73.90 75.05 0.78
The samples were prepared in the Applications Lab at SUEZ WTS. Two separate aliquots of each sample were run with 3 replicates on the instruments. In each lab, 2 ana-
lysts carried out the analyses.
Note: Lab 1 results were obtained at Pace Analytical in Minneapolis, MN; Lab 2 results were obtained at Eurofins Test America in Arvada CO; Lab 3 results were obtained
at Suez WTS Laboratory in Boulder, CO; Lab 4 results were obtained at Eurofins Test America in Pittsburgh, PA.
1. Standard Methods validation report for the Sievers InnoVox laboratory TOC analyzer. Boulder (CO): Suez Water Technologies & Solutions; 2020.

determines TOC by calculating the difference between TC and 7. Precision and Bias
IC, the IC still may need to be sparged from the sample to avoid
excessive error when IC is significantly larger than TOC. To ver- Collaborative studies of the SCWO method have been con-
ify the instrument’s performance for proper recoveries, analyze ducted in the range 0.5 to 75 mg/L C4 (Table 5310:3 through
standards with IC levels higher than those in samples and TOC Table 5310:6). The equation for organic carbon in reagent water,
levels near the MRL. single-operator precision is:
c. Sample injection: See Section 5310 B.4.c.
d. Standard curve: See Section 5310 B.4d. So = 0.009x + 0.040

5. Calculations Overall precision is:

See 5310 B.5, or use the manufacturer’s instructions. St = 0.014x + 0.089

6. Quality Control where:

So = single-operator precision,
See 5310 A.5. St = overall precision, and
x = TOC concentration (mg/L). 11
5310 Total Organic Carbon - E. Supercritical Water Oxidation Method

Table 5310:4. Collaborative Results of Supercritical Water Oxidation TOC in Municipal Watera

Concentration of Average TOC (mg/L) TOC Average

Compound SD
Compound (mg/L) Lab 1 Lab 1 Lab 3 Lab 4 (mg/L)

0.5 KHP 0.46 0.45 0.48 0.55 0.49 0.05

Sucrose 0.51 0.47 0.51 0.51 0.50 0.02
Nicotinic acid 0.56 0.52 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.03
Urea 0.50 0.43 0.51 0.52 0.49 0.04
2 KHP 1.97 1.95 2.03 2.00 1.99 0.04
Sucrose 2.09 1.98 1.99 2.00 2.02 0.05
Nicotinic acid 2.09 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.05 0.03
Urea 2.11 1.94 2.00 1.92 1.99 0.09
4 KHP 4.19 3.98 4.02 4.02 4.05 0.09
Sucrose 4.23 3.95 4.09 4.02 4.07 0.12
Nicotinic acid 4.17 4.11 4.07 3.96 4.08 0.09
Urea 3.99 3.95 4.06 4.02 4.01 0.05
8 KHP 8.19 8.07 8.17 7.98 8.10 0.10
Sucrose 8.35 8.06 8.07 8.15 8.16 0.13
Nicotinic acid 8.17 8.1 8.19 8.12 8.15 0.04
Urea 8.09 8.12 8.24 8.06 8.13 0.08
The samples were prepared in the Applications Lab at SUEZ WTS. Two separate aliquots of each sample were run with 3 replicates on the instruments. In each lab, 2 ana-
lysts carried out the analyses.
Note: Lab 1 results were obtained at Pace Analytical in Minneapolis, MN; Lab 2 results were obtained at Eurofins Test America in Arvada CO; Lab 3 results were obtained
at Suez WTS Laboratory in Boulder, CO; Lab 4 results were obtained at Eurofins Test America in Pittsburgh, PA.
1. Standard Methods validation report for the Sievers InnoVox laboratory TOC analyzer. Boulder (CO): Suez Water Technologies & Solutions; 2020.

