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The Influence ofCommunication and

Social Media (Communications and

Social Media on Interpersonal

Errika Dwi Setya Watie

Lecturer at the Department of Communication
Sciences, University of Semarang

and Cyberbullying in
Media presents to be a part of human life. The presence and development of the
internet brings a new way of how to communicate in social life. Social media presents
and changes the communication paradigm in today's society. Communication in social
media is not limited by distance, time and space.
The rise of many consequences must also be wary of, in the sense of social media
opens up the opportunity for each individual involved in it to issue his opinion freely.
However, self-control should be shared, in order to have free-dom of communication
which does not violate ethical boundaries and does not offend others.

Keywords: Communication, social media.

Vensy Vydia, S.Kom, Anna Dian Savitri,

M.Kom Faculty of Nursanti Irliana,
S.Kom, M.Kom S.Psi, M.Psi
Information Technology
and Communication Faculty of Information Universit
Semarang and Communication y Faculty
University Technology of
Semarang Psycholog
University y
Semarang Semarang
Nursanti.irliana Semarang d_savitri

The purpose of this research is to find out and

Abstract —The Internet provides any to prove whether social media impacts
information which could help teenagers in many interpersonal communication and cyberbullying
cases, including to communicate with their of teenagers. Further, this research is giving some
friends. On the other way, internet technology solutions for teenagers to hpersonal
which makes communication easier, does some communication altough they are social media
negative effects related to interpersonal addicted..
Keywords: Interpersonal
THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 1
communication, cyberbullying, social
media. convey messages containing
psychological and physiological
[I.] INTRODUCTION needs, up to messages containing the
As social creatures, complementary needs of adults.
individuals are required to be able to Everything is inseparable from the
overcome problems that arise as a process of sending and receiving
result of interactions with the social messages which is called
environment and to be able to present communication. As technology
themselves in accordance with develops today, interaction between
applicable norms. Therefore, every humans can be done without meeting
individual is required to be able to directly, such as using telephones and
adapt to the surrounding environment. indirect communication devices
Sundari (2008) states that a person is other.
said to have positive self-adjustment if The internet can help
he can show the following teenagers communicate and socialize,
characteristics: absence of emotional because the internet makes it easier
tension, in solving problems based on for teenagers to build relationships
rational considerations, leads to with friends or the opposite sex.
problems faced directly and is able to However, on the contrary, a teenager
accept all the consequences, in solving who is addicted to the internet tends
the problem of being realistic and to experience a decreased desire to
objectiv. communicate directly, face to face,
Communicating is a routine especially with family. The ability to
human activity since they were born, communicate assertively is very
starting from the cry of the baby necessary to reduce the negative
impact of internet use on teenagers.
Social networks such as Facebook,
Twitter, and others can help in many
ways and open up many opportunities
for you. But, who would have thought
that social networks could also cause
problems for their users. Social
networking is something that is fun for

Today 's modern society is almost

impossible No exposed to media.
Realized or No, me- he , with all his
content, is present as a part of life man.
Along with development era, media
presence is increasingly diverse And
develop. However, as time goes by,
ordinary people as media viewers can no
longer only enjoy content from the
media they are exposed to, but can also
participate in content in that media.
The emergence and development
of the internet has brought new ways of
THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 2
communication to society. Social media face to face. Even social media can
is present and changing the eliminate social status, which is often an
communication paradigm in today's obstacle to communication. With the
society. Communication is unlimited by presence of Twitter, Facebook,
distance, time, space. It can happen Google+ and the like, people can
anywhere, anytime, without having to interact with Distance is no longer a
problem in communicating. The length
of time they last met is also no longer a
problem. Friends who haven't seen each
other for 20 years can find each other
and communicate again.
Social networks that are widely
used by teenagers are a place for them
to vent, because while they are at home
they are not noticed by school or has changed the world a
lot . Turning many thoughts and
theories around. Levels or levels of
communication merge into one
container called social
networking/social media.

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 3

So they always look for other The same. The term population
alternatives outside the home to essentially does not only refer to a
express their feelings. number of individuals in human form,
For this reason, the solution but can also take the form of animals,
that must be taken is to change the way merchandise and other natural objects
children are educated, namely by (Hadi, 2004: 221).Social media
paying more attention to teenagers. For increasingly opens up opportunities for
example, by holding a meeting at least each individual involved in it to freely
once a week about the child's express their opinions. However, you
complaints to be discussed within the must also have self -control, so that your
family. freedom does not violate boundaries and
does not offend other parties.

