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Appearance & Attitude Program

Program Outline:
An open door & a welcoming smile can lead to an exceptional experience. These
are amongst the basics but are extremely important in the “Hospitality Industry”.
How you look, dress & present yourself speaks volumes about your approach
towards guests. It is important to understand, that no matter what your job role,
you're the face of your organization. The act of grooming is to make yourself &, as
an extension, the organization presentable.

Grooming & etiquette is not a onetime thing. It is an on-going process & can be
perfected over a lifetime. It helps you in engaging your guest, understanding what
they want & connecting with them better to make their stay comfortable &

Program Selling Points:

1) Understanding of norms & protocol: You interact with both professional
& personal individuals. As each time it is important to follow the code of
conduct of the industry. This ensures a memorable experience for the visitor &
repeated business for you.

2) Refinement & interpersonal skills: When we talk about a well-groomed

person, it is not just about your dressing sense or physical appearance. It is
about the overall demeanor & how you carry & conduct yourself in public. A
good communication skill & a warm personality is always a bonus.

3) Attitude & outlook: Every industry requires the right attitude. The
hospitality industry demands a calm, collected & positive attitude. Your body
language should make the visitor comfortable in approaching you. Keeping a
warm smile always may seem difficult, but it goes a long way in making visitors
feel welcome.

4) Etiquette is a must: People appreciate right etiquettes. It is important to

know the proper way to conduct yourself, be it a polite manner of speaking or a
graceful walk. One can learn the globally practiced & industry-accepted
etiquette through the right training . Even after the training is over, you can
keep improving your skills through constant practice.

5) Communications skills: This is the most important quality that needs to be

perfected to be a part of the hospitality industry. It is not only advisable to be
polite, but you also need to be articulate. The biggest mistake that you can
make is to speak in a local language. You may feel compelled to speak in your
mother tongue with your colleagues. But avoid the temptation at all costs.
Using a different language in front of the visitor may make him feel unwelcome.
Use the language that the visitor can comprehend.

Program Courses:
1) First & Last Impression: Being hospitality professional is a challenge. It
is more than a profession; it is a lifestyle that requires personality, charm,
enthusiasm, maintaining self, respecting attitude and have a sense of
belonging. For the guests, you the employee are the company. Thus, with
the emphasis on quality and employee empowerment companies must
realize that attracting and retaining guests begins and ends with their
employees/staff. Thus the need for a lasting ‘first impression’.

Course Objectives:
1. Understanding Impact of first impressions in basic interactions.

2. Basic cues for judgment in first few seconds.

3. Importance of presenting a professional image.

4. Impact of dressing, grooming and body language on your appraisal.

5. Critical role of staff in satisfying and retaining clientele.

2) Professional Dress for Men: When you don’t wear and uniform, you
are more challenged in the industry to communicate professionalism to the
world, through your clothing and personal grooming. You won’t brag about
your credentials but your choice of clothing, grooming and body language
shall speak volumes about your attitude, professionalism and dedication
towards your job. What’s more you need to be dressed to address the
global market!

Course Objectives:

1. What it means to be well dressed in Hospitality.

2. Identify knowing best fits, fabrics and colors for professional dressing

3. Identify accessories e.g. Tie and Pocket square appropriate for business.

4. How to mix and match clothes to the accessories

5. Selecting right collars, and lapels for specific face shapes.

3) Professional Dress for Women: Barring a particular uniform, even

women feel more challenged in the industry to communicate
professionalism to the world through their clothing and personal style. To
carry grace and be lady like is an art and to present it through your attire
needs a good judgement of dressing appropriately. The minute a working
woman walks in, the impression she creates is through her attire and body
language before she even utters a single word. These may seem little but
hold great value in creating an edge over others. Today’s professional
women don’t need to be aping the male ‘uniform’ any longer, they can
convey credibility and authority while expressing femininity, individuality
and complementary to her personal characteristics.

Course Objectives:

1. What it means to be well dressed in Hospitality.

2. Selecting business wardrobe with ease and confidence.

3. Identify knowing best fits, fabrics and colors for professional dressing

4. Recognize different reactions and perceptions to specific outfits.

5. How to mix and match clothes to the accessories e.g. shoes, jewelry etc.

6. Selecting makeup, hairstyles for a more polished look.

4) Wearing Uniform with Class: Uniform provides with a sense of order,

conduct, reassurance and split second recognition. It brings in a sense of
pride, a belonging and to your guests a clear message “I am here to take
care/serve you. A uniform alerts people to your particular job responsibility
and assures them that you have the expertise to help them. And thus we
help you achieve that sense of belonging by enhancing the way you
embrace your uniform.

Course Objectives:

1. Explain importance of well dressed/well groomed, uniformed hospitality employees

2. Identify the cues that you send.

3. Take an objective look at how you present yourself.

4. Proper fit and clothing care.

5. Image makers and breakers in Hospitality.

6. Women’s wear and Men’s wear in the workplace.

7. Accurate and Inaccurate of Dressing and Grooming at the workplace.

5) Business Etiquette: When you don’t wear and uniform, you are more
challenged in the industry to communicate professionalism to the world,
through your clothing and personal grooming. You won’t brag about your
credentials but your choice of clothing, grooming and body language shall
speak volumes about your attitude, professionalism and dedication towards
your job. What’s more you need to be dressed to address the global market!

Course Objectives:

1. Understand Body Language- Your Body Speaks.

2. Identifying of body v/s speech coordination.

3. Identify the key words in serving the guest that produce positive reactions.

4. Recognize the importance of key actions that ensure excellent service while dealing
with clients.

5. Going that extra mile.

6) Dining & Serving Etiquette: Know your table manners, are equally
imperative while serving them. Understanding the flow of meals, handling
them with ease, laying the table as per meal is all in all technical skills that
need to be mastered. Knowledge of international dining etiquette is highly
recommended for the servers as well. Hence the module focuses not only
on table layouts but also manners around the table, guest’s satisfaction, and
serving, taking orders and entertaining guests.

Course Objectives:

1. Different table settings as per occasion

2. Greeting guests, seating arrangements and entertainment

3. Courses of a meal

4. Serving and clearing food

5. Knowledge of spirits.

6. Settling of bill.

Targeted Clientele:
1) Local Chain & Individual Restaurants, Cafes & Bistros.
2) Pubs, Discotheques & Nightclubs.
3) Local Chain & Individual Hotels, Resorts & Nile cruises.
4) Outside Caterers.
5) Food & Beverage Booths.

Marketing Strategy:
Sending a brief outline of the program to targeted clients through the following ways:
1) Emails.
2) Social Media.
3) Door to Door Sales blitz on the targeted market.

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