Table 5310:5. Collaborative Results of Supercritical Water Oxidation TOC in Seawatera

Concentration of Average TOC (mg/L) Average TOC
Compound SD
Compound (mg/L) Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 (mg/L)
10 KHP 10.1 10.1 10 9.99 10.05 0.06
Sucrose 10.3 10.1 9.94 10 10.09 0.16
Nicotinic acid 10 9.98 10.2 10.1 10.07 0.10
Urea 10.9 10.7 10.8 10.4 10.70 0.22
25 KHP 24.9 25.2 25 24.6 24.93 0.25
Sucrose 24.9 24.5 24.5 24.3 24.55 0.25
Nicotinic acid 25.1 24.9 24.9 23.8 24.68 0.59
Urea 25.2 26.6 26.3 25.4 25.88 0.68
50 KHP 48.4 48.4 48.4 47.4 48.15 0.50
Sucrose 48.5 48.1 47.1 47.9 47.90 0.59
Nicotinic acid 48.8 48.2 48.9 47.4 48.33 0.69
Urea 50.7 51.3 51.3 49.4 50.68 0.90
75 KHP 73 72 71.8 69.4 71.55 1.53
Sucrose 72.5 71 70.9 69.7 71.03 1.15
Nicotinic acid 71.9 71 73.1 71.4 71.85 0.91
Urea 75.5 74.9 76.7 73.3 75.10 1.41
The samples were prepared in the Applications Lab at SUEZ WTS. Two separate aliquots of each sample were run with 3 replicates on the instruments. In each lab, 2 ana-
lysts carried out the analyses.
Note: Lab 1 results were obtained at Pace Analytical in Minneapolis, MN; Lab 2 results were obtained at Eurofins Test America in Arvada CO; Lab 3 results were obtained
at Suez WTS Laboratory in Boulder, CO; Lab 4 results were obtained at Eurofins Test America in Pittsburgh, PA.
1. Standard Methods validation report for the Sievers InnoVox laboratory TOC analyzer. Boulder (CO): Suez Water Technologies & Solutions; 2020. 12
5310 Total Organic Carbon - E. Supercritical Water Oxidation Method

Table 5310:6. Overall Precision and Bias for Supercritical Water References
Oxidation TOC Method
Average 1. Barner H, Huang C, Johnson T, Jacobs G, Martch M, Killilea W.
TOC TOC Standard % Supercritical water oxidation: An emerging technology. J Hazardous
Matrix (mg/L) (mg/L) Deviation RSD Bias Materials. 1992;31(1):1–17.
2. Crooker P, Ahluwalia K, Fan Z, Prince J. Operating results from super-
Reagent water 0.5 0.50 0.04 7.41 –0.01 critical water oxidation plants. Ind Eng Chem Res. 2000;39(12):4865–
2.0 2.03 0.12 5.97 0.03 4870.
4.0 4.05 0.15 3.72 0.05 3. Kritzer P, Dinjus E. An assessment of supercritical water oxidation
8.0 8.02 0.10 1.26 0.02 (SCWO): Existing problems, possible solutions and new reactor con-
10.0 10.29 0.21 2.04 0.29 cepts. Chem Eng J. 2001;83(3):207–214.
25.0 25.55 0.43 1.67 0.55 4. Standard Methods validation report for the Sievers InnoVox labora-
50.0 50.24 0.34 0.68 0.24 tory TOC analyzer. Boulder (CO): Suez Water Technologies & Solu-
75.0 74.78 1.11 1.48 –0.23 tions; [DATE].
Municipal water 0.5 0.50 0.03 6.88 0.00
2.0 2.01 0.06 2.75 0.01
4.0 4.05 0.09 2.13 0.05
8.0 8.13 0.09 1.07 0.13
Seawater 10.0 10.23 0.31 3.05 0.23
25.0 25.01 0.69 2.76 0.01
50.0 48.76 1.30 2.67 –1.24
75.0 72.38 2.00 2.77 –2.62

Published Online: August 27, 2018

Revised: May 23, 2022 13

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