Defining the word communication
is actually not as easy as it seems. People
with different backgrounds can define
the word communication in different
ways. In this case, a definition is needed
of course to help the study being carried
out. A symbol in the "language" of
communication is something that is used
to indicate something else , based on the
agreement of a group of people. (Sobur,
2006: 157). Language, words, gestures,
signs, are part of the symbols that
humans use to define something or
convey something to other people.
communication occurs at various
levels of communication. Starting from
Mass communication is the largest level
of communication, where the coverage
of communication targets can be said to
be the largest, and there are also the
largest number of people involved in it.

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 4

Mass communication consists of
messages transmitted to a large and
widely spread target audience, using
newspapers, magazines, television,
radio and the internet. (Adler &
Rodman, 2006: 8).

New media is media that offers
digitisation, convergence, interaction
and development of networks related to
creating messages and delivering
messages. Its ability to offer
interactivity allows users of new media
to have choices about what information
they consume, as well as controlling the
resulting information output and
making the choices they want.
The emergence of virtual reality,
virtual communities of virtual identities
is a phenomenon that has emerged
along with the presence of new media.
This phenomenon arises because New
media allows its
users to use the widest possible space
in new media, expand their network as
widely as possible, and show a
different identity to that of the user in
the real world. (Flew, 2002: 25)
The population limit for this
research is high school students in the
city of Semarang who actively use
social networks.term new media is a
term to describe the characteristics of
media that are different from those that
have existed so far. Media such as
television, radio, magazines,
newspapers are classified as old media,
and internet media which contain load

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 5

According to Aris Merdeka characteristics determined by
Sirait, the National Commission for researchers to be studied and then
Child Protection has received 36 conclusions drawn (Sugiyono, 2003:
reports regarding cases of children and 55).
teenagers who were victims of crime Population is defined as the
via the Facebook networking site from number of residents or individuals who
January to February 2010. In the have at least one characteristic
National Commission for Child
Protection database, seven cases of
child kidnapping have been reported to
the police.
The report shows the methods
that started with Facebook, in the form
of child trafficking, prostitution, but
children can also become victims of
rape. There parents have an important
role to anticipate. To do this, parents
must change their approach from
authoritarian discipline to a personal,
family approach. According to him,
there are several strongholds that can
ward off the dangers of Facebook.
Apart from benefiting users,
social networks can also harm users.
This is because there are individuals or
parties who intend to commit crimes
using social networking media. The
crimes in question can include crime,
pornography and defamation


[A.] Variable Identification Study
In order to test the research
hypothesis, it is necessary to first
identify the research variables .
Research variables according to Best
(in Achmadi and Narbuko, 2002: 118)
are conditions or characteristics that
researchers manipulate, control or
observe in a study. The variables in
this research are as follows :
[1.] Dependent variable: Communication
[2.] Variable free : Influence of
Social Media, c yberBullying

