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Name : Aish Manisha

Npm : 222-110-023
Communications and Social Media

Today's modern society is almost impossible not to be exposed to media

exposure. Whether we realize it or not, media with all its content is present as
part of human life. Along with the times, the presence of media is increasingly
diverse and growing.
Initially, communication in the media runs only in the same direction, in
the sense that media connoisseurs can only enjoy the content presented by
media sources.
The evolution of media consumption, states that ordinary people are no
longer just passive consumers of media content but can actively contribute to
it. The advent of the internet has introduced new methods of communication,
especially through social media, which have changed the way people
communicate in society. Communication now knows no boundaries in terms of
distance, time, or space.
The transformative power of social media, as it can break down social
barriers that often hinder communication.

Defining the word communication is actually not as easy as it seems.
People with each background, can dephysical the word communication in
different ways.
The text addresses different levels of communication, including
intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication. Mass
communication is the largest level, with the widest reach, involving a wide
audience. This includes messages transmitted through media such as

The text also introduces new media concepts, characterized by digitization,

convergence, interactivity.
The emergence of virtual reality, virtual identity virtual communities is a
phenomenon that appears a lot along with the presence of new media. This
phenomenon arises because new media allows users to use the widest possible
space in new media, expand the widest network, and show another identity
with that of the user in the real world.
The term new media is a term to describe the characteristics of media that
are different from those that have existed so far. Media such as television,
radio, magazines, newspapers are classified as old media, and internet media
that contain interactive content are classified as new media. So this term does
not mean that then the old media becomes lost to the new media, but this is a
term to describe the characteristics of the new media.
Social media or also known as social networks is part of new media. It is
clear that the interactive content in new media is very high. Social media,
quoted from Wikipedia, is defined as an online media, with users can easily
participate, share, and create content including blogs, social networks, wikis,
forums and virtual worlds. Blogs, social networks and wikis are the most
common forms of social media
Ardianto in the book Communication 2.0 revealed, that online social media,
called online social networks are not online mass media because social media
has social power that greatly influences public opinion that develops in society.
Raising support or mass movements can be formed because of the power of
online media because what is in social media, proven to be able to shape
opinions, attitudes and behavior of the public or society. This social media
phenomenon can be seen from

It is undeniable that current advances in information technology actually

lead the global community towards the social end. Alan Touraine sees this final
social process as a result of modernization that has reached its extreme today,
referred to as contemporary hypermodernization. This social process is now
accelerated and reaches its maximum state in the hands of internet media that
creates various social relations information.
This reality makes individual viewers seem to compete with each other in
an arena of duels, contests of challenges, seduction, and temptations of the
consumer society. The concept of social end is characterized by social
transparency, in which traditional social categories, boundaries, and hierarchies
in society disappear. This is often associated with the advent of the information
age, in which information networks became transparent and virtual, free from
moral categories and value constraints.
It also mentions the impact of media exposure and interaction in today's
information age, where individuals engaged in digital communication can lose
their sense of self and This text discusses modern man's great dependence on
technology, particularly the internet and social media. It highlights the ethical
challenges of communication in the digital age, including the use of false
identities for negative purposes and the distribution of copyrighted or illicit
material, which is a violation of ethical standards.
The role of the social and cultural environment in shaping individual
behavior and attitudes. It quotes Stanley J. Baran and Edward T. Hall, stating
that communication is the basis of culture and that communication and culture
are inseparable. Changes on one side affect the other.
In addition, the text shows that communication through social media can
influence various aspects, including beliefs, values, attitudes, worldview, social
organization, human nature, orientation
The text addresses the different levels of communication, including
intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication, each
with its own characteristics. It also mentions how the development of new
media has led to a shift in traditional mass communication theory.
The key point is the emergence of "self-mass communication" in new
media, which combines aspects of interpersonal and mass communication. This
new media platform can reach a global audience.
Someone uploads something and then the other party responds, then
interaction occurs, then interpersonal communication occurs. At the same
time, when someone uploads something, what he uploads can be seen and
enjoyed by many people, so at the same time mass communication also occurs,
because mass communication does not require the active involvement of all

In social media, communication becomes more complex as levels of

interpersonal and mass communication blend together. When someone
uploads content and interacts with others, both interpersonal and mass
communication happen simultaneously because everything shared can be seen
by a wide audience. This situation highlights the need for self-awareness and
responsible use of social media. Users should be aware of how their posts can
be affect life.
Name : Aish Manisha
Npm : 222-110-023