[B.] Subject Study

Population is a generalized area
consisting of objects or subjects that
have certain quantities and
THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 6
[C.] Collection Method Data [D.] Data analysis method
[1.] Collection tool data The method used to analyze data in this
In this research, the method research is a quantitative method with
used is the scale method. According statistical techniques to simplify the data
to Azwar (1999: 5), a scale is a into a form that is easier to read and
method in the form of a list of interpret. The data analysis technique
statements submitted to respondents used to test the relationship between the
and their interpretation of these influence of social media and
statements is a projection of their cyberbullying as an independent variable
feelings. This research uses two with interpersonal communication as a
scales, namely the validity and dependent variable, using Pearson's
reliability of measuring Product Moment correlation technique.
instruments. Interactive is classified as new media. So
[a.] Validity this term does not mean that the old
Validity means the extent to media disappears and is replaced by new
which a measuring instrument is media, but this is a term to describe the
accurate and precise in carrying characteristics that emerge . just.
out its measuring function Social media or what is also known
(Azwar, 2004: 5). Researchers as social networking is part of new
used Karl Pearson's Product media. It is clear that the interactive
Moment correlation technique . content in new media is very high. Social
The calculation of the media , quoted from Wikipedia,
correlation between item scores is defined as online media , where users
and the total score needs to be can easily participate, share and create
corrected using the Part Whole content including ,social networks,
correlation technique (Azwar, wikis, forums and. Ardianto in the book
2004: 150). Tool reliability Communication 2.0 reveals that online
measuring social media is called online social
According to Azwar (2004: networking, not online mass media
4) reliability is an index that because social media has social power
shows the extent to which a that greatly influences public opinion that
measuring instrument can develops in society. Gathering support or
provide consistent and mass movements can be formed because
trustworthy or reliable results. of the power of online media because
Testing of the valid items of the what is on social media has been proven
measuring instrument used used to be able to shape opinions, attitudes and
the Cronbach's Alpha reliability behavior of the public or society.
test technique . The reasons for
using the Cronbach's Alpha VIRTUAL WORLD
correlation technique in this It cannot be denied that current
reliability testing are: advances in information technology are
[1.] Alpha correlation is one of the
reliability testing techniques that is actually leading the global community
currently the most widely used and towards
[2.] Based on Internal techniques
Consistency .
[3.] With the Alpha coefficient , it can
be seen whether one item is related
to another support.

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 7

social end. Alan Touraine sees this
social end process as a result of
modernization which has reached its
extreme point today, which is referred
to as contemporary
hypermodernization. This social
process is now being accelerated and
reaching its maximum state in the
hands of internet media which creates
various information on social relations.
The social end is also marked by
social transparency, namely a condition
of the disappearance of social
categories, social boundaries, and
social hierarchies that previously
formed a society. People who are
caught up in communication in the
cyber world can become immersed in it
and be carried away by the current of
existing communication styles, so that
it often seems as if they have become
another person, one that is very
different from the real world.
Exposure to media, interaction in
the media in the current information
age, often makes the people involved in
it nothing more than a form of media.
Christopher Wulf in his article "The
Temporaly of World-View and Self-
Image," says that worldview and self-
image cannot be separated.

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 8

Picture" reveals that with the control himself not to cross existing
proliferation of images in the world, the ethical boundaries. This mechanism
world in which humans live is nothing related to self-concept is used to guide
more than an ontology of images. The the behavior and attitudes it displays
images presented by the media (West & Turner, 2008: 102-103).
ultimately become a mirror in which we Although it cannot be denied that the
reflect, showing our existence. influence of the social and cultural
It cannot be denied that modern environment also plays a role in
humans today are very dependent on determining how a person will behave
technology for their lives. The presence and behave.
of the internet, followed by the Darmastuti, in the book
emergence of social media, also brings Communication 2.0, quotes the
various communication ethics problems. statement of Stanley J Baran and
The use of fake identities for "negative" Edward T Hall, that communication is
purposes, distribution and downloading the basis of a culture. Communication
of copyrighted or prohibited materials, and culture are an inseparable pair.
is a violation of ethics and is prohibited. Changes on one side will change the
However, the freedom offered by the other side. Darmastuti added that
internet, especially in this case social communication with social media will
media, seems to cause the death of have an influence on:
ethical sensitivities . 1. Beliefs, values, and attitude
The virtual world ultimately 2. View world
brings a mirage, an illusion of reality for 3. Organization social
every user who has no self-control. Of 4. Habits man
course, self-concept has an influence 5. Orientation activity
here. Self-concept is a relatively stable 6. Perception of self and
set of perceptions that a person believes others ( Darmastuti, 2011: 218)
about himself. Mead argued that
because humans have a self -concept , COMMUNICATION LEVELS IN
they have mechanisms for interacting SOCIAL MEDIA
with themselves. The communication level consists
of intrapersonal communication,
interpersonal communication, group
communication, public communication,
and mass communication. Each level of
communication has its own
characteristics and characteristics. Utari
in Communication 2.0, states that the
development of new media has had the
consequence of shifts and changes in
mass communication theories.

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 9

Because it reaches a global audience, it those involved in it can communicate.
can be said to be mass communication, This is not possible in face-to-face
and at the same time, because the contact, including using conventional
messages are created, directed and communication media such as
consumed personally, it is said to be telephone, this is related to costs and
interpersonal communication. (Utari, time differences. In this case, online
2011:52-53) communication is seen as cheaper,
Communication is understood as faster and easier. (Adler & Rodman,
communication involving two people or 2006:189-190).
communication which contextually is Mass communication is the largest
interpersonal communication. If the level of communication with the largest
exchange of information does not occur, coverage of communication targets.
then the party giving the information, in Mass communication consists of
this case the owner of the social media messages transmitted to a large and
account, only carries out one-way widely spread target audience, using
communication, but once another party newspapers, magazines, television,
responds to what he wrote and radio and the internet. (Adler &
interaction occurs, interpersonal Rodman, 2006: 8).
communication occurs. (Adler & In social media, interpersonal
Rodman, 2006:188- 189) communication and mass
For many people, online communication merge into one. When
communication actually makes it easier someone uploads something and then
to form close interpersonal the other party responds, then
relationships. Because through online interaction occurs, then interpersonal
communication , each individual communication occurs. At the same
involved tends to be more courageous in time, when someone uploads
expressing their opinions, and opening something.
themselves up to be better known by
other people. CLOSING
With the presence of the virtual
world, it opens up opportunities for
each party involved to exist more
widely. Especially for those who are
active on social media . Many people
use status, comments, notes and various
facilities on social media try

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 10

Assumptions that must be met to determined the time for carrying out the
be able to use Product Moment research according to the schedule that had
(Sugiyono, 2003: 213) that is: been provided set
[1.] Both predictor and criterion variables have a skewed [b.] Preparation of tools measuring
distribution normal. This research uses two scales, namely the
[2.] The relationship between the predictor and the criterion interpersonal communication scale and the
forms a straight line because of the relationship linear.
cyberbullying scale
Research on the Influence of Social Media on
Interpersonal Communication and Cyberbullying in
Adolescents was carried out using 2 types of
measuring instruments, namely:
[1.] Effective Communication Measuring Tool, consisting
of 24 items F and UF
[2.] Tool Measuring Influence Social Media To
cyberbullying , consisting of 24 items F and UF
The research subjects that will be used are + 300
high school / vocational school students in several
schools in the city of Semarang. Based on testing
the measuring instrument, it will be known which
items are invalid and which are valid so that it will
make further research easier and stronger.
In this research, the design of the measuring
instrument used is as shown in the following table.
Table 1.
Scale 1. Effective Communication
Aspek Jumlah
Keterbukaan 3 3 6
Empati 3 3 6
Dukungan 3 3 6
Rasa positif 3 3 6
Jumlah 12 12 24

The results that have been achieved in this research

are the distribution of items that are in accordance
with the aspects needed to reveal the objectives
Preparations for the research that will be
carried out include: administrative preparations,
preparation of measuring instruments, and
preparation of data collection staff.
There are two measuring instruments used
in this research, namely the interpersonal
communication scale and the cyberbullying scale
[a.] Preparation administration
Administrative preparations begin by
submitting a research permit from the
University of Semarang, to the Principal of
SMAN 14 and SMA Agus Salim. The
results of the permit application stated that
the school had no objection to granting
research permission,
Volume the researcher
III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 11
Table 2. Blue print of
distribution of Scale items 1.
Interpersonal Communication
Aspec Amount
Openness 3 3 6
Empathy 3 3 6
Support 3 3 6
Positive feeling 3 3 6
Amount 12 12 24

Table 3. Blue Print

Distribution of Scale items 2.
Cyber Bullying
Aspect Amount
Insinuated 4 4 8
via social
Threatened 4 4 8
via social
Terrorized 4 4 8
via social
Amount 12 12 24

Each aspect has the same weight in

determining social adjustment, while the items in
this scale are in the form of favorable and
unfavorable statements . The interpersonal
communication scale consists of 24 items
covering aspects of openness, empathy, support,
positive feelings. The distribution of interpersonal
communication items can be seen in table 4 below

Table 4
Distribution of Interpersonal
Communication Items

Aspec Item number Amount

t Favourable Unfavorable
Openness 1,9,17 2,10,18 6
Empathy 3,11,19 4,12,20 6
Support 5,13,21 6,14,22 6
Positive feeling 7,15,23 8,16,24 6
Amount 12 12 24

cyberbullying scale in this study consists of

24 items covering aspects of being teased via
social networks, threatened via social networks,
and terrorized via social networks. The
distribution of cyberbullying items can be seen in
table 5.
THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 12
Table 5 cyber bullying scale, the Alpha coefficient was 0.625.
Distribution of Cyber bullying
Scale Items