Pengaruh Sosial Media Terhadap Komunikasi Interper

As social creatures, individuals are required to be able to overcome

problems that arise as a result of interaction with the social environment and be
able to present themselves in accordance with applicable norms. Sundari
(2008) states that a person is said to have positive self-adjustment if he can
show the following characteristics: the absence of emotional tension, in solving
problems based on rational considerations, leading to problems faced directly
and being able to accept all the consequences.
Communication is a routine activity of humans since they are born,
ranging from the cry of the baby who conveys messages containing
psychological and physiological needs, to messages containing
complementary needs of adults. The internet can help teenagers in
communicating and socializing, because the internet makes it easier for
teenagers to establish relationships with friends or the opposite sex.
The ability to communicate assertively is necessary to reduce the negative
impact of internet use on adolescents. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter,
and others can help in many ways and open up many opportunities for you.
Social networks that are widely used by teenagers are a place to vent for them,
because while at home they are not paid attention to by school or family. The
report shows that Facebook's origins include child trafficking, prostitution, but
children can also be victims of rape.
The trick, parents must change the approach from authoritarian discipline to
a personal family approach. Population is limited as the number of inhabitants
or individuals or who have at least one trait in common. The calculation of the
correlation of the item score with the total score needs to be corrected using the
Part Whole correlation technique (Azwar, 200) The recalculation of the
relevant limit score in the total score after correction aims to reduce the over-
estimation of the validity of the item.
The method used to analyze the data in this study is a quantitative method
with statistical techniques to simplify the data into a form that is easier to read
and interpret. The cyberbullying scale in this study consisted of 24 items that
included aspects of being insinuated through social networks. Normality Test
The data normality test is intended to determine whether or not the data
distribution of each research variable, namely interpersonal communication
and cyber bullying variables. Research data normality test analysis technique
using Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test using SPSS for WindowRelease computer
program. D. Hypothesis Test Results.

Based on the data that has been obtained that has been qualified, a
hypothesis test analysis was carried out using the SPSS for windows release
16.0 program, showing the relationship between interpersonal communication
and cyber bullying in adolescence, showing a correlation of 0.218. The results
of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between
interpersonal communication and cyberbullying in adolescents. The results of
this study are supported by previous research on cyberbullying which resulted
in data that 51.3% of students told their cyberbullying to school friends and
others were unwilling to tell anyone, including their parents. Research, among
1. The number of scales consisting of 2 kinds causes
the subject to become saturated in answering
2. Data collection is carried out by teachers, so it can
result in someone filling in incorrectly. he text
discusses a research study that begins with the
importance of testing assumptions, including the
normality of data distribution and linearity. The
results of the normality test indicate that both the
“Komunikasi Interpersonal” and “Cyber bullying”
variables have normal distributions.
The text also mentions the linearity test, which shows a
linear relationship between cyberbullying and interpersonal

Moving on to the hypothesis testing, the results show a

positive correlation (0.218) between interpersonal
communication and cyberbullying in teenagers. The
statistical significance (p=0.00) suggests a significant
relationship between these variables.

In the discussion section, it is highlighted that there is a

significant relationship between interpersonal
communication and cyberbullying in teenagers. The study is
supported by previous research indicating that a significant
percentage of students experience cyberbullying, often
without confiding in anyone, including their parents. The
impact of social networking sites on teenagers is

The study suggests that many students lack openness with

their parents and teachers about their experiences, and some
may not even understand that they are victims of
cyberbullying. The quality of interpersonal communication
plays a crucial role in reducing or exacerbating

The text concludes by acknowledging some limitations of

the research, such as the limited scale options and data
collection by teachers, which could lead to inaccurate
responses. The text discusses the need to change parenting
approaches and provide more attention to teenagers in
response to the challenges they face, such as cyberbullying
facilitated through social media. It highlights the importance
of addressing the issue through family meetings and
emphasizes the role of parents in protecting their children
from online threats.

The text also mentions that the rapid advancement of

technology requires a better understanding to anticipate and
prevent online crimes. The study involves variables like
“Komunikasi Interpersonal,” “Pengaruh Sosial Media,” and
“Cyberbullying.” It uses scales for data collection, including
validity and reliability assessments.

In terms of data analysis, the text employs quantitative

methods, particularly correlation analysis (Product Moment
correlation) to examine the relationships between social
media influence, cyberbullying, and interpersonal
communication. The research is conducted among high
school students in Semarang who actively use social
networking sites. the importance of individuals being able to
adapt and adjust to social environments. It highlights the
characteristics of positive adaptation, including emotional
stability, rational problem-solving, facing issues directly, and
being realistic and objective. Effective communication is
emphasized as a fundamental aspect of human interaction,
both in face-to-face and digital forms.

The text also points out that the internet can facilitate
communication and socialization for teenagers, making it
easier for them to connect with friends and peers. However,
it mentions that excessive internet usage, particularly in the
form of social media, can lead to reduced face-to-face
communication, especially with family. As a result, the
ability to communicate assertively is crucial to mitigate the
negative impacts of excessive internet use on teenagers.

Furthermore, it highlights that teenagers who are easily

influenced by their peers are vulnerable to the negative
consequences of excessive internet use. Despite the potential
educational benefits of the internet, there is a growing trend
of high interest in social media among urban Indonesian
teenagers, where platforms like Facebook and Twitter serve
as outlets for sharing and expression, especially when they
feel neglected by schools and families.

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