Aspec Amoun Qty

t t
Favourable Unfavorab
Insinuated through 1,7,13,19 2,8,14,20 8
social networking
Threatened via 3,9,15,21 4,10,16,22 8
social networks
Terrorized through 5,11,17,23 6,12,18,24 8
social networking
Amount 12 12 24

This research uses a used try out , so that in

this research there is only one data collection which
will be used to test the validity and reliability of the
measuring instrument and data to test the hypothesis
After the scale was filled in by the subject, the
researcher took the scale and all the scales were
returned filled in correctly complete.
The complete scale is then given a value
based on the answer score created by the researcher.
From the existing data, everything meets the
requirements because the subjects answered the
entire scale givenThis is to simplify the
administration of scoring and tabulation. Next, the
data is analyzed for use in hypothesis testing.

A. Validity and Reliability Test

Testing the validity of the measuring instrument was carried
out using the SPSS for Windows Release 16.0 program
[1.] Test results Validity
[a.] Communication Scale Interpersonal
The results of the analysis of interpersonal
communication scale items show that of the 24
items there are 15 valid items and 9 items that
are invalid, with a corrected correlation
coefficient ranging from 0.232 - 0.568.
[b.] Cyberbullying scale
The results of calculating cyber bullying scale
items show that of the 24 items there are 11 valid
items and 13 items that are invalid, with a
corrected correlation coefficient ranging from
0.214 - 0.338.

[2.] ToolReliability Test Results Measuring

The technique for testing reliability on the two
scales in this research uses the Cronbach's Alpha
technique . Reliability testing is carried out based
on valid items. For the interpersonal communication
scale, the THE
Alpha coefficient
MESSENGER, was 0.756,
Volume and1, for
III, Nomor Edisithe
Juli 2011 13
[C.] Results Study The results of the analysis show that there is
Before testing the hypothesis, an a significant relationship between interpersonal
assumption test is first carried out to find out communication and cyberbullying in adolescents.
whether it meets the requirements or not for The results of this research are supported by
further analysis. The assumption tests carried out previous research on cyberbullying which produced
are the distribution normality test and linearity data that 51.3% of students told their school friends
test. about the cyberbullying they experienced and others
[1.] Test Normality were not willing to tell anyone, including their
The data normality test is intended to parents.
determine whether the data distribution for
each research variable is normal or not,
namely interpersonal communication and
cyber bullying variables. The research data
normality test analysis technique uses the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using the SPSS for
WindowRelease 16.0 computer program, it
can be seen that:
[1.] The Interpersonal Communication variable is
normally distributed, with a KS Z value = 0.105:
[2.] The Cyber bullying variable has a normal
distribution, with a KS Z value = 0.066; p>0.05.

[2.] TestLinearity
The results of the linearity test show
that the cyber bullying variable on
interpersonal communication is linear with F
linear = 18.805 with p<0.01

[D.] Testresults Hypothesis

Based on the data that has been obtained
which meets the requirements, a hypothesis test
analysis was carried out using the SPSS for
Windows release 16.0 program, showing the
relationship between interpersonal
communication and cyber bullying in
adolescence, showing a correlation of 0.218
This means that there is a relationship
between the two variables . Positive correlation
indicates that the relationship between
interpersonal communication and cyber bullying
in adolescents is unidirectional.
Probability number (sig) p= 0.00 (<0.05).
This means that there is a significant relationship
between interpersonal communication variables
and cyber bullying.
The ANOVA table shows F count =
18.805, with p = 0.00 (<0.01), so there is a linear
relationship between interpersonal
communication and cyber bullying in teenagers,
in other words, interpersonal communication has
an effect on cyber bullying in teenagers.

[E.] Discussion
THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 14
social media, so it is not surprising that C
many people either intentionally or E
just try to register themselves as users [[1]] Azwar, S 2004. Reliability and Validity
of these social networking sites. .Yogyakarta
This shows that students still :Offset Student Library.
do not have openness to their parents
or teachers at school about something [[2]] Duwi Priyatno. 2010. The Fun of Making
they have experienced. In fact, there Friends and Hunting for Dollars on the
Twitter Friendship Site. 1st Ed.
are still many students who do not Yogyakarta : Gava Media.
understand cyberbullying , so they do
not realize that they are victims of [[3]] Eunice Eni, Teguh. 2009. Complete
bullying .The better the interpersonal discussion of Facebook "New Era of
communication, the less cyberbullying Sociability in Cyberspace". 1st Ed.
experienced, and vice versa. Yogyakarta : Gava Media.
The results of this research are
[[4]] Sulianta Ferry. 2007. Cyberworld Ethics,
of course not perfect and have What Teenagers and Parents Need to
weaknesses due to the limitations of Know. 1st Ed. Yogyakarta : ANDI.
the researchers, in this case there are
several weaknesses in carrying out the
research, among others :
[1.] The number of scales consisting of 2 types
causes the subject to become deeply
saturated answer
[2.] Data collection is carried out by the
teacher, so it can result in some people
filling it in incorrectly Actually.


[1.] In this research, the research variables used

are in accordance with the research
objectives. The variables consist of a
dependent variable, namely interpersonal
communication and independent variables,
namely the influence of social media and
[2.] The validity of this research variable has
been tested and the results are valid
according to the aspects measured in the
[3.] The reliability of the measuring instrument
has been tested to see whether one item is
compatible with another support.

THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 15
[[5]] Hadi, S. 2001. Research Methodology can become public consumption, it seems
Volume 2. that the presence of social media needs
Yogyakarta: ANDI
to be paid more attention. Not to stop its
[[6]] Liliweri, 1991, Behavior in development, but to maximize its use. It
Organizations: Understanding and is important to increase the self-
Managing the Human Side of awareness.
Work, Allyn and Bacon, Orlando Freedom of opinion and the
freedom of sharing offered by social
[[7]] Lunandi, AG, 1994,
media should be handled wisely by its
Concerning users. By sticking to strong
:Increasing the Effectiveness of communication ethics, you will
Interpersonal Communication, definitely be able to gain self-control.
Yogyakarta: Kanisius Awareness that content that has been
[[8]] Merry Magdalena, Maswigrantoro.
uploaded to the internet, including on
2007. Cyberlaw, No Need to Be social media, has basically become
Afraid. 1st Ed. Yogyakarta : ANDI. public property.
[[9]] Nazir, Moh. 2003. Research Methods .
Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia

[[10]] Rakhmat, 2001, Communication

Psychology, Bandung: CV.

[[11]] Sarwono, Sarlito W. 2010.

Adolescent Psychology .
Revised Edition. Jakarta:

Su g i y o n o . 2010 .
Quantitative Research Methods , _ _ _ _ _ _
Quality and _ _ R & D. _ B a n d u n g : A L F
A B ET Ashows its existence by
continuing to update all
existing developments. A
development that is impossible to
convey in the real world, then in the
world of Social Media , this
development can become public
consumption general.
Communication on social media
has become more complex. Two levels
of communication merge into one.
Interpersonal communication merges
with mass communication. When
people upload something, and there is
interaction with other parties,
interpersonal communication occurs,
and at the same time mass
communication also occurs.
With the fact that what is private
THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 16
However, this freedom must remain Media_sosi al - accessed 28
under control, so that the existing February 2012
benefits can be enjoyed more

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Yogyakarya: Mata Padi
Pressindo, 2011.
Burton, Graeme, Media and Popular
Culture, Yogyakarta: Jalasutra,
Flew, Terry, New Media: An
Introduction. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2002.
Griffin, EM A First Look At
Communication Theory. Sixth
Edition. New York: McGraw
Hill, 2006.
Littlejohn, SW & Karen A. Foss,
Theories of Human
Communication , Eight Edition,
USA: Thomas Wadsworth, 2005.
Piliang, Yasraf Amir. The Folded
World . Yogyakarta: Jalasutra,
Sobur, Alex, Communication Semiotics
, Bandung: Teen Rosdakarya,
Ronald B. Adler & George Rodman,
Understanding Human
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THE MESSENGER, Volume III, Nomor 1, Edisi Juli 2011 17

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